Esempio n. 1
function ubermenu_add_toolbar_items($admin_bar)
    if (!current_user_can('manage_options')) {
    if (ubermenu_op('ubermenu_toolbar', 'general') != 'on') {
    $admin = is_admin();
    $admin_bar->add_node(array('id' => 'ubermenu', 'title' => ubermenu_toolbar_icon('gears') . 'UberMenu', 'href' => admin_url('themes.php?page=ubermenu-settings'), 'meta' => array('title' => __('UberMenu', 'UberMenu'))));
    $admin_bar->add_node(array('id' => 'ubermenu_customize', 'parent' => 'ubermenu', 'title' => ubermenu_toolbar_icon('eye') . __('Customize', 'ubermenu'), 'href' => admin_url('customize.php'), 'meta' => array('title' => __('Configure the UberMenu Settings', 'ubermenu'), 'target' => '_blank', 'class' => '')));
    $admin_bar->add_node(array('id' => 'ubermenu_control_panel', 'parent' => 'ubermenu', 'title' => ubermenu_toolbar_icon('sliders') . __('UberMenu Control Panel', 'ubermenu'), 'href' => admin_url('themes.php?page=ubermenu-settings'), 'meta' => array('title' => '<i class="fa fa-sliders"></i> ' . __('Configure the UberMenu Settings', 'ubermenu'), 'target' => '_blank', 'class' => '')));
    $admin_bar->add_node(array('id' => 'ubermenu_edit_menus', 'parent' => 'ubermenu', 'title' => ubermenu_toolbar_icon('pencil') . __('Edit Menus', 'ubermenu'), 'href' => admin_url('nav-menus.php'), 'meta' => array('title' => __('Add, remove, and configure menu items', 'ubermenu'), 'target' => '_blank', 'class' => '')));
    $menus = wp_get_nav_menus(array('orderby' => 'name'));
    foreach ($menus as $menu) {
        $admin_bar->add_node(array('id' => 'ubermenu_edit_menus_' . $menu->slug, 'parent' => 'ubermenu_edit_menus', 'title' => $menu->name, 'href' => admin_url('nav-menus.php?action=edit&menu=' . $menu->term_id), 'meta' => array('title' => __('Configure', 'ubermenu') . ' ' . $menu->name, 'target' => '_blank', 'class' => '')));
    $admin_bar->add_node(array('id' => 'ubermenu_assign_menus', 'parent' => 'ubermenu', 'title' => ubermenu_toolbar_icon('bars') . __('Assign Menus', 'ubermenu'), 'href' => admin_url('nav-menus.php?action=locations'), 'meta' => array('title' => __('Theme Location Manager', 'ubermenu'), 'target' => '_blank', 'class' => '')));
    $admin_bar->add_node(array('id' => 'ubermenu_knowledgebase', 'parent' => 'ubermenu', 'title' => ubermenu_toolbar_icon('book') . __('Knowledgebase', 'ubermenu'), 'href' => UBERMENU_KB_URL, 'meta' => array('title' => __('UberMenu Knowledgebase / Support Guide', 'ubermenu'), 'target' => '_blank', 'class' => '')));
    $admin_bar->add_node(array('id' => 'ubermenu_docs', 'parent' => 'ubermenu_knowledgebase', 'title' => ubermenu_toolbar_icon('book') . __('Documentation', 'ubermenu'), 'href' => UBERMENU_KB_URL, 'meta' => array('title' => __('UberMenu Knowledgebase / Support Guide', 'ubermenu'), 'target' => '_blank', 'class' => '')));
    $admin_bar->add_node(array('id' => 'ubermenu_video_tutorials', 'parent' => 'ubermenu_knowledgebase', 'title' => ubermenu_toolbar_icon('video-camera') . __('Video Tutorials', 'ubermenu'), 'href' => UBERMENU_VIDEOS_URL, 'meta' => array('title' => __('UberMenu Video Tutorials', 'ubermenu'), 'target' => '_blank', 'class' => '')));
    $admin_bar->add_node(array('id' => 'ubermenu_support', 'parent' => 'ubermenu', 'title' => ubermenu_toolbar_icon('life-ring') . __('Support / Help', 'ubermenu'), 'href' => UBERMENU_SUPPORT_URL, 'meta' => array('title' => __('UberMenu Support Center', 'ubermenu'), 'target' => '_blank', 'class' => '')));
    if (!is_admin()) {
        if (ubermenu_op('diagnostics', 'general') == 'on') {
            $admin_bar->add_node(array('id' => 'ubermenu_diagnostics', 'parent' => 'ubermenu', 'title' => ubermenu_toolbar_icon('stethoscope') . __('Diagnostics (Alpha)', 'ubermenu'), 'href' => '#', 'meta' => array('title' => __('Load diagnostics script (experimental feature in Alpha development)', 'ubermenu'), 'class' => 'ubermenu-diagnostics-loader-button')));
        //Loading Message
