function login_error($error_msg) { global $tpl; $modul_name = "acp_login"; $tpl->assign('if_disable_menu', 1); $tpl->assign('LITO_ERROR_MSG', $error_msg); $tpl->assign('if_login_error', 1); template_out('login.html', $modul_name); }
function show_error($error_msg, $from_modul, $load_from_lang = 1) { global $tpl, $db, $n, $userdata, $lang_suffix; if ($load_from_lang == 1) { $lang_file = LITO_LANG_PATH . $from_modul . '/lang_' . $lang_suffix . '.php'; $tpl->config_load($lang_file); $tpl->assign('LITO_ERROR_MSG', $tpl->get_config_vars($error_msg)); } else { $tpl->assign('LITO_ERROR_MSG', $error_msg); } $tpl->assign('if_login_error', 1); template_out('error.html', 'core'); exit; }
} if ($action == "main") { template_out('main.html', $modul_name); } if ($action == "listmod") { $mods_q = $db->query("SELECT `modul_admin_id`, `modul_name`, `modul_description`, `acp_modul`, `perm_lvl` FROM `cc" . $n . "_modul_admin` WHERE `acp_modul` = '1'"); $mods = array(); $i = 0; while ($mod = $db->fetch_array($mods_q)) { $mods[$i]['id'] = $mod['modul_admin_id']; $mods[$i]['name'] = $mod['modul_name']; $mods[$i]['description'] = $mod['modul_description']; $mods[$i]['perm'] = $mod['perm_lvl']; $i++; } $tpl->assign('mods', $mods); template_out('listmod.html', $modul_name); } if ($action == "listgroup") { $groups_q = $db->query("SELECT `id`, `name`, `perm_lvl` FROM `cc" . $n . "_user_groups`"); $groups = array(); $i = 0; while ($group = $db->fetch_array($groups_q)) { $groups[$i]['id'] = $group['id']; $groups[$i]['name'] = $group['name']; $groups[$i]['perm'] = $group['perm_lvl']; $i++; } $tpl->assign('groups', $groups); template_out('listgroup.html', $modul_name); }
exit; } $_GET['id'] = $_GET['id'] * 1; $db->query("UPDATE `cc" . $n . "_users` SET `design_id` = '" . $_GET['id'] . "' WHERE `userid` = '" . $_SESSION['userid'] . "'"); header("Location:" . LITO_ROOT_PATH_URL); } if ($action == "main") { $themes_q = $db->query("SELECT `design_id`, `design_name`, `design_author`, `design_copyright`, `design_author_mail`, `design_author_web`, `design_description`, `aktive`, `alternate_permit` FROM `cc" . $n . "_desigs`"); $themes = array(); $i = 0; while ($theme = $db->fetch_array($themes_q)) { $themes[$i]['id'] = $theme['design_id']; $themes[$i]['name'] = $theme['design_name']; $themes[$i]['author'] = $theme['design_author']; $themes[$i]['copy'] = $theme['design_copyright']; $themes[$i]['mail'] = $theme['design_author_mail']; if (!preg_match('!^http://!', $theme['design_author_web'])) { $theme['design_author_web'] = 'http://' . $theme['design_author_web']; } $themes[$i]['web'] = $theme['design_author_web']; $themes[$i]['description'] = $theme['design_description']; $themes[$i]['aktive'] = $theme['aktive']; $themes[$i]['alt'] = $theme['alternate_permit']; $i++; } $tpl->assign('themes', $themes); template_out('main.html', $modul_name); } ?>
$text = str_replace($order, $replace, $text); $text = nl2br($text); $sql = "INSERT into cc" . $n . "_news (user_id,heading,date,text) VALUES('{$_SESSION['userid']}','{$heading}','{$date}','" . $text . "')"; $update = $db->query($sql); } header("LOCATION: " . LITO_MODUL_PATH_URL . "acp_news/news.php"); exit; } if ($action == "edit") { $news_id = intval($_GET['id']); $result_news = $db->query("SELECT * FROM cc" . $n . "_news where news_id ='{$news_id}'"); $row = $db->fetch_array($result_news); $tpl->assign('NEWS_OVER', $row['heading']); $tpl->assign('ACTION_SAVE', 'update&id=' . $news_id); $tpl->assign('NEWS_TEXT_LANG', $row['text']); template_out('news_new.html', $modul_name); } if ($action == "update") { $news_id = intval($_GET['id']); if (empty($_POST['new_news']) || empty($_POST['new_news'])) { error_msg($l_emptyfield_error); } else { $text = mysql_real_escape_string(trim($_POST['new_news'])); $heading = mysql_real_escape_string(trim($_POST['heading'])); if ($heading == "") { $heading = "no input"; } $date = date("d.m.Y, H:i"); $sql = "update cc" . $n . "_news set user_id='{$_SESSION['userid']}' ,heading= '{$heading}' ,date='{$date}',text='" . nl2br($text) . "' where news_id ='{$news_id}'"; $update = $db->query($sql); }
Litotex Browsergame - Engine Copyright (c) 2008 FreeBG Team ************************************************************ Hinweis: Diese Software ist urheberrechtlich gesch�tzt. F�r jegliche Fehler oder Sch�den, die durch diese Software auftreten k�nnten, �bernimmt der Autor keine Haftung. Alle Copyright - Hinweise innerhalb dieser Datei d�rfen WEDER entfernt, NOCH ver�ndert werden. ************************************************************ Released under the GNU General Public License ************************************************************ */ $modul_name = "index"; require "./../../includes/global.php"; if (is_modul_name_aktive($modul_name) == 0) { show_error('MODUL_LOAD_ERROR', 'core'); exit; } if (isset($_REQUEST['action'])) { $action = $_REQUEST['action']; } else { $action = "main"; } if ($action == "main") { $tpl->assign('if_disable_menu', 1); template_out('index.html', $modul_name); exit; }
