Esempio n. 1
  * @param mixed $value
  * @return mixed
 public function filterValue($value)
     $lengthValue = strlen($value);
     // Calc the number of chars to replace
     $percentage = $this->getConfigPercent();
     // Check if we have to replace anything at all
     if ($percentage == 0) {
         return $value;
     $numReplaceChars = $lengthValue / (100 / $percentage);
     $numReplaceChars = round($numReplaceChars);
     // If there are no chars to be replaced return
     if ($numReplaceChars == 0) {
         return $value;
     // Calc the char pos to start with
     $start = round(($lengthValue - $numReplaceChars) / 2);
     // Generate the mask
     $mask = str_repeat(self::MASK_CHAR, $numReplaceChars);
     if ($numReplaceChars == $lengthValue) {
         $start = 0;
     // Replace the calculated part with mask
     $maskedNumber = substr_replace($value, $mask, $start, $numReplaceChars);
     return $maskedNumber;
Esempio n. 2
 public function script_loader_tag($tag, $handle, $src)
     if (!is_ssl() || $this->is_same_origin($src)) {
         return $tag;
     $parsed_url = wp_parse_url($src);
     // Bad URL.
     if (!isset($parsed_url['host'])) {
         return $tag;
     // @todo Retest google maps... Doesn't seem like it should be a problem.
     // @todo Filterable list of domains to ignore?
     if ('' === $parsed_url['host'] || '' === $parsed_url['host']) {
         return $tag;
     // Null or string.
     if (!($metadata = $this->meta->get($src))) {
         return $tag;
     $integrity_string = sprintf(' integrity="%s" crossorigin="anonymous"', esc_attr($metadata));
      * To insert just after the opening tag.
      * @todo Breaks if you use wp_add_inline_script( '*', '*', 'before' ).
     $pos = 0 === strpos($tag, '<script') ? 7 : 5;
     return substr_replace($tag, $integrity_string, $pos, 0);
Esempio n. 3
 public static function autoload($class)
     $filename = self::_autoloaderClassToFile($class);
     if (!$filename) {
         return false;
     $proLocation = substr_replace(BETTER_ANALYTICS_PLUGIN_DIR, '-pro', -1);
     $allowed = false;
     if (file_exists($proLocation . $filename)) {
         $betterAnalyticsInternal = get_transient('ba_int');
         if (@$betterAnalyticsInternal['v'] || strpos(@$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'], '/plugins.php') !== false || strpos(@$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'], '/tools.php') !== false || $class == 'DigitalPointBetterAnalytics_Helper_Api') {
             $allowed = true;
     if ($allowed) {
         include $proLocation . $filename;
         return class_exists($class, false) || interface_exists($class, false);
     $ecommerceLocation = substr_replace(BETTER_ANALYTICS_PLUGIN_DIR, '-ecommerce', -1);
     if (file_exists($ecommerceLocation . $filename)) {
         include $ecommerceLocation . $filename;
         return class_exists($class, false) || interface_exists($class, false);
     } elseif (file_exists(BETTER_ANALYTICS_PLUGIN_DIR . $filename)) {
         include BETTER_ANALYTICS_PLUGIN_DIR . $filename;
         return class_exists($class, false) || interface_exists($class, false);
Esempio n. 4
function replace_param($string, $data)
     * parse query
    if ($string) {
        while (true) {
            preg_match("\$\\{(.*?)\\}\$", $string, $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE);
            if (!count($matches)) {
            $entry = $matches[0];
            $type = $matches[1][0];
            if (is_array($data)) {
                if (array_key_exists($type, $data)) {
                    $string = substr_replace($string, $data[$type], $entry[1], strlen($entry[0]));
                } else {
                    $string = substr_replace($string, "", $entry[1], strlen($entry[0]));
            } else {
                $string = substr_replace($string, $data, $entry[1], strlen($entry[0]));
    return $string;
Esempio n. 5
	public function postflight(){	
		define('_FM_COM', 'com_profiles');
		if(!defined('DS')) define('DS',DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR);	
		$lang = JFactory::getLanguage();
		$ABSOLUTE_URI = (getenv('HTTPS') == 'on') ? substr_replace( str_replace("http://", "https://", JURI::base() ), '', -1, 1) : substr_replace(JURI::base(), '', -1, 1) . "/";
		define('_FM_HOME_URL', "index.php?option="._FM_COM."&format=raw");
		define('_FM_HOME_DIR', JPATH_ROOT . '/administrator/components/'._FM_COM.'/filemanager');
		define('_FM_LANGUAGE_DIR', _FM_HOME_DIR. DS.'languages');
		define('_FM_COOKIE_EXPIRE', time()+60*60*24*60);
		// Define Peer
		require_once _FM_HOME_DIR . DS . 'classes'.DS.'file.php';
		require_once _FM_HOME_DIR . DS . 'classes'.DS.'text.php';
		require_once _FM_HOME_DIR . DS .'includes'.DS.'version.php';
		$infoTemplates = _FM_HOME_DIR . DS ."languages" . DS . "info";
		$infoPath = $infoTemplates . DS . _MY_LANGUAGE . ".php" ;
			$infoPath = $infoTemplates . DS . "en-GB.php";
		$isWelcome = 1;
		$jed = null;
		require_once $infoPath;
	}  //EOF install
Esempio n. 6
function __autoload($Class)
    $root = str_replace("/", DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']));
    $ClassExtension = $Class . ".class.php";
    /*     * Faz uma listagem de diretórios diretórios.
