Esempio n. 1
 * 退回余额、积分、红包(取消、无效、退货时),把订单使用余额、积分、红包设为0
 * @param   array   $order  订单信息
function return_user_surplus_integral_bonus($order)
    /* 处理余额、积分、红包 */
    if ($order['user_id'] > 0 && $order['surplus'] > 0) {
        $surplus = $order['money_paid'] < 0 ? $order['surplus'] + $order['money_paid'] : $order['surplus'];
        log_account_change($order['user_id'], $surplus, 0, 0, 0, sprintf($GLOBALS['_LANG']['return_order_surplus'], $order['order_sn']));
        $GLOBALS['db']->query("UPDATE " . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('order_info') . " SET `order_amount` = '0' WHERE `order_id` =" . $order['order_id']);
    if ($order['user_id'] > 0 && $order['integral'] > 0) {
        log_account_change($order['user_id'], 0, 0, 0, $order['integral'], sprintf($GLOBALS['_LANG']['return_order_integral'], $order['order_sn']));
    if ($order['bonus_id'] > 0) {
    /* 修改订单 */
    $arr = array('bonus_id' => 0, 'bonus' => 0, 'integral' => 0, 'integral_money' => 0, 'surplus' => 0);
    update_order($order['order_id'], $arr);
Esempio n. 2
 * 合并订单
 * @param   string  $from_order_sn  从订单号
 * @param   string  $to_order_sn    主订单号
 * @return  成功返回true,失败返回错误信息
function merge_order($from_order_sn, $to_order_sn)
    /* 订单号不能为空 */
    if (trim($from_order_sn) == '' || trim($to_order_sn) == '') {
        return $GLOBALS['_LANG']['order_sn_not_null'];
    /* 订单号不能相同 */
    if ($from_order_sn == $to_order_sn) {
        return $GLOBALS['_LANG']['two_order_sn_same'];
    /* 取得订单信息 */
    $from_order = order_info(0, $from_order_sn);
    $to_order = order_info(0, $to_order_sn);
    /* 检查订单是否存在 */
    if (!$from_order) {
        return sprintf($GLOBALS['_LANG']['order_not_exist'], $from_order_sn);
    } elseif (!$to_order) {
        return sprintf($GLOBALS['_LANG']['order_not_exist'], $to_order_sn);
    /* 检查合并的订单是否为普通订单,非普通订单不允许合并 */
    if ($from_order['extension_code'] != '' || $to_order['extension_code'] != 0) {
        return $GLOBALS['_LANG']['merge_invalid_order'];
    /* 检查订单状态是否是已确认或未确认、未付款、未发货 */
    if ($from_order['order_status'] != OS_UNCONFIRMED && $from_order['order_status'] != OS_CONFIRMED) {
        return sprintf($GLOBALS['_LANG']['os_not_unconfirmed_or_confirmed'], $from_order_sn);
    } elseif ($from_order['pay_status'] != PS_UNPAYED) {
        return sprintf($GLOBALS['_LANG']['ps_not_unpayed'], $from_order_sn);
    } elseif ($from_order['shipping_status'] != SS_UNSHIPPED) {
        return sprintf($GLOBALS['_LANG']['ss_not_unshipped'], $from_order_sn);
    if ($to_order['order_status'] != OS_UNCONFIRMED && $to_order['order_status'] != OS_CONFIRMED) {
        return sprintf($GLOBALS['_LANG']['os_not_unconfirmed_or_confirmed'], $to_order_sn);
    } elseif ($to_order['pay_status'] != PS_UNPAYED) {
        return sprintf($GLOBALS['_LANG']['ps_not_unpayed'], $to_order_sn);
    } elseif ($to_order['shipping_status'] != SS_UNSHIPPED) {
        return sprintf($GLOBALS['_LANG']['ss_not_unshipped'], $to_order_sn);
    /* 检查订单用户是否相同 */
    if ($from_order['user_id'] != $to_order['user_id']) {
        return $GLOBALS['_LANG']['order_user_not_same'];
    /* 合并订单 */
    $order = $to_order;
    $order['order_id'] = '';
    $order['add_time'] = gmtime();
    // 合并商品总额
    $order['goods_amount'] += $from_order['goods_amount'];
    // 合并折扣
    $order['discount'] += $from_order['discount'];
    if ($order['shipping_id'] > 0) {
        // 重新计算配送费用
        $weight_price = order_weight_price($to_order['order_id']);
        $from_weight_price = order_weight_price($from_order['order_id']);
        $weight_price['weight'] += $from_weight_price['weight'];
        $weight_price['amount'] += $from_weight_price['amount'];
        $weight_price['number'] += $from_weight_price['number'];
        $region_id_list = array($order['country'], $order['province'], $order['city'], $order['district']);
        $shipping_area = shipping_area_info($order['shipping_id'], $region_id_list);
        $order['shipping_fee'] = shipping_fee($shipping_area['shipping_code'], unserialize($shipping_area['configure']), $weight_price['weight'], $weight_price['amount'], $weight_price['number']);