$tpl->assign('ras', $ras); $tpl->assign('load_name', $load_name); $tpl->assign('load_ress_1', $load_ress_1); $tpl->assign('load_ress_2', $load_ress_2); $tpl->assign('load_ress_3', $load_ress_3); $tpl->assign('load_ress_4', $load_ress_4); $tpl->assign('buildtime', $load_buildtime); $tpl->assign('load_points', $load_points); $tpl->assign('load_required', $load_required); $tpl->assign('load_b_pic', $load_b_pic); $tpl->assign('description', $description); $tpl->assign('make_aktion', $make_aktion); $tpl->assign('error_buildings', $error_buildings); $tpl->assign('build_option', $build_option); $tpl->assign('positions', $positions); template_out('edit_explore.html', $modul_name); exit; } if ($action == "update") { $name = trim($_POST['explorename']); $explorepic = trim($_POST['buildpic']); $gold = intval($_POST['kost1']); $stone = intval($_POST['kost2']); $oil = intval($_POST['kost3']); $exp = intval($_POST['kost4']); $race = intval($_POST['rasse']); $buildtime = intval($_POST['buildtime']); $points = intval($_POST['points']); $required = intval($_POST['required']); $explore_id = intval($_GET['id']); $b_option = trim($_POST['build_option']);
} $endtime = $row['endtime'] - ($requesttime - $time_for_one); $backurl = "build_units.php"; $time_one = make_timebanner($starttime, $endtime, $y, $backurl); } else { $time_one = $buildunits10; } $message = "<br><a href=\"{$cancelURL}\">{$buildunits11}</a>"; $new_found_inhalt_loop = array($z, $name, $numOfMans, $time_one, $time_ready, $message); array_push($new_found_loop, $new_found_inhalt_loop); } } if ($z != 0) { $tpl->assign('loop', $new_found_loop); } template_out('build_units.html', $modul_name); exit; } if ($action == "create") { $num = intval($_POST['num']); $soid = intval($_GET['soid']); if ($num == 0 || $soid == 0 || $num < 0) { show_error('BUILD_UNITS_14', $modul_name); exit; } $result = $db->query("SELECT * FROM cc" . $n . "_soldiers WHERE sid='{$soid}'"); $row = $db->fetch_array($result); $row['res1'] = $row['res1'] * $num; $row['res2'] = $row['res2'] * $num; $row['res3'] = $row['res3'] * $num; $row['res4'] = $row['res4'] * $num;
$tpl->assign('load_ress_2', $load_ress_2); $tpl->assign('load_ress_3', $load_ress_3); $tpl->assign('load_ress_4', $load_ress_4); $tpl->assign('load_size', $load_size); $tpl->assign('load_points', $load_points); $tpl->assign('load_buildtime', $load_buildtime); $tpl->assign('load_ap', $load_ap); $tpl->assign('load_vp', $load_vp); $tpl->assign('load_req_level', $load_req_level); $tpl->assign('load_b_pic', $load_b_pic); $tpl->assign('description', $description); $tpl->assign('make_aktion', $make_aktion); $tpl->assign('required', $required); $tpl->assign('error_buildings', $error_buildings); $tpl->assign('positions', $positions); template_out('edit_units.html', $modul_name); exit; } if ($action == "update") { $name = trim($_POST['buildingname']); $rasse = intval($_POST['rasse']); $gold = intval($_POST['kost1']); $stone = intval($_POST['kost2']); $oil = intval($_POST['kost3']); $exp = intval($_POST['kost4']); //$bauzeit=intval($_POST['bauzeit']); $reisezeit = intval($_POST['traveltime']); $einmheiten_id = intval($_GET['id']); $ap = intval($_POST['value_ap']); $vp = intval($_POST['value_vp']); $point = intval($_POST['points']);
************************************************************ Litotex Browsergame - Engine Copyright (c) 2008 FreeBG Team ************************************************************ Hinweis: Diese Software ist urheberrechtlich gesch�tzt. F�r jegliche Fehler oder Sch�den, die durch diese Software auftreten k�nnten, �bernimmt der Autor keine Haftung. Alle Copyright - Hinweise innerhalb dieser Datei d�rfen WEDER entfernt, NOCH ver�ndert werden. ************************************************************ Released under the GNU General Public License ************************************************************ */ $modul_name = "screenshot"; require "./../../includes/global.php"; if (isset($_REQUEST['action'])) { $action = $_REQUEST['action']; } else { $action = "main"; } if (is_modul_name_aktive($modul_name) == 0) { show_error('MODUL_LOAD_ERROR', 'core'); exit; } if ($action == "main") { template_out('screenshot.html', $modul_name); exit; }
$cancelURL = "exploring.php?eid={$userdata['eid']}&action=del"; $message = make_timebanner($userdata['startexploretime'], $userdata['endexploretime'], $row_explores['eid'], "") . "<br><a href=\"{$cancelURL}\">" . $exploreabort . "</a>"; } else { $es_wird_gebaut = 1; $message = 'Es wird bereits geforscht! '; } } else { $message = "<a href=\"exploring.php?action=explore&eid={$row_explores['eid']}\">{$explore}</a>"; } $image = "\"" . $row_explores['explorePic'] . "\""; $new_found_inhalt = array($image, $row_explores['name'], $size, $row_explores['description'], $anzeige_res1, $anzeige_res2, $anzeige_res3, $anzeige_res4, $buildtime, $message); array_push($new_found, $new_found_inhalt); } } $tpl->assign('daten', $new_found); template_out('exploring.html', $modul_name); exit; } if ($action == "explore") { $eid = intval($_GET['eid']); if (!$eid) { show_error('EXPLORING_ERROR_1', $modul_name); exit; } $result = $db->query("SELECT * FROM cc" . $n . "_explore WHERE eid='{$eid}'"); $row = $db->fetch_array($result); if ($row['required'] > $userdata['build_explore']) { show_error('EXPLORING_ERROR_2', $modul_name); exit; } $res1 = $row['res1'] * ($userdata[$row['tabless']] + 1);