     * A seguir é feita um verificação em todos os caminhos (arquivos) para
     * confirmar se existe o nome da classe chamada em algum deles.
     * Se for achado a string da $ClassExtension no $file (caminho), será
     * chamado o include_once;
    $root = isset($root) ? $root : '.';
    // Coloque o caminho raiz!
    $root = $root[strlen($root) - 1] == '\\' || $root[strlen($root) - 1] == '/' ? $root : $root . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
    $empytfile = null;
    $car = "*";
    $glob = glob($car, GLOB_MARK);
    while (!empty(glob($car, GLOB_MARK))) {
        if (!empty($FileClass = glob(substr_replace($car, "", -1) . $ClassExtension))) {
            include_once $root . $FileClass[0];
            $empytfile = true;
        $car = $car . "\\*";
    if (!$empytfile) {
        trigger_error("A Classe <b><u>{$Class}</u></b> não existe.", E_USER_ERROR);
Esempio n. 7
  * @param Less_Functions $ctx
 public function compile($ctx)
     $val = $this->value->compile($ctx);
     if (!$this->isEvald) {
         // Add the base path if the URL is relative
         if (Less_Parser::$options['relativeUrls'] && $this->currentFileInfo && is_string($val->value) && Less_Environment::isPathRelative($val->value)) {
             $rootpath = $this->currentFileInfo['uri_root'];
             if (!$val->quote) {
                 $rootpath = preg_replace('/[\\(\\)\'"\\s]/', '\\$1', $rootpath);
             $val->value = $rootpath . $val->value;
         $val->value = Less_Environment::normalizePath($val->value);
     // Add cache buster if enabled
     if (Less_Parser::$options['urlArgs']) {
         if (!preg_match('/^\\s*data:/', $val->value)) {
             $delimiter = strpos($val->value, '?') === false ? '?' : '&';
             $urlArgs = $delimiter . Less_Parser::$options['urlArgs'];
             $hash_pos = strpos($val->value, '#');
             if ($hash_pos !== false) {
                 $val->value = substr_replace($val->value, $urlArgs, $hash_pos, 0);
             } else {
                 $val->value .= $urlArgs;
     return new Less_Tree_URL($val, $this->currentFileInfo, true);
Esempio n. 8
 public function parse($sQuery)
     //Test the query for validity
     $iBracesCounter = 0;
     $iLength = strlen($sQuery);
     for ($i = 0; $i < $iLength; $i++) {
         $cCurrent = substr($sQuery, $i, 1);
         switch ($cCurrent) {
             case "(":
             case ")":
         if ($iBracesCounter < 0) {
             throw new Exception("Error in BooleanParser->parse: query not well-formed");
     if ($iBracesCounter != 0) {
         throw new Exception("Error in BooleanParser->parse: query not well-formed");
     while (strpos($sQuery, "(") !== false) {
         $aBrace = $this->getInnermostBrace($sQuery);
         $sResult = $this->booleanTextForSimpleExpression($aBrace['inner_query']);
         $sQuery = substr_replace($sQuery, $sResult, $aBrace['start'], $aBrace['length']);
     return $this->booleanForSimpleExpression($sQuery);
Esempio n. 9
 public static function list_folder_files($dir)
     $dir_name = $dir;
     if (!functions::is_empty_dir($dir)) {
         $files = scandir($dir, 0);
         $filename = '';
         $filesize = '';
         for ($ctr = 1; $ctr < sizeof($files); $ctr++) {
             if ($files[$ctr] != "." && $files[$ctr] != "..") {
                 /*$folder_files = array(
                       'filename' => $files[$ctr],
                       'filesize' => $this->formatfilesize(filesize($dir.$files[$ctr])),
                 $i = $ctr . ',';
                       $filename .= $files[$ctr].',';
                 if (is_dir($dir . '/' . $files[$ctr])) {
                     $filename .= $files[$ctr] . ' [FOLDER],';
                 } else {
                     $filename .= $files[$ctr] . ',';
                 //$filename .= $files[$ctr].',';
                 //$filesize .= $this->formatfilesize(filesize($dir.$files[$ctr])).',';
         $exploded_i = explode(',', substr_replace($i, '', -1));
