Esempio n. 1
 public function set_preset($preset)
     if ($preset->valid_for_setting != $this->id) {
         trigger_warning("can't use setting {$preset->name} for FilterSetting {$id}", E_USER_NOTICE);
         return NULL;
     foreach ($preset->active_filters as $f) {
Esempio n. 2
 final function __construct($dumb_key, $settings = NULL)
     if ($dumb_key == 'do_not_instantiate_me_directly') {
         if (isset($settings['constants'])) {
             foreach ($settings['constants'] as $k => $v) {
                 if (!defined($k)) {
                     define($k, $v);
         if (isset($settings)) {
         $this->validated = $this->validate();
     } else {
         trigger_warning('A cache type cannot be instantiated directly - instantiate an ObjectCache object, and set its type appropriately.', 1);
Esempio n. 3
 * Determines the MIME type of a file based solely on its file extension.
 * Requires that the configuration constant {@link APACHE_MIME_TYPES} has been
 * defined and contains the path to an Apache mime.types file.
 * {@internal Adapted from <code>ReasonAssetAccess.get_mime_type()</code>.}
 * @param string $extension the file extension whose MIME type is desired
 * @param string $default what to return if the type cannot be determined
 * @return string the determined MIME type, or <code>$default</code> if the
 *         type could not be determined
function mime_type_from_extension($extension, $default = null)
    static $cache = array();
    static $error_reported = false;
    $extension = ltrim(strtolower($extension), '.');
    if (isset($cache[$extension])) {
        return $cache[$extension];
    if (!defined('APACHE_MIME_TYPES')) {
        if (!$error_reported) {
            $error_reported = true;
            trigger_warning('cannot determine MIME type of file based on its ' . 'extension: the APACHE_MIME_TYPES constant is not defined');
            return $default;
    if (!is_file(APACHE_MIME_TYPES)) {
        if (!$error_reported) {
            $error_reported = true;
            trigger_warning('cannot determine MIME type of file based on its ' . 'extension: no such file: ' . var_export(APACHE_MIME_TYPES, true));
            return $default;
    $file = fopen(APACHE_MIME_TYPES, 'rt');
    $result = $default;
    while (!feof($file)) {
        if (fscanf($file, "%s\t%[^\n]", $type, $extension_list)) {
            if ($type[0] == '#' || empty($extension_list)) {
            if (in_array($extension, explode(' ', $extension_list))) {
                // match!
                $cache[$extension] = $result = $type;
    return $result;
Esempio n. 4
  * Include a file if needed - we allow a relative path from minisite_templates/modules/ or an absolute path.
 private final function _setup_mvc($type, $params = NULL)
     if (!in_array($type, array('controller', 'model', 'view'))) {
         trigger_warning('The type passed (' . $type . ') to _setup_mvc must be "controller", "model", or "view"', 1);
         return NULL;
     if (!empty($params['file']) || !empty($this->{$type})) {
         if (empty($params['file']) || !empty($this->{$type})) {
             $params['file'] = $this->{$type};
         if (reason_file_exists('minisite_templates/modules/' . $params['file'])) {
             reason_include_once('minisite_templates/modules/' . $params['file']);
             $full_path = reason_resolve_path('minisite_templates/modules/' . $params['file']);
         } elseif (reason_file_exists($params['file'])) {
             $full_path = reason_resolve_path($params['file']);
         } elseif (file_exists($params['file'])) {
             include_once $params['file'];
             $full_path = realpath($params['file']);
         } else {
             trigger_error('The mvc module was unable to load the ' . $type . ' (' . $params['file'] . ')', FATAL);
         if (isset($GLOBALS['_reason_mvc_' . $type . '_class_names'][reason_basename($full_path)])) {
             $class_name = $GLOBALS['_reason_mvc_' . $type . '_class_names'][reason_basename($full_path)];
         } else {
             trigger_error('The mvc module was unable to determine the class name for the ' . $type . ' (' . $params['file'] . ') - check that the file properly registers itself.', FATAL);
     } else {
         if ($type == 'controller') {
             $class_name = 'ReasonMVCController';
         // setup the default controller
     // instantiate and return it.
     if (isset($class_name)) {
         $obj = new $class_name();
         $this->configure_mvc($type, $obj, $params);
         return $obj;
Esempio n. 5
  * Examines the state of the upload and generates relevant PHP warnings.
