Esempio n. 1
function http_parse_request($result, $headerMode = true)
    $resHeaders = array();
    $resBody = array();
    foreach (explode("\n", $result) as $line) {
        if ($headerMode) {
            if (strStartsWith($line, 'HTTP/')) {
                $httpInfoRecord = explode(' ', trim($line));
                if ($httpInfoRecord[1] == '100') {
                    $ignoreUntilHTTP = true;
                } else {
                    $ignoreUntilHTTP = false;
                    $resHeaders['code'] = $httpInfoRecord[1];
                    $resHeaders['HTTP'] = $line;
            } else {
                if (trim($line) == '') {
                    if (!$ignoreUntilHTTP) {
                        $headerMode = false;
                } else {
                    $hdr_key = trim(CutSegment(':', $line));
                    $resHeaders[strtolower($hdr_key)] = trim($line);
        } else {
            $resBody[] = $line;
    $body = trim(implode("\n", $resBody));
    $data = json_decode($body, true);
    return array('length' => strlen($body), 'result' => $resHeaders['code'], 'headers' => $resHeaders, 'data' => $data, 'body' => $body);
Esempio n. 2
 public function testThatStrStartsWithCorrectlyIdentifiesIfAStringStartsWithASubString()
     $string = 'fooBar';
     $this->assertTrue(strStartsWith($string, 'foo'));
     $string = 'barFoo';
     $this->assertFalse(strStartsWith($string, 'foo'));
Esempio n. 3
 public function __call($name, $arguments)
     $reflect = new ReflectionClass($this);
     $props = $reflect->getProperties(ReflectionProperty::IS_PUBLIC | ReflectionProperty::IS_PROTECTED);
     $fields = array();
     foreach ($props as $key => $value) {
         $fields[] = $value->getName();
     if (strStartsWith($name, "get")) {
         $field = lcfirst(preg_replace("#get(.*)#", "\$1", $name));
         if (in_array($field, $fields, true)) {
             return $this->{$field};
         } else {
             throw new Exception("Field {$field} not defined.");
     if (strStartsWith($name, "set")) {
         $field = lcfirst(preg_replace("#set(.*)#", "\$1", $name));
         if (in_array($field, $fields, true)) {
             $this->{$field} = $arguments[0];
         } else {
             throw new Exception("Field {$field} not defined.");
 public function getCommandByObjectId(IdRequestObject $idRequestObject)
     $pyramidObject = steam_factory::get_object($GLOBALS["STEAM"]->get_id(), $idRequestObject->getId());
     $pyramidType = $pyramidObject->get_attribute("OBJ_TYPE");
     if ($pyramidType != "0" && strStartsWith($pyramidType, "container_pyramiddiscussion")) {
         return new \Pyramiddiscussion\Commands\Index();
     return null;
Esempio n. 5
 function __construct()
     // find all the test methods in this unit test
     $methods = get_class_methods($this);
     foreach ($methods as $method) {
         if (strStartsWith($method, 'test')) {
             $this->testMethods[] = $method;
Esempio n. 6
function convRealToRelative($realpath)
    // 指定的绝对路径必须在 root 范围之内,否则返回 ''
    if (!strStartsWith($realpath, $GLOBALS['wfs_root'] . '/')) {
        return '';
    // 截取出相对路径(不带前导分隔符)
    return strStripPrefix($realpath, strlen($GLOBALS['wfs_root']) + 1);
Esempio n. 7
  * Converts a string to defined native PHP type.
  * @param  string $string   The string to convert
  * @param  string $typename The name of the required resulting PHP type.