        $admin_bar->add_node(array('id' => 'ubermenu_loading', 'title' => ubermenu_toolbar_icon('exclamation-triangle') . ' UberMenu Loading...', 'href' => '#'));
        $loading_msg = __('If this message does not disappear, it means that UberMenu\'s javascript has not been able to load.  This most commonly indicates that you have a javascript error on this page, which will need to be resolved in order to allow UberMenu to run.', 'ubermenu');
        //$loading_msg.= ' <a target="_blank" href="">How to check for javascript errors.</a>';
        $admin_bar->add_node(array('id' => 'ubermenu_loading_msg', 'parent' => 'ubermenu_loading', 'title' => $loading_msg, 'href' => '', 'meta' => array('target' => '_blank')));
Esempio n. 2
function ubermenu_get_menu_style_custom_font($field, $menu_id, &$menu_styles)
    $font_value = ubermenu_op($field['name'], $menu_id);
    if ($font_value) {
        $selector = ".ubermenu-{$menu_id}, .ubermenu-{$menu_id} .ubermenu-target, .ubermenu-{$menu_id} .ubermenu-nav .ubermenu-item-level-0 .ubermenu-target";
        $menu_styles[$selector]['font'] = $font_value;
Esempio n. 3
function ubermenu_run_backups()
    if (!defined('DOING_AJAX') && current_user_can('update_plugins')) {
        if (ubermenu_op('backup_custom_assets', 'updates') != 'off') {
            //ubermenu_restore_custom_assets();	//Just for testing
Esempio n. 4
function ubermenu_pro_load_assets()
    $assets = UBERMENU_URL . 'pro/assets/';
    //Load Core UberMenu CSS unless disabled
    if (ubermenu_op('load_ubermenu_css', 'general') != 'off') {
        //wp_dequeue_style( 'ubermenu' );
        wp_enqueue_style('ubermenu', $assets . 'css/ubermenu.min.css', false, UBERMENU_VERSION);
Esempio n. 5
function ubermenu_diagnostics_item_info_callback()
    if (ubermenu_op('diagnostics', 'general') != 'on') {
    if (isset($_POST['menu_item_id'])) {
        $item_id = $_POST['menu_item_id'];
        $settings = ubermenu_diagnostics_get_item_settings($item_id);
        //print_r( $settings );
        echo json_encode($settings);
Esempio n. 6
function ubermenu_get_widget_areas()
    $widget_areas = array();
    $num_widget_areas = ubermenu_op('num_widget_areas', 'general', 0);
    $widget_area_names = ubermenu_op('widget_area_names', 'general', '');
    $names = explode(',', $widget_area_names);
    if ($num_widget_areas) {
        for ($k = 0; $k < $num_widget_areas; $k++) {
            $id = 'ubermenu-sidebar-' . ($k + 1);
            //echo $id;
            $name = isset($names[$k]) && trim($names[$k]) ? trim($names[$k]) : 'UberMenu Widget Area ' . ($k + 1);
            $widget_areas[$id] = $name;
    return $widget_areas;
Esempio n. 7
function uberMenu_easyIntegrate($config_id = 'main', $args = array())
    //Check that Easy Integration is enabled
    if (ubermenu_op('ubermenu_theme_location', 'general') != 'on') {
        $msg = 'To use Easy Integration, please enable the <strong>Register Easy Integration UberMenu Theme Location</strong> setting in the <a target="_blank" href="' . admin_url('themes.php?page=ubermenu-settings') . '">UberMenu Control Panel > General Settings > Advanced</a> and <a target="_blank" href="' . admin_url('nav-menus.php?action=locations') . '">assign a menu</a> to the <strong>UberMenu [Easy Integration]</strong> theme locaiton';
    } else {
        if (!has_nav_menu('ubermenu')) {
            $msg = 'To use Easy Integration, please <a target="_blank" href="' . admin_url('nav-menus.php?action=locations') . '">assign a menu</a> to the <strong>UberMenu [Easy Integration]</strong> theme location';
    //$args = array();
    $args['theme_location'] = 'ubermenu';
    return ubermenu($config_id, $args);
function ubermenu_get_menu_style_dropdown_within_mega($field, $menu_id, &$menu_styles)
    if (ubermenu_op($field['name'], $menu_id) == 'on') {
        $menu_styles[".ubermenu-{$menu_id} .ubermenu-item .ubermenu-submenu-drop.ubermenu-submenu-type-mega"]['overflow'] = 'visible';
function ubermenu_check_menu_assignment()
