function get_value_edit()
     return undo_ubb($this->value);
Esempio n. 2
  * kvieciama komentuojant darba
 function event_work_comment()
     global $url, $subject, $comment, $parent_id, $g_user_id, $g_usr, $g_tpl;
     if (empty($comment)) {
         $this->error .= 'tuðèias komentaras<br>';
     if (empty($parent_id)) {
         $this->error .= 'neþinomas darbas<br>';
     if (empty($g_user_id)) {
         $this->error .= 'reikia prisijungti prie sistemos<br>';
     if (!$g_usr->can_i_comment()) {
         $this->error .= 'ðiuo metu negali komentuoti';
     if ($this->error) {
         return true;
     $comment = do_ubb($comment);
     $comment = smartWrap($comment, 30);
     // [alias] skaidom ilgus piktybiðkus þodþius
     $subject = htmlchars($subject);
     // patikrinam kad nebutu netyciom dubliu
     $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM avcomments\n\t\t\tWHERE table_name='{$this->table}' AND parent_id={$parent_id} AND subject='{$subject}' AND info='{$comment}' LIMIT 1");
     if ($this->db->not_empty()) {
         $this->error .= 'nesiøsk dukart<br>';
     if ($this->error) {
         return true;
     $this->db->query("INSERT INTO avcomments (subject, info, posted, parent_id, table_name, user_id) \n\t\t\tVALUES ('{$subject}', '{$comment}', NOW(), {$parent_id}, '{$this->table}', {$g_user_id})");
     $this->db->query("UPDATE avworks_stat SET comment_count = comment_count + 1 WHERE work_id={$parent_id}");
     // siunciam meila autoriui
     $work = $this->db->get_array("SELECT * FROM avworks WHERE id='{$parent_id}'");
     $author = $work['submiter'];
     $user_info = $this->db->get_array("SELECT * FROM u_user_info WHERE uid='{$author}'");
     if ($user_info['mail_comments'] && $author != $g_user_id) {
         $user = $this->db->get_array("SELECT * FROM u_users WHERE id='{$author}'");
         $g_tpl->set_file('comment', 'darbai/tpl/mail_comment.txt');
         $g_tpl->set_var('id', $parent_id);
         $g_tpl->set_var('work_title', $work['subject']);
         $g_tpl->set_var('title', $subject);
         $g_tpl->set_var('username', $g_usr->username);
         $g_tpl->set_var('info', undo_ubb($comment));
         $g_tpl->set_var('date', date('Y.m.d'));
         mail($user['email'], 'komentaras apie tavo darbà', $g_tpl->process('', 'comment'), "MIME-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=Windows-1257\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\nFrom: art.scene automatas <*****@*****.**>\n", "*****@*****.**");
 function show_reply_message()
     global $g_user_id, $message, $comment, $subject;
     if (!$g_user_id) {
         return 'prisijunk';
     // tikrinam ar ciuvo
     $info = $this->get_message_info($message);
     if (!$info) {
         return 'nër tokios þinutës';
     if ($g_user_id != $info['parent_id']) {
         return 'þinutë ne tau';
     $this->tpl->set_file('temp', 'users/tpl/msg_list.html', 1);
     $comment = undo_ubb($info['info']);
     $lines = explode("\n", $comment);
     $comment = '';
     foreach ($lines as $line) {
         $comment .= "> " . $line . "\n";
     $subject = "re: " . $info['subject'];
     $subject = htmlchars(stripslashes($subject));
     $this->tpl->set_var('msg', $info);
     $this->tpl->set_var('comment', $comment);
     $this->tpl->set_var('subject', $subject);
     $this->tpl->set_var('error_str', $this->error);
     $this->tpl->set_var('url', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
     return $this->tpl->process('out', 'reply_msg');
Esempio n. 4
 function action_mail()
     global $id, $g_tpl, $g_usr;
     if (!$id) {
     if (is_array($id)) {
         $list = $this->db->get_result("SELECT id, subject, info, DATE_FORMAT(posted, '%Y.%m.%d') AS posted FROM {$this->name} WHERE id = " . implode(" OR id = ", $id));
         if (!empty($list)) {
             for ($i = 0; isset($list[$i]); $i++) {
                 $list[$i]['info'] = undo_ubb($list[$i]['info']);
             $g_tpl->set_file('naujienos', 'news/tpl/mail_naujienos.txt', 1);
             $g_tpl->set_loop('news_list', $list);
             $mail = $g_tpl->process('temp', 'naujienos', 2);
             $g_usr->mass_mail('art.scene naujienos', $mail, 'mail_news');
 function event_work_submit()
     global $url, $subject, $info, $work, $category, $thumbnail, $color, $g_user_id, $g_usr, $g_tpl;
     if (empty($subject)) {
         $this->error = 'reikia pavadinimo<br>';
     if (empty($category)) {
         $this->error .= 'reikia kategorijos<br>';
     $work = $_FILES['work'];
     if (empty($work) || 'none' == $work) {
         $this->error .= 'reikia atsiøsti darbà<br>';
     if (!isset($g_user_id)) {
         $this->error .= 'reikia prisijungti prie sistemos<br>';
     if ($error = $this->check_cannot_post()) {
         $this->error .= $error;
     if ($this->error) {
         return true;
     $work_name = $_FILES['work']['name'];
     $work_size = $_FILES['work']['size'];
     $work_types = array('gif', 'jpg', 'png', 'swf');
     $work_type = substr($work_name, strlen($work_name) - 3, 3);
     if (!in_array(strtolower($work_type), $work_types)) {
         $this->error .= 'blogas darbo failas, gali bûti tik .jpg, .gif, .png, .swf<br>';
     if ($thumbnail != '' && $thumbnail != 'none') {
         $thumb_name = $_FILES['thumbnail']['name'];
         $thumb_size = $_FILES['thumbnail']['size'];
         $thumb_types = array('gif', 'jpg', 'png');
         $thumb_type = substr($thumb_name, strlen($thumb_name) - 3, 3);
         if (!in_array(strtolower($thumb_type), $thumb_types)) {
             $this->error .= 'blogas maþas paveiksliukas, gali bûti tik .jpg, .gif, .png<br>';
     if ($work_size < 10240) {
         $this->error .= 'per maþas darbo failas, limitas 10kb<br>';
     if ($this->flash_category != $category && $work_size > 30720000) {
         $this->error .= 'per didelis darbo failas, limitas 300kb<br>';
     if ($this->error) {
         return true;
     // kopijuojam darba!
