Esempio n. 1
  * @ajax
 public function ajax_admin_save_options()
     if (!tf_current_user_can(array('manage_options'), false)) {
         die('Access denied');
     // check security with nonce.
     check_ajax_referer('tfuse_framework_save_options', '_ajax_nonce');
     $tfuse_framework_options = array();
     $post_options = $this->request->isset_POST('options') ? $this->request->POST('options') : '';
     $unserialized = json_decode($post_options);
     $values = get_object_vars($unserialized);
     $admin_options = $this->get->options('admin');
     $admin_options = tf_only_options($admin_options);
     $do_refresh = FALSE;
     foreach ($admin_options as $option_id => $option) {
         if (isset($option['on_update']) && $option['on_update'] == 'reload_page') {
             if (!isset($values[$option_id]) && $this->get->option('admin', $option_id) == 'true' || isset($values[$option_id]) && $this->get->option('admin', $option_id) != $values[$option_id]) {
                 $do_refresh = TRUE;
         if ($this->optisave->has_method("admin_{$option['type']}")) {
             $this->optisave->{"admin_{$option['type']}"}($option, $values, $tfuse_framework_options);
         } else {
             $this->optisave->admin_text($option, $values, $tfuse_framework_options);
     update_option(TF_THEME_PREFIX . '_tfuse_framework_options', $tfuse_framework_options);
     do_action('tfuse_admin_save_options', $values, $tfuse_framework_options);
     if ($do_refresh) {
         $this->ajax->out_json['reload_page'] = TRUE;
Esempio n. 2
 function ext_option($ext_name, $type, $option, $directory = '')
     if (!isset($this->ext_options_cache[$ext_name]) && !isset($this->ext_options_cache[$ext_name][$type])) {
         $this->ext_options_cache[$ext_name][$type] = $this->ext_options($ext_name, $type, $directory);
         if (isset($this->ext_options_cache[$ext_name][$type]['tabs'])) {
             $tmp = tf_only_options($this->ext_options_cache[$ext_name][$type]);
     $db_options = get_option(TF_THEME_PREFIX . '_tfuse_' . $type . '_options');
     if (isset($db_options[$option])) {
         return $db_options[$option];
     } else {
         if (isset($this->options_cache[$ext_name][$type][$option]) || isset($tmp[$option])) {
             if (!isset($tmp)) {
                 return $this->options_cache[$ext_name][$type][$option];
             } else {
                 return $tmp[$option];
         } else {
             return NULL;
Esempio n. 3
 * Extract form options array for optigen/interface, only id=>value
function tf_only_options(&$options, $without_types = array(), $only_types = array(), &$__recursionData = NULL)
    global $TFUSE;
    if (gettype(@$TFUSE->optigen) != 'object') {
        user_error('$TFUSE is not loaded', E_USER_ERROR);
    if ($__recursionData === NULL) {
        $__recursionData['without_types'] = (array) $without_types;
        $__recursionData['only_types'] = (array) $only_types;
        $__recursionData['check_without'] = count($without_types);
        $__recursionData['check_only'] = count($only_types);
    $collectedOptions = array();
    if (is_array($options) && count($options)) {
        foreach ($options as $key => $option) {
            if (!is_array($option)) {
            // Check if option has correct structure
            if (isset($option['type']) && substr($option['type'], 0, 1) != '_' && method_exists($TFUSE->optigen, $option['type']) && isset($option['id'])) {
                if ($__recursionData['check_only']) {
                    if (!in_array($option['type'], $__recursionData['only_types'])) {
                if ($__recursionData['check_without']) {
                    if (in_array($option['type'], $__recursionData['without_types'])) {
                $collectedOptions[$option['id']] = $option;
            } else {
                $collectedOptions = array_merge($collectedOptions, tf_only_options($option, array(), array(), $__recursionData));
    return $collectedOptions;
Esempio n. 4
function _tfuse_fix_new_options_negate($options, $type)
    if ($type != 'admin' || !get_option(TF_THEME_PREFIX . '_tfuse_framework_options')) {
        return $options;
    static $called = false;
    if ($called) {
        return $options;
    $called = true;
    global $TFUSE;
    $negateOldOptions = array('disable_tfuse_seo_tab' => 'enable_tfuse_seo_tab', 'deactivate_tfuse_style' => 'activate_tfuse_style');
    $tp = TF_THEME_PREFIX . '_';
    $adminOptions = tf_only_options($options);
    foreach ($negateOldOptions as $oldId => $newId) {
        if (isset($adminOptions[$tp . $newId])) {
            // new id exists in options (this is new theme)
            if (tfuse_options($newId) === null) {
                // new id is not set
                // set it with negated old value
                tfuse_set_option($newId, !(bool) tfuse_options($oldId));
        } else {
            // new id does not exists in options (this is old theme)
            // set it with negated old value
            // (verifications in code by this options id to work properly (emulate it exists))
            tfuse_set_option($newId, !(bool) tfuse_options($oldId));
    return $options;
Esempio n. 5
 public function get_ext_setup_option($option)
     static $cache_setup_option = array();
     if (!empty($cache_setup_option)) {
         $cache_setup_option = $this->get_ext_setup_options();
         if (isset($cache_setup_option['tabs'])) {
             $tmp = tf_only_options($cache_setup_option);
     $db_options = $this->model->get_options();
     if (isset($db_options[$option])) {
         return $db_options[$option];
     } else {
         if (isset($cache_setup_option[$option]) || isset($tmp[$option])) {
             if (!isset($tmp)) {
                 return $cache_setup_option[$option];
             } else {
                 return $tmp[$option];
         } else {
             return NULL;
Esempio n. 6
  * By 'default' all options of an form generated by optigen are saved in one place together even there are options appended from other filters.