    $display = ubermenu_op('display_main', 'ubermenu-main');
    if ($display == 'on') {
        if (!has_nav_menu('ubermenu')) {
			<div class="update-nag"><strong>Important!</strong> There is no menu assigned to the <strong>UberMenu [Main]</strong> Menu Location.  <a href="<?php 
            echo admin_url('nav-menus.php?action=locations');
">Assign a menu</a></div>
function ubermenu_remove_custom_admin_walker()
    if (ubermenu_op('disable_custom_admin_walker', 'general') == 'on') {
Esempio n. 11
 function get_widget_area()
     $html = '';
     $widget_area_id = $this->getSetting('widget_area');
     if ($this->getSetting('auto_widget_area')) {
         $custom_area_id = 'umitem_' . $this->ID;
         if (is_active_sidebar($custom_area_id)) {
             $widget_area_id = $custom_area_id;
         } else {
             $notice = __('The widget area is empty.', 'ubermenu');
             $notice .= ' <a target="_blank" href="' . admin_url('widgets.php') . '">' . __('Assign a widget', 'ubermenu') . '</a>';
             global $wp_registered_sidebars;
             if (isset($wp_registered_sidebars[$custom_area_id])) {
                 $sidebar = $wp_registered_sidebars[$custom_area_id];
                 $notice .= ' to <strong>' . $sidebar['name'] . '</strong>';
             $html .= ubermenu_admin_notice($notice, false);
             return $html;
     //If this is a top level widget and that setting is not enabled, show an admin message
     if ($this->depth == 0 && $widget_area_id && ubermenu_op('allow_top_level_widgets', 'general') != 'on') {
         $msg = '<strong>[Menu Item: ' . $this->item->title . ']</strong> ' . __('You have assigned a widget area to a top level menu item.  If you want the widget to appear in a submenu, please attach it to a child menu item.  If you want the widget to appear in the menu bar (always visible), please enable the setting in the UberMenu Control Panel > General Settings > Widgets > Allow Top Level Widgets', 'ubermenu');
         ubermenu_admin_notice($msg, true);
         //Deliberately printed BEFORE the menu rather than within it because the message is so long.
         //$html.= ubermenu_admin_notice( $msg , true );
         return $html;
     if ($widget_area_id && is_active_sidebar($widget_area_id)) {
         global $wp_registered_sidebars;
         global $wp_registered_widgets;
         //global $_wp_sidebars_widgets;
         $sidebars_widgets = wp_get_sidebars_widgets();
         $num_widgets = count($sidebars_widgets[$widget_area_id]);
         //Evenly divided
         $cols = 'ubermenu-column-1-' . $num_widgets;
         //If col number is set
         $widget_area_columns = $this->getSetting('widget_area_columns');
         if (is_numeric($widget_area_columns)) {
             $cols = 'ubermenu-column-1-' . $widget_area_columns;
         foreach ($sidebars_widgets[$widget_area_id] as $widget_id) {
             $wp_registered_widgets[$widget_id]['classname'] .= ' ' . $cols;
         $widget_area = ob_get_contents();
         //$widget_area = ob_get_clean(); //ob_get_contents();
         $html .= '<ul class="ubermenu-content-block ubermenu-widget-area ubermenu-row ubermenu-autoclear">';
         $html .= $widget_area;
         $html .= '</ul>';
     } else {
         if ($widget_area_id) {
             global $wp_registered_sidebars;
             $notice = __('The widget area is empty.  ', 'ubermenu');
             $notice .= '<a target="_blank" href="' . admin_url('widgets.php') . '">' . __('Assign a widget', 'ubermenu') . '</a>';
             if (isset($wp_registered_sidebars[$widget_area_id])) {
                 $sidebar = $wp_registered_sidebars[$widget_area_id];
                 $notice .= ' to <strong>' . $sidebar['name'] . '</strong>';
             $html .= ubermenu_admin_notice($notice, false);
             return $html;
         } else {
             //Nothing assigned - fine if a normal menu item, but if this is a Widget Area menu item, stop the presses.
