private function view($viewName) { $data = []; $this->load->helper('utils_helper'); $this->load->model('service_model'); $this->load->model('server_model', 'server'); $this->load->model('serverHistory_model', 'serverHistory'); $data['services'] = $this->service_model->getAll(); $data['serversConfig'] = $this->server->getConfig(); $data['serversData'] = $this->serverHistory->getServersHistory(); $data['percents'] = calculatePercentages($data['serversData'], $data['services']); $data['updateTime'] = timeSince($this->serverHistory->getLastUpdate()); $this->viewRender($data, $viewName); }
/** * Get user new messages */ public function actionGetLastNewMessage() { // Check if we have any messages to show order by urgency level $message = PersonalMessageNotification::model()->getLastMessage(); if (!$message) { echoJson(array()); } // Build the text message $type = PersonalMessageTopic::model()->messageTypes[$message->notificationTopic->type]; $text = at("{author} Sent a new reply in PM topic '{title}' on {date}", array('{author}' => $message->notificationAuthor->getUserLink(), '{title}' => $message->notificationTopic->getTopicTitle(false), '{date}' => timeSince($message->created_at))); $title = at("You've received a new message"); // Based on type if ($message->notificationTopic->type > 0) { $html = $this->renderPartial('_pm_notification', array('message' => $message, 'text' => $text), true); } else { $html = $this->renderPartial('_pm_normal_notification', array('message' => $message, 'text' => $text), true); } $footer = $this->renderPartial('_pm_notification_footer', array('message' => $message, 'text' => $text), true); // Update the record to show that we showed that notification PersonalMessageNotification::model()->updateByPk($message->id, array('was_shown' => 1)); // Output echoJson(array('html' => $html, 'footer' => $footer, 'text' => $text, 'title' => $title, 'type' => $message->notificationTopic->type)); }
public function index($id) { $this->load->model('server_model', 'server'); $this->load->model('serverHistory_model', 'serverHistory'); $this->load->helper('utils_helper'); if (!$this->server->isValid($id)) { $error = array('heading' => 'Error', 'message' => 'This server couldn\'t be found.'); $this->load->view('errors/html/error_server', $error); return; } $data['server'] = $this->server->getConfig($id)->row_array(); $data['serverHistory'] = $this->serverHistory->getServerHistory($id, false); $data['lastTimeOnline'] = timeSince($this->serverHistory->getServerLastTimeOnline($id)); if (!$data['serverHistory']) { $error = array('heading' => 'Error', 'message' => 'This server dosen\'t have any history, yet.'); $this->load->view('errors/html/error_server', $error); return; } $headerData = array('js' => array('dygraph-combined.js')); $this->load->view('header', $headerData); $this->load->view('server', $data); $this->load->view('footer'); }
</div> <?php foreach ($model->replies as $replyRow) { ?> <div class='grid_12'> <div class="box"> <div class='title'> <span class="loatleft"> <?php echo $replyRow->replyAuthor->getUserLink(); ?> </span> <span class="floatright"><?php echo timeSince($replyRow->created_at); ?> </span> <div class="clear"></div> </div> <div class="inside"> <div class="in"> <?php if ($this->beginCache('pm_reply_id_' . $replyRow->id)) { ?> <?php echo stripHtmlTags($replyRow->message); ?> <?php $this->endCache(); }
/** * Output the objects history. * * We override <code>{@link foowd_object::method_history}</code> so as to add links to the diff method. */ function method_history() { $this->foowd->track('foowd_text_plain->method_history'); $this->foowd->template->assign('detailsTitle', $this->getTitle()); $this->foowd->template->assign('detailsCreated', date(DATETIME_FORMAT, $this->created) . ' (' . timeSince($this->created) . ' ago)'); $this->foowd->template->assign('detailsAuthor', htmlspecialchars($this->creatorName)); $this->foowd->template->assign('detailsType', getClassDescription($this->classid)); if ($this->workspaceid != 0) { $this->foowd->template->assign('detailsWorkspace', $this->workspaceid); } $objArray = $this->foowd->getObjHistory(array('objectid' => $this->objectid, 'classid' => $this->classid)); $currentVersion = $this->version; $latestVersion = $objArray[0]->version; unset($objArray[0]); $versions = array(); foreach ($objArray as $object) { $version = array(); $version['updated'] = date(DATETIME_FORMAT, $object->updated) . ' (' . timeSince($object->updated) . ' ago)'; $version['author'] = htmlspecialchars($object->updatorName); $version['version'] = $object->version; $version['objectid'] = $object->objectid; $version['classid'] = $object->classid; if ($object->version != $latestVersion) { $version['revert'] = TRUE; $version['diff'] = TRUE; } $this->foowd->template->append('versions', $version); } $this->foowd->track(); }
/** * Get timestamps for a wiki file. * * @param string $file * * @return array */ function getTimeStamps($file) { return array('created' => date(BD_DATE_FORMAT, filectime($file)), 'timeSinceCreation' => timeSince(filectime($file)), 'modified' => date(BD_DATE_FORMAT, filemtime($file)), 'timeSinceModified' => timeSince(filemtime($file))); }
<?php $this->widget('zii.widgets.CDetailView', array('data' => $model->attributes, 'attributes' => array(array('name' => 'name', 'label' => 'Name'), array('name' => 'email', 'label' => 'Email'), array('name' => 'role', 'label' => 'Role'), array('name' => 'notes', 'label' => 'Notes'), array('name' => 'created_at', 'header' => 'Created Date', 'value' => timeSince($model->created_at)), array('name' => 'updated_at', 'header' => 'Updated Date', 'value' => timeSince($model->updated_at)))));
function random_10_user() { // why not populate my admin page a bit? $c = db_init('site_data', 'site_users'); $users = $c->find()->limit(10)->sort(array('first_login' => -1)); echo '<div class="col2 rt"><h2>Latest Users</h2><table class="tbpad">'; echo '<tr><th>userid</th><th>time since they joined</th><th>privilege</th></tr>'; $qualities = array(1 => 'collector', 10 => 'normal', 20 => 'rarity1', 30 => 'vintage', 69 => 'strange', 100 => 'unusual'); foreach ($users as $user) { echo '<tr class="' . $qualities[$user['privilege']] . '"><td>' . $user['_id'] . '</td><td>' . timeSince($user['first_login']) . '</td><td>' . $user['privilege'] . '</td></tr>'; } echo '</table>'; $total_users = $c->count(); $total_donors = $c->count(array('privilege' => (int) 20)); echo '<h2>Usercount:</h2>There are ' . $total_users . ' users and ' . $total_donors . ' donator accounts in the db.</div>'; }
<li class="row"> <h3 class="h4">Sent:</h4> <p> <?php echo timeSince(strtotime($match[0]['sent-datetime'])) . ' ago'; ?> </p> </li> <li class="row"> <h3 class="h4">Game Played:</h4> <p> <?php echo timeSince(strtotime($match[0]['datetime'])) . ' ago'; ?> </p> </li> <?php if ($matchStatus == 'declined') { ?> <li class="row is--disputed"> <h3 class="h4">Disputed by <?php echo $match[0]['loser-name']; ?> .</h4>
<?php function timeSince($time) { $time = time() - $time; // to get the time since that moment $tokens = array(31536000 => 'year', 2592000 => 'month', 604800 => 'week', 86400 => 'day', 3600 => 'hour', 60 => 'minute', 1 => 'second'); foreach ($tokens as $unit => $text) { if ($time < $unit) { continue; } $numberOfUnits = floor($time / $unit); return $numberOfUnits . ' ' . $text . ($numberOfUnits > 1 ? 's ago' : ' ago'); } } $datetime = "2013-12-30 21:39:50"; $new = date("Y-m-d", strtotime($datetime)); echo "NEW: " . timeSince(strtotime($datetime));
function formatSnaps($result, $thesnapchat) { if ($result) { if (is_object($result)) { $result->updates_response->friendsCount = count($result->updates_response->friends); } if (count($result->updates_response->snaps) > 0) { $friendRequests = array(); $newSnapsArray = array(); $unopenedSnapsCount = 0; // SNAPS foreach ($result->updates_response->snaps as $snap) { if ($snap->m == SnapChat::MEDIA_FRIEND_REQUEST) { array_push($friendRequests, $snap); continue; } $snap->media_id = empty($snap->c_id) ? FALSE : $snap->c_id; $snap->media_type = $snap->m; $snap->time = empty($snap->t) ? FALSE : $snap->t; $snap->sender = empty($snap->sn) ? $result->updates_response->username : $snap->sn; $snap->recipient = empty($snap->rp) ? $result->updates_response->username : $snap->rp; $snap->status = $snap->st; $snap->screenshot_count = empty($snap->c) ? 