Esempio n. 1
     upd_do_query('UPDATE {{planets}} SET `temp_min` = `temp_max`');
     // Оригинальные значения для статистики
     upd_do_query('UPDATE {{planets}} SET `position_original` = `planet`, `field_max_original` = `field_max`, `temp_min_original` = `temp_min`, `temp_max_original` = `temp_max`;');
     // Миграция тяжмета в оливин
     upd_do_query('UPDATE {{planets}} SET `density_index` = ' . PLANET_DENSITY_METAL_PERIDOT . ' WHERE `density_index` = 7');
     // deprecated define('PLANET_DENSITY_METAL_HEAVY', 7);
     // Добавляем планету-странника
     upd_check_key('game_maxPlanet', 16, $config->game_maxPlanet == 15);
 // 2015-08-19 04:41:57 40a8.10
 upd_do_query('UPDATE {{planets}} SET `image` = "normaltempplanet01" WHERE `image` = "planet" OR `image` = "normaltemp01"');
 // 2015-08-27 19:14:05 40a10.0
 // Старая версия таблицы
 if (!empty($update_tables['account']['account_is_global']) || empty($update_tables['account']['account_immortal'])) {
 if (empty($update_tables['account'])) {
     upd_create_table('account', " (\n          `account_id` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,\n          `account_name` varchar(32) CHARACTER SET utf8 NOT NULL DEFAULT '',\n          `account_password` char(32) CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_general_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT '',\n          `account_salt` char(16) CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_general_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT '',\n          `account_email` varchar(64) CHARACTER SET utf8 NOT NULL DEFAULT '',\n          `account_email_verified` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,\n          `account_register_time` timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,\n          `account_language` varchar(5) CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_general_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT 'ru',\n          `account_metamatter` BIGINT(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'Metamatter amount',\n          `account_metamatter_total` BIGINT(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'Total Metamatter amount ever bought',\n          `account_immortal` TIMESTAMP NULL,\n          PRIMARY KEY (`account_id`),\n          UNIQUE KEY `I_account_name` (`account_name`),\n          KEY `I_account_email` (`account_email`) -- Для поиска дубликатов по емейлу\n        ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_general_ci;");
     upd_create_table('account_translate', " (\n          `provider_id` tinyint unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT " . ACCOUNT_PROVIDER_LOCAL . " COMMENT 'Account provider',\n          `provider_account_id` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL COMMENT 'Account ID on provider',\n          `user_id` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL COMMENT 'User ID',\n          `timestamp` timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,\n\n          PRIMARY KEY (`provider_id`, `provider_account_id`, `user_id`),\n          KEY (`user_id`),\n          CONSTRAINT `FK_account_translate_user_id` FOREIGN KEY (`user_id`) REFERENCES `{{users}}` (`id`) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE\n        ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_general_ci;");
     upd_do_query("INSERT IGNORE INTO {{account}}\n            (`account_id`, `account_name`, `account_password`, `account_salt`, `account_email`, `account_register_time`, `account_language`, `account_metamatter`, `account_metamatter_total`, `account_immortal`)\n          SELECT\n            `id`, `username`, `password`, `salt`, `email_2`, FROM_UNIXTIME(register_time), `lang`, `metamatter`, `metamatter_total`, `immortal`\n          FROM {{users}} WHERE `user_as_ally` IS NULL AND `user_bot` = " . USER_BOT_PLAYER . ";");
     upd_do_query("REPLACE INTO {{account_translate}} (`provider_id`, `provider_account_id`, `user_id`, `timestamp`)\n          SELECT " . ACCOUNT_PROVIDER_LOCAL . ", a.account_id,, a.`account_register_time`\n            FROM {{users}} AS u\n            JOIN {{account}} AS a ON\n              a.account_name = u.username\n              AND a.account_password = u.password\n              AND a.account_salt = u.salt;");
 // 2015-08-31 12:34:21 40a10.8
 upd_do_query('UPDATE {{planets}} SET `diameter` = SQRT(`field_max`) * 1000 WHERE `diameter` > 1000000');
