Esempio n. 1
 * Cache collapse API data from the database for the current user.
 * If the collapse cookie has been set, grab the changes and re-save
 * the token, or touch it otherwise.
 * @return void
function collapse_cache_token()
    global $g_collapse_cache_token;
    if (!auth_is_user_authenticated() || current_user_is_anonymous()) {
        $g_collapse_cache_token = array();
    if (isset($g_collapse_cache_token)) {
    $t_token = token_get_value(TOKEN_COLLAPSE);
    if (!is_null($t_token)) {
        $t_data = json_decode($t_token, true);
    } else {
        $t_data = array();
        $t_data['filter'] = false;
    $g_collapse_cache_token = $t_data;
    $t_cookie = gpc_get_cookie('MANTIS_collapse_settings', '');
    if (false !== $t_cookie && !is_blank($t_cookie)) {
        $t_update = false;
        $t_data = explode('|', $t_cookie);
        foreach ($t_data as $t_pair) {
            $t_pair = explode(':', $t_pair);
            if (false !== $t_pair && count($t_pair) == 2) {
                $g_collapse_cache_token[$t_pair[0]] = true == $t_pair[1];
                $t_update = true;
        if (!$t_update) {
            $t_token = token_get(TOKEN_COLLAPSE);
            $t_update = $t_token !== null;
        if ($t_update) {
            $t_value = json_encode($g_collapse_cache_token);
            token_set(TOKEN_COLLAPSE, $t_value, TOKEN_EXPIRY_COLLAPSE);
        } elseif (token_exists($t_token['id'])) {
Esempio n. 2
 * Create or update a token's value and expiration
 * @param integer Token type
 * @param string Token value
 * @param integer Token expiration in seconds
 * @param integer User ID
 * @return integer Token ID
function token_set($p_type, $p_value, $p_expiry = TOKEN_EXPIRY, $p_user_id = null)
    $t_token = token_get($p_type, $p_user_id);
    if ($t_token === null) {
        return token_create($p_type, $p_value, $p_expiry, $p_user_id);
    token_update($t_token['id'], $p_value, $p_expiry);
    return $t_token['id'];
Esempio n. 3
 * Check for authentication tokens, and display re-authentication page if needed.
 * Currently, if using BASIC or HTTP authentication methods, or if logged in anonymously,
 * this function will always "authenticate" the user (do nothing).
 * @return bool
 * @access public
function auth_reauthenticate()
    if (config_get_global('reauthentication') == OFF || BASIC_AUTH == config_get('login_method') || HTTP_AUTH == config_get('login_method')) {
        return true;
    $t_auth_token = token_get(TOKEN_AUTHENTICATED);
    if (null != $t_auth_token) {
        token_touch($t_auth_token['id'], config_get_global('reauthentication_expiry'));
        return true;
    } else {
        $t_anon_account = config_get('anonymous_account');
        $t_anon_allowed = config_get('allow_anonymous_login');
        $t_user_id = auth_get_current_user_id();
        $t_username = user_get_field($t_user_id, 'username');
        # check for anonymous login
        if (ON == $t_anon_allowed && $t_anon_account == $t_username) {
            return true;
        return auth_reauthenticate_page($t_user_id, $t_username);