function install_css_menu() { parent::plug_manager(); $this->options_array = array('max_cols' => 2, 'max_drop' => 10, 'max_width' => 380, 'border_width' => 2, 'font_size' => 10, 'font_pad' => 0, 'template' => 'stock'); // Never set the key member $this->title = 'CSS Menu'; $this->author = 'Mark Samios'; $this->version = '1.01'; $this->framework = '1.12'; $this->help = ''; // Brief description of a plugin or use a file tep_read_contents($this->admin_path . 'readme.txt', $this->help); $this->front = 1; $this->back = 0; $this->status = 1; $this->template_path = 'front/templates/'; // The array of files that operate on the web-front // Left(Key) => Source File with Path relative to the plugins directory (to copy file from) // Right(Value) => Destination Path and File (to copy source file to) $this->files_array = array('front/css_menu.php' => $this->web_path . 'css_menu.php'); // Common Template filenames $this->template_array = array('css_menu.css' => $this->web_template_path . 'css_menu.css', 'css_menu.tpl' => $this->web_template_path . 'css_menu.tpl', 'words_space.gif' => $this->web_template_path . 'words_space.gif'); $this->config_form = $this->admin_path . 'config_form.tpl'; $this->strings = tep_get_strings($this->admin_path . 'strings.php'); }
function install_newsletter_system() { parent::plug_manager(); tep_define_vars($this->admin_path . 'back/admin_defs.php'); $front_defs = tep_web_files('FILENAME_DEFAULT', 'FILENAME_GENERIC_PAGES', 'FILENAME_COLLECTIONS'); // Default Options $this->options_array = array('email_id' => 0, 'resent' => 0, 'display_col' => 1, 'email_limit' => 100, 'statistics' => 1, 'template' => 'stock', 'strings' => 'front', 'abox' => true, 'ascripts' => array(FILENAME_DEFAULT, FILENAME_NEWSLETTERS), 'fscripts' => array_values($front_defs)); $this->title = 'Newsletter System'; $this->author = 'Mark Samios'; $this->icon = 'newsletter.png'; $this->version = '1.00'; $this->framework = '1.12'; tep_read_contents($this->admin_path . 'readme.txt', $this->help); $this->front = 1; $this->back = 1; $this->status = 1; $this->template_path = 'front/templates/'; // The array of files that operate on the web-front // Left(Key) => Source File with Path (to copy file from) // Right(Value) => Destination Path and File (to copy source file to) $this->files_array = array('front/newsletter_feedback.php' => DIR_WS_CATALOG . 'newsletter_feedback.php', 'front/newsletter_system.php' => $this->web_path . 'newsletter_system.php', 'front/tables.php' => $this->web_path . 'tables.php'); // The array of files that operate on the administration end // Left(Key) => Source Path/File (to copy file from) // Right(Value) => Destination Path only (to copy source file to) $this->admin_files_array = array('back/admin_newsletters.php' => 'newsletters.php', 'back/admin_newsletters_strings.php' => DIR_WS_STRINGS . 'newsletters.php'); // Common Template filenames $this->template_array = array('newsletter_form.tpl' => $this->web_template_path . 'newsletter_form.tpl'); $this->front_strings_array = array('web_strings.php'); $this->sql_file = $this->admin_path . 'database.sql'; $this->config_form = $this->admin_path . 'config_form.tpl'; $this->strings = tep_get_strings($this->admin_path . 'strings.php'); }
function install_direct_management() { $this->admin_min_key_length = 10; parent::plug_manager(); $this->options_array = array('text_pages' => 1, 'text_collections' => 1, 'abox' => true, 'ascripts' => array(FILENAME_DEFAULT), 'admin_key' => 'admin_key', 'admin_key_length' => $this->admin_min_key_length); // Never set the key member $this->title = 'Direct Management'; // Text title of the Plugin shows on the admin $this->author = 'Mark Samios'; // Your name/author $this->version = '1.00'; // Plugin Version $this->framework = '1.12'; // Minimum version of the I-Metrics CMS required $this->help = ''; // Brief description of a plugin or use a file tep_read_contents($this->admin_path . 'readme.txt', $this->help); $this->front = 1; // Operates on front-end $this->back = 1; // Do not operates on admin-end $this->status = 1; // enable plugin after installation $this->files_array = array('front/direct_management.php' => $this->web_path . 'direct_management.php', 'front/direct_management.tpl' => $this->web_path . 