function createStationDataHTMLRows(StationJob $station, Expo $expo, $formName, $isDisabledFlag = TRUE) { if (is_null($station) || is_null($expo)) { return; } if (!is_null($station->startTime)) { $_POST[PARAM_DATE] = htmlspecialchars(swwat_format_isodate($station->startTime)); $_POST[PARAM_STARTHOUR] = htmlspecialchars(swwat_format_isotime($station->startTime)); $_POST[PARAM_STARTTIME] = htmlspecialchars(swwat_format_isodatetime($station->startTime)); } else { $_POST[PARAM_DATE] = htmlspecialchars($station->startTime); $_POST[PARAM_STARTHOUR] = htmlspecialchars($station->startTime); $_POST[PARAM_STARTTIME] = htmlspecialchars($station->startTime); } if (!is_null($station->stopTime)) { $_POST[PARAM_STOPHOUR] = htmlspecialchars(swwat_format_isotime($station->stopTime)); $_POST[PARAM_STOPTIME] = htmlspecialchars(swwat_format_isodatetime($station->stopTime)); } else { $_POST[PARAM_STOPHOUR] = htmlspecialchars($station->stopTime); $_POST[PARAM_STOPTIME] = htmlspecialchars($station->stopTime); } $_POST[PARAM_LOCATION] = htmlspecialchars($station->location); $_POST[PARAM_INSTRUCTION] = htmlspecialchars($station->instruction); $_POST[PARAM_DESCRIPTION] = htmlspecialchars($station->description); $_POST[PARAM_TITLE] = htmlspecialchars($station->title); $_POST[PARAM_EXPOSTART] = htmlspecialchars(date_format($expo->startTime, 'l j, F Y')); $_POST[PARAM_EXPOSTOP] = htmlspecialchars(date_format($expo->stopTime, 'l j, F Y')); echo '<tr style="display:none"><td><input type="hidden" id="' . PARAM_EXPOSTART . '" name="' . PARAM_EXPOSTART . '" value="', $_POST[PARAM_EXPOSTART], '"/></td></tr>' . "\n"; echo '<tr style="display:none"><td><input type="hidden" id="' . PARAM_EXPOSTOP . '" name="' . PARAM_EXPOSTOP . '" value="', $_POST[PARAM_EXPOSTOP], '"/></td></tr>' . "\n"; echo " <tr><td class='fieldTitle'>Title:</td>\n<td>"; swwat_createInputValidateLength(PARAM_TITLE, $formName, 'titleCheck', 255, $isDisabledFlag); echo "</td></tr>\n"; echo " <tr><td class='fieldTitle'>Description:</td>\n<td>"; swwat_createInputValidateLength(PARAM_DESCRIPTION, $formName, 'descriptionCheck', 2048, $isDisabledFlag); echo "</td></tr>\n"; echo " <tr><td class='fieldTitle'>Location:</td>\n<td>"; swwat_createInputValidateLength(PARAM_LOCATION, $formName, 'locationCheck', 255, $isDisabledFlag); echo "</td></tr>\n"; echo " <tr><td class='fieldTitle'>Instruction:</td>\n<td>"; swwat_createInputValidateLength(PARAM_INSTRUCTION, $formName, 'instructionCheck', 255, $isDisabledFlag); echo "</td></tr>\n"; echo " <tr><td class='fieldTitle'>Date:</td>\n<td>"; echo ' <input type="text" id="', PARAM_DATE, '" name="', PARAM_DATE, '" value="', $_POST[PARAM_DATE], '" size="25" '; if ($isDisabledFlag) { echo ' disabled="disabled" '; } echo "/></td></tr>\n"; echo " <tr><td class='fieldTitle'>Start Time:</td>\n<td>"; swwat_createInputValidateLength(PARAM_STARTHOUR, $formName, 'starthourCheck', 11, $isDisabledFlag); echo "</td></tr>\n"; echo " <tr><td class='fieldTitle'>Stop Time:</td>\n<td>"; swwat_createInputValidateLength(PARAM_STOPHOUR, $formName, 'stophourCheck', 11, $isDisabledFlag); echo "</td></tr>\n"; }
function makeShiftStatusDataHTMLRows($sm, $k, $l, $formName, $isDisabledFlag) { if (!is_null($sm)) { $_POST[PARAM_STATUSID] = htmlspecialchars($sm->shiftstatusid); $_POST[PARAM_STATUSDATE] = htmlspecialchars(swwat_format_isodate($sm->statusTime)); $_POST[PARAM_STATUSHOUR] = htmlspecialchars(swwat_format_isotime($sm->statusTime)); $_POST[PARAM_STATUSTYPE] = htmlspecialchars($sm->statusType); } else { $_POST[PARAM_STATUSID] = NULL; $_POST[PARAM_STATUSDATE] = NULL; $_POST[PARAM_STATUSHOUR] = NULL; if ($l == 0) { $_POST[PARAM_STATUSTYPE] = "CHECK_IN"; } else { if ($l == 1) { $_POST[PARAM_STATUSTYPE] = "CHECK_OUT"; } } } if ($l == 0) { echo "<tr>\n"; } echo "<td>\n"; if ($isDisabledFlag) { $disabled = "disabled=\"disabled\" "; } else { $disabled = ""; } echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"" . PARAM_STATUSID . "[]\" value=\"" . $_POST[PARAM_STATUSID] . "\" " . $disabled . "/>\n"; echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"" . PARAM_STATUSDATE . "[]\" value=\"" . $_POST[PARAM_STATUSDATE] . "\" " . $disabled . "/>\n"; echo "<input type=\"text\" name=\"" . PARAM_STATUSHOUR . "[]\" value=\"" . $_POST[PARAM_STATUSHOUR] . "\" " . $disabled . "/>\n"; echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"" . PARAM_STATUSTYPE . "[]\" value=\"" . $_POST[PARAM_STATUSTYPE] . "\" " . $disabled . "/>\n"; echo "</td>\n"; if ($l == 1) { echo "</tr>\n"; } }
/** * This method updates a calculated desire; * use updateRaw for raw desires. * * @param $dbh is the PDOConnection this transaction is a part of * @throws PDOException */ public static function updateCalculated(PDO $dbh, $desirePercent, $expoId, $workerId, $location, DateTime $stationDate, DateTime $startTime, DateTime $stopTime) { // validation check if (!is_null($desirePercent)) { if ($desirePercent > 100.0) { $desirePercent = 100.0; } if ($desirePercent < 0.0) { $desirePercent = 0.0; } $desirePercent = round($desirePercent); } $sql = GROSSPREF_UPDATE_STATION; $params = array($desirePercent, $expoId, $workerId, $location, swwat_format_isodate($stationDate), swwat_format_isotime($startTime), swwat_format_isotime($stopTime)); // now onto the update $stmt = $dbh->prepare($sql); return $stmt->execute($params); }