         $exploded_filename = explode(',', substr_replace($filename, '', -1));
         $exploded_filesize = explode(',', substr_replace($filesize, '', -1));
         return $exploded_filename;
     } else {
         return array();
 protected function getTokens($code)
     if ($this->lfLineEndings && false !== strpos($code, "\r")) {
         $code = str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $code);
         $code = strtr($code, "\r", "\n");
     if ($this->checkUtf8 && !preg_match('//u', $code)) {
         $this->setError("File encoding is not valid UTF-8", E_USER_WARNING);
     if ($this->stripUtf8Bom && 0 === strncmp($code, "", 3)) {
         // substr_replace() is for mbstring overloading resistance
         $code = substr_replace($code, '', 0, 3);
         $this->setError("Stripping UTF-8 Byte Order Mark", E_USER_NOTICE);
     if ('' === $code) {
         return array();
     $code = parent::getTokens($code);
     // Ensure that the first token is always a T_OPEN_TAG
     if (T_INLINE_HTML === $code[0][0]) {
         $a = $code[0][1];
         $a = "\r" === $a[0] ? isset($a[1]) && "\n" === $a[1] ? '\\r\\n' : '\\r' : ("\n" === $a[0] ? '\\n' : '');
         if ($a) {
             array_unshift($code, array(T_OPEN_TAG, '<?php '), array(T_ECHO, 'echo'), array(T_ENCAPSED_AND_WHITESPACE, "\"{$a}\""), array(T_CLOSE_TAG, '?>'));
         } else {
             array_unshift($code, array(T_OPEN_TAG, '<?php '), array(T_CLOSE_TAG, '?>'));
     // Ensure that the last valid PHP code position is tagged with a T_ENDPHP
     $a = array_pop($code);
     $code[] = T_CLOSE_TAG === $a[0] ? ';' : $a;
     T_INLINE_HTML === $a[0] && ($code[] = array(T_OPEN_TAG, '<?php '));
     $code[] = array(T_ENDPHP, '');
     return $code;
Esempio n. 11
  * Load the file for a class
  * @param   string  $class  The class that will be loaded
  * @return  boolean True on success
 public static function loadClass($class)
     // pre-empt further searching for the named class or interface.
     // do not use autoload, because this method is registered with
     // spl_autoload already.
     if (class_exists($class, false) || interface_exists($class, false)) {
     // if class start with a 'Nooku' it is a Nooku class.
     // create the path and register it with the loader.
     switch (substr($class, 0, 6)) {
         case 'Picman':
             $word = strtolower(preg_replace('/(?<=\\w)([A-Z])/', '_\\1', substr_replace($class, '', 0, 6)));
             $parts = explode('_', $word);
             if (count($parts) > 1) {
                 $path = KInflector::pluralize(array_shift($parts)) . DS . implode(DS, $parts);
             } else {
                 $path = $word;
             if (is_file(dirname(__FILE__) . DS . $path . '.php')) {
                 KLoader::register($class, dirname(__FILE__) . DS . $path . '.php');
     $classes = KLoader::register();
     if (array_key_exists(strtolower($class), $classes)) {
         include $classes[strtolower($class)];
         return true;
     return false;
Esempio n. 12
 private function buildModifiedFile()
     $data = $this->getUnmodifiedFileContent();
     foreach ($this->lintResult->getMessages() as $lint) {
         if (!$lint->isPatchable()) {
         $orig_offset = $this->getCharacterOffset($lint->getLine() - 1);
         $orig_offset += $lint->getChar() - 1;
         $dirty = $this->getDirtyCharacterOffset();
         if ($dirty > $orig_offset) {
         // Adjust the character offset by the delta *after* checking for
         // dirtiness. The dirty character cursor is a cursor on the original file,
         // and should be compared with the patch position in the original file.
         $working_offset = $orig_offset + $this->getCharacterDelta();
         $old_str = $lint->getOriginalText();
         $old_len = strlen($old_str);
         $new_str = $lint->getReplacementText();
         $new_len = strlen($new_str);
         if ($working_offset == strlen($data)) {
             // Temporary hack to work around a destructive hphpi issue, see #451031.
