if ($scanType == "discovery") {
    // get all existing IP addresses
    $addresses = getIpAddressesBySubnetId($subnetId);
    // set start and end IP address
    $calc = calculateSubnetDetailsNew($subnet, $mask, 0, 0, 0, 0);
    $max = $calc['maxhosts'];
    // we should support only up to 4094 hosts!
    if ($max - sizeof($addresses) > 4094) {
        $res['errors'] = "Scanning from GUI is only available for subnets up to /20 or 4094 hosts!";
        $res = json_encode($res);
    // loop and get all IP addresses for ping
    for ($m = 1; $m <= $max; $m++) {
        $ip[] = transform2decimal($subnet) + $m;
    // remove already existing
    foreach ($addresses as $a) {
        $key = array_search($a['ip_addr'], $ip);
        if ($key !== false) {
    //reindex array for pinging
    $ip = array_values($ip);
} elseif ($scanType == "update") {
    // get all existing IP addresses
    $addresses = getIpAddressesBySubnetId($subnetId);
    // we should support only up to 4096 hosts!
    if (sizeof($addresses) > 4094) {
Esempio n. 2
 * Reformat incomplete IPv4 address to decimal for search!
function reformatIPv4forSearch($ip)
    //remove % sign if present
    $ip = str_replace("%", "", $ip);
    //remove last .
    $size = count($ip);
    $lastChar = substr($ip, -1);
    if ($lastChar == ".") {
        $ip = substr($ip, 0, -1);
    /* check if subnet provided, then we have all we need */
    if (strpos($ip, "/") > 0) {
        require_once 'PEAR/Net/IPv4.php';
        $net = Net_IPv4::parseAddress($ip);
        $result['low'] = transform2decimal($net->network);
        $result['high'] = transform2decimal($net->broadcast);
    } else {
        /* if subnet is not provided maye wildcard is, so explode it to array */
        $ip = explode(".", $ip);
        //4 is ok
        if (sizeof($ip) == 4) {
            $temp = implode(".", $ip);
            $result['low'] = $result['high'] = transform2decimal($temp);
        } else {
            if (sizeof($ip) == 3) {
                $ip[3] = 0;
                $result['low'] = transform2decimal(implode(".", $ip));
                $ip[3] = 255;
                $result['high'] = transform2decimal(implode(".", $ip));
            } else {
                if (sizeof($ip) == 2) {
                    $ip[2] = 0;
                    $ip[3] = 0;
                    $result['low'] = transform2decimal(implode(".", $ip));
                    $ip[2] = 255;
                    $ip[3] = 255;
                    $result['high'] = transform2decimal(implode(".", $ip));
                } else {
                    if (sizeof($ip) == 1) {
                        $ip[1] = 0;
                        $ip[2] = 0;
                        $ip[3] = 0;
                        $result['low'] = transform2decimal(implode(".", $ip));
                        $ip[1] = 255;
                        $ip[2] = 255;
                        $ip[3] = 255;
                        $result['high'] = transform2decimal(implode(".", $ip));
                    } else {
                        $result['low'] = implode(".", $ip);
                        $result['high'] = implode(".", $ip);
    //return result!
    return $result;
 $ip['stop'] = $range[1];
 /* verify both IP addresses */
 $verify1 = VerifyIpAddress($ip['start'], $ip['subnet'], $nostrict);
 $verify2 = VerifyIpAddress($ip['stop'], $ip['subnet'], $nostrict);
 /* die if wrong IP or not in correct subnet */
 if ($verify1) {
     die('<div class="alert alert-danger">' . _('Error') . ': ' . $verify1 . ' (' . $ip['start'] . ')</div>');
 if ($verify2) {
     die('<div class="alert alert-danger">' . _('Error') . ': ' . $verify2 . ' (' . $ip['stop'] . ')</div>');
 /* set update for update */
 $ip['type'] = "series";
 /* go from start to stop and insert / update / delete IPs */
 $start = transform2decimal($ip['start']);
 $stop = transform2decimal($ip['stop']);
 /* we can add only 200 IP's at once! */
 $size = gmp_strval(gmp_sub($stop, $start));
 if ($size > 255) {
     die('<div class="alert alert-danger">' . _('Only 255 IP addresses at once') . '!</div>');
 /* set limits */
 $m = gmp_strval($start);
 $n = gmp_strval(gmp_add($stop, 1));
 /* for each IP */
 while (gmp_cmp($m, $n) != 0) {
     //reset IP address field
     $ip['ip_addr'] = transform2long($m);
     //modify action - if delete ok, dynamically reset add / edit -> if IP already exists set edit
     if ($ip['action'] != "delete") {
         if (checkDuplicate($ip['ip_addr'], $ip['subnetId'])) {
Esempio n. 4
 *	Insert scan results
function insertScanResults($res, $subnetId)
    global $database;
    # set queries
    foreach ($res as $ip) {
        //escape strings
        $ip['description'] = mysqli_real_escape_string($database, $ip['description']);
        $query[] = "insert into `ipaddresses` (`ip_addr`,`subnetId`,`description`,`dns_name`,`lastSeen`) values ('" . transform2decimal($ip['ip_addr']) . "', '{$subnetId}', '{$ip['description']}', '{$ip['dns_name']}', NOW()); ";
    # glue
    $query = implode("\n", $query);
    # execute query
    try {
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        $error = $e->getMessage();
        print "<div class='alert alert-danger'>{$error}</div>";
        return false;
    # default ok
    return true;
Esempio n. 5
 *	Insert scan results
function insertScanResults($res, $subnetId)
    global $db;
    # get variables from config file
    $database = new database($db['host'], $db['user'], $db['pass'], $db['name']);
    # open db
    # set queries
    foreach ($res as $ip) {
        // <eNovance>
        // Finds the GLPI id of a new ip address.
        $database_glpi = new database($db['glpi_host'], $db['glpi_user'], $db['glpi_pass'], $db['glpi_name']);
        $query_glpi = "SELECT DISTINCT glpi_networkports.items_id ";
        $query_glpi .= "FROM glpi_networkports ";
        $query_glpi .= "INNER JOIN glpi_computers ON glpi_networkports.ip = '" . $ip['ip_addr'] . "' ";
        $query_glpi .= "AND glpi_computers.is_deleted = 0 ";
        $query_glpi .= "AND glpi_networkports.items_id = glpi_computers.id;";
        $glpiId = $database_glpi->getRow($query_glpi);
        if (count($glpiId > 0)) {
            $ip['glpiId'] = $glpiId[0];
        // </eNovance>
        $query[] = "insert into `ipaddresses` (`ip_addr`,`subnetId`,`description`,`dns_name`,`lastSeen`, `glpiId`) values ('" . transform2decimal($ip['ip_addr']) . "', '{$subnetId}', '{$ip['description']}', '{$ip['dns_name']}', NOW(), '{$ip['glpiId']}'); ";
    # glue
    $query = implode("\n", $query);
    # execute query
    try {
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        $error = $e->getMessage();
        print "<div class='alert alert-error'>{$error}</div>";
        return false;
    # default ok
    return true;