Esempio n. 1
function get_ua_webtide_member_notification()
    // Will hold notification string
    $member_notification_str = NULL;
    // Are there any overriding notification? Get the most recent
    if (($member_notification = get_posts(array('post_type' => 'member_notifications', 'posts_per_page' => 1, 'meta_key' => 'override_other_notifications', 'meta_value' => 'yes', 'orderby' => 'post_date', 'order' => 'DESC', 'suppress_filters' => false))) && is_array($member_notification) && ($member_notification = reset($member_notification))) {
        // Set content
        $member_notification_str = isset($member_notification->post_content) ? $member_notification->post_content : NULL;
    // If there's a webtide meeting today AND non-meeting event(s)
    // else if there's non-meeting event(s) today
    // Do we have a meeting today? That takes first priority
    if (!$member_notification_str && ($next_monthly_meeting = ua_webtide_get_next_monthly_meeting()) && ($start_date_str = isset($next_monthly_meeting->EventStartDate) ? $next_monthly_meeting->EventStartDate : NULL) && strtotime($start_date_str) !== false) {
        // Set the start date
        $start_date = new DateTime($start_date_str, new DateTimeZone('America/Chicago'));
        // What's the current date in our timezone?
        $current_date = new DateTime(NULL, new DateTimeZone('America/Chicago'));
        // What's the difference?
        if ($time_until_meeting = $current_date->diff($start_date)) {
            // Will lunch be served?
            $will_lunch_be_served = strcasecmp('yes', get_post_meta($next_monthly_meeting->ID, 'will_lunch_be_served', true)) == 0;
            // Build time string
            $meeting_start_time_str = $start_date->format('g');
            // What are the minutes?
            $meeting_start_minute = $start_date->format('i');
            // Don't include the minutes on the hour
            if ('00' != $meeting_start_minute) {
                $meeting_start_time_str .= ":{$meeting_start_minute}";
            // Add meridian
            $meeting_start_time_str .= $start_date->format(' a');
            // Get the meeting title
            $meeting_title = get_the_title($next_monthly_meeting->ID);
            // Make sure the title has less 50 or less characters
            // Make sure it doesn't have 4 ellipses
            if (strlen($meeting_title) > 50) {
                $meeting_title = preg_replace('/[\\.]{4}$/i', '...', substr($meeting_title, 0, 50) . '...');
            // If it's this week...
            if (!$time_until_meeting->invert && $time_until_meeting->d < 4) {
                // Start with the closest notification first - its today!
                if ($time_until_meeting->d == 0 && $time_until_meeting->h < 12) {
                    // Build the notification
                    $member_notification_str = '<strong>IT\'S WEBTIDE DAY!</strong> We\'re looking forward to seeing everyone at ' . $meeting_start_time_str . ' for "<a href="' . get_permalink($next_monthly_meeting->ID) . '">' . $meeting_title . '</a>".';
                    // It's tomorrow...
                } else {
                    if ($time_until_meeting->d == 0 || $time_until_meeting->d == 1 && $time_until_meeting->h < 12) {
                        // Build the notification
                        $member_notification_str = '<strong>IT\'S WEBTIDE WEEK!</strong> We\'re looking forward to seeing everyone tomorrow at ' . $meeting_start_time_str . ' for "<a href="' . get_permalink($next_monthly_meeting->ID) . '">' . $meeting_title . '</a>".';
                        // If it's this week...
                    } else {
                        // Build the notification
                        $member_notification_str = '<strong>IT\'S WEBTIDE WEEK!</strong> We\'re looking forward to seeing everyone on ' . $start_date->format('l') . ' at ' . $meeting_start_time_str . ' for "<a href="' . get_permalink($next_monthly_meeting->ID) . '">' . $meeting_title . '</a>".';
                // Add whether lunch will be served
                $member_notification_str .= ' <em><strong>Lunch will ' . (!$will_lunch_be_served ? ' not ' : NULL) . 'be served.</strong></em>';
    // If still no notification, get the most recent member notification
    if (!$member_notification_str && ($member_notification = get_posts(array('post_type' => 'member_notifications', 'posts_per_page' => 1, 'orderby' => 'post_date', 'order' => 'DESC', 'suppress_filters' => false))) && is_array($member_notification) && ($member_notification = reset($member_notification))) {
        // Set content
        $member_notification_str = isset($member_notification->post_content) ? $member_notification->post_content : NULL;
    // If still no notification, and the user is myBama authenticated, show message about members
    if (!$member_notification_str && !IS_WEBTIDE_MEMBER && IS_MYBAMA_AUTHENTICATED) {
        $member_notification_str = '<strong>If you\'re a WebTide member</strong>, and seeing this message, it means you\'re not registered in our system. Please <a href="">contact us</a> and let us know.';
    return apply_filters('ua_webtide_member_notification', $member_notification_str);
Esempio n. 2
     * Outputs the content of the widget
     * @param array $args
     * @param array $instance
    public function widget($args, $instance)
        // Only for WebTide members
        if (!IS_WEBTIDE_MEMBER) {
        // If we have a next meeting...
        if (!($next_meeting = ua_webtide_get_next_monthly_meeting())) {
        // Make sure we have a start date
        if (!(($event_start_date_str = isset($next_meeting->EventStartDate) ? $next_meeting->EventStartDate : NULL) && strtotime($event_start_date_str) !== false)) {
        // Set the start datetime
        $event_start_date = new DateTime($event_start_date_str, new DateTimeZone('America/Chicago'));
        // Get the current date/time in Central time
        $right_now = new DateTime();
        $right_now->setTimeZone(new DateTimeZone('America/Chicago'));
        // Make sure its in the future
        if ($event_start_date < $right_now) {
        // Are we viewing the next meeting?