             $data .= $new_str;
         } else {
             $data = substr_replace($data, $new_str, $working_offset, $old_len);
         $this->changeCharacterDelta($new_len - $old_len);
         $this->setDirtyCharacterOffset($orig_offset + $old_len);
         $this->applyMessages[] = $lint;
     $this->modifiedData = $data;
Esempio n. 13
File: Dto.php Progetto: marcyniu/ai
 public function __construct(array $params = null)
     //All child class need to have constant UUID_CLASS_PREFIX to create uuid prefix
     if (!defined(get_class($this) . '::UUID_CLASS_PREFIX')) {
         throw new \Exception("Class " . get_class($this) . " has missing UUID_CLASS_PREFIX constant.");
     //bind array values to class properties
     if ($params) {
         foreach ($params as $key => $value) {
             if (property_exists($this, $key)) {
                 $this->{$key} = $value;
     //Add uuid if not exists for new created object
     if (property_exists($this, 'uuid')) {
         if (!$this->uuid) {
             $uuid = Uuid::uuid4()->toString();
             //Add uuid prefix (defined in UUID_CLASS_PREFIX constant) by replacing first x characters. Where x is prefix length.
             $prefix_length = strlen($this::UUID_CLASS_PREFIX);
             $uuid = substr_replace($uuid, $this::UUID_CLASS_PREFIX, 0, $prefix_length);
             $this->uuid = $uuid;
  * @param string $propertyPath
  * @return string
 private function fixPropertyPath($propertyPath)
     if ($propertyPath[0] != '[') {
         $propertyPath = '[' . substr_replace($propertyPath, ']', strpos($propertyPath, '[') ?: strlen($propertyPath), 0);
     return str_replace('[]', '', $propertyPath);
Esempio n. 15
 function __js_wrap_quote($str, $max_line_length)
     $max_line_length -= 3;
     $inQ = false;
     $esc = 0;
     $lineLen = 0;
     $result = '';
     $chunk = '';
     while (strlen($str) > 0) {
         if (preg_match('/^\\\\[0-7]{3}/i', $str)) {
             $chunk = substr($str, 0, 3);
             $str = substr_replace($str, '', 0, 3);
         } elseif (preg_match('/^\\\\./i', $str)) {
             $chunk = substr($str, 0, 2);
             $str = substr_replace($str, '', 0, 2);
         } else {
             $chunk = substr($str, 0, 1);
             $str = substr_replace($str, '', 0, 1);
         if ($lineLen + strlen($chunk) >= $max_line_length) {
             $result .= '"+' . "\n" . '"';
             $lineLen = 1;
         $lineLen += strlen($chunk);
         $result .= $chunk;
     return $result;
Esempio n. 16
  * Gravatar
  * This function returns the url of a gravatar image.
  * @access	public
  * @return	string
 function Gravatar()
     $this->EE =& get_instance();
     $rating = $this->EE->TMPL->fetch_param('rating');
     $size = $this->EE->TMPL->fetch_param('size');
     $default = $this->EE->TMPL->fetch_param('default');
     $email = $this->EE->TMPL->fetch_param('email');
     $name = $this->EE->TMPL->fetch_param('name');
     if ($email == "" && $name != "") {
         $results = $this->EE->db->query("SELECT email FROM exp_members WHERE screen_name = '" . $this->EE->db->escape_str($name) . "'");
         $results = $results->row('email');
         $email = is_array($results) ? '*****@*****.**' : $results;
     $grav_url = "" . md5(strtolower($email)) . "?";
     if ($size && $size != '') {
         $grav_url .= "s=" . $size . "&";
     if ($rating && $rating != '') {
         $grav_url .= "r=" . $rating . "&";
     if ($default && $default != '') {
         $grav_url .= "d=" . $default . "&";
     $grav_url = substr_replace($grav_url, "", -1);
     $this->return_data = $grav_url;
Esempio n. 17
 protected function _addColumnFilterToCollection($column)
     if ($column->getId() == 'zip') {
         $value = $column->getFilter()->getValue();
         if (!is_numeric($value)) {
             $state = addslashes(strtoupper(substr($value, -2)));
             $city = addslashes(substr_replace($value, "", -4));
             $zipArr = Mage::getModel('urls/cities')->getCityZips($city, $state);
             $field = $column->getFilterIndex() ? $column->getFilterIndex() : $column->getIndex();
             $this->getCollection()->addAttributeToFilter($field, array('in' => $zipArr));
             return $this;
     // Set custom filter for in category flag
     if ($column->getId() == 'in_category') {
         $productIds = $this->_getSelectedProducts();
         if (empty($productIds)) {
             $productIds = 0;
         if ($column->getFilter()->getValue()) {
             $this->getCollection()->addFieldToFilter('entity_id', array('in' => $productIds));
         } elseif (!empty($productIds)) {