  * If there is anything wrong with the upload that should be communicated
  * to the site admins, this function should raise that information as PHP
  * error messages.
  * @access protected
  * @return void
 function _generate_warnings()
     static $admin_warnings = null;
     if ($admin_warnings === null) {
         $symbolic_warnings = array("UPLOAD_ERR_NO_TMP_DIR" => "PHP has no temporary directory to save the upload to.", "UPLOAD_ERR_CANT_WRITE" => "PHP could not write the uploaded file to disk.", "UPLOAD_ERR_EXTENSION" => "The file upload was stopped by a PHP extension.");
         $admin_warnings = array();
         foreach ($symbolic_warnings as $constant => $message) {
             if (defined($constant)) {
                 $admin_warnings[constant($constant)] = $message;
     $error = $this->_get_upload_error();
     if (isset($admin_warnings[$error])) {
         trigger_warning($admin_warnings[$error], 2);
Esempio n. 6
 private function _get_page_type_array($page_type_name)
     if (isset($GLOBALS['_reason_page_types'][$page_type_name])) {
         $page_type = $GLOBALS['_reason_page_types']['default'];
         if ($page_type_name != 'default') {
             $specific_page_type = $GLOBALS['_reason_page_types'][$page_type_name];
             foreach ($specific_page_type as $region => $info) {
                 if (isset($page_type[$region])) {
                 $page_type[$region] = $info;
     } else {
         trigger_warning('Page type specified (' . htmlspecialchars($page_type_name, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') . ') does not exist. You should either reinstate or change the page type.', 1);
     return isset($page_type) ? $page_type : false;
Esempio n. 7
 * Return authentication credentials for the specified database connection.
 * @param string $conn_name The name of the db connection you want to retrieve
 * @param boolean $lack_of_creds_is_fatal defaults to true for historical purposes
 * @return array Array with all the db connection info defined for the specified named connection.
function _legacy_get_db_credentials($conn_name, $lack_of_creds_is_fatal = true)
    static $db_info;
    // if db_info has not been set, this is the first time this function has been run.
    if (!isset($db_info)) {
        trigger_warning('Using _legacy_get_db_credentials - please upgrade to PHP 5.1 or later to use faster XML functions.');
        if (!defined('DB_CREDENTIALS_FILEPATH')) {
            trigger_fatal_error('The DB_CREDENTIALS_FILEPATH constant is not defined.');
        $db_info = array();
        require_once INCLUDE_PATH . 'xml/xmlparser.php';
        if (file_exists(DB_CREDENTIALS_FILEPATH) && ($xml = trim(file_get_contents(DB_CREDENTIALS_FILEPATH)))) {
            $xml_parse = new XMLParser($xml);
            $parse = $xml_parse->Parse();
            if (isset($xml_parse->document->database)) {
                foreach ($xml_parse->document->database as $database) {
                    $tmp = array();
                    $db_conn_name = isset($database->connection_name[0]->tagData) ? $database->connection_name[0]->tagData : false;
                    $tmp['db'] = isset($database->db[0]->tagData) ? $database->db[0]->tagData : false;
                    $tmp['user'] = isset($database->user[0]->tagData) ? $database->user[0]->tagData : false;
                    $tmp['password'] = isset($database->password[0]->tagData) ? $database->password[0]->tagData : false;
                    $tmp['host'] = isset($database->host[0]->tagData) ? $database->host[0]->tagData : false;
                    if ($db_conn_name && $tmp['db'] !== false && $tmp['user'] !== false && $tmp['password'] !== false && $tmp['host'] !== false) {
                        $db_info[$db_conn_name] = $tmp;
                    } else {
                        $invalid_entries[] = $db_conn_name;
            if (isset($invalid_entries)) {
                $invalid_str = $invalid_entries == 1 ? $invalid_entries . ' entry appears' : $invalid_entries . ' entries appear';