  *         Allowed types are (bool|boolean|double|float|int|integer|string|array)
  * @return mixed
 public static function StrToType(string $string, $typename)
     if (null === $string) {
         return null;
     $t = new Type($string);
     if (!$t->hasAssociatedString()) {
         return null;
     $string = $t->getStringValue();
     switch (\strtolower($typename)) {
         case 'bool':
         case 'boolean':
             $res = false;
             static::IsBoolConvertible($string, $res);
             return $res;
         case 'float':
             return \floatval(\str_replace(',', '.', $string));
         case 'double':
             if (!static::IsDecimal($string, true)) {
                 return null;
             $res = \str_replace(',', '.', $string);
             $tmp = \explode('.', $res);
             $ts = \count($tmp);
             if ($ts > 2) {
                 $dv = $tmp[$ts - 1];
                 unset($tmp[$ts - 1]);
                 $dv = \join('', $tmp) . '.' . $dv;
                 return \doubleval($dv);
             return \doubleval($res);
         case 'int':
         case 'integer':
             if (static::IsInteger($string) || static::IsDecimal($string, true)) {
                 return \intval($string);
             return null;
         case 'string':
             return $string;
         case 'array':
             if (\strlen($string) < 1) {
                 return [];
             if (\strlen($string) > 3) {
                 if (\substr($string, 0, 2) == 'a:') {
                     try {
                         $res = \unserialize($string);
                         if (\is_array($res)) {
                             return $res;
                     } catch (\Exception $ex) {
                 if (strStartsWith($string, '[') && strEndsWith($string, ']')) {
                     try {
                         return (array) \json_decode($string);
                     } catch (\Exception $ex) {
                 } else {
                     if (strStartsWith($string, '{') && strEndsWith($string, '}')) {
                         try {
                             return (array) \json_decode($string);
                         } catch (\Exception $ex) {
             return array($string);
             if (\strlen($string) < 1) {
                 return null;
             if (\strlen($string) > 3) {
                 if (\substr($string, 0, 2) == 'O:' && \preg_match('~^O:[^"]+"' . $typename . '":~', $string)) {
                     try {
                         $res = \unserialize($string);
                         if (!\is_object($res)) {
                             return null;
                         if (\get_class($res) == $typename) {
                             return $res;
                     } catch (\Throwable $ex) {
             return null;
Esempio n. 8
 public function frameResponse(\FrameResponseObject $frameResponseObject)
     $user = $GLOBALS["STEAM"]->get_current_steam_user();
     $userID = $user->get_id();
     $pyramidRoom = \steam_factory::get_object($GLOBALS["STEAM"]->get_id(), $this->id);
     $pyramiddiscussionExtension = \Pyramiddiscussion::getInstance();
     $content = $pyramiddiscussionExtension->loadTemplate("pyramiddiscussion_index.template.html");
     $admingroup = $pyramidRoom->get_attribute("PYRAMIDDISCUSSION_ADMINGROUP");
     $basegroup = $pyramidRoom->get_attribute("PYRAMIDDISCUSSION_BASEGROUP");
     $startElements = $pyramidRoom->get_attribute("PYRAMIDDISCUSSION_MAX");
     $maxcol = $pyramidRoom->get_attribute("PYRAMIDDISCUSSION_MAXCOL");
     $deadlines = $pyramidRoom->get_attribute("PYRAMIDDISCUSSION_DEADLINES");
     $user_management = $pyramidRoom->get_attribute("PYRAMIDDISCUSSION_PARTICIPANT_MANAGEMENT");
     $deadlines_used = false;
     $currentUserGroup = 0;
     $objtype = $pyramidRoom->get_attribute("OBJ_TYPE");
     if (!strStartsWith($objtype, "container_pyramiddiscussion")) {
         $rawWidget = new \Widgets\RawHtml();
         $rawWidget->setHtml("Objekt " . $this->id . " ist keine Pyramidendiskussion.");
         return $frameResponseObject;
     // if one or more deadlines past by since the last visit on this page, change the phase
     $phase = $pyramidRoom->get_attribute("PYRAMIDDISCUSSION_ACTCOL");
     if ($phase != 0 && $phase <= $maxcol && $pyramidRoom->get_attribute("PYRAMIDDISCUSSION_USEDEADLINES") == "yes" && $pyramidRoom->get_attribute("PYRAMIDDISCUSSION_OVERRIDE_DEADLINES") == 0) {
         $currentDeadline = $deadlines[$phase];
         while (true) {
             if ($currentDeadline > time()) {
             } else {
                 $pyramidRoom->set_attribute("PYRAMIDDISCUSSION_ACTCOL", $phase);
                 if ($phase == $maxcol + 1) {
                 $currentDeadline = $deadlines[$phase];
