Esempio n. 1
// Отображение блока нотификации при добавлении продукта в корзину
function plugin_ebasket_notify($params)
    global $mysql, $twig, $userROW, $template;
    // Выводим шаблон
    $tpath = locatePluginTemplates(array('ebasket/notify'), 'eshop', pluginGetVariable('eshop', 'localsource'));
    $basket_link = checkLinkAvailable('eshop', 'ebasket_list') ? generateLink('eshop', 'ebasket_list', array()) : generateLink('core', 'plugin', array('plugin' => 'eshop', 'handler' => 'ebasket_list'), array());
    // Готовим переменные
    $tVars = array('basket_link' => $basket_link);
    $xt = $twig->loadTemplate($tpath['ebasket/notify'] . 'ebasket/' . 'notify.tpl');
    return $xt->render($tVars);
twigRegisterFunction('eshop', 'compare', plugin_eshop_compare);
twigRegisterFunction('eshop', 'notify', plugin_ebasket_notify);
twigRegisterFunction('eshop', 'total', plugin_ebasket_total);
if (class_exists('p_uprofileFilter')) {
    class uOrderFilter extends p_uprofileFilter
        function editProfileForm($userID, $SQLrow, &$tvars)
            global $mysql, $twig, $userROW, $template;
            $conditions = array();
            if ($userID) {
                array_push($conditions, "author_id = " . db_squote($userID));
            $fSort = " ORDER BY id DESC";
            $sqlQPart = "FROM " . prefix . "_eshop_orders " . (count($conditions) ? "WHERE " . implode(" AND ", $conditions) : '') . $fSort;
            $sqlQ = "SELECT * " . $sqlQPart;
            foreach ($mysql->select($sqlQ) as $row) {
                $order_link = checkLinkAvailable('eshop', 'order') ? generateLink('eshop', 'order', array(), array('id' => $row['id'], 'uniqid' => $row['uniqid'])) : generateLink('core', 'plugin', array('plugin' => 'eshop', 'handler' => 'order'), array(), array('id' => $row['id'], 'uniqid' => $row['uniqid']));
Esempio n. 2
        $xt = $twig->loadTemplate($tpath[$templateName] . $templateName . '.tpl');
        $output = $xt->render($tVars);
    } else {
        $output = '';
    return $output;
// Twig блоки для вывода продукции на главную
// Параметры:
// * number         - число записей для вывода
// * mode           - режим вывода
// * template       - шаблон
// * cacheExpire    - время кеша (в секундах)
function plugin_block_eshop_showTwig($params)
    global $CurrentHandler, $config;
    return plugin_block_eshop($params['number'], $params['mode'], $params['cat'], $params['template'], isset($params['cacheExpire']) ? $params['cacheExpire'] : 0);
// Twig блок для вывода дерева категорий
// Параметры:
// * template       - шаблон
function plugin_m_eshop_catz_tree_showTwig($params)
    global $CurrentHandler, $config;
    return plugin_m_eshop_catz_tree($params['template']);
twigRegisterFunction('eshop', 'show', plugin_block_eshop_showTwig);
twigRegisterFunction('eshop', 'show_catz_tree', plugin_m_eshop_catz_tree_showTwig);
Esempio n. 3
                        $fname .= '.jpg';
                    $ftmp = $_FILES['newavatar']['tmp_name'];
                    $mysql->query("INSERT INTO " . prefix . "_images (name, orig_name, description, folder, date, owner_id, category) VALUES (" . db_squote($fname) . ", " . db_squote($fname) . ", " . db_squote($profile) . ", '', unix_timestamp(now()), '1', '0')");
                    $rowID = $mysql->record("select LAST_INSERT_ID() as id");
                    if (copy($ftmp, $config['images_dir'] . $fname)) {
                        $sz = $imanage->get_size($config['images_dir'] . $fname);
                        $mysql->query("update " . prefix . "_images set width=" . db_squote($sz['1']) . ", height=" . db_squote($sz['2']) . " where id = " . db_squote($rowID['id']) . " ");
            echo "<script>window.opener.document.getElementById('" . $provider . "_li').className += 'active'; " . "window.opener.document.getElementById('" . $provider . "_id').value = " . $rowID['id'] . "; self.close();</script>\n";
 * Add to $_FILES from external url
function addToFiles($key, $url)
    $tempName = tempnam(ini_get('upload_tmp_dir'), 'upload_');
    $originalName = basename(parse_url($url, PHP_URL_PATH));
    $imgRawData = file_get_contents($url);
    file_put_contents($tempName, $imgRawData);
    $info = getimagesize($tempName);
    $_FILES[$key] = array('name' => $originalName, 'type' => $info['mime'], 'tmp_name' => $tempName, 'error' => 0, 'size' => strlen($imgRawData));
    //return $_FILES[$key];
twigRegisterFunction('guestbook', 'show', guestbook_block);