Esempio n. 1
function check_qos_setting($path)
    $enable = query($path . "/device/qos/enable");
    $auto = query($path . "/device/qos/autobandwidth");
    if ($enable == "1") {
        if ($auto == "0") {
            if (isdigit(query($path . "/inf/bandwidth/upstream")) == "0" || query($path . "/inf/bandwidth/upstream") > 102400 || query($path . "/inf/bandwidth/upstream") < 1) {
                set_result("FAILED", $path . "/inf/bandwidth/upstream", i18n("The input uplink speed is invalid."));
                return "FAILED";
            } else {
                // Remove the leading zeros.
                $upstream_dec = strtoul(query($path . "/inf/bandwidth/upstream"), 10);
                set($path . "/inf/bandwidth/upstream", $upstream_dec);
        } else {
            set($path . "/device/qos/autobandwidth", "1");
        $type = query($path . "/inf/bandwidth/type");
        if ($type == "AUTO" || $type == "ADSL" || $type == "CABLE") {
        } else {
            set_result("FAILED", $path . "/inf/bandwidth/type", i18n("Unsupported Connection type be assigned."));
            return "FAILED";
    } else {
        set($path . "/device/qos/enable", "0");
    return "OK";
Esempio n. 2
function dhcpc6setup($inf)
    $hlp = "/var/servd/" . $inf . "";
    $pid = "/var/servd/" . $inf . "";
    $cfg = "/var/servd/" . $inf . "-dhcp6c.cfg";
    /* DHCP over PPP session ? */
    //$previnf = XNODE_get_var($inf."_PREVINF");
    $infp = XNODE_getpathbytarget("", "inf", "uid", $inf, 0);
    $previnf = query($infp . "/infprevious");
    $phyinf = query($infp . "/phyinf");
    $inet = query($infp . "/inet");
    $inetp = XNODE_getpathbytarget("/inet", "entry", "uid", $inet, 0);
    $devnam = PHYINF_getifname($phyinf);
    /* dslite ? */
    $nextinf = query($infp . "/infnext");
    //if ($mode=="PPPDHCP" && $_GLOBALS["PREVINF"]!="")
    //msg("mode is ".$mode.", previnf is ".$previnf);
    startcmd('# dhcpc6setup(' . $inf . ',' . $inetp . ')');
    startcmd("previnf is " . $previnf . ", nextinf is " . $nextinf);
    //if ($mode=="PPPDHCP" && $previnf!="")
    //	$pppdev = PHYINF_getruntimeifname($previnf);
    //	if ($pppdev=="") return error("no PPP device.");
    /* Gererate DHCP-IAID from 32-bit of mac address*/
    $mac = PHYINF_getphymac($inf);
    $mac1 = cut($mac, 3, ":");
    $mac2 = cut($mac, 0, ":");
    $mac3 = cut($mac, 1, ":");
    $mac4 = cut($mac, 2, ":");
    $iaidstr = $mac1 . $mac2 . $mac3 . $mac4;
    $iaid = strtoul($iaidstr, 16);
    /* Generate configuration file. */
    $send = "\tinformation-only;\n";
    $idas = "";
    //if($mode=="PPPDHCP") $dname = $pppdev;
    //else $dname = $devnam;
    $dname = $devnam;
    $nextinfp = XNODE_getpathbytarget("", "inf", "uid", $nextinf, 0);
    $nextinet = query($nextinfp . "/inet");
    $nextinetp = XNODE_getpathbytarget("inet", "entry", "uid", $nextinet, 0);
    $nextmode = query($nextinetp . "/ipv4/ipv4in6/mode");
    if ($nextinf != "" && $nextmode == "dslite") {
        $rqstmsg = "\trequest aftr-server-domain-name;\n";
    } else {
        $rqstmsg = "";