             if ($this->type == 'widget_area') {
                 $notice = __('Please enter a name for your Custom Widget Area, or assign a Reusable Widget Area to this menu item.', 'ubermenu');
                 $notice .= ' <strong>Item ID: ' . $this->ID . ' ' . $this->item->title . '</strong>';
                 $html .= ubermenu_admin_notice($notice, false);
     return $html;
Esempio n. 12
function ubermenu_admin_notice($content, $echo = true)
    //$showtips = false;
    if (ubermenu_op('admin_notices', 'general') == 'on') {
        if (ubermenu_user_is_admin()) {
            $notice = '<div class="ubermenu-admin-notice"><i class="ubermenu-admin-notice-icon fa fa-lightbulb-o"></i>' . $content . '</div>';
            if ($echo) {
                echo $notice;
            return $notice;
Esempio n. 13
function ubermenu_get_menu_style_sticky_toggle_color($field, $menu_id, &$menu_styles)
    $val = ubermenu_op($field['name'], $menu_id);
    if ($val) {
        $selector = ".ubermenu-responsive-toggle-{$menu_id}.ubermenu-sticky";
        $menu_styles[$selector]['background'] = $val;
        //$menu_styles[$selector]['margin-top'] = $val;
Esempio n. 14
function ubermenu_sticky_custom_styles($styles)
    if (ubermenu_op('sticky_disable_css', 'general') == 'on') {
        return $styles;
    if (UM_STICKY()->sticky_apply()) {
        $css = '';
        $css .= "\n/** UberMenu Sticky CSS **/\n";
        $css .= ".ubermenu.ubermenu-sticky, .ubermenu-responsive-toggle.ubermenu-sticky{ z-index:1000; }";
        $css .= ".ubermenu-sticky.ubermenu-sticky-full-width{ left:0; width:100%; max-width:100%; }\n";
        $css .= ".ubermenu-sticky-full-width.ubermenu-sticky .ubermenu-nav{ padding-left:1px; }\n";
        $breakpoint = ubermenu_op('responsive_breakpoint', 'general');
        if ($breakpoint === '') {
            $breakpoint = 959;
        if (is_numeric($breakpoint)) {
            $breakpoint .= 'px';
        //Responsive Sticky Styles
        $css .= "@media screen and (max-width: {$breakpoint}){ \n" . "  .ubermenu-responsive-toggle.ubermenu-sticky{ height:43px; left:0; width:100% !important; } \n" . "  .ubermenu.ubermenu-responsive.ubermenu-sticky{ margin-top:43px; left:0; width:100% !important; } \n";
        //"  .ubermenu-sticky-wrapper{ max-height:0; min-height:0 !important; } \n".
        $css .= "  /* Mobile Sticky */\n";
        $css .= "  .ubermenu.ubermenu-is-mobile.ubermenu-sticky { min-height:400px; max-height:600px; overflow-y:auto !important; -webkit-overflow-scrolling:touch; }\n";
        $css .= "  .ubermenu.ubermenu-is-mobile.ubermenu-sticky > .ubermenu-nav{ height:100%; }\n";
        $css .= "  .ubermenu.ubermenu-is-mobile.ubermenu-sticky .ubermenu-active > .ubermenu-submenu-drop{ max-height:none; }\n";
        $css .= "}\n";
        //End media query
        //Special Sticky Classes
        $css .= "/* Special Classes */ ";
        $css .= ".ubermenu{ display:none !important; } ";
        $css .= ".ubermenu.ubermenu-sticky{ display:inline-block !important; } ";
        $css .= ".ubermenu.ubermenu-sticky .ubermenu-submenu{ display:block !important; } ";
        $css .= ".ubermenu{ display:inline-block !important; } ";
        $css .= ".ubermenu .ubermenu-submenu{ display:block !important; } ";
        $css .= ".ubermenu.ubermenu-sticky{ display:none !important; }\n";
        		// The actual sticky CSS
        		$css.= "{$stickyMegaMenu}{ margin: 0 !important; z-index:1000; position:fixed !important; top: {$offset}px; bottom: auto !important; -webkit-transition:none; -moz-transition:none; transition:none; }\n";
        		if( !$alwaysSticky ){
        			//Special Sticky Classes
        			$css.= "#megaMenu ul.megaMenu{ display: none !important; }";
        			$css.= "#megaMenu-sticky-wrapper #megaMenu.ubermenu-sticky{ display: block !important; }";
        			$css.= "#megaMenu ul.megaMenu{ display: block !important; }";
        			$css.= "#megaMenu-sticky-wrapper #megaMenu.ubermenu-sticky{ display: none !important; }";
        		if( $settings->op( 'ubersticky-mobile' ) ){
        			$css.= "\n/* Mobile Sticky */
        			$stickyWrapper = '#megaMenu-sticky-wrapper.uber-sticky-mobile '; //trailing space is important
        			if( $alwaysSticky ) $stickyWrapper = ''; //Apply if we're not using
        			$css.= "{$stickyWrapper}#megaMenu ul.megaMenu.megaMenuToggleOpen{ overflow-y:scroll !important; -webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch; }";	//  overflow-scrolling: touch;
        		//At smaller sizes, make align left, full width!