'direct_management.tpl', 'front/web_strings.php' => $this->web_path . 'web_strings.php', 'front/admin.js' => $this->web_path . 'admin.js', 'front/admin.tpl' => $this->web_path . 'admin.tpl', 'front/dm_edit.png' => $this->web_path . 'dm_edit.png'); // The array of files that operate on the administration end // Left(Key) => Source Path/File (to copy file from) // Right(Value) => Destination Path only (to copy source file to) $this->admin_files_array = array(); // Setup plugin configuration options using a template file $this->config_form = $this->admin_path . 'config_form.tpl'; // Load string for the installation/configuration from a file $this->strings = tep_get_strings($this->admin_path . 'strings.php'); }
function install_popup_image() { parent::plug_manager(); $this->options_array = array('front_scripts' => array(), 'front_all' => true, 'front_common_selector' => 'div.imagelink a', 'back_scripts' => array(), 'back_all' => false, 'back_common_selector' => 'div#help_image_group a'); $this->front_common_selector = 'div.imagelink a'; $this->back_common_selector = 'div#help_image_group a'; // Never set the key member $this->title = 'Fancybox Popup Image'; $this->author = 'Mark Samios'; $this->icon = 'popup.png'; $this->version = '1.01'; $this->framework = '1.12'; $this->help = ''; tep_read_contents($this->admin_path . 'readme.txt', $this->help); $this->front = 1; $this->back = 1; $this->status = 1; // The array of files that operate on the web-front // Left(Key) => Source File with Path relative to the plugins directory (to copy file from) // Right(Value) => Destination Path and File (to copy source file to) $this->files_array = array('front/popup_image.php' => $this->web_path . 'popup_image.php', 'front/launcher.tpl' => $this->web_path . 'launcher.tpl'); // The array of files that operate on the administration end // Left(Key) => Source Path/File (to copy file from) // Right(Value) => Destination Path only (to copy source file to) $this->admin_files_array = array(); $this->config_form = $this->admin_path . 'config_form.tpl'; $this->strings = tep_get_strings($this->admin_path . 'strings.php'); }
function install_banner_system() { parent::plug_manager(); tep_define_vars($this->admin_path . 'back/admin_defs.php'); // Default Options $this->options_array = array('banners_path' => 'images/banners/', 'display_left' => 1, 'display_right' => 1, 'display_top' => 1, 'display_bottom' => 1, 'clicks' => 1, 'impressions' => 1, 'template' => 'stock', 'strings' => 'front', 'abox' => true, 'ascripts' => array(FILENAME_DEFAULT, FILENAME_LANGUAGES_SYNC, FILENAME_BANNERS)); $this->title = 'Banner System'; $this->author = 'Mark Samios'; $this->icon = 'banner.png'; $this->version = '1.00'; $this->framework = '1.12'; $this->help = ''; tep_read_contents($this->admin_path . 'readme.txt', $this->help); $this->front = 1; $this->back = 1; $this->status = 1; $this->template_path = 'front/templates/'; // The array of files that operate on the web-front // Left(Key) => Source File with Path (to copy file from) // Right(Value) => Destination Path and File (to copy source file to) $this->files_array = array('front/banner_system.php' => $this->web_path . 'banner_system.php', 'front/defs.php' => $this->web_path . 'defs.php', 'front/banner_system.js' => $this->web_path . 'banner_system.js', 'front/launcher.tpl' => $this->web_path . 'launcher.tpl'); // The array of files that operate on the administration end // Left(Key) => Source Path/File (to copy file from) // Right(Value) => Destination Path only (to copy source file to) $this->admin_files_array = array('back/admin_banners.php' => 'banners.php', 'back/admin_banners_strings.php' => DIR_WS_STRINGS . 'banners.php'); // Common Template filenames $this->template_array = array('banner.tpl' => $this->web_template_path . 'banner.tpl'); $this->front_strings_array = array('web_strings.php'); $this->sql_file = $this->admin_path . 'database.sql'; $this->config_form = $this->admin_path . 'config_form.tpl'; $this->strings = tep_get_strings($this->admin_path . 'strings.php'); }