    fwrite(w, $cfg, "interface " . $dname . " {\n" . $send . $rqstmsg . "\tscript \"" . $hlp . "\";\n" . "};\n" . $idas);
    /* generate callback script */
    fwrite(w, $hlp, "#!/bin/sh\n" . "phpsh /etc/services/INET/inet6_dhcpc_helper.php" . " INF=" . $inf . " MODE=INFOONLY" . " DEVNAM=" . $dname . " GATEWAY=" . "" . " DHCPOPT=" . "" . ' "NAMESERVERS=$new_domain_name_servers"' . ' "NEW_ADDR=$new_addr"' . ' "NEW_PD_PREFIX=$new_pd_prefix"' . ' "NEW_PD_PLEN=$new_pd_plen"' . ' "DNS=' . "" . '"' . ' "NEW_AFTR_NAME=$new_aftr_name"' . ' "NTPSERVER=$new_ntp_servers"' . "\n");
    /* Start DHCP client */
    startcmd("chmod +x " . $hlp);
    //if ($pppdev=="")
    startcmd("dhcp6c -c " . $cfg . " -p " . $pid . " -t LL " . $devnam);
    //else startcmd("dhcp6c -c ".$cfg." -p ".$pid." -t LL -o ".$devnam." ".$pppdev);
    stopcmd("/etc/scripts/ /var/servd/" . $inf . "");
Esempio n. 3
function calcute_ds_port()
    $ds_port = 48820;
    $inffp = XNODE_getpathbytarget("/runtime", "inf", "uid", "LAN-1");
    $phy = query($inffp . "/phyinf");
    $phyfp = XNODE_getpathbytarget("/runtime", "phyinf", "uid", $phy);
    $mac = query($phyfp . "/macaddr");
    //use last two part of mac calcute a 4-digit number
    if ($mac != "") {
        $count = cut_count($mac, ":");
        $mac_cut = cut($mac, $count - 2, ":") . cut($mac, $count - 1, ":");
        $tmp = strtoul($mac_cut, 16) % 10000;
        $ds_port = 40000 + $tmp;
    return $ds_port;
Esempio n. 4
function PHYINF_validmacaddr($macaddr)
    if (cut_count($macaddr, ":") == 6) {
        $delimiter = ":";
    } else {
        return 0;
    $i = 0;
    while ($i < 6) {
        $v = cut($macaddr, $i, $delimiter);
        if (strlen($v) != 2 || isxdigit($v) != 1) {
            return 0;
        if ($i == 0) {
            //hendry : check for multicast mac
            $val = strtoul($v, 16);
            $ismulti = $val % 2;
            if ($ismulti == 1) {
                return 0;
    if (toupper($macaddr) == "FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF" || $macaddr == "01:11:11:11:11:11" || $macaddr == "00:00:00:00:00:00") {
        return 0;
    return 1;
Esempio n. 5
function INET_addr_strip0($ip)
    $new_ip = "";
    if (cut_count($ip, ".") != 4) {
        return $ip;
    $i = 0;
    while ($i < 4) {
        $part = cut($ip, $i, ".");
        if (isdigit($part) == 0) {
            return $ip;
        $dec = strtoul($part, 10);
        if ($i == 0) {
            $new_ip = $dec;
        } else {
            $new_ip = $new_ip . "." . $dec;
    return $new_ip;
Esempio n. 6
function get_mssid_mac($host_mac, $offset)
    $index = 5;
    $mssid_mac = "";
    $carry = 0;
    //loop from low byte to high byte
    //ex: 00:01:02:03:04:05
    //05 -> 04 -> 03 -> 02 -> 01 -> 00
    while ($index >= 0) {
        $field = cut($host_mac, $index, ":");
        //check mac format
        if ($field == "") {
            return "";
        //to value
        $value = strtoul($field, 16);
        if ($value == "") {
            return "";
        if ($index == 5) {
            $value = $value + $offset;
        //need carry?
