Esempio n. 1
  * 获取推荐商品列表
 public function get_recommend_goods_listOp()
     $recommend_goods_list = Model('goods_class')->getGoodsClassListByParentId(0);
     if ($recommend_goods_list) {
         $model_goods = Model('goods');
         foreach ($recommend_goods_list as $k => $v) {
             $goods_list = $model_goods->getGeneralGoodsOnlineList(array('gc_id_1' => $v['gc_id']), 'goods_id,goods_name,goods_price,goods_promotion_price,goods_promotion_type,distribution_price,goods_storage,goods_marketprice,goods_image', 6, 'goods_salenum desc');
             if ($goods_list) {
                 foreach ($goods_list as $kk => $vv) {
                     if ($vv['goods_promotion_type'] > 0) {
                         $goods_list[$kk]['goods_price'] = $vv['goods_promotion_price'];
                     } elseif ($vv['distribution_price'] > 0) {
                         $goods_list[$kk]['goods_price'] = $vv['distribution_price'];
                     $goods_list[$kk]['img_url'] = thumb($vv, 360);
                     $goods_list[$kk]['discount'] = sprintf('%0.1f', $goods_list[$kk]['goods_price'] / $vv['goods_marketprice'] * 10);
                 $recommend_goods_list[$k]['list'] = $goods_list;
             } else {
     output_data(array('recommend_goods_list' => $recommend_goods_list));
Esempio n. 2
  * Make thumbnail
  * Usage:
  * {pyro:getpost:mkthumb src="/uploads/file/file.jpg" w="200" h="200"}
  * @param	int
  * @return	string
 function mkthumb()
     $file = $this->attribute('src', 'String');
     $w = $this->attribute('w', 'Number');
     $h = $this->attribute('h', 'Number');
     return thumb(site_url() . $file, $w, $h);
Esempio n. 3
  * 获取收藏列表
  * @return [type] [description]
 public function getListOp()
     $fav_type = $_GET["fav_type"];
     $size = 10;
     $page = intval($_GET['page']);
     $page = $page <= 0 ? 1 : $page;
     if (!in_array($fav_type, array('goods', 'store'))) {
     $favorites_model = Model('favorites');
     $condition = array();
     $condition['member_id'] = $this->member_info['member_id'];
     $condition['fav_type'] = $fav_type;
     $favorites_list = $favorites_model->getFavoritesList($condition, "*", true, 'log_id desc', ($page - 1) * $size . ',' . $size);
     if (!empty($favorites_list)) {
         foreach ($favorites_list as $key => $value) {
             if ($fav_type == 'goods') {
                 $extends_goods = Model('goods')->getGoodsInfo(array('goods_id' => $value['fav_id']), '*');
                 $favorites_list[$key]['goods_img'] = thumb($extends_goods, 360);
                 $favorites_list[$key]['goods_state'] = $extends_goods['goods_state'];
                 $favorites_list[$key]['is_presell'] = $extends_goods['is_presell'];
                 $favorites_list[$key]['goods_type'] = $extends_goods['goods_type'];
                 $favorites_list[$key]['goods_price'] = $extends_goods['goods_price'];
                 $favorites_list[$key]['goods_marketprice'] = $extends_goods['goods_marketprice'];
                 $favorites_list[$key]['goods_discount'] = round($extends_goods['goods_price'] / $extends_goods['goods_marketprice'] * 10, 1);
     $fav_count = Model()->table('favorites')->where($condition)->count();
     $data_info = array();
     $data_info['thispage'] = $page;
     $data_info['totalpage'] = ceil($fav_count / $size);
     output_data(array('data' => $favorites_list, 'data_info' => $data_info));
Esempio n. 4
	public function init() {
		$siteurl = siteurl(SITEID);
		if(empty($this->rssid)) {
			$catid = $_GET['catid'] ? intval($_GET['catid']) : '0';
			$siteids = getcache('category_content','commons');
			$siteid = $siteids[$catid] ? $siteids[$catid] : 1;
			$CATEGORYS = getcache('category_content_'.$siteid,'commons');
			$subcats = subcat($catid,0,1,$siteid);
			foreach ($CATEGORYS as $r) if($r['parentid'] == 0) $channel[] = $r;
			include template('content','rss');
		} else {
			$CATEGORYS = getcache('category_content_'.$this->siteid,'commons');
			$SITEINFO = getcache('sitelist','commons');
			$CAT = $CATEGORYS[$this->rssid];
			if(count($CAT) == 0) showmessage(L('missing_part_parameters'),'blank');
			$siteid = $CAT['siteid'];
			$sitedomain = $SITEINFO[$siteid]['domain'];  //获取站点域名
			$MODEL = getcache('model','commons');
			$modelid = $CAT['modelid'];		
