function xml_save_all() { global $db, $config; $domain_uuid = $this->domain_uuid; $domain_name = $this->domain_name; //get the system settings paths and set them as variables $settings_array = v_settings(); foreach ($settings_array as $name => $value) { ${$name} = $value; } //determine the extensions parent directory $extension_parent_dir = realpath($_SESSION['switch']['extensions']['dir'] . "/.."); // delete all old extensions to prepare for new ones if ($dh = opendir($_SESSION['switch']['extensions']['dir'])) { $files = array(); while ($file = readdir($dh)) { if ($file != "." && $file != ".." && $file[0] != '.') { if (is_dir($dir . "/" . $file)) { //this is a directory do nothing } else { //check if file is an extension; verify the file numeric and the extension is xml if (substr($file, 0, 2) == 'v_' && substr($file, -4) == '.xml') { unlink($_SESSION['switch']['extensions']['dir'] . "/" . $file); } } } } closedir($dh); } $sql = "select * from v_extensions "; $sql .= "where domain_uuid = '{$domain_uuid}' "; $sql .= "order by call_group asc "; $prep_statement = $db->prepare(check_sql($sql)); $prep_statement->execute(); $i = 0; $extension_xml_condensed = false; if ($extension_xml_condensed) { $fout = fopen($_SESSION['switch']['extensions']['dir'] . "/v_extensions.xml", "w"); $xml = "<include>\n"; } while ($row = $prep_statement->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { $call_group = $row['call_group']; $call_group = str_replace(";", ",", $call_group); $tmp_array = explode(",", $call_group); foreach ($tmp_array as &$tmp_call_group) { if (strlen($tmp_call_group) > 0) { if (strlen($call_group_array[$tmp_call_group]) == 0) { $call_group_array[$tmp_call_group] = $row['extension']; } else { $call_group_array[$tmp_call_group] = $call_group_array[$tmp_call_group] . ',' . $row['extension']; } } $i++; } if ($row['enabled'] != "false") { //$this->import_sql($row);//Do I need to be worried about ghost values? Maybe I should make a new object? //if (strlen($switch_account_code)) $this->accountcode=$switch_account_code; //$xml.=$this->generate_xml(1); $one_row = new fs_directory(); $one_row->import_sql($row); //make a new object to flush ghost rows. And we can call this as static. if (strlen($switch_account_code)) { $one_row->accountcode = $switch_account_code; } $xml .= $one_row->generate_xml(false); if (!$extension_xml_condensed) { $xml .= "</include>\n"; fwrite($fout, $xml); unset($xml); fclose($fout); } } } unset($prep_statement); if ($extension_xml_condensed) { $xml .= "</include>\n"; fwrite($fout, $xml); unset($xml); fclose($fout); } //define the group members $xml = "<!--\n"; $xml .= "\tNOTICE NOTICE NOTICE NOTICE NOTICE NOTICE NOTICE NOTICE NOTICE NOTICE\n"; $xml .= "\n"; $xml .= "\tFreeSWITCH works off the concept of users and domains just like email.\n"; $xml .= "\tYou have users that are in domains for example\n"; $xml .= "\n"; $xml .= "\tWhen freeswitch gets a register packet it looks for the user in the directory\n"; $xml .= "\tbased on the from or to domain in the packet depending on how your sofia profile\n"; $xml .= "\tis configured. Out of the box the default domain will be the IP address of the\n"; $xml .