/** * This method load the index page of orders where a the user can see all current orders * * @return html content */ public function index() { //$this->load->model('user_model'); $this->load->model('order_model'); $this->load->helper('my_helper'); /* datatables plugin */ $this->layout_lib->add_additional_css('/assets/plugins/datatables/css/jquery.datatables.min.css'); $this->layout_lib->add_additional_css('/assets/plugins/datatables/css/jquery.datatables_themeroller.css'); $this->layout_lib->add_additional_js('/assets/plugins/datatables/js/jquery.datatables.min.js'); $this->layout_lib->add_additional_js('/assets/js/views/orders.js'); $orders = $this->order_model->get_records(['start_date IS NOT' => NULL, 'end_date' => NULL]); usort($orders, function ($a, $b) { return $a->record_id > $b->record_id; }); $datetime_now = new DateTime('NOW', new DateTimeZone('UTC')); foreach ($orders as $key => $order) { $order->store_table_info(); $order->user_info(); $order->order_products(); $order->calculate_total_cost(); /* Calculate elapsed time from order start date */ $order_start_date = new DateTime($order->start_date, new DateTimeZone('UTC')); $diff = $order_start_date->diff($datetime_now); $elapsed_days = $diff->format('%a'); $elapsed_hours = $elapsed_days * 24 + $diff->format('%H'); $order->elapsed_time = time_to_seconds($diff->format($elapsed_hours . ':%I:%S')); } $this->view_data['page_title'] = 'Παραγγελίες'; $this->view_data['orders'] = $orders; $this->layout_lib->load('store_layout_view', 'store/orders/orders_view', $this->view_data); }
function total_seconds() { $total_time = 0; // in seconds foreach ($this->problems as $problem) { if ($problem->time != "-") { $total_time = $total_time + time_to_seconds($problem->time); } } return $total_time; }
if ($report_data[$i]->status == 1) { $income = $report_data[$i]->charges; } elseif ($report_data[$i]->status == 0) { $income = $total_charges; } /*****************************************/ ?> <?php /*******total hours*********/ if (!empty($report_data[$i]->hours)) { $new_total_hours = $report_data[$i]->hours; } else { $new_total_hours = $new_hours; } $to_seconds = time_to_seconds($new_total_hours); ?> <td><?php echo $new_total_hours; ?> </td> <?php /************************/ ?> <td><?php if ($report_data[$i]->status == 0) { echo "<strong style='color:#0820F9';>" . $income; } else { echo $income; } ?>
/** * This method fetches all order of a specific user * * @return html content */ public function ajax_load_unpaid_orders() { if ($this->input->is_ajax_request() and $this->input->method() == 'post') { $this->load->model('order_model'); $this->load->helper('my_helper'); $user = $this->view_data['logged_in_user']; $orders = $this->order_model->get_records(['end_date IS NOT' => NULL, 'payment_status' => 'pending', 'user_record_id' => $user->record_id]); usort($orders, function ($a, $b) { return $a->record_id > $b->record_id; }); $datetime_now = new DateTime('NOW', new DateTimeZone('UTC')); foreach ($orders as $key => $order) { $order->calculate_total_cost(); if ($order->total_price) { $order->store_table_info(); $order->user_info = $user; $order->order_products(); /* Calculate elapsed time from order start date */ $order_start_date = new DateTime($order->start_date, new DateTimeZone('UTC')); $diff = $order_start_date->diff($datetime_now); $elapsed_days = $diff->format('%a'); $elapsed_hours = $elapsed_days * 24 + $diff->format('%H'); $order->elapsed_time = time_to_seconds($diff->format($elapsed_hours . ':%I:%S')); } else { $order->payment_status = 'deleted'; unset($order->total_price, $order->order_products); $order->save(); unset($orders[$key]); } } $this->view_data['orders'] = $orders; $this->layout_lib->load('waiter/order_chip_view', NULL, $this->view_data); } }
function Minus_times( $firsttime, $secondtime ) { $temp = time_to_seconds( $firsttime ) - time_to_seconds( $secondtime ); $Total = seconds_to_time( $temp ); return $Total; }