		    $encoding   =  CHARSET;
		    $about      =  SITE_PROTOCOL.SITE_URL;
		    $title      =  $CAT['catname'];
		    $description = $CAT['description'];
		    $content_html = $CAT['content_ishtml'];
		    $image_link =  "<![CDATA[".$CAT['image']."]]> ";
		    $category   =  '';
		    $cache      =  60;
		    $rssfile    = new RSSBuilder($encoding, $about, $title, $description, $image_link, $category, $cache);
		    $publisher  =  '';
		    $creator    =  SITE_PROTOCOL.SITE_URL;
		    $date       =  date('r');
		    $rssfile->addDCdata($publisher, $creator, $date);
		    $ids = explode(",",$CAT['arrchildid']);
		    if(count($ids) == 1 && in_array($this->rssid, $ids)) {
		        $sql .= "`catid` = '$this->rssid' AND `status` = '99'";
		    } else {
		        $sql .= get_sql_catid('category_content_'.$siteid,$this->rssid)." AND `status` = '99'";
			if(empty($MODEL[$modelid]['tablename'])) showmessage(L('missing_part_parameters'),'blank');
		    $this->db->table_name = $this->db->db_tablepre.$MODEL[$modelid]['tablename'];
			$info = $this->db->select($sql,'`title`, `description`, `url`, `inputtime`, `thumb`, `keywords`','0,20','id DESC');
			foreach ($info as $r) {
			    if(!empty($r['thumb'])) $img = "<img src=".thumb($r['thumb'], 150, 150)." border='0' /><br />";else $img = '';
		        $about          =  $link = (strpos($r['url'], 'http://') !== FALSE || strpos($r['url'], 'https://') !== FALSE) ? "<![CDATA[".$r['url']."]]> " : (($content_html == 1) ? "<![CDATA[".substr($sitedomain,0,-1).$r['url']."]]> " : "<![CDATA[".substr(APP_PATH,0,-1).$r['url']."]]> ");
		        $title          =   "<![CDATA[".$r['title']."]]> ";
		        $description    =  "<![CDATA[".$img.$r['description']."]]> ";
		        $subject        =  '';
		        $date           =  date('Y-m-d H:i:s' , $r['inputtime']);
		        $author         =  $ZLCMS['sitename'].' '.SITE_PROTOCOL.SITE_URL;
		        $comments       =  '';//注释;
		        $rssfile->addItem($about, $title, $link, $description, $subject, $date,	$author, $comments, $image);
			$version = '2.00';
  * 发布的活动列表
 public function bundling_listOp()
     $model_bundling = Model('p_bundling');
     // 更新套装状态
     $where = array();
     $where['store_id'] = $_SESSION['store_id'];
     $where['bl_quota_endtime'] = array('lt', TIMESTAMP);
     // 检查是否已购买套餐
     $where = array();
     $where['store_id'] = $_SESSION['store_id'];
     $bundling_quota = $model_bundling->getBundlingQuotaInfo($where);
     Tpl::output('bundling_quota', $bundling_quota);
     if (!empty($bundling_quota)) {
         // 计算已经发布活动、剩余活动数量
         $bundling_published = $model_bundling->getBundlingCount(array('store_id' => $_SESSION['store_id']));
         $bundling_surplus = intval(C('promotion_bundling_sum')) - intval($bundling_published);
         Tpl::output('bundling_published', $bundling_published);
         Tpl::output('bundling_surplus', $bundling_surplus);
         // 查询活动
         $where = array();
         $where['store_id'] = $_SESSION['store_id'];
         if ($_GET['bundling_name'] != '') {
             $where['bl_name'] = array('like', '%' . trim($_GET['bundling_name']) . '%');
         if (is_numeric($_GET['state'])) {
             $where['bl_state'] = $_GET['state'];
         $bundling_list = $model_bundling->getBundlingList($where, '*', 'bl_id desc', 10, 0, $bundling_published);
         $bundling_list = array_under_reset($bundling_list, 'bl_id');
         Tpl::output('show_page', $model_bundling->showpage(2));
         if (!empty($bundling_list)) {
             $blid_array = array_keys($bundling_list);
             $bgoods_array = $model_bundling->getBundlingGoodsList(array('bl_id' => array('in', $blid_array), 'bl_appoint' => 1), 'bl_id,goods_id,count(*) as count', 'bl_appoint desc', 'bl_id');
             $bgoods_array = array_under_reset($bgoods_array, 'goods_id');
             if (!empty($bgoods_array)) {
                 $goodsid_array = array_keys($bgoods_array);
                 $goods_array = Model('goods')->getGoodsList(array('goods_id' => array('in', $goodsid_array)), 'goods_id,goods_image');
                 $goods_array = array_under_reset($goods_array, 'goods_id');
             $bgoods_array = array_under_reset($bgoods_array, 'bl_id');
             foreach ($bundling_list as $key => $val) {