             $this->getCollection()->addFieldToFilter('entity_id', array('nin' => $productIds));
     } else {
     return $this;
Esempio n. 18
	 * Combines multiple font-definitions into single definition
	 * @param (string) val: Rule Set
	public function combine( $val ) {
		$storage = $this->storage( $val );

		// Loop through each property check and see if they can be replaced
		foreach ( $this->groupings as $props ) {
			if ( $replace = $this->Combine->searchDefinitions( 'font', $storage, $props ) ) {

		// If replacement string found, run it on all declarations
		if ( $replace ) {
			$pos = 0;
			while ( preg_match( $this->rfont, $val, $match, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE, $pos ) ) {
				if ( ! isset( $storage['line-height'] ) && stripos( $match[ 0 ][ 0 ], 'line-height') === 0 ) {
					$pos = $match[ 0 ][ 1 ] + strlen( $match[ 0 ][ 0 ] ) - 1;
				$colon = strlen( $match[ 1 ][ 0 ] );
				$val = substr_replace( $val, $replace, $match[ 0 ][ 1 ] + $colon, strlen( $match[ 0 ][ 0 ] ) - $colon );
				$pos = $match[ 0 ][ 1 ] + strlen( $replace ) - $colon - 1;
				$replace = '';

		// Return converted val
		return $val;
Esempio n. 19
function sms_board_handle($c_uid, $sms_datetime, $sms_sender, $sms_receiver, $board_keyword, $board_param = '')
    global $web_title, $email_service, $email_footer, $gateway_module, $datetime_now;
    $ok = false;
    if ($sms_sender && $board_keyword && $board_param) {
        // masked sender sets here
        $masked_sender = substr_replace($sms_sender, 'xxxx', -4);
        $db_query = "\n\t    INSERT INTO " . _DB_PREF_ . "_featureBoard_log \n\t    (in_gateway,in_sender,in_masked,in_keyword,in_msg,in_datetime) \n\t    VALUES ('{$gateway_module}','{$sms_sender}','{$masked_sender}','{$board_keyword}','{$board_param}','{$datetime_now}')\n\t";
        if ($cek_ok = @dba_insert_id($db_query)) {
            $db_query1 = "SELECT board_forward_email FROM " . _DB_PREF_ . "_featureBoard WHERE board_keyword='{$board_keyword}'";
            $db_result1 = dba_query($db_query1);
            $db_row1 = dba_fetch_array($db_result1);
            $email = $db_row1['board_forward_email'];
            if ($email) {
                // get name from c_uid's phonebook
                $c_username = uid2username($c_uid);
                $c_name = phonebook_number2name($sms_sender, $c_username);
                $sms_sender = $c_name ? $c_name . ' <' . $sms_sender . '>' : $sms_sender;
                $subject = "[SMSGW-" . $board_keyword . "] " . _('from') . " {$sms_sender}";
                $body = _('Forward WebSMS') . " ({$web_title})\n\n";
                $body .= _('Date and time') . ": {$sms_datetime}\n";
                $body .= _('Sender') . ": {$sms_sender}\n";
                $body .= _('Receiver') . ": {$sms_receiver}\n";
                $body .= _('Keyword') . ": {$board_keyword}\n\n";
                $body .= _('Message') . ":\n{$board_param}\n\n";
                $body .= $email_footer . "\n\n";
                sendmail($email_service, $email, $subject, $body);
            $ok = true;
    return $ok;
 private function applyTransformationsToReachTarget($currentMolecule)
     if ($currentMolecule == $this->molecule) {
         return 0;
     $minSteps = PHP_INT_MAX;
     $transformationsNormalised = [];
     foreach ($this->transformations as $source => $transformationsForSource) {
         foreach ($transformationsForSource as $transformation) {
             $transformationsNormalised[] = ['source' => $source, 'transformation' => $transformation];
     usort($transformationsNormalised, function ($a, $b) {
         return strlen($b['transformation']) - strlen($a['transformation']);
     foreach ($transformationsNormalised as $transformationNormalised) {
         $source = $transformationNormalised['source'];
         $transformation = $transformationNormalised['transformation'];
         for ($offset = 0; ($index = strpos($currentMolecule, $transformation, $offset)) !== false; $offset = $index + 1) {
             if ($minSteps == PHP_INT_MAX || $minSteps < self::$minFoundSoFar) {
                 return $this->applyTransformationsToReachTarget(substr_replace($currentMolecule, $source, $index, strlen($transformation))) + 1;
     return $minSteps;
 public function generate()
     //Get ref file content
     $refFile = __DIR__ . "/ngTableExtendsReference.php";
     if (!file_exists($refFile)) {
         throw new \Exception('The reference file "' . $refFile . '" used to generate a ngTable doean\'t exists!');
     if (!($content = file_get_contents($refFile))) {
         throw new \Exception('The reference file "' . $refFile . '" cannot be read!');
     //Set every thing to generate the file and get infos as namespace..