     $adminoptions_change = -1;
     if (isset($this->params[1])) {
         $adminoptions_change = $this->params[1];
     // if current user is admin display actionbar
     if ($admingroup->is_member($user)) {
         $adminconfig = $pyramidRoom->get_attribute("PYRAMIDDISCUSSION_ADMINCONFIG");
         if (array_key_exists($userID, $adminconfig)) {
             $options = $adminconfig[$userID];
             // change show/hide settings
             if ($adminoptions_change != -1) {
                 if ($adminoptions_change == 1) {
                     $options["show_adminoptions"] = "true";
                 } else {
                     $options["show_adminoptions"] = "false";
                 $adminconfig[$userID] = $options;
                 $pyramidRoom->set_attribute("PYRAMIDDISCUSSION_ADMINCONFIG", $adminconfig);
         } else {
             $adminconfig[$userID] = array();
             $options = $adminconfig[$userID];
             $options["show_adminoptions"] = "true";
             $adminconfig[$userID] = $options;
             $pyramidRoom->set_attribute("PYRAMIDDISCUSSION_ADMINCONFIG", $adminconfig);
         if ($options["show_adminoptions"] == "true") {
             $actionbar = new \Widgets\Actionbar();
             $actions = array(array("name" => "Konfiguration", "link" => $pyramiddiscussionExtension->getExtensionUrl() . "configuration/" . $this->id), array("name" => "Teilnehmerverwaltung", "link" => $pyramiddiscussionExtension->getExtensionUrl() . "users/" . $this->id), array("name" => "Rundmail erstellen", "link" => $pyramiddiscussionExtension->getExtensionUrl() . "mail/" . $this->id), array("name" => "Adminmodus ausschalten", "link" => $pyramiddiscussionExtension->getExtensionUrl() . "Index/" . $this->id . "/0"));
         } else {
             $actionbar = new \Widgets\Actionbar();
             $actions = array(array("name" => "Adminmodus einschalten", "link" => $pyramiddiscussionExtension->getExtensionUrl() . "Index/" . $this->id . "/1"));
     // display the general information block
     $content->setCurrentBlock("BEGIN BLOCK_PYRAMID_INFORMATION");
     $content->setVariable("JS_URL", $pyramiddiscussionExtension->getAssetUrl());
     $content->setVariable("GENERAL_INFORMATION", "Allgemeine Informationen");
     $content->setVariable("PHASE_LABEL", "Aktueller Status:");
     // if user is an admin and adminoptions are shown, display a select box to change the current phase
     if (isset($options["show_adminoptions"]) && $options["show_adminoptions"] == "true") {
         for ($count = 0; $count <= $maxcol + 2; $count++) {
             $content->setVariable("PHASE_ID", $count);
             if ($count == 0) {
                 $content->setVariable("PHASE_VALUE", "Gruppeneinteilungsphase");
             } else {
                 if ($count <= $maxcol) {
                     $content->setVariable("PHASE_VALUE", $count . ". Diskussionsphase");
                 } else {
                     if ($count == $maxcol + 1) {
                         $content->setVariable("PHASE_VALUE", "Endphase");
                     } else {
                         $content->setVariable("PHASE_VALUE", "Pyramide einfrieren");
             if ($count == $phase) {
                 $content->setVariable("PHASE_SELECTED", "selected");
             $content->setVariable("CHANGE_PHASE", "Ändern");
             $params = "{ id : " . $pyramidRoom->get_id() . ", action : 'phase', newphase : document.getElementById('phase').value }";
             $content->setVariable("CHANGE_PHASE_ACTION", "sendRequest('Index', " . $params . ", '" . $pyramidRoom->get_id() . "', 'reload');");
     } else {
         if ($phase == 0) {
             $content->setVariable("PHASE_VALUE", "Gruppeneinteilungsphase");
         } else {
             if ($phase <= $pyramidRoom->get_attribute("PYRAMIDDISCUSSION_MAXCOL")) {
                 $content->setVariable("PHASE_VALUE", $phase . ". Diskussionsphase");
             } else {
                 if ($phase == $pyramidRoom->get_attribute("PYRAMIDDISCUSSION_MAXCOL") + 1) {
                     $content->setVariable("PHASE_VALUE", "Endphase");
                 } else {
                     $content->setVariable("PHASE_VALUE", "Pyramide eingefroren");
     $content->setVariable("DEADLINE_LABEL", "Deadline:");
     // display current deadline if deadlines are used and override is off
     if ($pyramidRoom->get_attribute("PYRAMIDDISCUSSION_USEDEADLINES") == "yes" && $pyramidRoom->get_attribute("PYRAMIDDISCUSSION_OVERRIDE_DEADLINES") == 0 && $phase != 0 && $phase <= $maxcol) {
         $content->setVariable("DEADLINE_VALUE", date("d.m.Y H:i", (int) $deadlines[$phase]));
         $content->setVariable("DISPLAY_OVERRIDE", "none");
         $deadlines_used = true;
