Esempio n. 1
function ubik_links()
    // Initialize
    $links = $category = $search = '';
    $links_array = array();
    // Private links can only be seen by users with the manage_links capability
    $hide_invisible = current_user_can('manage_links') ? 0 : 1;
    // Get the link category from the query string
    if (get_query_var('link_category')) {
        $category = get_query_var('link_category');
    // Link search; also works with categories
    if (get_query_var('link_search')) {
        $search = get_query_var('link_search');
    // Fetch the bookmarks
    $links = get_bookmarks(array('orderby' => apply_filters('ubik_links_orderby', 'link_id'), 'order' => apply_filters('ubik_links_order', 'DESC'), 'category_name' => $category, 'hide_invisible' => $hide_invisible, 'search' => esc_sql($search), 'limit' => -1));
    // Check for results then run through the loop
    if (!empty($links)) {
        foreach ($links as $link) {
            // Initialize all variables
            $title = $desc = $url = $rel = $target = $updated = $cats = $cats_formatted = '';
            // Conditionally set relevant variables
            if (!empty($link->link_id)) {
                $id = $link->link_id;
            if (!empty($link->link_name)) {
                $title = $link->link_name;
            if (!empty($link->link_description)) {
                $desc = $link->link_description;
            if (!empty($link->link_url)) {
                $url = $link->link_url;
                $domain = parse_url($url);
                $domain = $domain['host'];
            if (!empty($link->link_rel)) {
                $rel = ' rel="' . $link->link_rel . '"';
            if (!empty($link->link_target)) {
                $target = ' target="' . $link->link_target . '"';
            // Link categories
            if (!empty($id)) {
                $cats = ubik_links_categories($id);
            // Assemble the links array; this returns the raw data as well as processed strings
            $links_array[] = array('id' => $id, 'title' => $title, 'description' => $desc, 'url' => $url, 'domain' => $domain, 'rel' => $rel, 'target' => $target, 'cats' => $cats, 'cats_html' => implode(', ', $cats), 'cats_list' => ubik_links_categories_list($cats), 'link' => '<a href="' . $url . '"' . $rel . $target . '>' . $title . '</a>');
    return apply_filters('ubik_links', $links_array);
function ubik_links_sidebar($sidebar)
    if (is_page_template(UBIK_LINKS_PAGE_TEMPLATE)) {
        // Retrieve the list of all categories
        $cats = ubik_links_categories();
        // Add the links page template to the bottom of the list (relies on `get_permalink`)
        $cats[] = '<strong><a class="link-category" href="' . get_permalink() . '">' . __('All links', 'ubik') . '</a></strong>';
        $cats = ubik_links_categories_list($cats);
        // Output the links sidebar
        $sidebar = '<aside id="ubik-links-search-widget" class="widget widget-links-search"><h2>' . __('Search links', 'ubik') . '</h2>' . ubik_links_search_form() . '</aside>';
        // A list of link categories
        if (!empty($cats)) {
            $sidebar .= '<aside id="ubik-links-categories-widget" class="widget widget-links-categories"><h2>' . __('Link categories', 'ubik') . '</h2>' . $cats . '</aside>';
    return $sidebar;