  * With this method, you can catch specific array of "child options" to be detected and saved into another custom "location"
  * This is useful when appending/injecting options via filters into some optigen form and cannot change manually the code from
  *   the main form that saves that options, and do not know exactly where it is.
  * This method checks every ajax submit and if options are within the submitted options,
  *   it triggers save process for that options
 public function catch_options_submit($arguments)
     // $arguments Structure
     array('options' => array(), 'skip_tf_action' => array('or string'), 'only_tf_action' => array('or string'), 'skip_tfuse_ajax' => array('or string'), 'only_tfuse_ajax' => array('or string'), 'callback' => 'callable', 'callback_arguments' => array(), 'wp_option' => 'option_name');
     // Check required options
     if (!isset($arguments['options'])) {
         die('Undefined required argument "options" in ' . __METHOD__ . '()');
     $current_ajax = $this->get_current_ajax();
     do {
         if ($current_ajax['type'] === null) {
         // if is some valid ajax, verify if pass the filters
         if ($current_ajax['type'] == 'tf_action') {
             if (isset($arguments['skip_tf_action'])) {
                 $arguments['skip_tf_action'] = (array) $arguments['skip_tf_action'];
                 if (in_array($current_ajax['callback'], $arguments['skip_tf_action'])) {
             if (isset($arguments['only_tf_action'])) {
                 $arguments['only_tf_action'] = (array) $arguments['only_tf_action'];
                 if (!in_array($current_ajax['callback'], $arguments['only_tf_action'])) {
         } elseif ($current_ajax['type'] == 'tfuse_ajax') {
             $class = explode('\\', get_class($current_ajax['callback'][0]));
             $class = end($class);
             if (isset($arguments['skip_tfuse_ajax'])) {
                 $arguments['skip_tfuse_ajax'] = (array) $arguments['skip_tfuse_ajax'];
                 foreach ($arguments['skip_tfuse_ajax'] as $skipClass) {
                     if (is_array($skipClass)) {
                         if (($class == $skipClass[0] || $current_ajax['action'] == $skipClass[0]) && $current_ajax['callback'][1] == $skipClass[1]) {
                     } else {
                         if ($class == $skipClass || $current_ajax['action'] == $skipClass) {
             if (isset($arguments['only_tfuse_ajax'])) {
                 $arguments['only_tfuse_ajax'] = (array) $arguments['only_tfuse_ajax'];
                 foreach ($arguments['only_tfuse_ajax'] as $onlyClass) {
                     if (is_array($onlyClass)) {
                         if (($class == $onlyClass[0] || $current_ajax['action'] == $onlyClass[0]) && $current_ajax['callback'][1] == $onlyClass[1]) {
                             break 2;
                     } else {
                         if ($class == $onlyClass || $current_ajax['action'] == $onlyClass) {
                             break 2;
                 // Current tfuse_ajax class not found in 'only' filters, but the filters are set, so the class is not allowed
     } while (false);
     $options = tf_only_options($arguments['options'], array('raw'));
     if (!count($options)) {
         echo sprintf(__('Invalid options given in %s(). Only options that sure creates _POST values are allowed (and be sure they are unique enough, a few options in id containing "general"/"not unique" names its not a good idea)' . "\n", 'tfuse'), __METHOD__);
     // check if _POST contains options
     if (!$this->request->isset_POST('options')) {
     $post_options = json_decode($this->request->POST('options'));
     if (!is_object($post_options)) {
     $post_options_clean_keys = array();
     foreach ($post_options as $key => $val) {
         $post_options_clean_keys[rtrim($key, '[]')] = $val;
     // If at least one option is not in _POST, that means the whole array does not match
     if (count($options) > count(array_intersect_key($options, $post_options_clean_keys))) {
     $values = get_object_vars($post_options);
     $data_options = array();
     foreach ($options as $option_id => $option) {
