Esempio n. 1
function mt_toutrix_bank_page()
    global $toutrix_adserver;
    $fields = new stdclass();
    $fields->id = $toutrix_adserver->userId;
    $bitcoin_addresse = $toutrix_adserver->get_bitcoin_address($fields);
    $bitcoin_addresse = $bitcoin_addresse->address->bitcoin_address;
<h1>TouTrix Bank<h1>
<h2>Make a deposit</h2>
We only accept BitCoin for the moment.<br/>
<center><font size='4'>First deposit is doubled.</font></center>
Send any amount to this payment address: <?php 
    echo $bitcoin_addresse;
<img src='<?php 
    echo $bitcoin_addresse;
Deposit are automatic. But it take few minutes.


Configure your account in settings to receive hourly payment. You never have to wait for your money. You can send the money directly to your exchanger or in your mobile wallet.<br/>
We may have to approve your account first.

<h1>Exchange Bitcoins</h1>

<!-- TODO Exchange recommendation -->

If you don't have BitCoin Wallet, you can use an exchanger and they will receive money on your behalf. <br/>
We recommend <a href="" target="_blank">CoinBase</a>. <br/>

<h1>Need a lend?</h1>

<!-- TODO We should ask adserver with keyword: btc lend -->

<a href='' target="_blank">BTCjam</a>

<h1>Need a lend?</h1>

<!-- TODO We should ask adserver with keyword: btc lend -->

<a href=''>BTCjam</a>

Esempio n. 2
function mt_toutrix_marketplace_page()
    global $toutrix_adserver;
    $zone = new stdClass();
    $zone->id = get_option("ad_toutrix_zone_id");
    $zone = $toutrix_adserver->zone_get($zone);
    if (empty($_GET['subpage'])) {
        echo "<h2>Marketplace</h2>";
        echo "The volume may be little higher because it's only sold volume.";
        $marketplace = $toutrix_adserver->marketplace_list(null);
        usort($marketplace, 'ToutrixVolumeSort');
        $table = new toutrix_marketplace_table();
Esempio n. 3
function toutrix_creative_page()
    global $toutrix_adserver;
    if ($_GET['action'] == 'delete' && !empty($_GET['creativeId'])) {
        $fields = new stdclass();
        $fields->id = intval($_GET['creativeId']);
        $fields->IsActive = 0;
        $fields->IsDeleted = 1;
        $creative = $toutrix_adserver->creative_update($fields);
    if (empty($_GET['creativeId'])) {
        if (!empty($_POST['b'])) {
            $fields = new stdclass();
            $fields->user_id = $adserver->userId;
            $fields->title = sanitize_text_field($_POST['title']);
            $fields->url = sanitize_text_field($_POST['url']);
            $fields->banner_url = sanitize_text_field($_POST['banner_url']);
            $fields->body = sanitize_text_field($_POST['body']);
            $fields->html = sanitize_text_field($_POST['html']);
            $fields->adtypeId = intval($_POST['adtypeId']);
            $fields->IsDeleted = 0;
            $fields->IsActive = 1;
            $creative = $toutrix_adserver->creative_create($fields);
            $_GET['new'] = '';
<div class="updated"><p><strong><?php 
            _e('Creative added', 'wp-toutrix');
<div class='wrap'>
        if (!isset($_GET['new']) || $_GET['new'] == '') {
<a href="?page=mt_toutrix_campaign" class="page-title-action">Go to campaigns</a>

<h1>Creatives <a href="?page=toutrix_creative&new=1" class="page-title-action">Add New</a></h1>
            $creatives = $toutrix_adserver->creatives_list(array());
<ul class='subsubsub'>
	<li class='all'><a href='' class="current">All <span class="count">(<?php 
            echo count($creatives);
            $table = new creative_table();
        } else {
<a href="?page=toutrix_creative" class="page-title-action">Go to creatives</a>