= "\tmachine running FreeSWITCH. This IP can be found by typing \"sofia status\" at the\n"; $xml .= "\tCLI. You will register your phones to the IP and not the hostname by default.\n"; $xml .= "\tIf you wish to register using the domain please open vars.xml in the root conf\n"; $xml .= "\tdirectory and set the default domain to the hostname you desire. Then you would\n"; $xml .= "\tuse the domain name in the client instead of the IP address to register\n"; $xml .= "\twith FreeSWITCH.\n"; $xml .= "\n"; $xml .= "\tNOTICE NOTICE NOTICE NOTICE NOTICE NOTICE NOTICE NOTICE NOTICE NOTICE\n"; $xml .= "-->\n"; $xml .= "\n"; $xml .= "<include>\n"; $xml .= "\t<!--the domain or ip (the right hand side of the @ in the addr-->\n"; if ($extension_dir_name == "default") { $xml .= "\t<domain name=\"\$\${domain}\">\n"; } else { $xml .= "\t<domain name=\"" . $extension_dir_name . "\">\n"; } $xml .= "\t\t<params>\n"; //$xml .= " <param name=\"dial-string\" value=\"{sip_invite_domain=\${domain_name},presence_id=\${dialed_user}@\${dialed_domain}}\${sofia_contact(\${dialed_user}@\${dialed_domain})}\"/>\n"; $xml .= "\t\t</params>\n"; $xml .= "\n"; $xml .= "\t\t<variables>\n"; $xml .= "\t\t\t<variable name=\"record_stereo\" value=\"true\"/>\n"; $xml .= "\t\t\t<variable name=\"default_gateway\" value=\"\$\${default_provider}\"/>\n"; $xml .= "\t\t\t<variable name=\"default_areacode\" value=\"\$\${default_areacode}\"/>\n"; $xml .= "\t\t\t<variable name=\"transfer_fallback_extension\" value=\"operator\"/>\n"; $xml .= "\t\t\t<variable name=\"export_vars\" value=\"domain_name\"/>\n"; $xml .= "\t\t</variables>\n"; $xml .= "\n"; $xml .= "\t\t<groups>\n"; $xml .= "\t\t\t<group name=\"" . $extension_dir_name . "\">\n"; $xml .= "\t\t\t<users>\n"; $xml .= "\t\t\t\t<X-PRE-PROCESS cmd=\"include\" data=\"" . $extension_dir_name . "/*.xml\"/>\n"; $xml .= "\t\t\t</users>\n"; $xml .= "\t\t\t</group>\n"; $xml .= "\n"; $previous_call_group = ""; foreach ($call_group_array as $key => $value) { $call_group = $key; $extension_list = $value; if (strlen($call_group) > 0) { if ($previous_call_group != $call_group) { $xml .= "\t\t\t<group name=\"{$call_group}\">\n"; $xml .= "\t\t\t\t<users>\n"; $xml .= "\t\t\t\t\t<!--\n"; $xml .= "\t\t\t\t\ttype=\"pointer\" is a pointer so you can have the\n"; $xml .= "\t\t\t\t\tsame user in multiple groups. It basically means\n"; $xml .= "\t\t\t\t\tto keep searching for the user in the directory.\n"; $xml .= "\t\t\t\t\t-->\n"; $extension_array = explode(",", $extension_list); foreach ($extension_array as &$tmp_extension) { $xml .= "\t\t\t\t\t<user id=\"{$tmp_extension}\" type=\"pointer\"/>\n"; } $xml .= "\t\t\t\t</users>\n"; $xml .= "\t\t\t</group>\n"; $xml .= "\n"; } $previous_call_group = $call_group; } unset($call_group); } $xml .= "\t\t</groups>\n"; $xml .= "\n"; $xml .= "\t</domain>\n"; $xml .= "</include>"; //remove invalid characters from the file names $extension_dir_name = str_replace(" ", "_", $extension_dir_name); $extension_dir_name = preg_replace("/[\\*\\:\\/\\<\\>\\|\\'\"\\?]/", "", $extension_dir_name); //write the xml file $fout = fopen($extension_parent_dir . "/" . $extension_dir_name . ".xml", "w"); fwrite($fout, $xml); unset($xml); fclose($fout); //syncrhonize the phone directory sync_directory(); //apply settings reminder $_SESSION["reload_xml"] = true; //call reloadxml direct //$cmd = "api reloadxml"; //event_socket_request_cmd($cmd); //unset($cmd); }