                foreach ($invalid_entries as $conn_name) {
                    if (!empty($conn_name)) {
                        trigger_error('The connection ' . $conn_name . ' in the db credentials XML file (' . DB_CREDENTIALS_FILEPATH . ') appears to have missing or invalid values.', WARNING);
                    } else {
                        trigger_error('An entry without a connection name is defined in the db credentials XML file (' . DB_CREDENTIALS_FILEPATH . ')', WARNING);
            if (empty($db_info)) {
                trigger_error('Check the xml in the db credentials XML file (' . DB_CREDENTIALS_FILEPATH . ') - no valid database connection information could be built.', WARNING);
        } else {
            trigger_fatal_error('The DB_CREDENTIALS_FILEPATH (' . DB_CREDENTIALS_FILEPATH . ') refers to a file that is missing or does not have any content.');
    // if this was the first time, the code above should have run successfully so db_info is populated.
    // if this is not the first time, then the code above should have been skipped since it was populated the first
    // run of the function.
    if (isset($db_info[$conn_name])) {
        return $db_info[$conn_name];
    } else {
        // disable context display so we do not show passwords on screen.
        if ($lack_of_creds_is_fatal) {
            trigger_fatal_error('Unable to use database connection ' . $conn_name . ' - No credential information found for the connection named ' . $conn_name . ' in database credential file (' . DB_CREDENTIALS_FILEPATH . ').', 2);
        } else {
            trigger_warning('Unable to use database connection ' . $conn_name . ' - No credential information found for the connection named ' . $conn_name . ' in database credential file (' . DB_CREDENTIALS_FILEPATH . ').', 2);
    return false;
Esempio n. 8
 * Gets information about a specific file, whether it was uploaded in the POST
 * body of the current request or in the asynchronous upload session identified
 * by the given ID.
 * If no such file was received, if an empty file was received, or if there was
 * an error in receiving or storing the file or if it was rejected by PHP,
 * <code>null</code> will be returned.
 * If an asynchronous upload session ID is given, but no session with that ID
 * actually exists, a notice is triggered.
 * @param string $name the form field name under which the file was submitted
 * @param string $async_session_id the ID for the asynchronous upload session
 * @param boolean $clear if true, and the uploaded file is found in the
 *        asynchronous session, the file's record will be removed from the
 *        session
 * @return UploadedFile information about the uploaded file, or
 *         <code>null</code> if no such file was uploaded or if there was an
 *         error in uploading it
function reason_get_uploaded_file($name, $async_session_id = null, $clear = false)
    if ($async_session_id) {
        $async_session = _get_async_upload_session($async_session_id);
        if ($async_session) {
            if (isset($async_session['files'][$name])) {
                $records = $async_session['files'][$name];
                if (is_array($records) && count($records) > 0) {
                    $keys = array_keys($records);
                    $key = $keys[count($keys) - 1];
                    $async_file = $records[$key];
                    $file = _uploaded_file_from_async($async_file);
                    if (!$file || $clear) {
                        $session =& get_reason_session();
                        $id = $async_session_id;
                        $session->set(_async_upload_session_key($id), $async_session);
                    if ($file) {
                        return $file;
        } else {
            trigger_warning("tried to get the file {$name} from asynchronous " . 'upload session ' . var_export($async_session_id, true) . ', but ' . 'no such session exists');
    return isset($_FILES[$name]) ? _uploaded_file_from_php($_FILES[$name]) : null;