     $ngTableNameSpace = str_replace('\\Entity', '', $this->metaData->namespace) . '\\NgTable';
     $ngTableDir = $this->kernel->getRootDir() . '/../src/' . $ngTableNameSpace;
     $entityName = explode('\\', $this->metaData->rootEntityName);
     $entityName = end($entityName);
     $ngTableClassName = 'NgTable' . $entityName;
     $ngTableFile = $ngTableDir . '\\' . $ngTableClassName . '.php';
     if (file_exists($ngTableFile)) {
         throw new \Exception('The ngTable already Exists! (' . $ngTableFile . ')');
     if (!file_exists($ngTableDir)) {
         if (!mkdir($ngTableDir, 0777, true)) {
             throw new \Exception('Impossible to create a new directory for generated ngTable!');
     //edit content
     $content = str_replace('/* {{namespace}} */', $ngTableNameSpace, $content);
     $content = str_replace('/* {{className}} */', $ngTableClassName, $content);
     $dateStart = '/* {{DateTimeCallBackStarts}}';
     $dateEnd = '{{DateTimeCallBackEnds}} */';
     $dateTimeRefStart = strpos($content, $dateStart);
     $dateTimeRefEnd = strpos($content, $dateEnd);
     $dateTimeRef = substr($content, $dateTimeRefStart + strlen($dateStart), $dateTimeRefEnd - strlen($dateEnd) - $dateTimeRefStart - 2);
     $content = preg_replace('#\\/\\* \\{\\{DateTimeCallBackStarts[^\\*]+\\*\\/#', '', $content);
     $setRow = '$this';
     $fields = array_merge($this->metaData->fieldMappings, $this->parentMetaData->fieldMappings);
     foreach ($fields as $fieldName => $fieldValues) {
         if ($fieldValues['type'] == 'datetime') {
             $dateTimeRefCustomed = $dateTimeRef;
             $dateTimeRefCustomed = str_replace('keyName', $fieldName, $dateTimeRefCustomed);
             $content = substr_replace($content, $dateTimeRefCustomed, $dateTimeRefStart, 0);
         $type = 'NGTABLE_TEXT';
         if ($fieldValues['type'] == 'integer' || $fieldValues['type'] == 'float' || $fieldValues['type'] == 'smallint' || $fieldValues['type'] == 'bigint') {
             $type = 'NGTABLE_NUMBER';
         $setRow .= "\n\t\t\t->createRow()\n\t\t\t\t->setTitle('" . $fieldName . "')\n\t\t\t\t->setDataKey('" . $fieldName . "')\n\t\t\t\t->setType(ngTableRow::" . $type . ")\n\t\t\t->add()\n\t\t\t";
     $setRow .= ';';
     $setRowPos = strpos($content, '/* {{setRows}} */');
     $content = str_replace('/* {{setRows}} */', '', $content);
     $content = substr_replace($content, $setRow, $setRowPos, 0);
     //save the file
     if (!file_put_contents($ngTableFile, $content)) {
         throw new \Exception('Impossible to create the ngTable file!');
     return "The file '" . $ngTableFile . "' was generate with success.";
Esempio n. 22
function latex_content($text)
    global $config;
    // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // adjust this to match your system configuration
    $latexrender_path = dirname(__FILE__);
    $latexrender_path_http = $config["base_path"] . "/functions/latexrender";
    // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    include_once $latexrender_path . "/class.latexrender.php";
    preg_match_all("#\\[tex\\](.*?)\\[/tex\\]#si", $text, $tex_matches);
    $latex = new LatexRender($latexrender_path . "/pictures", $latexrender_path_http . "/pictures", $latexrender_path . "/tmp");
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($tex_matches[0]); $i++) {
        $pos = strpos($text, $tex_matches[0][$i]);
        $latex_formula = $tex_matches[1][$i];
        // if you use htmlArea to input the text then uncomment the next 6 lines
        $latex_formula = str_replace("&amp;", "&", $latex_formula);
        $latex_formula = str_replace("&#38;", "&", $latex_formula);
        $latex_formula = str_replace("&nbsp;", " ", $latex_formula);
        $latex_formula = str_replace("<BR>", "", $latex_formula);
        $latex_formula = str_replace("<P>", "", $latex_formula);
        $latex_formula = str_replace("</P>", "", $latex_formula);
        $url = $latex->getFormulaURL($latex_formula);
        $alt_latex_formula = htmlentities($latex_formula, ENT_QUOTES);
        $alt_latex_formula = str_replace("\r", "&#13;", $alt_latex_formula);
        $alt_latex_formula = str_replace("\n", "&#10;", $alt_latex_formula);
        if ($url != false) {
            $text = substr_replace($text, "<img src='" . $url . "' title='" . $alt_latex_formula . "' alt='" . $alt_latex_formula . "' align=absmiddle>", $pos, strlen($tex_matches[0][$i]));
        } else {
            $text = substr_replace($text, "[Unparseable or potentially dangerous latex formula. Error {$latex->_errorcode} {$latex->_errorextra}]", $pos, strlen($tex_matches[0][$i]));
    return $text;
Esempio n. 23
  * Trim query string from request uri.