$tmp .= "\t\t//console_log( \"info\", \"last name: \" + result_array[i]['last_name'] + \"\\n\" );\n"; $tmp .= "\t\t//console_log( \"info\", \"extension: \" + result_array[i]['extension'] + \"\\n\" );\n"; $tmp .= "\n"; $tmp .= "\t\t//if 1 is pressed then transfer the call\n"; $tmp .= "\t\tdtmf.digits = session.getDigits(1, \"#\", 3000);\n"; $tmp .= "\t\tif (dtmf.digits == \"1\") {\n"; $tmp .= "\t\t\tconsole_log( \"info\", \"directory: call transfered to: \" + result_array[i]['extension'] + \"\\n\" );\n"; $tmp .= "\t\t\tsession.execute(\"transfer\", result_array[i]['extension']+\" XML default\");\n"; $tmp .= "\t\t}\n"; $tmp .= "\n"; $tmp .= "\t}\n"; $tmp .= "}\n"; $tmp .= "\n"; $tmp .= "\n"; $tmp .= "if ( session.ready() ) {\n"; $tmp .= "\tsession.answer();\n"; $tmp .= "\tsearch_type = \"last_name\";\n"; $tmp .= "\tdirectory_search(search_type);\n"; $tmp .= "\tsession.hangup(\"NORMAL_CLEARING\");\n"; $tmp .= "}\n"; $tmp .= ""; //write the file $fout = fopen($v_scripts_dir . "/directory.js", "w"); fwrite($fout, $tmp); fclose($fout); } //end sync_directory } //end if function exists sync_directory();
function sync_package_v_extensions() { global $config; $v_settings_array = v_settings(); foreach ($v_settings_array as $name => $value) { ${$name} = $value; } //determine the extensions parent directory //$v_extensions_dir = str_replace("\\", "/", $file_contents); $v_extensions_dir_array = explode("/", $v_extensions_dir); $extension_parent_dir = ""; $x = 1; foreach ($v_extensions_dir_array as $tmp_dir) { if (count($v_extensions_dir_array) > $x) { $extension_parent_dir .= $tmp_dir . "/"; } else { $extension_dir_name = $tmp_dir; } $x++; } $extension_parent_dir = rtrim($extension_parent_dir, "/"); // delete all old extensions to prepare for new ones if ($dh = opendir($v_extensions_dir)) { $files = array(); while ($file = readdir($dh)) { if ($file != "." && $file != ".." && $file[0] != '.') { if (is_dir($dir . "/" . $file)) { //this is a directory do nothing } else { //check if file is an extension; verify the file numeric and the extension is xml $file_array = explode(".", $file); if (is_numeric($file_array[0]) && $file_array[count($file_array) - 1] == "xml") { //echo "name: ".$file_array[0]."<br />\n"; //echo "file: ".$file."<br/>\n"; unlink($v_extensions_dir . "/" . $file); } } } } closedir($dh); } global $db, $v_id; $sql = ""; $sql .= "select * from v_extensions "; $sql .= "where v_id = '{$v_id}' "; $sql .= "order by callgroup asc "; $prepstatement = $db->prepare(check_sql($sql)); $prepstatement->execute(); $i = 0; while ($row = $prepstatement->fetch()) { $callgroup = $row['callgroup']; $callgroup = str_replace(";", ",", $callgroup); $tmp_array = explode(",", $callgroup); foreach ($tmp_array as &$tmp_callgroup) { if (strlen($tmp_callgroup) > 0) { if (strlen($callgroups_array[$tmp_callgroup]) == 0) { $callgroups_array[$tmp_callgroup] = $row['extension']; } else { $callgroups_array[$tmp_callgroup] = $callgroups_array[$tmp_callgroup] . ',' . $row['extension']; } } $i++; } $vm_password = $row['vm_password']; $vm_password = str_replace("#", "", $vm_password); //preserves leading zeros //echo "enabled: ".