Esempio n. 1
 public function auth($level = 1, $return = false)
     if (isset($_SESSION['auth']) && $_SESSION['auth'] >= $level) {
         return true;
     } else {
         if ($return) {
             return false;
         sendMsg('/', textid('system/messages/no_permission'));
Esempio n. 2
  * Check string for valid length
  * Return true if the string is valid.
  * Else return false and put a error mark in $error variable
  * @param string id  identifier
  * @param int min    minimum amount of chars
  * @param int max    maximum amount of chars
 public function length($id, $min = 0, $max = 65535)
     $str = $this->getStr($id);
     if (strlen($str) > $max || strlen($str) < $min) {
         //echo 'im here ok! max: '.$max.' min: '.$min.' and id: '.$id;
         $this->error[$id] = textid('system/validate/use') . ' ' . $min . ' -> ' . $max . ' ' . textid('system/validate/chars') . '.';
         return false;
     } else {
         return true;
Esempio n. 3
 public function selectDate($name = '', $p = array())
     $value_y = 1970;
     $value_m = 1;
     $value_d = 1;
     $fieldname = $this->fixName($name);
     $class = isset($p['class']) ? 'class="' . $p['class'] . '"' : '';
     $value = isset($this->v[$name]) ? $this->v[$name] : '';
     $str = $this->hidden($name, array('id' => $name));
     if (!empty($value)) {
         $exp = explode('/', date('Y/m/d', strtotime($value)));
         $value_y = $exp[0];
         $value_m = $exp[1];
         $value_d = $exp[2];
     $str .= $this->select_num($name . '_y', array('from' => '1994', 'to' => '2030', 'class' => 'year', 'id' => $name . '_y', 'force_value' => $value_y, 'onchange' => 'updateDate(\'' . $name . '\');'));
     $months = array(1 => textid('system/general/january'), 2 => textid('system/general/february'), 3 => textid('system/general/march'), 4 => textid('system/general/april'), 5 => textid('system/general/may'), 6 => textid('system/general/june'), 7 => textid('system/general/july'), 8 => textid('system/general/august'), 9 => textid('system/general/september'), 10 => textid('system/general/october'), 11 => textid('system/general/november'), 12 => textid('system/general/december'));
     $str .= ' ' . $this->select($name . '_m', array('id' => $name . '_m', 'force_value' => $value_m, 'onchange' => 'updateDate(\'' . $name . '\');', 'fields' => $months));
     /*$str .= ' '.$this->select_num($name.'_m',array(
          'from' => '1', 'to' => '12','id' => $name.'_m',
          'class' => 'short',
          'force_value' => $value_m,
          'onchange' => 'updateDate(\''.$name.'\');'
     $str .= ' ' . $this->select_num($name . '_d', array('from' => '1', 'to' => '31', 'id' => $name . '_d', 'class' => 'short', 'force_value' => $value_d, 'onchange' => 'updateDate(\'' . $name . '\');'));
     return $str;