function template() { global $self; global $html; global $translationAdminPages; if (!isset($translationAdminPages)) { $translation = 'Admin Pages'; } $html = template_replace("plugin:ADMINPAGES", "<a href='{$self}" . "action=admin_pages'>{$translationAdminPages}</a>", $html); }
function template() { global $CON; $footnotes = array("<ol id=\"footnotes\">"); foreach ($this->ft as $idx => $f) { $footnotes[] = "<li><a name=\"ft_down_" . ($idx + 1) . "\" href=\"#ft_up_" . ($idx + 1) . "\">↑</a>{$f}</li>"; } $footnotes[] = "</ol>"; $CON = template_replace("plugin:FOOT_NOTES", implode("\n", $footnotes), $CON); }
function template() { global $html, $page, $START_PAGE, $WIKI_TITLE, $TITLE, $self; if (!empty($page) && $this->link_page_title) { $page_nolang = preg_replace("/\\.[A-Za-z]{2}(-[A-Za-z]{2})?\$/", "", $page); $html = template_replace("plugin:WHAT_LINKS_HERE", "<a href=\"{$self}?action=whatlinkshere&page=" . u($page_nolang) . "\" rel=\"nofollow\">What links here?</a>", $html); $html = template_replace("PAGE_TITLE", "<a href=\"{$self}?action=whatlinkshere&page=" . u($page_nolang) . "\" rel=\"nofollow\" title=\"What links to this page?\">" . h($page == $START_PAGE && $page == $TITLE ? $WIKI_TITLE : $TITLE) . "</a>", $html); } if ($_GET["action"] == "whatlinkshere") { $html = template_replace("SHOW_PAGE", "<a href=\"{$self}?page=" . u($page_nolang) . "\" rel=\"nofollow\">{$GLOBALS['T_SHOW_PAGE']}</a>", $html); } }
function template() { global $html, $page, $action, $TEMPLATE, $CON; $select = "\r\n<form action=\"{$self}\" method=\"get\">\r\n<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"page\" value=\"" . h($page) . "\" />\r\n<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"action\" value=\"" . h($action) . "\" />\r\n<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"permanent\" value=\"1\" />\r\n<select name=\"template\" id=\"selectTemplate\" onchange=\"this.form.submit();\">\r\n"; foreach ($this->tpls as $t_file => $t_name) { $selected = $TEMPLATE == $t_file ? " selected " : ""; $select .= "<option value=\"{$t_file}\"{$selected}>" . h($t_name) . "</option>\n"; } $select .= "</select></form>\n"; $html = template_replace("plugin:SELECT_TEMPLATE", $select, $html); $CON = template_replace("SELECT_TEMPLATE", $select, $CON); }
function template() { global $html; global $PG_DIR; $side_menu = ''; if (file_exists($PG_DIR . "side_menu.txt")) { $side_menu = file_get_contents($PG_DIR . "side_menu.txt"); } else { $file = @fopen($PG_DIR . "side_menu.txt", 'w'); fwrite($file, ''); fclose($file); } $html = template_replace("plugin:SIDEMENU", $side_menu, $html); }
function formatFinished() { global $CON, $content, $self, $showsource, $page, $esum, $error, $preview, $action, $html; global $T_PASSWORD, $T_EDIT_SUMMARY, $T_PREVIEW, $T_DONE, $T_DISCARD_CHANGES; if (!$_REQUEST["ajax"]) { return; } else { if ($action != "edit" && !$preview) { $CON = substr($CON, strpos($CON, ">") + 1); // $CON contains <div class="pre-div"> ... </div> and we don't want this "wrapper" $CON = substr($CON, 0, strlen($CON) - 6); die($CON); } } $rows = count(explode("\n", $CON)); if ($this->rows_min > $rows) { $rows = $this->rows_min; } else { if ($this->rows_max < $rows) { $rows = $this->rows_max; } } if (!authentified() && !$showsource) { // if not logged on, require password $FORM_PASSWORD = $T_PASSWORD; $FORM_PASSWORD_INPUT = "<input class=\"ajaxPasswordInput\" type=\"password\" name=\"sc\" />"; } $CON_FORM_BEGIN = "<form action=\"{$self}\" class=\"ajaxForm\" method=\"post\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"action\" value=\"save\" /><input class=\"ajaxShowSource\" type=\"hidden\" name=\"showsource\" value=\"{$showsource}\" />"; $CON_FORM_END = "</form>"; $CON_TEXTAREA = "<textarea name=\"content\" class=\"ajaxContentTextarea contentTextarea\" cols=\"83\" rows=\"{$rows}\">" . h($content ? $content : $CON) . "</textarea><input type=\"hidden\" id=\"ajaxPage\" name=\"page\" value=\"" . h($page) . "\" />"; if (!$showsource) { $CON_SUBMIT = "<input class=\"submit ajaxContentSubmit\" onclick=\"ajaxAction('save', this);return false;\" type=\"submit\" value=\"{$T_DONE}\" />"; $EDIT_SUMMARY_TEXT = $T_EDIT_SUMMARY; $EDIT_SUMMARY = "<input type=\"text\" name=\"esum\" class=\"ajaxEsum\" value=\"" . h($esum) . "\" />"; } $CON_PREVIEW = "<input class=\"ajaxContentPreview\" class=\"submit\" onclick=\"ajaxAction('save&preview=1', this);return false;\" type=\"submit\" name=\"preview\" value=\"{$T_PREVIEW}\" /> <input type=\"submit\" onclick=\"ajaxAction('', this);return false;\" value=\"{$T_DISCARD_CHANGES}\" />"; $subs = array(array("CONTENT_FORM", $CON_FORM_BEGIN), array("\\/CONTENT_FORM", $CON_FORM_END), array("CONTENT_TEXTAREA", $CON_TEXTAREA), array("FORM_PASSWORD", $FORM_PASSWORD), array("FORM_PASSWORD_INPUT", $FORM_PASSWORD_INPUT), array("EDIT_SUMMARY_TEXT", $EDIT_SUMMARY_TEXT), array("EDIT_SUMMARY_INPUT", $EDIT_SUMMARY), array("CONTENT_SUBMIT", $CON_SUBMIT), array("CONTENT_PREVIEW", $CON_PREVIEW), array("ERROR", $error)); $html = @file_get_contents($GLOBALS["PLUGINS_DIR"] . "/AjaxEditing/template.html"); plugin("template"); // plugin specific template substitutions foreach ($subs as $s) { $html = template_replace($s[0], $s[1], $html); } $html = preg_replace("/\\{([^}]* )?plugin:.+( [^}]*)?\\}/U", "", $html); // getting rid of absent plugin tags die(($preview ? $CON : "") . $html); }
function template() { global $self, $html, $LANG, $LANG_DIR, $CON, $action, $page; $langs = array(); if (is_dir($LANG_DIR) && ($dir = opendir($LANG_DIR))) { // common plugins while (($file = readdir($dir)) !== false) { if (!is_dir($LANG_DIR . $file)) { $langs[] = basename($file, ".php"); } } } sort($langs); $select = "\n<form action=\"{$self}\" id=\"formSelectLanguage\" method=\"get\">\n<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"page\" value=\"" . basename($page, ".{$LANG}") . "\" />\n<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"action\" value=\"" . h($action) . "\" />\n<select name=\"lang\" id=\"selectLanguage\" onchange=\"this.form.submit();\">\n"; foreach ($langs as $l) { $selected = $l == $LANG ? " selected=\"selected\" " : ""; $select .= "<option value=\"" . h($l) . "\"{$selected}>" . h($this->lang_names[$l]) . "</option>\n"; } $select .= "</select></form>\n"; $html = template_replace("plugin:SELECT_LANGUAGE", $select, $html); $CON = str_replace("{SELECT_LANGUAGE}", $select, $CON); }
function template() { global $CON, $html, $page, $PG_DIR, $action, $self; if (!empty($action)) { return; } if (($pos = strpos($page, ".")) !== false) { $p = preg_quote(substr($page, 0, $pos)); } else { $p = preg_quote($page); } $versions = array(); if ($dir = @opendir($PG_DIR)) { while ($file = readdir($dir)) { if (preg_match("/{$p}\\.([a-z\\-]+)\\.txt|{$p}\\.txt/", $file, $match)) { $versions[isset($match[1]) ? $match[1] : $this->default_lang] = $p; } } } ksort($versions); if (count($versions) == 1) { array_pop($versions); } $arr_versions = array(); foreach ($versions as $code => $art) { $arr_versions[] = "<a href=\"{$self}?page=" . u(basename($art, ".txt") . ".{$code}") . "\">" . h(trim($this->lang_names[$code])) . "</a>"; } if (!empty($arr_versions)) { $ul_list = "<ul class=\"subpage\"><li>\n" . implode("</li><li>\n", $arr_versions) . "</li></ul>"; } $CON = template_replace("VERSIONS", $ul_list, $CON); $html = template_replace("plugin:VERSIONS", $ul_list, $html); if (!empty($arr_versions)) { $p_list = implode(", ", $arr_versions); } $CON = template_replace("VERSIONS_LIST", $p_list, $CON); $html = template_replace("plugin:VERSIONS_LIST", $p_list, $html); }
public function toHtml($_version) { if ($this->getIsEnable() != 1) { return ''; } if (!$this->hasRight('r')) { return ''; } $_version = jeedom::versionAlias($_version); $replace = array('#id#' => $this->getId(), '#name#' => $this->getIsEnable() ? $this->getName() : '<del>' . $this->getName() . '</del>', '#background_color#' => $this->getBackgroundColor($_version), '#eqLink#' => $this->getLinkToConfiguration()); $Departs = $this->getCmd(null, 'Departs'); $replace['#Departs#'] = is_object($Departs) ? $Departs->execCmd() : ''; $RefreshAction = $this->getCmd(null, 'RefreshAction'); $replace['#refresh_id#'] = is_object($RefreshAction) ? $RefreshAction->getId() : ''; return template_replace($replace, getTemplate('core', $_version, 'eqlogic', 'trains')); }
public function toHtml($_version = 'dashboard') { if ($this->getConfiguration('noSpecifyWidget', 0) == 1) { return parent::toHtml($_version); } if ($_version == '') { throw new Exception(__('La version demandée ne peut pas être vide (mobile, dashboard ou scénario)', __FILE__)); } if (!$this->hasRight('r')) { return ''; } $version = jeedom::versionAlias($_version); if ($this->getDisplay('hideOn' . $version) == 1) { return ''; } $cmd_html = ''; $version = jeedom::versionAlias($_version); $vcolor = 'cmdColor'; if ($version == 'mobile') { $vcolor = 'mcmdColor'; } if ($this->getPrimaryCategory() == '') { $cmdColor = ''; } else { $cmdColor = jeedom::getConfiguration('eqLogic:category:' . $this->getPrimaryCategory() . ':' . $vcolor); } $maps = array(); $dynamic = array(); $cmd_html = ''; if ($this->getIsEnable()) { foreach ($this->getCmd(null, null, true) as $cmd) { if ($cmd->getConfiguration('mode') == 'travelTime') { $from = $cmd->getConfiguration('from'); $to = $cmd->getConfiguration('to'); if (!isset($maps[$from . '_' . $to])) { $maps[$from . '_' . $to] = array(); } $maps[$from . '_' . $to]['travelTime'] = $cmd->execCmd(); } if ($cmd->getConfiguration('mode') == 'distance') { $from = $cmd->getConfiguration('from'); $to = $cmd->getConfiguration('to'); if (!isset($maps[$from . '_' . $to])) { $maps[$from . '_' . $to] = array(); } $maps[$from . '_' . $to]['distance'] = $cmd->execCmd(); } if ($cmd->getConfiguration('mode') == 'travelDistance') { $from = $cmd->getConfiguration('from'); $to = $cmd->getConfiguration('to'); if (!isset($maps[$from . '_' . $to])) { $maps[$from . '_' . $to] = array(); } $maps[$from . '_' . $to]['travelDistance'] = $cmd->execCmd(); } if ($cmd->getConfiguration('mode') == 'dynamic') { $dynamic[$cmd->getId()] = $cmd; } } } foreach ($maps as $key => $map) { $key = explode('_', $key); if (count($key) != 2) { continue; } foreach ($dynamic as $id => $cmd) { if (in_array($id, $key)) { unset($dynamic[$id]); } } $from_cmd = cmd::byId($key[0]); $to_cmd = cmd::byId($key[1]); if (!is_object($from_cmd) || !is_object($to_cmd)) { contine; } $from = $from_cmd->execCmd(); $to = $to_cmd->execCmd(); $replace = array('#name#' => $from_cmd->getName() . ' <i class="fa fa-arrow-right"></i> ' . $to_cmd->getName(), '#from#' => $from, '#collectDate#' => $from_cmd->getCollectDate() > $to_cmd->getCollectDate() ? $from_cmd->getCollectDate() : $to_cmd->getCollectDate(), '#to#' => $to, '#travelDistance#' => isset($map['travelDistance']) ? $map['travelDistance'] : __('Inconnue', __FILE__), '#distance#' => isset($map['distance']) ? $map['distance'] : __('Inconnue', __FILE__), '#travelTime#' => isset($map['travelTime']) ? $map['travelTime'] : __('Inconnue', __FILE__)); $cmd_html .