
 * Login a node with an auth cookie (the "a" parameter)
 * Sends a Set-Cookie header if successful
require "../config.php";
require "../init.php";
require "lib.php";
if (!isset($_POST["a"])) {
    tjohn_error(TJOHN_ERROR_MISC, "Invalid parameters");
$node = tjohn_auth_node($_POST["a"]);
// Keep track of the node's software version
setcookie("node", $node->authcookie);
echo TJOHN_SUCCESS . " Logged in as node {$node->id}";
log_event("Node {$node->id} ({$node->nodename}) logged in");

 * Fetch current state!
require "../config.php";
require "../init.php";
require "lib.php";
// Authenticate node
if (!isset($_COOKIE["node"])) {
    tjohn_error(TJOHN_ERROR_AUTH, "Authentication cookie not set");
$node = tjohn_auth_node($_COOKIE["node"]);
if (!isset($_GET["j"]) || !isset($_GET["p"])) {
    tjohn_error(TJOHN_ERROR_MISC, "Missing parameters");
if ($node->current_job_id != $_GET["j"]) {
    tjohn_error(TJOHN_SUCCESS, "Registered request for hashes doesn't match submitted job. Two nodes sharing the same auth cookie, maybe?");
$q = "SELECT * FROM packets WHERE id='" . $m->escape_string($_GET["p"]) . "' AND job_id='" . $m->escape_string($_GET["j"]) . "'";
if (($r = @$m->query($q)) === FALSE) {
    tjohn_error(TJOHN_ERROR_DB, "Failed to identify submitted packet: " . $m->error);
if (($row = $r->fetch_object()) === NULL) {
    tjohn_error(TJOHN_SUCCESS, "Packet doesn't belong to you.");
$q = "UPDATE packets SET done=1, completed=NOW() WHERE id='" . $m->escape_string($row->id) . "'";
if (@$m->query($q) === FALSE) {
    tjohn_error(TJOHN_ERROR_DB, "Failed to finish packet: {$m->error}");