function install_download_system() { parent::plug_manager(); tep_define_vars($this->admin_path . 'back/admin_defs.php'); $front_defs = tep_web_files('FILENAME_GENERIC_PAGES', 'FILENAME_COLLECTIONS'); // Default Options $this->options_array = array('text_pages' => 1, 'collections' => 1, 'display_col' => 1, 'download_count' => 1, 'download_count_show' => 1, 'download_path' => 'pub/', 'download_method' => 'get', 'default_status' => 1, 'template' => 'stock', 'abox' => true, 'ascripts' => array(FILENAME_DEFAULT, FILENAME_DOWNLOAD), 'fscripts' => array_values($front_defs)); $this->title = 'Download System'; $this->author = 'Mark Samios'; $this->icon = 'download.png'; $this->version = '1.00'; $this->framework = '1.12'; tep_read_contents($this->admin_path . 'readme.txt', $this->help); $this->front = 1; $this->back = 1; $this->status = 1; $this->template_path = 'front/templates/'; // The array of files that operate on the web-front // Left(Key) => Source File with Path (to copy file from) // Right(Value) => Destination Path and File (to copy source file to) $this->files_array = array('front/download_system.php' => $this->web_path . 'download_system.php', 'front/tables.php' => $this->web_path . 'tables.php'); // The array of files that operate on the administration end // Left(Key) => Source Path/File (to copy file from) // Right(Value) => Destination Path only (to copy source file to) $this->admin_files_array = array('back/admin_download.php' => 'download.php', 'back/admin_download_strings.php' => DIR_WS_STRINGS . 'download.php'); // Common Template filenames $this->template_array = array('web_strings.php' => $this->web_template_path . 'web_strings.php', 'download_form.tpl' => $this->web_template_path . 'download_form.tpl', 'download_text.tpl' => $this->web_template_path . 'download_text.tpl'); $this->sql_file = $this->admin_path . 'database.sql'; $this->config_form = $this->admin_path . 'config_form.tpl'; $this->strings = tep_get_strings($this->admin_path . 'strings.php'); }
function install_voting_system() { parent::plug_manager(); tep_define_vars($this->admin_path . 'back/admin_defs.php'); // Default Options $this->options_array = array('display_col' => 1, 'display_box' => 1, 'display_mod' => 1, 'text_pages' => 1, 'text_collections' => 1, 'image_collections' => 1, 'box_steps' => 2, 'mod_steps' => 2, 'strings' => 'front', 'template' => 'stock', 'abox' => true, 'ascripts' => array(FILENAME_DEFAULT, FILENAME_VOTES)); $this->title = 'Voting System'; $this->author = 'Mark Samios'; $this->version = '1.01'; $this->framework = '1.12'; tep_read_contents($this->admin_path . 'readme.txt', $this->help); $this->front = 1; $this->back = 1; $this->status = 1; $this->template_path = 'front/templates/'; $this->default_box_steps = 2; $this->default_mod_steps = 5; // The array of files that operate on the web-front // Left(Key) => Source File with Path (to copy file from) // Right(Value) => Destination Path and File (to copy source file to) $this->files_array = array('front/voting_system.php' => $this->web_path . 'voting_system.php', 'front/defs.php' => $this->web_path . 'defs.php'); // The array of files that operate on the administration end // Left(Key) => Source Path/File (to copy file from) // Right(Value) => Destination Path only (to copy source file to) $this->admin_files_array = array('back/admin_votes.php' => 'votes.php', 'back/admin_votes_strings.php' => DIR_WS_STRINGS . 'votes.php'); // Common Template filenames $this->template_array = array('votes_form.tpl' => $this->web_template_path . 'votes_form.tpl', 'thumbs-up.png' => $this->web_template_path . 'thumbs-up.png', 'thumbs-down.png' => $this->web_template_path . 'thumbs-down.png'); $this->front_strings_array = array('web_strings.php'); $this->sql_file = $this->admin_path . 'database.sql'; $this->config_form = $this->admin_path . 'config_form.tpl'; $this->strings = tep_get_strings($this->admin_path . 'strings.php'); }