0 : $snap->c; $snap->sent = $snap->sts; $snap->opened = $snap->ts; $snap->loaded = false; $snap->loading = false; $snap->send = false; $snap->beingviewed = false; $snap->timeleft = $snap->time; $snap->videourl = ""; $snap->timeago = $snap->status == SnapChat::STATUS_OPENED ? timeSince($snap->opened / 1000) : timeSince($snap->sent / 1000); $snap->displayname = ""; $snap->load = true; $snap->zipped = empty($snap->zipped) ? false : $snap->zipped; // ZIPPED if ($snap->zipped == true && ($snap->media_type == Snapchat::MEDIA_VIDEO || $snap->media_type == Snapchat::MEDIA_VIDEO_NOAUDIO) && $snap->time != false) { $snapBaseName = $thesnapchat->username . "-" . $snap->sender . "-" . $snap->id; $snapfile = "media/snaps/" . $snapBaseName . ".zip"; if (!file_exists($snapfile)) { $snapdata = $thesnapchat->getMedia($snap->id); file_put_contents($snapfile, $snapdata); } else { if (filesize($snapfile) == 0) { $snapdata = $thesnapchat->getMedia($snap->id); file_put_contents($snapfile, $snapdata); } } $extractFolder = "media/snaps/" . $snapBaseName; if (!file_exists($extractFolder)) { mkdir($extractFolder, 0777, true); } $zip = new ZipArchive(); $res = $zip->open($snapfile); if ($res === TRUE) { $zip->extractTo($extractFolder); $zip->close(); } $files = scandir($extractFolder); foreach ($files as $file) { if (strpos($file, 'media') !== false) { $extension = ".mp4"; if (strpos($file, $extension) !== FALSE) { } else { if (file_exists($extractFolder . "/" . $file)) { rename($extractFolder . "/" . $file, $extractFolder . "/" . $file . $extension); } } if (strpos($file, $extension) !== false) { $snapfile = $extractFolder . "/" . $file; } else { $snapfile = $extractFolder . "/" . $file . $extension; } $snap->snapmedia = HOST . "tests/" . $snapfile; } else { if (strpos($file, 'overlay') !== false) { $extension = ".png"; if (strpos($file, $extension) !== FALSE) { } else { if (file_exists($extractFolder . "/" . $file)) { rename($extractFolder . "/" . $file, $extractFolder . "/" . $file . $extension); } } $snap->snapoverlay = HOST . "tests/" . $extractFolder . "/" . $file . $extension; } } } } // ZIPPED $theusername = ""; if ($thesnapchat->username == $snap->sender && $thesnapchat->username == $snap->recipient) { $theusername = $thesnapchat->username; } else { if ($thesnapchat->username == $snap->sender) { $theusername = $snap->recipient; } else { if ($thesnapchat->username == $snap->recipient) { $theusername = $snap->sender; } } } foreach ($result->updates_response->friends as $thefriend) { if ($thefriend->name == $theusername) { $snap->displayname = $thefriend->display; break; } } if ($snap->status == SnapChat::STATUS_DELIVERED && $snap->recipient == $thesnapchat->username && $snap->time != false) { $unopenedSnapsCount++; } if (isset($_GET['showonly'])) { $showonly = $_GET['showonly']; if ($showonly == "photo") { if ($snap->media_type == Snapchat::MEDIA_IMAGE) { array_push($newSnapsArray, $snap); } } else { if ($showonly == "video") { if ($snap->media_type == Snapchat::MEDIA_VIDEO || $snap->media_type == Snapchat::MEDIA_VIDEO_NOAUDIO) { array_push($newSnapsArray, $snap); } } else { array_push($newSnapsArray, $snap); } } } else { array_push($newSnapsArray, $snap); } } $newFriendRequests = array(); if (count($friendRequests) > 0) { foreach ($friendRequests as $friendRequest) { if (!friendRequestExists($friendRequest, $result->updates_response->friends)) { array_push($newFriendRequests, $friendRequest); } } } $result->updates_response->unopened = $unopenedSnapsCount; if (isset($_GET['maxtoshow'])) { $maxtoshow = $_GET['maxtoshow']; } if ($maxtoshow != "unlimited") { $newSnapsArray = array_slice($newSnapsArray, 0, $maxtoshow); } $result->updates_response->snaps = $newSnapsArray; $result->updates_response->friend_requests = $newFriendRequests; } // FRIENDS if ($result->updates_response->bests && count($result->updates_response->bests) > 0) { $newBestFriendsArray = array(); $bestFriend = new BestFriend(); $bestFriend->username = "******"; $bestFriend->name = "mystory"; $bestFriend->display = "My Story"; $bestFriend->type = "mystory"; array_push($newBestFriendsArray, $bestFriend); foreach ($result->updates_response->bests as $best) { $bestFriend = new BestFriend(); $bestFriend->username = $best; $bestFriend->name = $best; $bestFriend->display = ""; $bestFriend->type = "bestfriend"; array_push($newBestFriendsArray, $bestFriend); } $newRecentFriendsArray = array(); foreach ($result->updates_response->recents as $recent) { $recentFriend = new RecentFriend(); $recentFriend->username = $recent; $recentFriend->name = $recent; $recentFriend->display = ""; $recentFriend->type = "recentfriend"; array_push($newRecentFriendsArray, $recentFriend); } $tempFriendsArray = array(); foreach ($result->updates_response->friends as $friend) { if (isset($_GET['hideblockedanddeleted'])) { if ($_GET['hideblockedanddeleted'] == "true") { if ($friend->type == Snapchat::FRIEND_CONFIRMED || $friend->type == Snapchat::FRIEND_UNCONFIRMED) { array_push($tempFriendsArray, $friend); } } } } if (isset($_GET['hideblockedanddeleted'])) { if ($_GET['hideblockedanddeleted'] == "false") { $tempFriendsArray = $result->updates_response->friends; } } else { $tempFriendsArray = $result->updates_response->friends; } $result->updates_response->best_friends = $newBestFriendsArray; $result->updates_response->friends = array_merge((array) $newBestFriendsArray, (array) $newRecentFriendsArray, (array) $tempFriendsArray); } // FRIEND STORES //$result->stories_response->orig_stories = $result->stories_response->friend_stories; $friend_stories = array(); if (count($result->stories_response->friend_stories) > 0) { foreach ($result->stories_response->friend_stories as $user) { if (count($user->stories) > 0) { foreach ($user->stories as $thestory) { $thestory->story->timeago = timeSince($thestory->story->timestamp / 1000); array_push($friend_stories, $thestory->story); } } } } // MY STORES $my_stories = array(); if (count($result->stories_response->my_stories) > 0) { foreach ($result->stories_response->my_stories as $thestory) { $thestory->story->timeago = timeSince($thestory->story->timestamp / 1000); array_push($my_stories, $thestory->story); } } $whole_stories = array_merge((array) $my_stories, (array) $friend_stories); if (count($whole_stories) > 0) { foreach ($whole_stories as $story) { $story->timeago = timeSince($story->timestamp / 1000); $story->loaded = false; $story->loading = false; $story->load = true; $storyBaseName = $thesnapchat->username . "-" . $story->username . "-" . $story->media_id; $storyfile = "media/stories/" . $storyBaseName; $storyfileCopy = $storyfile; $extension = ""; if ($story->media_type == Snapchat::MEDIA_IMAGE) { $extension = ".jpg"; $story->storymediathumbnail = HOST . "slir/w50/snapchat/tests/" . $storyfile; } else { if ($story->media_type == Snapchat::MEDIA_VIDEO || $story->media_type == Snapchat::MEDIA_VIDEO_NOAUDIO) { $story->storymediathumbnail = ""; if ($story->zipped == true) { $extension = ".zip"; } else { $extension = ".mp4"; } } } $storyfile = $storyfile . $extension; if (!file_exists($storyfile)) { $storydata = $thesnapchat->getStory($story->media_id, $story->media_key, $story->media_iv); file_put_contents($storyfile, $storydata); } else { if (filesize($storyfile) == 0) { $storydata = $thesnapchat->getStory($story->media_id, $story->media_key, $story->media_iv); file_put_contents($storyfile, $storydata); } } if ($story->zipped == true) { $extractFolder = "media/stories/" . $storyBaseName; if (!file_exists($extractFolder)) { mkdir($extractFolder, 0777, true); } $zip = new ZipArchive(); $res = $zip->open($storyfile); if ($res === TRUE) { $zip->extractTo($extractFolder); $zip->close(); } $files = scandir($extractFolder); foreach ($files as $file) { if (strpos($file, 'media') !== false) { $extension = ".mp4"; if (strpos($file, $extension) !