        		if( $settings->op( 'ubersticky-expand-menu-bar' ) ){
        			$css.= "\n/* Expand Menu Bar */
        		$css.= "{$stickyMegaMenu}{ left: 0; right:auto; width: 100%; border-radius: 0; }\n";
        		if( is_numeric( $settings->op( 'ubersticky-center-inner' ) ) ){
        			$css.= "/* Center Inner Menu */
        				$css.= "#megaMenu.ubermenu-sticky ul.megaMenu{ padding-left:2px; margin: 0 auto; float:none; max-width: {$settings->op( 'ubersticky-center-inner' )}px; }\n"; //leave selectors as is, use core UM settings instead
        				$css.= "#megaMenu.megaMenuHorizontal ul.megaMenu > li:first-child > a{ box-shadow:none; }\n";
        		//If UberMenu was supposed to be centered
        		if( $settings->op( 'center-menubar' ) ){
        			$css.= "/* Center Menubar */
        			$css.= "#megaMenu-sticky-wrapper{ margin:0 auto; max-width: 100%; width: {$settings->op( 'wpmega-container-w' )}px; }\n";
        		if( ( $bkg_color = $settings->op( 'ubersticky-background-color' ) ) != '' ){
        			$css.= "/* Menu Bar Background */
        			$css.= "#megaMenu-sticky-wrapper #megaMenu.ubermenu-sticky{ background: #$bkg_color; }\n";
        if (ubermenu_op('sticky_toolbar_footer', 'general') == 'on') {
            $css .= "/* Move Admin Bar to bottom */\n@media screen and (min-width:783px){\n  * html body { margin-top: 0 !important; }\n  body.admin-bar { margin-top: -28px; padding-bottom: 28px; }\n  body.wp-admin #footer { padding-bottom: 28px; }\n  #wpadminbar { top: auto !important; bottom: 0; }\n  #wpadminbar .quicklinks .ab-sub-wrapper { bottom: 28px; }\n  #wpadminbar .quicklinks .ab-sub-wrapper ul .ab-sub-wrapper { bottom: -7px; } }\n";
        } else {
            $breakpoint = ubermenu_op('responsive_breakpoint', 'general');
            if (is_numeric($breakpoint)) {
                $breakpoint .= 'px';
            $css .= "@media screen and (min-width:783px){ .admin-bar .ubermenu.ubermenu-sticky, .admin-bar .ubermenu-responsive-toggle.ubermenu-sticky{ margin-top:32px; } }\n";
            $css .= "@media screen and (min-width:783px) and (max-width:{$breakpoint}){ .admin-bar .ubermenu.ubermenu-sticky{ margin-top:78px; } }\n";
            $css .= "@media screen and (min-width:600px) and (max-width:782px){ .admin-bar .ubermenu.ubermenu-sticky, .admin-bar .ubermenu-responsive-toggle.ubermenu-sticky{ margin-top:46px; } .admin-bar .ubermenu.ubermenu-sticky{ margin-top:89px; } }\n";
        $styles[70] = $css;
        //uberp( $styles );
    return $styles;
Esempio n. 15
function ubermenu_custom_responsive_styles()
    $breakpoint_primary = ubermenu_op('responsive_breakpoint', 'general');
    if (!$breakpoint_primary) {
        //$breakpoint_primary = 959;
    $dir = UBERMENU_DIR . 'assets/css/less/';
    $css = '';
    $breakpoint_primary = intval($breakpoint_primary);
    $breakpoint_expand = $breakpoint_primary + 1;
    $breakpoint_secondary = 480;
    $above = file_get_contents($dir . 'responsive_breakpoint_above.less');
    if ($above) {
        $above .= ' .ubermenu-responsive-toggle{ display:none; }';
        $above = str_replace('&', '', $above);
        $above = str_replace("\t", '', $above);
        $above = str_replace("\n", ' ', $above);
        $above = "@media screen and (min-width: {$breakpoint_expand}px){\n  " . $above . "\n}\n";
        $css .= $above;
    $primary = file_get_contents($dir . 'responsive_breakpoint_primary.less');
    if ($primary) {
        $primary .= ' .ubermenu-responsive-toggle{ display:block; }';
        $primary = str_replace('&', '', $primary);
        $primary = str_replace("\t", '', $primary);
        $primary = str_replace("\n", ' ', $primary);
        $primary = "@media screen and (max-width: {$breakpoint_primary}px){\n  " . $primary . "\n}\n";
