function show_recent_searches( $before_list, $after_list, $between_items ) { $options = get_option( 'recent_searches_widget' ); if ( !is_array( $options ) ) { $options = $this->get_default_options(); } $data = get_option( 'recent_searches_widget_data' ); if ( !is_array( $data ) ) { if ( isset( $options['data'] ) ) { $data = $options['data']; } if ( !is_array( $data ) ) { $data = array(); } } if ( count( $data ) > 0 ) { echo $before_list; $first = true; foreach ( $data as $search ) { if ( $first ) { $first = false; } else { echo $between_items; } echo '<a href="'.home_url().'/'.get_theme_option('nama_agc').'/',ubah_tanda(hilangkan_spesial_karakter( wp_specialchars( $search ))), '"'; if ( $options['nofollow'] ) { echo ' rel="nofollow"'; } echo '>', hilangkan_spesial_karakter(wp_specialchars( $search )), '</a>'; } echo $after_list, "\n"; } else { _e('No searches yet', 'recent-searches-widget'); } }
echo '<p>' . CleanFileNameTitle($title) . ' ' . strtolower(BannedKeyword(hilangkan_karakter($itemrss->title))) . ' ' . strtolower(BannedKeyword(hilangkan_karakter($itemrss->description))) . ' ' . strtolower(BannedKeyword(hilangkan_karakter(get_search_query()))) . ' ' . ucwords(strtolower(BannedKeyword(hilangkan_karakter($itemrss->title)))) . '.</p><div class="clear"></div>' . "\n"; echo '<div class="GoogleView" id="gv' . $coba . '"></div>' . "\n"; echo '<div class="download"><a href="javascript:void(null);" onclick="if ($('#gv' . $coba . '').html()=='') $('#gv' . $coba . '').html('<iframe rel="nofollow" style="width:100%; height:480px;" src="' . $itemrss->link . '&embedded=true"></iframe>'); $('#gv' . $coba . '').slideToggle('fast'); return false;" title="Read ' . strtolower(ucwords(htmlspecialchars(BannedKeyword(hilangkan_karakter($itemrss->title))))) . '"><img src="" title="title">Read ' . strtolower(ucwords(htmlspecialchars(BannedKeyword(hilangkan_karakter($itemrss->title))))) . '</a></div><div class="clear"></div>'; } if (empty($itemrss)) { echo '<p>Find <b>' . htmlspecialchars(BannedKeyword(hilangkan_karakter(get_search_query()))) . '.</b> from the list below. Read and download the <b><u>' . htmlspecialchars(BannedKeyword(hilangkan_karakter(get_search_query()))) . '</u></b> for free.</p>'; } $kata = urlencode(CleanFileNameTitle($title)); $kata = str_replace('2008+taurus+x', '2008', $kata); $kata .= "+filetype%3Apdf"; $googlerss = simplexml_load_file('' . $kata . '+filetype:php&go=&form=QBLH&filt=all&format=rss'); foreach ($googlerss->channel->item as $itemrss) { $title = '' . htmlspecialchars(BannedKeyword(hilangkan_karakter($itemrss->title))) . ''; $title_arr = explode(" ", $title); $first_word = "ebook"; $post_slug = ubah_tanda($title); $permalinks = get_bloginfo("url") . "/" . $post_slug . ".pdf"; $coba = rand(1, 999); echo '<div id="title">' . ucwords(strtolower(BannedKeyword(hilangkan_karakter($itemrss->title)))) . '</div>' . "\n"; echo '<p>' . strtolower(BannedKeyword(hilangkan_karakter($itemrss->title))) . ' ' . strtolower(BannedKeyword(hilangkan_karakter($itemrss->description))) . ' ' . strtolower(BannedKeyword(hilangkan_karakter(get_search_query()))) . ' ' . ucwords(strtolower(BannedKeyword(hilangkan_karakter($itemrss->title)))) . '.</p><div class="clear"></div>' . "\n"; echo '<div class="GoogleView" id="gv' . $coba . '"></div>' . "\n"; echo '<div class="download"><a href="javascript:void(null);" onclick="if ($('#gv' . $coba . '').html()=='') $('#gv' . $coba . '').html('<iframe rel="nofollow" style="width:100%; height:480px;" src="' . $itemrss->link . '&embedded=true"></iframe>'); $('#gv' . $coba . '').slideToggle('fast'); return false;" title="Read ' . strtolower(ucwords(htmlspecialchars(BannedKeyword(hilangkan_karakter($itemrss->title))))) . '"><img src="" title="title">Read ' . strtolower(ucwords(htmlspecialchars(BannedKeyword(hilangkan_karakter($itemrss->title))))) . '</a></div><div class="clear"></div>'; } if (empty($itemrss)) { echo '<p>Find <b>' . htmlspecialchars(BannedKeyword(hilangkan_karakter(get_search_query()))) . '.</b> from the list below. Read and download the <b><u>' . htmlspecialchars(BannedKeyword(hilangkan_karakter(get_search_query()))) . '</u></b> for free.</p>'; } ?> <br> <?php if (function_exists('stt_random_terms')) { echo stt_random_terms(20);