= template_replace($replace, getTemplate('core', $version, 'geoloc', 'geoloc')); } foreach ($dynamic as $id => $cmd) { $replace = array('#state#' => $cmd->execCmd(), '#name#' => $cmd->getName(), '#collectDate#' => $cmd->getCollectDate(), '#id#' => $cmd->getId()); $cmd_html .= template_replace($replace, getTemplate('core', $_version, 'geoloc_single', 'geoloc')); } $replace = array('#id#' => $this->getId(), '#name#' => $this->getName(), '#eqLink#' => $this->hasRight('w') ? $this->getLinkToConfiguration() : '#', '#category#' => $this->getPrimaryCategory(), '#background_color#' => $this->getBackgroundColor($version), '#cmd#' => $cmd_html, '#style#' => '', '#noResize#' => 1, '#max_width#' => '650px', '#logicalId#' => $this->getLogicalId(), '#battery#' => $this->getConfiguration('batteryStatus', -2), '#batteryDatetime#' => $this->getConfiguration('batteryStatusDatetime', __('inconnue', __FILE__))); if (($_version == 'dview' || $_version == 'mview') && $this->getDisplay('doNotShowObjectNameOnView', 0) == 0) { $object = $this->getObject(); $replace['#object_name#'] = is_object($object) ? '(' . $object->getName() . ')' : ''; } else { $replace['#object_name#'] = ''; } if (($_version == 'dview' || $_version == 'mview') && $this->getDisplay('doNotShowNameOnView') == 1) { $replace['#name#'] = ''; } if (($_version == 'mobile' || $_version == 'dashboard') && $this->getDisplay('doNotShowNameOnDashboard') == 1) { $replace['#name#'] = ''; } if (($_version == 'dview' || $_version == 'mview') && $this->getDisplay('doNotDisplayBatteryLevelOnView') == 1) { $replace['#battery#'] = -1; } if ($_version == 'dashboard' && $this->getDisplay('doNotDisplayBatteryLevelOnDashboard') == 1) { $replace['#battery#'] = -1; } $parameters = $this->getDisplay('parameters'); if (is_array($parameters)) { foreach ($parameters as $key => $value) { $replace['#' . $key . '#'] = $value; } } return template_replace($replace, getTemplate('core', $version, 'eqLogic')); }
function formatBegin() { global $CON; $CON = template_replace("INDEX_COMMA", $this->pagesList("comma"), $CON); $CON = template_replace("INDEX_LIST", $this->pagesList("list"), $CON); }
public function toHtml($_version = 'dashboard') { if ($this->getIsEnable() != 1) { return ''; } if (!$this->hasRight('r')) { return ''; } $version = jeedom::versionAlias($_version); if ($this->getDisplay('hideOn' . $version) == 1) { return ''; } $mc = cache::byKey('porkfolioWidget' . jeedom::versionAlias($_version) . $this->getId()); if ($mc->getValue() != '') { return preg_replace("/" . preg_quote(self::UIDDELIMITER) . "(.*?)" . preg_quote(self::UIDDELIMITER) . "/", self::UIDDELIMITER . mt_rand() . self::UIDDELIMITER, $mc->getValue()); } $background = $this->getBackgroundColor($_version); if ($this->getCmd(null, 'derniervers')->execCmd() < 0) { $humeur = 'triste'; } else { $humeur = 'content'; } if ($this->getCmd(null, 'somme')->execCmd() >= $this->getCmd(null, 'objectif')->execCmd()) { $humeur = 'jeedom'; $background = '#34a729'; } if ($this->getCmd(null, 'somme')->execCmd() == 0) { $background = '#e54016'; $humeur = 'very_triste'; } $replace = array('#name#' => $this->getName(), '#id#' => $this->getId(), '#background_color#' => $background, '#uid#' => 'porkfolio' . $this->getId() . self::UIDDELIMITER . mt_rand() . self::UIDDELIMITER, '#eqLink#' => $this->getLinkToConfiguration(), '#porky_humeur#' => $humeur); foreach ($this->getCmd('info') as $cmd) { $replace['#' . $cmd->getLogicalId() . '_history#'] = ''; if ($cmd->getIsVisible() == 1) { $replace['#' . $cmd->getLogicalId() . '_id#'] = $cmd->getId(); if ($cmd->getName() == 'Date dépot' || $cmd->getName() == 'Date retournement' || $cmd->getName() == 'Date mouvement') { $replace['#' . $cmd->getLogicalId() . '#'] = date("d/m/y H:i:s", $cmd->execCmd()); } else { $replace['#' . $cmd->getLogicalId() . '#'] = $cmd->execCmd(); } $replace['#' . $cmd->getLogicalId() . '_collect#'] = $cmd->getCollectDate(); if ($cmd->getIsHistorized() == 1) { $replace['#' . $cmd->getLogicalId() . '_history#'] = 'history cursor'; } } else { $replace['#' . $cmd->getLogicalId() . '#'] = ''; } } $refresh = $this->getCmd(null, 'refresh'); $replace['#refresh_id#'] = $refresh->getId(); $parameters = $this->getDisplay('parameters'); if (is_array($parameters)) { foreach ($parameters as $key => $value) { $replace['#' . $key . '#'] = $value; } } $html = template_replace($replace, getTemplate('core', $_version, 'porkfolio', 'porkfolio')); cache::set('porkfolioWidget' . $_version . $this->getId(), $html, 0); return $html; }
public static function dns_start() { if (config::byKey('ngrok::addr') == '') { return; } network::dns_stop(); $config_file = '/tmp/ngrok_jeedom'; $logfile = log::getPathToLog('ngrok'); $uname = posix_uname(); if (strrpos($uname['machine'], 'arm') !== false) { $cmd = dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../script/ngrok/ngrok-arm'; } else { if ($uname['machine'] == 'x86_64') { $cmd = dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../script/ngrok/ngrok-x64'; } else { $cmd = dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../script/ngrok/ngrok-x86'; } } exec('chmod +x ' . $cmd); $cmd .= ' -config=' . $config_file . ' start jeedom'; if (!self::dns_run()) { $replace = array('#server_addr#' => '', '#name#' => 'jeedom', '#proto#' => 'https', '#port#' => 80, '#remote_port#' => '', '#token#' => config::byKey('ngrok::token'), '#auth#' => '', '#subdomain#' => 'subdomain : ' . config::byKey('ngrok::addr')); $config = template_replace($replace, file_get_contents(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../script/ngrok/config')); if (file_exists($config_file)) { unlink($config_file); } file_put_contents($config_file, $config); log::remove('ngrok'); log::add('ngork', 'debug', 'Lancement de ngork : ' . $cmd); exec($cmd . ' >> /dev/null 2>&1 &'); } return true; }
* Limesurvey functions */ include "functions/functions.limesurvey.php"; $js = array("js/popup.js", "include/jquery/jquery-1.4.2.min.js", "include/jquery-ui/jquery-ui.min.js"); if (AUTO_LOGOUT_MINUTES !== false) { $js[] = "js/childnap.js"; } xhtml_head(T_("Respondent Selection") . " - " . T_("Call back"), true, array("include/bootstrap/css/bootstrap.min.css", "css/rs.css"), $js); $operator_id = get_operator_id(); $case_id = get_case_id($operator_id); $questionnaire_id = get_questionnaire_id($operator_id); //display introduction text $sql = "SELECT rs_callback\r\n\tFROM questionnaire\r\n\tWHERE questionnaire_id = '{$questionnaire_id}'"; $r = $db->GetRow($sql); if (!empty($r['rs_callback'])) { print "<div class='rstext well rs'>" . template_replace($r['rs_callback'], $operator_id, $case_id) . "</div>"; } print "<p class='rstext alert alert-info'>" . T_("Survey is") . " " . round(limesurvey_percent_complete($case_id), 1) . " % " . T_("complete") . "</p>"; print "<div class=' '>\r\n\t\t<div class='col-lg-2'><p><a class='btn btn-default' href=\"rs_intro.php\" >" . T_("Go Back") . "</a></p></div>"; //filter displayed outcomes if ($questionnaire_id) { $outcomes = $db->GetOne("SELECT q.outcomes FROM `questionnaire` as q WHERE q.questionnaire_id = {$questionnaire_id}"); // $outcomes = explode(",", $outcomes); if (in_array(8, $outcomes)) { $des = $db->GetAll("SELECT description FROM outcome WHERE outcome_id = 8"); print "<div class='col-lg-4'><p class=''><h4 class=' '>" . T_("End call with outcome:") . "</h4></p>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t<p><a class='btn btn-primary' "; if (ALTERNATE_INTERFACE) { print "href=\"javascript:parent.location.href = 'index_interface2.php?outcome=8&endcase=endcase'\">"; } else { print "href=\"javascript:parent.poptastic('call.php?defaultoutcome=8');\">";
function template() { global $CON, $html, $action, $preview, $page, $PG_DIR, $HEAD, $self, $comments_html, $comment_captcha_failed; /* * Include comments if: * - {plugin:COMMENTS} is in template and {NO_COMMENTS} is not in page content * - {COMMENTS} is in page content */ if ($action == "" && !$preview && (template_match("plugin:COMMENTS", $html, $null) && strpos($CON, "{NO_COMMENTS}") === false || strpos($CON, "{COMMENTS}") !== false)) { $HEAD .= '<script type="text/javascript" src="plugins/Comments/comments.js"></script>'; $HEAD .= '<style type="text/css" media="all">@import url("plugins/Comments/comments.css");</style>'; $tmpl = file_get_contents($this->data_dir . $this->template); $tmpl = strtr($tmpl, array("{FORM_NAME}" => $this->TP_FORM_NAME, "{FORM_EMAIL}" => $this->TP_FORM_EMAIL, "{FORM_CONTENT}" => $this->TP_FORM_CONTENT, "{FORM_NAME_VALUE}" => $comment_captcha_failed ? h($_POST["name"]) : "", "{FORM_EMAIL_VALUE}" => $comment_captcha_failed ? h($_POST["email"]) : "", "{FORM_CONTENT_VALUE}" => $comment_captcha_failed ? h($_POST["content"]) : "", "{FORM_SUBMIT}" => $this->TP_FORM_SUBMIT, "{FORM_SELF}" => h($self), "{FORM_PAGE}" => h($page), "{COMMENTS}" => $this->TP_COMMENTS)); $items_str = ""; if ($dir = @opendir($this->comments_dir . $page)) { $item_tmpl = ""; if (preg_match("/\\{item\\}(.*)\\{\\/item\\}/Us", $tmpl, $m)) { $item_tmpl = $m[1]; } $filenames = array(); while ($filename = @readdir($dir)) { if (preg_match("/([0-9]{8}-[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2})\\.txt/", $filename, $m)) { $filenames[] = $filename; } } if ($this->sorting_order == "asc") { sort($filenames); } else { if ($this->sorting_order == "desc") { rsort($filenames); } } $comment_num = 0; foreach ($filenames as $filename) { $comment_num++; $file = file_get_contents($this->comments_dir . $page . "/" . $filename); $delimiter = strpos($file, "\n"); $meta = substr($file, 0, $delimiter); $content = substr($file, $delimiter + 1); list($ip, $name, $email) = explode("\t", $meta); $processed_content = $this->processComment($content); $items_str .= strtr($item_tmpl, array("{CONTENT}" => $processed_content, "{NAME}" => h($name), "{EMAIL}" => h($email), "{NAME_TO_EMAIL}" => $email == "" ? $name : "<a href=\"mailto:" . h($email) . "\">" . h($name) . "</a>", "{IP}" => $ip, "{DATE}" => rev_time(basename($filename, ".txt")), "{ID}" => basename($filename, ".txt"), "{NUMBER}" => $comment_num, "{DELETE}" => h($this->TP_DELETE), "{DELETE_LINK}" => "{$self}?action=admin-deletecomment&page=" . u($page) . "&filename=" . u($filename), "{DELETE_CONFIRM}" => h($this->TP_DELETE_CONFIRM))); } } $tmpl = str_replace("{NUMBER_OF_COMMENTS}", count($filenames), $tmpl); $comments_html = preg_replace("/\\{item\\}.*\\{\\/item\\}/Us", $items_str, $tmpl); plugin("commentsTemplate"); $html = template_replace("plugin:COMMENTS", $comments_html, $html); $CON = str_replace("{COMMENTS}", $comments_html, $CON); } $CON = str_replace("{NO_COMMENTS}", "", $CON); $HEAD .= "\n<link rel=\"alternate\" type=\"application/rss+xml\" title=\"RSS " . h($this->TP_COMMENTS) . "\" href=\"{$this->rss_file}\" />\n"; }