         // if user is admin, adminoptions are shown, deadlines are used but override is on, display a dialog to stop the override
     } else {
         if ($pyramidRoom->get_attribute("PYRAMIDDISCUSSION_USEDEADLINES") == "yes" && $pyramidRoom->get_attribute("PYRAMIDDISCUSSION_OVERRIDE_DEADLINES") == 1 && isset($options["show_adminoptions"]) && $options["show_adminoptions"] == "true") {
             $content->setVariable("DEADLINE_VALUE", "Aktuelle Phase wurde trotz der Verwendung von Deadlines manuell gesetzt. Die Deadlines werden im Moment nicht berücksichtigt.");
             $content->setVariable("DEADLINE_OVERRIDE_LABEL", "Deadlines aktivieren");
             $params = "{ id : " . $pyramidRoom->get_id() . ", action : 'deadlines' }";
             $content->setVariable("DEADLINE_OVERRIDE_ACTION", "sendRequest('Index', " . $params . ", '" . $pyramidRoom->get_id() . "', 'reload');");
         } else {
             $content->setVariable("DEADLINE_VALUE", "keine");
             $content->setVariable("DISPLAY_OVERRIDE", "none");
     $content->setVariable("INFO_LABEL", "Infotext:");
     $content->setVariable("INFO_VALUE", nl2br($pyramidRoom->get_attribute("OBJ_DESC")));
     $content->parse("BEGIN BLOCK_PYRAMID_INFORMATION");
     // display pyramid
     // create array to store the users for all positions
     $users = array();
     for ($count = 1; $count <= $maxcol; $count++) {
         for ($count2 = 1; $count2 <= $startElements / pow(2, $count - 1); $count2++) {
             $users[$count . $count2] = array();
     // for every phase
     $maxuser = 1;
     for ($count = 1; $count <= $maxcol; $count++) {
         // if deadlines are used, display deadline of every phase on the top of the phase
         if ($pyramidRoom->get_attribute("PYRAMIDDISCUSSION_USEDEADLINES") == "yes" && $pyramidRoom->get_attribute("PYRAMIDDISCUSSION_OVERRIDE_DEADLINES") == 0 && $phase <= $maxcol) {
             $content->setVariable("DEADLINE_ID", "deadline" . $count);
             $content->setVariable("DEADLINE_DATE", date("d.m.Y H:i", (int) $deadlines[$count]));
         // create user array
         for ($count2 = 1; $count2 <= $startElements / pow(2, $count - 1); $count2++) {
             $position = \steam_factory::get_object_by_name($GLOBALS["STEAM"]->get_id(), $pyramidRoom->get_path() . "/Position_" . $count . "_" . $count2);
             $positionGroup = $position->get_attribute("PYRAMIDDISCUSSION_RELGROUP");
             $positionMembers = $positionGroup->get_members();
             // add the users from the positions in the first phase to their corresponding arrays
             if ($count == 1) {
                 if ($positionMembers instanceof \steam_user) {
                     $users[$count . $count2] = $positionMembers->get_id();
                     if ($positionMembers->get_id() == $userID) {
                         $currentUserGroup = $positionGroup->get_id();
                 } else {
                     foreach ($positionMembers as $positionMember) {
                         array_push($users[$count . $count2], $positionMember->get_id());
                         if ($positionMember->get_id() == $userID) {
                             $currentUserGroup = $positionGroup->get_id();
                 if (count($users[$count . $count2]) > $maxuser) {
                     $maxuser = count($users[$count . $count2]);
                 // add users to the arrays of the positions for all other phases
             } else {
                 $users[$count . $count2] = array_merge($users[$count - 1 . ($count2 * 2 - 1)], $users[$count - 1 . $count2 * 2]);
         // for every position in a phase
         for ($count2 = 1; $count2 <= $startElements / pow(2, $count - 1); $count2++) {
             $position = \steam_factory::get_object_by_name($GLOBALS["STEAM"]->get_id(), $pyramidRoom->get_path() . "/Position_" . $count . "_" . $count2);
             $positionGroup = $position->get_attribute("PYRAMIDDISCUSSION_RELGROUP");
             $positionMembers = $positionGroup->get_members();
             // get the names from all users of the current position (that still take part in the discussion)
             $participants = $pyramidRoom->get_attribute("PYRAMIDDISCUSSION_PARTICIPANT_MANAGEMENT");
             foreach ($users[$count . $count2] as $currentUserID) {
                 if (!isset($participants[$currentUserID])) {
                     $participants[$currentUserID] = 0;
                     $pyramidRoom->set_attribute("PYRAMIDDISCUSSION_PARTICIPANT_MANAGEMENT", $participants);
                 if ($participants[$currentUserID] == 0 || $participants[$currentUserID] >= $count) {
                     $currentMember = \steam_factory::get_object($GLOBALS["STEAM"]->get_id(), $currentUserID);
             // get position read states
             $read_states = $position->get_attribute("PYRAMIDDISCUSSION_POS_READ_STATES");
