  * @param string $culture_code Code of current <CultureInfo>
  * @param mixed $date_format Chosen date format
  * @param mixed $time_format Chosen time format
  * @param string $timezone Currently chosen timezone
  * @param bool $append_timezone If true timezome will be appended
 function __initialize($culture_code, $date_format, $time_format, $timezone = false, $append_timezone = false)
     if (!$timezone) {
         $timezone = Localization::getTimeZone();
     $this->timezone = $timezone;
     $this->culture_code = $culture_code;
     $txt = $this->_sample(false, $date_format, $time_format);
     if ($append_timezone) {
         $txt .= " {$timezone}";
     $sample = new Control('span');
     $sample->append("({$txt})")->css('color', 'gray');
     $cb = new CheckBox();
     $cb->setData('role', 'timeformatex')->setData('controller', buildQuery($this->id));
     $cb->value = 1;
     if ($append_timezone) {
         $cb->checked = "checked";
     $lab = $cb->CreateLabel(tds("TXT_APPEND_TIMEZONE", "Append timezone") . " ");
  * @param string $message_text Message text
  * @param string $type Defines the css class, so you may use this to style different kinds of messages
  * @param string $title A title
 function __initialize($message_text, $type = 'hint', $title = 'TITLE_WARNING')
     $options = array('autoOpen' => true, 'modal' => true, 'width' => 450, 'height' => 300);
     parent::__initialize($title, $options);
     $this->class = $type;
     $this->AddCloseButton(tds('BTN_OK', 'Ok'));
  * Set the callback for the positive button.
  * @param string $action JS code to be executed when the positive button is clicked (OK, YES)
  * @return uiConfirmation `$this`
 function SetOkCallback($action)
     switch ($this->Mode) {
         case self::OK_CANCEL:
             $this->SetButton(tds('BTN_OK', 'Ok'), $action);
         case self::YES_NO:
             $this->SetButton(tds('BTN_YES', 'Yes'), $action);
     return $this;
  * @param mixed $current_language_code Currently selected language
  * @param type $current_region_code Currently selected region
 function __initialize($current_language_code = false, $current_region_code = false)
     $this->setData('role', 'region');
     $this->setData('controller', buildQuery($this->id));
     if ($current_language_code) {
         if ($current_language_code instanceof CultureInfo) {
             $lang = $current_language_code->ResolveToLanguage();
         } else {
             $lang = Localization::getLanguageCulture($current_language_code);
         if (!$lang) {
             $lang = Localization::detectCulture()->ResolveToLanguage();
         $regions = $lang->GetRegions(false);
         if (!$current_region_code) {
             $current_region_code = $lang->DefaultRegion()->Code;
     } else {
         $regions = Localization::get_all_regions(false);
     if ($current_region_code) {
         if ($current_region_code instanceof CultureInfo) {
         } else {
     if (count($regions) > 0) {
         $cc = current_controller(false);
         $translations_active = $cc instanceof Renderable && $cc->_translate;
         $sorted = array();
         foreach ($regions as $reg) {
             if (!$reg) {
             $code = $reg->Code;
             if ($translations_active) {
                 $sorted[$code] = array("name" => tds("TXT_COUNTRY_" . strtoupper($code), $reg->EnglishName), "code", $code);
             } else {
                 $sorted[$code] = array("name" => $reg->EnglishName, "code", $code);
         uasort($sorted, __CLASS__ . "::compareCountryNames");
         foreach ($sorted as $code => $item) {
             $this->AddOption($code, $item['name']);
$html = file_get_html($url);
$uniques = array();
//Previous table's name, needed because of a bug in the webpage
$table_name_prev = "t1";
//Table contents
foreach (tables($html) as $table) {
    $table_name = $table->id;
    foreach (trs($table) as $tr) {
        if ($tr->find('th')) {
            //Skip the header rows. (There are two per table, and they are formatted differently.)