$inhalt[$i]['req1'] = get_name_from_explore($req1, $race_id) . " ( " . $req_lv . ")"; $inhalt[$i]['req2'] = $userdata[$req1]; $i++; } } else { if ($techtree_type == "2") { /* Build the Tabless Names */ $Tabless = array(); $i = 0; $result = $db->query("SELECT * FROM `cc" . $n . "_explore` WHERE race= '" . $race_id . "'"); while ($row = $db->fetch_array($result)) { $single = $row['tabless']; $name = $row['name']; $image = $row['explorePic']; $req = $row['required']; $req_lv = $userdata[$single]; $b_name = get_buildings_name('build_explore', $userdata['race']); $inhalt[$i]['name'] = $name . " (" . $userdata[$single] . ")"; $inhalt[$i]['image'] = $image; $inhalt[$i]['req1'] = $b_name . " " . $req; $inhalt[$i]['req2'] = $userdata['build_explore']; $inhalt[$i]['description'] = $row['description']; $i++; } } } } $tpl->assign('daten', $inhalt); template_out('techtree.html', $modul_name); exit; }
$angreifer_name = $row_angreifer['username']; $count++; $battle_def[$battle_def_count]['angreifer_name'] = $angreifer_name; $battle_def[$battle_def_count]['angreifer_land'] = $angreifer_land; $battle_def[$battle_def_count]['group_name'] = $group_name; $battle_def[$battle_def_count]['request_counter'] = $request_counter; $battle_def[$battle_def_count]['request_battle_counter'] = $request_battle_counter; $battle_def_count++; } $tpl->assign('daten_battle_def', $battle_def); $result = $db->query("SELECT * FROM cc" . $n . "_groups WHERE islandid = '{$userdata['activeid']}' AND group_status = 0"); while ($row = $db->fetch_array($result)) { $groups .= "<option value=\"" . $row['groupid'] . "\">" . $row['name'] . "</option>"; } $tpl->assign('groups', $groups); template_out('battle.html', $modul_name); exit; } if ($action == "send") { $endx = intval($_POST['endx']); $endy = intval($_POST['endy']); $groupid = intval($_POST['groupid']); if (!$endx || $endx < 0 || !$endy || $endy < 0) { show_error('LM_system_e', $modul_name); exit; } $result = $db->query("SELECT * FROM cc" . $n . "_countries WHERE x='{$endx}' AND y='{$endy}'"); $row = $db->fetch_array($result); $target_user_id = $row['userid']; $result2 = $db->query("SELECT * FROM cc" . $n . "_users WHERE userid='" . $row['userid'] . "'"); $row2 = $db->fetch_array($result2);
} $result = $db->query("SELECT * FROM cc" . $n . "_allianz WHERE aid='{$id}'"); $row = $db->fetch_array($result); $banner = trim($row['imageurl']); if ($banner == "") { $banner = LITO_IMG_PATH_URL . $modul_name . "/no_ali_banner.png"; } $description = bb2html($row['text_long']); $ibit = ""; $result = $db->query("SELECT userid,username,is_ali_admin,status FROM cc" . $n . "_users WHERE allianzid='{$id}' ORDER BY is_ali_admin DESC"); while ($i = $db->fetch_array($result)) { $ibit .= generate_messagelink_smal($i[username]) . " " . generate_userlink($i[userid], $i[username]); if ($i['is_ali_admin'] == 1) { $ibit .= " (Leiter)"; } $ibit .= " {$img}<br>"; } $is_in_ali = 0; if (intval($userdata['allianzid']) > 0) { $is_in_ali = 1; } $tpl->assign('is_in_ali', $is_in_ali); $tpl->assign('banner', $banner); $tpl->assign('name', $row['name']); $tpl->assign('text', $row['text']); $tpl->assign('points', intval($row['points'])); $tpl->assign('ibit', $ibit); $tpl->assign('description', $description); $tpl->assign('ali_id', $row['aid']); template_out('alliance.html', $modul_name); }
} $alli = $row['allianzid']; $chpt = $row['points'] - $row['lastpoints']; $lastlog = strftime("%d.%m. %H:%M", $row['lastlogin']); if ($row['allianzid'] == 0) { $allianzname = ""; } else { $allianzname = allianz($row['allianzid']); } $userpic = ""; if ($row['userpic'] == "") { $userpic = LITO_IMG_PATH_URL . "members/no_user_pic.jpg"; } else { $userpic = $row['userpic']; } $daten[$i]['profile_link'] = generate_userlink($row['userid'], $row['username']); $daten[$i]['name'] = $username; $daten[$i]['u_points'] = $userpoints; $daten[$i]['image'] = $userpic; $daten[$i]['u_online'] = $online; $daten[$i]['lastlogin'] = $lastlog; $daten[$i]['alianz'] = $allianzname; $daten[$i]['message'] = generate_messagelink_smal($username); $i++; } if ($i > 0) { $tpl->assign('daten', $daten); } template_out('search.html', $modul_name); exit; }