public function toHtml($_version = 'dashboard') { $lien_dossier = realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../flux_rss'); $li = null; //$array_dossier = scandir($lien_dossier); $lienfor = $lien_dossier . '/fluxrss_' . $this->getId() . '.json'; if (file_exists($lienfor)) { $fluxRSS = fopen($lienfor, 'r'); $fluxRSSread = fread($fluxRSS, filesize($lienfor)); fclose($fluxRSS); $fluxRSS = json_decode($fluxRSSread); foreach ($fluxRSS as $key => $value) { $lien_file_dash_rss = $lien_dossier . '/' . $value . '.json'; $file_dash_rss = fopen($lien_file_dash_rss, 'r'); $read_file_dash_rss = fread($file_dash_rss, filesize($lien_file_dash_rss)); fclose($file_dash_rss); $file_dash_rss = null; $recuperateur = json_decode($read_file_dash_rss, true); $read_file_dash_rss = null; $configuration = $this->getconfiguration(); $theme_voulu = $configuration['theme']; if ($theme_voulu == 1) { $theme = 'barre'; } else { $theme = 'standard'; } if ($theme == 'standard') { $width = '300px'; $mini_height = "160px"; $mini_widht = "280px"; $li .= '<a href="#" class="list-group-item disabled"><img src="' . $recuperateur['lien_rss'] . '" /> ' . $recuperateur['name_rss'] . '</a>'; foreach ($recuperateur['contenu'] as $recup) { if (isset($recup['title'])) { $li .= '<a onclick="open_rss' . $this->getId() . '(\'' . $recup['link'] . '\')" class="list-group-item" style="background-color:transparent;cursor:pointer;font-size : 0.9em;">' . htmlentities($recup['title']) . '</a>'; } else { foreach ($recup as $recupencore) { if (isset($recupencore['title'])) { $li .= '<a onclick="open_rss' . $this->getId() . '(\'' . $recupencore['link'] . '\')" class="list-group-item" style="background-color:transparent;cursor:pointer;font-size : 0.9em;">' . $recupencore['title'] . '</a>'; } } } } } elseif ($theme == 'barre') { $width = '586px'; $mini_height = "80px"; $mini_widht = "500px"; $li .= '<div class="btn-group" style="width:100%;">'; $li .= '<button type="button" style="float:left;width:20%;" class="btn btn-danger" data-toggle="dropdown" aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="false"><img src="' . $recuperateur['lien_rss'] . '" /> ' . $recuperateur['name_rss'] . '</button>'; //$li .= '<div style="float:left;padding: 6px 12px;" > TEST </div>'; $li .= '<button type="button" style="float:left;width:75%;height:32px;" class="btn btn btn-info" data-toggle="dropdown" aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="false"><marquee>'; foreach ($recuperateur['contenu'] as $recup) { if (isset($recup['title'])) { $li .= htmlentities($recup['title']) . ' // '; } else { foreach ($recup as $recupencore) { if (isset($recupencore['title'])) { $li .= $recupencore['title'] . ' // '; } } } } $li .= '</marquee></button>'; $li .= '<button type="button" style="float:right;width:5%;" class="btn btn-danger dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown" aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="false">'; $li .= '<span class="caret"></span>'; $li .= '<span class="sr-only">Toggle Dropdown</span>'; $li .= '</button>'; $li .= '<ul class="dropdown-menu" style="width:100%;">'; foreach ($recuperateur['contenu'] as $recup) { if (isset($recup['title'])) { $li .= '<li><a onclick="open_rss' . $this->getId() . '(\'' . $recup['link'] . '\')" class="list-group-item" style="background-color:transparent;cursor:pointer;font-size : 0.9em;">' . htmlentities($recup['title']) . '</a></li>'; } else { foreach ($recup as $recupencore) { if (isset($recupencore['title'])) { $li .= '<li><a onclick="open_rss' . $this->getId() . '(\'' . $recupencore['link'] . '\')" class="list-group-item" style="background-color:transparent;cursor:pointer;font-size : 0.9em;">' . $recupencore['title'] . '</a></li>'; } } } } $li .= '</ul>'; $li .= '</div>'; $li .= '<br />'; } } } $_version = jeedom::versionAlias($_version); $replace = array('#id#' => $this->getId(), '#name#' => $this->getIsVisible() ? $this->getName() : '<del>' . $this->getName() . '</del>', '#eqLink#' => $this->getLinkToConfiguration(), '#li#' => $li, '#height#' => $this->getDisplay('height', 'auto'), '#width#' => $this->getDisplay('width', $width), '#miniheight#' => $mini_height, '#miniwidth#' => $mini_widht); return template_replace($replace, getTemplate('core', $_version, 'eqLogic', 'rss')); }
function commentsTemplate() { global $comments_html; $comments_html = template_replace("plugin:RESIZE_TEXTAREA", $this->resize_html, $comments_html); $comments_html = template_replace("plugin:TOOLBAR_TEXTAREA", $this->basic_toolbar_html, $comments_html); }
public function toHtml($_version = 'dashboard') { if ($_version == '') { throw new Exception(__('La version demandée ne peut pas être vide (mobile, dashboard ou scénario)', __FILE__)); } if (!$this->hasRight('r')) { return ''; } $version = jeedom::versionAlias($_version); if ($this->getDisplay('hideOn' . $version) == 1) { return ''; } $hasOnlyEventOnly = $this->hasOnlyEventOnlyCmd(); if ($hasOnlyEventOnly) { $sql = 'SELECT `value` FROM cache WHERE `key`="widgetHtml' . $_version . $this->getId() . '"'; $result = DB::Prepare($sql, array(), DB::FETCH_TYPE_ROW); if ($result['value'] != '') { return preg_replace("/" . preg_quote(self::UIDDELIMITER) . "(.*?)" . preg_quote(self::UIDDELIMITER) . "/", self::UIDDELIMITER . mt_rand() . self::UIDDELIMITER, $result['value']); } } $parameters = $this->getDisplay('parameters'); $cmd_html = ''; $vcolor = 'cmdColor'; if ($version == 'mobile') { $vcolor = 'mcmdColor'; } $cmdColor = $this->getPrimaryCategory() == '' ? '' : jeedom::getConfiguration('eqLogic:category:' . $this->getPrimaryCategory() . ':' . $vcolor); if (is_array($parameters) && isset($parameters['background_cmd_color'])) { $cmdColor = $parameters['background_cmd_color']; } if ($this->getIsEnable()) { foreach ($this->getCmd(null, null, true) as $cmd) { if ($cmd->getDisplay('hideOn' . $version) == 1) { continue; } if ($cmd->getDisplay('forceReturnLineBefore', 0) == 1) { $cmd_html .= '<br/>'; } $cmd_html .= $cmd->toHtml($_version, '', $cmdColor); if ($cmd->getDisplay('forceReturnLineAfter', 0) == 1) { $cmd_html .= '<br/>'; } } } $replace = array('#id#' => $this->getId(), '#name#' => $this->getName(), '#eqLink#' => $this->hasRight('w') ? $this->getLinkToConfiguration() : '#', '#category#' => $this->getPrimaryCategory(), '#background_color#' => $this->getBackgroundColor($version), '#cmd#' => $cmd_html, '#style#' => '', '#max_width#' => '650px', '#logicalId#' => $this->getLogicalId(), '#battery#' => $this->getConfiguration('batteryStatus', -2), '#batteryDatetime#' => $this->getConfiguration('batteryStatusDatetime', __('inconnue', __FILE__)), '#batteryType#' => $this->getConfiguration('battery_type', ''), '#object_name#' => '', '#height#' => $this->getDisplay('height', 'auto'), '#width#' => $this->getDisplay('width', 'auto'), '#uid#' => 'eqLogic' . $this->getId() . self::UIDDELIMITER . mt_rand() . self::UIDDELIMITER); if (($_version == 'dview' || $_version == 'mview') && $this->getDisplay('doNotShowObjectNameOnView', 0) == 0) { $object = $this->getObject(); $replace['#object_name#'] = is_object($object) ? '(' . $object->getName() . ')' : ''; } if (($_version == 'dview' || $_version == 'mview') && $this->getDisplay('doNotShowNameOnView') == 1) { $replace['#name#'] = ''; } if (($_version == 'mobile' || $_version == 'dashboard') && $this->getDisplay('doNotShowNameOnDashboard') == 1) { $replace['#name#'] = ''; } if (($_version == 'dview' || $_version == 'mview') && $this->getDisplay('doNotDisplayBatteryLevelOnView') == 1) { $replace['#battery#'] = -1; } if ($_version == 'dashboard' && $this->getDisplay('doNotDisplayBatteryLevelOnDashboard') == 1) { $replace['#battery#'] = -1; } if (is_array($parameters)) { foreach ($parameters as $key => $value) { $replace['#' . $key . '#'] = $value; } } if (!isset(self::$_templateArray[$version])) { self::$_templateArray[$version] = getTemplate('core', $version, 'eqLogic'); } $html = template_replace($replace, self::$_templateArray[$version]); if ($hasOnlyEventOnly) { cache::set('widgetHtml' . $_version . $this->getId(), $html, 0); } return $html; }
function template() { global $html, $self; $html = template_replace("plugin:LIST_OF_PLUGINS", "<a href=\"{$self}?action=listplugins\" rel=\"nofollow\">List of installed plugins</a>", $html); }
function commentsTemplate() { global $comments_html, $PASSWORD, $HEAD; if (!empty($PASSWORD) || $this->permanent && $_COOKIE["LW_CAPTCHA"] == $this->cookie_password) { $comments_html = template_replace("plugin:CAPTCHA_QUESTION", "", $comments_html); $comments_html = template_replace("plugin:CAPTCHA_INPUT", "", $comments_html); return; } $question_count = $this->questionCount(); $question_id = rand(1, $question_count); $question_text = trim($this->getQuestion($question_id, 1)); $comments_html = template_replace("plugin:CAPTCHA_QUESTION", '<span id="captcha-question">' . $question_text . "</span>", $comments_html); $comments_html = template_replace("plugin:CAPTCHA_INPUT", "<input type=\"hidden\" id=\"captcha-id\" name=\"qid\" value=\"{$question_id}\" /><input type=\"text\" id=\"captcha-input\" name=\"ans\" class=\"input\" value=\"\" />", $comments_html); $HEAD .= $this->fillAnswerWithJavascript($question_id); }
plugin('formatFinished'); // Loading template. If does not exist, use built-in default $html = file_exists($TEMPLATE) ? file_get_contents(clear_path($TEMPLATE)) : fallback_template(); // including pages in pure HTML while (preg_match('/{include:([^}]+)}/U', $html, $m)) { $inc = str_replace(array('{html}', '{/html}'), '', @file_get_contents("{$PG_DIR}{$m['1']}.txt")); $html = str_replace($m[0], $inc, $html); } plugin('template'); // plugin templating $html = preg_replace('/\\{([^}]* )?plugin:.+( [^}]*)?\\}/U', '', $html); // get rid of absent plugin tags $tpl_subs = array('HEAD' => $HEAD . ($action ? '<meta name="robots" content="noindex, nofollow"/>' : ''), 'SEARCH_FORM' => '<form action="' . $self . '" method="get"><span><input type="hidden" name="action" value="search"/><input type="submit" style="display:none;"/>', '\\/SEARCH_FORM' => "</span></form>", 'SEARCH_INPUT' => '<input type="text" name="query" value="' . h($query) . '"/>', 'SEARCH_SUBMIT' => "<input class=\"submit\" type=\"submit\" value=\"{$T_SEARCH}\"/>", 'HOME' => "<a href=\"{$self}?page=" . u($START_PAGE) . "\">{$T_HOME}</a>", 'RECENT_CHANGES' => "<a href=\"{$self}?action=recent\">{$T_RECENT_CHANGES}</a>", 'ERROR' => $error, 'HISTORY' => $page ? "<a href=\"{$self}?page=" . u($page) . "&action=history\">{$T_HISTORY}</a>" : "", 'PAGE_TITLE' => h($page == $START_PAGE && $page == $TITLE ? $WIKI_TITLE : $TITLE), 'PAGE_TITLE_HEAD' => h($TITLE), 'PAGE_URL' => u($page), 'EDIT' => !$action ? "<a href=\"{$self}?page=" . u($page) . "&action=edit" . (is_writable("{$PG_DIR}{$page}.txt") ? "\">{$T_EDIT}</a>" : "&showsource=1\">{$T_SHOW_SOURCE}</a>") : "", 'WIKI_TITLE' => h($WIKI_TITLE), 'LAST_CHANGED_TEXT' => $last_changed_ts ? $T_LAST_CHANGED : "", 'LAST_CHANGED' => $last_changed_ts ? date($DATE_FORMAT, $last_changed_ts + $LOCAL_HOUR * 3600) : "", 'CONTENT' => $action != "edit" ? $CON : "", 'TOC' => $TOC, 'SYNTAX' => $action == "edit" || $preview ? "<a href=\"{$SYNTAX_PAGE}\">{$T_SYNTAX}</a>" : "", 'SHOW_PAGE' => $action == "edit" || $preview ? "<a href=\"{$self}?page=" . u($page) . "\">{$T_SHOW_PAGE}</a>" : "", 'COOKIE' => '<a href="' . $self . '?page=' . u($page) . '&action=' . u($action) . '&erasecookie=1">' . $T_ERASE_COOKIE . '</a>', 'CONTENT_FORM' => $CON_FORM_BEGIN, '\\/CONTENT_FORM' => $CON_FORM_END, 'CONTENT_TEXTAREA' => $CON_TEXTAREA, 'CONTENT_SUBMIT' => $CON_SUBMIT, 'CONTENT_PREVIEW' => $CON_PREVIEW, 'RENAME_TEXT' => $RENAME_TEXT, 'RENAME_INPUT' => $RENAME_INPUT, 'EDIT_SUMMARY_TEXT' => $EDIT_SUMMARY_TEXT, 'EDIT_SUMMARY_INPUT' => $EDIT_SUMMARY, 'FORM_PASSWORD' => $FORM_PASSWORD, 'FORM_PASSWORD_INPUT' => $FORM_PASSWORD_INPUT); foreach ($tpl_subs as $tpl => $rpl) { // substituting values $html = template_replace($tpl, $rpl, $html); } header('Content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8'); die($html); // Function library function h($t) { return htmlspecialchars($t); } function u($t) { return urlencode($t); } function template_replace($what, $subs, $where) { return preg_replace("/\\{(([^}]*) )?{$what}( ([^}]*))?\\}/U", empty($subs) ? "" : "\${2}" . str_replace("\$", "$", trim($subs)) . "\${4}", $where);