<h2>Create a new creative</h2>
            $new = new stdclass();
    } elseif (!empty($_GET['creativeId'])) {
        if (!empty($_POST['b'])) {
            $fields = new stdclass();
            $isActive = 0;
            if ($_POST['IsActive'] == 'on') {
                $isActive = 1;
            $fields->id = intval($_POST['id']);
            $fields->IsActive = $isActive;
            $fields->title = sanitize_text_field($_POST['title']);
            $fields->url = sanitize_text_field($_POST['url']);
            $fields->banner_url = sanitize_text_field($_POST['banner_url']);
            $fields->body = sanitize_text_field($_POST['body']);
            $fields->html = sanitize_text_field($_POST['html']);
            $fields->adtypeId = intval($_POST['adtypeId']);
            $creative = $toutrix_adserver->creative_update($fields);
<div class="updated"><p><strong><?php 
            _e('Creative saved', 'wp-toutrix');
        $fields = new stdclass();
        $fields->creativeId = intval($_GET['creativeId']);
        $creative = $toutrix_adserver->creative_get($fields);
<div class='wrap'>
<a href="?page=toutrix_creative" class="page-title-action">Go to creatives</a>

<h2>Update creative</h2>
    if ($toutrix_do_wrap) {
Esempio n. 4
function mt_toutrix_campaign_page()
    global $toutrix_adserver;
    if (!empty($_GET['flightId']) && $_GET['action'] != 'delete') {
    if ($_GET['action'] == 'new' && !isset($_GET['tab'])) {
<h2>Create a new campaign</h2>
        $new = new stdclass();
    if (isset($_GET['removetargetid']) && !isset($_GET['flightId']) && isset($_GET['campaignId'])) {
        $fields = new stdclass();
        $fields->campaignId = intval($_GET['campaignId']);
        $fields->id = intval($_GET['removetargetid']);
        $response = $toutrix_adserver->campaign_targets_delete($fields);
<div class="updated"><p><strong><?php 
        _e('Targeting deleted', 'wp-toutrix');
    if (empty($_GET['campaignId'])) {
        if (!empty($_POST['b'])) {
            $fields = new stdclass();
            $fields->user_id = $adserver->userId;
            $fields->name = sanitize_text_field($_POST['camp_name']);
            $fields->isDeleted = 0;
            $fields->isActive = 1;
            $campaign = $toutrix_adserver->campaign_create($fields);
<div class="updated"><p><strong><?php 
            _e('Campaign added', 'wp-toutrix');
<div class='wrap'>

<a href="?page=toutrix_creative" class="page-title-action">Go to creatives</a><hr/>

