Esempio n. 1
 function _buildBody($reminder)
     return translate_email('Reminder Body', $reminder->resource_name, Time::formatDate($reminder->start_date), Time::formatTime($reminder->start_time), Time::formatDate($reminder->end_date), Time::formatTime($reminder->end_time));
Esempio n. 2
  * Send an email informing the users they have been dropped from the reservation
  * @param array $emails array of email addresses
  * @param array $dates that have been dropped
 function remove_users_email($emails, $dates)
     global $conf;
     $mailer = new PHPMailer();
     $mailer->From = $this->user->get_email();
     $mailer->FromName = $this->user->get_name();
     $mailer->Subject = $conf['app']['title'] . ' ' . translate('Reservation Participation Change');
     $url = CmnFns::getScriptURL();
     // Format dates
     $start_date = Time::formatDate($this->start_date);
     $end_date = Time::formatDate($this->end_date);
     $start = Time::formatTime($this->get_start());
     $end = Time::formatTime($this->get_end());
     $dates_text = '';
     for ($d = 1; $d < count($dates); $d++) {
         $dates_text .= Time::formatDate($dates) . ",";
     foreach ($emails as $email) {
         $mailer->Body = translate_email('reservation_removal', $this->resource->properties['name'], $start_date, $start, $end_date, $end, $this->summary, $dates_text);
Esempio n. 3
* Send a notification email that the password has been reset
* @param string $memberid id of member
* @param string $password new password for user
function send_pwdreset_email($memberid, $password)
    global $conf;
    $adminemail = $conf['app']['adminEmail'];
    $appTitle = $conf['app']['title'];
    $user = new User($memberid);
    $subject = $appTitle . ' ' . translate('Password Reset');
    $msg = $user->get_fname() . ",\r\n" . translate_email('password_reset', $appTitle, $password, $appTitle, CmnFns::getScriptURL(), $adminemail);
    $mailer = new PHPMailer();
    $mailer->AddAddress($user->get_email(), $user->get_name());
    $mailer->From = $adminemail;
    $mailer->FromName = $conf['app']['title'];
    $mailer->Subject = $subject;
    $mailer->Body = $msg;
Esempio n. 4
* Change user password
* This function creates a new random 8 character password,
*  sets it in the database and emails it to the user
* @return boolean true or false on success of function
* @see make_seed()
function changePassword()
    global $conf;
    $adminemail = $conf['app']['adminEmail'];
    $title = $conf['app']['title'];
    $use_logon_name = (bool) $conf['app']['useLogonName'];
    // Check if user exists
    $email = stripslashes(trim($_POST['email_address']));
    // Connect to database
    $AuthDB = new AuthDB();
    $id = $AuthDB->userExists($email);
    if (empty($id)) {
        CmnFns::do_error_box(translate('Sorry, we could not find that user in the database.'), '', false);
        return false;
    } else {
        $user = new User($id);
        $result = $user->get_user_data();
    // Generate new 8 character password by choosing random
    // ASCII characters between 48 and 122
    // (valid password characters)
    $pwd = '';
    $num = 0;
    for ($i = 0; $i < 8; $i++) {
        // Seed random for older versions of PHP
        if ($i % 2 == 0) {
            $num = mt_rand(97, 122);
        } else {
            if ($i % 3 == 0) {
                $num = mt_rand(48, 58);
            } else {
                $num = mt_rand(63, 90);
        // Uppercase letters and '@ ?'
        // Put password together
        $pwd .= chr($num);
    // Set password in database
    // Send email to user
    $sub = translate('Your New Password', array($title));
    $msg = translate_email('new_password', $result['fname'], $conf['app']['title'], $pwd, CmnFns::getScriptURL(), $adminemail);
    $msg .= $use_logon_name ? "\r\n" . translate('Your logon name is', array($result['logon_name'])) : '';
    // Send email
    $mailer = new PHPMailer();
    $mailer->AddAddress($result['email'], $result['fname']);
    $mailer->FromName = $conf['app']['title'];
    $mailer->From = $adminemail;
    $mailer->Subject = $sub;
    $mailer->Body = $msg;
    return true;
Esempio n. 5
  * Register a new user
  * This function will allow a new user to register.
  * It checks to make sure the email does not already
  * exist and then stores all user data in the login table.
  * It will also set a cookie if the user wants
  * @param array $data array of user data
  * @param bool $adminCreated if the user was created by an admin
 function do_register_user($data, $adminCreated)
     global $conf;
     // Verify user data
     $msg = $this->check_all_values($data, false);
     if (!empty($msg)) {
         return $msg;
     $adminemail = strtolower($conf['app']['adminEmail']);
     $techEmail = empty($conf['app']['techEmail']) ? translate('N/A') : $conf['app']['techEmail'];
     $url = CmnFns::getScriptURL();
     // Register the new member
     $id = $this->db->insertMember($data);
     // Give permission on auto-assigned resources
     $mailer = new PHPMailer();
     // Email user informing about successful registration
     $subject = $conf['ui']['welcome'];
     $msg = translate_email('register', $data['fname'], $conf['ui']['welcome'], isset($data['logon_name']) ? $data['logon_name'] : $data['emailaddress'], $data['fname'], $data['lname'], $data['phone'], $data['institution'], $data['position'], $url, $adminemail);
     $mailer->AddAddress($data['emailaddress'], $data['fname'] . ' ' . $data['lname']);
     $mailer->From = $adminemail;
     $mailer->FromName = $conf['app']['title'];
     $mailer->Subject = $subject;
     $mailer->Body = $msg;
     // Email the admin informing about new user
     if ($conf['app']['emailAdmin']) {
         $subject = translate('A new user has been added');
         $msg = translate_email('register_admin', $data['emailaddress'], $data['fname'], $data['lname'], $data['phone'], $data['institution'], $data['position']);
         $mailer->Subject = $subject;
         $mailer->Body = $msg;
     if (!$adminCreated) {
         // If the user wants to set a cookie, set it
         // for their ID and fname.  Expires in 30 days (2592000 seconds)
         if (isset($data['setCookie'])) {
             setcookie('ID', $id, time() + 2592000, '/');
         // If it is the admin, set session variable
         if ($data['emailaddress'] == $adminemail) {
             $_SESSION['sessionAdmin'] = $adminemail;
         // Set other session variables
         $_SESSION['sessionID'] = $id;
         $_SESSION['sessionName'] = $data['fname'];
         $_SESSION['hourOffset'] = $data['timezone'] - $conf['app']['timezone'];
     // Write log file
     CmnFns::write_log('New user registered. Data provided: fname- ' . $data['fname'] . ' lname- ' . $data['lname'] . ' email- ' . $data['emailaddress'] . ' phone- ' . $data['phone'] . ' institution- ' . $data['institution'] . ' position- ' . $data['position'], $id);
     if (!$conf['ldap']['authentication'] && !$conf['app']['wrlc']) {
         $url = 'ctrlpnl.php';
         if ($adminCreated) {
             $url = 'admin.php?tool=users';
         CmnFns::redirect($url, 1, false);
         $link = CmnFns::getNewLink();
         $this->success = translate('You have successfully registered') . '<br/>' . $link->getLink($url, translate('Continue'));
     } else {
         // return DB id from entry created if using LDAP
         return $id;