             if (!is_array($read_states)) {
                 $read_states = array();
             // determine if there are unread comments for the current position
             $comments_read = 1;
             $comments = $position->get_annotations();
             foreach ($comments as $comment) {
                 $comment_read_states = $comment->get_attribute("PYRAMIDDISCUSSION_COMMENT_READ_STATES");
                 if (!is_array($comment_read_states)) {
                     $comment_read_states = array();
                 if (!array_key_exists($userID, $comment_read_states) || $comment_read_states[$userID] != "1") {
                     $comments_read = 0;
             $read = false;
             $state = "phase" . $count . " ";
             if ($count <= $phase && count($users[$count . $count2]) > 0) {
                 $state = $state . "active ";
             } else {
                 if (!($phase == 0 && $count == 1) || $phase != 0 && count($users[$count . $count2]) == 0) {
                     $state = $state . "inactive ";
                     $content->setVariable("POSITION_ACTION_HIDDEN", "hidden");
                     $read = true;
                 } else {
                     $state = $state . "active ";
             if (in_array($userID, $users[$count . $count2])) {
                 $state = $state . "my ";
                 if ($phase != 0) {
                     if ($phase == $count && (!isset($user_management[$currentUserID]) || $user_management[$currentUserID] == 0 || $user_management[$currentUserID] >= $count)) {
                         // current discussion phase
                         $content->setVariable("POSITION_ACTION_LABEL", "Position lesen<br>und bearbeiten");
                         $content->setVariable("COMMENTS_URL", 'href="' . $pyramiddiscussionExtension->getExtensionUrl() . 'ViewPosition/' . $pyramidRoom->get_id() . '/' . $position->get_id() . '#comments"');
                     } else {
                         if ($count < $phase) {
                             // previous discussion phase
                             $content->setVariable("POSITION_ACTION_LABEL", "Position lesen");
                             $content->setVariable("COMMENTS_URL", 'href="' . $pyramiddiscussionExtension->getExtensionUrl() . 'ViewPosition/' . $pyramidRoom->get_id() . '/' . $position->get_id() . '#comments"');
                     $content->setVariable("POSITION_ACTION_URL", $pyramiddiscussionExtension->getExtensionUrl() . "ViewPosition/" . $pyramidRoom->get_id() . "/" . $position->get_id());
                     if (array_key_exists($userID, $read_states) && $read_states[$userID] == "1" || $position->get_content() == "0" || $position->get_content() == "") {
                         $read = true;
                 } else {
                     // group choosing phase, my position
                     $content->setVariable("POSITION_ACTION_LABEL", "Position<br>verlassen");
                     $params = "{ id : " . $position->get_id() . ", pyramid : " . $pyramidRoom->get_id() . ", action : 'join', formergroup : " . $currentUserGroup . ", newgroup : " . $positionGroup->get_id() . " }";
                     $content->setVariable("POSITION_ACTION_URL", "javascript:sendRequest('EditPosition', " . $params . ", '" . $position->get_id() . "', 'reload');");
                     $read = true;
             } else {
                 if ($phase != 0) {
                     if ($count < $phase) {
                         // previous discussion phase, other positions (reading allowed)
                         $content->setVariable("POSITION_ACTION_LABEL", "Position lesen");
                         $content->setVariable("POSITION_ACTION_URL", $pyramiddiscussionExtension->getExtensionUrl() . "ViewPosition/" . $pyramidRoom->get_id() . "/" . $position->get_id());
                         if (array_key_exists($userID, $read_states) && $read_states[$userID] == "1" || $position->get_content() == "0" || $position->get_content() == "") {
                             $read = true;
                         $content->setVariable("COMMENTS_URL", 'href="' . $pyramiddiscussionExtension->getExtensionUrl() . 'ViewPosition/' . $pyramidRoom->get_id() . '/' . $position->get_id() . '#comments"');
                     } else {
                         if ($phase == $count) {
                             // current discussion phase, other positions (reading not allowed)
                             $content->setVariable("POSITION_ACTION_HIDDEN", "hidden");
                             $read = true;
                 } else {
                     // group choosing phase, other positions
                     $content->setVariable("POSITION_ACTION_LABEL", "Position<br>beitreten");