<h1>Campaigns <a href="?page=mt_toutrix_campaign&action=new" class="page-title-action">Add New</a></h1>
        $table = new campaigns_table();
    } elseif (!empty($_GET['campaignId'])) {
        if (!empty($_POST['b']) && $_POST['target'] == 'yes') {
            $fields = get_form_target();
            $target = $toutrix_adserver->target_create($fields);
<div class="updated"><p><strong><?php 
            _e('Target added', 'wp-toutrix');
        } elseif (!empty($_POST['b']) && $_POST['flight'] == 'yes') {
            $fields = new stdclass();
            if (!empty($_POST['id'])) {
                $fields->id = intval($_POST['id']);
            $fields->campaignId = intval($_POST['campaignId']);
            $fields->Name = sanitize_text_field($_POST['Name']);
            $fields->Price = $_POST['Price'];
            $fields->MaxPerIp = intval($_POST['MaxPerIp']);
            $fields->IsDeleted = false;
            $fields->IsActive = true;
            if ($_POST['IsActive'] == 'on') {
                $fields->IsActive = true;
            $fields->IsUnlimited = true;
            $fields->NoEndDate = true;
            $flight = $toutrix_adserver->flight_create($fields);
            $_GET['action'] = "edit";
            $_GET['tab'] = 'flights';
        } elseif ($_GET['action'] == 'delete' && $_GET['campaignId'] > 0 && $_GET['flightId'] > 0) {
            $fields = new stdclass();
            $fields->id = intval($_GET['flightId']);
            $fields->IsDeleted = true;
            $fields->IsActive = false;
            $flight = $toutrix_adserver->flight_update($fields);
            $_GET['action'] = 'edit';
        } elseif (!empty($_POST['b'])) {
            $fields = new stdclass();
            $fields->id = intval($_POST['id']);
            $fields->name = sanitize_text_field($_POST['name']);
            $fields->isActive = 0;
            if ($_POST['isActive'] == 'on') {
                $fields->isActive = 1;
            $campaign = $toutrix_adserver->campaign_update($fields);
<div class="updated"><p><strong><?php 
            _e('Campaign saved', 'wp-toutrix');
        $fields = new stdclass();
        $fields->campaignId = intval($_GET['campaignId']);
        //var_dump($fields); echo "<br/>";
        $campaign = $toutrix_adserver->campaign_get($fields);
        $cur_tab = 'homepage';
        if (isset($_GET['tab'])) {
            $cur_tab = $_GET['tab'];
<div class='wrap'>
<a href="?page=mt_toutrix_campaign" class="page-title-action">All campaigns</a> > <?php 
        echo $campaign->name;
        $tabs = array('homepage' => 'Settings', 'flights' => 'Flights', 'targets' => 'Targets', 'stats' => 'Stats');
        echo '<div id="icon-themes" class="icon32"><br></div>';
        echo '<h2 class="nav-tab-wrapper">';
        foreach ($tabs as $tab => $name) {
            $class = $tab == $cur_tab ? ' nav-tab-active' : '';
            echo "<a class='nav-tab{$class}' href='?page=mt_toutrix_campaign&action=edit&campaignId=" . intval($_GET['campaignId']) . "&tab={$tab}'>{$name}</a>";
        echo '</h2>';
        if ($cur_tab == 'homepage') {

<h2>Update campaign</h2>
        } elseif ($cur_tab == 'flights') {
        } elseif ($cur_tab == 'stats') {
        } else {
<h2>Targeting for this campaign</h2>
It applies to all flights.<br/>
            $fields = new stdclass();
            $fields->campaignId = intval($_GET['campaignId']);
            $targets = $toutrix_adserver->campaign_targets($fields);
            echo "<h2>Add a new target</h2>";
Esempio n. 5
function toutrix_settings_page()
    //must check that the user has the required capability
    if (!current_user_can('manage_options')) {
        wp_die(__('You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page.'));
    global $toutrix_adserver;
    echo "<script src=''></script>";
    echo "<div class='container'>";
    echo "<center><a href=''>We are looking for developpers</a></center><br/>";
    // Read in existing option value from database
    $toutrix_username = get_option("ad_toutrix_username");
    $toutrix_password = get_option("ad_toutrix_password");
    $toutrix_access_token = get_option("ad_toutrix_access_token");
    $toutrix_website_id = get_option("ad_toutrix_website_id");
    $toutrix_zone_id = get_option("ad_toutrix_zone_id");
    if (isset($_POST["wp_config"]) && $_POST["wp_config"] == 'Y') {
        $is_skimmed = 0;
        if ($_POST['is_skimmed'] == 'on') {
            $is_skimmed = 1;
        update_option("ad_toutrix_skimmed_enabled", $is_skimmed);
        $replace_links = 0;
        if ($_POST['replace_links'] == 'on') {
            $replace_links = 1;
        update_option("ad_toutrix_replace_links", $replace_links);
<div class="updated"><p><strong><?php 
        _e($user->error->message, 'menu-test');
    } elseif (isset($_POST["signup"]) && $_POST["signup"] == 'Y') {
        update_option("ad_toutrix_access_token", "");
        update_option("ad_toutrix_website_id", "");
        update_option("ad_toutrix_zone_id", "");
        update_option("ad_channel_id", intval($_POST['channelId']));
        // Read their posted value
        $toutrix_username = sanitize_text_field($_POST["ad_toutrix_username"]);
        $toutrix_password = sanitize_text_field($_POST["ad_toutrix_password"]);
        $user = new stdClass();
        $user->username = sanitize_text_field($_POST["ad_toutrix_username"]);
        $user->password = sanitize_text_field($_POST["ad_toutrix_password"]);
        $user->email = sanitize_text_field($_POST["ad_toutrix_email"]);
        $user->refererId = intval($_POST["refererId"]);
        $user = $toutrix_adserver->user_create($user);
        if ($user->error && $user->error->status != 500) {
<div class="updated"><p><strong><?php 
            _e($user->error->message, 'menu-test');
            $toutrix_username = "";
            $toutrix_password = "";
        } else {
            update_option("ad_toutrix_username", $toutrix_username);
            update_option("ad_toutrix_password", $toutrix_password);
<div class="updated"><p><strong><?php 
            _e('TouTrix account is created.', 'menu-test');
    if (isset($_POST["config"]) && $_POST["config"] == 'Y') {
        // Read their posted value
        $toutrix_username = sanitize_text_field($_POST["ad_toutrix_username"]);
        $toutrix_password = sanitize_text_field($_POST["ad_toutrix_password"]);
        // Save the posted value in the database
        update_option("ad_toutrix_username", $toutrix_username);
        update_option("ad_toutrix_password", $toutrix_password);
        // Put a "settings saved" message on the screen
<div class="updated"><p><strong><?php 
        _e('settings saved.', 'menu-test');
    if (strlen($toutrix_username) == 0 && strlen($toutrix_password) == 0) {
        $channels = toutrix_get_channels();
        echo '<div class="wrap">';

