function jakoblist_search() { global $wpdb; $books = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM `" . $wpdb->prefix . "jakoblist` order by `" . $order . "`" . $direction . ""); $result = ''; if (count($books) == 0) { /* wenn nix da is */ } else { /* wenn was da is */ foreach ($books as $book) { $class = 'alternate' != $class ? 'alternate' : ''; echo '<form action="" method="post"><tr class="' . $class . '">'; echo '<td>' . strclean($book->title) . '</td>'; echo '<td>' . strclean($book->author) . '</td>'; echo '<td>' . strclean($book->publisher) . '</td>'; echo '<td>' . strclean($book->info) . '</td>'; echo '<td align="left"><input type="button" name="edit" value=" ✎ " class="button-secondary" onclick=location.href="'; echo bloginfo('wpurl') . '/wp-admin/admin.php?page=jakoblist_edit&id=' . $book->id . '"'; echo '></td>'; echo '<td align="center"><input type="button" name="-" value=" - " class="button-secondary" onclick=location.href="'; echo bloginfo('wpurl') . '/wp-admin/admin.php?page=jakoblist&func=jakoblist_remove&id=' . $book->id . '"'; echo '></td>'; echo '</tr></form>'; } } }
$info = strclean($_POST["info"]); $upd = $con->update("videos", "name='{$name}', info ='{$info}'", "id={$id}"); if ($upd) { exit("<div {$style}>Successfully updated {$name}</div>"); } else { exit("<div {$style}>Error updating {$name}</div>"); } } if (isset($_POST["add"])) { $img = $_FILES["upl"]["tmp_name"]; $video = $_FILES["vid"]["tmp_name"]; if (is_uploaded_file($video) && preg_match('/mp4|avi|mpeg|3gp|mkv|flv|mov/', extension($_FILES["vid"]["name"]))) { $_300x300 = is_uploaded_file($img) ? upload_pic($img, $_FILES["upl"]["type"], $_FILES["upl"]["tmp_name"], 300, 300) : DEF_VID_IMG; $vid = md5($video . " " . date("U")) . rand(0, 9) . extension($_FILES["vid"]["name"]); if ($_300x300 && copy($video, "../video/{$vid}")) { $name = strclean($_POST["name"]); $name = strlen($name) < 2 ? $_SESSION["user"] . "'s video " . rand(10, 999) : $name; $name = _hstr_($name, false); $info = _hstr_($_POST["info"], false); $q = $con->insertInto("videos", array($user, $name, $info, $_300x300, $vid, 1, date("U"), 0)); if ($q) { $q = mysqli_query($conc, "SELECT id FROM videos WHERE user = '******' AND name = '{$name}' AND vid = '{$vid}'"); $r = mysqli_fetch_array($q); $q = $con->insertInto("hist", array(6, 0, $user, $name . "::__::__::" . $r[0], date("U"))); $q = NULL; $con->close_db_con($conc); exit("<div {$style}>{$name} has been successfully added.</div>"); } else { if (is_file("../prev/" . $_300x300) && strstr($_300x300, DEF_VID_IMG) < 0) { unlink("../prev/" . $_300x300); }
} if (isset($_POST["profile"])) { $q = NULL; $name = strclean($_POST["name"]); $loc = strclean($_POST["loc"]); $bio = _hstr_($_POST["bio"], false); $web = urlencode($_POST["web"]); $work = strclean($_POST["work"]); $edu = strclean($_POST["edu"]); $bday = $_POST["bday"]; $sex = intval($_POST["sex"]); // if(!preg_match('-(\d{2})/(\d{2})/(\d{4})-',$bday)) // { // exit("<div $style>Your birthday should be in this format {MM/DD/YYYY}</div>"); // } $status = strclean($_POST["status"]); $status2 = $status == 4 ? _hstr_($_POST["status_"], 2) : ""; list($img1, $img2, $img3) = explode("____", $_POST["imgs"]); $img = $_FILES["upl"]["tmp_name"]; if (is_uploaded_file($img)) { $mdir = "{$pth}/profile_pic/"; $_50x50 = upload_pic($img, $_FILES["upl"]["type"], $_FILES["upl"]["tmp_name"], 70, 70, $mdir); $_150x150 = upload_pic($img, $_FILES["upl"]["type"], $_FILES["upl"]["tmp_name"], 150, 150, $mdir); $_400x400 = upload_pic($img, $_FILES["upl"]["type"], $_FILES["upl"]["tmp_name"], 500, 500, $mdir); $_50x50 = str_replace($pth, "", $_50x50); $_150x150 = str_replace($pth, "", $_150x150); $_400x400 = str_replace($pth, "", $_400x400); if ($_50x50 && $_150x150 && $_400x400) { $q = mysqli_query($conc, "SELECT img1,img2,img3 FROM users WHERE id={$uid}"); $r = NULL; $r = mysqli_fetch_array($q);