        $css .= $primary;
        //$primary = str_replace( '}' , "}\n" , $primary );
    $secondary = file_get_contents($dir . 'responsive_breakpoint_secondary.less');
    if ($secondary) {
        $secondary = str_replace('&', '', $secondary);
        $secondary = str_replace("\t", '', $secondary);
        $secondary = str_replace("\n", ' ', $secondary);
        $secondary = "@media screen and (max-width: {$breakpoint_secondary}px){\n  " . $secondary . "\n}\n";
        $css .= $secondary;
        //$primary = str_replace( '}' , "}\n" , $primary );
    //echo '<pre>'.$css.'</pre>';
    return $css;
Esempio n. 16
 function get_support_url()
     if (self::$support_url) {
         return self::$support_url;
     $data = array();
     $data['src'] = 'ubermenu_plugin';
     $data['product_id'] = 1;
     //Site Data
     $data['site_url'] = get_site_url();
     $data['version'] = UBERMENU_VERSION;
     $data['timezone'] = get_option('timezone_string');
     //Theme Data
     $theme = wp_get_theme();
     //uberp( $theme , 3 );
     $data['theme'] = $theme->get('Name');
     $data['theme_link'] = '<a target="_blank" href="' . $theme->get('ThemeURI') . '">' . $theme->get('Name') . ' v' . $theme->get('Version') . ' by ' . $theme->get('Author') . '</a>';
     $data['theme_slug'] = isset($theme->stylesheet) ? $theme->stylesheet : '';
     $data['theme_parent'] = $theme->get('Template');
     //User Data
     $current_user = wp_get_current_user();
     if ($current_user) {
         if ($current_user->user_firstname) {
             $data['first_name'] = $current_user->user_firstname;
         if ($current_user->user_firstname) {
             $data['last_name'] = $current_user->user_lastname;
         if ($current_user) {
             $data['email'] = $current_user->user_email;
     //$data['email']			= get_bloginfo( 'admin_email' );
     //License Data
     $license_code = ubermenu_op('purchase_code', 'updates', '');
     if ($license_code) {
         $data['license_code'] = $license_code;
     if ($envato_username = ubermenu_op('envato_username', 'updates', '')) {
         $data['envato_username'] = $envato_username;
     $query = http_build_query($data);
     $support_url = "{$url}?{$query}";
     self::$support_url = $support_url;
     return $support_url;
 static function sticky_apply($config_id = false)
     //global $uberMenu, $post, $ubermenusticky_apply;
     if ($config_id == false) {
         //Figure it out it not already determined
         if (self::$sticky_apply_global == -1) {
             $menus = ubermenu_get_menu_instances(true);
             foreach ($menus as $config_id) {
                 self::$sticky_apply_global = self::$sticky_apply_global || self::sticky_apply($config_id);
         return self::$sticky_apply_global;
     } else {
         //Not yet determined
         if (!isset(self::$sticky_apply[$config_id])) {
             $apply = false;
             if (ubermenu_op('sticky_enabled', $config_id) == 'on') {
                 $apply_to = ubermenu_op('sticky_apply_to', $config_id);
                 if ($apply_to === '') {
                     $apply = true;
                 } else {
                     $apply_to = explode(',', $apply_to);
                     $apply = false;
                     global $post;
                     foreach ($apply_to as $post_id) {
                         //echo $post_id . ' :: ' .$post->ID;
                         if ($post_id == $post->ID || $post_id == 'front' && is_front_page()) {
                             $apply = true;
             $apply = apply_filters('ubermenu_sticky_apply', $apply, $config_id);
             self::$sticky_apply[$config_id] = $apply;
         return self::$sticky_apply[$config_id];
     return self::$sticky_apply;