<h1>Create your account now</h2>
Fill-up the form to create your account now.<br/>
<form name="form1" method="post" action="">
<input type="hidden" name="signup" value="Y">
<input type="hidden" name="refererId" value="<?php 
        echo toutrix_referer_id;
<input type="hidden" name="tab" value="setting">

        _e("Username:"******"text" name="ad_toutrix_username" value="<?php 
        echo $toutrix_username;
" size="20">

        _e("Password:"******"text" name="ad_toutrix_password" value="<?php 
        echo $toutrix_password;
" size="20">

        _e("Channel:", 'menu-test');
<select name='channelId'>
        foreach ($channels as $channel) {
<option value='<?php 
            echo $channel->id;
            echo $channel->Title;
</select> Choose the good channel for your website. We may change it for you later.

        _e("Your email:", 'menu-test');
<input type="text" name="ad_toutrix_email" value="<?php 
        echo $toutrix_email;
" size="20">

<hr />

<p class="submit">
<input type="submit" name="Submit" class="button-primary" value="<?php 
        _e("Signup on TouTrix", 'menu-test');
" />


    } elseif (strlen($toutrix_username) > 0 && strlen($toutrix_password) > 0) {
        //echo "Getting token<br/>";
        if (toutrix_get_token()) {
            //echo "Got Token<br/>";
            $toutrix_access_token = get_option("ad_toutrix_access_token");
            $toutrix_website_id = get_option("ad_toutrix_website_id");
            $toutrix_channel_id = get_option("ad_channel_id");
            if (strlen($toutrix_website_id) == 0) {
                echo "Creating website...<br/>";
                $site = new stdClass();
                $site->Title = get_bloginfo();
                $site->Url = get_site_url();
                $site->Description = get_bloginfo('description');
                $site->channelId = $toutrix_channel_id;
                //echo "<br/>";
                $site = $toutrix_adserver->site_create($site);
                //              echo "Create website: ";
                //              var_dump($site);
                //echo "<br/>";
                if ($site->id > 0) {
                    update_option("ad_toutrix_website_id", $site->id);
                    $toutrix_website_id = $site->id;
                } else {
                    echo "<font color='red'>Can't find WebSite ID</font>";
                echo "<br/>";
            if (strlen($toutrix_zone_id) == 0 && strlen($toutrix_website_id) > 0) {
                //echo "Creating zone...<br/>";
                $zone = new stdClass();
                $zone->Name = get_bloginfo();
                $zone->siteId = $toutrix_website_id;
                $zone->channelId = $toutrix_channel_id;
                $zone = $toutrix_adserver->zone_create($zone);
                echo "Create zone: ";
                if ($zone->id > 0) {
                    update_option("ad_toutrix_zone_id", $zone->id);
                    $toutrix_zone_id = $zone->id;
                } else {
                    echo "<font color='red'>Can't find Zone ID</font>";
                echo "<br/>";
    $is_skimmed = get_option("ad_toutrix_skimmed_enabled");
    $replace_links = get_option("ad_toutrix_replace_links");
<div class='wrap'>
<h1>AdServer setting</h1>
<form name="form_setting" method="POST">
<input type="hidden" name="wp_config" value="Y">
<!--<table class="form-table">-->
<table class="form-table">
<td><input type="checkbox" name="is_skimmed" <?php 
    if ($is_skimmed == 1) {
        echo "checked";
    _e("Skimmed some traffic", 'toutrix');

