function showlist($perpage)
    global $list_prefix;
    $PRAYERLISTMOD = loadtmplate("prayerlist.mod");
    //lets set our content to be blank.
    $CONTENT = "";
    //lets setup our query
    $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . $list_prefix . "prayer_list WHERE `expired` = '0' LIMIT 0," . $perpage . ";";
    //now lets show the prayerlist entries.
    $result = db_query($sql);
    @($rows = db_num_rows($result));
    if ($rows != 0) {
        $j = 0;
        while ($j < $rows) {
            //lets fetch our prayer request from the database.
            $row = db_fetch_array($result);
            //lets insert the prayerrequest into our working copy of this template.
            $WORK = insert_into_template($PRAYERLISTMOD, "{REQUESTFOR}", striphtml($row['request_for']));
            $WORK = insert_into_template($WORK, "{REQUEST}", striphtml($row['request']));
            if ($admin == 1) {
                $WORK = insert_into_template($WORK, "{DELETE}", "<a href='prayerlist.php?delete=" . $row['id'] . "'>Delete</a>");
            //now lets add this request to the CONTENT.
            $WORK = insert_into_template($WORK, "{REQUESTID}", $row['id']);
            $CONTENT .= $WORK;
    } else {
        $CONTENT .= "There are no active prayer requests at this time.<BR>\r\n";
    //when we output this lets make sure that the output is stripped of any template elements that are not used.
    return striptemplate($CONTENT);
Esempio n. 2
function shownews($id)
    global $list_prefix, $NEWS, $MAIN;
    $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . $list_prefix . "news WHERE id = '" . $id . "';";
    $result = db_query($sql);
    $rows = db_num_rows($result);
    if ($rows != 0) {
        $row = db_fetch_array($result);
        $postedby = getuser($row['posted_by']);
        //lets insert the prayerrequest into our working copy of this template.
        $WORK = insert_into_template($NEWS, "{NEWSTITLE}", stripslashes($row['news_title']));
        $WORK = insert_into_template($WORK, "{TEASER}", stripslashes($row['teaser']));
        $WORK = insert_into_template($WORK, "{NEWSID}", $row['id']);
        $WORK = insert_into_template($WORK, "{POSTEDBY}", $postedby);
        $WORK = insert_into_template($WORK, "{BYLINE}", $row['byline']);
        $WORK = insert_into_template($WORK, "{DATE}", date("m/d/Y", $row['date']));
        $WORK = insert_into_template($WORK, "{CATEGORY}", getcatname($row['category']));
        $WORK = insert_into_template($WORK, "{NEWS}", stripslashes($row['news']));
        //now lets add this request to the CONTENT.
        $WORK = insert_into_template($MAIN, "{CONTENT}", $WORK);
        $WORK = filltemplate($WORK, striphtml($row['news_title']));
        printf("%s", striptemplate($WORK));
Esempio n. 3
<input type="submit" value="Submit" />
<br />
if ($ok1 && $ok2) {
    //Parse html
    function striphtml($document)
        $search = array('@<script[^>]*?>.*?</script>@si', '@<div class="footer"[^>]*?>.*?</div>@si', '@<[\\/\\!]*?[^<>]*?>@si');
        $text = preg_replace($search, '', $document);
        return $text;
    $h1begin = strpos($rawhtml, '<h1>');
    $h1end = strpos($rawhtml, '</h1>');
    $h1length = $h1end - $h1begin;
    $sample = striphtml(substr($rawhtml, $h1end));
    $title = substr($rawhtml, $h1begin + 4, $h1length - 4);
    //Connect to the database
    $link = @mysql_connect("localhost", "search", $_POST['password']) or die('Incorrect Password');
    mysql_select_db("nicshelp", $link) or trigger_error("Database connection error:" . mysql_error($link));
    //Construct and submit query
    $fullquery = sprintf("INSERT INTO pages\n\t\t\t (Url,Title,Sample,Keywords)VALUES \n\t\t\t ('%s','%s','%s','%s')", mysql_real_escape_string($url), mysql_real_escape_string($title), mysql_real_escape_string($sample), mysql_real_escape_string($keywords));
    //Show sequence is done
    echo "Data Submitted!";
} else {
    echo "Please complete the form";
function showlist()
    global $HTTP_GET_VARS, $user, $list_prefix, $MAIN, $LINKS, $PRAYERLIST;
    //lets set our content to be blank.