$row['enabled']; if ($row['enabled'] != "false") { $fout = fopen($v_extensions_dir . "/" . $row['extension'] . ".xml", "w"); $tmpxml = "<include>\n"; if (strlen($row['cidr']) == 0) { $tmpxml .= " <user id=\"" . $row['extension'] . "\">\n"; } else { $tmpxml .= " <user id=\"" . $row['extension'] . "\" cidr=\"" . $row['cidr'] . "\">\n"; } $tmpxml .= " <params>\n"; $tmpxml .= " <param name=\"password\" value=\"" . $row['password'] . "\"/>\n"; $tmpxml .= " <param name=\"vm-password\" value=\"" . $vm_password . "\"/>\n"; if (strlen($row['vm_mailto']) > 0) { $tmpxml .= " <param name=\"vm-email-all-messages\" value=\"true\"/>\n"; switch ($row['vm_attach_file']) { case "true": $tmpxml .= " <param name=\"vm-attach-file\" value=\"true\"/>\n"; break; case "false": $tmpxml .= " <param name=\"vm-attach-file\" value=\"false\"/>\n"; break; default: $tmpxml .= " <param name=\"vm-attach-file\" value=\"true\"/>\n"; } switch ($row['vm_keep_local_after_email']) { case "true": $tmpxml .= " <param name=\"vm-keep-local-after-email\" value=\"true\"/>\n"; break; case "false": $tmpxml .= " <param name=\"vm-keep-local-after-email\" value=\"false\"/>\n"; break; default: $tmpxml .= " <param name=\"vm-keep-local-after-email\" value=\"true\"/>\n"; } $tmpxml .= " <param name=\"vm-mailto\" value=\"" . $row['vm_mailto'] . "\"/>\n"; } if (strlen($row['auth-acl']) > 0) { $tmpxml .= " <param name=\"auth-acl\" value=\"" . $row['auth_acl'] . "\"/>\n"; } $tmpxml .= " </params>\n"; $tmpxml .= " <variables>\n"; $tmpxml .= " <variable name=\"toll_allow\" value=\"domestic,international,local\"/>\n"; $tmpxml .= " <variable name=\"accountcode\" value=\"" . $row['accountcode'] . "\"/>\n"; $tmpxml .= " <variable name=\"user_context\" value=\"" . $row['user_context'] . "\"/>\n"; if (strlen($row['effective_caller_id_number']) > 0) { $tmpxml .= " <variable name=\"effective_caller_id_name\" value=\"" . $row['effective_caller_id_name'] . "\"/>\n"; $tmpxml .= " <variable name=\"effective_caller_id_number\" value=\"" . $row['effective_caller_id_number'] . "\"/>\n"; } if (strlen($row['outbound_caller_id_number']) > 0) { $tmpxml .= " <variable name=\"outbound_caller_id_name\" value=\"" . $row['outbound_caller_id_name'] . "\"/>\n"; $tmpxml .= " <variable name=\"outbound_caller_id_number\" value=\"" . $row['outbound_caller_id_number'] . "\"/>\n"; } if (strlen($row['sip_force_contact']) > 0) { $tmpxml .= " <variable name=\"sip-force-contact\" value=\"" . $row['sip_force_contact'] . "\"/>\n"; } $tmpxml .= " </variables>\n"; $tmpxml .= " </user>\n"; $tmpxml .= "</include>\n"; fwrite($fout, $tmpxml); unset($tmpxml); fclose($fout); } } unset($prepstatement); //echo $tmpxml; //define the group members $tmpxml = "<!--\n"; $tmpxml .= "\tNOTICE NOTICE NOTICE NOTICE NOTICE NOTICE NOTICE NOTICE NOTICE NOTICE\n"; $tmpxml .= "\n"; $tmpxml .= "\tFreeSWITCH works off the concept of users and domains just like email.\n"; $tmpxml .= "\tYou have users that are in domains for example\n"; $tmpxml .= "\n"; $tmpxml .= "\tWhen freeswitch gets a register packet it looks for the user in the directory\n"; $tmpxml .