                     $params = "{ id : " . $position->get_id() . ", pyramid : " . $pyramidRoom->get_id() . ", action : 'join', formergroup : " . $currentUserGroup . ", newgroup : " . $positionGroup->get_id() . " }";
                     $content->setVariable("POSITION_ACTION_URL", "javascript:sendRequest('EditPosition', " . $params . ", '" . $position->get_id() . "', 'reload');");
                     $read = true;
             if ($read) {
                 $state = $state . "read";
                 $content->setVariable("READSTATUS_ICON", "read_position");
                 $content->setVariable("READSTATUS_TITLE", "Position gelesen");
             } else {
                 $state = $state . "unread";
                 $content->setVariable("READSTATUS_ICON", "not_read_position");
                 $content->setVariable("READSTATUS_TITLE", "Position ungelesen");
             if ($phase > 0 && $phase != $maxcol + 2 && (isset($options["show_adminoptions"]) && $options["show_adminoptions"] == "true")) {
                 $content->setVariable("POSITION_ACTION_URL", $pyramiddiscussionExtension->getExtensionUrl() . "ViewPosition/" . $pyramidRoom->get_id() . "/" . $position->get_id());
                 $content->setVariable("POSITION_ACTION_HIDDEN", "");
                 $content->setVariable("POSITION_ACTION_LABEL", "Position lesen<br>und bearbeiten");
                 $content->setVariable("COMMENTS_URL", 'href="' . $pyramiddiscussionExtension->getExtensionUrl() . 'ViewPosition/' . $pyramidRoom->get_id() . '/' . $position->get_id() . '#comments"');
             $content->setVariable("POSITION_ID", "position" . $count . $count2);
             $content->setVariable("POSITION_STATE", $state);
             $content->setVariable("POSITION_LABEL", "Position " . $count . "-" . $count2);
             $content->setVariable("ASSETURL", $pyramiddiscussionExtension->getAssetUrl());
             if ($comments_read == 1) {
                 $content->setVariable("ANNOTATION_COUNT", count($comments));
                 $content->setVariable("ANNOTATION_TITLE", "Keine ungelesenen Kommentare vorhanden");
                 $content->setVariable("COMMENTSTATUS_ICON", "no_comments");
             } else {
                 $content->setVariable("ANNOTATION_COUNT", "<b>" . count($comments) . "</b>");
                 $content->setVariable("ANNOTATION_TITLE", "Ungelesene Kommentare vorhanden");
                 $content->setVariable("COMMENTSTATUS_ICON", "comments");
             foreach ($users[$count . $count2] as $currentUserID) {
                 if (!isset($user_management[$currentUserID]) || $user_management[$currentUserID] == 0 || $user_management[$currentUserID] >= $count) {
                     $currentUser = \steam_factory::get_object($GLOBALS["STEAM"]->get_id(), $currentUserID);
                     $pic_id = $currentUser->get_attribute("OBJ_ICON")->get_id();
                     $pic_link = $pic_id == 0 ? PATH_URL . "styles/standard/images/anonymous.jpg" : PATH_URL . "download/image/" . $pic_id . "/15/20";
                     $content->setVariable("USER_URL", PATH_URL . "user/index/" . $currentUser->get_name());
                     $content->setVariable("PIC_URL", $pic_link);
                     $content->setVariable("USER_NAME", $currentUser->get_full_name());
     $heights = array();
     $heights[0] = 5;
     // gap
     switch ($maxuser) {
         case 1:
             $heights[1] = 106;
         case 2:
             $heights[1] = 126;
         case 3:
             $heights[1] = 146;
         case 4:
             $heights[1] = 166;
             $heights[1] = 176;
     $heights[2] = 2 * $heights[1] - 0.5 * $heights[1] + 1 * $heights[0];
     $heights[3] = 3 * $heights[1] + 2 * $heights[0];
     $heights[4] = 4 * $heights[1] + 3 * $heights[0];
     $heights[5] = 8 * $heights[1] + 7 * $heights[0];
     $heights[6] = 16 * $heights[1] + 15 * $heights[0];
     $heights[7] = 32 * $heights[1] + 31 * $heights[0];
     // special case
     if ($maxcol == 3) {
         $heights[3] = 2 * $heights[1] + 1 * $heights[0];
     $css = "";
     for ($count = 1; $count <= $maxcol; $count++) {
         $css = $css . ".phase" . $count . " { width: 120px; height: " . $heights[$count] . "px; } \n";
     // background triangle
     $triangle = $startElements * ($heights[0] + $heights[1]) * 0.5 + 16;
     $triangle_end = array(0, 300, 450, 600, 720);
     if ($startElements <= 16) {
         $css = $css . "\n\t\t\t.pyramid_triangle {\n\t  \t\t\tborder-color: transparent transparent transparent #FDF1A7;\n\t  \t\t\tborder-style: solid;\n\t  \t\t\tborder-width: " . $triangle . "px 0px " . $triangle . "px " . $triangle_end[$maxcol - 1] . "px;\n\t  \t\t\twidth:0px;\n\t  \t\t\theight:0px;\n\t\t\t}";
     $content->setVariable("CSS_HEIGHTS", $css);
     $content->setVariable("JS_STARTPOSITIONS", $startElements);