<td><input type="checkbox" name="replace_links" <?php 
    if ($replace_links == 1) {
        echo "checked";
    _e("Replace links with bitcoin address referer", 'toutrix');

<p class="submit">
<input type="submit" name="Submit" class="button-primary" value="<?php 
    esc_attr_e('Save Changes');
" />

<h1>Connect with your TouTrix account</h2>
    echo '<div class="wrap">';

<form name="form1" method="post" action="">
<input type="hidden" name="config" value="Y">

<table class="form-table">

    _e("TouTrix Username:"******"text" name="ad_toutrix_username"" value="<?php 
    echo $toutrix_username;
" size="20"></td>

    _e("TouTrix password:"******"text" name="ad_toutrix_password"" value="<?php 
    echo $toutrix_password;
" size="20"></td>


    if (strlen($toutrix_username) > 0 && strlen($toutrix_password) > 0) {
        _e("Access Token:", 'menu-test');
        echo $toutrix_access_token;

        _e("Website ID:", 'menu-test');
        echo $toutrix_website_id;

        _e("Default Zone ID:", 'menu-test');
        echo $toutrix_zone_id;

<hr />

<p class="submit">
<input type="submit" name="Submit" class="button-primary" value="<?php 
    esc_attr_e('Save Changes');
" />


    echo "</div>";
    if (strlen($toutrix_username) > 0 && strlen($toutrix_password) > 0) {
Esempio n. 6
function toutrix_site_show_stats($site)
    global $toutrix_adserver;
    global $_countries;
    $toutrix_website_id = get_option("ad_toutrix_website_id");
    $fields = new stdClass();
    $fields->id = $toutrix_website_id;
    if (isset($_GET['startDate'])) {
        $fields->startDate = $_GET['startDate'];
        $fields->endDate = $_GET['endDate'];
    } else {
        $fields->startDate = date("m/01/Y");
        $fields->endDate = date("m/t/Y");
    $stats = $toutrix_adserver->site_report($fields);
<h1>Publisher statistics</h1>

<form method='GET'>
<input type='hidden' name='page' value='mt_toutrix_stats_page'>
Start date: <input type='text' name='startDate' value='<?php 
    echo $fields->startDate;
End date: <input type='text' name='endDate' value='<?php 
    echo $fields->endDate;
<input type='submit' name='b' value='Go'><br/>
    $cur_tab = 'homepage';
    if (isset($_GET['tab'])) {
        $cur_tab = $_GET['tab'];
    $tabs = array('homepage' => 'Per day', 'per_country' => 'Per country');
    echo '<div id="icon-themes" class="icon32"><br></div>';
    echo '<h2 class="nav-tab-wrapper">';
    foreach ($tabs as $tab => $name) {
        $class = $tab == $cur_tab ? ' nav-tab-active' : '';
        echo "<a class='nav-tab{$class}' href='?page=mt_toutrix_stats_page&tab={$tab}&startDate={$fields->startDate}&endDate={$fields->endDate}'>{$name}</a>";
    echo '</h2>';
    if ($cur_tab == 'homepage') {
        //echo "<hr/>";
        $stats_per_day = $stats->stats->per_day;
        $table = new stats_revenue_per_day_table();
<div id="day_chart" style="width: 900px; height: 500px;"></div>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">
      google.load("visualization", "1.1", {packages:["bar"]});
      function drawChart() {
        var data = google.visualization.arrayToDataTable([
          ['Day', 'Impressions', 'Clicks', 'Profit'],
        foreach ($stats->stats->per_day as $day => $stat) {
            echo "['" . $day . "', " . $stat->nbr_impressions . ", " . $stat->nbr_clicks . ", " . $stat->revenu . "],";