                 $bundling_list[$key]['goods_id'] = $bgoods_array[$val['bl_id']]['goods_id'];
                 $bundling_list[$key]['count'] = $bgoods_array[$val['bl_id']]['count'];
                 $bundling_list[$key]['img'] = thumb($goods_array[$bgoods_array[$val['bl_id']]['goods_id']], 60);
         Tpl::output('list', $bundling_list);
         // 状态数组
         $state_array = array(0 => Language::get('bundling_status_0'), 1 => Language::get('bundling_status_1'));
         Tpl::output('state_array', $state_array);
     $this->profile_menu('bundling_list', 'bundling_list');
Esempio n. 6
function view($group)
    global $url, $home;
    $group = protect($group);
    $group = resolvegroup($group);
    $owner = mysql_query("SELECT `login` FROM accounts WHERE `id`='{$group['owner']}'");
    $owner = mysql_fetch_array($owner);
    $owner = $owner['login'];
    $output = '<h3>' . $group['title'] . '</h3>
<p>' . bbcode($group['desc']) . '<hr size="1">
<b>' . t("Criado por") . '</b> ' . url("user/profile/{$owner}", $owner) . '</p>';
    section($output, t("Grupo"));
    $members = null;
    if (estounogrupo($group['id'])) {
        $members .= url("groups/participacao/{$group['url']}", t("[sair do grupo]")) . '<br>';
    } else {
        $members .= url("groups/participacao/{$group['url']}", t("[participar]")) . '<br>';
    $qry = mysql_query("SELECT a.login AS l, a.foto AS f FROM groups_join g LEFT JOIN accounts a ON WHERE'{$group['id']}' LIMIT 100");
    if (mysql_numrows($qry) != 0) {
        while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($qry)) {
            $members .= '<div class="row"><p>
                  ' . url("user/profile/{$row['l']}", '<img src="' . $url . '/upload/' . thumb($row[f]) . '">') . '<br>
                  ' . url("user/profile/{$row['l']}", $row[l]) . '
    } else {
        $members .= t("Não há membros.");
    section($members, t("Membros"));
    if (estounogrupo($group['id'])) {
        // show shoutbox
        $output = '<form method="post" action="' . $home . 'groups/writesbpost">
                <input type="hidden" name="group" value="' . $group['id'] . '">
                <label for="content">Escrever</label><br/>
                <textarea name="content" id="content" rows="5" cols="25"></textarea>
                <br/><input type="submit" value="' . t("Enviar") . '"></form><br/>';
        $qry = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM groups_shoutbox WHERE `id_group`='{$group['id']}' ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 30");
        if (mysql_numrows($qry) == 0) {
            $output .= infobox(t("Não há itens na shoutbox deste grupo."), false);
        } else {
            while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($qry)) {
                $user = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT login FROM accounts WHERE `id`='{$row['owner']}'"));
                $output .= '<p>
                    ' . url("user/profile/{$user['login']}", $user['login']) . ': ' . bbcode($row['text']);
                if ($group['owner'] == $_SESSION['id'] or $row['owner'] == $_SESSION['id'] or is_admin()) {
                    $output .= '<br/>' . url("groups/remsb/{$row['id']}", t("[remover]"));
                $output .= '</p><hr size="1">';
        section($output, t("Shoutbox do grupo"));
Esempio n. 7
 public function __construct($image, $args = array())
     $this->image = $image;
     $this->thumb = thumb($image, $args);
     $this->to_path = $this->thumb()->dir() . '/' . $this->toFilename();
     $this->to_name = $this->removeExtension();
     $this->to_url = $this->toUrl();
     if (!file_exists($this->to_path)) {
Esempio n. 8
 * imgsrc Plugin
 * @author Marijn Tijhuis <*****@*****.**>
 * @author Jonathan van Wunnik <*****@*****.**>
 * @version 1.0.0
function bgimage($image = false, $options = array())
    if (!$image) {
    // Default key values
    $defaults = array('width' => null, 'height' => null, 'crop' => null, 'cropratio' => null, 'class' => '', 'alt' => '', 'quality' => c::get('thumbs.quality', 92), 'lazyload' => c::get('lazyload', false));
    // Merge defaults and options
    $options = array_merge($defaults, $options);
    // Without resrc, maximize thumb width, for speedier loading of page!
