function supernova_footer_text()
     global $supernova_options;
     if (trim($supernova_options['footer-text']) == '') {
         return ' ' . supernova_copyright_custom_date() . bloginfo('name');
     } else {
         return ' ' . esc_html($supernova_options['footer-text']);
Esempio n. 2
$supernova_defaults[] = array('label' => __('Excerpt Length', 'Supernova'), 'type' => 'range-slider', 'desc' => '', 'name' => 'slider-excerpt-length', 'default' => '', 'tab' => __('Slider Settings', 'Supernova'), 'parent' => __('Slider', 'Supernova'), 'max' => 150, 'min' => 5, 'default' => 32);
$supernova_defaults[] = array('label' => __('Heading Length', 'Supernova'), 'type' => 'range-slider', 'desc' => '', 'name' => 'slider-heading-length', 'default' => '', 'tab' => __('Slider Settings', 'Supernova'), 'parent' => __('Slider', 'Supernova'), 'max' => 250, 'min' => 5, 'default' => 48);
/* SOCIAL */
$supernova_defaults[] = array('label' => 'Facebook', 'type' => 'links', 'desc' => __('Add Link to Show Icon', 'Supernova'), 'name' => 'facebook-link', 'image' => SUPERNOVA_ROOT_ADMIN . 'images/facebook.gif', 'placeholder' => '', 'default' => '', 'tab' => __('Social', 'Supernova'));
$supernova_defaults[] = array('label' => 'Twitter', 'type' => 'links', 'desc' => __('Add Link to Show Icon', 'Supernova'), 'name' => 'twitter-link', 'image' => SUPERNOVA_ROOT_ADMIN . 'images/twitter.gif', 'placeholder' => '', 'default' => '', 'tab' => __('Social', 'Supernova'));
$supernova_defaults[] = array('label' => 'Goolge +1', 'type' => 'links', 'desc' => __('Add Link to Show Icon', 'Supernova'), 'name' => 'google-link', 'image' => SUPERNOVA_ROOT_ADMIN . 'images/google_plus.gif', 'placeholder' => '', 'default' => '', 'tab' => __('Social', 'Supernova'));
$supernova_defaults[] = array('label' => 'RSS', 'type' => 'links', 'desc' => __('Add Link to Show Icon', 'Supernova'), 'name' => 'rss-link', 'image' => SUPERNOVA_ROOT_ADMIN . 'images/rss.gif', 'placeholder' => '', 'default' => '', 'tab' => __('Social', 'Supernova'));
$supernova_defaults[] = array('label' => 'You Tube', 'type' => 'links', 'desc' => __('Add Link to Show Icon', 'Supernova'), 'name' => 'youtube-link', 'image' => SUPERNOVA_ROOT_ADMIN . 'images/youtube.gif', 'placeholder' => '', 'default' => '', 'tab' => __('Social', 'Supernova'));
$supernova_defaults[] = array('label' => 'Linkedin', 'type' => 'links', 'desc' => __('Add Link to Show Icon', 'Supernova'), 'name' => 'linkedin-link', 'image' => SUPERNOVA_ROOT_ADMIN . 'images/linkedin.gif', 'placeholder' => '', 'default' => '', 'tab' => __('Social', 'Supernova'));
$supernova_defaults[] = array('label' => __('Icon Color', 'Supernova') . '<br></br>', 'type' => 'radio-image', 'desc' => __('Will change Icon colors, you would need it if you use a light background color for footer', 'Supernova'), 'radio-classes' => array('scheme_two', 'scheme_two'), 'radio-images' => array(SUPERNOVA_ROOT_ADMIN . 'images/facebook-icon-off.png', SUPERNOVA_ROOT_ADMIN . 'images/facebook-icon.png'), 'name' => 'icon-color', 'default' => 1, 'tab' => __('Icon Colors', 'Supernova'), 'parent' => __('Social', 'Supernova'));
$supernova_defaults[] = array('label' => __('Footer Text', 'Supernova'), 'type' => 'text', 'desc' => __('Will replace the footer text', 'Supernova'), 'image' => 'arrow.png', 'name' => 'footer-text', 'placeholder' => 'Copyright text', 'default' => supernova_copyright_custom_date() . get_bloginfo('name'), 'tab' => __('Advanced', 'Supernova'));
$supernova_defaults[] = array('label' => __('Latest Blog Text', 'Supernova'), 'type' => 'text', 'desc' => __('Changes latest blog text on the home page. To Translate this text emtpy this field and then translate it from translation file.', 'Supernova'), 'image' => 'arrow.png', 'name' => 'latest-blog', 'placeholder' => 'Latest Blog', 'default' => __('Latest Blogs', 'Supernova'), 'tab' => __('Popular/Recommended', 'Supernova'), 'parent' => __('Advanced', 'Supernova'));
$supernova_defaults[] = array('label' => __('Popular Text', 'Supernova'), 'type' => 'text', 'desc' => __('Changes popular text on the home page. To Translate this text emtpy this field and then translate it from translation file.', 'Supernova'), 'image' => 'arrow.png', 'name' => 'popular-text', 'placeholder' => 'Will replace the popular text', 'default' => __('Popular Posts', 'Supernova'), 'tab' => __('Popular/Recommended', 'Supernova'), 'parent' => __('Advanced', 'Supernova'));
$supernova_defaults[] = array('label' => __('Recommended Text', 'Supernova'), 'type' => 'text', 'desc' => __('Changes recommended text on the home page. To Translate this text emtpy this field and then translate it from translation file.', 'Supernova'), 'image' => 'arrow.png', 'name' => 'rec-text', 'placeholder' => 'Will replace the recommended text', 'default' => __('Recommended', 'Supernova'), 'tab' => __('Popular/Recommended', 'Supernova'), 'parent' => __('Advanced', 'Supernova'));
