function guest_agree_delete($sid, $pid, $touid, $tid) { $pid = intval($pid); $sid = addslashes($sid); $r = db_exec("DELETE FROM `bbs_guest_agree` WHERE sid='{$sid}' AND pid='{$pid}'"); if ($r !== FALSE) { user_update($touid, array('agrees-' => 1)); post_update($pid, array('agrees-' => 1)); $tid and thread_update($tid, array('agrees-' => 1)); // 改变用户组 user_update_group($touid); return TRUE; // 0 } else { return FALSE; } }
function myagree_delete($uid, $pid, $isfirst) { $agree = myagree_read($pid, $uid); if (empty($agree)) { return 0; } $fromuid = $agree['uid']; $touid = $agree['touid']; $tid = $agree['tid']; $r = db_exec("DELETE FROM `bbs_myagree` WHERE uid='{$uid}' AND pid='{$pid}' LIMIT 1"); db_exec("DELETE FROM `bbs_post_agree` WHERE pid='{$pid}' AND uid='{$uid}' LIMIT 1"); if ($r !== FALSE) { user_update($fromuid, array('myagrees-' => 1)); user_update($touid, array('agrees-' => 1)); post_update($pid, array('agrees-' => 1)); $isfirst and thread_update($tid, array('agrees-' => 1)); // 改变用户组 user_update_group($touid); return $r; // 0 } else { return FALSE; } }
$post['uid'] != $uid and !forum_access_mod($fid, $gid, 'allowupdate') and message(-1, '您(' . $user['groupname'] . ')无权限在此版块编辑帖子'); $arr['fid'] = $newfid; } if ($seo_url != $thread['seo_url'] && $conf['seo_url_rewrite'] && $group['allowcustomurl']) { $seo_url = preg_replace('#[\\W]#', '-', $seo_url); // 只允许英文和 - $seo_url and thread_read_by_seo_url($seo_url) and message(4, '自定义的 URL 已经存在,请修改。'); // 这里可能有并发问题,seo_url 并非 UNIQUE KEY strlen($seo_url) > 128 and message(3, '自定义 URL 太长'); $arr['seo_url'] = $seo_url; } if ($subject != $thread['subject']) { mb_strlen($subject, 'UTF-8') > 80 and message(1, '标题最长80个字符'); $arr['subject'] = $subject; } $arr and thread_update($tid, $arr) === FALSE and message(-1, '更新主题失败'); } $r = post_update($pid, array('message' => $message)); $r === FALSE and message(-1, '更新帖子失败'); message(0, array('pid' => $pid, 'subject' => $subject, 'message' => $message)); } } elseif ($action == 'delete') { $pid = param(2, 0); if ($method != 'POST') { message(-1, '方法不对'); } $post = post_read($pid); empty($post) and message(-1, '帖子不存在:' . $pid); $tid = $post['tid']; $thread = thread_read($tid); empty($thread) and message(-1, '主题不存在:' . $tid);
if ($method == 'GET') { // 选中第一个 $tid = $tidarr[0]; $thread = thread_read($tid); include './pc/view/mod_move.htm'; } else { if ($method == 'POST') { $newfid = param('newfid', 0); !forum_read($newfid) and message(1, '板块不存在'); $threadlist = thread_find_by_tids($tidarr, 1, 1000); // 设置置顶 foreach ($threadlist as &$thread) { $fid = $thread['fid']; $tid = $thread['tid']; if (forum_access_mod($fid, $gid, 'allowmove')) { thread_update($tid, array('fid' => $newfid)); $arr = array('uid' => $uid, 'tid' => $thread['tid'], 'pid' => $thread['firstpid'], 'subject' => $thread['subject'], 'comment' => '', 'create_date' => $time, 'action' => 'move'); modlog_create($arr); } } message(0, '移动完成'); } } } elseif ($action == 'deleteuser') { $_uid = param(2, 0); $method != 'POST' and message(-1, 'Method error'); empty($group['allowdeleteuser']) and message(-1, '您无权删除用户'); $u = user_read($_uid); empty($u) and message(-1, '用户不存在或者已经被删除。'); $u['gid'] < 6 and message(-1, '不允许删除管理组,请先调整用户用户组。'); $r = user_delete($_uid);
/** * Used to update a thread informations * @global type $input * @return boolean */ function thread_edit() { global $input; $thread_id = $input['thread_id']; $thread_message = surround_url($input['thread_message'] . edited_on()); $thread_timecode = intval($input['thread_timecode']); $thread_title = htmlspecialchars($input['thread_title']); $album = $input['thread_album']; $asset = $input['thread_asset']; $_SESSION['current_thread '] = $thread_id; // remove php and javascript tags $thread_message = safe_text($thread_message); thread_update($thread_id, $thread_title, $thread_message, $thread_timecode, $album, $_SESSION['user_full_name']); cache_asset_threads_unset($album, $asset); cache_album_threads_unset($album); trace_append(array('3', 'thread_edit', $album, $asset, $thread_timecode, $thread_id)); return thread_details_update(); }