
 * Somewhere within your application:
 * This is just an example of what you can do.
namespace FileSystem;

class Space extends Directory
$application->bind('FileSystem\\Space', function (User $user) {
    return new Space($user->allocatedSpacePath);
// In your business logic:
use FileSystem\File;
use FileSystem\FileSystem;
use FileSystem\Space;
when('i want to make a directory inside my space', then(apply(a(function (FileSystem $fileSystem, Space $space, File $file) {
    $fileSystem->write($file, inside($space));

use FileSystem\FileSystem;
use FileSystem\File;
when('i want to delete a file', then(apply(a(function (FileSystem $fileSystem, File $file) {
    echo $file->content;
| Note: The file stays intact.
| After you call delete with $file on the file system it goes
| through the delete process of the file system, it is being 
| removed from the file tree and it is removed from the 
| parent inside the file tree. 
| BUT: The file stays intact, all its data and even the parent
| will stay intact meaning you can do with that file whatever
| you want.
        then(function ($callback) {
            return $callback() === 'foo';
    context('using a real context', function () {
        given('given_php', m::mock()->shouldReceive('get_value')->andReturn('foo')->getMock());
        given('callback', new EnhancedCallback(function ($foo_var) {
            return $foo_var;
        then(function ($callback, $given_php) {
            $result = $callback($given_php) === 'foo';
            return $result;
    context('parameters', function () {
        given('given_php', m::mock()->shouldReceive('get_value')->twice()->andReturn(1)->getMock());
        given('callback', new EnhancedCallback(function ($param_1, $param_2) {
            return $param_1 + $param_2;
        when('parameters', function ($given_php, EnhancedCallback $callback) {
            return $callback->parameters($given_php);
        then(function ($parameters) {
            return count($parameters) === 4;
        then(function ($parameters) {
            return isset($parameters[0], $parameters[1], $parameters['param_1'], $parameters['param_2']);
Esempio n. 4

use FileSystem\File;
use FileSystem\FileSystem;
when('i want to rename a file', then(apply(a(function (FileSystem $fileSystem, File $file) {
| Notes: renaming behind the scenes.
| Behind the scenes in your technical code you call:
| $file->renameTo ( 'new name' );
| The business code here can choose to save it to the file
| system as it has done in the above code. Other options
| might include just ignoring the technical provided name
| and renaming the file to something else.
Esempio n. 5

require 'Stack.php';
describe('Stack', function () {
    Given('stack', function ($initial_contents) {
        return new Stack($initial_contents);
    context('with no items', function () {
        given('initial_contents', function () {
            return [];
        when(function (Stack $stack) {
        then(function (Stack $stack) {
            return $stack->size() === 1;
    context('with one item', function () {
        given('initial_contents', function () {
            return ['an item'];
        when(function (Stack $stack) {
            $stack->push('another item');
        then(function (Stack $stack) {
            return $stack->size() === 2;
Esempio n. 6

use FileSystem\Directory;
use FileSystem\FileSystem;
when('i want to make a new directory', then(apply(a(function (FileSystem $fileSystem, Directory $directory) {
Esempio n. 7
    context('isolated', function () {
        then(function ($empty) {
            return empty($empty);
describe('Natural failing assertions', function () {
    given('foo', 1);
    given('expected', 2);
    then(function ($foo, $expected) {
        return $foo + $foo + 2 * $foo === $expected;
    then(function () {
        return null == "HI" && true && 1;
    then(function ($foo) {
        return $foo != 1;
    context('with labels', function () {
        given('the number of offers', 'offers', 3);
        given('the price of each offer', 'price', 4);
        when('I multiply the number with the price', 'total', function ($offers, $price) {
            return $offers * $price;
        then('I should get 15', function ($total) {
            return $total === 15;
    describe('calling #reportEnd', function () {
        given('errors', array());
        given('labels', array());
        given('results', array());
        given('an instance of the tap reporter', 'reporter', new TapReporter());
        context('no tests were executed', function () {
            given('total', 0);
            when('reporter #reportEnd is called', 'result', function ($reporter, $total, $errors, $labels, $results) {
                $reporter->reportEnd($total, $errors, $labels, $results);
                return ob_get_clean();
            then('result should be a valid string', function ($result) {
                return empty($result);
        context('11 tests with no errors was executed', function () {
            given('total', 11);
            when('reporter #reportEnd is called', 'result', function ($reporter, $total, $errors, $labels, $results) {
                $reporter->reportEnd($total, $errors, $labels, $results);
                return ob_get_clean();
            then('result should be a valid string', function ($result) {
                return !(false === strpos($result, '1..11'));
Esempio n. 9

use FileSystem\Directory;
use FileSystem\File;
use FileSystem\FileSystem;
when('i want to move a file', then(apply(a(function (FileSystem $fileSystem, Directory $directory, File $file) {
    $fileSystem->move($file, to($directory));
                return !(false === strpos($result, 'rendered error: 1'));
            then('error summaries should have been rendered', function ($result) {
                return !(false === strpos($result, 'Failed examples:')) && !(false === strpos($result, 'error summary'));
        context('5 tests with 2 errors and labels were executed', function () {
            given('total', 5);
            given('errors', array(new MockError(), new MockError()));
            given('labels', array('Error number 1', 'Error number 2'));
            given('results', array());
            when('reporter #reportEnd is called', 'result', function ($reporter, $total, $errors, $labels, $results) {
                $reporter->reportEnd($total, $errors, $labels, $results);
                return ob_get_clean();
            then('result should be a valid string', function ($result) {
                return !(false === strpos($result, '5 examples, 2 failures'));
            then('errors should have been rendered', function ($result) {
                return !(false === strpos($result, 'rendered error: 1')) && !(false === strpos($result, 'rendered error: 2'));
            then('labels should have been rendered', function ($result) {
                return !(false === strpos($result, 'Error number 1')) && !(false === strpos($result, 'Error number 2'));
            then('error summaries should have been rendered', function ($result) {
                return !(false === strpos($result, 'Failed examples:')) && !(false === strpos($result, 'error summary'));

 * Somewhere within your application:
 * This is just an example of what you can do.
namespace FileSystem;

class Space extends Directory
$application->bind('FileSystem\\Space', function (User $user) {
    return new Space($user->allocatedSpacePath);
// In your business logic:
use FileSystem\Directory;
use FileSystem\FileSystem;
use FileSystem\Space;
when('i want to make a directory inside my space', then(apply(a(function (FileSystem $fileSystem, Directory $directory, Space $space) {
    $fileSystem->make($directory, inside($space));
Esempio n. 12

| Somewhere within your application.
| This is just an example of what you can do. Input is the input the user of 
| your application provided.
use FileSystem\File;
$application->bind('FileSystem\\File', function (Input $input) {
    $file = new File($input->get('name'));
    return $file;
| Your business logic.
use FileSystem\File;
when('i want to read a file', then(apply(a(function (File $file) {
    echo $file->contents;
Esempio n. 13

describe('Natural assertions', function () {
    when(function () {
        then(function () {
    then(function () {

namespace Business;

class Document extends File
class MyDocuments extends Directory
/** ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
use Business\Document;
use Business\MyDocuments;
use FileSystem\FileSystem;
when('i want to write a new document', then(apply(a(function (FileSystem $fileSystem, MyDocuments $myDocuments, Document $document) {
    $fileSystem->write($document, inside($myDocuments));
Esempio n. 15

use FileSystem\File;
use FileSystem\FileSystem;
when('i want to write a file', then(apply(a(function (FileSystem $fileSystem, File $file) {