    if (c::get('resrc') == false) {
        if (!isset($options['width'])) {
            $thumbwidth = c::get('thumbs.width.default', 800);
        } else {
            $thumbwidth = $options['width'];
    } else {
        // If resrc is enabled, use original image width
        $thumbwidth = $image->width();
    // If no crop variable is defined *and* no cropratio
    // is set, the crop variable is set to false
    if (!isset($options['crop']) && !isset($options['cropratio'])) {
        $options['crop'] = false;
    // When a cropratio is set, calculate the ratio based height
    if (isset($options['cropratio'])) {
        // If cropratio is a fraction string (e.g. 1/2), convert to decimal
        if (strpos($options['cropratio'], '/') !== false) {
            list($numerator, $denominator) = str::split($options['cropratio'], '/');
            $options['cropratio'] = $numerator / $denominator;
        // Calculate new thumb height based on cropratio
        $thumbheight = round($thumbwidth * $options['cropratio']);
        // If a cropratio is set, the crop variable is always set to true
        $options['crop'] = true;
        // Manual set (crop)ratio
        $ratio = $options['cropratio'];
    } else {
        // Intrinsic image's ratio
        $ratio = 1 / $image->ratio();
        // Max. height of image
        $thumbheight = round($thumbwidth * $ratio);
    // Create thumb url (create a new thumb object)
    $options['thumburl'] = thumb($image, array('width' => $thumbwidth, 'height' => $thumbheight, 'quality' => $options['quality'], 'crop' => $options['crop']), false);
    // Add more values to options array, for use in template
    $options['customwidth'] = $options['width'];
    $options['customquality'] = $options['quality'];
    $options['ratio'] = $ratio;
    // Return template HTML
    return tpl::load(__DIR__ . DS . 'template/bgimage.php', $options);
Esempio n. 9
 public function cover_img($as = false)
     $cover_img = $this->files()->find($this->cover());
     if ($cover_img) {
         if ($as) {
             $cover_thumb = thumb($cover_img, array("width" => 400, "height" => 250, "blur" => true));
             return brick('div')->attr('style', "background-image:url(" . $cover_thumb->url() . ");")->addClass('story__cover');
         return $cover_img->url();
     return false;
Esempio n. 10
function modules()
    global $url;
    $output = '<p>' . url("comu/newmodule", "Novo módulo") . '</p>';
    $qry = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM comunidade WHERE tipo='m' ORDER BY id DESC");
    while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($qry)) {
        $output .= '<p class="row">';
        $output .= url("comu/viewtheme/{$row['id']}", $row['nome']);
        $output .= '<img src="' . $url . '/upload/' . thumb($row['imagem']) . '" width="100">';
        $output .= '</p>';
    section($output, 'Módulos');
  * 获取收藏列表
  * @param  int $uid 用户uid
 public function getLists($uid)
     $map = array('user_id' => $uid);
     $lists = $this->where($map)->select();
     $product = array();
     foreach ($lists as $key => $value) {
         $product = M('FxProduct')->field('product_name, thumb')->where(array('product_id' => $value['product']))->find();
         $lists[$key]['title'] = msubstr($product['product_name'], 0, 15);
         $lists[$key]['thumb'] = thumb($product['thumb']);
         $lists[$key]['url'] = U('Index/product', array('id' => $value['product']));
         $lists[$key]['del_url'] = U('collect', array('type' => 2, 'product_id' => $value['product']));
     return $lists;
Esempio n. 12
 * @param int $id
 * @return string
function editHouse($id)
    $arr = $_POST;
    $arr['update_time'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
    $sql = "select house_id from tg_host_house where id={$id}";
    $row = fetchOne($sql);
    $album_id = $row['house_id'];
    $path = "../uploads/House_Album/user_id_" . $album_id;
    $uploadFiles = uploadFile($path);
    if (is_array($uploadFiles) && $uploadFiles) {
        foreach ($uploadFiles as $key => $uploadFile) {
            thumb($path . "/" . $uploadFile['name'], "../image_50/user_id_" . $album_id . "/" . $uploadFile['name'], 50, 50);
    $where = "house_id={$id}";
    $res = update("tg_host_house", $arr, $where);
    $house_id = $row['house_id'];
    //����ȡ�� house_id ����Ӧ album_id
    $sql_img = "select i.album_id from tg_house_img as i left join tg_host_house h on h.house_id=i.album_id where i.album_id={$house_id}";
    $row_img = fetchOne($sql_img);
    //��img_path ��ӵ� tg_house_img��
    if ($res && $house_id) {
        if ($uploadFiles && is_array($uploadFiles)) {
            foreach ($uploadFiles as $uploadFile) {
                $arr1['album_id'] = $house_id;
                $arr1['img_path'] = $uploadFile['name'];
        $mes = "<p>Edit success!</p><a href='listHouse.php' target='mainFrame'>View house list</a>";
    } else {
        if (is_array($uploadFiles) && $uploadFiles) {
            foreach ($uploadFiles as $uploadFile) {
                if (file_exists("../image_50/user_id_" . $_SESSION['user_id'] . "/" . $uploadFile['name'])) {
                    unlink("../image_50/user_id_" . $_SESSION['user_id'] . "/" . $uploadFile['name']);
                if (file_exists("../uploads/House_Album/user_id_" . $_SESSION['user_id'] . "/" . $uploadFile['name'])) {
                    unlink("../uploads/House_Album/user_id_" . $_SESSION['user_id'] . "/" . $uploadFile['name']);
        $mes = "<p>Failed!</p><a href='listHouse.php' target='mainFrame'>Edit again</a>";
    return $mes;
Esempio n. 13
 public function picture($imageFile, $ruleSet, $options, $attributes)
     $markup = '';
     foreach ($ruleSet as $rule) {
         $id = 'img' . random();
         if ($rule['mediaRule']) {
             echo "\n              <style scoped>\n                #" . $id . " { display: none; }\n\n                @media only screen and " . $rule['mediaRule'] . " {\n                  #" . $id . " { display: block; }\n                }\n              </style>\n            ";
         echo '<img
         id="' . $id . '"
         src="' . $imageFile . thumb($rule . dimensions[0], $rule . dimensions[1], $options) . '" ' . $attributes . '>';
     return $markup;
Esempio n. 14
 * Figure Plugin
 * @author Marijn Tijhuis <*****@*****.**>
 * @author Jonathan van Wunnik <*****@*****.**>
 * @version 1.0.0
function figure($image = false, $options = array())
    if (!$image) {
    // default key values
    $defaults = array('crop' => null, 'cropratio' => null, 'class' => '', 'alt' => '', 'caption' => null, 'lazyload' => c::get('lazyload', false));
    // merge defaults and options
    $options = array_merge($defaults, $options);
    // without resrc, maximize thumb width, for speedier loading of page!
