Esempio n. 1
            //no last post, remove the template for it
        //attach the templated sub-forum item to the list
} else {
    //no sub-forums, remove the template stuff
/* threads
   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
if ($threads || $stickies) {
    //do the page links (stickies are not included in the count as they appear on all pages)
    theme_pageList($template, PATH_URL, $PAGE, $PAGES);
    //slice the full list into the current page
    $threads = array_merge($stickies, array_slice($threads, ($PAGE - 1) * FORUM_THREADS, FORUM_THREADS));
    //get the dummy list-item to repeat (removes it and takes a copy)
    $item = $template->repeat('.nnf_thread');
    //generate the list of threads with data, for the template
    foreach ($threads as $file) {
        if ($xml = @simplexml_load_file($file)) {
            //is the thread sticky?
            if (in_array($file, $stickies)) {
                $item->addClass('.', 'sticky');
            //get the last post in the thread
            $last =& $xml->channel->item[0];
            //apply the data to the template
            $item->set(array('a.nnf_thread-name' => $xml->channel->title, 'a.nnf_thread-name@href' => pathinfo($file, PATHINFO_FILENAME), '.nnf_thread-replies' => count($xml->channel->item) - 1, 'a.nnf_thread-post@href' => substr($last->link, strpos($last->link, '/', 9)), 'time.nnf_thread-time' => date(DATE_FORMAT, strtotime($last->pubDate)), 'time.nnf_thread-time@datetime' => date('c', strtotime($last->pubDate)), '.nnf_thread-author' => $last->author))->remove(array('.nnf_thread-locked' => !$xml->channel->xpath("category[.='locked']"), '.nnf_thread-sticky' => !in_array($file, $stickies) || $xml->channel->xpath("category[.='locked']")));
Esempio n. 2
            //no last post, remove the template for it
        //attach the templated sub-forum item to the list
} else {
    //no sub-forums, remove the template stuff
/* threads
   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
if ($threads || @$stickies) {
    //do the page links (stickies are not included in the count as they appear on all pages)
    theme_pageList($template, '', $PAGE, $PAGES);
    //slice the full list into the current page
    $threads = array_merge($stickies, array_slice($threads, ($PAGE - 1) * FORUM_THREADS, FORUM_THREADS));
    //get the dummy list-item to repeat (removes it and takes a copy)
    $item = $template->repeat('.nnf_thread');
    //generate the list of threads with data, for the template
    foreach ($threads as $file) {
        if ($xml = @simplexml_load_file($file)) {
            if ($last =& $xml->channel->item[0]) {
                $item->set(array('a.nnf_thread-name' => $xml->channel->title, 'a.nnf_thread-name@href' => url(PATH_URL, pathinfo($file, PATHINFO_FILENAME)), '.nnf_thread-replies' => count($xml->channel->item) - 1, 'a.nnf_thread-post@href' => substr($last->link, strpos($last->link, '/', 9)), 'time.nnf_thread-time' => date(DATE_FORMAT, strtotime($last->pubDate)), 'time.nnf_thread-time@datetime' => date('c', strtotime($last->pubDate)), '.nnf_thread-author' => $last->author))->remove(array('.nnf_thread-locked' => !$xml->channel->xpath('category[.="locked"]'), './@class' => !in_array($file, $stickies) ? 'nnf_sticky' : false, '.nnf_thread-sticky' => !in_array($file, $stickies) || $xml->channel->xpath('category[.="locked"]'), '.nnf_thread-author@class' => !isMod($last->author) ? 'nnf_mod' : false))->next();
} else {
    //no threads, remove the template stuff
Esempio n. 3
//append / delete links?
if (!CAN_REPLY) {
    $template->remove('#nnf_post-append', '#nnf_post-delete');
/* replies
   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
if (count($thread)) {
    //sort the other way around
    foreach ($thread as &$node) {
        $sort[] = strtotime($node->pubDate);
    array_multisort($sort, SORT_ASC, $thread);
    //do the page links
    //(`theme_pageList` is defined in 'theme.config.php' if it exists, otherwise 'theme.config.default.php')
    $template->setHTML('.nnf_pages', theme_pageList(PAGE, ceil(count($thread) / FORUM_POSTS)));
    //slice the full list into the current page
    $thread = array_slice($thread, (PAGE - 1) * FORUM_POSTS, FORUM_POSTS);
    //get the dummy list-item to repeat (removes it and takes a copy)
    $item = $template->repeat('.nnf_reply');
    //index number of the replies, accounting for which page we are on
    $no = (PAGE - 1) * FORUM_POSTS;
    foreach ($thread as &$reply) {
        //has the reply been deleted (blanked)?