    $CONTENT = "";
    //lets see if the user has specified how many requests per page.
    if (isset($HTTP_GET_VARS['perpage']) && is_numeric($HTTP_GET_VARS['perpage'])) {
        $perpage = $HTTP_GET_VARS['perpage'];
    } else {
        $perpage = 3;
    //lets see if the user has specified to show all requests on a single page.
    if (isset($HTTP_GET_VARS['onepage'])) {
        $onepage = 1;
    } else {
        $onepage = 0;
    //lets see what page we are on
    if (!isset($HTTP_GET_VARS['page']) && is_numeric($HTTP_GET_VARS['page'])) {
        $page = 1;
    } else {
        $page = $HTTP_GET_VARS['page'];
    //lets calculate our start position for our query if needed.
    $start = ($page - 1) * $perpage;
    //lets calculate our query
    $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . $list_prefix . "prayer_list WHERE `expired` = '1'";
    if ($onepage == 0) {
        $sql .= " LIMIT " . $start . "," . $perpage . ";";
    } else {
        $sql .= ";";
    //now lets show the prayerlist entries.
    $result = db_query($sql);
    $rows = db_num_rows($result);
    if ($rows != 0) {
        $i = 0;
        while ($i < $rows) {
            //lets fetch our prayer request from the database.
            $row = db_fetch_array($result);
            //lets insert the prayerrequest into our working copy of this template.
            $WORK = insert_into_template($PRAYERLIST, "{REQUESTFOR}", striphtml($row['request_for']));
            $WORK = insert_into_template($WORK, "{REQUEST}", striphtml($row['request']));
            $WORK = insert_into_template($WORK, "{DATE}", date("m/d/Y", $row['postdate']));
            $WORK = insert_into_template($WORK, "{USERNAME}", $row['username']);
            if ($user['admin'] == 1) {
                $WORK = insert_into_template($WORK, "{DELETE}", "<a href='prayerlist.php?delete=" . $row['id'] . "'>Delete</a>");
            //now lets add this request to the CONTENT.
            $WORK = insert_into_template($WORK, "{REQUESTID}", $row['id']);
            $CONTENT .= $WORK;
        //lets work on multiple pages if need be.
        $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . $list_prefix . "prayer_list WHERE `expired` = '1';";
        $result = db_query($sql);
        $rows = db_num_rows($result);
        $pages = ($rows - $rows % $perpage) / $perpage;
        //this is the number of complete pages.
        if ($rows % $perpage > 0) {
        //this will take care of incomplete pages.
        //lets list a previous page link if needed.
        if ($pages > 1 && $onepage == 0) {
            $i = 0;
            if ($page != 1) {
                $CONTENT .= "<a href='prayerlist_history.php?page" . ($page - 1) . "'>prev</a> \r\n";
            //lets list all pages a user can click on.
            while ($i < $pages) {
                if ($i != $page) {
                    $CONTENT .= "<a href='prayerlist_history.php?page=" . $i . "'>" . $i . "</a> \r\n";
                } else {
                    $CONTENT .= $i . " ";
            //lets create a next page link if needed
            if ($page != $pages) {
                $CONTENT .= "<a href='prayerlist_history.php?page=" . ($page + 1) . "'>next</a>\r\n";
            $CONTENT .= "<div align=\"right\"><a href='prayerlist.php?onepage=1'>Show all requests on one page.</a></div><br />\r\n";
    } else {
        $CONTENT .= "There are no history prayer requests at this time.<BR>\r\n";
    //now lets output our prayer requests.
    $WORK = insert_into_template($MAIN, "{CONTENT}", $CONTENT);
    $WORK = filltemplate($WORK, "Prayer List");
    //when we output this lets make sure that the output is stripped of any template elements that are not used.