function jakoblist_manage() { global $wpdb; //Important! DBQueries don't work without this! /* Scan the URL for sort/order parameters and keep them. */ $searchterm = $_GET['search']; switch ($_GET['orderby']) { case 'title': $orderby = "title"; break; case 'author': $orderby = "author"; break; case 'publisher': $orderby = "publisher"; break; case 'info': $orderby = "info"; break; case 'price': $orderby = "price"; break; default: $orderby = "title"; } switch ($_GET['order']) { case 'desc': $order = "DESC"; break; default: $order = ""; } if ($_GET['search'] == '') { /* Alles außer Suche */ $books = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM `" . $wpdb->prefix . "jakoblist` order by `" . $orderby . "`" . $order . ""); } else { /* Suche */ $books = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM `" . $wpdb->prefix . "jakoblist` WHERE `title` LIKE '%" . $searchterm . "%' OR `author` LIKE '%" . $searchterm . "%' OR `publisher` LIKE '%" . $searchterm . "%' OR `info` LIKE '%" . $searchterm . "%' order by `" . $orderby . "` " . $order . ""); } ?> <div class="wrap"> <h2>Bücherliste verwalten <a href="admin.php?page=jakoblist_edit" class="button add-new-h2" >Neues Buch</a><?php if ($_GET['search']) { echo '<span class=\'subtitle\'> Suchergebnisse für "' . $_GET['search'] . '"</span>'; } ?> </h2> <table style="margin-bottom:0.2em;"> <tr> <td class="tablenav"> <span class="displaying-num"><?php echo count($books); ?> <?php echo 'Bücher'; ?> </span> </td> <td> <form action="admin.php?" method="get"> </td> <td width="100%"> </td> <td> <input type="text" value="<?php echo $_GET["search"]; ?> " name="search" /> </td> <td> <input type="hidden" name="page" value="jakoblist"> <input type="hidden" name="orderby" value="<?php echo $orderby; ?> "> <input type="hidden" name="order" value="<?php echo $order; ?> "> <input type="submit" value=" <?php echo _("suchen"); ?> " class="button-secondary" /> </td> </form> </tr> </table> <table id="mytable" class="widefat" width="50%"> <thead> <tr> <th width="20%" class="manage-column column-date <?php sort_class('title', $orderby, $order); ?> "><a href="<?php echo sort_link('title', $orderby, $order, $searchterm); ?> ">Titel<?php if ($orderby == 'title') { echo '<span class=sorting-indicator> </span>'; } ?> </a></th> <th width="20%" class="manage-column column-date <?php sort_class('author', $orderby, $order); ?> "><a href="<?php echo sort_link('author', $orderby, $order, $searchterm); ?> ">Autor<?php if ($orderby == 'author') { echo '<span class="sorting-indicator"></span>'; } ?> </a></th> <th width="20%" class="manage-column column-date <?php sort_class('publisher', $orderby, $order); ?> "><a href="<?php echo sort_link('publisher', $orderby, $order, $searchterm); ?> ">Verlag<?php if ($orderby == 'publisher') { echo '<span class="sorting-indicator"></span>'; } ?> </a></th> <th class="manage-column column-date <?php sort_class('info', $orderby, $order); ?> "><a href="<?php echo sort_link('info', $orderby, $order, $searchterm); ?