        $viewing_next_meeting = is_single($next_meeting->ID);
        // If we're not a member and viewing it, don't print this
        if (!IS_WEBTIDE_MEMBER && $viewing_next_meeting) {
        echo $args['before_widget'];
        echo $args['before_title'] . 'Our Next Meeting' . $args['after_title'];
        // If we're looking at it
        if (IS_WEBTIDE_MEMBER && $viewing_next_meeting) {
<p><strong>You're looking at it!</strong><?php 
            // What's the difference
            $time_until_event = $right_now->diff($event_start_date);
            // It's today
            if (!$time_until_event->invert && $time_until_event->d <= 0) {
 Looks like the meeting will start soon. We hope you'll join us!<?php 
            } else {
                if (!$time_until_event->invert && $time_until_event->d <= 7) {
 It's coming up soon. We hope you'll join us!<?php 
        } else {
            echo ua_webtide_get_next_monthly_meeting_html(array('event_title_element' => 'h4', 'abbreviate_dt' => true, 'view_details' => false));
        echo $args['after_widget'];
Esempio n. 3
function ua_webtide_get_next_monthly_meeting_html($args = array())
    // Parse the args
    $defaults = array('event_title_element' => 'h3', 'abbreviate_dt' => false, 'include_excerpt' => false, 'view_details' => true, 'include_button' => false);
    $args = wp_parse_args($args, $defaults);
    // Build the next meeting
    $next_meeting_html = NULL;
    // Get the next meeting
    if ($next_meeting = ua_webtide_get_next_monthly_meeting()) {
        // Get the permalink
        $next_meeting_permalink = get_permalink($next_meeting->ID);
        // Print the event title
        $next_meeting_html .= '<' . $args['event_title_element'] . ' class="meeting-title"><a href="' . $next_meeting_permalink . '">' . get_the_title($next_meeting->ID) . '</a></' . $args['event_title_element'] . '>';
        // Print the details
        $next_meeting_html .= '<p class="meeting-details">';
        // Add members only message
        if (!IS_WEBTIDE_MEMBER) {
            $next_meeting_html .= '<span class="members-only">Monthly meetings are for WebTide members only.</span>';
        } else {
            if ($speakers = get_field('speakers', $next_meeting->ID)) {
                // Add each speaker
                foreach ($speakers as $speaker) {
                    // Make sure we have a name
                    if (isset($speaker['speaker_name']) && !empty($speaker['speaker_name'])) {
                        $next_meeting_html .= '<span class="meeting-speaker">';
                        // Print the speaker
                        $next_meeting_html .= $speaker['speaker_name'];
                        // If we have a "from"
                        if (isset($speaker['speaker_from']) && !empty($speaker['speaker_from'])) {
                            $next_meeting_html .= ", <em>{$speaker['speaker_from']}</em>";
                        $next_meeting_html .= '</span>';
            // False = do not abbreviate stuff
            if ($dt_string = ua_webtide_get_date_time_string($next_meeting, false)) {
                $next_meeting_html .= '<span class="meeting-date-time">' . $dt_string . '</span>';
            // Get the venue
            if ($venue = tribe_get_venue()) {
                $next_meeting_html .= '<span class="meeting-location">' . $venue . '</span>';
            // Will lunch be served?
            if (($will_lunch_be_served = get_post_meta($next_meeting->ID, 'will_lunch_be_served', true)) && strcasecmp('yes', $will_lunch_be_served) == 0) {
                $next_meeting_html .= '<span class="lunch-will-be-served">Lunch will be served!</span>';
        $next_meeting_html .= '</p>';
        // If we're including the excerpt
        if ($args['include_excerpt']) {
            // Setup the text
            $raw_excerpt = $text = $next_meeting->post_excerpt;
            // If we have no excerpt...
            if ('' == $text && !empty($next_meeting->post_content)) {
                // Use content and strip shortcodes
                $text = strip_shortcodes($next_meeting->post_content);
            // Take care of the text
            $text = apply_filters('the_content', $text);
            $text = str_replace(']]>', ']]&gt;', $text);
            // Get excerpt length
            $excerpt_length = 12;
            //apply_filters( 'excerpt_length', 10 );
            // Filter the string in the "more" link displayed after a trimmed excerpt.
            $excerpt_more = apply_filters('excerpt_more', '...');
            // Trim the text
            $text = wp_trim_words($text, $excerpt_length, $excerpt_more);
            // Filter the trimmed excerpt string.
            $text = apply_filters('wp_trim_excerpt', $text, $raw_excerpt);
            // Add to HTML
            if ($text) {
                $next_meeting_html .= wpautop($text);
        // Show view details link?
        if ($args['view_details']) {
            $next_meeting_html .= '<a class="meeting-view-details" href="' . $next_meeting_permalink . '">View details</a>';
        // Show button?
        if ($args['include_button']) {
            $next_meeting_html .= '<a class="button expand" href="' . $next_meeting_permalink . '">Learn more about the meeting</a>';
    return $next_meeting_html;