function ubik_places_ancestors($taxonomy = 'places', $depth = 2, $sep = ', ')
    // Initialize
    $output = '';
    $places = array();
    // Get term ID; we only need one
    global $post;
    $terms = get_the_terms($post->ID, $taxonomy);
    $term = $terms[0];
    // Only proceed if this term shows inheritance
    if (!empty($term->parent)) {
        // The grunt work
        $ancestors = ubik_terms_ancestors($term->term_id, $taxonomy);
        // Ready to roll
        if (!empty($ancestors) && count($ancestors) > 1) {
            // Remove basal term, limit depth, and reverse (as is the custom for displaying places)
            $ancestors = array_reverse(array_slice(array_slice($ancestors, 0, -1), 0, $depth));
            // Loop through all ancestors and create links
            if (!empty($ancestors)) {
                foreach ($ancestors as $ancestor) {
                    $place = get_term_by('id', $ancestor, $taxonomy);
                    $places[] = '<a href="' . get_term_link($place->term_id, $taxonomy) . '" rel="tag">' . $place->name . '</a>';
                // Assemble output
                if (!empty($places)) {
                    $output = implode($sep, $places);
    return $output;
function ubik_terms_breadcrumbs($term = '', $taxonomy = '', $before = '<nav class="breadcrumbs" itemprop="breadcrumb"><ul><li>', $join = '</li><li>', $after = '</li></ul></nav>')
    // Initialize
    $output = '';
    $ancestors = ubik_terms_ancestors($term, $taxonomy);
    // Got something?
    if (!empty($ancestors)) {
        // For each parent, create a list item
        foreach ($ancestors as $ancestor) {
            $item = get_term_by('id', $ancestor, $taxonomy);
            $link = get_term_link($ancestor, $taxonomy);
            $crumbs[] = '<a href="' . $link . '">' . $item->name . '</a>';
        // Got something? Wrap it up!
        if (!empty($crumbs)) {
            $output = "\n" . $before . implode($join, $crumbs) . $after . "\n";
    // Return what we've got
    return apply_filters('ubik_terms_breadcrumbs', $output);