public static function getExpressionOptions($_expression, $_options) { $startLoadTime = getmicrotime(); $cmd = cmd::byId(str_replace('#', '', cmd::humanReadableToCmd($_expression))); if (is_object($cmd)) { $return['html'] = trim($cmd->toHtml('scenario', $_options)); } else { try { $return['html'] = getTemplate('core', 'scenario', $_expression . '.default'); if (is_json($_options)) { $_options = json_decode($_options, true); } if (is_array($_options) && count($_options) > 0) { foreach ($_options as $key => $value) { $replace['#' . $key . '#'] = $value; } } if (!isset($replace['#id#'])) { $replace['#id#'] = rand(); } $return['html'] = template_replace(cmd::cmdToHumanReadable($replace), $return['html']); } catch (Exception $e) { } } $replace = array('#uid#' => 'exp' . mt_rand()); $return['html'] = translate::exec(template_replace($replace, $return['html']), 'core/template/scenario/' . $_expression . '.default'); return $return; }
public function toHtml($_version = 'dashboard') { if ($this->getIsEnable() != 1) { return ''; } if (!$this->hasRight('r')) { return ''; } $_version = jeedom::versionAlias($_version); $background = $this->getBackgroundColor($_version); $replace = array('#name#' => $this->getName(), '#id#' => $this->getId(), '#background_color#' => $background, '#eqLink#' => $this->getLinkToConfiguration(), '#height#' => $this->getDisplay('height', 'auto'), '#width#' => $this->getDisplay('width', '200px'), '#temperature_airneufexterieur#' => jeedom::evaluateExpression($this->getConfiguration('temperature_airneufexterieur')), '#temperature_airneufinsuflé#' => jeedom::evaluateExpression($this->getConfiguration('temperature_airneufinsuflé')), '#temperature_airvicie#' => jeedom::evaluateExpression($this->getConfiguration('temperature_airvicie')), '#temperature_airvicierejete#' => jeedom::evaluateExpression($this->getConfiguration('temperature_airvicierejete'))); $parameters = $this->getDisplay('parameters'); if (is_array($parameters)) { foreach ($parameters as $key => $value) { $replace['#' . $key . '#'] = $value; } } $html = template_replace($replace, getTemplate('core', $_version, 'eqLogic', 'vmc')); return $html; }
function lionwiki_show($conf = null, $execute_actions_param = true) { global $plugins; global $TITLE; global $page; global $PG_DIR; global $DATE_FORMAT; global $HIST_DIR; global $plugin_ret_diff; global $PASSWORD; global $sc; global $PROTECTED_READ; global $content; global $error; global $action; global $html; global $preview; global $HEAD; global $PLUGINS_DIR; global $VAR_DIR; global $self; global $self_form; global $CON; global $execute_actions; global $rightnow; global $config; $execute_actions = $execute_actions_param; $is_enterprise = false; if (file_exists ("enterprise/include/functions_wiki.php")) { require_once ("enterprise/include/functions_wiki.php"); $is_enterprise = true; } //Default confs $wiki_title_conf = 'My new wiki'; $password_conf = ''; $template_conf = 'templates/dandelion.html'; $protected_read_conf = false; $no_html_conf = false; $start_page_conf = 'Main page'; $syntax_page_conf = ''; $date_format_conf = 'Y/m/d H:i'; $local_hour_conf = 0; $var_dir_conf = 'var/'; $plugin_dir_conf = 'plugins/'; $lang_dir_conf = 'lang/'; $self = basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) . '?'; $fallback_template = '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8"/> <title>{PAGE_TITLE_HEAD - }{WIKI_TITLE}</title> <style type="text/css"> *{margin:0;padding:0} body{font-size:12px;line-height:16px;padding:10px 20px 20px 20px} p{margin:5px} a{color:#060;text-decoration:none;border-bottom:1px dotted #060} a.pending{color:#900} a.external:after{content:"\2197"} pre{border:1px dotted #ccc;padding:4px;overflow:auto;margin:3px} img,a img{border:0} h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6{letter-spacing:2px;font-weight:normal;margin:15px 0 15px 0;color:#060} h1 a:hover,h2 a:hover,h3 a:hover,h4 a:hover,h5 a:hover,h6 a:hover{color:#060} h1 a{border-bottom:0} h2 .par-edit,h3 .par-edit,h4 .par-edit,h5 .par-edit,h6 .par-edit{visibility:hidden;font-size:x-small} h2:hover .par-edit,h3:hover .par-edit,h4:hover .par-edit,h5:hover .par-edit,h6:hover .par-edit{visibility:visible} hr{margin:10px 0 10px 0;height:1px;overflow:hidden;border:0;background:#060} ul,ol{padding:5px 0px 5px 20px} table{text-align:left} input,select,textarea{border:1px solid #AAA;padding:2px;font-size:12px} #toc{border:1px dashed #060;margin:5px 0 5px 10px;padding:6px 5px 7px 0;float:right;padding-right:2em;list-style:none} #toc ul{list-style:none;padding:3px 0 3px 10px} #toc li{font-size:11px;padding-left:10px} #diff {padding:1em; white-space: pre-wrap; width: 97%;} #diff ins{color:green;font-weight:bold} #diff del{color:red;text-decoration:line-through} #diff .orig{color:#666;font-size:90%} /* Plugins */ .tagList{padding:0.2em 0.4em 0.2em 0.4em;margin-top:0.5em;border:1px dashed #060;clear:right} .tagCloud{float:right;width:200px;padding:0.5em;margin:1em;border:1px dashed #060;clear:right} .pageVersionsList{letter-spacing:0;font-variant:normal;font-size:12px} .resizeTextarea a{border-bottom:none} </style> {HEAD} </head> <body> <table width="100%" cellpadding="4"> <tr> <td colspan="2">{HOME} {RECENT_CHANGES}</td> <td style="text-align:right">{EDIT} {SYNTAX} {HISTORY}</td> </tr> <tr><th colspan="3"><hr/><h1 id="page-title">{PAGE_TITLE} {<span class="pageVersionsList">( plugin:VERSIONS_LIST )</span>}</h1></th></tr> <tr> <td colspan="3"> {<div style="color:#F25A5A;font-weight:bold;"> ERROR </div>} {CONTENT} {plugin:TAG_LIST} {CONTENT_FORM} {RENAME_TEXT} {RENAME_INPUT <br/><br/>} {CONTENT_TEXTAREA} <p style="float:right;margin:6px">{FORM_PASSWORD} {FORM_PASSWORD_INPUT} {plugin:CAPTCHA_QUESTION} {plugin:CAPTCHA_INPUT} {EDIT_SUMMARY_TEXT} {EDIT_SUMMARY_INPUT} {CONTENT_SUBMIT} {CONTENT_PREVIEW}</p>{/CONTENT_FORM} </td> </tr> <tr><td colspan="3"><hr/></td></tr> <tr> <td><div>{SEARCH_FORM}{SEARCH_INPUT}{SEARCH_SUBMIT}{/SEARCH_FORM}</div></td> <td>{LAST_CHANGED_TEXT}: {LAST_CHANGED} {COOKIE}</td> <td style="text-align:right">{EDIT} {SYNTAX} {HISTORY}</td> </tr> </table> </body> </html>'; if ($conf != null) { if (isset($conf['wiki_title'])) $wiki_title_conf = $conf['wiki_title']; if (isset($conf['password'])) $password_conf = $conf['password']; if (isset($conf['template'])) $template_conf = $conf['template']; if (isset($conf['protected_read'])) $protected_read_conf = $conf['protected_read']; if (isset($conf['no_html'])) $no_html_conf = $conf['no_html']; if (isset($conf['start_page'])) $start_page_conf = $conf['start_page']; if (isset($conf['syntax_page'])) $syntax_page_conf = $conf['syntax_page']; if (isset($conf['date_format'])) $date_format_conf = $conf['date_format']; if (isset($conf['local_hour'])) $local_hour_conf = $conf['local_hour']; if (isset($conf['var_dir'])) $var_dir_conf = $conf['var_dir']; if (isset($conf['plugin_dir'])) $plugin_dir_conf = $conf['plugin_dir']; if (isset($conf['lang_dir'])) $lang_dir_conf = $conf['lang_dir']; if (isset($conf['self'])) $self = $conf['self']; if (isset($conf['fallback_template'])) $fallback_template = $conf['fallback_template']; } else { loadConfig(); } //Delete the last character, it is ? or & normality. $self_form = substr_replace($self, '', -1); /* * Disabled for avoid lost the var $action or $page for example foreach ($_REQUEST as $k => $v) unset($$k); // register_globals = off */ // SETTINGS - default settings, can be overridden in config.php $WIKI_TITLE = $wiki_title_conf; // name of the site $PASSWORD = $password_conf; // SHA1 hash $TEMPLATE = $template_conf; // presentation template $PROTECTED_READ = $protected_read_conf; // if true, you need to fill password for reading pages too $NO_HTML = 0; //$no_html_conf; // XSS protection $START_PAGE = $start_page_conf; // Which page should be default (start page)? $SYNTAX_PAGE = $syntax_page_conf; $DATE_FORMAT = $date_format_conf; $LOCAL_HOUR = $local_hour_conf; @error_reporting(E_ERROR | E_WARNING | E_PARSE); @ini_set('default_charset', 'UTF-8'); set_magic_quotes_runtime(0); umask(0); if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) // magic_quotes_gpc can't be turned off for ($i = 0, $_SG = array(&$_GET, &$_POST, &$_COOKIE, &$_REQUEST), $c = count($_SG); $i < $c; ++$i) $_SG[$i] = array_map('stripslashes', $_SG[$i]); $REAL_PATH = realpath(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/'; $VAR_DIR = $var_dir_conf; $PG_DIR = $VAR_DIR . 'pages/'; $HIST_DIR = $VAR_DIR . 'history/'; $PLUGINS_DIR = $plugin_dir_conf; $PLUGINS_DATA_DIR = $VAR_DIR.'plugins/'; $LANG_DIR = $lang_dir_conf; // default translation $T_HOME = 'Main page'; $T_SYNTAX = 'Syntax'; $T_DONE = 'Save changes'; $T_DISCARD_CHANGES = 'Discard changes'; $T_PREVIEW = 'Preview'; $T_SEARCH = 'Search'; $T_SEARCH_RESULTS = 'Wiki search results'; $T_LIST_OF_ALL_PAGES = 'List of all pages'; $T_RECENT_CHANGES = 'Recent changes'; $T_LAST_CHANGED = 'Last changed'; $T_HISTORY = 'History'; $T_RESTORE = 'Restore'; $T_REV_DIFF = '<b>Difference between revisions from {REVISION1} and {REVISION2}.</b>'; $T_REVISION = "'''This revision is from {TIME}. You can {RESTORE} it.'''