Alle Copyright - Hinweise innerhalb dieser Datei dürfen WEDER entfernt, NOCH verändert werden. ************************************************************ Released under the GNU General Public License ************************************************************ */ @session_start(); require $_SESSION['litotex_start_acp'] . 'acp/includes/global.php'; if (!isset($_SESSION['userid'])) { header("LOCATION: " . $_SESSION['litotex_start_url'] . 'acp/index.php'); exit; } if (isset($_REQUEST['action'])) { $action = $_REQUEST['action']; } else { $action = "main"; } $modul_name = "acp_sample"; if ($action == "main") { $sql = "SELECT * from cc" . $n . "_users"; $result_users = $db->query($sql); while ($row_g = $db->fetch_array($result_users)) { $daten[] = $row_g; } $tpl->assign('daten', $daten); $tpl->assign('test1', ""); $test = "www"; template_out('sample.html', $modul_name); exit; }
if ($die != 1) { $db->query("UPDATE cc" . $n . "_countries SET sol_kolo=sol_kolo+'1' WHERE islandid='{$userdata['islandid']}'"); } else { $add_mes = $newland13; } make_ingamemail(0, $userdata['userid'], $newland14, $newland15); } $db->query("DELETE FROM cc" . $n . "_new_land WHERE koloid='{$row['koloid']}'"); header("LOCATION: new_land.php"); } $new_found_inhalt = array($sol_name, $row['x'], $row['y'], $timebanner); array_push($new_found, $new_found_inhalt); } $tpl->assign('daten', $new_found); $tpl->assign('daten2', $new_found_2); template_out('new_land.html', $modul_name); exit; } if ($action == "send") { $do = $_POST['send']; if ($userdata['sol_kolo'] == 0) { show_error('NEW_LAND_ERROR_1', $modul_name); exit; } if ($do == "send") { $x = intval($_POST['x']); $result = $db->query("Select max(x) as max_x from cc" . $n . "_crand"); $row = $db->fetch_array($result); if ($x < 0 || !isset($x) || $x > $row['max_x']) { show_error('NEW_LAND_ERROR_2', $modul_name); exit;
function ks_battle($group_id, $land_id, $fromadmin) { global $db, $n, $userdata, $tpl, $header, $footer, $op_res_steal, $op_battle_trace; include LITO_MODUL_PATH . "battle/battlescript.php"; $modul_name = "battle"; $stime = mtime(); $verteidiger_user_id = get_userid_from_countrie($land_id); $angreifer_race = get_race_id_from_group($group_id); $vert_race = get_race_id_from_countrie($land_id); $angreifer_name = $userdata['username']; $verteidiger_name = username($verteidiger_user_id); $angreifer_land = get_countrie_name_from_group_id($group_id, 1); $verteidiger_land = get_countrie_name_from_id($land_id, 1); $angreifer_user_id = get_user_id_from_group_id($group_id); trace_msg("angreifer group id:{$group_id} race id:{$angreifer_race}", 90); trace_msg("verteidiger land id:{$land_id} race id:{$vert_race}", 90); $kampfscript = new kampfs(); $sql = "SELECT cc" . $n . "_groups_inhalt . * , cc" . $n . "_soldiers . * FROM cc" . $n . "_groups_inhalt INNER JOIN cc" . $n . "_soldiers ON cc" . $n . "_groups_inhalt.type = cc" . $n . "_soldiers.tabless WHERE cc" . $n . "_soldiers.race ='" . $angreifer_race . "' AND cc" . $n . "_groups_inhalt.group_id ='" . $group_id . "'"; $result_g = $db->query($sql); $count_ang = 0; while ($row_g = $db->fetch_array($result_g)) { $g_id = $row_g['groups_inhalt_id']; $AP = $row_g['AP']; $VP = $row_g['VP']; $count_ang = $row_g['anzahl']; $unit_type = $row_g['type']; $kampfscript->setunits_angreifer($g_id, $AP * $count_ang, $VP * $count_ang, $AP, $VP, $count_ang, $unit_type); } $count_vert = 0; $result_sol_verteidiger = $db->query("SELECT * FROM cc" . $n . "_soldiers where race='{$vert_race}'"); while ($row_sol_vert = $db->fetch_array($result_sol_verteidiger)) { $name = $row_sol_vert['tabless']; $id_vert = $row_sol_vert['sid']; $AP = $row_sol_vert['AP']; $VP = $row_sol_vert['VP']; $result_l = $db->query("SELECT {$name} FROM cc" . $n . "_countries where islandid='{$land_id}'"); $row_l = $db->fetch_array($result_l); $anzahl_einheiten = $row_l[$name]; $count_vert += $anzahl_einheiten; if ($anzahl_einheiten > 0) { $unit_type = $row_sol_vert['tabless']; $kampfscript->setunits_verteidiger($id_vert, $AP * $anzahl_einheiten, $VP * $anzahl_einheiten, $AP, $VP, $anzahl_einheiten, $unit_type); } } $all_einheiten_angr_count = 0; $all_einheiten_vert_count = 0; $verlust_angreifer = 0; $verlust_verteidiger = 0; if (intval($op_battle_trace) > 0) { $trace_fname = LITO_CACHE_PATH . "battle_kr/" . $land_id . "_" . time() . ".txt"; $kampfscript->set_trace($trace_fname); } $kampfscript->calc(); $all_einheiten_angr_count = $kampfscript->anzahl_angreifer_vor; $all_einheiten_vert_count = $kampfscript->anzahl_verteidiger_vor; $verlust_angreifer = $kampfscript->anzahl_angreifer - $kampfscript->anzahl_angreifer_end; $verlust_verteidiger = $kampfscript->anzahl_verteidiger - $kampfscript->anzahl_verteidiger_end; $all_einheiten = $kampfscript->anzahl_angreifer_vor + $kampfscript->anzahl_verteidiger_vor; $attack_msg = ""; $einheit_ang = ""; $einheiten_ang_ap = 0; $einheiten_ang_vp = 0; foreach ($kampfscript->angreifer as $name => $value) { $einheiten_name = $kampfscript->angreifer[$name]["unit_type"]; $einheiten_name_org = $einheiten_name; $einheiten_new_count = $kampfscript->angreifer[$name]["new_units_count"]; $einheiten_anzahl = $kampfscript->angreifer[$name]["unit_count"]; $einheiten_name = get_soldiers_name($einheiten_name, $angreifer_race); $einheit_ang .= $einheiten_name . "<br>"; $einheit_ang_count .