        var options = {
          chart: {
            title: 'Day Performance',
            //subtitle: 'Sales, Expenses, and Profit: 2014-2017',

        var chart = new google.charts.Bar(document.getElementById('day_chart'));

        chart.draw(data, options);
    } else {
        $table = new stats_revenu_per_country_table();
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">
      google.load("visualization", "1", {packages:["geochart"]});

      function drawRegionsMap() {

        var data = google.visualization.arrayToDataTable([
          ['Country', 'Popularity'],
        foreach ($stats->stats->per_country as $country_code => $stat) {
            echo "['" . str_replace("'", "\\'", $_countries[$country_code]) . "', " . $stat->nbr_impressions . "],";

        var options = {};

        var chart = new google.visualization.GeoChart(document.getElementById('regions_div'));

        chart.draw(data, options);
<div id="regions_div" style="width: 900px; height: 500px;"></div>
Esempio n. 7
function toutrix_flight()
    global $toutrix_adserver;
    if (isset($_GET['activeId']) && $_GET['activeId'] > 0) {
        $fields = new stdclass();
        $fields->id = intval($_GET['activeId']);
        $fields->IsActive = true;
        $target = $toutrix_adserver->creative_flight_save($fields);
<div class="updated"><p><strong><?php 
        _e('Creative started', 'wp-toutrix');
    if (isset($_GET['removetargetid']) && isset($_GET['flightId'])) {
        $fields = new stdclass();
        $fields->flightId = intval($_GET['flightId']);
        $fields->id = intval($_GET['removetargetid']);
        $response = $toutrix_adserver->flight_targets_delete($fields);
<div class="updated"><p><strong><?php 
        _e('Targeting deleted', 'wp-toutrix');
    if (isset($_GET['deactiveId']) && $_GET['deactiveId'] > 0) {
        $fields = new stdclass();
        $fields->id = intval($_GET['deactiveId']);
        $fields->IsActive = false;
        $target = $toutrix_adserver->creative_flight_save($fields);
<div class="updated"><p><strong><?php 
        _e('Creative stopped', 'wp-toutrix');
    if (isset($_GET['removeTargetId']) && $_GET['removeTargetId'] > 0) {
        $fields = new stdclass();
        $fields->id = intval($_GET['removeTargetId']);
        $fields->IsDeleted = true;
        $fields->IsActive = false;
        $target = $toutrix_adserver->creative_flight_save($fields);
<div class="updated"><p><strong><?php 
        _e('Creative removed', 'wp-toutrix');
    if (isset($_POST['target']) && $_POST['target'] == 'yes') {
        // We are adding a new target
        $fields = get_form_target();
        $target = $toutrix_adserver->target_create($fields);
<div class="updated"><p><strong><?php 
        _e('Flight target added', 'wp-toutrix');
    $fields = new stdclass();
    $fields->campaignId = intval($_GET['campaignId']);
    //var_dump($fields); echo "<br/>";
    $campaign = $toutrix_adserver->campaign_get($fields);
    $fields = new stdclass();
    $fields->campaignId = intval($_GET['campaignId']);
    $fields->flightId = intval($_GET['flightId']);
    $flight = $toutrix_adserver->flights_get($fields);
    if (isset($_GET['b'])) {
        $flight->Price = $_GET['Price'];
        $flight->IsActive = 0;
        if ($_GET['IsActive'] == 'on') {
            $flight->IsActive = 1;
        $flight->MaxPerIp = intval($_GET['MaxPerIp']);
        $flight = $toutrix_adserver->flight_update($flight);
    if (isset($_POST['creative']) && $_POST['creative'] == 'Y') {
        $fields = new stdclass();
        $fields->flightId = intval($_GET['flightId']);
        $fields->campaignId = intval($_GET['campaignId']);
        $fields->creativeId = intval($_POST['creativeId']);
        $fields->IsActive = true;
        $creative_flights = $toutrix_adserver->creative_flight_create($fields);
<div class="updated"><p><strong><?php 
        _e('Creative added to the flight', 'wp-toutrix');
<div class="wrap">