        // 如果保价了,重新计算保价费
        if ($order['insure_fee'] > 0) {
            $order['insure_fee'] = shipping_insure_fee($shipping_area['shipping_code'], $order['goods_amount'], $shipping_area['insure']);
    // 重新计算包装费、贺卡费
    if ($order['pack_id'] > 0) {
        $pack = pack_info($order['pack_id']);
        $order['pack_fee'] = $pack['free_money'] > $order['goods_amount'] ? $pack['pack_fee'] : 0;
    if ($order['card_id'] > 0) {
        $card = card_info($order['card_id']);
        $order['card_fee'] = $card['free_money'] > $order['goods_amount'] ? $card['card_fee'] : 0;
    // 红包不变,合并积分、余额、已付款金额
    $order['integral'] += $from_order['integral'];
    $order['integral_money'] = value_of_integral($order['integral']);
    $order['surplus'] += $from_order['surplus'];
    $order['money_paid'] += $from_order['money_paid'];
    // 计算应付款金额(不包括支付费用)
    $order['order_amount'] = $order['goods_amount'] - $order['discount'] + $order['shipping_fee'] + $order['insure_fee'] + $order['pack_fee'] + $order['card_fee'] - $order['bonus'] - $order['integral_money'] - $order['surplus'] - $order['money_paid'];
    // 重新计算支付费
    if ($order['pay_id'] > 0) {
        // 货到付款手续费
        $cod_fee = $shipping_area ? $shipping_area['pay_fee'] : 0;
        $order['pay_fee'] = pay_fee($order['pay_id'], $order['order_amount'], $cod_fee);
        // 应付款金额加上支付费
        $order['order_amount'] += $order['pay_fee'];
    /* 插入订单表 */
    do {
        $order['order_sn'] = get_order_sn();
        if ($GLOBALS['db']->autoExecute($GLOBALS['ecs']->table('order_info'), addslashes_deep($order), 'INSERT')) {
        } else {
            if ($GLOBALS['db']->errno() != 1062) {
    } while (true);
    // 防止订单号重复
    /* 订单号 */
    $order_id = $GLOBALS['db']->insert_id();
    /* 更新订单商品 */
    $sql = 'UPDATE ' . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('order_goods') . " SET order_id = '{$order_id}' " . "WHERE order_id " . db_create_in(array($from_order['order_id'], $to_order['order_id']));
    include_once ROOT_PATH . 'includes/lib_clips.php';
    /* 插入支付日志 */
    insert_pay_log($order_id, $order['order_amount'], PAY_ORDER);
    /* 删除原订单 */
    $sql = 'DELETE FROM ' . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('order_info') . " WHERE order_id " . db_create_in(array($from_order['order_id'], $to_order['order_id']));
    /* 删除原订单支付日志 */
    $sql = 'DELETE FROM ' . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('pay_log') . " WHERE order_id " . db_create_in(array($from_order['order_id'], $to_order['order_id']));
    /* 返还 from_order 的红包,因为只使用 to_order 的红包 */
    if ($from_order['bonus_id'] > 0) {
    /* 返回成功 */
    return true;
Esempio n. 3
 public static function del_one_order($order_id)
     include_once ROOT_PATH . 'includes/lib_transaction.php';
     include_once ROOT_PATH . 'includes/lib_common.php';
     global $db;
     global $ecs;
     $user_id = $_SESSION['user_id'];
     //$current_order = $db->getRow("select order_status,pay_status from ecs_order_info where user_id = '$user_id' and order_id = '$order_id'");
     $current_order = $db->getRow("select order_status,pay_status,bonus,surplus,bonus_id,order_sn from ecs_order_info where user_id = '{$user_id}' and order_id = '{$order_id}'");
     if ($current_order['order_status'] == OS_UNCONFIRMED && $current_order['pay_status'] != PS_PAYED) {
         $sql = "update ecs_order_info set order_status =" . OS_CANCELED . " where user_id = '{$user_id}' and order_id = '{$order_id}'";
         $orders = $db->query($sql);
         if ($orders) {
             $change_desc = "订单号:" . $current_order['order_sn'];
             if ($current_order['surplus'] > 0) {
                 log_mcard_change($user_id, $current_order['surplus'], $change_desc, 0, $order_id, 3);
             } else {
                 if ($current_order['bonus'] > 0) {
                 } else {
                     log_account_change($user_id, 0, 0, 0, 0, $change_desc);
         return json_encode(array('code' => RES_SUCCSEE));
     } else {
         return json_encode(array('code' => RES_FAIL));