= intval($einheiten_anzahl) . "<br>"; $einheiten_ang_ap += $kampfscript->angreifer[$name]["ap_single"] * $einheiten_anzahl; $einheiten_ang_vp += $kampfscript->angreifer[$name]["vp_single"] * $einheiten_anzahl; if ($fromadmin == 0) { $db->query("update cc" . $n . "_groups_inhalt set anzahl='" . $einheiten_new_count . "' where group_id='" . $group_id . "' and type='" . $einheiten_name_org . "'"); } } if ($fromadmin == 0) { $db->query("delete from cc" . $n . "_groups_inhalt where group_id='" . $group_id . "' and anzahl <='0'"); $result_sum_group = $db->query("SELECT sum(anzahl)as all_i_groups FROM cc" . $n . "_groups_inhalt where group_id='" . $group_id . "'"); $rowsum_group = $db->fetch_array($result_sum_group); $anz_goup_inhalt = $rowsum_group['all_i_groups']; if ($anz_goup_inhalt <= 0) { $db->query("delete from cc" . $n . "_groups where groupid='" . $group_id . "'"); } } $einheiten_vert_ap = 0; $einheiten_vert_vp = 0; if ($count_vert > 0) { foreach ($kampfscript->verteidiger as $name => $value) { $einheiten_name = $kampfscript->verteidiger[$name]["unit_type"]; $einheiten_name_org = $einheiten_name; $einheiten_anzahl = $kampfscript->verteidiger[$name]["unit_count"]; $einheiten_new_count = $kampfscript->verteidiger[$name]["new_units_count"]; $einheiten_name = get_soldiers_name($einheiten_name, $vert_race); $einheit_vert .= $einheiten_name . "<br>"; $einheit_vert_count .= intval($einheiten_anzahl) . "<br>"; $einheiten_vert_ap += $kampfscript->verteidiger[$name]["ap_single"] * $einheiten_anzahl; $einheiten_vert_vp += $kampfscript->verteidiger[$name]["vp_single"] * $einheiten_anzahl; if ($fromadmin == 0) { $db->query("update cc" . $n . "_countries set " . $einheiten_name_org . " ='" . $einheiten_new_count . "' where islandid='" . $land_id . "'"); $db->query("update cc" . $n . "_countries set " . $einheiten_name_org . " ='0' where islandid='" . $land_id . "' and " . $einheiten_name_org . " <'0'"); } } } $dauer_berechnung = sprintf("%.05f", ntime($stime, mtime())); $last_msg = "Es wurden " . intval($all_einheiten) . " Einheiten in " . $dauer_berechnung . " Sekunden berechnet."; unset($kampfscript); $date = date("d.m.Y H:i:s", time()); $last_archive_id = 0; $result = $db->query("SELECT archive_id FROM cc" . $n . "_battle_archiv order by archive_id DESC limit 1"); $row = $db->fetch_array($result); $last_archive_id = $row['archive_id']; $kr_number = $last_archive_id + 1; $random = password(5); $random1 = time(); $battle_url = "battle_id_" . $random . "_" . $random1 . ".html"; $db->query("INSERT INTO cc" . $n . "_battle_archiv(ang_username,ang_land,vert_username,vert_land,battle_time,battle_url) VALUES ('{$angreifer_name}','{$angreifer_land}','{$verteidiger_name}','{$verteidiger_land}','" . time() . "','{$battle_url}')"); $message_topic = "Kampfreport vom : " . date("d.m.Y H:i:s", time()); $tpl->assign('date', $date); $tpl->assign('angreifer_name', $angreifer_name); $tpl->assign('angreifer_land', $angreifer_land); $tpl->assign('verteidiger_name', $verteidiger_name); $tpl->assign('verteidiger_land', $verteidiger_land); $tpl->assign('einheit_ang', $einheit_ang); $tpl->assign('einheit_ang_count', $einheit_ang_count); $tpl->assign('einheit_vert', $einheit_vert); $tpl->assign('einheit_vert_count', $einheit_vert_count); $tpl->assign('all_einheiten_angr_count', $all_einheiten_angr_count); $tpl->assign('einheiten_ang_ap', $einheiten_ang_ap); $tpl->assign('all_einheiten_vert_count', $all_einheiten_vert_count); $tpl->assign('einheiten_vert_ap', $einheiten_vert_ap); $tpl->assign('einheiten_ang_vp', $einheiten_ang_vp); $tpl->assign('einheiten_vert_vp', $einheiten_vert_vp); $tpl->assign('verlust_angreifer', $verlust_angreifer); $tpl->assign('verlust_verteidiger', $verlust_verteidiger); $tpl->assign('last_msg', $last_msg); $tpl->assign('kr_number', $kr_number); $k_report = $tpl->fetch(LITO_THEMES_PATH . 'battle/battle_ks_web.html'); $Datei = LITO_ROOT_PATH . "battle_kr/{$battle_url}"; $Datei_url = LITO_ROOT_PATH_URL . "battle_kr/{$battle_url}"; $message_text = "Du wurdest angegriffen.<br>Den Kampfreport findest du hier:<br> [url=" . $Datei_url . "]Kampfreport Nr.:" . $kr_number . "[/url]"; if ($fromadmin == 0) { make_ingamemail(0, $angreifer_user_id, $message_topic, $message_text); make_ingamemail(0, $verteidiger_user_id, $message_topic, $message_text); } $erstellen = fopen($Datei, "w"); fwrite($erstellen, $k_report); fclose($erstellen); if ($all_einheiten_vert_count <= 0) { $max_steal = intval($op_res_steal); if ($max_steal > 0) { resreload($land_id); $result = $db->query("SELECT res1,res2,res3,res4,islandid FROM cc" . $n . "_countries WHERE islandid='" . $land_id . "'"); $row = $db->fetch_array($result); $land_res1 = $row['res1']; $land_res2 = $row['res2']; $land_res3 = $row['res3']; $land_res4 = $row['res4']; $per_res1 = round($land_res1 * ($max_steal / 100), 0); $per_res2 = round($land_res2 * ($max_steal / 100), 0); $per_res3 = round($land_res3 * ($max_steal / 100), 0); $per_res4 = round($land_res4 * ($max_steal / 100), 0); if ($per_res1 < 0) { $per_res1 = 0; } if ($per_res2 < 0) { $per_res2 = 0; } if ($per_res3 < 0) { $per_res3 = 0; } if ($per_res4 < 0) { $per_res4 = 0; } $result = $db->query("update cc" . $n . "_countries set res1=res1-'" . $per_res1 . "',res2=res2-'" . $per_res2 . "',res3=res3-'" . $per_res3 . "',res4=res4-'" . $per_res4 . "' WHERE islandid='" . $land_id . "'"); $result = $db->query("update cc" . $n . "_groups set res1=res1+'" . $per_res1 . "',res2=res2+'" . $per_res2 . "',res3=res3+'" . $per_res3 . "',res4=res4+'" . $per_res4 . "' WHERE groupid='" . $group_id . "'"); } // group back $result = $db->query("SELECT * FROM cc" . $n . "_groups WHERE islandid = '{$userdata['activeid']}' AND groupid = {$group_id}"); $row = $db->fetch_array($result); $old_traveltime = get_duration_time($userdata['x'], $userdata['y'], $row['endx'], $row['endy'], $row['speed']); $requesttime = $row['traveltime'] - time(); if ($requesttime < 0) { $requesttime = 0; } $back_traveltime = $old_traveltime - $requesttime; $starttime = time(); $db->query("UPDATE cc" . $n . "_groups SET group_status = 2, starttime={$starttime},traveltime = {$back_traveltime}, endx = {$userdata['x']}, endy = {$userdata['y']} WHERE groupid='{$group_id}'"); } template_out('battle_ks.html', $modul_name); }
$x_pos = $land['x']; $y_pos = $land['y']; $md5_pw = md5($password); trace_msg("User {$username} registriert ", 1); $db->query("INSERT INTO cc" . $n . "_users (username,email,password,register_date) VALUES ('{$username}','{$email}','{$md5_pw}','" . time() . "')"); $userid_r = $db->insert_id(); $db->query("INSERT INTO cc" . $n . "_countries (res1,res2,res3,res4,userid,lastressources,picid,x,y,size) VALUES ('{$op_reg_res1}','{$op_reg_res2}','{$op_reg_res3}','{$op_reg_res4}','{$userid_r}','" . time() . "','1','{$x_pos}','{$y_pos}','" . rand($op_min_c_size, $op_max_c_size) . "')"); $islandid_r = $db->insert_id(); $db->query("UPDATE cc" . $n . "_crand SET used='1' WHERE x='" . $x_pos . "' AND y='" . $y_pos . "'"); $db->query("UPDATE cc" . $n . "_users SET activeid='{$islandid_r}' WHERE userid='{$userid_r}'"); send_register_mail($email, "mail_register.html", $modul_name, $username, $password, $x_pos, $y_pos); show_error("REGISTER_SUBMIT_OK", $modul_name); exit; } if ($action == "forgott") { template_out('register_forgott.html', $modul_name); exit; } if ($action == "submit_forgott") { $username = c_trim(strtolower($_POST['username'])); $email = c_trim(strtolower($_POST['email'])); if ($username == "") { show_error("REGISTER_ERROR_2", $modul_name); exit; } if (!preg_match("/^[0-9a-z_-]{3,15}\$/i", $username)) { show_error("REGISTER_ERROR_4", $modul_name); exit; } if ($email == "") { show_error("REGISTER_ERROR_2", $modul_name);
//start $nn = 0; $result = $db->query("SELECT * FROM cc" . $n . "_allianz ORDER BY points DESC LIMIT {$start},30"); while ($row = $db->fetch_array($result)) { $alli = $row['aid']; if ($row['text']) { $infotext = substr($row['text'], 0, 30); if (strlen($row['text']) > 30) { $infotext .= "..."; } } else { $infotext = $ln_rankings_no_allianz_infos; } $i++; $nn++; $inhalt[$nn]['ali_name'] = generate_allilink($alli); $inhalt[$nn]['ali_test'] = $infotext; $inhalt[$nn]['points'] = $row['points']; $inhalt[$nn]['platz'] = $i; $ali_flag = get_allianz_flag($row['aid']); $inhalt[$nn]['ali_flag'] = $ali_flag; $inhalt[$nn]['ali_anz'] = $row['members']; } for ($i = 0; $i < $maxpage + 1; $i++) { $pagesbit .= "<option value=\"{$i}\">" . ($i + 1) . "</option>"; } $tpl->assign('page', $pagesbit); $tpl->assign('daten', $inhalt); template_out('ranking_ali.html', $modul_name); exit; }
} $id = $_GET['id'] * 1; $db->query("UPDATE `cc" . $n . "_badwords` SET `badword` = '" . $db->escape_string($_POST['title']) . "', `in_mail` = '" . $db->escape_string($_POST['in_mail']) . "' WHERE `badword_id` = '" . $id . "'"); $action = 'main'; } if ($action == 'new') { if (!isset($_POST['title'])) { error_msg('Kein Titel übergeben!'); exit; } if (!isset($_POST['in_mail'])) { $_POST['in_mail'] = 0; } else { $_POST['in_mail'] = 1; } $db->query("INSERT INTO `cc" . $n . "_badwords` (`badword`, `in_mail`) VALUES ('" . $db->escape_string($_POST['title']) . "', '" . $db->escape_string($_POST['in_mail']) . "')"); $action = 'main'; } if ($action == 'main') { $badwords = array(); $words = $db->query("SELECT `badword_id`, `badword`, `in_mail` FROM `cc" . $n . "_badwords`"); $i = 0; while ($badword = $db->fetch_array($words)) { $badwords[$i]['id'] = $badword['badword_id']; $badwords[$i]['title'] = $badword['badword']; $badwords[$i]['in_mail'] = $badword['in_mail']; $i++; } $tpl->assign('badwords', $badwords); template_out('list.html', $modul_name); }
