Esempio n. 1
  * Invokes system_retrieve_file() in several scenarios.
 function testFileRetrieving()
     // Test 404 handling by trying to fetch a randomly named file.
     drupal_mkdir($sourcedir = 'public://' . $this->randomMachineName());
     $filename = 'Файл для тестирования ' . $this->randomMachineName();
     $url = file_create_url($sourcedir . '/' . $filename);
     $retrieved_file = system_retrieve_file($url);
     $this->assertFalse($retrieved_file, 'Non-existent file not fetched.');
     // Actually create that file, download it via HTTP and test the returned path.
     file_put_contents($sourcedir . '/' . $filename, 'testing');
     $retrieved_file = system_retrieve_file($url);
     // URLs could not contains characters outside the ASCII set so $filename
     // has to be encoded.
     $encoded_filename = rawurlencode($filename);
     $this->assertEqual($retrieved_file, 'public://' . $encoded_filename, 'Sane path for downloaded file returned (public:// scheme).');
     $this->assertTrue(is_file($retrieved_file), 'Downloaded file does exist (public:// scheme).');
     $this->assertEqual(filesize($retrieved_file), 7, 'File size of downloaded file is correct (public:// scheme).');
     // Test downloading file to a different location.
     drupal_mkdir($targetdir = 'temporary://' . $this->randomMachineName());
     $retrieved_file = system_retrieve_file($url, $targetdir);
     $this->assertEqual($retrieved_file, "{$targetdir}/{$encoded_filename}", 'Sane path for downloaded file returned (temporary:// scheme).');
     $this->assertTrue(is_file($retrieved_file), 'Downloaded file does exist (temporary:// scheme).');
     $this->assertEqual(filesize($retrieved_file), 7, 'File size of downloaded file is correct (temporary:// scheme).');
Esempio n. 2
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function download($destination, $url) {
   return system_retrieve_file($url, $destination);
Esempio n. 3
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function download($destination, $url) {
   $local_file = '';
   list($file_url, $orignal_name) = explode('@@@', $url);
   $local_file = system_retrieve_file($file_url, $destination . '/' . $orignal_name);
   return $local_file;
function BraftonVideoImporter()
    if (!isset($errors)) {
        $errors = new BraftonErrorReport(variable_get('brafton_api_key'), variable_get('brafton_api_root'), (bool) variable_get('brafton_debug_mode'));
    } else {
        $errors->level = 1;
    //Gathers feed type, Api and Video Keys, and archive file information from the Brafton module settings page.
    $import_list = array();
    $feed_type = variable_get('brafton_feed_type');
    $is_video_public = variable_get('brafton_video_public_key');
    $is_video_secret = variable_get('brafton_video_secret_key');
    $overwrite = variable_get('brafton_overwrite');
    $is_published = variable_get('brafton_published');
    if ($is_video_public && $is_video_secret) {
        $domain = 'http://' . variable_get('brafton_api_root');
        switch ($domain) {
            case '':
                $baseURL = '';
                $photoURI = "";
            case '':
                $baseURL = '';
                $photoURI = "";
            case '':
                $baseURL = '';
                $photoURI = "";
                $baseURL = '';
                $photoURI = "";
        $videoClient = new AdferoVideoClient($baseURL, $is_video_public, $is_video_secret);
        $videoOutClient = $videoClient->videoOutputs();
        $client = new AdferoClient($baseURL, $is_video_public, $is_video_secret);
        $photoClient = new AdferoPhotoClient($photoURI);
        $photos = $client->ArticlePhotos();
        $feeds = $client->Feeds();
        $feedList = $feeds->ListFeeds(0, 10);
        $feedNum = variable_get('brafton_video_feednum');
        $articles = $client->Articles();
        $articleList = $articles->ListForFeed($feedList->items[$feedNum]->id, 'live', 0, 100);
        $sitemap = array();
        foreach ($articleList->items as $value) {
            $id = $value->id;
            $categories = $client->Categories();
            $check = check_if_article_exists($id, 'b_video');
            if (!empty($check) && $overwrite == 1) {
                $nid = key($check['node']);