== FALSE) { } else { if (file_exists($extractFolder . "/" . $file)) { rename($extractFolder . "/" . $file, $extractFolder . "/" . $file . $extension); } } if (strpos($file, $extension) !== false) { $storyfile = $extractFolder . "/" . $file; } else { $storyfile = $extractFolder . "/" . $file . $extension; } } else { if (strpos($file, 'overlay') !== false) { $extension = ".png"; if (strpos($file, $extension) !== FALSE) { } else { if (file_exists($extractFolder . "/" . $file)) { rename($extractFolder . "/" . $file, $extractFolder . "/" . $file . $extension); } } $story->storymediaPNG = HOST . "tests/" . $extractFolder . "/" . $file . $extension; } } } } $story->storymedia = HOST . "tests/" . $storyfile; } } $result->stories_response->friend_stories = $whole_stories; $result->stories_response->my_stories = $my_stories; } }
if (!$tweetArray) { $tweetArray = array(); include_once TEMPLATEPATH . '/inc/tmhOAuth.php'; include_once TEMPLATEPATH . '/inc/tmhUtilities.php'; include_once TEMPLATEPATH . '/inc/twitter-functions.php'; $tmhOAuth = new tmhOAuth(array('consumer_key' => 'ApaeS8RNAP8GlVo5RzRIqTmjr', 'consumer_secret' => 'MnkhVg07gJHIO0ocP9upwE0dnsviQp7oRRQXwgmvO3XirTX0Ep', 'user_token' => '32789509-ZY8I3bBQrf4DEqhKuUcvGOVIBiQwkXlUkrdLnfMbR', 'user_secret' => 'Le7peQjx0YhkgSgCg6L2S5zrgJhhEO8vB5fUnQHAClVez', 'curl_ssl_verifypeer' => false)); $screen_name = 'povfilm'; $code = $tmhOAuth->request('GET', $tmhOAuth->url('1.1/statuses/user_timeline'), array('screen_name' => $screen_name, 'count' => 3)); $response = $tmhOAuth->response; $response = json_decode($response['response']); if ($response) { $j = 0; for ($i = 0; $i <= count($response); $i++) { if ($j < 3) { $text = $response[$i]->text; $is_retweet = $response[$i]->retweeted_status; if ($is_retweet) { $text = "RT @" . $response[$i]->retweeted_status->user->screen_name . ": " . $response[$i]->retweeted_status->text; } $date = strtotime($response[$i]->created_at); $date = timeSince($date); $text = addUrls($text); $image = $response[$i]->user->profile_image_url; $tweetArray[$j] = array("date" => $date, "text" => $text); $j++; } } } // Cache for 10 minutes wp_cache_set('tweets', $tweetArray, "", 600); }
if (filesize($theFile) == 0) { file_put_contents($theFile, base64_decode($object->picture)); } } $object->picture = HOST . "includes/webservices/images/shoutboxes/" . $object->id . ".jpg"; } } $response = $objects; } else { if ($_GET['object'] == "boxsnap") { $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . T_BOXSNAPS . " ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 40"; $objects = BoxSnap::get_by_sql($sql); $filename = 0; if (count($objects) > 0) { foreach ($objects as $object) { $object->datetime = timeSince(strtotime($object->datetime)); if ($object->picture != "") { $theFile = "images/boxsnaps/" . $object->id . ".jpg"; if (!file_exists($theFile)) { file_put_contents($theFile, base64_decode($object->picture)); } else { if (filesize($theFile) == 0) { file_put_contents($theFile, base64_decode($object->picture)); } } $object->picture = HOST . "slir/w300/snapchat/includes/webservices/images/boxsnaps/" . $object->id . ".jpg"; } // EXTENDED PROFILE PICTURE $extendedprofile = ExtendedProfile::get_by_username($object->username); $object->name = $extendedprofile->name; if ($extendedprofile && $extendedprofile->picture) {
<?php if ($this->session->userdata('id') == $comment['user_id']) { ?> <?php echo anchor('share/remove_comment/' . $comment['update_comment_id'], icon_img_tag('remove.png'), 'title="' . lang('home_comment_remove') . '" class="update-comment-remove comment-remove-action"'); ?> <?php } ?> <?php echo anchor(user_profile($comment['username']), $comment['username']); ?> (<small><?php echo timeSince(strtotime($comment['update_comment_created'])); ?> </small>): <?php echo $comment['update_comment_content']; ?> <div class="clear"></div> </div> <?php } ?> </div> <?php }