    printf("%s", striptemplate($WORK));
Esempio n. 5
function wijziging($stamnr, $tekst1, $tekst2, $tekst3, $fotoakkoord, $wachtwoord, $l1, $ol1, $l2, $ol2, $l3, $ol3, $l4, $ol4, $l5, $ol5, $l6, $ol6, $l7, $ol7, $l8, $ol8, $l9, $ol9, $l10, $ol10, $doc1, $odoc1, $doc2, $odoc2, $doc3, $odoc3, $doc4, $odoc4, $doc5, $odoc5, $doc6, $odoc6, $doc7, $odoc7, $doc8, $odoc8, $doc9, $odoc9, $doc10, $odoc10)
    include "mysqlsecrets.php";
    global $maxvan, $maxvoor, $docmaxvan;
    $ol1 = striphtml($ol1);
    $ol2 = striphtml($ol2);
    $ol3 = striphtml($ol3);
    $ol4 = striphtml($ol4);
    $ol5 = striphtml($ol5);
    $ol6 = striphtml($ol6);
    $ol7 = striphtml($ol7);
    $ol8 = striphtml($ol8);
    $ol9 = striphtml($ol9);
    $ol10 = striphtml($ol10);
    $odoc1 = striphtml($odoc1);
    $odoc2 = striphtml($odoc2);
    $odoc3 = striphtml($odoc3);
    $odoc4 = striphtml($odoc4);
    $odoc5 = striphtml($odoc5);
    $odoc6 = striphtml($odoc6);
    $odoc7 = striphtml($odoc7);
    $odoc8 = striphtml($odoc8);
    $odoc9 = striphtml($odoc9);
    $odoc10 = striphtml($odoc10);
    $leerling = array($l1, $l2, $l3, $l4, $l5, $l6, $l7, $l8, $l9, $l10);
    $omschr = array($ol1, $ol2, $ol3, $ol4, $ol5, $ol6, $ol7, $ol8, $ol9, $ol10);
    $docent = array($doc1, $doc2, $doc3, $doc4, $doc5, $doc6, $doc7, $doc8, $doc9, $doc10);
    $docomschr = array($odoc1, $odoc2, $odoc3, $odoc4, $odoc5, $odoc6, $odoc7, $odoc8, $odoc9, $odoc10);
    if (1) {
        $tekst1 = striphtml($tekst1);
        $tekst2 = striphtml($tekst2);
        $tekst3 = striphtml($tekst3);
        $sql = "UPDATE Hexboekdata SET fotoakkoord='{$fotoakkoord}' , tekst1=\"{$tekst1}\" , tekst2=\"{$tekst2}\" , tekst3=\"{$tekst3}\" WHERE stamnr='{$stamnr}'";
        $result = mysql_query($sql) or die("Ongeldige query: " . mysql_error() . "<BR><TT>" . $sql . "</TT>");
        $html .= $result[0];
        /* omschrijvingen over andereleerlingen opslaan */
        for ($i = 0; $i < $maxvan; $i++) {
            if ($omschr[$i]) {
                /* kijken of leerling nog vrij is (< maxvoor bijdragen) */
                $sql3 = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Hllnomschr WHERE voor='{$leerling[$i]}'";
                $result3 = mysql_query($sql3) or die("Ongeldige query: " . mysql_error());
                $array = mysql_fetch_row($result3);
                $aantalvoor = $array[0];
                /* kijken of deze combinatie van-voor er al instaat */
                $sql4 = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Hllnomschr WHERE van='{$stamnr}' and voor='{$leerling[$i]}'";
                $result4 = mysql_query($sql4) or die("Ongeldige query: " . mysql_error());
                $array = mysql_fetch_row($result4);
                $aantalvandezevoordeze = $array[0];
                if ($aantalvoor < $maxvoor && $aantalvandezevoordeze == 0) {
                    $sql2 = "INSERT INTO Hllnomschr (van, voor, omschrijving) VALUES ('{$stamnr}','{$leerling[$i]}','{$omschr[$i]}')";
                    $result2 = mysql_query($sql2) or die("Ongeldige query: " . mysql_error());
        /* omschrijvingen docenten opslaan */
        for ($i = 0; $i < $docmaxvan; $i++) {
            if ($docomschr[$i]) {
                /* kijken of deze combinatie van-voor er al instaat */
                $sql4 = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Hdocomschr WHERE van='{$stamnr}' and voor='{$docent[$i]}'";
                $result4 = mysql_query($sql4) or die("Ongeldige query: " . mysql_error());
                $array = mysql_fetch_row($result4);
                $aantalvandezevoordeze = $array[0];
                if ($aantalvandezevoordeze == 0) {
                    $sql2 = "INSERT INTO Hdocomschr (van, voor, omschrijving) VALUES ('{$stamnr}','{$docent[$i]}','{$docomschr[$i]}')";
                    $result2 = mysql_query($sql2) or die("Ongeldige query: " . mysql_error());
        if ($result) {
            //      $html .= invoergelukt();
            $html .= toongegevens($stamnr, $wachtwoord);
        } else {
            $html .= invoermislukt();
    } else {
        $html = "foutje!";
    return $html;