> ">Information<?php if ($orderby == 'info') { echo '<span class="sorting-indicator"></span>'; } ?> </th> <th colspan="3" width="10"></th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <?php /*<tr> <form action="admin.php?page=jakoblist&func=jakoblist_add" method="post"> <td><input name="title" type="text" size="30%" maxlength="200"><br /><em>Max. 200 Zeichen</em></td> <td><input name="author" type="text" size="30%" maxlength="200"><br /><em>Max. 200 Zeichen</em></td> <td><input name="publisher" type="text" size="30%" maxlength="200"><br /><em>Max. 200 Zeichen</em></td> <td><input name="info" type="text" size="50%" maxlength="200"><br /><em>Max. 200 Zeichen</em></td> <td><input name="price" type="text" size="10" maxlength="10"><br /><em>Max. 200 Zeichen</em></td> <td align="left" colspan="2"><input type="submit" name="add" value=" ✚ " class="button-primary" onclick=''></td> </form> </tr> */ ?> <?php global $wpdb; //Important! DBQueries don't work without this! /*if($_GET['search'] == '' ) { $books = $wpdb->get_results( "SELECT * FROM `".$wpdb->prefix."jakoblist` order by `".$orderby."`".$order."" ); } else { $books = $wpdb->get_results( "SELECT * FROM `".$wpdb->prefix."jakoblist` WHERE `title` LIKE '%".$searchterm."%' OR `author` LIKE '%".$searchterm."%' OR `publisher` LIKE '%".$searchterm."%' OR `info` LIKE '%".$searchterm."%' order by `".$orderby."` ".$order."" ); }*/ if (count($books) > 0) { /* keine Suchergebnisse */ foreach ($books as $book) { $thecurrency = ' €'; //temporary, check back soon $status = !$book->active ? '<br /><span class="post-state">Entwurf</span>' : ''; $class = 'alternate' != $class ? 'alternate' : ''; $editlink = get_bloginfo('wpurl') . '/wp-admin/admin.php?page=jakoblist_edit&id=' . $book->id; echo '<form action="" method="post"><tr class="' . $class . '">'; echo '<td><strong><a class="row-title" href="' . $editlink . '">' . strclean($book->title) . '</a>' . $status . '</strong></td>'; echo '<td>' . strclean($book->author) . '</td>'; echo '<td>' . strclean($book->publisher) . '</td>'; echo '<td>' . strclean($book->info) . '</td>'; echo '<td align="right">' . strclean($book->price) . $thecurrency . '</td>'; /*echo '<td align="left"><input type="button" name="edit" value=" ✎ " class="button-secondary" onclick=location.href="'; echo $editlink.'"'; echo '></td>';*/ echo '<td align="center"><input type="button" name="-" value=" - " class="button-secondary" onclick="if(confirm(\'Sind Sie sicher?\')) {location.href=\''; echo bloginfo('wpurl') . '/wp-admin/admin.php?page=jakoblist&func=jakoblist_remove&id=' . $book->id . '\'} else {return false;}"'; echo '></td>'; echo '</tr></form>'; } } ?> </tbody> </table> </div> <?php }
function _post_array_string($nom) { $array = isset($_POST[$nom]) && is_array($_POST[$nom]) ? $_POST[$nom] : null; if (isset($array)) { foreach ($array as $clef => $item) { if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { $item = stripslashes($item); } $array[$clef] = strclean($item); } } return $array; }