$type = "Ja <input class=\"radio\" type=\"radio\" name=\"" . $row['varname'] . "\" value=\"1\"" . ($row['value'] == 1 ? " checked" : "") . "> Nein <input type=\"radio\" name=\"" . $row['varname'] . "\" value=\"0\"" . ($row['value'] == 0 ? " checked" : "") . ">"; } elseif ($row['type'] == "text") { $type = "<input type=\"text\" class=\"textinput\" value=\"" . $row['value'] . "\" name=\"" . $row['varname'] . "\" size=\"55\">"; } elseif ($row['type'] == "textarea") { $type = "<textarea rows=\"10\" id=\"" . $row['varname'] . "\" class=\"textarea\" cols=\"50\" name=\"" . $row['varname'] . "\">" . $row['value'] . "</textarea>"; } else { $type = "unbekannter Typ"; } $all = ""; $option_bit[] = $row['title']; $option_bit[] = $type; } $tpl->assign('menu_name', $menu_name); $tpl->assign('save_id', $menu_number); $tpl->assign('data', $option_bit); $tpl->assign('tr', array('bgcolor="#eeeeee"', 'bgcolor="#dddddd"')); template_out('gameoptions_save.html', $modul_name); } if ($action == "submitOptions") { $optiongroupid = intval($_REQUEST['id']); $result = $db->query("SELECT * FROM cc" . $n . "_menu_admin_opt where admin_sub_id='{$optiongroupid}' "); while ($row = $db->fetch_array($result)) { $varname = $_POST[$row['varname']]; $db->query("UPDATE cc" . $n . "_menu_admin_opt SET value='" . $varname . "' WHERE varname='" . $row['varname'] . "' AND admin_sub_id='" . $optiongroupid . "'"); } require LITO_ROOT_PATH . "includes/class_options.php"; $option = new option(LITO_ROOT_PATH . "options/"); $option->write(); header("LOCATION: " . LITO_MODUL_PATH_URL . 'acp_gameoptions/gameoptions.php?action=sel_cat&id=' . $optiongroupid); exit; }
$i = 0; while ($grp_av = $db->fetch_array($grp_av_q)) { $grps_av[$i]['id'] = $grp_av['id']; $grps_av[$i]['name'] = $grp_av['name']; $i++; } $tpl->assign('grps', $grps_av); template_out('edit.html', $modul_name); } if ($action == 'res') { if (!isset($_GET['id']) || !is_numeric($_GET['id'])) { error_msg('ID nicht übergeben!'); exit; } $countries_q = $db->query("SELECT `islandid`, `name`, `res1`, `res2`, `res3`, `res4` FROM `cc" . $n . "_countries` WHERE `islandid` = '" . $_GET['id'] . "'"); $countries = array(); $i = 0; $countrie = $db->fetch_array($countries_q); $countries[$i]['id'] = $countrie['islandid']; $countries[$i]['name'] = $countrie['name']; $countries[$i]['res1'] = $countrie['res1']; $countries[$i]['res2'] = $countrie['res2']; $countries[$i]['res3'] = $countrie['res3']; $countries[$i]['res4'] = $countrie['res4']; $i++; $tpl->assign('countrie', $countries[0]); template_out('res.html', $modul_name); } ?>
$row = $db->fetch_array($result); $b_label = "Banner Nr.:" . intval($row['maxi_b']) + 1; } $b_code = str_replace("'", '"', $b_code); $db->query("INSERT INTO cc" . $n . "_banner_mgr(banner_code, banner_label ,banner_count \t,active) VALUES ('" . $b_code . "','{$b_label}','0','0')"); header("LOCATION: banner.php"); } if ($action == "edit") { $news_id = intval($_GET['id']); $result_news = $db->query("SELECT * FROM cc" . $n . "_banner_mgr where banner_id ='{$news_id}'"); $row = $db->fetch_array($result_news); $code = $row['banner_code']; $tpl->assign('banner_label', $row['banner_label']); $tpl->assign('banner_code', $code); $tpl->assign('ACTION_SAVE', 'update&id=' . $row['banner_id']); template_out('banner.html', $modul_name); } if ($action == "activate") { $news_id = intval($_GET['id']); $result_news = $db->query("SELECT active FROM cc" . $n . "_banner_mgr where banner_id ='{$news_id}'"); $row = $db->fetch_array($result_news); $active = $row['active']; if ($active == 0) { $sql = "update cc" . $n . "_banner_mgr set active='1' where banner_id ='{$news_id}'"; } else { $sql = "update cc" . $n . "_banner_mgr set active='0' where banner_id ='{$news_id}'"; } $update = $db->query($sql); header("LOCATION: banner.php"); } if ($action == "delete") {
if ($row['res3'] <= 0) { $row['res3']++; } if ($row['res4'] <= 0) { $row['res4']++; } $numOfMans = $userdata[$row['tabless']]; $build_time = sec2time($row['stime']); $maxi = min(floor($userdata['res1'] / $row['res1']), floor($userdata['res2'] / $row['res2']), floor($userdata['res3'] / $row['res3']), floor($userdata['res4'] / $row['res4'])); $url = "\"build_deff.php?action=create&soid={$row['sid']}\""; $new_found_inhalt = array("\"" . $row['solpic'] . "\"", $row['name'], $row['description'], $op_set_n_res1 . ": " . $row['res1'], $op_set_n_res2 . ": " . $row['res2'], $op_set_n_res3 . ": " . $row['res3'], $op_set_n_res4 . ": " . $row['res4'], $build_time, $numOfMans, $url, $maxi, $row['AP'], $row['VP']); array_push($new_found, $new_found_inhalt); } } $tpl->assign('daten', $new_found); template_out('build_deff.html', $modul_name); exit; } if ($action == "create") { $num = intval($_POST['num']); $soid = intval($_GET['soid']); if ($num == 0 || $soid == 0 || $num < 0) { show_error('BUILD_DEFF_ERROR_1', $modul_name); exit; } $result = $db->query("SELECT * FROM cc" . $n . "_soldiers WHERE sid='{$soid}'"); $row = $db->fetch_array($result); $row['res1'] = $row['res1'] * $num; $row['res2'] = $row['res2'] * $num; $row['res3'] = $row['res3'] * $num; $row['res4'] = $row['res4'] * $num;