    if (c::get('resrc') == false) {
        $thumbwidth = c::get('', 800);
    } else {
        // with resrc use maximum (original) image width
        $thumbwidth = null;
    // if no crop variable is defined *and* no cropratio
    // is set, the crop variable is set to false
    if (!isset($options['crop']) && !isset($options['cropratio'])) {
        $options['crop'] = false;
    // when a cropratio is set, calculate the ratio based height
    if (isset($options['cropratio'])) {
        // if resrc is enabled (and therefor $thumbwidth is not set (e.g. `null`),
        // to use max width of image!), set thumbwidth to width of original image
        if (!isset($thumbwidth)) {
            $thumbwidth = $image->width();
        // if cropratio is a fraction string (e.g. 1/2), convert to decimal
        // if(!is_numeric($options['cropratio'])) {
        if (strpos($options['cropratio'], '/') !== false) {
            list($numerator, $denominator) = str::split($options['cropratio'], '/');
            $options['cropratio'] = $numerator / $denominator;
        // calculate new thumb height based on cropratio
        $thumbheight = round($thumbwidth * $options['cropratio']);
        // if a cropratio is set, the crop variable is always set to true
        $options['crop'] = true;
    } else {
        $thumbheight = null;
        // max height of image
    // Create thumb url (create a new thumb object)
    $options['thumburl'] = thumb($image, array('width' => $thumbwidth, 'height' => $thumbheight, 'crop' => $options['crop']), false);
    // Add image object to options array, for use in template
    $options['image'] = $image;
    // Return template HTML
    return tpl::load(__DIR__ . DS . 'template.php', $options);
Esempio n. 15
 public function test_thumb($param)
     $url = $this->input->get("url");
     $w = (int) $this->input->get("w");
     $h = (int) $this->input->get("h");
     // echo $url;
     echo "<br>";
     $th = thumb($url, $w, $h);
     echo $th . "<hr>";
     echo "<img src='{$th}' />";
     echo "<hr/><pre>" . __FILE__ . " L:" . __LINE__;
     echo "</pre><hr/>";
Esempio n. 16
	public function indexOp(){
        $model_mb_ad = Model('mb_ad');
        $model_mb_home = Model('mb_home');

        $datas = array();

        $adv_list = array();
        $mb_ad_list = $model_mb_ad->getMbAdList(array(), null, 'link_sort asc');
        foreach ($mb_ad_list as $value) {
            $adv = array();
            $adv['image'] = $value['link_pic_url'];
            $adv['keyword'] = $value['link_keyword'];
            $adv_list[] = $adv;

        $home_type1_list = array();
        $home_type2_list = array();
        //$mb_home_list = $model_mb_home->getMbHomeList(array(), null, 'h_sort asc');

        // @tsh
        foreach($list as $v){
        $datas['adv_list'] = $advList;

        foreach ($mb_home_list as $value) {
            $home = array();
            $home['image'] = thumb($value,160);
            $home['title'] = $value['goods_name'];
            $home['desc'] = $value['goods_jingle'];
            $home['keyword1'] = '';
            $home_type1_list[] = $home;

        $datas['home1'] = $home_type1_list;
        $datas['home2'] = $home_type1_list;

Esempio n. 17
 public function section($id = 0)
     $id = round($id);
     $info = $this->data['info'] = $this->Data->Information($id);
     if (!$this->data['info']) {
         return $this->error();
     $headers['head-title'] = $info->title . ' | ' . $this->config->item('client', 'app');
     $headers['title'] = $info->title;
     $headers['description'] = $headers['keywords'] = strip_tags($info->text);
     if ($info->file) {
         $headers['og:image'] = thumb($info->file, 650, 498);
     $this->data['headers'] = $headers;
     $this->load->view('section/static', $this->data);
Esempio n. 18
function autothumbhook($file)
    if (!c::get('autothumb.enabled', false) || !$file->isImage()) {
    try {
        $height = c::get('autothumb.height', 500);
        $quality = c::get('autothumb.quality', 70);
        $dimensions = clone $file->dimensions();
        $thumb = thumb($file, ['width' => $dimensions->width(), 'height' => $dimensions->height(), 'quality' => $quality]);
        echo $thumb->root();
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        return response::error($e->getMessage());
Esempio n. 19
  * 异步查询购物车
 public function ajax_loadOp()
     $model_cart = Model('cart');
     if ($_SESSION['member_id']) {