\n\n"; $T_PASSWORD = '******'; $T_EDIT = 'Edit'; $T_EDIT_SUMMARY = 'Summary of changes'; $T_EDIT_CONFLICT = 'Edit conflict: somebody saved this page after you started editing. See last {DIFF} before saving your changes.'; $T_SHOW_SOURCE = 'Show source'; $T_SHOW_PAGE = 'Show page'; $T_ERASE_COOKIE = 'Erase cookies'; $T_MOVE_TEXT = 'New name'; $T_DIFF = 'diff'; $T_CREATE_PAGE = 'Create page'; $T_PROTECTED_READ = 'You need to enter password to view content of site: '; $T_WRONG_PASSWORD = '******'; if ($_GET['lang']) { $LANG = clear_path($_GET['lang']); setcookie('LW_LANG', $LANG, time() + 365 * 86400); } elseif ($_COOKIE['LW_LANG']) $LANG = clear_path($_COOKIE['LW_LANG']); else list($LANG) = explode(',', $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE']); if ((@include("$LANG_DIR$LANG.php")) === false && (@include($LANG_DIR . substr($LANG, 0, 2) . '.php')) === false) $LANG = 'en'; // Creating essential directories if they don't exist if (!file_exists($VAR_DIR) && !mkdir(rtrim($VAR_DIR, "/"))) die("Can't create directory $VAR_DIR. Please create $VAR_DIR with 0777 rights."); else foreach (array($PG_DIR, $HIST_DIR, $PLUGINS_DATA_DIR) as $DIR) if (@mkdir(rtrim($DIR, '/'), 0777)) { $f = fopen($DIR . ".htaccess", "w"); fwrite($f, "deny from all"); fclose($f); } if ($_GET['erasecookie']) // remove cookie without reloading foreach ($_COOKIE as $k => $v) if (substr($k, 0, 3) == 'LW_') { setcookie($k); unset($_COOKIE[$k]); } //Load Plugins for ($plugins = array(), $dir = @opendir($PLUGINS_DIR); $dir && $f = readdir($dir);) // load plugins if (preg_match('/wkp_(.+)\.php$/', $f, $m) > 0) { require_once $PLUGINS_DIR . $f; $plugins[$m[1]] = new $m[1](); if (isset($$m[1])) foreach ($$m[1] as $name => $value) $plugins[$m[1]]->$name = $value; } plugin('pluginsLoaded'); foreach (array('action', 'content', 'error', 'esum', 'f1', 'f2', 'last_changed', 'moveto', 'page', 'par', 'preview', 'query', 'restore', 'sc', 'showsource', 'time') as $req) $$req = $_REQUEST[$req]; // export request variables to global namespace if (empty($page)) { $page = $start_page_conf; } $TITLE = $page = clear_path($page); $moveto = clear_path($moveto); $f1 = clear_path($f1); $f2 = clear_path($f2); $CON = $content; plugin('actionBegin'); if (!$action) { if (!$page) { error_show_lionwiki("Location:$self" . "page=" . u($START_PAGE)); } elseif (file_exists("$PG_DIR$page.$LANG.txt")) { // language variant error_show_lionwiki("Location:$self" . "page=" . u("$page.$LANG")); } elseif (!file_exists("$PG_DIR$page.txt")) { $action = 'edit'; // create page if it doesn't exist if (check_no_new_page()) { if (!plugin('check_no_new_page')) { $action = 'view-html'; } else { $action = 'view-html'; } } } } //Disable the action if (!$execute_actions) { $action = ''; } //Check the create new page if ($action == 'edit') { if (!file_exists("$PG_DIR$page.txt")) { if (check_no_new_page()) { if (!plugin('show_message_no_new_page')) { $action = 'view-html'; } else { $action = 'view-html'; } } } } if (check_no_read()) { if (!plugin('show_message_no_read')) { $CON = "<form action=\"$self_form" . "page=".u($page)."\" method=\"post\"><p>$T_PROTECTED_READ <input type=\"password\" name=\"sc\"/> <input class=\"submit\" type=\"submit\"/></p></form>"; $action = 'view-html'; } else { $action = 'view-html'; } } else { if ($restore || $action == 'rev') { // Show old revision $CON = @file_get_contents("$HIST_DIR$page/$f1"); if ($action == 'rev') { $rev_restore = "[$T_RESTORE|./$self" . "page=".u($page)."&action=edit&f1=$f1&restore=1]"; $CON = strtr($T_REVISION, array('{TIME}' => rev_time($f1), '{RESTORE}' => $rev_restore)) . $CON; $action = ''; } } else if ($page) { // Load the page $last_changed_ts = @filemtime("$PG_DIR$page.txt"); if (!$action || $action == 'edit') { $CON = @file_get_contents("$PG_DIR$page.txt"); $CON = $par ? get_paragraph($CON, $par) : $CON; if (!$action && substr($CON, 0, 10) == '{redirect:' && $_REQUEST['redirect'] != 'no') error_show_lionwiki("Location:$self" . "page=".u(substr($CON, 10, strpos($CON, '}') - 10))); } } } if ($action == 'save' && check_no_save()) { if (!plugin('show_message_no_save')) { $action = 'view-html'; } else { $action = 'view-html'; } } else { $rightnow = date('Ymd-Hi-s', time() + $LOCAL_HOUR * 3600); if ($action == 'save' && !$preview && authentified()) { // do we have page to save? if (!trim($content) && !$par) // delete empty page @unlink("$PG_DIR$page.txt"); elseif ($last_changed < @filemtime("$PG_DIR$page.txt")) { $action = 'edit'; $error = str_replace('{DIFF}', "<a href=\"$self" . "page=".u($page)."&action=diff\">$T_DIFF</a>", $T_EDIT_CONFLICT); } elseif (!plugin('writingPage')) { // are plugins OK with page? (e.g. checking for spam) if ($par) { $c = @file_get_contents("$PG_DIR$page.txt"); $content = str_replace(get_paragraph($c, $par), $content, $c); } if (!$file = @fopen("$PG_DIR$page.txt", 'w')) die("Could not write page $PG_DIR$page.txt!"); fwrite($file, $content); fclose($file); // Backup old revision @mkdir($HIST_DIR.$page, 0777); // Create directory if does not exist if (!$bak = @fopen("$HIST_DIR$page/$rightnow.bak", 'w')) die("Could not write to $HIST_DIR$page!"); fwrite($bak, $content); fclose($bak); $es = fopen("$HIST_DIR$page/meta.dat", 'ab'); fwrite($es, '!' . $rightnow . str_pad($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], 16, ' ', STR_PAD_LEFT) . str_pad(filesize("$PG_DIR$page.txt"), 11, ' ', STR_PAD_LEFT) . ' ' . str_pad(substr($esum, 0, 128), 128 + 2)) . "\n"; fclose($es); if ($moveto != $page && $moveto) if (file_exists("$PG_DIR$moveto.txt")) die('Error: target filename already exists. Page was not moved.'); elseif (!rename("$PG_DIR$page.txt", "$PG_DIR$moveto.txt")) die('Unknown error! Page was not moved.'); elseif (!rename($HIST_DIR.$page, $HIST_DIR.$moveto)) { rename("$PG_DIR$moveto.txt", "$PG_DIR$page.txt"); // revert previous change die('Unknown error2! Page was not moved.'); } else $page = $moveto; if (!plugin('pageWritten')) { error_show_lionwiki("Location:$self" . "page=" . u($page) . '&redirect=no' . ($par ? "&par=$par" : '') . ($_REQUEST['ajax'] ? '&ajax=1' : '')); } else { $action = ''; // display content ... } $par = 1; //reset counter //Show all page not only the section. $CON = $content; } else {// there's some problem with page, give user a chance to fix it $action = 'edit'; } } elseif ($action == 'save' && !$preview) { // wrong password, give user another chance $error = $T_WRONG_PASSWORD; $action = 'edit'; } } if ($action == 'edit' || $preview) { $has_permission = true; if ($is_enterprise) { $has_permission = wiki_get_write_acl($config['id_user'], $page); } if ($has_permission) { $CON_FORM_BEGIN = "<form action=\"$self_form\" method=\"post\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"action\" value=\"save\"/><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"last_changed\" value=\"$last_changed_ts\"/><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"showsource\" value=\"$showsource\"/><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"par\" value=\"".h($par)."\"/><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"page\" value=\"".h($page)."\"/>"; $CON_FORM_END = '</form>'; $CON_TEXTAREA = '<textarea class="contentTextarea" name="content" rows="27">'.h($CON).'</textarea>'; $CON_PREVIEW = '<input class="submit" type="submit" name="preview" value="'.$T_PREVIEW.'"/>'; if (!$showsource) { $CON_SUBMIT = '<input class="submit" type="submit" value="'.$T_DONE.'"/>'; $EDIT_SUMMARY_TEXT = $T_EDIT_SUMMARY; $EDIT_SUMMARY = '<input type="text" name="esum" value="'.h($esum).'"/>'; if (!authentified()) { // if not logged on, require password $FORM_PASSWORD = $T_PASSWORD; $FORM_PASSWORD_INPUT = '<input type="password" name="sc"/>'; } if (!$par) { $RENAME_TEXT = $T_MOVE_TEXT; $RENAME_INPUT = '<input type="text" name="moveto" value="'.h($page).'"/>'; } } if ($preview) $TITLE = "$T_PREVIEW: $page"; } else { include "general/noaccess.php"; exit; } } elseif ($action == 'history') { // show whole history of page for ($files = array(), $dir = @opendir("$HIST_DIR$page/"); $f = @readdir($dir);) if (substr($f, -4) == '.bak') $files[] = $f; rsort($files); $CON = '<form action="'.$self_form.'" method="post"><input type="hidden" name="action" value="diff"/><input type="hidden" name="page" value="'.h($page).'"/><input type="submit" class="submit" value="'.$T_DIFF.'"/><br/>'; $meta = @fopen("$HIST_DIR$page/meta.dat", "rb"); for ($i = 0, $mi = 1, $c = count($files); $i < $c; $i++) { if (($m = meta_getline($meta, $mi)) && !strcmp(basename($files[$i], ".bak"), $m[0])) $mi++; global $return_loadMetadata; $return_loadMetadata = ''; plugin('loadMetadata',$page, $m); //Replace IP for the return of loadMetaData if (!empty($return_loadMetadata)) { $m[1] = $return_loadMetadata; } $CON .= '<input type="radio" name="f1" value="'.h($files[$i]).'"/><input type="radio" name="f2" value="'.h($files[$i]).'"/>'; $CON .= "<a href=\"$self" . "page=".u($page)."&action=rev&f1=".$files[$i]."\">".rev_time($files[$i])."</a> - ($m[2] B) $m[1] <i>".h($m[3])."</i><br/>"; } $CON .= '</form>'; } elseif ($action == 'diff') { if (!$f1 && $dir = @opendir("$HIST_DIR$page/")) { // diff is made on two last revisions while ($f = @readdir($dir)) if (substr($f, -4) == '.bak') $files[] = $f; $i = count($files); rsort($files); $f1=$files[$i - 1]; $f2=$files[$i - 2]; error_show_lionwiki("Location:$self" . "action=diff&page=".u($page)."&f1=$files[0]&f2=$files[1]"); } $r1 = "<a href=\"$self" . "page=".u($page)."&action=rev&f1=$f1\">".rev_time($f1)."</a>"; $r2 = "<a href=\"$self" . "page=".u($page)."&action=rev&f1=$f2\">".rev_time($f2)."</a>"; $CON = str_replace(array("{REVISION1}", "{REVISION2}"), array($r1, $r2), $T_REV_DIFF); $CON .= diff($f1, $f2); } elseif ($action == 'search') { for ($files = array(), $dir = opendir($PG_DIR); $f = readdir($dir);) { if (substr($f, -4) == '.txt' && ($c = @file_get_contents($PG_DIR . $f)) !== false) { if (!$query || stristr($f . $c, $query) !== false) $files[] = substr($f, 0, -4); } } sort($files); foreach ($files as $f) $list .= "<li><a href=\"$self" . "page=".u($f).'&redirect=no">'.h($f)."</a></li>"; $CON = "<ul>$list</ul>"; if ($query && !file_exists("$PG_DIR$query.txt")) // offer to create the page $CON = "<p><i><a href=\"$self" . "action=edit&page=".u($query)."\">$T_CREATE_PAGE ".h($query)."</a>.</i></p>".$CON; $TITLE = (!$query ? $T_LIST_OF_ALL_PAGES : "$T_SEARCH_RESULTS $query") . " (".count($files).")"; } elseif ($action == 'recent') { // recent changes for ($files = array(), $dir = opendir($PG_DIR); $f = readdir($dir);) if (substr($f, -4) == '.txt') $files[substr($f, 0, -4)] = filemtime($PG_DIR . $f); arsort($files); foreach (array_slice($files, 0, 100) as $f => $ts) { // just first 100 files $dir_name = basename($f, '.txt'); if ($meta = @fopen($HIST_DIR . $dir_name . '/meta.dat', 'r')) { $m = meta_getline($meta, 1); fclose($meta); } global $return_loadMetadata; $return_loadMetadata = ''; plugin('loadMetadata',$dir_name, $m); //Replace IP for the return of loadMetaData if (!empty($return_loadMetadata)) { $m[1] = $return_loadMetadata; } $recent .