$supernova_defaults[] = array('label' => __('Loader Text', 'Supernova'), 'type' => 'text', 'desc' => __('changes loader button text', 'Supernova'), 'image' => 'arrow.png', 'name' => 'loader-text', 'placeholder' => 'Will replace the loader text', 'default' => __('Show More', 'Supernova'), 'tab' => __('Popular/Recommended', 'Supernova'), 'parent' => __('Advanced', 'Supernova'));
$supernova_defaults[] = array('label' => __('Popular Posts Depend on', 'Supernova'), 'type' => 'radio', 'desc' => __('ACTUAL COUNT: This is default. Popular posts are shown depending on the number of visits on each posts, most popular first(i.e. in descending order). NUMBER OF COMMENTS: The popular posts would not be calculated on the actual visits, instead the posts which has the most comments would get precedence. If you use some caching plugin, its possible that the theme is not able to capture the actual counts based on visits, so you can still show popular posts depending on the number of comments. LET ME SELECT: Once this option is selected you would have the freedom to choose the popular posts by yourself. As you select this, one more option would appear right below the recommended post in each post editor. This option can be also be usefull if you want to name it something else like editor\'s pick and show what you want ', 'Supernova'), 'labels' => array(__('Actual Count', 'Supernova'), __('Number of Comments', 'Supernova'), __('Let me select', 'Supernova')), 'classes' => array('actualcount', 'oncomments', 'letmeselect_label'), 'name' => 'poplular-pos-dep', 'default' => 1, 'tab' => __('Popular/Recommended', 'Supernova'), 'parent' => __('Advanced', 'Supernova'));
$supernova_defaults[] = array('label' => __('Ajax Post Loader', 'Supernova'), 'type' => 'checkbox', 'desc' => __('Will remove ajax post loader from pagination', 'Supernova'), 'name' => 'ajax-postloader', 'default' => '', 'tab' => __('Popular/Recommended', 'Supernova'), 'parent' => __('Advanced', 'Supernova'));
$supernova_defaults[] = array('label' => __('Popular Posts', 'Supernova'), 'type' => 'checkbox', 'desc' => __('Will remove popular posts tab from home page', 'Supernova'), 'name' => 'popular-tab', 'default' => '', 'tab' => __('Popular/Recommended', 'Supernova'), 'parent' => __('Advanced', 'Supernova'));
$supernova_defaults[] = array('label' => __('Recommended Posts', 'Supernova'), 'type' => 'checkbox', 'desc' => __('Will remove recommended posts tab from home page', 'Supernova'), 'name' => 'rec-tab', 'default' => '', 'tab' => __('Popular/Recommended', 'Supernova'), 'parent' => __('Advanced', 'Supernova'));
$supernova_defaults[] = array('label' => __('Sidebar on Home Page', 'Supernova'), 'type' => 'checkbox', 'desc' => __('Will make the home page full width and enlarge the slider', 'Supernova'), 'name' => 'nosidebar-home', 'default' => '', 'tab' => __('Advanced', 'Supernova'));
$supernova_defaults[] = array('label' => __('Sticky Navigation', 'Supernova'), 'type' => 'checkbox', 'desc' => __('Will remove stick effect(saves 3Kb)', 'Supernova'), 'name' => 'sticky-nav', 'default' => '', 'tab' => __('Advanced', 'Supernova'));
$supernova_defaults[] = array('label' => __('Dropdown Effect', 'Supernova'), 'type' => 'checkbox', 'desc' => __('Removes the navigation dropdown effect and arrows(saves 14Kb)', 'Supernova'), 'name' => 'disable-nav-effect', 'default' => '', 'tab' => __('Advanced', 'Supernova'));
$supernova_defaults[] = array('label' => __('Manage Meta', 'Supernova'), 'type' => 'select-sortable', 'desc' => __('Manage meta shown below posts', 'Supernova'), 'name' => 'meta-sorting', 'default' => 'Author, Date, Comment', 'tab' => __('Post Settings', 'Supernova'), 'parent' => __('Advanced', 'Supernova'));
$supernova_defaults[] = array('label' => __('All Meta', 'Supernova'), 'type' => 'checkbox', 'desc' => __('Will remove all meta from the post', 'Supernova'), 'name' => 'disable-meta', 'default' => '', 'tab' => __('Post Settings', 'Supernova'), 'parent' => __('Advanced', 'Supernova'));
$supernova_defaults[] = array('label' => __('In Post Listing', 'Supernova'), 'type' => 'radio', 'desc' => __('Will show full content inplace of excerpt', 'Supernova'), 'labels' => array(__('Show Excerpt', 'Supernova'), __('Show Full Content', 'Supernova')), 'name' => 'full-content', 'default' => 1, 'tab' => __('Post Settings', 'Supernova'), 'parent' => __('Advanced', 'Supernova'));
$supernova_defaults[] = array('label' => __('Excerpt Length', 'Supernova'), 'type' => 'range-slider', 'desc' => '', 'name' => 'post-excerpt-length', 'default' => 55, 'tab' => __('Post Settings', 'Supernova'), 'parent' => __('Advanced', 'Supernova'), 'max' => 450, 'min' => 5);