         $cart_list = $model_cart->listCart('db', array('buyer_id' => $_SESSION['member_id']));
         $cart_array = array();
         if (!empty($cart_list)) {
             foreach ($cart_list as $k => $cart) {
                 $cart_array['list'][$k]['cart_id'] = $cart['cart_id'];
                 $cart_array['list'][$k]['goods_id'] = $cart['goods_id'];
                 $cart_array['list'][$k]['goods_name'] = $cart['goods_name'];
                 $cart_array['list'][$k]['goods_price'] = $cart['goods_price'];
                 $cart_array['list'][$k]['goods_image'] = thumb($cart, 60);
                 $cart_array['list'][$k]['goods_num'] = $cart['goods_num'];
                 $cart_array['list'][$k]['goods_url'] = urlShop('goods', 'index', array('goods_id' => $cart['goods_id']));
     } else {
         $cart_list = $model_cart->listCart('cookie');
         foreach ($cart_list as $key => $cart) {
             $value = array();
             $value['cart_id'] = $cart['goods_id'];
             $value['goods_name'] = $cart['goods_name'];
             $value['goods_price'] = $cart['goods_price'];
             $value['goods_num'] = $cart['goods_num'];
             $value['goods_image'] = thumb($cart, 60);
             $value['goods_url'] = urlShop('goods', 'index', array('goods_id' => $cart['goods_id']));
             $cart_array['list'][] = $value;
     setNcCookie('cart_goods_num', $model_cart->cart_goods_num, 2 * 3600);
     $cart_array['cart_all_price'] = ncPriceFormat($model_cart->cart_all_price);
     $cart_array['cart_goods_num'] = $model_cart->cart_goods_num;
     if ($_GET['type'] == 'html') {
         Tpl::output('cart_list', $cart_array);
         Tpl::showpage('cart_mini', 'null_layout');
     } else {
         $cart_array = strtoupper(CHARSET) == 'GBK' ? Language::getUTF8($cart_array) : $cart_array;
         $json_data = json_encode($cart_array);
         if (isset($_GET['callback'])) {
             $json_data = $_GET['callback'] == '?' ? '(' . $json_data . ')' : $_GET['callback'] . "({$json_data});";
 * @param int $id
 * @return string
function editPro($id)
    $arr = $_POST;
    $path = "./uploads";
    $uploadFiles = uploadFile($path);
    if (is_array($uploadFiles) && $uploadFiles) {
        foreach ($uploadFiles as $key => $uploadFile) {
            thumb($path . "/" . $uploadFile['name'], "../image_50/" . $uploadFile['name'], 50, 50);
            thumb($path . "/" . $uploadFile['name'], "../image_220/" . $uploadFile['name'], 220, 220);
            thumb($path . "/" . $uploadFile['name'], "../image_350/" . $uploadFile['name'], 350, 350);
            thumb($path . "/" . $uploadFile['name'], "../image_800/" . $uploadFile['name'], 800, 800);
    $where = "id={$id}";
    $res = update("imooc_pro", $arr, $where);
    $pid = $id;
    if ($res && $pid) {
        if ($uploadFiles && is_array($uploadFiles)) {
            foreach ($uploadFiles as $uploadFile) {
                $arr1['pid'] = $pid;
                $arr1['albumPath'] = $uploadFile['name'];
        $mes = "<p>编辑成功!</p><a href='listPro.php' target='mainFrame'>查看商品列表</a>";
    } else {
        if (is_array($uploadFiles) && $uploadFiles) {
            foreach ($uploadFiles as $uploadFile) {
                if (file_exists("../image_800/" . $uploadFile['name'])) {
                    unlink("../image_800/" . $uploadFile['name']);
                if (file_exists("../image_50/" . $uploadFile['name'])) {
                    unlink("../image_50/" . $uploadFile['name']);
                if (file_exists("../image_220/" . $uploadFile['name'])) {
                    unlink("../image_220/" . $uploadFile['name']);
                if (file_exists("../image_350/" . $uploadFile['name'])) {
                    unlink("../image_350/" . $uploadFile['name']);
        $mes = "<p>编辑失败!</p><a href='listPro.php' target='mainFrame'>重新编辑</a>";
    return $mes;
Esempio n. 21
  * 客户购买商品列表
 public function goods_listOp()
     $model_stat = Model('stat');
     $goods_list = array();
     $condition['store_id'] = $this->store_info['store_id'];
     if (is_numeric($_POST['member_id'])) {
         $condition['buyer_id'] = intval($_POST['member_id']);
     $goods_list = $model_stat->statByStatordergoods($condition, 'store_id,goods_name,goods_image,goods_num,goods_price,order_add_time', $this->page);
     if (!empty($goods_list)) {
         foreach ($goods_list as $key => $val) {
             $goods_list[$key]['gooods_image'] = thumb($val, '240');
     $page_count = $model_stat->gettotalpage();