     $work_name = clean_name($work_name);
     $work_dest = $this->ini->read_var('avworks', 'works_dir') . $work_name;
     while (file_exists($work_dest)) {
         $work_name = "_" . $work_name;
         $work_dest = $this->ini->read_var('avworks', 'works_dir') . $work_name;
     $work = $_FILES['work']['tmp_name'];
     copy($work, $work_dest);
     // gaminam thumbnaila
     // jei ok dedam atsiusta thumbnail
     if ($thumbnail != 'none') {
         // vadinam taip pat kaip darba, kad nereiktu tikrinti dublikatu
         $thumbnail = $_FILES['thumbnail']['tmp_name'];
         $thumb_dest = $this->ini->read_var('avworks', 'thumbnails_dir') . $work_name . '.jpg';
         $exec_src = $this->ini->read_var('avworks', 'convert_exec') . " -resize " . $this->thumb_x . "x" . $this->thumb_y . " {$thumbnail} jpg:{$thumb_dest}";
         $thumbnail_name = $work_name . '.jpg';
         if (!file_exists($thumb_dest)) {
             //galbut animuotas gifas? padarom pirma kadra
             if (file_exists($thumb_dest . '.0')) {
                 $this->error = '';
                 rename($thumb_dest . '.0', $thumb_dest);
             } else {
                 $this->error .= 'nepavyko padaryti maþo paveiksliuko<br>';
         } else {
             $this->error = '';
     // jei problemos, gaminam is atsiusto darbo
     if (($thumbnail == 'none' || $this->error) && $category != $this->flash_category) {
         // vadinam taip pat kaip darba, kad nereiktu tikrinti dublikatu
         $thumb_dest = $this->ini->read_var('avworks', 'thumbnails_dir') . $work_name . '.jpg';
         $exec_src = $this->ini->read_var('avworks', 'convert_exec') . " -resize " . $this->thumb_x . "x" . $this->thumb_y . " {$work_dest} jpg:{$thumb_dest}";
         $thumbnail_name = $work_name . '.jpg';
         if (!file_exists($thumb_dest)) {
             //galbut animuotas gifas? padarom pirma kadra
             if (file_exists($thumb_dest . '.0')) {
                 $this->error = '';
                 rename($thumb_dest . '.0', $thumb_dest);
             } else {
                 $this->error .= 'nepavyko padaryti maþo paveiksliuko<br>';
         } else {
             $this->error = '';
     } elseif ($this->error) {
         $this->error .= 'nepavyko padaryti maþo paveiksliuko<br>';
     // jei problemos, dedam default
     if ($this->error || empty($thumbnail_name)) {
         $thumbnail_name = 'nothumbnail.gif';
     isset($color) || ($color = '');
     isset($info) || ($info = '');
     //wordwrap($comment, 30, " ", true) // senas variantas
     //smartWrap($text,30); // naujas variantas
     $info = smartWrap(do_ubb($info), 30);
     $subject = wordwrap(htmlchars($subject), 20, " ", true);
     // cia html'o nebus, todel standartinis wordwrap
     $color = clean_hex($color);
     $this->db->query("INSERT INTO avworks (subject, info, posted, thumbnail, file, submiter, category_id, color, file_size)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tVALUES ('{$subject}', '{$info}', NOW(), '{$thumbnail_name}', '{$work_name}', {$g_user_id}, {$category}, '{$color}', {$work_size})");
     // TODO: update avworks_stat
     $last_id = $this->db->get_insert_id();
     $this->db->query("insert into avworks_stat \n  (work_id, subject, info, posted, thumbnail, file, submiter, category_id, \n  views, color, file_size, submiter_name, category_name) \nselect, w.subject,, w.posted, w.thumbnail, w.file, w.submiter, w.category_id, \n  w.views, w.color, w.file_size, \n  u.username, from avworks w, u_users u, avworkcategory c\nwhere w.submiter = AND = w.category_id AND{$last_id}");
     $g_tpl->set_file('new_work', 'darbai/tpl/mail_new_work.txt');
     $g_tpl->set_var('id', $this->db->get_insert_id());
     $g_tpl->set_var('title', $subject);
     $g_tpl->set_var('username', $g_usr->username);
     $g_tpl->set_var('info', undo_ubb($info));
     $g_tpl->set_var('date', date('Y.m.d'));
     // $g_usr->mass_mail('art.scene naujas darbas', $g_tpl->process('temp', 'new_work'), 'mail_works');
     $this->result = true;
     return true;