                $node = node_load($nid);
            } elseif (empty($check)) {
                $node = new stdClass();
            } else {
            $thisArticle = $client->Articles()->Get($id);
            if ($categories->ListForArticle($id, 0, 100)->items) {
                $categoryId = $categories->ListForArticle($id, 0, 100)->items[0]->id;
                $category = $categories->Get($categoryId);
                $categories = set_article_categories($value, 'b_video', $category);
            $presplash = $thisArticle->fields['preSplash'];
            $postsplash = $thisArticle->fields['postSplash'];
            $cta_option = variable_get('brafton_video_ctas');
            $pause_cta_text = variable_get('brafton_video_pause_cta_text');
            $pause_cta_link = variable_get('brafton_video_pause_cta_link');
            $end_cta_title = variable_get('brafton_video_end_cta_title');
            $end_cta_subtitle = variable_get('brafton_video_end_cta_subtitle');
            $end_cta_link = variable_get('brafton_video_end_cta_link');
            $end_cta_text = variable_get('brafton_video_end_cta_text');
            $videoList = $videoOutClient->ListForArticle($id, 0, 10);
            $list = $videoList->items;
            $embedCode = sprintf("<video id='video-%s' class=\"ajs-default-skin atlantis-js\" controls preload=\"auto\" width='512' height='288' poster='%s' >", $id, $presplash);
            foreach ($list as $listItem) {
                $output = $videoOutClient->Get($listItem->id);
                $type = $output->type;
                $path = $output->path;
                $resolution = $output->height;
                $source = generate_source_tag($path, $resolution);
                $embedCode .= $source;
            $embedCode .= '</video>';
            $script = '<script type="text/javascript">';
            $script .= 'var atlantisVideo = AtlantisJS.Init({';
            $script .= 'videos: [{';
            $script .= 'id: "video-' . $id . '"';
            if ($cta_option) {
                $marpro = '';
                $pause_asset_id = variable_get('brafton_video_pause_cta_asset_gateway_id');
                if ($pause_asset_id != '') {
                    $marpro = "assetGateway: { id: '{$pause_asset_id}' },";
                $endingBackground = '';
                $end_background_image = variable_get('brafton_video_end_cta_background_url');
                if ($end_background_image != '') {
                    $end_background_image = file_create_url($end_background_image);
                    $endingBackground = "background: '{$end_background_image}',";
                $end_asset_id = variable_get('brafton_video_end_cta_asset_gateway_id');
                if ($end_asset_id != '') {
                    $endingBackground .= "assetGateway: { id: '{$end_asset_id}' },";
                $buttonImage = '';
                $button_image_url = variable_get('brafton_video_end_cta_button_image_url');
                if ($button_image_url != '') {
                    $button_image_url = file_create_url($button_image_url);
                    $buttonImage = "image: '{$button_image_url}',";
                $button_image_postition = variable_get('brafton_video_end_cta_button_placement');
                if ($button_image_postition) {
                    switch ($button_image_postition) {
                        case 'tl':
                            $postion = '{pos: "top", val: "15px"},{pos: "left", val: "15px"}';
                        case 'tr':
                            $postion = '{pos: "top", val: "15px"},{pos: "right", val: "15px"}';
                        case 'br':
                            $postion = '{pos: "bottom", val: "15px"},{pos: "right", val: "15px"}';
                        case 'bl':
                            $postion = '{pos: "bottom", val: "15px"},{pos: "lelft", val: "15px"}';
                    $buttonImage .= "position: [ " . $postion . " ]";
                $script .= ',';
                $script .= <<<EOT
\t\t\t\t\t        pauseCallToAction: {
                                link: "{$pause_cta_link}",
\t\t\t\t\t            text: "{$pause_cta_text}"
\t\t\t\t\t        },
\t\t\t\t\t        endOfVideoOptions: {
\t\t\t\t\t            callToAction: {
\t\t\t\t\t                title: "{$end_cta_title}",