        $value = $value + $carry;
        if ($value > 255) {
            $carry = 1;
            $value = $value % 256;
        } else {
            $carry = 0;
        //from dec to hex
        $hex_value = dec2strf("%02X", $value);
        if ($mssid_mac == "") {
            $mssid_mac = $hex_value;
        } else {
            $mssid_mac = $hex_value . ":" . $mssid_mac;
        $index = $index - 1;
    return $mssid_mac;
Esempio n. 7
function dhcp_client($mode, $inf, $devnam, $opt, $router, $dns)
    $hlp = "/var/servd/" . $inf . "";
    $pid = "/var/servd/" . $inf . "";
    $cfg = "/var/servd/" . $inf . "-dhcp6c.cfg";
    /* DHCP over PPP session ? */
    $previnf = XNODE_get_var($inf . "_PREVINF");
    XNODE_del_var($inf . "_PREVINF");
    /* dslite ? */
    $nextinf = XNODE_get_var($inf . "_NEXTINF");
    XNODE_del_var($inf . "_NEXTINF");
    //if ($mode=="PPPDHCP" && $_GLOBALS["PREVINF"]!="")
    //msg("mode is ".$mode.", previnf is ".$previnf);
    msg("mode is " . $mode . ", previnf is " . $previnf . ", nextinf is " . $nextinf);
    if ($mode == "PPPDHCP" && $previnf != "") {
        //$pppdev = PHYINF_getruntimeifname($_GLOBALS["PREVINF"]);
        $pppdev = PHYINF_getruntimeifname($previnf);
        if ($pppdev == "") {
            return error("no PPP device.");
        msg("PPP device = " . $pppdev);
    msg("dhcpopt: " . $opt);
    /* Gererate DHCP-IAID from 32-bit of mac address*/
    $mac = PHYINF_getphymac($inf);
    $mac1 = cut($mac, 3, ":");
    $mac2 = cut($mac, 0, ":");
    $mac3 = cut($mac, 1, ":");
    $mac4 = cut($mac, 2, ":");
    $iaidstr = $mac1 . $mac2 . $mac3 . $mac4;
    $iaid = strtoul($iaidstr, 16);
    /* Generate configuration file. */
    if ($mode == "INFOONLY") {
        $send = "\tinformation-only;\n";
        $idas = "";
    } else {
        //check if we have pd hint
        $stsp = XNODE_getpathbytarget("/runtime", "inf", "uid", $inf, 0);
        $pdhint_enable = query($stsp . "/pdhint/enable");
        $pdhintmsg = "\n";
        if ($pdhint_enable == "1") {
            $pdhint_network = query($stsp . "/pdhint/network");
            $pdhint_prefix = query($stsp . "/pdhint/prefix");
            $pdhint_plft = query($stsp . "/pdhint/preferlft");
            $pdhint_vlft = query($stsp . "/pdhint/validlft");
            if ($pdhint_vlft != "") {
                $pdhintmsg = "\tprefix " . $pdhint_network . "/" . $pdhint_prefix . " " . $pdhint_plft . " " . $pdhint_vlft . ";\n";
            } else {
                $pdhintmsg = "\tprefix " . $pdhint_network . "/" . $pdhint_prefix . " " . $pdhint_plft . ";\n";
        //check if we got the prefix before
        $pre_pd_network = query("/runtime/ipv6/pre_pdnetwork");
        if ($pre_pd_network != "") {
            $pre_pd_prefix = query("/runtime/ipv6/pre_pdprefix");
            $pre_pd_plft = query("/runtime/ipv6/pre_pdplft");
            $pre_pd_vlft = query("/runtime/ipv6/pre_pdvlft");
            if ($pre_pd_vlft != "") {
                $pdhintmsg = "\tprefix " . $pre_pd_network . "/" . $pre_pd_prefix . " " . $pre_pd_plft . " " . $pre_pd_vlft . ";\n";
            } else {
                $pdhintmsg = "\tprefix " . $pre_pd_network . "/" . $pre_pd_prefix . " " . $pre_pd_plft . ";\n";
        } else {
            $pdhintmsg = "\tprefix  ::/56 0 0;\n";
        //if (strstr($opt,"IA-NA")!="") {$send=$send."\tsend ia-na 0;\n"; $idas=$idas."id-assoc na {\n};\n";}
        if (strstr($opt, "IA-NA") != "") {
            $send = $send . "\tsend ia-na " . $iaid . ";\n";