= "<tr><td class=\"rc-diff\"><a href=\"$self" . "page=".u($f)."&action=diff\">$T_DIFF</a></td><td class=\"rc-date\" nowrap>".date($DATE_FORMAT, $ts + $LOCAL_HOUR * 3600)."</td><td class=\"rc-ip\">$m[1]</td><td class=\"rc-page\"><a href=\"$self" . "page=".u($f)."&redirect=no\">".h($f)."</a> <span class=\"rc-size\">($m[2] B)</span><i class=\"rc-esum\"> ".h($m[3])."</i></td></tr>"; } $CON = "<table>$recent</table>"; $TITLE = $T_RECENT_CHANGES; } elseif ($action == 'read_acl') { $page_acl = get_parameter('page'); $delete_acl_read = get_parameter('delete_acl_read', 0); $add_acl_read = get_parameter('add_acl_read', 0); $acl = ''; if ($add_acl_read) { $new_user = get_parameter('new_user'); $values = array(); $exists = wiki_exists_page($page_acl); if ($exists) { $update = wiki_update_wiki($page_acl, $new_user, 'read'); if ($update === false) { $acl .= "<h4>Error updating user</h4>"; } else { $acl .= "<h4>User succesfully added</h4>"; } } else { $insert = wiki_insert_wiki($page_acl, $new_user, 'read'); if ($insert === false) { $acl .= "<h4>Error adding user</h4>"; } else { $acl .= "<h4>User succesfully created</h4>"; } } } if ($delete_acl_read) { $id_user = get_parameter('id_user'); $result = wiki_delete_acl($id_user, $page_acl, 'read'); if ($result === false) { $acl .= "<h4>Error deleting user</h4>"; } else { $acl .= "<h4>User succesfully deleted</h4>"; } } $acl .= "<h3>$page_acl".print_help_tip (__("If a content has any users in its reading list, it will be accessible to all people. When we add an user to the access lists, only those users will have reading or writing permissions."), true)."</h3>"; include_once('include/functions_db.php'); include_once('include/functions_html.php'); include_once('include/functions_user.php'); $acls = wiki_get_acls ($page_acl); $table->id = 'acl_list'; $table->class = 'listing'; $table->width = '98%'; $table->data = array (); $table->head = array (); $table->size[1] = '80px'; $table->head[0] = __('Read'); $table->head[1] = __('Operation'); if ($acls === false) { $acl .= "<h4>No acls</h4>"; } $read = $acls['read_page']; if (!empty($read)) { $users_read = explode(',', $read); foreach ($users_read as $key=>$user) { $data = array(); $data[0] = $user; $data[1] = '<a href="index.php?sec=wiki& sec2=operation/wiki/wiki&action=read_acl& delete_acl_read=1&page='.$page_acl.'&id_user='******'" onClick="if (!confirm(\''.__('Are you sure?').'\')) return false;"> <img src="images/cross.png" /></a>'; array_push ($table->data, $data); } } $data = array(); $params_assigned['input_id'] = 'text-new_user'; $params_assigned['input_name'] = 'new_user'; $params_assigned['input_value'] = ''; $params_assigned['title'] = 'New user'; $params_assigned['return'] = true; $url = "index.php?sec=wiki&sec2=operation/wiki/wiki&action=read_acl&add_acl_read=1&page=$page_acl"; $data[0] = "<form name=adduser method=post action='" . $url . "'>"; $data[0] .= user_print_autocomplete_input($params_assigned); $data[1] = print_input_image("add_user", "images/add.png", 1, '', true); $data[1] .= "</form>"; array_push ($table->data, $data); $acl .= print_table($table, true); $CON = "<table>$acl</table>"; $TITLE = "READ ACL"; } elseif ($action == 'write_acl') { $page_acl = get_parameter('page'); $delete_acl_write = get_parameter('delete_acl_write', 0); $add_acl_write = get_parameter('add_acl_write', 0); $new_user = get_parameter('new_user', ''); $acl = ''; if ($add_acl_write) { $new_user = get_parameter('new_user'); $values = array(); $exists = wiki_exists_page($page_acl); if ($exists) { $update = wiki_update_wiki($page_acl, $new_user, 'write'); if ($update === false) { $acl .= "<h4>Error updating user</h4>"; } else { $acl .= "<h4>User succesfully added</h4>"; } } else { $insert = wiki_insert_wiki($page_acl, $new_user, 'write'); if ($insert === false) { $acl .= "<h4>Error adding user</h4>"; } else { $acl .= "<h4>User succesfully created</h4>"; } } } if ($delete_acl_write) { $id_user = get_parameter('id_user'); $result = wiki_delete_acl($id_user, $page_acl, 'write'); if ($result === false) { $acl .= "<h4>Error deleting user</h4>"; } else { $acl .= "<h4>User succesfully deleted</h4>"; } } $acl .= "<h3>$page_acl".print_help_tip (__("If a content has any users in its writing list, it will be accessible to all people. When we add an user to the access lists, only those users will have reading or writing permissions."), true)."</h3>"; include_once('include/functions_db.php'); include_once('include/functions_html.php'); include_once('include/functions_user.php'); $acls = wiki_get_acls ($page_acl); $table->id = 'acl_list'; $table->class = 'listing'; $table->width = '98%'; $table->data = array (); $table->head = array (); $table->size[1] = '80px'; $table->head[0] = __('Write'); $table->head[1] = __('Operation'); if ($acls === false) { $acl .= "<h4>No acls</h4>"; } $read = $acls['write_page']; if (!empty($read)) { $users_read = explode(',', $read); foreach ($users_read as $key=>$user) { $data = array(); $data[0] = $user; $data[1] = '<a href="index.php?sec=wiki& sec2=operation/wiki/wiki&action=write_acl& delete_acl_write=1&page='.$page_acl.'&id_user='******'" onClick="if (!confirm(\''.__('Are you sure?').'\')) return false;"> <img src="images/cross.png" /></a>'; array_push ($table->data, $data); } } $data = array(); $params_assigned['input_id'] = 'text-new_user'; $params_assigned['input_name'] = 'new_user'; $params_assigned['input_value'] = ''; $params_assigned['title'] = 'New user'; $params_assigned['return'] = true; $url = "index.php?sec=wiki&sec2=operation/wiki/wiki&action=write_acl&add_acl_write=1&page=$page_acl"; $data[0] = "<form id='form-adduser' name=adduser method=post action='" . $url . "'>"; $data[0] .= user_print_autocomplete_input($params_assigned); $data[1] = print_input_image("add_user", "images/add.png", 1, '', true); $data[1] .= "</form>"; array_push ($table->data, $data); $acl .= print_table($table, true); $CON = "<table>$acl</table>"; $TITLE = "WRITE ACL"; } else { if (!plugin('check_no_action', $action)) { //Check to block or not a action plugin('action', $action); } else { if (!plugin('show_message_no_save')) { $action = 'view-html'; } else { $action = 'view-html'; } } } if (!$action || $action == 'save' || $preview) { // page parsing if (preg_match("/(?<!\^)\{title:([^}\n]*)\}/U", $CON, $m)) { // Change page title $TITLE = $m[1]; $CON = str_replace($m[0], "", $CON); } // subpages while (preg_match('/(?<!\^){include:([^}]+)}/Um', $CON, $m)) if (!strcmp($m[1], $page)) // limited recursion protection $CON = str_replace($m[0], "'''Warning: subpage recursion!'''", $CON); elseif (file_exists("$PG_DIR$m[1].txt")) $CON = str_replace($m[0], file_get_contents("$PG_DIR$m[1].txt"), $CON); else $CON = str_replace($m[0], "'''Warning: subpage $m[1] was not found!'''", $CON); plugin('subPagesLoaded'); // save content not intended for substitutions ({html} tag) if (!$NO_HTML) { // XSS protection preg_match_all("/(?<!\^)\{html\}(.+)\{\/html\}/Ums", $CON, $htmlcodes, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER); $CON = preg_replace("/(?<!\^)\{html\}.+\{\/html\}/Ums", "{HTML}", $CON); } $CON = preg_replace("/(?<!\^)<!--.*-->/U", "", $CON); // internal comments $CON = preg_replace("/\^(.)/e", "'&#'.ord('$1').';'", $CON); $CON = str_replace(array("<", "&"), array("<", "&"), $CON); $CON = preg_replace("/&([a-z]+;|\#[0-9]+;)/U", "&$1", $CON); // keep HTML entities $CON = preg_replace("/(\r\n|\r)/", "\n", $CON); // unifying newlines to Unix ones preg_match_all("/{{(.+)}}/Ums", $CON, $codes, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER); $CON = preg_replace("/{{(.+)}}/Ums", "<pre>{CODE}</pre>", $CON); // spans preg_match_all("/\{([\.#][^\s\"\}]*)(\s([^\}\"]*))?\}/m", $CON, $spans, PREG_SET_ORDER); foreach ($spans as $m) { $class = $id = ''; $parts = preg_split('/([\.#])/', $m[1], -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE | PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); for ($i = 0, $c = count($parts); $c > 1 && $i < $c; $i += 2) if ($parts[$i] == '.') $class .= $parts[$i + 1] . ' '; else $id = $parts[$i + 1]; $CON = str_replace($m[0], '<span'.($id ? " id=\"$id\"" : '').($class ? " class=\"$class\"" : '').($m[3] ? " style=\"$m[3]\"" : '').'>', $CON); } $CON = str_replace('{/}', '</span>', $CON); plugin('formatBegin'); $CON = strtr($CON, array('<-->' => '↔', '-->' => '→', '<--' => '←', "(c)" => '©', "(r)" => '®')); $CON = preg_replace("/\{small\}(.*)\{\/small\}/U", "<small>$1</small>", $CON); // small $CON = preg_replace("/\{su([bp])\}(.*)\{\/su([bp])\}/U", "<su$1>$2</su$3>", $CON); // sup and sub $CON = preg_replace("/^([^!\*#\n][^\n]+)$/Um", '<p>$1</p>', $CON); // paragraphs // images preg_match_all("#\[((https?://|\./)[^|\]]+\.(jpeg|jpg|gif|png))(\|[^\]]+)?\]#", $CON, $imgs, PREG_SET_ORDER); foreach ($imgs as $img) { $link = $i_attr = $a_attr = $center = $tag = ""; preg_match_all("/\|([^\]\|=]+)(=([^\]\|\"]+))?(?=[\]\|])/", $img[0], $options, PREG_SET_ORDER); foreach ($options as $o) if ($o[1] == 'center') $center = true; elseif ($o[1] == 'right' || $o[1] == 'left') $i_attr .= " style=\"float:$o[1]\""; elseif ($o[1] == 'link') $link = (substr($o[3], 0, 4) == "http" || substr($o[3], 0, 2) == "./") ? $o[3] : $self . "page=" . u($o[3]); elseif ($o[1] == 'alt') $i_attr .= " alt=\"$o[3]\""; elseif ($o[1] == 'title') $a_attr .= " title=\"$o[3]\""; $tag = "<img src=\"$img[1]\"$i_attr/>"; if ($link) $tag = "<a href=\"$link\"$a_attr>$tag</a>"; if ($center) $tag = "<div style=\"text-align:center\">$tag</div>"; $CON = str_replace($img[0], $tag, $CON); } $CON = preg_replace('#([0-9a-zA-Z\./~\-_]+@[0-9a-z/~\-_]+\.[0-9a-z\./~\-_]+)#i', '<a href="mailto:$0">$0</a>', $CON); // mail recognition // links $CON = preg_replace("#\[([^\]\|]+)\|(\./([^\]]+)|(https?://[^\]]+))\]#U", '<a href="$2" class="external">$1</a>', $CON); $CON = preg_replace("#(?<!\")https?://[0-9a-zA-Z\.\#/~\-_%=\?\&,\+\:@;!\(\)\*\$']*#i", '<a href="$0" class="external">$0</a>', $CON); preg_match_all("/\[(?:([^|\]]+)\|)?([^\]#]+)(?:#([^\]]+))?\]/", $CON, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER); // matching Wiki links foreach ($matches as $m) { $m[1] = $m[1] ? $m[1] : $m[2]; // is page label same as its name? $m[3] = $m[3] ? '#'.u(preg_replace('/[^\da-z]/i', '_', $m[3])) : ''; // anchor $attr = file_exists("$PG_DIR$m[2].txt") ? $m[3] : '&action=edit" class="pending'; $CON = str_replace($m[0], '<a href="'.$self.'page='.u($m[2]).$attr.'">'.$m[1].'</a>', $CON); } for ($i = 10; $i >= 1; $i--) { // Lists, ordered, unordered $CON = preg_replace('/^'.str_repeat('\*', $i)."(.*)(\n?)/m", str_repeat('<ul>', $i).'<li>$1</li>'.str_repeat('</ul>', $i).'$2', $CON); $CON = preg_replace('/^'.str_repeat('\#', $i)."(.*)(\n?)/m", str_repeat('<ol>', $i).'<li>$1</li>'.str_repeat('</ol>', $i).'$2', $CON); $CON = preg_replace("#(</ol>\n?<ol>|</ul>\n?<ul>)#", '', $CON); } // headings preg_match_all('/^(!+)(.