            //Later, we can add something to rename the columns based on headers
        } else {
            $row = array();
            foreach (tds($tr) as $td) {
                $key_raw = $td->headers;
                //If the previous table's name is used in the attribute, replace it with the current name
                $key = str_replace($table_name_prev, $table_name, $key_raw);
                $value = $td->plaintext;
                if ($key != '') {
                    $row[$key] = $value;
            scraperwiki::save_sqlite($uniques, $row, $table_name);
    $table_name_prev = $table_name;
  * @override
 function PreRender($args = array())
     if (count($this->_data) > 1) {
         $id = $this->id;
         $opts = json_encode($this->gvOptions);
         if (count($this->_data) > 0) {
             array_walk_recursive($this->_data, function (&$item, &$key) {
                 if ($item instanceof DateTime) {
                     $item = "[jscode]new Date(" . $item->getTimestamp() * 1000 . ")";
             $d = system_to_json($this->_data);
             $js = "var d=google.visualization.arrayToDataTable({$d});" . "var c=new google.visualization.{$this->gvType}(\$('#{$id}').get(0));" . "google.visualization.events.addListener(c, 'ready', function(){ \$('#{$id}').data('ready',true); });" . "c.draw(d,{$opts});" . "\$('#{$id}').data('googlechart', c);";
         } else {
             $q = buildQuery($this->id, 'Query');
             $js = "var {$id} = new google.visualization.Query('{$q}');" . "{$id}.setQuery('{$this->gvQuery}');" . "{$id}.send(function(r){ if(r.isError()){ \$('#{$id}').html(r.getDetailedMessage()); }else{ var c=new google.visualization.{$this->gvType}(\$('#{$id}').get(0));" . "google.visualization.events.addListener(c, 'ready', function(){ \$('#{$id}').data('ready',true); });" . "c.draw(r.getDataTable(),{$opts});" . "\$('#{$id}').data('googlechart', c);}});";
         $this->_addLoadCallback('visualization', $js, true);
     } else {
         $t = $this->opt('title');
         $this->css('text-align', 'center')->content(($t ? "<b>{$t}:</b> " : "") . tds("TXT_NO_DATA", "No data found"), true);
     if (isset($this->gvOptions['width'])) {
         $this->css('width', "{$this->gvOptions['width']}px");
     if (isset($this->gvOptions['height'])) {
         $this->css('height', "{$this->gvOptions['height']}px");
     return parent::PreRender($args);
Esempio n. 7
 function Prepare($async = false, &$handler = false, $method = false)
     global $CONFIG;
     if ($async) {
         if (!$handler || !$method) {
             WdfException::Raise("Data handler and method needed for asynchronous charts");
         $data_url = buildQuery($handler->id, $method);
     } else {
         if ($handler && $method) {
             $data = $handler->{$method}($this);
         //			else
         //				$data = $this->CleanupXML($this->RenderXML());
     $str_data = $this->Title ? $this->Title : '';
     $swfurl = $CONFIG['system']['system_uri'] . appendVersion("/modules/charting/charts/" . $this->Type . ".swf");
     $swfurl .= "?PBarLoadingText=" . urlencode($str_data . ":\n" . getString(tds("TXT_CHART_LOADING", 'loading')));
     $swfurl .= "&ChartNoDataText=" . urlencode($str_data . ":\n" . getString(tds("TXT_NO_DATA_FOUND", 'no data found')));
     $swfurl .= "&InvalidXMLText=" . urlencode($str_data . ":\n" . getString(tds("TXT_CHART_INVALID_XML", 'invalid XML')));
     $settings = array('swfurl' => $swfurl, 'chartid' => $this->id, 'width' => $this->Width, 'height' => $this->Height, 'debug' => 0);
     if (isset($data)) {
         $settings['data'] = $data;
     } elseif (isset($data_url)) {
         $settings['dataurl'] = $data_url;
     $this->_script = array();
     $this->script("initFusionChart(" . json_encode($settings) . ");");
Esempio n. 8
 * Syntactically checks a credit card number.
 * Valid values for $cardname are returned ny <creditcard_getnames>.
 * @param type $cardnumber Number to check
 * @param type $cardname Card name
 * @param type $errornumber <b>OUT</b> The error number
 * @param type $errortext <b>OUT</b> The error message
 * @return boolean true or false
function creditcard_check($cardnumber, $cardname, &$errornumber, &$errortext)
    // Define the cards we support. You may add additional card types.
    //  Name:      As in the selection box of the form - must be same as user's
    //  Length:    List of possible valid lengths of the card number for the card
    //  prefixes:  List of possible prefixes for the card
    //  checkdigit Boolean to say whether there is a check digit
    // Don't forget - all but the last array definition needs a comma separator!