        if ($reply->xpath("category[text()='deleted']")) {
            $item->addClass('.', 'deleted');
        //apply the data to the template (a reply)
        $item->set(array('./@id' => substr(strstr($reply->link, '#'), 1), 'time.nnf_reply-time' => date(DATE_FORMAT, strtotime($reply->pubDate)), 'time.nnf_reply-time@datetime' => gmdate('r', strtotime($reply->pubDate)), 'a.nnf_reply-number' => sprintf(THEME_REPLYNO, ++$no), 'a.nnf_reply-number@href' => '?page=' . PAGE . strstr($reply->link, '#'), '.nnf_reply-author' => $reply->author, 'a.nnf_reply-append@href' => '?append=' . substr(strstr($reply->link, '#'), 1) . '#append', 'a.nnf_reply-delete@href' => '?delete=' . substr(strstr($reply->link, '#'), 1)))->setHTML('.nnf_reply-text', $reply->description);
        //is this reply from the person who started the thread?
        if (strtolower($reply->author) == strtolower($author)) {
Esempio n. 4
    //remove the append button
/* replies
   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
if (!count($thread)) {
} else {
    //sort the other way around
    foreach ($thread as &$node) {
        $sort[] = strtotime($node->pubDate);
    array_multisort($sort, SORT_ASC, $thread);
    //do the page links
    theme_pageList($template, $FILE, $PAGE, $PAGES);
    //slice the full list into the current page
    $thread = array_slice($thread, ($PAGE - 1) * FORUM_POSTS, FORUM_POSTS);
    //get the dummy list-item to repeat (removes it and takes a copy)
    $item = $template->repeat('.nnf_reply');
    //index number of the replies, accounting for which page we are on
    $no = ($PAGE - 1) * FORUM_POSTS;
    //apply the data to the template (a reply)
    foreach ($thread as &$reply) {
        $item->set(array('./@id' => substr(strstr($reply->link, '#'), 1), 'time.nnf_reply-time' => date(DATE_FORMAT, strtotime($reply->pubDate)), 'time.nnf_reply-time@datetime' => gmdate('r', strtotime($reply->pubDate)), '.nnf_reply-author' => $reply->author, 'a.nnf_reply-number' => sprintf(THEME_REPLYNO, ++$no), 'a.nnf_reply-number@href' => url('thread', PATH_URL, $FILE, $PAGE) . strstr($reply->link, '#'), 'a.nnf_reply-append@href' => url('append', PATH_URL, $FILE, $PAGE, substr(strstr($reply->link, '#'), 1)) . '#append', 'a.nnf_reply-delete@href' => url('delete', PATH_URL, $FILE, $PAGE, substr(strstr($reply->link, '#'), 1))))->remove(array('./@class' => $reply->xpath('category[.="deleted"]') ? false : 'nnf_deleted'))->remove(array('./@class' => strtolower($reply->author) == strtolower($author) ? false : 'nnf_op'))->remove(array('./@class, .nnf_reply-author@class' => isMod($reply->author) ? false : 'mod'))->remove(array('.nnf_reply-append, .nnf_reply-delete' => !(CAN_REPLY && (IS_MOD || !AUTH_HTTP || strtolower(NAME) == strtolower($reply->author) && (!FORUM_LOCK || FORUM_LOCK == 'threads' || IS_MEMBER))), '.nnf_reply-append' => $reply->xpath('category[.="deleted"]'), '.nnf_reply-delete' => $reply->xpath('category[.="deleted"]') && !IS_MOD));
        //insert the post-text, dealing with an invalid HTML error
        try {
            $item->setValue('.nnf_reply-text', $reply->description, true);
            $item->remove(array('./@class' => 'nnf_error'));
        } catch (Exception $e) {
            //if the HTML was invalid, replace with the corruption message
Esempio n. 5
   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
//get list of threads (if any--could be an empty folder)
if ($threads = preg_grep('/\\.rss$/', scandir('.'))) {
    //order by last modified date
    array_multisort(array_map('filemtime', $threads), SORT_DESC, $threads);
    //get sticky list, trimming any files that no longer exist
    //(the use of `array_intersect` will only return filenames in `sticky.txt` that were also in the directory)
    if ($stickies = array_intersect(array_filter((array) @file('sticky.txt', FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES)), $threads)) {
        //order the stickies by reverse date order
        array_multisort(array_map('filemtime', $stickies), SORT_DESC, $stickies);
        //remove the stickies from the thread list
        $threads = array_diff($threads, $stickies);
    //do the page links (stickies are not included in the count as they appear on all pages)
    //(`theme_pageList` is defined in 'theme.config.php' if it exists, otherwise 'theme.config.default.php')
    $template->setHTML('.nnf_pages', theme_pageList(PAGE, ceil(count($threads) / FORUM_THREADS)));
    //slice the full list into the current page
    $threads = array_merge($stickies, array_slice($threads, (PAGE - 1) * FORUM_THREADS, FORUM_THREADS));
    //get the dummy list-item to repeat (removes it and takes a copy)
    $item = $template->repeat('.nnf_thread');
    //generate the list of threads with data, for the template
    foreach ($threads as $file) {
        if ($xml = @simplexml_load_file($file)) {
            //is the thread sticky?
            if (in_array($file, $stickies)) {
                $item->addClass('.', 'sticky');
            //if the thread isn’t locked, remove the lock icon
            if (!$xml->channel->xpath("category[text()='locked']")) {