     $content->setVariable("JS_GAP", $heights[0]);
     $content->setVariable("JS_HEIGHT", $heights[1]);
     $content->setVariable("JS_DEADLINES", $deadlines_used);
     $content->setVariable("EMPTY_DIV_HEIGHT", $startElements * ($heights[0] + $heights[1]) + 16 . "px");
     $rawWidget = new \Widgets\RawHtml();
     $frameResponseObject->setHeadline("Pyramidendiskussion: " . $pyramidRoom->get_name());
     return $frameResponseObject;
Esempio n. 9
$memcache_status = ob_get_clean();

$normalUrl = cqrequest('http://'.cfg('service/server').'/?signin');
$prettyUrl = cqrequest('http://'.cfg('service/server').'/signin');
?><div class="banner">
  <? if(substr($prettyUrl['headers']['code'], 0, 1) != '4') print('<div class="smallwin">Pretty URLs supported</div>'); else print('<div class="win">Pretty URLs not supported</div>');?>
$server_status = ob_get_clean();

$pingServer = cfg('ping/server');
if(!strStartsWith($pingServer, 'http://')) $pingServer = 'http://'.$pingServer;
  $btype = 'smallwin';
  $lastPing = filectime('log/cron.last.log');
  $lastPingText = 'Last ping: '.ageToString($lastPing, 'very recently');
  $btype = 'fail';
  $lastPingText = 'Waiting for ping from '.$pingServer.'...'; 
if(cfg('ping/remote') && cfg('ping/server') != '')
  $pingStatus = h2_nv_retrieve('ping/status');
  if($pingStatus['server'] != $pingServer)
Esempio n. 10
  * search backwards starting from haystack length characters from the end
  * @param $string
  * @param $search
  * @return bool
 function strStartsWith($string, $search)
     if (empty($string) || empty($search)) {
         throw new InvalidArgumentException("String and Search values cannot be empty.");
     if (is_array($search)) {
         foreach ($search as $i => $str) {
             if (strStartsWith($string, $str)) {
                 return true;
         return false;
     return strrpos($string, $search, -strlen($string)) !== false;
Esempio n. 11
      tlog(false, $function.' in '.$parse2['files'][$decl], 'OK', 'fail');
tlog(true, 'Other declarations: '.$okCount1, 'OK', 'fail');

tsection('Unused Code');
foreach($parse['func'] as $function => $decl) if(!strStartsWith($parse2['files'][$decl], './plugins/') && !strStartsWith($parse2['files'][$decl], './log/') && !strStartsWith($parse2['files'][$decl], './static/'))
  if(!inStr($parse2['files'][$decl], 'controller') && substr($function, 0, 1) != '_' && 
    substr($function, 0, 1) != '(' && !strStartsWith($parse2['files'][$decl], './msg') && !$ignoreCallCheck[$function] && !strEndsWith($function, 'callback()') &&
    !strStartsWith($function, 'js_') && !strStartsWith($function, 'dyn_') && $function != 'h2_exceptionhandler()')
      tlog(false, $function.' in '.$parse2['files'][$decl], 'OK', 'fail');
tlog(true, 'Other calls: '.$okCount2, 'OK', 'fail');


Esempio n. 12
    public function ajaxResponse(\AjaxResponseObject $ajaxResponseObject)
        $user = $GLOBALS["STEAM"]->get_current_steam_user();
        $groups = $user->get_groups();
        $options_group = "";
        $options_course = "";
        // add options for every group the current user is member in and for every course the user is staff member in
        foreach ($groups as $group) {
            if ((strStartsWith($group->get_groupname(), "PrivGroup") || strStartsWith($group->get_groupname(), "PublicGroup")) && !strStartsWith($group->get_name(), "group_")) {
                $options_group = $options_group . "<option value=\"" . $group->get_id() . "\">" . $group->get_name() . "</option> \n";
            } else {
                if (strStartsWith($group->get_groupname(), "Courses") && !strStartsWith($group->get_name(), "group_") && $group->get_name() == "staff") {
                    $group = $group->get_parent_group();
                    $name = $group->get_attribute("OBJ_DESC") . " (" . $group->get_name() . ")";
                    $options_course = $options_course . "<option value=\"" . $group->get_id() . "\">" . $name . "</option> \n";
        $ajaxForm = new \Widgets\AjaxForm();
<style type="text/css">
.attribute {
  clear: left;
  padding: 5px 2px 5px 2px;

.attributeName {
  float: left;
  padding-right: 20px;
  text-align: right;
  width: 80px;

.attributeNameRequired {
  float: left;
  padding-right: 20px;
  text-align: right;
  font-weight: bold;
  width: 80px;

.attributeValue {
  float: left;
  width: 300px;

.attributeValue .text, .attributeValue textarea {
  wwidth: 100px;

.attributeValueColumn {
  float: left;
  position: relative;
  text-align: center;
<div class="attribute">
\t<div class="attributeNameRequired">Titel*:</div>
\t<div><input type="text" class="text" value="" name="title"></div>
<div class="attribute">
\t<div class="attributeNameRequired">Runden*:</div>
\t<div><input type="text" class="text" value="" name="rounds"></div>