= "\tbased on the from or to domain in the packet depending on how your sofia profile\n"; $tmpxml .= "\tis configured. Out of the box the default domain will be the IP address of the\n"; $tmpxml .= "\tmachine running FreeSWITCH. This IP can be found by typing \"sofia status\" at the\n"; $tmpxml .= "\tCLI. You will register your phones to the IP and not the hostname by default.\n"; $tmpxml .= "\tIf you wish to register using the domain please open vars.xml in the root conf\n"; $tmpxml .= "\tdirectory and set the default domain to the hostname you desire. Then you would\n"; $tmpxml .= "\tuse the domain name in the client instead of the IP address to register\n"; $tmpxml .= "\twith FreeSWITCH.\n"; $tmpxml .= "\n"; $tmpxml .= "\tNOTICE NOTICE NOTICE NOTICE NOTICE NOTICE NOTICE NOTICE NOTICE NOTICE\n"; $tmpxml .= "-->\n"; $tmpxml .= "\n"; $tmpxml .= "<include>\n"; $tmpxml .= "\t<!--the domain or ip (the right hand side of the @ in the addr-->\n"; $tmpxml .= "\t<domain name=\"\$\${domain}\">\n"; $tmpxml .= "\t\t<params>\n"; $tmpxml .= "\t\t\t<param name=\"dial-string\" value=\"{presence_id=\${dialed_user}@\${dialed_domain}}\${sofia_contact(\${dialed_user}@\${dialed_domain})}\"/>\n"; $tmpxml .= "\t\t</params>\n"; $tmpxml .= "\n"; $tmpxml .= "\t\t<variables>\n"; $tmpxml .= "\t\t\t<variable name=\"record_stereo\" value=\"true\"/>\n"; $tmpxml .= "\t\t\t<variable name=\"default_gateway\" value=\"\$\${default_provider}\"/>\n"; $tmpxml .= "\t\t\t<variable name=\"default_areacode\" value=\"\$\${default_areacode}\"/>\n"; $tmpxml .= "\t\t\t<variable name=\"transfer_fallback_extension\" value=\"operator\"/>\n"; $tmpxml .= "\t\t</variables>\n"; $tmpxml .= "\n"; $tmpxml .= "\t\t<groups>\n"; $tmpxml .= "\t\t\t<group name=\"" . $extension_dir_name . "\">\n"; $tmpxml .= "\t\t\t<users>\n"; $tmpxml .= "\t\t\t\t<X-PRE-PROCESS cmd=\"include\" data=\"" . $extension_dir_name . "/*.xml\"/>\n"; $tmpxml .= "\t\t\t</users>\n"; $tmpxml .= "\t\t\t</group>\n"; $tmpxml .= "\n"; $previous_callgroup = ""; foreach ($callgroups_array as $key => $value) { $callgroup = $key; $extension_list = $value; if (strlen($callgroup) > 0) { if ($previous_callgroup != $callgroup) { $tmpxml .= "\t\t\t<group name=\"{$callgroup}\">\n"; $tmpxml .= "\t\t\t\t<users>\n"; $tmpxml .= "\t\t\t\t\t<!--\n"; $tmpxml .= "\t\t\t\t\ttype=\"pointer\" is a pointer so you can have the\n"; $tmpxml .= "\t\t\t\t\tsame user in multiple groups. It basically means\n"; $tmpxml .= "\t\t\t\t\tto keep searching for the user in the directory.\n"; $tmpxml .= "\t\t\t\t\t-->\n"; $extension_array = explode(",", $extension_list); foreach ($extension_array as &$tmp_extension) { $tmpxml .= "\t\t\t\t\t<user id=\"{$tmp_extension}\" type=\"pointer\"/>\n"; } $tmpxml .= "\t\t\t\t</users>\n"; $tmpxml .= "\t\t\t</group>\n"; $tmpxml .= "\n"; } $previous_callgroup = $callgroup; } unset($callgroup); } $tmpxml .= "\t\t</groups>\n"; $tmpxml .= "\n"; $tmpxml .= "\t</domain>\n"; $tmpxml .= "</include>"; $fout = fopen($extension_parent_dir . "/" . $extension_dir_name . ".xml", "w"); fwrite($fout, $tmpxml); unset($tmpxml); fclose($fout); //syncrhonize the phone directory sync_directory(); $cmd = "api reloadxml"; //event_socket_request_cmd($cmd); unset($cmd); }