function install_right_column() { parent::plug_manager(); tep_define_vars($this->admin_path . 'back/admin_defs.php'); $this->options_array = array('text_pages' => 1, 'text_collections' => 1, 'image_collections' => 1, 'template' => 'stock', 'strings' => 'front', 'abox' => true, 'ascripts' => array(FILENAME_DEFAULT, FILENAME_LANGUAGES_SYNC, FILENAME_RIGHT_CONTENT)); $this->title = 'Right Column'; $this->author = 'Mark Samios'; $this->icon = 'right_column.png'; $this->version = '1.02'; $this->framework = '1.12'; $this->help = ''; tep_read_contents($this->admin_path . 'readme.txt', $this->help); $this->front = 1; $this->back = 1; $this->status = 1; $this->template_path = 'front/templates/'; // $this->web_path points to the plugins folder of the webfront // Key/Left => Source Path/File (to copy file from) // Value/Right => Destination Path only (to copy source file to) $this->files_array = array('front/right_column.php' => $this->web_path . 'right_column.php', 'front/defs.php' => $this->web_path . 'defs.php'); // The array of files that operate on the administration end // Left(Key) => Source Path/File (to copy file from) // Right(Value) => Destination Path only (to copy source file to) $this->admin_files_array = array('back/admin_right_content.php' => 'right_content.php', 'back/admin_right_content_strings.php' => DIR_WS_STRINGS . 'right_content.php'); // Common Template filenames $this->template_array = array('right_collection.tpl' => $this->web_template_path . 'right_collection.tpl', 'right_text.tpl' => $this->web_template_path . 'right_text.tpl', 'right_box.tpl' => $this->web_template_path . 'right_box.tpl'); $this->front_strings_array = array('web_strings.php'); $this->sql_file = $this->admin_path . 'database.sql'; $this->config_form = $this->admin_path . 'config_form.tpl'; $this->strings = tep_get_strings($this->admin_path . 'strings.php'); }
function install_comments_system() { parent::plug_manager(); tep_define_vars($this->admin_path . 'back/admin_defs.php'); $this->options_array = array('text_pages' => 1, 'text_collections' => 1, 'image_collections' => 1, 'mixed_collections' => 0, 'display_rating' => true, 'rating_steps' => 5, 'text_include' => false, 'collection_include' => true, 'anti_bot' => false, 'anti_bot_strict' => false, 'auto_display' => 1, 'rss' => true, 'strings' => 'front', 'template' => 'stock', 'abox' => true, 'ascripts' => array(FILENAME_DEFAULT, FILENAME_COMMENTS)); $this->title = 'Comments System'; $this->author = 'Mark Samios'; $this->icon = 'comments.png'; $this->version = '1.01'; $this->framework = '1.12'; $this->help = ''; tep_read_contents($this->admin_path . 'readme.txt', $this->help); $this->front = 1; $this->back = 1; $this->status = 1; $this->template_path = 'front/templates/'; $this->default_steps = 5; // The array of files that operate on the web-front // Left(Key) => Source File with Path (to copy file from) // Right(Value) => Destination Path and File (to copy source file to) $this->files_array = array('front/comments_system_css.php' => DIR_WS_CATALOG . 'comments_system_css.php', 'front/comments_system_rss.php' => DIR_WS_CATALOG . 'comments_system_rss.php', 'front/comments_system.php' => $this->web_path . 'comments_system.php', 'front/defs.php' => $this->web_path . 'defs.php', 'front/cscss.css' => $this->web_path . 'cscss.css'); // The array of files that operate on the administration end // Left(Key) => Source Path/File (to copy file from) // Right(Value) => Destination Path only (to copy source file to) $this->admin_files_array = array('back/admin_comments.php' => 'comments.php', 'back/admin_comments_strings.php' => DIR_WS_STRINGS . 'comments.php'); // Common Template filenames $this->template_array = array('comments_form.tpl' => $this->web_template_path . 'comments_form.tpl', 'comments_posted.tpl' => $this->web_template_path . 'comments_posted.tpl', 'thumbs-up.png' => $this->web_template_path . 'thumbs-up.png', 'thumbs-down.png' => $this->web_template_path . 'thumbs-down.png'); $this->front_strings_array = array('web_strings.php'); $this->sql_file = $this->admin_path . 'database.sql'; $this->config_form = $this->admin_path . 'config_form.tpl'; $this->strings = tep_get_strings($this->admin_path . 'strings.php'); }
function admin_direct_management() { $this->box = 'abstract_box'; // Call the parent to set operation path and activation conditions parent::plugins_base(); $this->options = $this->load_options(); $this->strings = tep_get_strings($this->admin_path . 'back/admin_strings.php'); }
function admin_download_system() { // Call the parent to set operation path and activation conditions parent::plugins_base(); $options = $this->load_options(); tep_define_vars($this->admin_path . 'back/admin_defs.php'); $this->strings = tep_get_strings($this->admin_path . 'back/admin_strings.php'); $this->main_script = FILENAME_DOWNLOAD; $this->scripts_array[] = $this->main_script; }