*)$/m', $CON, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER); $stack = array(); for ($h_id = max($par, 1), $i = 0, $c = count($matches); $i < $c && $m = $matches[$i]; $i++, $h_id++) { $excl = strlen($m[1]) + 1; $hash = preg_replace('/[^\da-z]/i', '_', $m[2]); for ($ret = ''; end($stack) >= $excl; $ret .= '</div>', array_pop($stack)); $stack[] = $excl; $ret .= "<div class=\"par-div\" id=\"par-$h_id\"><h$excl id=\"$hash\">$m[2]"; if ($is_enterprise) { if (!get_standalone_user($config['id_user'])) { if (wiki_get_write_acl ($config['id_user'], $page)) { $ret .= "<span class=\"par-edit\">(<a href=\"$self" . "action=edit&page=".u($page)."&par=$h_id\">$T_EDIT</a>)</span>"; } } } else { if (!get_standalone_user($config['id_user'])) { if (is_writable($PG_DIR . $page . '.txt')) { $ret .= "<span class=\"par-edit\">(<a href=\"$self" . "action=edit&page=".u($page)."&par=$h_id\">$T_EDIT</a>)</span>"; } } } $CON = preg_replace('/' . preg_quote($m[0], '/') . '/', "$ret</h$excl>", $CON, 1); $TOC .= str_repeat("<ul>", $excl - 2).'<li><a href="'.$self.'page='.u($page).'#'.u($hash).'">'.$m[2].'</a></li>'.str_repeat("</ul>", $excl - 2); } $CON .= str_repeat('</div>', count($stack)); $TOC = '<ul id="toc">' . preg_replace(array_fill(0, 5, "#</ul>\n*<ul>#"), array_fill(0, 5, ''), $TOC) . '</ul>'; $TOC = str_replace(array('</li><ul>', '</ul><li>', '</ul></ul>', '<ul><ul>'), array('<ul>', '</ul></li><li>', '</ul></li></ul>', '<ul><li><ul>'), $TOC); $CON = preg_replace("/'--(.*)--'/Um", '<del>$1</del>', $CON); // strikethrough $CON = preg_replace("/'__(.*)__'/Um", '<u>$1</u>', $CON); // underlining $CON = preg_replace("/'''(.*)'''/Um", '<strong>$1</strong>', $CON); // bold $CON = preg_replace("/''(.*)''/Um", '<em>$1</em>', $CON); // italic $CON = str_replace('{br}', '<br style="clear:both"/>', $CON); // new line $CON = preg_replace('/-----*/', '<hr/>', $CON); // horizontal line $CON = str_replace('--', '—', $CON); // -- $CON = preg_replace(array_fill(0, count($codes[1]) + 1, '/{CODE}/'), $codes[1], $CON, 1); // put HTML and "normal" codes back $CON = preg_replace(array_fill(0, count($htmlcodes[1]) + 1, '/{HTML}/'), $htmlcodes[1], $CON, 1); plugin('formatEnd'); } plugin('formatFinished'); // Loading template. If does not exist, use built-in default $html = file_exists($TEMPLATE) ? file_get_contents(clear_path($TEMPLATE)) : $fallback_template; // including pages in pure HTML while (preg_match('/{include:([^}]+)}/U', $html, $m)) { $inc = str_replace(array('{html}', '{/html}'), '', @file_get_contents("$PG_DIR$m[1].txt")); $html = str_replace($m[0], $inc, $html); } plugin('template'); // plugin templating $html = preg_replace('/\{([^}]* )?plugin:.+( [^}]*)?\}/U', '', $html); // get rid of absent plugin tags $has_perm = true; if ($is_enterprise) { $has_perm = wiki_get_write_acl($config['id_user'], $page); //if user has write permissions, he can read if (!$has_perm) { $has_perm = wiki_get_read_acl($config['id_user'], $page); } } if (!$has_perm) { $CON = __("You can't access this page"); } $tpl_subs = array( 'HEAD' => $HEAD . ($action ? '<meta name="robots" content="noindex, nofollow"/>' : ''), 'SEARCH_FORM' => '<form action="'.$self_form.'" method="post"><span><input type="hidden" name="action" value="search"/><input type="submit" style="display:none;"/>', '\/SEARCH_FORM' => "</span></form>", 'SEARCH_INPUT' => '<input type="text" name="query" value="'.h($query).'"/>', 'SEARCH_SUBMIT' => "<input class=\"submit\" type=\"submit\" value=\"$T_SEARCH\"/>", 'HOME' => "<a href=\"$self" . "page=".u($START_PAGE)."\">$T_HOME</a>", 'RECENT_CHANGES' => "<a href=\"$self" . "action=recent\">$T_RECENT_CHANGES</a>", 'READ' => "<a href=\"$self" . "page=".u($page). "&action=read_acl\">Read ACL</a>", 'WRITE' => "<a href=\"$self" . "page=".u($page). "&action=write_acl\">Write ACL</a>", 'ERROR' => $error, 'HISTORY' => $page ? "<a href=\"$self" . "page=".u($page)."&action=history\">$T_HISTORY</a>" : "", 'PAGE_TITLE' => h($page == $START_PAGE && $page == $TITLE ? $WIKI_TITLE : $TITLE), 'PAGE_TITLE_HEAD' => h($TITLE), 'PAGE_URL' => u($page), 'EDIT' => !$action? ("<a href=\"$self" . "page=".u($page)."&action=edit" . (is_writable("$PG_DIR$page.txt") ? "\">$T_EDIT</a>" : "&showsource=1\">$T_SHOW_SOURCE</a>")) : "", 'WIKI_TITLE' => h($WIKI_TITLE), 'LAST_CHANGED_TEXT' => $last_changed_ts ? $T_LAST_CHANGED : "", 'LAST_CHANGED' => $last_changed_ts ? date($DATE_FORMAT, $last_changed_ts + $LOCAL_HOUR * 3600) : "", 'CONTENT' => $action != "edit" ? $CON : "", 'TOC' => $TOC, 'SYNTAX' => $action == "edit" || $preview ? "<a href=\"$SYNTAX_PAGE\">$T_SYNTAX</a>" : "", 'SHOW_PAGE' => $action == "edit" || $preview ? "<a href=\"$self" . "page=".u($page)."\">$T_SHOW_PAGE</a>" : "", 'COOKIE' => '<a href="'.$self.'page='.u($page).'&action='.u($action).'&erasecookie=1">'.$T_ERASE_COOKIE.'</a>', 'CONTENT_FORM' => $CON_FORM_BEGIN, '\/CONTENT_FORM' => $CON_FORM_END, 'CONTENT_TEXTAREA' => $CON_TEXTAREA, 'CONTENT_SUBMIT' => $CON_SUBMIT, 'CONTENT_PREVIEW' => $CON_PREVIEW, 'RENAME_TEXT' => $RENAME_TEXT, 'RENAME_INPUT' => $RENAME_INPUT, 'EDIT_SUMMARY_TEXT' => $EDIT_SUMMARY_TEXT, 'EDIT_SUMMARY_INPUT' => $EDIT_SUMMARY, 'FORM_PASSWORD' => $FORM_PASSWORD, 'FORM_PASSWORD_INPUT' => $FORM_PASSWORD_INPUT ); if ($action == '') { $tpl_subs['SYNTAX'] = "<a href=\"$SYNTAX_PAGE\">$T_SYNTAX</a>"; } foreach ($tpl_subs as $tpl => $rpl) // substituting values $html = template_replace($tpl, $rpl, $html); header_lionwiki('Content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8'); echo($html); }
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'::' . $template_name] = $template; } else { $template = self::$_templateArray[$version . '::' . $template_name]; } $replace = array('#id#' => $this->getId(), '#name#' => $this->getDisplay('icon') != '' ? $this->getDisplay('icon') : $this->getName(), '#name_display#' => $this->getDisplay('icon') != '' ? $this->getDisplay('icon') : $this->getName(), '#history#' => '', '#displayHistory#' => 'display : none;', '#unite#' => $this->getUnite(), '#minValue#' => $this->getConfiguration('minValue', 0), '#maxValue#' => $this->getConfiguration('maxValue', 100), '#logicalId#' => $this->getLogicalId()); if ($_cmdColor == null && $version != 'scenario') { $eqLogic = $this->getEqLogic(); $vcolor = $version == 'mobile' ? 'mcmdColor' : 'cmdColor'; if ($eqLogic->getPrimaryCategory() == '') { $replace['#cmdColor#'] = jeedom::getConfiguration('eqLogic:category:default:' . $vcolor); } else { $replace['#cmdColor#'] = jeedom::getConfiguration('eqLogic:category:' . $eqLogic->getPrimaryCategory() . ':' . $vcolor); } } else { $replace['#cmdColor#'] = $_cmdColor; } if ($this->getDisplay('doNotShowNameOnView') == 1 && ($_version == 'dview' || $_version == 'mview')) { $replace['#name_display#'] = ''; $replace['#name#'] = ''; } else { if ($this->getDisplay('doNotShowNameOnDashboard') == 1 && ($_version == 'mobile' || $_version == 'dashboard')) { $replace['#name_display#'] = ''; $replace['#name#'] = ''; } else { $replace['#name_display#'] .= '<br/>'; } } if ($this->getType() == 'info') { $replace['#state#'] = ''; $replace['#tendance#'] = ''; $replace['#state#'] = $this->execCmd(null, $_cache); if (strpos($replace['#state#'], 'error::') !== false) { $template = getTemplate('core', $version, 'cmd.error'); $replace['#state#'] = str_replace('error::', '', $replace['#state#']); } else { if ($this->getSubType() == 'binary' && $this->getDisplay('invertBinary') == 1) { $replace['#state#'] = $replace['#state#'] == 1 ? 0 : 1; } } if (method_exists($this, 'formatValueWidget')) { $replace['#state#'] = $this->formatValueWidget($replace['#state#']); } $replace['#collectDate#'] = $this->getCollectDate(); $replace['#valueDate#'] = $this->getValueDate(); if ($this->getIsHistorized() == 1) { $replace['#history#'] = 'history cursor'; if (config::byKey('displayStatsWidget') == 1 && strpos($template, '#displayHistory#') !== false) { $showStat = true; if ($this->getDisplay('doNotShowStatOnDashboard') == 1 && $_version == 'dashboard') { $showStat = false; } if ($this->getDisplay('doNotShowStatOnView') == 1 && ($_version == 'dview' || $_version == 'mview')) { $showStat = false; } if ($this->getDisplay('doNotShowStatOnMobile') == 1 && $_version == 'mobile') { $showStat = false; } if ($showStat) { $startHist = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime(date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . ' -' . config::byKey('historyCalculPeriod') . ' hour')); $replace['#displayHistory#'] = ''; $historyStatistique = $this->getStatistique($startHist, date('Y-m-d H:i:s')); if ($historyStatistique['avg'] == 0 && $historyStatistique['min'] == 0 && $historyStatistique['max'] == 0) { $replace['#averageHistoryValue#'] = round($replace['#state#'], 1); $replace['#minHistoryValue#'] = round($replace['#state#'], 1); $replace['#maxHistoryValue#'] = round($replace['#state#'], 1); } else { $replace['#averageHistoryValue#'] = round($historyStatistique['avg'], 1); $replace['#minHistoryValue#'] = round($historyStatistique['min'], 1); $replace['#maxHistoryValue#'] = round($historyStatistique['max'], 1); } $startHist = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime(date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . ' -' . config::byKey('historyCalculTendance') . ' hour')); $tendance = $this->getTendance($startHist, date('Y-m-d H:i:s')); if ($tendance > config::byKey('historyCalculTendanceThresholddMax')) { $replace['#tendance#'] = 'fa fa-arrow-up'; } else { if ($tendance < config::byKey('historyCalculTendanceThresholddMin')) { $replace['#tendance#'] = 'fa fa-arrow-down'; } else { $replace['#tendance#'] = 'fa fa-minus'; } } } } } $parameters = $this->getDisplay('parameters'); if (is_array($parameters)) { foreach ($parameters as $key => $value) { $replace['#' . $key . '#'] = $value; } } return template_replace($replace, $template); } else { $cmdValue = $this->getCmdValue(); if (is_object($cmdValue) && $cmdValue->getType() == 'info') { $replace['#state#'] = $cmdValue->execCmd(null, 2); $replace['#valueName#'] = $cmdValue->getName(); $replace['#unite#'] = $cmdValue->getUnite(); } else { $replace['#state#'] = $this->getLastValue() != null ? $this->getLastValue() : ''; $replace['#valueName#'] = $this->getName(); $replace['#unite#'] = $this->getUnite(); } $parameters = $this->getDisplay('parameters'); if (is_array($parameters)) { foreach ($parameters as $key => $value) { $replace['#' . $key . '#'] = $value; } } $replace['#valueName#'] .= '<br/>'; $html .= template_replace($replace, $template); if (trim($html) == '') { return $html; } if ($options != '') { $options = jeedom::toHumanReadable($options); if (is_json($options)) { $options = json_decode($options, true); } if (is_array($options)) { foreach ($options as $key => $value) { $replace['#' . $key . '#'] = $value; } } } if ($version == 'scenario' && $this->getType() == 'action' && $this->getSubtype() == 'message') { if (!isset($replace['#title#'])) { $replace['#title#'] = ''; } if (!isset($replace['#message#'])) { $replace['#message#'] = ''; } } if ($version == 'scenario' && $this->getType() == 'action' && $this->getSubtype() == 'slider' && !isset($replace['#slider#'])) { $replace['#slider#'] = ''; } if ($version == 'scenario' && $this->getType() == 'action' && $this->getSubtype() == 'slider' && !isset($replace['#color#'])) { $replace['#color#'] = ''; } $replace['#title_placeholder#'] = $this->getDisplay('title_placeholder', __('Titre', __FILE__)); $replace['#message_placeholder#'] = $this->getDisplay('message_placeholder', __('Message', __FILE__)); $replace['#message_disable#'] = $this->getDisplay('message_disable', 0); $replace['#title_disable#'] = $this->getDisplay('title_disable', 0); $replace['#title_possibility_list#'] = $this->getDisplay('title_possibility_list', ''); $replace['#slider_placeholder#'] = $this->getDisplay('slider_placeholder', __('Valeur', __FILE__)); $html = template_replace($replace, $html); return $html; } }