 // 2015-09-05 17:07:15 40a10.17
 upd_alter_table('ube_report', "ADD COLUMN `ube_report_capture_result` tinyint unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT " . UBE_CAPTURE_DISABLED, empty($update_tables['ube_report']['ube_report_capture_result']));
 // 2015-09-07 21:11:48 40a10.19
 upd_alter_table('security_url', "MODIFY COLUMN `url_string` VARCHAR(250) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT ''", empty($update_tables['security_url']['ube_report_capture_result']));
 // 2015-09-24 11:39:37 40a10.25
 if (empty($update_tables['log_metamatter']['provider_id'])) {
Esempio n. 2
     upd_do_query('UPDATE `{{logs}}` AS l LEFT JOIN `{{users}}` AS u ON = l.log_sender SET l.log_username = u.username WHERE l.log_username IS NOT NULL;');
     upd_do_query("UPDATE `{{logs}}` SET `log_code` = 190 WHERE `log_code` = 100 AND `log_title` = 'Stat update';");
     upd_do_query("UPDATE `{{logs}}` SET `log_code` = 191 WHERE `log_code` = 101 AND `log_title` = 'Stat update';");
     upd_do_query("UPDATE `{{logs}}` SET `log_code` = 192 WHERE `log_code` = 102 AND `log_title` = 'Stat update';");
     $sys_log_disabled = false;
     upd_do_query('COMMIT;', true);
     $new_version = 26;
 case 26:
     $sys_log_disabled = false;
     upd_alter_table('planets', "ADD INDEX `i_parent_planet` (`parent_planet`)", !$update_indexes['planets']['i_parent_planet']);
     upd_alter_table('messages', "DROP INDEX `owner`", $update_indexes['messages']['owner']);
     upd_alter_table('messages', "DROP INDEX `owner_type`", $update_indexes['messages']['owner_type']);
     upd_alter_table('messages', "DROP INDEX `sender_type`", $update_indexes['messages']['sender_type']);
     upd_alter_table('messages', array("ADD INDEX `i_owner_time` (`message_owner`, `message_time`)", "ADD INDEX `i_sender_time` (`message_sender`, `message_time`)", "ADD INDEX `i_time` (`message_time`)"), !$update_indexes['messages']['i_owner_time']);
     upd_do_query("UPDATE `{{planets}}` SET `metal` = 0 WHERE `metal` < 0;");
     upd_do_query("UPDATE `{{planets}}` SET `crystal` = 0 WHERE `crystal` < 0;");
     upd_do_query("UPDATE `{{planets}}` SET `deuterium` = 0 WHERE `deuterium` < 0;");
     upd_alter_table('planets', array("DROP COLUMN `b_building`", "DROP COLUMN `b_building_id`"), $update_tables['planets']['b_building']);
     upd_do_query("DELETE FROM {{config}} WHERE `config_name` IN ('noobprotection', 'noobprotectionmulti', 'noobprotectiontime', 'chat_admin_msgFormat');");
     upd_do_query("DELETE FROM `{{logs}}` WHERE `log_code` = 501;");
     upd_do_query("DELETE FROM `{{logs}}` WHERE `log_title` IN ('Canceling Hangar Que', 'Building Planet Defense');");
     upd_check_key('chat_admin_highlight', '<font color=purple>$1</font>', !isset($config->chat_admin_highlight));
     upd_check_key('int_banner_URL', 'banner.php?type=banner', $config->int_banner_URL == '/banner.php?type=banner');
     upd_check_key('int_userbar_URL', 'banner.php?type=userbar', $config->int_userbar_URL == '/banner.php?type=userbar');
     upd_do_query('DELETE FROM {{aks}} WHERE `id` NOT IN (SELECT DISTINCT `fleet_group` FROM {{fleets}});');
     upd_alter_table('users', 'CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci');
     if (!$update_tables['shortcut']) {
         upd_create_table('shortcut', "(\n          `shortcut_id` SERIAL,\n          `shortcut_user_id` BIGINT(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,\n          `shortcut_planet_id` bigint(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,\n          `shortcut_galaxy` int(3) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,\n          `shortcut_system` int(3) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,\n          `shortcut_planet` int(3) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,\n          `shortcut_planet_type` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 1,\n          `shortcut_text` NVARCHAR(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',\n\n          PRIMARY KEY (`shortcut_id`),\n          KEY `i_shortcut_user_id` (`shortcut_user_id`),\n          KEY `i_shortcut_planet_id` (`shortcut_planet_id`),\n\n          CONSTRAINT `FK_shortcut_user_id` FOREIGN KEY (`shortcut_user_id`) REFERENCES `{$config->db_prefix}users` (`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE\n\n        ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;");
         $temp_planet_types = array(PT_PLANET, PT_DEBRIS, PT_MOON);