\t\t\t\t\t                subtitle: "{$end_cta_subtitle}",
\t\t\t\t\t                button: {
\t\t\t\t\t                    link: "{$end_cta_link}",
\t\t\t\t\t                    text: "{$end_cta_text}",
\t\t\t\t\t                }
\t\t\t\t\t            }
\t\t\t\t\t        }
            $script .= '}]';
            $script .= '});';
            $script .= '</script>';
            $embedCode .= $script;
            //Wraps a Div around the embed code
            $embed_code = "<div id='post-single-video'>" . $embedCode . "</div>";
            //Gets the image data from the feed
            $photoCheckId = $photos->ListForArticle($id, 0, 100);
            if ($photoCheckId->items[0]->id) {
                $image = get_image_attributes(NULL, 'video', $photoClient, $photos, $id);
            } else {
                $image = array('url' => '', 'alt' => '', 'title' => '');
            //Creates the video node and inserts the values from the feed
            $node->type = 'b_video';
            $node->language = LANGUAGE_NONE;
            $node->title = $thisArticle->fields['title'];
            $import_list[]['title'] = $node->title;
            $node->uid = variable_get('brafton_author');
            $node->status = $is_published == 1 ? 0 : 1;
            $node->created = strtotime($thisArticle->fields['lastModifiedDate']);
            $node->promote = 0;
            $node->sticky = 0;
            $node->comment = variable_get('brafton_comments');
            $node->body[$node->language][0] = array('value' => $thisArticle->fields['content'], 'summary' => $thisArticle->fields['extract'], 'format' => 'full_html');
            $node->field_brafton_video[$node->language][0] = array('value' => $embed_code, 'format' => 'full_html');
            if ($image) {
                $node->field_brafton_image[$node->language][0] = (array) system_retrieve_file($image['url'], NULL, TRUE, FILE_EXISTS_REPLACE);
                $node->field_brafton_image[$node->language][0]['alt'] = $image['alt'];
                $node->field_brafton_image[$node->language][0]['title'] = $image['title'];
            $node->field_brafton_id[$node->language][0]['value'] = $id;
            if ($categories) {
                foreach ($categories as $category) {
                    $node->field_brafton_video_term[$node->language][]['tid'] = $category;
            $nid = $node->nid;
            $alias = drupal_get_path_alias("node/" . $nid);
            $sitemap_url = $GLOBALS['base_url'] . '/' . $alias;
            $sitemapaddition = array("url" => $sitemap_url, "location" => $path, "title" => $node->title, "thumbnail" => $presplash, "description" => $thisArticle->fields['content'], "publication" => $thisArticle->fields['lastModifiedDate']);
            $sitemap[] = $sitemapaddition;
    return $import_list;
Esempio n. 5
  * Importing nodes from a demo CSV.
  * @pram $import
  *  The file name(without .csv)
 public static function ImportCsv($type)
     global $base_url;
     $importers = array('blog' => 'os_blog_csv', 'news' => 'os_news', 'event' => 'os_ical', 'page' => 'os_pages', 'class' => 'os_classes', 'faq' => 'os_faq', 'presentation' => 'os_presentation', 'software_project' => 'os_software', 'person' => 'os_people', 'link' => 'os_links', 'media_gallery' => 'os_gallery');
     // Specify a specific encoding of importers files. This meant for testing the
     // import of files in various encodings.
     $encodes = array('blog' => 'WINDOWS-1255', 'news' => 'WINDOWS-1254');
     $ending = $type == 'event' ? 'ics' : 'csv';
     $url = $base_url . '/' . drupal_get_path('module', 'os_migrate_demo') . '/includes/import_csv/' . $type . '.' . $ending;
     // todo: Use system_retrieve_file().
     $file = system_retrieve_file($url, 'public://', TRUE);
     $source = feeds_source($importers[$type]);
     $fetcher_config = $source->getConfigFor($source->importer->fetcher);
     $fetcher_config['source'] = $file->uri;
     $fetcher_config['file'] = $file;
     // Add encoding for specific files.
     if (isset($encodes[$type])) {
         $fetcher_config['encode'] = $encodes[$type];
     $source->setConfigFor($source->importer->fetcher, $fetcher_config);
     feeds_source($importers[$type], 0)->import();
  * Loops through each video article and saves it as Drupal node.
