Esempio n. 1
 static function deleteQuery($id)
     $id = sqlescape($id);
     // Find all the stream content related to this query
     $q = sqlquery("SELECT item FROM btx_social_feed_stream_queries WHERE `query` = '{$id}'");
     while ($f = sqlfetch($q)) {
         // See if the item is related to more than one query
         $r = sqlrows(sqlquery("SELECT `query` FROM btx_social_feed_stream_queries WHERE `item` = '" . $f["item"] . "'"));
         // If this is the only query related to the content, delete it.
         if ($r == 1) {
             BigTreeAutoModule::deleteItem("btx_social_feed_stream", $f["item"]);
     // Delete the query itself -- foreign key constraints will delete the reference table
     BigTreeAutoModule::deleteItem("btx_social_feed_queries", $id);
Esempio n. 2
 function getPageCount($perpage = 15, $where = false)
     // Backwards compatibility with old argument order
     if (!is_numeric($perpage)) {
         $saved = $perpage;
         $perpage = is_numeric($where) ? $where : 15;
         $where = $saved;
     if ($where) {
         $query = "SELECT id FROM `" . $this->Table . "` WHERE {$where}";
     } else {
         $query = "SELECT id FROM `" . $this->Table . "`";
     $pages = ceil(sqlrows(sqlquery($query)) / $perpage);
     if ($pages == 0) {
         $pages = 1;
     return $pages;
Esempio n. 3
foreach ($json["components"]["module_groups"] as &$group) {
    if ($group) {
        $bigtree["group_match"][$group["id"]] = $admin->createModuleGroup($group["name"]);
        // Update the group ID since we're going to save this manifest locally for uninstalling
        $group["id"] = $bigtree["group_match"][$group["id"]];
// Import modules
foreach ($json["components"]["modules"] as &$module) {
    if ($module) {
        $group = $module["group"] && isset($bigtree["group_match"][$module["group"]]) ? $bigtree["group_match"][$module["group"]] : "NULL";
        $gbp = sqlescape(is_array($module["gbp"]) ? json_encode($module["gbp"]) : $module["gbp"]);
        // Find a unique route
        $oroute = $route = $module["route"];
        $x = 2;
        while (sqlrows(sqlquery("SELECT * FROM bigtree_modules WHERE route = '" . sqlescape($route) . "'"))) {
            $route = $oroute . "-{$x}";
        // Create the module
        sqlquery("INSERT INTO bigtree_modules (`name`,`route`,`class`,`icon`,`group`,`gbp`) VALUES ('" . sqlescape($module["name"]) . "','" . sqlescape($route) . "','" . sqlescape($module["class"]) . "','" . sqlescape($module["icon"]) . "',{$group},'{$gbp}')");
        $module_id = sqlid();
        $bigtree["module_match"][$module["id"]] = $module_id;
        $bigtree["route_match"][$module["route"]] = $route;
        // Update the module ID since we're going to save this manifest locally for uninstalling
        $module["id"] = $module_id;
        // Create the embed forms
        foreach ($module["embed_forms"] as $form) {
            $admin->createModuleEmbedForm($module_id, $form["title"], $form["table"], is_array($form["fields"]) ? $form["fields"] : json_decode($form["fields"], true), $form["preprocess"], $form["callback"], $form["default_position"], $form["default_pending"], $form["css"], $form["redirect_url"], $form["thank_you_message"]);
        // Create views
Esempio n. 4
 static function getSearchResults($view, $page = 1, $query = "", $sort = "id DESC", $group = false)
     // Check to see if we've cached this table before.