         if ($this->optisave->has_method("admin_{$option['type']}")) {
             $this->optisave->{"admin_{$option['type']}"}($option, $values, $data_options);
         } else {
             $this->optisave->admin_text($option, $values, $data_options);
     array_walk_recursive($data_options, create_function('&$i', 'if (strtolower($i) === "true") $i = true; elseif (strtolower($i) === "false") $i = false;'));
     if (isset($arguments['wp_option'])) {
         if (empty($arguments['wp_option'])) {
             die(sprintf(__('Argument "wp_option" cannot be empty, in %s ()' . 'tfuse'), __METHOD__));
         update_option($arguments['wp_option'], $data_options);
     $action_arguments = array('current_ajax' => $current_ajax, 'raw_options' => $arguments['options'], 'data_options' => $data_options, 'wp_option' => isset($arguments['wp_option']) ? $arguments['wp_option'] : NULL, 'callback_arguments' => @$arguments['callback_arguments']);
     if (isset($arguments['callback'])) {
         if (empty($arguments['callback'])) {
             die(sprintf(__('Argument "callback" cannot be empty, in %s ()', 'tfuse'), __METHOD__));
         if (is_array($arguments['callback'])) {
             // Object method
         } else {
             // Function
     do_action('tf_ajax_catch_options_submit', $action_arguments);
     return $action_arguments;
 function save_slides($id, $options = '', $additional = array())
     if (isset($additional['design'])) {
         $this->design = $additional['design'];
     if (isset($additional['type'])) {
         $this->type = $additional['type'];
     if (isset($id)) {
         $this->id = $id;
     $slider_settings = array('general' => '', 'slides' => '');
     $option_list = $this->get->ext_options($this->_ext_name, $this->design, 'designs/' . $this->design);
     $option_list = $this->__parent->add_default_config($option_list);
     $options_file = array();
     $options_file = tf_only_options($option_list);
     foreach ($options['general'] as $tmp_id => $val) {
         $slide_prefix = $this->__parent->get_slide_prefix();
         if (stripos($tmp_id, $slide_prefix) !== FALSE) {
     foreach ($options['general'] as $opt_name => $opt_val) {
         if ($this->optisave->has_method("admin_{$options_file[$opt_name]['type']}")) {
             $this->optisave->{"admin_{$options_file[$opt_name]['type']}"}($options_file[$opt_name], $options['general'], $slider_settings['general']);
         } else {
             $this->optisave->admin_text($options_file[$opt_name], $options['general'], $slider_settings['general']);
     $i = 0;
     foreach ($options['slides'] as $key => $slide) {
         foreach ($slide as $slide_opt_name => $slide_opt_val) {
             apply_filters('tfuse_slider_value', $slide_opt_val, $options['general']['slider_title'] . ' slide ' . $key . ' ' . $slide_opt_name);
             if ($this->optisave->has_method("admin_{$options_file[$slide_opt_name]['type']}")) {
                 $this->optisave->{"admin_{$options_file[$slide_opt_name]['type']}"}($options_file[$slide_opt_name], $slide, $slider_settings['slides'][$i]);
             } else {
                 $this->optisave->admin_text($options_file[$slide_opt_name], $slide, $slider_settings['slides'][$i]);
     $slides = $this->get_sliders(true);
     if (isset($slides[$this->id])) {
         $slides[$this->id] = $slider_settings;
     } else {
         $uniqid = uniqid();
         while (isset($slides[$uniqid])) {
             $uniqid = uniqid();
         $slides[$uniqid] = $slider_settings;
         $this->id = $uniqid;
     $slides[$this->id]['general']['design'] = $this->design;
     $slides[$this->id]['general']['type'] = $this->type;
     $slides[$this->id]['id'] = $this->id;
     $slides[$this->id]['design'] = $this->design;
     $slides[$this->id]['type'] = $this->type;
     if (!isset($slides[$this->id]['created_at'])) {
         $slides[$this->id]['created_at'] = time();
     foreach ($slides[$this->id]['general'] as $key => $val) {
         if (stripos($key, 'slider_title') !== false) {
             $slides[$this->id]['title'] = $slides[$this->id]['general'][$key];
     update_option($this->wp_option, $slides);
     return $this->id;