Esempio n. 1
            // Y
            $only_active .= " AND caches.status = 2";
$result = XDb::xSql("SELECT caches.cache_id,, user.username, caches.wp_oc as wp, caches.votes, caches.score,\n            caches.topratings, caches.latitude, caches.longitude, caches.type, caches.status as status,\n            datediff(now(), caches.date_hidden) as old, caches.user_id,\n            IF(cache_id IN\n                (\n                    SELECT cache_id\n                    FROM cache_logs\n                    WHERE deleted=0 AND user_id= ?\n                        AND (type=1 OR type=8)\n                ), 1, 0\n            ) as found\n    FROM user, caches\n    WHERE (caches.user_id = user.user_id)\n        AND caches.latitude > ? AND caches.latitude < ?\n        AND caches.longitude > ? AND caches.longitude < ?\n        " . XDb::xEscape($only_active) . " " . $filter_by_type_string . "\n    ORDER BY " . XDb::xEscape($ORDERBY) . "\n    LIMIT " . XDb::xEscape($page) . ", " . XDb::xEscape($PER_PAGE), $user_id, $latSW, $latNE, $lonSW, $lonNE);
echo "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"" . $ENCODING . "\"?>\n";
echo "<markers>\n";
while ($res = XDb::xFetchArray($result)) {
    if (!isset($_REQUEST['print_list']) || onTheList($_SESSION['print_list'], $res['cache_id']) == -1) {
        $druk = "druk=\"y\"";
    } else {
        $druk = "druk=\"n\"";
    $founds = XDb::xMultiVariableQueryValue("SELECT count(*) FROM cache_logs\n        WHERE deleted=0 AND cache_id = :1\n            AND (type=1 OR type=8)", 0, $res['cache_id']);
    $notfounds = XDb::xMultiVariableQueryValue("SELECT count(*) FROM cache_logs\n        WHERE deleted=0 AND cache_id = :1 AND type=2", 0, $res['cache_id']);
    if ($res['votes'] > 2) {
        $score = $res['score'];
    } else {
        $score = "";
    echo "<marker id=\"" . htmlspecialchars($res['cache_id']) . "\" name=\"" . htmlspecialchars($res['name']) . "\" lat=\"" . htmlspecialchars($res['latitude']) . "\" lng=\"" . htmlspecialchars($res['longitude']) . "\" owner=\"" . htmlspecialchars($res['username']) . "\" owner_id=\"" . htmlspecialchars($res['user_id']) . "\" type=\"" . htmlspecialchars(typeLetter($res['type'])) . "\" found=\"" . $res['found'] . "\" old=\"" . htmlspecialchars($res['old']) . "\" score=\"" . htmlspecialchars($score) . "\" topratings=\"" . htmlspecialchars($res['topratings']) . "\"  notfounds=\"" . htmlspecialchars($notfounds) . "\" votes=\"" . htmlspecialchars($res['votes']) . "\" founds=\"" . htmlspecialchars($founds) . "\" status=\"" . htmlspecialchars($res['status']) . "\" wp=\"" . htmlspecialchars($res['wp']) . "\" " . $druk . "/>\n";
$res2['num'] = XDb::xMultiVariableQueryValue("SELECT count(cache_id) as num FROM caches\n    WHERE caches.status = 1\n        AND caches.latitude  > :1\n        AND caches.latitude  < :2\n        AND caches.longitude > :3\n        AND caches.longitude < :4 ", 0, $latSW, $latNE, $lonSW, $lonNE);
$pages = '';
for ($i = 0; $i < $res2['num'] / $PER_PAGE; $i++) {
    $pages .= "<a href=\"javascript:load_data(" . $i . ");\">" . ($i + 1) . "</a> ";
$pages = htmlspecialchars($pages);
echo "<data count=\"" . $res2['num'] . "\" pager=\"" . $pages . "\" />\n";
echo "</markers>";
            $value = array($pt["x"] - max(2 * $zoom - 10, 5) / 2, $pt["y"] - $pointer, $pt["x"], $pt["y"], $pt["x"] + max(2 * $zoom - 10, 5) / 2, $pt["y"] - $pointer);
            imagefilledpolygon($im, $value, 3, $color[$typeColor]);
            imageline($im, $pt["x"] - max(2 * $zoom - 10, 5) / 2, $pt["y"] - $pointer, $pt["x"], $pt["y"], $black);
            imageline($im, $pt["x"] + max(2 * $zoom - 10, 5) / 2, $pt["y"] - $pointer, $pt["x"], $pt["y"], $black);
            //imageellipse($im, $pt["x"], $pt["y"]+1.5*$zoom, $radius, $radius, $black);
            if ($_GET['signes'] == "true") {
                $fontSize = 1.3 * $zoom - 11;
                $box = imagettfbbox($fontSize, 0, '../util.sec/bt.ttf', $cache['wp']);
                imagettftext($im, $fontSize, 0, $pt["x"] - (int) abs($box[2] / 2), $pt["y"] + (int) abs($box[7] / 2) - $pointer + max(2 * $zoom + 28, 5) / 2, $black, $rootpath . 'util.sec/bt.ttf', $cache['wp']);
        if ($zoom > 10) {
            //echo "aaa";
            $fontSize = 1.55 * $zoom - 11;
            $box = imagettfbbox($fontSize, 0, '../util.sec/bt.ttf', typeLetter($cache['type']));
            imagettftext($im, $fontSize, 0, $pt["x"] - (int) abs($box[2] / 2), $pt["y"] + (int) abs($box[7] / 2) - $pointer, $black, $rootpath . 'util.sec/bt.ttf', typeLetter($cache['type']));
    // end markers
header("Content-Type: image/gif");
imagegif($im, '', 9);
// utility class to hold the rectangle position and size.
class Rectangle
    var $x, $y;
    var $width, $height;
/** returns the Google zoom level for the keyhole string. */
            return "C";
        case 9:
            return "O";
        case 10:
            return "D";
            return "";
$language = "pl";
$encoding = "UTF-8";
$user_id = mysql_escape_string($_GET['uid']);
mysql_query("SET NAMES 'utf8'");
$result = mysql_query("SELECT `cache_logs`.`cache_id` `cache_id` , `caches`.`latitude`, `caches`.`longitude`,  `caches`.`type` `type` , `cache_logs`.`date` `date` , `caches`.`name` `name` , `log_types`.`icon_small` , `log_types_text`.`text_combo` FROM `cache_logs` , `caches` , `log_types` , `log_types_text` WHERE `cache_logs`.`deleted`=0 AND `cache_logs`.`user_id` = '" . $user_id . "' AND `cache_logs`.`cache_id` = `caches`.`cache_id` AND `cache_logs`.`type` = 1 AND `log_types`.`id` = `cache_logs`.`type` AND `log_types_text`.`log_types_id` = `log_types`.`id` AND `log_types_text`.`lang` = '" . $language . "' ORDER BY `cache_logs`.`date` DESC , `cache_logs`.`date_created` DESC");
echo "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"" . $encoding . "\"?>\n";
echo "<markers>\n";
while ($res = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
    echo "<marker id=\"" . htmlspecialchars($res['cache_id']) . "\" name=\"" . htmlspecialchars($res['name']) . "\" lat=\"" . htmlspecialchars($res['latitude']) . "\" lng=\"" . htmlspecialchars($res['longitude']) . "\"  type=\"" . htmlspecialchars(typeLetter($res['type'])) . "\" date=\"" . htmlspecialchars(typeLetter($res['date'])) . "\" />\n";
echo "</markers>";