  * @param string $value
  * @return string
 private function trimQuery($value = '')
     if (strpos($value, '?') !== false) {
         return substr_replace($value, '', strpos($value, '?'));
     return $value;
Esempio n. 24
 function SimplePie_Unit_Test2()
     if (strpos($this->name, 'SimplePie') === 0) {
         $this->name = trim(substr_replace($this->name, '', 0, 9));
 public static function titleCase($title)
     //remove HTML, storing it for later
     //       HTML elements to ignore    | tags  | entities
     $regx = '/<(code|var)[^>]*>.*?<\\/\\1>|<[^>]+>|&\\S+;/';
     preg_match_all($regx, $title, $html, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE);
     $title = preg_replace($regx, '', $title);
     //find each word (including punctuation attached)
     preg_match_all('/[\\w\\p{L}&`\'‘’"“\\.@:\\/\\{\\(\\[<>_]+-? */u', $title, $m1, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE);
     foreach ($m1[0] as &$m2) {
         //shorthand these- "match" and "index"
         list($m, $i) = $m2;
         //correct offsets for multi-byte characters (`PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE` returns *byte*-offset)
         //we fix this by recounting the text before the offset using multi-byte aware `strlen`
         $i = mb_strlen(substr($title, 0, $i), 'UTF-8');
         //find words that should always be lowercase…
         //(never on the first word, and never if preceded by a colon)
         $m = $i > 0 && mb_substr($title, max(0, $i - 2), 1, 'UTF-8') !== ':' && preg_match('/^(a(nd?|s|t)?|b(ut|y)|en|for|i[fn]|o[fnr]|t(he|o)|vs?\\.?|via)[ \\-]/i', $m) ? mb_strtolower($m, 'UTF-8') : (preg_match('/[\'"_{(\\[‘“]/u', mb_substr($title, max(0, $i - 1), 3, 'UTF-8')) ? mb_substr($m, 0, 1, 'UTF-8') . mb_strtoupper(mb_substr($m, 1, 1, 'UTF-8'), 'UTF-8') . mb_substr($m, 2, mb_strlen($m, 'UTF-8') - 2, 'UTF-8') : (preg_match('/[\\])}]/', mb_substr($title, max(0, $i - 1), 3, 'UTF-8')) || preg_match('/[A-Z]+|&|\\w+[._]\\w+/u', mb_substr($m, 1, mb_strlen($m, 'UTF-8') - 1, 'UTF-8')) ? $m : mb_strtoupper(mb_substr($m, 0, 1, 'UTF-8'), 'UTF-8') . mb_substr($m, 1, mb_strlen($m, 'UTF-8'), 'UTF-8')));
         //resplice the title with the change (`substr_replace` is not multi-byte aware)
         $title = mb_substr($title, 0, $i, 'UTF-8') . $m . mb_substr($title, $i + mb_strlen($m, 'UTF-8'), mb_strlen($title, 'UTF-8'), 'UTF-8');
     //restore the HTML
     foreach ($html[0] as &$tag) {
         $title = substr_replace($title, $tag[0], $tag[1], 0);
     return $title;
 public function crossover($partner, $options = array())
     $a = $partner->get_data();
     $b = $this->data;
     $a_c = strlen($a);
     $b_c = strlen($b);
     $c = '';
     $c_c = $a_c >= $b_c ? $a_c : $b_c;
     // if it has same length, great!, use std algorithm
     if ($a_c == $b_c) {
         $left = mt_rand(0, 1) == 1 ? $a : $b;
         $right = $left == $b ? $a : $b;
         $sp = mt_rand(0, $c_c);
         $c .= substr($left, 0, $sp);
         $c .= substr($right, $sp);
     } else {
          * put shorter chromosome, in longer chromosome
          * example:
          *   a: aaaa
          *   b: bb
          *   result: aabb OR abba OR bbaa
          * */
         $longer = $c_c == $a_c ? 'a' : 'b';
         $shorter = $longer == 'b' ? 'a' : 'b';
         $sp_begin = mt_rand(0, ${$longer . '_c'} - ${$shorter . '_c'});
         $tmp = substr_replace(${$longer}, ${$shorter}, -$sp_begin);
         $c .= $tmp . substr(${$longer}, strlen($tmp));
     $class_name = get_called_class();
     return new $class_name($c);
Esempio n. 27
  * Generates an INSERT query with placeholders for values and optional OUTPUT clause
  * @param string $table
  * @param array $colVals An associative array of columns/values to insert
  * @param bool $useOutputClause
  * @return SqlParams
 public function buildQuery($table, array $colVals, $useOutputClause = false)
     $columns = $this->escapeColumns(array_keys($colVals[0]));
     $insert = "INSERT INTO {$table} (" . implode(', ', $columns) . ')';
     $valSetStr = ' (' . str_repeat('?,', count($columns) - 1) . '?),';