     $search_parts = explode(" ", strtolower($query));
     $view_columns = count($view["fields"]);
     if ($group !== false) {
         $query = "SELECT * FROM bigtree_module_view_cache WHERE view = '" . $view["id"] . "' AND group_field = '" . sqlescape($group) . "'" . self::getFilterQuery($view);
     } else {
         $query = "SELECT * FROM bigtree_module_view_cache WHERE view = '" . $view["id"] . "'" . self::getFilterQuery($view);
     foreach ($search_parts as $part) {
         $x = 0;
         $qp = array();
         $part = sqlescape(strtolower($part));
         while ($x < $view_columns) {
             $qp[] = "column{$x} LIKE '%{$part}%'";
         if (count($qp)) {
             $query .= " AND (" . implode(" OR ", $qp) . ")";
     $per_page = $view["options"]["per_page"] ? $view["options"]["per_page"] : BigTreeAdmin::$PerPage;
     $pages = ceil(sqlrows(sqlquery($query)) / $per_page);
     $pages = $pages > 0 ? $pages : 1;
     $results = array();
     // Get the correct column name for sorting
     if (strpos($sort, "`") !== false) {
         // New formatting
         $sort_field = BigTree::nextSQLColumnDefinition(substr($sort, 1));
         $sort_pieces = explode(" ", $sort);
         $sort_direction = end($sort_pieces);
     } else {
         // Old formatting
         list($sort_field, $sort_direction) = explode(" ", $sort);
     if ($sort_field != "id") {
         $x = 0;
         if (isset($view["fields"][$sort_field]["numeric"]) && $view["fields"][$sort_field]["numeric"]) {
             $convert_numeric = true;
         } else {
             $convert_numeric = false;
         foreach ($view["fields"] as $field => $options) {
             if ($field == $sort_field) {
                 $sort_field = "column{$x}";
         // If we didn't find a column, let's assume it's the default sort field.
         if (substr($sort_field, 0, 6) != "column") {
             $sort_field = "sort_field";
         if ($convert_numeric) {
             $sort_field = "CONVERT(" . $sort_field . ",SIGNED)";
     } else {
         $sort_field = "CONVERT(id,UNSIGNED)";
     if (strtolower($sort) == "position desc, id asc") {
         $sort_field = "position DESC, id ASC";
         $sort_direction = "";
     } else {
         $sort_direction = strtolower($sort_direction) == "asc" ? "ASC" : "DESC";
     if ($page === "all") {
         $q = sqlquery($query . " ORDER BY {$sort_field} {$sort_direction}");
     } else {
         $q = sqlquery($query . " ORDER BY {$sort_field} {$sort_direction} LIMIT " . ($page - 1) * $per_page . ",{$per_page}");
     while ($f = sqlfetch($q)) {
         $results[] = $f;
     return array("pages" => $pages, "results" => $results);
Esempio n. 5
 function updateUser($id, $data)
     global $bigtree;
     $id = sqlescape($id);
     // See if there's an email collission
     $r = sqlrows(sqlquery("SELECT * FROM bigtree_users WHERE email = '" . sqlescape($data["email"]) . "' AND id != '{$id}'"));
     if ($r) {
         return false;
     // If this person has higher access levels than the person trying to update them, fail.
     $current = static::getUser($id);
     if ($current["level"] > $this->Level) {
         return false;
     $level = intval($data["level"]);
     $email = sqlescape($data["email"]);
     $name = sqlescape(htmlspecialchars($data["name"]));
     $company = sqlescape(htmlspecialchars($data["company"]));
     $daily_digest = $data["daily_digest"] ? "on" : "";
     $permissions = BigTree::json($data["permissions"], true);
     $alerts = BigTree::json($data["alerts"], true);
     // If the user is editing themselves, they can't change the level.
     if ($this->ID == $current["id"]) {
         $level = $current["level"];
     // Don't allow the level to be set higher than the logged in user's level
     if ($level > $this->Level) {
         $level = $this->Level;
     if ($data["password"]) {
         $phpass = new PasswordHash($bigtree["config"]["password_depth"], TRUE);
         $password = sqlescape($phpass->HashPassword(trim($data["password"])));
         sqlquery("UPDATE bigtree_users SET `email` = '{$email}', `password` = '{$password}', `name` = '{$name}', `company` = '{$company}', `level` = '{$level}', `permissions` = '{$permissions}', `alerts` = '{$alerts}', `daily_digest` = '{$daily_digest}' WHERE id = '{$id}'");
     } else {
         sqlquery("UPDATE bigtree_users SET `email` = '{$email}', `name` = '{$name}', `company` = '{$company}', `level` = '{$level}', `permissions` = '{$permissions}', `alerts` = '{$alerts}', `daily_digest` = '{$daily_digest}' WHERE id = '{$id}'");
     $this->track("bigtree_users", $id, "updated");
     return true;
Esempio n. 6
// Sanitize the form data so it fits properly in the database (convert dates to MySQL-friendly format and such)
$bigtree["entry"] = BigTreeAutoModule::sanitizeData($bigtree["form"]["table"], $bigtree["entry"]);
// Make some easier to write out vars for below.