<a href="?page=mt_toutrix_campaign" class="page-title-action">All campaigns</a> > <a href='?page=mt_toutrix_campaign&action=edit&campaignId=<?php 
    echo $campaign->id;
"&tab=flights' class="page-title-action"><?php 
    echo $campaign->name;
    $cur_tab = 'homepage';
    if (isset($_GET['tab'])) {
        $cur_tab = $_GET['tab'];
    $tabs = array('homepage' => 'Settings', 'creative' => 'Creatives', 'targets' => 'Targets');
    echo '<div id="icon-themes" class="icon32"><br></div>';
    echo '<h2 class="nav-tab-wrapper">';
    foreach ($tabs as $tab => $name) {
        $class = $tab == $cur_tab ? ' nav-tab-active' : '';
        echo "<a class='nav-tab{$class}' href='?page=mt_toutrix_campaign&action=edit&campaignId=" . intval($_GET['campaignId']) . "&flightId=" . intval($_GET['flightId']) . "&tab={$tab}'>{$name}</a>";
    echo '</h2>';
    if ($cur_tab == 'homepage') {
        echo "<h1>Update flight for " . $campaign->name . "</h1>";
<input type='hidden' name='page' value='mt_toutrix_campaign'>
<input type='hidden' name='campaignId' value='<?php 
        echo intval($_GET['campaignId']);
<input type='hidden' name='flightId' value='<?php 
        echo intval($_GET['flightId']);
Enabled: <input type='checkbox' name='IsActive' <?php 
        if ($flight->IsActive == 1) {
            echo "checked";
Price: $<input type='text' name='Price' value='<?php 
        echo $flight->Price;
'> (CPM price)<br/>
Max Per IP: <input type='text' name='MaxPerIp' value='<?php 
        echo $flight->MaxPerIp;
<input type='submit' name='b' value='Save'>
    } elseif ($cur_tab == 'creative') {
        $fields = new stdclass();
        $fields->flightId = intval($_GET['flightId']);
        $creative_flights = $toutrix_adserver->creative_flight_get($fields);
        echo "<h2>Creatives for " . $campaign->name . "</h2>";
        $creatives_table = new creatives_table();
<h2>Add a creative to this flight</h2>
        $creatives = $toutrix_adserver->creatives_list(array());
<form method='POST'>
<input type='hidden' name='creative' value='Y'>
<select name='creativeId'>
        foreach ($creatives as $one_crea) {
            if ($all_used[$one_crea->id] != 1) {
                echo "<option value='" . $one_crea->id . "'>" . $one_crea->title . "</option>";
<input type='submit' name='b' value='Add'>
    } elseif ($cur_tab == 'targets') {
        echo "<h2>Targets for " . $campaign->name . "</h2>";
        $fields = new stdclass();
        $fields->flightId = intval($_GET['flightId']);
        $targets = $toutrix_adserver->flight_targets_get($fields);
        $fields = new stdclass();
        $fields->flightId = intval($_GET['flightId']);
        echo "<h2>Add a new target</h2>";
Esempio n. 8
function toutrix_connect()
    global $user;
    global $toutrix_adserver;
    if (toutrix_get_token()) {
        $user = $toutrix_adserver->get_user();
        if ($user->error) {
            update_option("ad_toutrix_access_token", '');
            if (!toutrix_get_token()) {
                echo "TOUTRIX PROBLEM<br/>";
            } else {
                update_option("ad_toutrix_access_token", $toutrix_adserver->access_token);
            $user = $toutrix_adserver->get_user();