     $valStr = ' VALUES' . substr_replace(str_repeat($valSetStr, count($colVals)), '', -1);
     // remove trailing comma
     $params = call_user_func_array('array_merge', array_map('array_values', $colVals));
     $idCol = $decStr = $outStr = $selStr = '';
     if ($this->options instanceof \PeachySQL\SqlServer\Options) {
         if ($useOutputClause) {
             $idCol = $this->options->getIdColumn();
         } else {
             $selStr = '; SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY() AS RowID;';
     // Insert IDs must be output into a table variable so that the query will work on tables
     // with insert triggers (see
     if ($idCol !== '') {
         $decStr = 'DECLARE @ids TABLE(RowID int); ';
         $outStr = " OUTPUT inserted.{$idCol} INTO @ids(RowID)";
         $selStr = '; SELECT * FROM @ids;';
     return new SqlParams($decStr . $insert . $outStr . $valStr . $selStr, $params);
Esempio n. 28
File: DB.php Progetto: qs9816/DB
 public static function autoQuote($query, array $args)
     $i = strlen($query) - 1;
     $c = count($args);
     while ($i--) {
         if ('?' === $query[$i] && false !== ($type = strpos('sia', $query[$i + 1]))) {
             if (--$c < 0) {
                 throw new InvalidArgumentException('Too little parameters.');
             if (0 === $type) {
                 $replace = self::instance()->quote($args[$c]);
             } elseif (1 === $type) {
                 $replace = intval($args[$c]);
             } elseif (2 === $type) {
                 foreach ($args[$c] as &$value) {
                     $value = self::instance()->quote($value);
                 $replace = '(' . implode(',', $args[$c]) . ')';
             $query = substr_replace($query, $replace, $i, 2);
     if ($c > 0) {
         throw new InvalidArgumentException('Too many parameters.');
     return $query;
Esempio n. 29
  * Creates a stylesheet link with LESS support
  * @param   string  $style       file name
  * @param   array   $attributes  default attributes
  * @param   bool    $index       include the index page
  * @param   array   $imports     compare file date for these too, CSS and LESS in style @import
  * @return  string
 public static function style($file, array $attributes = null, $index = false, $imports = null)
     $imports = (array) $imports;
     // Compile only .less files
     if (substr_compare($file, '.less', -5, 5, false) === 0) {
         $css = substr_replace($file, 'css', -4);
         $compiled = is_file($css) ? filemtime($css) : 0;
         try {
             // Check if imported files have changed
             $compile = filemtime($file) > $compiled;
             if (!$compile && !empty($imports)) {
                 foreach ($imports as $import) {
                     if (filemtime($import) > $compiled) {
                         $compile = true;
             // Compile LESS
             if ($compile) {
                 $compiler = new self($file);
                 file_put_contents($css, $compiler->parse());
             $file = $css;
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             Kohana::$log->add(Kohana::ERROR, __METHOD__ . ': Error compiling LESS file ' . $file . ', ' . $e->getMessage());
     return HTML::style($file . '?' . filemtime($file), $attributes, $index);
Esempio n. 30
 * Ver una query con sus parámetros
 * @param string $sql        	
 * @param array $params        	
 * @return string
function verQuery($sql, $params)
    $count = substr_count($sql, "?");
    $element = count($params);
    $index = $element - $count;
    $error = "";
    if ($index > 0) {
        $error = "Hay mas parámetros que interrogaciones.\n";
        $index1 = $element - $count;
        for ($i = 0; $i < $index1; $i++) {
    } elseif ($resultado = $index < 0) {
        $error = "Hay menos parámetros que interrogaciones.\n";
    foreach ($params as $value) {
        $posicion = strpos($sql, "?");
        if (gettype($value) == "string") {
            $sql = substr_replace($sql, "'" . $value . "'", $posicion, 1);
        } else {
            $sql = substr_replace($sql, $value, $posicion, 1);
    return $error . $sql;