$tags = $_POST["_tags"];
$edit_id = $_POST["id"] ? $_POST["id"] : false;
$new_id = false;
$table = $bigtree["form"]["table"];
$item = $bigtree["entry"];
$many_to_many = $bigtree["many-to-many"];
// Check to see if this is a positioned element
// If it is and the form is setup to create new items at the top and this is a new record, update the position column.
$table_description = BigTree::describeTable($table);
if (isset($table_description["columns"]["position"]) && $bigtree["form"]["default_position"] == "Top" && !$_POST["id"]) {
    $max = sqlrows(sqlquery("SELECT id FROM `{$table}`")) + sqlrows(sqlquery("SELECT id FROM `bigtree_pending_changes` WHERE `table` = '" . sqlescape($table) . "'"));
    $item["position"] = $max;
// Let's stick it in the database or whatever!
$data_action = $_POST["save_and_publish"] || $_POST["save_and_publish_x"] || $_POST["save_and_publish_y"] ? "publish" : "save";
$did_publish = false;
// We're an editor or "Save" was chosen
if ($bigtree["access_level"] == "e" || $data_action == "save") {
    // We have an existing module entry we're saving a change to.
    if ($edit_id) {
        BigTreeAutoModule::submitChange($bigtree["module"]["id"], $table, $edit_id, $item, $many_to_many, $tags);
        $admin->growl($bigtree["module"]["name"], "Saved " . $bigtree["form"]["title"] . " Draft");
        // It's a new entry, so we create a pending item.
    } else {
        $edit_id = "p" . BigTreeAutoModule::createPendingItem($bigtree["module"]["id"], $table, $item, $many_to_many, $tags);
        $admin->growl($bigtree["module"]["name"], "Created " . $bigtree["form"]["title"] . " Draft");
Esempio n. 7
$json = version_compare(PHP_VERSION, "5.4.0") >= 0 ? json_encode($package, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT | JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES) : json_encode($package);
file_put_contents(SERVER_ROOT . "cache/package/manifest.json", $json);
// Create the zip
@unlink(SERVER_ROOT . "cache/");
include BigTree::path("inc/lib/pclzip.php");
$zip = new PclZip(SERVER_ROOT . "cache/");
$zip->create(BigTree::directoryContents(SERVER_ROOT . "cache/package/"), PCLZIP_OPT_REMOVE_PATH, SERVER_ROOT . "cache/package/");
// Remove the package directory, we do it backwards because the "deepest" files are last
$contents = array_reverse(BigTree::directoryContents(SERVER_ROOT . "cache/package/"));
foreach ($contents as $file) {
@rmdir(SERVER_ROOT . "cache/package/");
// Store it in the database for future updates
if (sqlrows(sqlquery("SELECT * FROM bigtree_extensions WHERE id = '" . sqlescape($id) . "'"))) {
    sqlquery("UPDATE bigtree_extensions SET name = '" . sqlescape($title) . "', version = '" . sqlescape($version) . "', last_updated = NOW(), manifest = '" . sqlescape($json) . "' WHERE id = '" . sqlescape($id) . "'");
} else {
    sqlquery("INSERT INTO bigtree_extensions (`id`,`type`,`name`,`version`,`last_updated`,`manifest`) VALUES ('" . sqlescape($id) . "','package','" . sqlescape($title) . "','" . sqlescape($version) . "',NOW(),'" . sqlescape($json) . "')");
<div class="container">
		<p>Package created successfully.</p>
		<a href="<?php 
packages/build/download/" class="button blue">Download</a>
Esempio n. 8
 function updateUser($id, $data)
     global $bigtree;
     $id = sqlescape($id);
     // See if there's an email collission
     $r = sqlrows(sqlquery("SELECT * FROM bigtree_users WHERE email = '" . sqlescape($data["email"]) . "' AND id != '{$id}'"));
     if ($r) {
         return false;
     // If this person has higher access levels than the person trying to update them, fail.