  * @return void
 public function run_video_loop()
     $this->errors->set_section('Main video loop');
     $counter = 0;
     $import_list = array();
     foreach ($this->article_list->items as $article) {
         // $article is an object containing just the brafton id
         $brafton_id = $article->id;
         $existing_posts = $this->brafton_post_exists($brafton_id);
         if (!empty($existing_posts) && $this->overwrite == 1) {
             $nid = reset($existing_posts);
             $new_node = \Drupal\node\Entity\Node::load($nid);
         } elseif (empty($existing_posts)) {
             $new_node = \Drupal\node\Entity\Node::create(array('type' => 'brafton_video'));
         } else {
         // $this_article contains all the actual info.
         $this_article = $this->articles->Get($brafton_id);
         $category_names = $this->get_video_tax_names($brafton_id);
         $category_ids = $this->load_tax_terms($category_names);
         $image = $this->get_video_image($brafton_id);
         $date = $this->video_date_setting == 'lastmodified' ? strtotime($this_article->fields['lastModifiedDate']) : strtotime($this_article->fields['date']);
         $embed_code = $this->create_embed($brafton_id);
         $new_node->uid = $this->video_author_id;
         $new_node->title = $this_article->fields['title'];
         $new_node->field_brafton_body = array('value' => $this_article->fields['content'], 'summary' => $this_article->fields['extract'], 'format' => 'full_html');
         $new_node->field_brafton_video = array('value' => $embed_code, 'format' => 'full_html');
         $new_node->status = $this->publish_status;
         $new_node->created = $date;
         $new_node->field_brafton_id = $brafton_id;
         $new_node->field_brafton_term = $category_ids;
         if ($image) {
             $new_node->field_brafton_image = system_retrieve_file($image['url'], NULL, TRUE, FILE_EXISTS_REPLACE);
             $new_node->field_brafton_image->alt = $image['alt'];
         $import_list['items'][] = array('title' => $this_article->fields['title'], 'url' => $new_node->url());
     $import_list['counter'] = $counter;
  * Loops through articles and saves them as Drupal nodes
  * @param array $article_array Array containing individual NewsItem Objects.
  * @return void
 public function run_article_loop($article_array)
     $counter = 0;
     $import_list = array('items' => array(), 'counter' => $counter);
     foreach ($article_array as $article) {
         $brafton_id = $article->getId();
         $this->errors->set_section('Individual Article loop for ' . $brafton_id);
         $existing_posts = $this->brafton_post_exists($brafton_id);
         if ($this->overwrite == 1 && !empty($existing_posts)) {
             $nid = reset($existing_posts);
             $new_node = \Drupal\node\Entity\Node::load($nid);
         } elseif (empty($existing_posts)) {
             $new_node = \Drupal\node\Entity\Node::create(array('type' => 'brafton_article'));
         } else {
         $author_id = $this->get_author($article->getByLine());
         $date = $this->get_article_date($article);
         $category_names = $this->get_article_tax_names($article->getCategories());
         $category_ids = $this->load_tax_terms($category_names);
         $title = $article->getHeadline();
         $body = $article->getText();
         $summary = !empty($article->getExtract()) ? $article->getExtract() : $article->getHtmlMetaDescription();
         if (!empty($article->getPhotos())) {
             $image = $this->get_article_image($article->getPhotos()[0]);
             $new_node->field_brafton_image = system_retrieve_file($image['url'], NULL, TRUE, FILE_EXISTS_REPLACE);
             $new_node->field_brafton_image->alt = $image['alt'];
         $new_node->status = $this->publish_status;
         $new_node->title = $title;
         $new_node->uid = $author_id;
         $new_node->created = strtotime($date);
         $new_node->field_brafton_body = array('value' => $body, 'summary' => $summary, 'format' => 'full_html');
         $new_node->field_brafton_id = $brafton_id;
         $new_node->field_brafton_term = $category_ids;
         $import_list['items'][] = array('title' => $title, 'url' => $new_node->url());
     $import_list['counter'] = $counter;