<?php include "../scripts/db.php"; $con = new db(); $conc = $con->c(); header("Content-Type: text/xml"); $user = md5($_POST["user"]); echo "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8' ?><bubble uid='{$user}'>"; $action = $_POST["action"]; $p = sha1($_POST["p"]); $id = $_POST["id"]; $time = $_POST["time"]; $msg = _hstr_(strclean($_POST["msg"]), false); switch ($action) { case 1: $q = mysqli_query($conc, "SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE `em` = '{$user}' AND `pass` = '{$p}' "); $r = mysqli_fetch_assoc($q); if (mysqli_num_rows($q) == 1) { echo "<name>" . $r["fname"] . " " . $r["lname"] . "</name>"; echo "<img>" . str_replace("../", "http://localhost/bubble/", $r["img_m"]) . "</img>"; } else { echo "<error>Invalid Credentials</error>"; } break; case 2: $q = mysqli_query($conc, "SELECT `email`,`femail`,`id` FROM `pals` WHERE `email` = '{$user}' OR `femail` = '{$user}' "); $q2 = mysqli_query($conc, "UPDATE `chat_online` SET `time` = " . date("U") . " WHERE `email` = '{$user}'"); while ($r = mysqli_fetch_array($q)) { $em = $r[0] == $user ? $r[1] : $r[0]; $tm = date("U") - 60 * 10; $q2 = mysqli_query($conc, "SELECT `email` FROM `chat_online` WHERE `email` = '{$em}' AND `time` > {$tm}");
function _hstr_($str, $is_mail) { $pr = explode(" ", $str); $ostr = $str; $href = array(); $mention = array(); $trend = array(); $music = array(); $art = array(); $video = array(); foreach ($pr as $a) { if (stripos($a, "http://") !== false && !in_array($a, $href)) { $str = str_replace($a, "-{$a} -", $str); array_push($href, $a); } else { if (stripos($a, "@") !== false && !in_array($a, $mention)) { $str = str_replace($a, "_{$a} _", $str); array_push($mention, $a); send_mention_mail($a, $ostr, $is_mail); } else { if (stripos($a, "#") !== false && !in_array($a, $trend)) { $str = str_replace($a, "_{$a} _", $str); array_push($trend, $a); } } } /*( else if(stripos($a,"[art:") !== false && !in_array($a,$art)) { $str = str_replace($a,"_$a _",$str); array_push($mention,$a); } else if(stripos($a,"[music:") !== false && !in_array($a,$music)) { $str = str_replace($a,"_$a _",$str); array_push($trend,$a); } */ } $href = null; $mention = null; $trend = null; return strclean($str); }
session_start(); $dbfile = "./scripts/db.php"; if (file_exists($dbfile)) { require_once $dbfile; } else { require_once "." . $dbfile; } if (!isset($_SESSION["uid"], $_SESSION["user"])) { exit("<div class='m_s_g'>Invalid Authentication<div>"); } $uid = $_SESSION["uid"]; $mobile = $_POST["mobile"]; $arg = strclean($_REQUEST["s"]); if (!isset($_REQUEST['s'])) { $arg = strclean($_REQUEST["search"]); } list($s1, $s2) = explode(" ", $arg, 2); $page = intval($_POST["page"]); $pp = $page > 0 ? $page - 1 : 0; $url = PTH . "/"; $b = PTH; function getArt($con, $s, $s1, $s2) { $q = mysqli_query($con, "SELECT `art`.`id`,`art`.`user`,`art`.`name`,`art`.`info`,`art`.`img1`,`art`.`img2`,`art`.`img3`,`art`.`date`,`users`.`user` FROM `art` INNER JOIN `users` ON `users`.`id` = `art`.`user` WHERE LIKE '%{$s}%' OR LIKE '%{$s}%' LIMIT 0, 20"); if (mysqli_num_rows($q) == 0) { return "<div class='m_s_g'>No content available</div>"; } $n = 0; $ans = "<table><tr>"; while ($r = mysqli_fetch_array($q)) {
session_start(); include "../scripts/db.php"; if (!isset($_SESSION["user"])) { exit("<div class='m_s_g'>Invalid Authentication<div>"); } $uid = intval($_SESSION["uid"]); $u = $_POST["uid"]; if (ctype_digit($u) && $u == 0) { exit("<div style='padding:30px;'><a href='" . PTH . "/' style='font-size:20px;'>Join Muzik Kitchen</a></div>"); } if ($u == $uid || $u == $_SESSION["user"]) { // exit(); } if (isset($u) && strlen($u) > 4) { $u = strclean($u); $con = new db(); $conc = $con->c(); $q = mysqli_query($conc, "SELECT id,user,name,img1,sex,bio,bg,bgcolor,web FROM users WHERE id = '{$u}' OR user = '******'"); if (mysqli_num_rows($q) == 0) { $con->close_db_con($conc); exit("<div class='m_s_g' align='center'>This user '{$u}' doest not exist.