    $cards = array(array('name' => 'American Express', 'length' => '15', 'prefixes' => '34,37', 'checkdigit' => true), array('name' => 'Diners Club Carte Blanche', 'length' => '14', 'prefixes' => '300,301,302,303,304,305', 'checkdigit' => true), array('name' => 'Diners Club', 'length' => '14,16', 'prefixes' => '36,54,55', 'checkdigit' => true), array('name' => 'Discover', 'length' => '16', 'prefixes' => '6011,622,64,65', 'checkdigit' => true), array('name' => 'Diners Club Enroute', 'length' => '15', 'prefixes' => '2014,2149', 'checkdigit' => true), array('name' => 'JCB', 'length' => '16', 'prefixes' => '35', 'checkdigit' => true), array('name' => 'Maestro', 'length' => '12,13,14,15,16,18,19', 'prefixes' => '5018,5020,5038,6304,6759,6761', 'checkdigit' => true), array('name' => 'MasterCard', 'length' => '16', 'prefixes' => '51,52,53,54,55', 'checkdigit' => true), array('name' => 'Solo', 'length' => '16,18,19', 'prefixes' => '6334,6767', 'checkdigit' => true), array('name' => 'Switch', 'length' => '16,18,19', 'prefixes' => '4903,4905,4911,4936,564182,633110,6333,6759', 'checkdigit' => true), array('name' => 'Visa', 'length' => '13,16', 'prefixes' => '4', 'checkdigit' => true), array('name' => 'Visa Electron', 'length' => '16', 'prefixes' => '417500,4917,4913,4508,4844', 'checkdigit' => true));
    $ccErrorNo = 0;
    // Unknown card type
    $ccErrors[0] = tds('ERR_UNKNOWN_CARD_TYPE', 'Unknown card type');
    // No card number provided
    $ccErrors[1] = tds('ERR_NO_CARD_NUMBER_PROVIDED', 'Card number missing');
    // Credit card number has invalid format
    $ccErrors[2] = tds('ERR_CREDIT_CARD_NUMBER_HAS_INVALID_FORMAT', 'Invalid card number format');
    // Credit card number is invalid
    $ccErrors[3] = tds('ERR_CREDIT_CARD_NUMBER_IS_INVALID', 'Invalid card number');
    // Credit card number is wrong length
    $ccErrors[4] = tds('ERR_CREDIT_CARD_NUMBER_IS_WRONG_LENGTH', 'Wrong card number length');
    // Establish card type
    $cardType = -1;
    for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($cards); $i++) {
        // See if it is this card (ignoring the case of the string)
        if (strtolower($cardname) == strtolower($cards[$i]['name'])) {
            $cardType = $i;
    // If card type not found, report an error
    if ($cardType == -1) {
        $errornumber = 0;
        $errortext = $ccErrors[$errornumber];
        return false;
    // Ensure that the user has provided a credit card number
    if (strlen($cardnumber) == 0) {
        $errornumber = 1;
        $errortext = $ccErrors[$errornumber];
        return false;
    // Remove any spaces from the credit card number
    $cardNo = str_replace(' ', '', $cardnumber);
    // Check that the number is numeric and of the right sort of length.
    if (!eregi('^[0-9]{13,19}$', $cardNo)) {
        $errornumber = 2;
        $errortext = $ccErrors[$errornumber];
        return false;
    // Now check the modulus 10 check digit - if required
    if ($cards[$cardType]['checkdigit']) {
        $checksum = 0;
        // running checksum total
        $mychar = "";
        // next char to process
        $j = 1;
        // takes value of 1 or 2
        // Process each digit one by one starting at the right
        for ($i = strlen($cardNo) - 1; $i >= 0; $i--) {
            // Extract the next digit and multiply by 1 or 2 on alternative digits.
            $calc = $cardNo[$i] * $j;
            // If the result is in two digits add 1 to the checksum total
            if ($calc > 9) {
                $checksum = $checksum + 1;
                $calc = $calc - 10;
            // Add the units element to the checksum total
            $checksum = $checksum + $calc;
            // Switch the value of j
            if ($j == 1) {
                $j = 2;
            } else {
                $j = 1;
        // All done - if checksum is divisible by 10, it is a valid modulus 10.
        // If not, report an error.
        if ($checksum % 10 != 0) {
            $errornumber = 3;
            $errortext = $ccErrors[$errornumber];
            return false;
    // The following are the card-specific checks we undertake.
    // Load an array with the valid prefixes for this card
    $prefix = split(',', $cards[$cardType]['prefixes']);
    // Now see if any of them match what we have in the card number
    $PrefixValid = false;
    for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($prefix); $i++) {
        $exp = '^' . $prefix[$i];
        if (ereg($exp, $cardNo)) {
            $PrefixValid = true;
    // If it isn't a valid prefix there's no point at looking at the length
    if (!$PrefixValid) {
        $errornumber = 3;
        $errortext = $ccErrors[$errornumber];
        return false;
    // See if the length is valid for this card
    $LengthValid = false;
    $lengths = split(',', $cards[$cardType]['length']);
    for ($j = 0; $j < sizeof($lengths); $j++) {
        if (strlen($cardNo) == $lengths[$j]) {
            $LengthValid = true;
    // See if all is OK by seeing if the length was valid.
    if (!$LengthValid) {
        $errornumber = 4;
        $errortext = $ccErrors[$errornumber];
        return false;
    // The credit card is in the required format.
    return true;