            $idas = $idas . "id-assoc na " . $iaid . "{\n};\n";
        //if (strstr($opt,"IA-PD")!="") {$send=$send."\tsend ia-pd 0;\n"; $idas=$idas."id-assoc pd {\n};\n";}
        if (strstr($opt, "IA-PD") != "") {
            $send = $send . "\tsend ia-pd 0;\n";
            $idas = $idas . "id-assoc pd {\n" . $pdhintmsg . "};\n";
    if ($mode == "PPPDHCP") {
        $dname = $pppdev;
    } else {
        $dname = $devnam;
    $nextinfp = XNODE_getpathbytarget("", "inf", "uid", $nextinf, 0);
    $nextinet = query($nextinfp . "/inet");
    $nextinetp = XNODE_getpathbytarget("inet", "entry", "uid", $nextinet, 0);
    $nextmode = query($nextinetp . "/ipv4/ipv4in6/mode");
    if ($nextinf != "" && $nextmode == "dslite") {
        $rqstmsg = "\trequest aftr-server-domain-name;\n";
    } else {
        $rqstmsg = "";
    fwrite(w, $cfg, "interface " . $dname . " {\n" . $send . "\trequest domain-name-servers;\n" . "\trequest domain-name;\n" . "\trequest ntp-servers;\n" . $rqstmsg . "\tscript \"" . $hlp . "\";\n" . "};\n" . $idas);
    /* generate callback script */
    fwrite(w, $hlp, "#!/bin/sh\n" . 'if [ $new_addr != "" ] || [ $new_pd_prefix != "" ]; then\\n' . "\techo [\$0]: [{$new_addr}] [{$new_pd_prefix}] [{$new_pd_plen}] [{$new_pd_pltime}] [{$new_pd_vltime}] > /dev/console\n" . "else\n" . "\texit 0\n" . "fi\n" . "phpsh /etc/services/INET/inet6_dhcpc_helper.php" . " INF=" . $inf . " MODE=" . $mode . " DEVNAM=" . $dname . " GATEWAY=" . $router . " DHCPOPT=" . $opt . ' "NAMESERVERS=$new_domain_name_servers"' . ' "DOMAIN=$new_domain_name"' . ' "NEW_ADDR=$new_addr"' . ' "NEW_PD_PREFIX=$new_pd_prefix"' . ' "NEW_PD_PLEN=$new_pd_plen"' . ' "NEW_PD_PLTIME=$new_pd_pltime"' . ' "NEW_PD_VLTIME=$new_pd_vltime"' . ' "DNS=' . $dns . '"' . ' "NEW_AFTR_NAME=$new_aftr_name"' . ' "NTPSERVER=$new_ntp_servers"' . "\n");
    /* Start DHCP client */
    cmd("chmod +x " . $hlp);
    if ($pppdev == "") {
        cmd("dhcp6c -c " . $cfg . " -p " . $pid . " -t LL -n " . $inf . " " . $devnam);
    } else {
        cmd("dhcp6c -c " . $cfg . " -p " . $pid . " -t LL -o " . $devnam . " -n " . $inf . " " . $pppdev);
    return 0;
Esempio n. 8
function setup_txpower($uid)
    $phypsts = XNODE_getpathbytarget("/runtime", "phyinf", "uid", $uid, 0);
    $dev = devname($uid);
    if ($phypsts != "") {
        $ccka = query($phypsts . "/txpower/ccka");
        $cckb = query($phypsts . "/txpower/cckb");
        $sa = query($phypsts . "/txpower/ht401sa");
        $sb = query($phypsts . "/txpower/ht401sb");
        $sa_5G = query($phypsts . "/txpower/ht401sa_5G");
        $sb_5G = query($phypsts . "/txpower/ht401sb_5G");
    } else {
    $phyp = XNODE_getpathbytarget("", "phyinf", "uid", $uid, 0);
    $txpower = query($phyp . "/media/txpower");
    if ($txpower == "70") {
        $tx_value = 3;
    } else {
        if ($txpower == "50") {
            $tx_value = 6;
        } else {
            if ($txpower == "25") {
                $tx_value = 9;
            } else {
                $tx_value = 17;
    $max_num_24G_ch = 14 * 2;
    $max_num_5G_ch = 196 * 2;
    if ($ccka != "" && $cckb != "" && $sa != "" && $sb != "") {
        $index = 0;
        while ($index < $max_num_24G_ch) {
            $ccka_value = substr($ccka, $index, 2);
            $ccka_value = strtoul($ccka_value, 16);
            if ($ccka_value - $tx_value >= 1) {
                $ccka_value = $ccka_value - $tx_value;
            } else {
                $ccka_value = 1;
            $ccka_value = dec2strf("%02x", $ccka_value);
            $pwrlevelCCK_A = $pwrlevelCCK_A . $ccka_value;
