break; case 2: $obj[$i] = new TextInput($mlist[$i][2], "meta", "VALUE", "MID = " . $mlist[$i][0], "type:textarea,size:3,width:300"); break; case 3: $obj[$i] = new TextInput($mlist[$i][2], "meta", "VALUE", "MID = " . $mlist[$i][0], "type:color,param:form1"); break; } if (isset($obj[$i])) { $metaPanel->add($obj[$i]); } } $specialID = ""; } } syncMetas($clnid, "CLUSTER"); $std = 0; $add = getDBCell("cluster_templates", "MT_ID", "CLT_ID = " . $clt); draw_metaInput($lang->get("mt_base"), $std); draw_metaInput($lang->get("mt_additional"), $add); //$editbar = new ButtonBar("edtbar", "informationheader"); //$editbar->add("action", $lang->get("save")); //$editbar->add("reset", $lang->get("reset"), "reset"); if ($isArticle) { $editbar = new FormButtons(); } else { $editbar = new FormButtons(true, true); } $metaPanel->add(new Cell("clc", "white", 617, 1, 2)); $metaPanel->add(new Hidden("view", $view)); $metaPanel->add(new Hidden("processing", "yes"));
function prepare() { global $specialID, $lang, $db; syncMetas($this->oid, "OBJECT"); //checking, if there are any items in the template. $sql = "SELECT COUNT(MTI_ID) AS ANZ FROM meta_template_items WHERE MT_ID =" . $this->template_id; $query = new query($db, $sql); $query->getrow(); $amount = $query->field("ANZ"); if ($amount > 0) { $this->add(new Subtitle("st", $lang->get("edit_meta", "Edit Meta-Data"))); $sql = "SELECT m.MID AS D1, t.MTYPE_ID AS D2, t.NAME AS D3 FROM meta_template_items t, meta m WHERE m.MTI_ID = t.MTI_ID AND m.CID = " . $this->oid . " AND m.DELETED=0 AND t.MT_ID = " . $this->template_id . " ORDER BY t.POSITION ASC"; $query = new query($db, $sql); $mlist = null; $counter = 0; while ($query->getrow()) { // save the list, so that it will not go lost. $mlist[$counter][0] = $query->field("D1"); $mlist[$counter][1] = $query->field("D2"); $mlist[$counter][2] = $query->field("D3"); $counter++; } // add the metainput fields. for ($i = 0; $i < $counter; $i++) { $specialID = $mlist[$i][0]; // dispatch type. switch ($mlist[$i][1]) { case 1: $obj[$i] = new TextInput($mlist[$i][2], "meta", "VALUE", "MID = " . $mlist[$i][0], "type:text,size:64,width:300"); break; case 2: $obj[$i] = new TextInput($mlist[$i][2], "meta", "VALUE", "MID = " . $mlist[$i][0], "type:textarea,size:3,width:300"); break; case 3: $obj[$i] = new TextInput($mlist[$i][2], "meta", "VALUE", "MID = " . $mlist[$i][0], "type:color,param:form1"); break; } if (isset($obj[$i])) $this->add($obj[$i]); } $specialID = ""; } return $this->cells; }
/** * Draws the presentation or edit-fields in the body. */ function draw_myBody() { global $lang; $module = getDBCell("content", "MODULE_ID", "CID = " . $this->oid); if ($this->editor == $lang->get("ed_meta")) { // edit meta information syncMetas($this->oid, "OBJECT"); $std = 0; $mod = getDBCell("modules", "MT_ID", "MODULE_ID = $module"); $add = getDBCell("content", "MT_ID", "CID = " . $this->oid); $this->draw_metaInput($lang->get("mt_base"), $std); $this->draw_metaInput($lang->get("mt_module"), $mod); $this->draw_metaInput($lang->get("mt_additional"), $add); } else { // edit content includePGNSource ($module); $fkid = getDBCell("content_variations", "FK_ID", "CID = $this->oid AND VARIATION_ID = $this->variation"); $this->contentObject = createPGNRef($module, $fkid); // dispatching between preview and editing mode. global $editvariation, $updatevariation; if (isset($editvariation) || isset($updatevariation)) { global $page_state, $specialID; if (isset($editvariation)) $page_state = "start"; $this->add(new FormSplitter($lang->get("o_edit"). "<i> " . $this->title . "</i>", "i_edit.gif")); $specialID = $fkid; $this->contentObject->edit($this); $specialID = ""; $container = new HTMLContainer("container", "informationheader", 1); $container->add("<input type=\"SUBMIT\" name=\"updatevariation\" value=\"" . $lang->get("commit"). "\">"); $container->add("<input type=\"SUBMIT\" name=\"preview\" value=\"" . $lang->get("preview"). "\">"); $this->add($container); $this->add(new ButtonInCell("reset", $lang->get("reset"), "informationheader", "RESET")); } else { $this->add(new FormSplitter($lang->get("o_preview"). "<i>" . $this->title . "</i>", "i_edit.gif")); $this->add(new ButtonInCell("editvariation", $lang->get("o_edit"), "informationheader", "SUBMIT", "", 2)); $this->add(new Label("preview", $this->contentObject->preview(), "standardlight", 2)); $this->add(new ButtonInCell("editvariation", $lang->get("o_edit"), "informationheader", "SUBMIT", "", 2)); } } }