if (!file_exists(ABSPATH . 'importbuddy') || count($_GET) == 0 && count($_POST) == 0) { $unpack_importbuddy = true; if (file_exists(ABSPATH . 'importbuddy')) { // ImportBuddy directory already exists. We may need to re-unpack it if this file has been updated since. $signature = @file_get_contents(ABSPATH . 'importbuddy/_signature.php'); $signature = trim(str_replace('<?php die(); ?>', '', $signature)); if (md5(PB_BB_VERSION . PB_PASSWORD) != $signature) { // Signature mismatch. We will need to delete and unpack again to update. //echo '<!-- unlinking existing importbuddy directory. -->'; Broke causing headers already sent error due to auth. recursive_unlink(ABSPATH . 'importbuddy'); } else { $unpack_importbuddy = false; } } if (true === $unpack_importbuddy) { unpack_importbuddy(); @file_put_contents(ABSPATH . 'importbuddy/_signature.php', '<?php die(); ?>' . md5(PB_BB_VERSION . PB_PASSWORD)); // Create a hash of this ImportBuddy version & password. On accessing importbuddy.php's authentication page all importbuddy files will be freshly unpacked if the importbuddy.php version and/or password mismatches to allow users to just replace importbuddy.php to upgrade ImportBuddy or password. } } // Database wrapper. require_once ABSPATH . 'importbuddy/classes/wp-db.php'; global $wpdb; //$wpdb = new wpdb(); if (isset($_GET['api']) && $_GET['api'] != '') { // API ACCESS if ($_GET['api'] == 'ping') { die('pong'); } else { die('Unknown API access action.'); }
/** * pluginbuddy_importbuddy() * * Default constructor. * */ function __construct() { // Prevent access to importbuddy.php if it is still in plugin directory. if (file_exists(dirname(__FILE__) . '/backupbuddy.php')) { echo 'The BackupBuddy importer, ImportBuddy, can ONLY be accessed on the destination server that you wish to import your backup to.<br>'; echo 'Upload the importer in the root web directory on the destination server and try again.<br><br>'; echo 'If you need assistance visit <a href="http://pluginbuddy.com">http://pluginbuddy.com</a>'; die; } define('ABSPATH', dirname(__FILE__) . '/'); date_default_timezone_set(@date_default_timezone_get()); // Prevents date() from throwing a warning if the default timezone has not been set. // Unpack importbuddy files into importbuddy directory. if (!file_exists(ABSPATH . 'importbuddy')) { unpack_importbuddy(); } // Return image if requested. if (isset($_GET['ezimg'])) { require_once 'importbuddy/classes/ezimg.php'; ezimg::showImg($_GET['ezimg']); } // Start logging time for steps that report how long they took. $this->time_start = microtime(true); // Try to prevent browser timeouts. Greedy script limits are handled on the steps that need them. header('Keep-Alive: 3600'); header('Connection: keep-alive'); // Set up options. if (isset($_POST['options'])) { $this->_options = unserialize(stripslashes(htmlspecialchars_decode($_POST['options']))); $this->_options = array_merge($this->_defaults, (array) $this->_options); // Add in any defaults not explicitly set yet. } else { $this->_options = $this->_defaults; } if ($this->_options['log_serial'] == '') { $this->_options['log_serial'] = $this->rand_string(10); } // Database step's AJAX-based tester. if (isset($_POST['action']) && $_POST['action'] == 'mysql_test') { require_once 'importbuddy/classes/mysql_test.php'; } // Set up PHP error levels. if ($this->debug === true || $this->_options['show_php_warnings'] === true) { error_reporting(E_ERROR | E_WARNING | E_PARSE | E_NOTICE); // HIGH $this->log('PHP error reporting set HIGH.'); } else { error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE); // LOW } // Detect max execution time for database steps so they can pause when needed for additional PHP processes. $this->detected_max_execution_time = str_ireplace('s', '', ini_get('max_execution_time')); if (is_numeric($this->detected_max_execution_time) === false) { $detected_max_execution_time = 30; } // Determine the current step. if (isset($_GET['step']) && is_numeric($_GET['step'])) { $this->_step = $_GET['step']; } else { $this->_step = 1; } // Handle importbuddy authentication (if needed). $this->has_access = false; // default if ($this->_defaults['import_password'] == '#PASSWORD#') { //$this->has_access = true; die('ERROR: A password is required to be set to use this script for security purposes. This prevents unauthorized usage of the script.'); } else { if (md5($this->_options['password']) == $this->_defaults['import_password']) { $this->has_access = true; } if (isset($_POST['password']) || isset($_GET['v'])) { if (md5($_POST['password']) == $this->_defaults['import_password']) { $this->_options['password'] = $_POST['password']; $this->has_access = true; } if (isset($_GET['v']) && $_GET['v'] == 'xv' . md5($this->_defaults['import_password'] . 'importbuddy')) { $this->has_access = true; } } } // Run function for the requested step. require_once 'importbuddy/classes/ezimg.php'; // Handles displaying the current page and running the needed code for that step. $mode = 'html'; if ($mode == 'html') { require_once 'importbuddy/classes/view_page.php'; } elseif ($mode == 'api_1') { die('API not implemented yet.'); if ($this->has_access === true) { require_once 'step_' . $this->_step . '_api.php'; } else { $this->status('error', 'Access Denied. You must authenticate first.'); die("Access Denied.\n"); } } }