     output_data(array('goods_list' => $goods_list), mobile_page($page_count));
Esempio n. 22
 * 添加记录
 * @return string
function post()
    if (getPostNumByUid($_SESSION['uid']) >= maxPost) {
        $msg = "你的记录总数达到上限 (" . maxPost . "条),已不能继续发布记录. <br>若有疑问请联系管理员";
        return $msg;
    $arr = $_POST;
    array_splice($arr, 1, 1);
    $arr['date'] = date("Y-m-j" . " " . "H:i:s");
    $arr['uid'] = $_SESSION['uid'];
    // 判断是否有记录图片都没有
    if (empty($arr['post']) && empty($_FILES['postImage']['name'])) {
        $msg = "填写内容或添加图片后再添加!<meta http-equiv='refresh' content='1;url=user.php'/>";
        return $msg;
    $res = insert("zhx_post", $arr);
    if ($res) {
        $pmsg = "记录发布成功!";
    $pid = getInsertId();
    // return print_r($arr);
    if (!empty($_FILES['postImage']['name'])) {
        // print_r($uploadFile);exit;
        $uploadFile = uploadFile("images/uploads/postImage/");
        if ($uploadFile && is_array($uploadFile)) {
            $album['image'] = $uploadFile[0]['name'];
            thumb("images/uploads/postImage/" . $album['image'], "images/uploads/postImage_500/" . $album['image'], 500);
            $album['pid'] = $pid;
            insert("zhx_album", $album);
            $imsg = "添加图片成功!";
        } else {
            $imsg = "添加图片失败!";
    $msg = $pmsg . " " . @$imsg . "<meta http-equiv='refresh' content='1;url=user.php'/>";
    return $msg;
 public function save_face()
     $this->uid = session('home_member_id');
     if (IS_POST) {
         if ($_FILES) {
             $file = $_FILES['img'];
             $filename = $file["tmp_name"];
             if ($file['error'] > 0) {
                 echo json_encode(array('status' => 0, 'info' => '上传图片不存在'));
             $img_folder = 'icon/';
             if (!file_exists($img_folder)) {
                 mkdir($img_folder, '0777');
             $img = $img_folder . $this->uid . '_avatar_big' . "." . 'jpg';
             //big,small middle
             if (!move_uploaded_file($filename, $img)) {
                 echo json_encode(array('status' => 0, 'info' => '上传图片不存在'));
             } else {
                 $middle = thumb($img, 120, 120, 'M');
                 $small = thumb($img, 48, 48, 'S');
                 rename($img_folder . 'M' . $this->uid . '_avatar_big' . "." . 'jpg', $img_folder . $this->uid . '_avatar_middle' . "." . 'jpg');
                 rename($img_folder . 'S' . $this->uid . '_avatar_big' . "." . 'jpg', $img_folder . $this->uid . '_avatar_small' . "." . 'jpg');
             $img = 'http://' . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . '/' . __ROOT__ . '/' . $img_folder . $this->uid . '_avatar_big' . "." . 'jpg';
             echo json_encode(array('status' => 1, 'info' => '上传成功', 'img' => $img));
         } else {
             echo json_encode(array('status' => 0, 'info' => '上传失败'));
     } else {
         echo json_encode(array('status' => 0, 'info' => '提交错误'));
Esempio n. 24
function post()
    global $url;
    $me = $_SESSION['id'];
    $query = substr(protect($_POST['query']), 0, 16);
    if (strlen($query) < 3) {
        # isso não é um coração...
        infobox(t("Termos de busca muito pequenos.", true, true));
    if ($_POST['usuarios']) {
        $qry = mysql_query("SELECT `foto`,`login` FROM accounts WHERE `login` LIKE '%{$query}%' OR `nome` LIKE '%{$query}%'");
        if (mysql_numrows($qry) == 0) {
            $usuarios = t("Nenhum resultado!");
        } else {
            $usuarios = null;
            while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($qry)) {
                $usuarios .= "\n" . '<p><div class="row">
                        <img src="' . $url . '/upload/' . thumb($row['foto']) . '"><br>
                        ' . url("user/profile/{$row['login']}", $row['login']) . '
        section($usuarios, t("Buscando usuários."));
    if ($_POST['grupos']) {
        $qry = mysql_query("SELECT `title`,`url` FROM groups WHERE `title` LIKE '%{$query}%' OR `desc` LIKE '%{$query}%'");
        if (mysql_numrows($qry) == 0) {
            $grupos = t("Nenhum resultado!");
        } else {
            $grupos = null;
            while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($qry)) {
                $grupos .= "\n" . '<p><div class="row">
                        ' . url("groups/view/{$row['url']}", $row['title']) . '
        section($grupos, t("Buscando grupos."));
 function minigallery($params)
      * Default values set them to your preferences.
