/** * Reusable component for adding an image uploader. * * @since 1.0.0. * * @param string $section_name Name of the current section. * @param int $image_id ID of the current image. * @param array $messages Message to show. * @return void */ public function add_uploader($section_name, $image_id = 0, $messages = array()) { $image = ttfmake_get_image($image_id, 'large'); $add_state = '' === $image ? 'ttfmake-show' : 'ttfmake-hide'; $remove_state = '' === $image ? 'ttfmake-hide' : 'ttfmake-show'; // Set default messages. Note that the theme textdomain is not used in some cases // because the strings are core i18ns $messages['add'] = empty($messages['add']) ? __('Set featured image', 'make') : $messages['add']; $messages['remove'] = empty($messages['remove']) ? __('Remove featured image', 'make') : $messages['remove']; $messages['title'] = empty($messages['title']) ? __('Featured Image', 'make') : $messages['title']; $messages['button'] = empty($messages['button']) ? __('Use as Featured Image', 'make') : $messages['button']; ?> <div class="ttfmake-uploader"> <div class="ttfmake-media-uploader-placeholder ttfmake-media-uploader-add"> <?php if ('' !== $image) { ?> <?php echo $image; ?> <?php } ?> </div> <div class="ttfmake-media-link-wrap"> <a href="#" class="ttfmake-media-uploader-add ttfmake-media-uploader-set-link <?php echo $add_state; ?> " data-title="<?php echo esc_attr($messages['title']); ?> " data-button-text="<?php echo esc_attr($messages['button']); ?> "> <?php echo $messages['add']; ?> </a> <a href="#" class="ttfmake-media-uploader-remove <?php echo $remove_state; ?> "> <?php echo $messages['remove']; ?> </a> </div> <input type="hidden" name="<?php echo esc_attr($section_name); ?> [image-id]" value="<?php echo ttfmake_sanitize_image_id($image_id); ?> " class="ttfmake-media-uploader-value" /> </div> <?php }
$link_front = '<a href="' . esc_url($column['image-link']) . '">'; $link_back = '</a>'; } ?> <div class="builder-text-column builder-text-column-<?php echo $i; ?> " id="builder-section-<?php echo esc_attr($ttfmake_section_data['id']); ?> -column-<?php echo $i; ?> "> <?php $image_html = ttfmake_get_image($column['image-id'], 'large'); ?> <?php if ('' !== $image_html) { ?> <figure class="builder-text-image"> <?php echo $link_front . $image_html . $link_back; ?> </figure> <?php } ?> <?php if ('' !== $column['title']) { ?>