} header("LOCATION: " . LITO_ROOT_PATH_URL . "/modules/alliance/alliance.php?action=change_ali_text"); exit; } } if ($action == "del_pic") { $uid = $userdata['userid']; $filename = $userdata['userpic']; unlink($filename); $db->unbuffered_query("update cc" . $n . "_users set userpic='' where userid = '{$uid}'"); header("LOCATION: upload_pic.php"); exit; } if ($action == "alibild") { $u_pic = $userdata['userpic']; template_out('pic_uploads_ali.html', $modul_name); exit; } if ($action == "del_pic_ali") { $uid = $userdata['userid']; $ali_id = $userdata['allianzid']; $result_e = $db->query("SELECT * FROM cc" . $n . "_allianz WHERE aid ='" . $ali_id . "' "); while ($row_e = $db->fetch_array($result_e)) { $allianz_i_url = $row_e['image_path']; if ($allianz_i_url != "") { unlink($allianz_i_url); } } $db->unbuffered_query("update cc" . $n . "_allianz set imageurl='' where aid= '" . $ali_id . "'"); header("LOCATION: " . LITO_ROOT_PATH_URL . "/modules/alliance/alliance.php?action=change_ali_text"); exit;
header("LOCATION: forum.php"); exit; } $result = $db->query("SELECT * FROM cc" . $n . "_forum_posts where si_post_id = '" . $fp_id . "' "); $row = $db->fetch_array($result); $com == 1; $forum == 1; $allianz_t_l = $row['si_post_text']; $ft_parent = "<a href=\"forum.php\">Forum</a>" . " / <a href=\"forum.php?action=show_forum&f_id={$f_id}\">" . get_forum_from_id($f_id) . "</a> / " . get_topic_from_id($ft_id); $com = 1; $forum = 0; $take_action = "forum.php?action=edit_save&ft_id={$ft_id}&f_id={$f_id}&fp_id={$fp_id}"; $tpl->assign('ft_parent', $ft_parent); $tpl->assign('take_action', $take_action); $tpl->assign('allianz_t_l', $allianz_t_l); template_out('forum_new_topics.html', $modul_name); exit; } if ($action == "edit_save") { $ft_id = intval($_GET['ft_id']); $f_id = intval($_GET['f_id']); $fp_id = intval($_GET['fp_id']); if ($ft_id <= 0) { header("LOCATION: forum.php"); exit; } if ($f_id <= 0) { header("LOCATION: forum.php"); exit; } if ($fp_id <= 0) {
if ($size_new == "") { $size = "<span class=\"redfont\">" . $buildingerror1 . "</span>"; } $kost1 = $op_set_n_res1 . ": " . $row_buildings['res1']; $kost2 = $op_set_n_res2 . ": " . $row_buildings['res2']; $kost3 = $op_set_n_res3 . ": " . $row_buildings['res3']; $kost4 = $op_set_n_res4 . ": " . $row_buildings['res4']; if (trim($row_buildings['tabless']) == "") { $message = "<span class=\"redfont\">" . $buildingerror1 . "</span>"; } $image = "\"" . $row_buildings['buildpic'] . "\""; $new_found_inhalt = array($image, $build_name, $size, $build_description, $row_buildings['res1'], $row_buildings['res2'], $row_buildings['res3'], $row_buildings['res4'], $buildtime, $row_buildings['size'], $message, $userdata['size'], $userdata['usesize']); array_push($new_found, $new_found_inhalt); } $tpl->assign('daten', $new_found); template_out('buildings.html', $modul_name); exit; } if ($action == "build") { $bid = intval($_GET['bid']); if (!$bid) { show_error('BUILDING_ERROR_2', $modul_name); exit; } $result = $db->query("SELECT * FROM cc" . $n . "_buildings WHERE bid='{$bid}'"); $row = $db->fetch_array($result); if ($row['size'] > $userdata['size'] - $userdata['usesize']) { show_error('BUILDING_ERROR_3', $modul_name); exit; } if ($userdata['build_town'] < $row['require1'] || $userdata['build_explore'] < $row['require2']) {
if ($debug_where) { $debug_where = "{$debug_where} AND db_type ={$debugs_level}"; } elseif (!$debug_where) { $debug_where = "WHERE db_type={$debugs_level}"; } } if ($debug_where) { $debug_sql = "{$debug_sql} {$debug_where}"; } $optionbit = ""; $inhalt = array(); $result = $db->query($debug_sql); $i = 0; while ($row = $db->fetch_array($result)) { $debug_date = date("d.m.Y, H:i:s", $row['db_time']); $inhalt[$i]['debug_id'] = $row['debug_id']; $inhalt[$i]['db_type'] = $row['db_type']; $inhalt[$i]['fromuserid'] = $row['fromuserid']; $inhalt[$i]['db_text'] = $row['db_text']; $inhalt[$i]['debug_date'] = $debug_date; $i++; } $result = $db->query("SELECT * FROM cc" . $n . "_users"); while ($row = $db->fetch_array($result)) { $optionbit .= "<option value=\"" . $row['userid'] . "\">" . $row['username'] . "</option>"; } $tpl->assign('optionbit', $optionbit); $tpl->assign('debug_output', $inhalt); template_out('debug.html', $modul_name); exit; }
$tpl->assign('load_ress_2', $load_ress_2); $tpl->assign('load_ress_3', $load_ress_3); $tpl->assign('load_ress_4', $load_ress_4); $tpl->assign('load_size', $load_size); $tpl->assign('load_points', $load_points); $tpl->assign('load_buildtime', $load_buildtime); $tpl->assign('load_req_level', $load_req_level); $tpl->assign('load_b_pic', $load_b_pic); $tpl->assign('description', $description); $tpl->assign('make_aktion', $make_aktion); $tpl->assign('required', $required); $tpl->assign('load_reg1', $load_reg1); $tpl->assign('load_reg2', $load_reg2); $tpl->assign('positions', $positions); $tpl->assign('error_buildings', $error_buildings); template_out('edit_building.html', $modul_name); exit; } if ($action == "update") { $upd_id = intval($_GET['id']); if ($upd_id <= 0) { error_msg("Daten konnten nicht gespeichert werden."); exit; } $name = trim($_POST['buildingname']); $url = trim($_POST['url']); $buildpic = trim($_POST['buildpic']); $kost1 = intval($_POST['kost1']); $kost2 = intval($_POST['kost2']); $kost3 = intval($_POST['kost3']); $kost4 = intval($_POST['kost4']);