            $cckb_value = substr($cckb, $index, 2);
            $cckb_value = strtoul($cckb_value, 16);
            if ($cckb_value - $tx_value >= 1) {
                $cckb_value = $cckb_value - $tx_value;
            } else {
                $cckb_value = 1;
            $cckb_value = dec2strf("%02x", $cckb_value);
            $pwrlevelCCK_B = $pwrlevelCCK_B . $cckb_value;
            $sa_value = substr($sa, $index, 2);
            $sa_value = strtoul($sa_value, 16);
            if ($sa_value - $tx_value >= 1) {
                $sa_value = $sa_value - $tx_value;
            } else {
                $sa_value = 1;
            $sa_value = dec2strf("%02x", $sa_value);
            $pwrlevelHT40_1S_A = $pwrlevelHT40_1S_A . $sa_value;
            $sb_value = substr($sb, $index, 2);
            $sb_value = strtoul($sb_value, 16);
            if ($sb_value - $tx_value >= 1) {
                $sb_value = $sb_value - $tx_value;
            } else {
                $sb_value = 1;
            $sb_value = dec2strf("%02x", $sb_value);
            $pwrlevelHT40_1S_B = $pwrlevelHT40_1S_B . $sb_value;
            $index = $index + 2;
        fwrite("a", $_GLOBALS["START"], 'iwpriv ' . $dev . ' set_mib pwrlevelCCK_A=' . $pwrlevelCCK_A . '\\n');
        fwrite("a", $_GLOBALS["START"], 'iwpriv ' . $dev . ' set_mib pwrlevelCCK_B=' . $pwrlevelCCK_B . '\\n');
        fwrite("a", $_GLOBALS["START"], 'iwpriv ' . $dev . ' set_mib pwrlevelHT40_1S_A=' . $pwrlevelHT40_1S_A . '\\n');
        fwrite("a", $_GLOBALS["START"], 'iwpriv ' . $dev . ' set_mib pwrlevelHT40_1S_B=' . $pwrlevelHT40_1S_B . '\\n');
    if ($sa_5G != "" && $sb_5G != "") {
        $index = 0;
        while ($index < $max_num_5G_ch) {
            $sa_value = substr($sa_5G, $index, 2);
            $sa_value = strtoul($sa_value, 16);
            if ($sa_value - $tx_value >= 1) {
                $sa_value = $sa_value - $tx_value;
            } else {
                $sa_value = 1;
            $sa_value = dec2strf("%02x", $sa_value);
            $pwrlevel5GHT40_1S_A = $pwrlevel5GHT40_1S_A . $sa_value;
            $sb_value = substr($sb_5G, $index, 2);
            $sb_value = strtoul($sb_value, 16);
            if ($sb_value - $tx_value >= 1) {
                $sb_value = $sb_value - $tx_value;
            } else {
                $sb_value = 1;
            $sb_value = dec2strf("%02x", $sb_value);
            $pwrlevel5GHT40_1S_B = $pwrlevel5GHT40_1S_B . $sb_value;
            $index = $index + 2;
        fwrite("a", $_GLOBALS["START"], 'iwpriv ' . $dev . ' set_mib pwrlevel5GHT40_1S_A=' . $pwrlevel5GHT40_1S_A . '\\n');
        fwrite("a", $_GLOBALS["START"], 'iwpriv ' . $dev . ' set_mib pwrlevel5GHT40_1S_B=' . $pwrlevel5GHT40_1S_B . '\\n');
Esempio n. 9
$cckb2 = substr($cckb, 6, 2);
$cckb2 = strtoul($cckb2, 16);
$cckb3 = substr($cckb, 18, 2);
$cckb3 = strtoul($cckb3, 16);
$sa1 = substr($sa, 0, 2);
$sa1 = strtoul($sa1, 16);
$sa2 = substr($sa, 6, 2);
$sa2 = strtoul($sa2, 16);
$sa3 = substr($sa, 18, 2);
$sa3 = strtoul($sa3, 16);
$sb1 = substr($sb, 0, 2);
$sb1 = strtoul($sb1, 16);
$sb2 = substr($sb, 6, 2);
$sb2 = strtoul($sb2, 16);
$sb3 = substr($sb, 18, 2);
$sb3 = strtoul($sb3, 16);
if ($txpower == "70") {
    if ($ccka1 > 3) {
        $ccka1 = $ccka1 - 3;
        $ccka1 = dec2strf("%02x", $ccka1);
    } else {
        $ccka1 = 1;
        $ccka1 = dec2strf("%02x", $ccka1);
    if ($ccka2 > 3) {
        $ccka2 = $ccka2 - 3;
        $ccka2 = dec2strf("%02x", $ccka2);
    } else {
        $ccka2 = 1;
        $ccka2 = dec2strf("%02x", $ccka2);