} $hash = sha1_file("todo.list"); } /* HEADER BEGINS */ echo "<html>\r\n<head>\r\n<script language=\"javascript\">\r\nfunction checkAll(){\r\n\tfor (var i=0;i<document.forms[0].elements.length;i++)\r\n\t{\r\n\t\tvar e=document.forms[0].elements[i];\r\n\t\tif (( != 'allbox') && (e.type=='checkbox'))\r\n\t\t{\r\n\t\t\te.checked=document.forms[0].allbox.checked;\r\n\t\t}\r\n\t}\r\n}\r\n</script>\r\n</head>\r\n\r\n<body>"; /* HEADER ENDS */ ?> <b>TODO List v <?php echo $version; ?> </b><br /> Updated: <?php echo date("F d Y H:i:s T", $modified); ?> , ~ <?php echo timeSince($modified); ?> <br /> <hr /> <form action="<?php echo $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]; ?> " method="POST" name="todo"> <input type="hidden" name="ohash" value="<?php echo $hash; ?> " /> <pre> <?php $data = file($file); $n = 0;
function contactSeller() { global $con; global $errors; global $mail; global $theUser; $name = ucwords(check_input($_POST['name'])); if (strlen($name) > 50) { $errors['misc'] .= "Abbreviate your name to 50 characters or less"; } else { if (strlen($name) < 3) { $errors['misc'] .= "What is your name? "; } } $email = strtolower($_POST['email']); validateEmail($email); $message = check_input($_POST['message']); if (strlen($message) < 3) { $errors['misc'] .= "What do you want to tell the seller? "; } $newsletter = 'unsubscribed'; if ($_POST['newsletter'] == 'subscribed') { $newsletter = 'subscribed'; } $textbookId = check_input($_POST['textbookid']); $showMessage = false; foreach ($errors as $error => $value) { if ($value != "") { $showMessage = true; } } if ($showMessage) { echo json_encode($errors); die; } $userId = getUser($con, $email, $name, $newsletter, 4); $insert = "INSERT INTO `messages` (`sender_id` , `textbook_id` , `message` , `ip_address` ) VALUES ('" . $userId . "', '{$textbookId}', '{$message}', '" . get_ip() . "' );"; mysqli_query($con, $insert); $textbookListing = mysqli_fetch_array(mysqli_query($con, "SELECT id, user_id, title, author, course, price, time, comments FROM textbooks WHERE id LIKE {$textbookId}")); $seller = mysqli_fetch_array(mysqli_query($con, "SELECT id, email, name FROM users WHERE id = " . intval($textbookListing['user_id']))); $removalLink = "" . $seller['email'] . "&h=" . createHash(intval($seller['id']), $textbookListing['id']); $mail->addAddress($seller['email'], $seller['name']); $mail->addReplyTo($email, $name); $subject = 'A buyer for your textbook ' . $textbookListing['title']; $mail->Subject = $subject; $bodyText = "<div style='font-family: sans-serif; line-height: 2em;'>\n <h2 style='color: #007a5e'>A buyer sent you a message about your textbook <i>" . $textbookListing['title'] . "</i>!</h2>\n <div style='font-size: 1.2em;'>\n <div style='color:#000'>\n <p>{$message}</p>\n <p style='margin-bottom: 1em'>--{$name}</p>\n <p><strong>This is what you listed: </strong><br>\n <strong>Title:</strong> " . $textbookListing['title'] . "<br>\n <strong>Author:</strong> " . $textbookListing['author'] . "<br>\n <strong>Course:</strong> " . $textbookListing['course'] . "<br>\n <strong>Time Posted:</strong> " . timeSince($textbookListing['time']) . "<br>\n <strong>Comments:</strong> " . ($textbookListing['comments'] ? $textbookListing['comments'] : "None") . "</p>\n <p><strong>Instructions For You</strong><br>\n You can email this buyer directly through reply email or do nothing to remain anonymous. Once you sell your textbook, click the following link to mark it as sold and remove it from the website: <a href='{$removalLink}' style='color: #007a5e' >{$removalLink}</a>. Thank you for using <a href='' style='color: #007a5e'>Bearcat Exchange</a>, the best way to buy and sell textbooks at Binghamton. If you experience technical difficulties, please contact us at <a href='' style='color: #007a5e'></a>.</p>\n </div>\n </div>\n </div>\n "; $mail->Body = $bodyText; if (sendEmail($userId, $seller['id'], $subject, $bodyText, 2)) { $result["misc"] = 'success'; } if ($theUser['loggedIn'] && $theUser['email'] != $email) { logout(4, false); $result['reload'] = 'reload'; } mysqli_close($con); $result['loggedIn'] = $theUser['loggedIn']; $result['name'] = $theUser['name']; $result['email'] = $theUser['email']; $result['newsletter'] = $theUser['newsletter']; $result["misc"] = 'success'; die(json_encode($result)); }