     $defaults = array('width' => 200, 'height' => 200, 'crop' => false, 'quality' => 100, 'rel' => "gallery", 'titles' => "", 'fancybox' => "true", 'class' => "");
     global $site;
     $options = array_merge($defaults, $params);
     $files = $params['minigallery'];
     $titles = $options['titles'];
     $fancybox = $options['fancybox'];
     $page = $this->obj ? $this->obj : $site->pages()->active();
     // explode images and titles
     $filesArr = explode("|", $files);
     $titlesArr = explode("|", $titles);
     // html output
     $output = "<span class=\"minigallery";
     $output .= $options['class'] ? " " . $options['class'] : "";
     $output .= "\">";
     foreach ($filesArr as $key => $img) {
         $currentImage = $page->images()->find($img);
         if ($fancybox == "true") {
             $output .= "<a href=\"" . $currentImage->url() . "\" class=\"fancybox\" rel=\"" . $options['rel'] . "\"";
             // is there a title?
             if (count($titlesArr) > 0 && isset($titlesArr[$key]) && $titlesArr[$key] != "") {
                 $output .= " title= \"" . $titlesArr[$key] . "\" ";
             $output .= ">";
         // call thumb method
         $output .= thumb($currentImage, array('width' => $options['width'], 'height' => $options['height'], 'crop' => $options['crop'], 'quality' => $options['quality']));
         if ($fancybox == "true") {
             $output .= "</a>";
     $output .= "</span>";
     return $output;
Esempio n. 26
  * 订单
 public function index()
     $map = array('user_id' => $this->user_info['user_id']);
     $status = I('status');
     if (!empty($status)) {
         $map['status'] = $status;
         $souso['status'] = $status;
     $lists = M('FxOrder')->where($map)->select();
     foreach ($lists as $key => $value) {
         $order_info = unserialize($value['order_info']);
         $product = array_pop($order_info['cart']);
         $lists[$key]['thumb'] = thumb($product['thumb']);
         $lists[$key]['num'] = $order_info['count_num'];
         $lists[$key]['url'] = U('show', array('order_id' => $value['order_id']));
         $lists[$key]['status_text'] = get_fx_order_status($value['status']);
     // echo '<pre>';
     // print_r($lists);
     // echo '</pre>';
     $this->assign('lists', $lists);
     $this->assign('souso', $souso);
if (is_array($pages)) {
    $i = 0;
    $__LIST__ = $pages;
    if (count($__LIST__) == 0) {
        echo "";
    } else {
        foreach ($__LIST__ as $key => $page) {
            $mod = $i % 2;
<div class="block">
                    <div class="thumb">
                        <img src="<?php 
            echo thumb($page['thumb'], 160, 160);
                    <div class="details">
                        <div class="title">
            echo $page['title'];
                        <div class="brief">
            echo trim(strip_tags($page['content']));
Esempio n. 28
  * ajax获取商品列表
 public function get_goods_list_ajaxOp()
     $common_id = $_GET['commonid'];
     if ($common_id <= 0) {
         echo 'false';
     $model_goods = Model('goods');
     $goodscommon_list = $model_goods->getGoodeCommonInfoByID($common_id, 'spec_name,store_id');
     if (empty($goodscommon_list) || $goodscommon_list['store_id'] != $_SESSION['store_id']) {
         echo 'false';
     $goods_list = $model_goods->getGoodsList(array('store_id' => $_SESSION['store_id'], 'goods_commonid' => $common_id), 'goods_id,goods_spec,store_id,goods_price,goods_serial,goods_storage_alarm,goods_storage,goods_image');
     if (empty($goods_list)) {
         echo 'false';
     $spec_name = array_values((array) unserialize($goodscommon_list['spec_name']));
     foreach ($goods_list as $key => $val) {
         $goods_spec = array_values((array) unserialize($val['goods_spec']));
         $spec_array = array();
         foreach ($goods_spec as $k => $v) {
             $spec_array[] = '<div class="goods_spec">' . $spec_name[$k] . L('nc_colon') . '<em title="' . $v . '">' . $v . '</em>' . '</div>';
         $goods_list[$key]['goods_image'] = thumb($val, '60');
         $goods_list[$key]['goods_spec'] = implode('', $spec_array);
         $goods_list[$key]['alarm'] = $val['goods_storage_alarm'] != 0 && $val['goods_storage'] <= $val['goods_storage_alarm'] ? 'style="color:red;"' : '';
         $goods_list[$key]['url'] = urlShop('goods', 'index', array('goods_id' => $val['goods_id']));
      * 转码
     if (strtoupper(CHARSET) == 'GBK') {
     echo json_encode($goods_list);
Esempio n. 29
    foreach ($output['list'] as $val) {
        $goods = $output['goods_list'][$val['order_goods_id']];
      <tr class="bd-line">
        <td class="w50"><div class="pic-thumb"><a target="_blank" href="<?php 
        echo urlShop('goods', 'index', array('goods_id' => $goods['goods_id']));
            <img src="<?php 
        echo thumb($goods, 60);
" onMouseOver="toolTip('<img src=<?php 
        echo thumb($goods, 240);
>')" onMouseOut="toolTip()" /></a></div></td>
        <td class="tl"><dl class="goods-name">
            <dt><a target="_blank" href="<?php 
        echo urlShop('goods', 'index', array('goods_id' => $goods['goods_id']));
        echo $goods['goods_name'];
        echo $val['accused_name'];