<div class="attribute">
\t<div class="attributeNameRequired">Erstellen in*:</div>
\t\t<input type="radio" value="1" name="group_course" onClick="document.getElementById('group').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('course').style.display = '';">Kurs
\t\t<input type="radio" value="2" name="group_course" onClick="document.getElementById('group').style.display = ''; document.getElementById('course').style.display = 'none';">Gruppe
<div class="attribute" id="course" style="display:none;">
\t<div class="attributeNameRequired">Kurs*:</div>
\t\t<select name="course">
<div class="attribute" id="group" style="display:none;" title="">
\t<div class="attributeNameRequired">Gruppe*:</div>
\t\t<select name="group">
        return $ajaxResponseObject;
    public function ajaxResponse(\AjaxResponseObject $ajaxResponseObject)
        $user = $GLOBALS["STEAM"]->get_current_steam_user();
        $groups = $user->get_groups();
        $options_basegroup = "";
        $options_admingroup = "";
        $options_course = "";
        foreach ($groups as $group) {
            if ((strStartsWith($group->get_groupname(), "PrivGroup") || strStartsWith($group->get_groupname(), "PublicGroup")) && !strStartsWith($group->get_name(), "group_")) {
                if ($group->is_admin($user)) {
                    $options_basegroup = $options_basegroup . "<option value=\"" . $group->get_id() . "\">" . $group->get_name() . "</option> \n";
                $options_admingroup = $options_admingroup . "<option value=\"" . $group->get_id() . "\">" . $group->get_name() . "</option> \n";
            } else {
                if (strStartsWith($group->get_groupname(), "Courses") && !strStartsWith($group->get_name(), "group_") && $group->get_name() == "staff") {
                    $group = $group->get_parent_group();
                    $name = $group->get_attribute("OBJ_DESC") . " (" . $group->get_name() . ")";
                    $options_course = $options_course . "<option value=\"" . $group->get_id() . "\">" . $name . "</option> \n";
        $ajaxForm = new \Widgets\AjaxForm();
<style type="text/css">
.attribute {
  clear: left;
  padding: 5px 2px 5px 2px;

.attributeName {
  float: left;
  padding-right: 20px;
  text-align: right;
  width: 80px;

.attributeNameRequired {
  float: left;
  padding-right: 20px;
  text-align: right;
  font-weight: bold;
  width: 80px;

.attributeValue {
  float: left;
  width: 300px;

.attributeValue .text, .attributeValue textarea {
  wwidth: 100px;

.attributeValueColumn {
  float: left;
  position: relative;
  text-align: center;
<div class="attribute">
\t<div class="attributeNameRequired">Titel*:</div>
\t<div><input type="text" class="text" value="" name="title"></div>
<div class="attribute">
\t<div class="attributeNameRequired">Anzahl der Startfelder*:</div>
\t\t<select name="startElements" size="1" style="width: 50%">
\t\t\t<option value="2">2</option>
\t\t\t<option value="4">4</option>
\t\t\t<option value="8">8</option>
\t\t\t<option value="16">16</option>
\t\t\t<option value="32">32</option>
\t\t\t<option value="64">64</option>
<div class="attribute">
\t<div class="attributeNameRequired">Eingabeeditor*:</div>
\t\t<select name="editor" size="1" style="width: 50%">
\t\t\t<option value="text/plain">Einfacher Text</option>
\t\t\t<option value="text/html">HTML Notation</option>
\t\t\t<option value="text/wiki">Wiki Notation</option>
<div class="attribute">
\t<div class="attributeNameRequired">Erstellen in*:</div>
\t\t<input type="radio" value="1" name="group" onClick="document.getElementById('admingroup').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('basegroup').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('course').style.display = '';">Kurs
\t\t<input type="radio" value="2" name="group" onClick="document.getElementById('admingroup').style.display = ''; document.getElementById('basegroup').style.display = ''; document.getElementById('course').style.display = 'none';">Gruppe
<div class="attribute" id="course" style="display:none;">
\t<div class="attributeNameRequired">Kurs*:</div>
\t\t<select name="course">
<div class="attribute" id="basegroup" style="display:none;" title="Es werden nur Gruppen angezeigt, in denen Sie Administrator sind.">
\t<div class="attributeNameRequired">Basisgruppe*:</div>
\t\t<select name="basegroup">
<div class="attribute" id="admingroup" style="display:none;">
\t<div class="attributeNameRequired">Admingruppe*:</div>
\t\t<select name="admingroup">
        return $ajaxResponseObject;
Esempio n. 14
 function urlUnify($raw)
     if (!strStartsWith($raw, 'http')) {
         $raw = 'http://' . $raw;
     $u = parse_url($raw);
     $s = strtolower($u['host']) . $u['path'];
     if ($u['query'] != '') {
         $s .= '?' . $u['query'];
     return $s;