</div>"); } $r = mysqli_fetch_array($q); $q = NULL; $q = mysqli_query($conc, "SELECT * FROM follow WHERE u1 = {$r['0']}"); $ff = mysqli_num_rows($q); $feeds = numfeeds($conc, $r[0]); $q = NULL; $q = mysqli_query($conc, "SELECT `post`.`id`,`post`.`user`,`post`.`post`,`post`.`date`,`users`.`img1`,`users`.`user`,`users`.`name` ,`post`.`client`,`post`.`rid`,`post`.`type` FROM post INNER JOIN users ON (`post`.`user` = `users`.`id`) WHERE `post`.`user` = {$r['0']} ORDER BY `post`.`id` DESC LIMIT 0,3"); while ($rr = mysqli_fetch_array($q)) {
$qq = mysqli_query($conc, "DELETE FROM comment WHERE cid = {$id} AND type = 2"); if ($owner == 1) { unlink("../music/" . $mp3); } if ($q) { $con->close_db_con($conc); exit("<div {$style}>Successfully Deleted.</div>"); } else { $con->close_db_con($conc); exit("<div {$style}>Incomplete Deletion</div>"); } } if (isset($_POST["upd"])) { $id = intval($_POST["id"]); $name = strclean($_POST["name"]); $info = strclean($_POST["info"]); $upd = $con->update("music", "name='{$name}', info ='{$info}'", "id={$id}"); if ($upd) { exit("<div {$style}>Successfully updated {$name}</div>"); } else { exit("<div {$style}>Error updating {$name}</div>"); } } if (isset($_POST["add"])) { $music = $_FILES["mp3"]["tmp_name"]; if (is_uploaded_file($music)) { $type = extension($_FILES["mp3"]["name"]); if ($type != ".mp3" && $_FILES["mp3"]["type"] != "audio/mpeg") { exit("<div {$style}>" . $_FILES["mp3"]["type"] . "'{$type}' formats are not supoorted, please upload mp3 only</div>"); } $mp3 = md5($music . " " . date("U")) . rand(0, 9) . $type;
<?php include "../scripts/db.php"; $post = "RP: @fisicallyFeet RP: @omish RP: @papaste @fisicallyFeet @omish @easymind @DonZion"; $post = strclean(_hstr_($post, false)); $post = str_replace("__@", "_@", $post); $post = str_replace(" _ _ ", " _ ", $post); //echo $post; $m = " @papaste @fisicallyFeet @omish [music:5] @papaste @fisicallyFeet @omish"; $con = new db(); $conc = $con->c(); $conc = $con->c(); $q = mysqli_query($conc, "SELECT id,img1,img2,img3 FROM users"); echo "no. of users " . mysqli_num_rows($q); if (isset($_GET["no"])) { $con->close_db_con($conc); exit; } while ($r = mysqli_fetch_array($q)) { $img1 = str_replace("..", "", $r[1]); $img2 = str_replace("..", "", $r[2]); $img3 = str_replace("..", "", $r[3]); $img1 = str_replace("d70.jpg", "d70.png", $img1); $img2 = str_replace("d150.jpg", "d150.png", $img2); $img3 = str_replace("d500.jpg", "d500.png", $img3); $qq = mysqli_query($conc, "UPDATE users SET img1='{$img1}',img2='{$img2}',img3='{$img3}' WHERE id = {$r['0']}"); echo $img1 . "<br/>"; } $q = mysqli_query($conc, "SELECT id,img1,img2,img3 FROM art"); while ($r = mysqli_fetch_array($q)) { $img1 = str_replace("..", "", $r[1]);
<?php if (intval($uid) == 0) { exit; } $msg_to = strclean($_GET["to"]); if (!$con) { $con = new db(); } $msg_r = $con->query("users", "id", "user='******' or id='{$msg_to}'"); if ($msg_r[0] == 1) { $msg_rr = mysqli_fetch_array($msg_r[1]); ?> <div id="compose" class="scolumn"> <table class="wp" style="width:100%;padding:40px 40px 40px 40px;"> <tr> <td></td> <td>To : <input type="text" style="text-decoration:underline;" value="<?php echo $msg_to; ?> "disabled="disabled" class="txt" /> </td> </tr> <tr> <td></td> <td><input type="hidden" id="txtto" value="<?php echo $msg_rr[0]; ?> "/></td></tr><tr><td></td><td>Subject</td> </tr>