function admin_right_column() { $this->box = 'abstract_box'; // Call the parent to set operation path and activation conditions parent::plugins_base(); $options = $this->load_options(); tep_define_vars($this->admin_path . 'back/admin_defs.php'); $this->strings = tep_get_strings($this->admin_path . 'back/admin_strings.php'); $this->scripts_array = array(FILENAME_RIGHT_CONTENT, FILENAME_DEFAULT); }
function left_column() { // Call the parent to set operation path and activation conditions parent::plugins_base(); $this->options = $this->load_options(); $this->strings = tep_get_strings($this->web_template_path . 'web_strings.php'); $this->box_text = $this->web_template_path . 'left_text.tpl'; $this->box_collection = $this->web_template_path . 'left_collection.tpl'; if (!file_exists($this->box_text) || !file_exists($this->box_collection)) { $this->change(false); } }
function direct_management() { $this->admin = false; // Call the parent to set operation path and activation conditions parent::plugins_base(); // Load plugin configuration settings $this->options = $this->load_options(); // Load the plugin strings $this->strings = tep_get_strings($this->fs_path . 'web_strings.php'); $this->direct_management_form = $this->fs_path . 'direct_management.tpl'; if (!is_file($this->direct_management_form)) { $this->change(false); } }
function download_system() { // Call the parent to set operation path and activation conditions parent::plugins_base(); // Load the plugin options $this->options = $this->load_options(); // Load the plugin strings $this->strings = tep_get_strings($this->fs_template_path . 'web_strings.php'); // Load the database tables for the box content tep_define_vars($this->fs_path . 'tables.php'); // Check the templates if the files are not present disable the plugin $this->form_box = $this->fs_template_path . 'download_form.tpl'; $this->form_text = $this->fs_template_path . 'download_text.tpl'; if (!is_file($this->form_box) || !is_file($this->form_text)) { $this->change(false); } $this->form_name = 'process_download_system_box'; $this->download_entries = array(); }
function install_left_column() { parent::plug_manager(); $this->title = 'Left Column'; $this->author = 'Mark Samios'; $this->version = '1.00'; $this->framework = '1.11'; $this->help = ''; tep_read_contents($this->admin_path . 'readme.txt', $this->help); $this->front = 1; $this->back = 0; $this->status = 1; $this->template_path = 'front/templates/'; // $this->web_path points to the plugins folder of the webfront // Key/Left => Source Path/File (to copy file from) // Value/Right => Destination Path only (to copy source file to) $this->files_array = array('front/left_column.php' => $this->web_path . 'left_column.php'); // Common Template filenames $this->template_array = array('left_collection.tpl' => $this->web_template_path . 'left_collection.tpl', 'left_text.tpl' => $this->web_template_path . 'left_text.tpl', 'web_strings.php' => $this->web_template_path . 'web_strings.php'); $this->config_form = $this->admin_path . 'config_form.tpl'; $this->strings = tep_get_strings($this->admin_path . 'strings.php'); }
function install_text_gradient() { parent::plug_manager(); // Never set the key member $this->title = 'Text Gradient'; $this->author = 'Mark Samios'; $this->version = '1.00'; $this->framework = '1.11'; $this->help = ''; tep_read_contents($this->admin_path . 'readme.txt', $this->help); $this->front = 1; $this->back = 0; $this->status = 1; // The array of files that operate on the web-front // Left(Key) => Source File with Path relative to the plugins directory (to copy file from) // Right(Value) => Destination Path and File (to copy source file to) $this->files_array = array('front/text_gradient.php' => $this->web_path . 'text_gradient.php', 'gradient/launcher.tpl' => $this->web_path . 'gradient/launcher.tpl', 'gradient/jquery.textgrad0.js' => $this->web_path . 'gradient/jquery.textgrad0.js'); // The array of files that operate on the administration end // Left(Key) => Source Path/File (to copy file from) // Right(Value) => Destination Path only (to copy source file to) $this->admin_files_array = array(); $this->config_form = $this->admin_path . 'config_form.tpl'; $this->strings = tep_get_strings($this->admin_path . 'strings.php'); }