public function getData($_startDate = null, $_endDate = null) { $nowtime = floatval(strtotime(date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . " UTC")); $now = strtotime(date('Y-m-d H:i:s')); $archiveTime = (config::byKey('historyArchiveTime') + 1) * 3600; $packetTime = config::byKey('historyArchivePackage') * 3600; $return = array('history' => array('power' => array(), 'consumption' => null), 'stats' => array('minPower' => null, 'maxPower' => null), 'real' => array('power' => 0, 'consumption' => 0)); $cmd_histories = array(); preg_match_all("/#([0-9]*)#/", $this->getPower(), $matches); foreach ($matches[1] as $cmd_id) { if (is_numeric($cmd_id)) { $cmd = cmd::byId($cmd_id); if (is_object($cmd) && $cmd->getIsHistorized() == 1) { $prevDatetime = null; $prevValue = 0; foreach ($cmd->getHistory($_startDate, $_endDate) as $history) { if (!isset($cmd_histories[$history->getDatetime()])) { $cmd_histories[$history->getDatetime()] = array(); } if (!isset($cmd_histories[$history->getDatetime()]['#' . $cmd_id . '#'])) { if ($prevDatetime != null) { $datetime = strtotime($history->getDatetime()); while ($now - strtotime($prevDatetime) > $archiveTime && strtotime($prevDatetime) < $datetime) { $prevDatetime = date('Y-m-d H:00:00', strtotime($prevDatetime) + $packetTime); $cmd_histories[$prevDatetime]['#' . $cmd_id . '#'] = 0; } while ($now - strtotime($prevDatetime) > 300 && strtotime($prevDatetime) < $datetime) { $prevDatetime = date('Y-m-d H:i:00', strtotime($prevDatetime) + 300); $cmd_histories[$prevDatetime]['#' . $cmd_id . '#'] = $prevValue; } } if (strtotime($history->getDatetime()) <= $now) { $cmd_histories[$history->getDatetime()]['#' . $cmd_id . '#'] = $history->getValue(); } } $prevDatetime = $history->getDatetime(); $prevValue = $history->getValue(); } } } } foreach ($cmd_histories as $datetime => $cmd_history) { $datetime = floatval(strtotime($datetime . " UTC")); $calcul = template_replace($cmd_history, $this->getPower()); try { if ($datetime <= $nowtime) { $test = new evaluate(); $result = floatval($test->Evaluer($calcul)); if ($this->getConsumption() == '' && count($return['history']['power']) > 0) { $last_datetime = end(array_keys($return['history']['power'])); if ($datetime - $last_datetime > 0) { $last_value = end($return['history']['power']); $return['history']['consumption'][$datetime] = array($datetime, $last_value[1] * (($datetime - $last_datetime) / 1000) / 3600); $return['real']['consumption'] += $return['history']['consumption'][$datetime][1]; } } $return['history']['power'][$datetime] = array($datetime * 1000, $result); if ($return['stats']['minPower'] === null || $return['stats']['minPower'] > $result) { $return['stats']['minPower'] = $result; } if ($return['stats']['maxPower'] === null || $return['stats']['maxPower'] < $result) { $return['stats']['maxPower'] = $result; } } } catch (Exception $e) { } } if ($this->getConsumption() == '' && count($return['history']['power']) > 0) { $last_datetime = end(array_keys($return['history']['power'])); $last_value = end($return['history']['power']); if ($datetime - $last_datetime > 0) { $return['history']['consumption'][$datetime] = array($datetime * 1000, $last_value[1] * (($nowtime - $last_datetime) / 1000) / 3600); $return['real']['consumption'] += $return['history']['consumption'][$datetime][1]; } } $calcul = cmd::cmdToValue($this->getPower()); try { $test = new evaluate(); $result = floatval($test->Evaluer($calcul)); $return['real']['power'] = $result; $return['history']['power'][$nowtime] = array($nowtime * 1000, $result); } catch (Exception $e) { } if ($this->getConsumption() != '') { $cmd_histories = array(); preg_match_all("/#([0-9]*)#/", $this->getConsumption(), $matches); foreach ($matches[1] as $cmd_id) { if (is_numeric($cmd_id)) { $cmd = cmd::byId($cmd_id); if (is_object($cmd) && $cmd->getIsHistorized() == 1) { $prevDatetime = null; foreach ($cmd->getHistory($_startDate, $_endDate) as $history) { if (!isset($cmd_histories[$history->getDatetime()])) { $cmd_histories[$history->getDatetime()] = array(); } if (!isset($cmd_histories[$history->getDatetime()]['#' . $cmd_id . '#'])) { if ($prevDatetime != null) { $datetime = strtotime($history->getDatetime()); while ($now - strtotime($prevDatetime) > $archiveTime && strtotime($prevDatetime) < $datetime) { $prevDatetime = date('Y-m-d H:00:00', strtotime($prevDatetime) + $packetTime); $cmd_histories[$prevDatetime]['#' . $cmd_id . '#'] = 0; } while ($now - strtotime($prevDatetime) < 300 && strtotime($prevDatetime) < $datetime) { $prevDatetime = date('Y-m-d H:00:00', strtotime($prevDatetime) + 300); $cmd_histories[$prevDatetime]['#' . $cmd_id . '#'] = $prevValue; } } if (strtotime($history->getDatetime()) <= $now) { $cmd_histories[$history->getDatetime()]['#' . $cmd_id . '#'] = $history->getValue(); } } $prevDatetime = $history->getDatetime(); $prevValue = $history->getValue(); } } } } foreach ($cmd_histories as $datetime => $cmd_history) { $datetime = floatval(strtotime($datetime . " UTC")); $calcul = template_replace($cmd_history, $this->getConsumption()); try { if ($datetime <= $nowtime) { $test = new evaluate(); $result = floatval($test->Evaluer($calcul)); $return['history']['consumption'][$datetime] = array($datetime * 1000, $result); } } catch (Exception $e) { } } $calcul = cmd::cmdToValue($this->getConsumption()); try { $test = new evaluate(); $result = floatval($test->Evaluer($calcul)); $return['real']['consumption'] = $result; $return['history']['consumption'][$nowtime] = array($nowtime * 1000, $result); } catch (Exception $e) { } } if (is_array($return['history']['consumption'])) { ksort($return['history']['consumption']); } if (is_array($return['history']['power'])) { ksort($return['history']['power']); } return $return; }
* Operator functions */ include "functions/functions.operator.php"; $operator_id = get_operator_id(); $js = array("js/popup.js", "include/jquery/jquery-1.4.2.min.js", "include/jquery-ui/jquery-ui.min.js"); if (AUTO_LOGOUT_MINUTES !== false) { $js[] = "js/childnap.js"; } xhtml_head(T_("Respondent Selection") . " - " . T_("Project end"), true, array("include/bootstrap/css/bootstrap.min.css", "css/rs.css"), $js); $case_id = get_case_id($operator_id); $questionnaire_id = get_questionnaire_id($operator_id); //display introduction text $sql = "SELECT rs_project_end\r\n\tFROM questionnaire\r\n\tWHERE questionnaire_id = '{$questionnaire_id}'"; $r = $db->GetRow($sql); if (!empty($r['rs_project_end'])) { print "<p class='rstext well'>" . template_replace($r['rs_project_end'], $operator_id, $case_id) . "</p>"; } print "<p class='well'>"; if (!is_voip_enabled($operator_id) && AUTO_COMPLETE_OUTCOME) { end_call($operator_id, 10); print T_("Call automatically ended with outcome:") . " <b>" . T_("Complete") . "</b>"; //check for alternate interface if (ALTERNATE_INTERFACE && !is_voip_enabled($operator_id)) { print " <a href=\"javascript:parent.location.href = 'index_interface2.php?endcase=endcase'\" class='btn btn-primary'>" . T_("End case") . "</a>"; } } else { print T_("End call with outcome:") . " <a class='btn btn-primary' "; //check for alternate interface if (ALTERNATE_INTERFACE && !is_voip_enabled($operator_id)) { print "href=\"javascript:parent.location.href = 'index_interface2.php?outcome=10&endcase=endcase'\">"; } else {
public function toHtml($_version = 'dashboard', $_withValue = true) { if ($this->getIsEnable() != 1) { return ''; } $weather = $this->getWeatherArea(); if (!is_array($weather)) { return false; } $replace = array('#icone#' => self::getIconFromCondition($weather['condition']['text']), '#city#' => $weather['location']['city'], '#condition#' => $weather['condition']['text'], '#temperature#' => $weather['condition']['temperature'], '#windspeed#' => $weather['wind']['speed'], '#humidity#' => $weather['atmosphere']['humidity'], '#pressure#' => $weather['atmosphere']['pressure'], '#sunrise#' => $weather['astronomy']['sunrise'], '#sunset#' => $weather['astronomy']['sunset'], '#eqLink#' => $this->getLinkToConfiguration()); $return = template_replace($replace, getTemplate('core', $_version, 'current', 'weather')); $i = 0; foreach ($weather['forecast'] as $forecast) { $replace = array('#day#' => $forecast['day'], '#condition#' => $forecast['condition'], '#low_temperature#' => $forecast['low_temperature'], '#hight_temperature#' => $forecast['high_temperature']); $return .= template_replace($replace, getTemplate('core', $_version, 'forecast', 'weather')); } return $return; }
function template() { global $html, $action; if (!empty($action)) { return; } if (template_match("plugin:TAG_LIST", $html, $null)) { $html = template_replace("plugin:TAG_LIST", $this->tagList(), $html); } if (template_match("plugin:TAG_CLOUD", $html, $null)) { $html = template_replace("plugin:TAG_CLOUD", $this->tagCloud(), $html); } }
public function toHtml($_version) { if (!$this->hasRight('r')) { return ''; } $sql = 'SELECT `value` FROM cache WHERE `key`="scenarioHtml' . $_version . $this->getId() . '"'; $result = DB::Prepare($sql, array(), DB::FETCH_TYPE_ROW); if ($result['value'] != '') { return $result['value']; } $_version = jeedom::versionAlias($_version); $replace = array('#id#' => $this->getId(), '#state#' => $this->getState(), '#isActive#' => $this->getIsActive(), '#name#' => $this->getDisplay('name') != '' ? $this->getDisplay('name') : $this->getHumanName(), '#icon#' => $this->getIcon(), '#lastLaunch#' => $this->getLastLaunch(), '#scenarioLink#' => $this->getLinkToConfiguration()); if (!isset(self::$_templateArray)) { self::$_templateArray = array(); } if (!isset(self::$_templateArray[$_version])) { self::$_templateArray[$_version] = getTemplate('core', $_version, 'scenario'); } $html = template_replace($replace, self::$_templateArray[$_version]); cache::set('scenarioHtml' . $_version . $this->getId(), $html, 0); return $html; }