<?php session_start(); include "../scripts/db.php"; $uid = $_SESSION["uid"]; if (!isset($_SESSION["user"], $_SESSION["p"]) || $uid == 0) { exit("<div class='m_s_g'>Invalid Authentication<div>"); } $loc = $_POST["loc"]; $post = $_POST["post"]; $real_post = $post; $post = _hstr_($post, false); $client = strclean($_POST["client"]); $id = intval($_POST["rid"]); $type = intval($_POST["type"]); function _Trend($str, $con) { global $uid; $pos = stripos($str, "#"); if ($pos !== false) { $preg = preg_split("/ /", $str, -1); foreach ($preg as $s) { if (stristr($s, "#")) { $q = mysqli_query($con, "SELECT id FROM trend WHERE trend LIKE '{$s}'"); if (mysqli_num_rows($q) == 0) { $qq = mysqli_query($con, "INSERT INTO trend Values (NULL, {$uid},'{$s}',1," . date("U") . ")"); } else { $qq = mysqli_query($con, "UPDate trend set tc=tc+1 WHERE trend LIKE '{$s}'"); } } }
<?php session_start(); include "../scripts/db.php"; if (!isset($_SESSION["user"], $_SESSION["p"])) { exit("<div class='m_s_g'>Invalid Authentication<div>"); } $uid = $_SESSION["uid"]; $nm = $_POST["nm"]; $string = strclean($_POST["s"]); $string = str_replace("_", "", $string); list($s1, $s2) = explode(" ", $string, 2); if ($s2 == "" || !$s2) { $s2 = $s1; } if (isset($string)) { $con = new db(); $conc = $con->c(); $users = mysqli_query($conc, "SELECT `id`,`user`,`name` FROM `users` WHERE `name` LIKE '%{$string}%' OR `user` LIKE '%{$string}%' OR `email` LIKE '{$string}' OR `name` LIKE '{$s1}' OR `name` LIKE '%{$s1}%' OR `user` LIKE '%{$s2}%' OR `user` LIKE '%{$s1}%' OR `name` LIKE '%{$s2}%' ORDER BY `user` ASC LIMIT 0 , 10"); $n = 0; $result = "<input type='hidden' id='_hedin' value='' />"; while ($q = mysqli_fetch_array($users)) { $pals = mysqli_query($conc, "SELECT `u1` FROM `follow` WHERE (`u1` ='{$q['0']}' AND `u2` ='{$uid}')"); $bool = false; if ($nm == 1) { $bool = $q[0] == $user; } if (mysqli_num_rows($pals) == 1 || $bool) { $n++; $name = "{$q['1']} [{$q['2']}]"; $fn = $name;
echo "</div></td><td valign='top'><div id='rightcolumn'>"; if (!$ismobile) { requireonce_("./actions/right_column.php"); requireonce_("./right_column.php"); } echo "</div></td></tr></table></div>"; ?> <input type="hidden" id="eval_script" value="now_playing(<?php echo intval($type - 1); ?> ,<?php echo $mediaID; ?> );document.title='Muzik Kitchen | <?php echo strclean($title); ?> ' " /> <?php if ($ismobile == 2 || isset($_GET["media"])) { ?> <script language="javascript"> $(document).ready(function(e) { try{ $(".subdiv").html(_str($(".subdiv").html())); var uid = document.getElementById("upid").value; var div = new createCommentDiv(<?php echo "'" . $_GET["mediaID"] . "','" . $_GET["type"] . "','{$owner}'"; ?>
<?php session_start(); include "../scripts/db.php"; if (!isset($_SESSION["uid"], $_SESSION["user"])) { exit("<div class='m_s_g'>Invalid Authentication<div>"); } $uid = $_SESSION["uid"]; $msg = _hstr_($_POST["msg"], false); $subj = strclean($_POST["subj"]); $to = $_POST["u2"]; $id = $_POST["id"]; if (isset($msg) && $msg != "") { if ($uid == $to) { die("You cannot send a message to yourself"); exit; } $con = new db(); $conc = $con->c(); if (isset($subj) && !isset($id) && isset($to) && $to != "") { if ($subj == "") { $subj = "No Subject"; } $qq = mysqli_query($conc, "INSERT INTO `msg_subj` VALUES(NULL,'{$uid}','{$to}','{$subj}','" . date("U") . "')"); $getid = mysqli_query($conc, "SELECT `id` FROM `msg_subj` WHERE `u1` = '{$uid}' AND `u2`='{$to}' AND `subj` = '{$subj}'"); $nid = mysqli_fetch_array($getid); if ($getid && $qq) { sendmsg($conc, $nid[0], $uid, $to, $msg); } else { echo 2; }