     $current = $this->getUser($id);
     if ($current["level"] > $this->Level) {
         return false;
     // If we didn't pass in a level because we're editing ourselves, use the current one.
     if (!$level || $this->ID == $current["id"]) {
         $level = $current["level"];
     foreach ($data as $key => $val) {
         if (substr($key, 0, 1) != "_" && !is_array($val)) {
             ${$key} = sqlescape($val);
     $permissions = sqlescape(json_encode($data["permissions"]));
     $alerts = sqlescape(json_encode($data["alerts"]));
     if ($data["password"]) {
         $phpass = new PasswordHash($bigtree["config"]["password_depth"], TRUE);
         $password = sqlescape($phpass->HashPassword($data["password"]));
         sqlquery("UPDATE bigtree_users SET `email` = '{$email}', `password` = '{$password}', `name` = '{$name}', `company` = '{$company}', `level` = '{$level}', `permissions` = '{$permissions}', `alerts` = '{$alerts}', `daily_digest` = '{$daily_digest}' WHERE id = '{$id}'");
     } else {
         sqlquery("UPDATE bigtree_users SET `email` = '{$email}', `name` = '{$name}', `company` = '{$company}', `level` = '{$level}', `permissions` = '{$permissions}', `alerts` = '{$alerts}', `daily_digest` = '{$daily_digest}' WHERE id = '{$id}'");
     $this->track("bigtree_users", $id, "updated");
     return true;
Esempio n. 9

// If we always genereate a new route, don't have a route, or we're updating a pending entry.
if (!$field["options"]["keep_original"] || !$bigtree["existing_data"][$field["key"]] || isset($bigtree["edit_id"]) && !is_numeric($bigtree["edit_id"])) {
    if ($field["options"]["not_unique"]) {
        $field["output"] = $cms->urlify(strip_tags($bigtree["post_data"][$field["options"]["source"]]));
    } else {
        $oroute = $cms->urlify(strip_tags($bigtree["post_data"][$field["options"]["source"]]));
        $field["output"] = $oroute;
        $x = 2;
        // We're going to try 1000 times at most so we don't time out
        while ($x < 1000 && sqlrows(sqlquery("SELECT * FROM `" . $bigtree["form"]["table"] . "` WHERE `" . $field["key"] . "` = '" . sqlescape($field["output"]) . "' AND id != '" . sqlescape($bigtree["edit_id"]) . "'"))) {
            $field["output"] = $oroute . "-" . $x;
        if ($x == 1000) {
            $field["output"] = "";
} else {
    $field["ignore"] = true;
Esempio n. 10
    if (sqlrows(sqlquery("SELECT * FROM bigtree_feeds WHERE route = '" . sqlescape($feed["route"]) . "'"))) {
        $warnings[] = "A feed already exists with the route &ldquo;" . $feed["route"] . "&rdquo; &mdash; the feed will be overwritten.";
// Check for field type collisions
foreach ((array) $json["components"]["field_types"] as $type) {
    if (sqlrows(sqlquery("SELECT * FROM bigtree_field_types WHERE id = '" . sqlescape($type["id"]) . "'"))) {
        $warnings[] = "A field type already exists with the id &ldquo;" . $type["id"] . "&rdquo; &mdash; the field type will be overwritten.";
// Check for table collisions
foreach ((array) $json["sql"] as $command) {
    if (substr($command, 0, 14) == "CREATE TABLE `") {
        $table = substr($command, 14);
        $table = substr($table, 0, strpos($table, "`"));
        if (sqlrows(sqlquery("SHOW TABLES LIKE '{$table}'"))) {
            $warnings[] = "A table named &ldquo;{$table}&rdquo; already exists &mdash; the table will be overwritten.";
// Check file permissions and collisions
foreach ((array) $json["files"] as $file) {
    if (!BigTree::isDirectoryWritable(SERVER_ROOT . $file)) {
        $errors[] = "Cannot write to {$file} &mdash; please make the root directory or file writable.";
    } elseif (file_exists(SERVER_ROOT . $file)) {
        if (!is_writable(SERVER_ROOT . $file)) {
            $errors[] = "Cannot overwrite existing file: {$file} &mdash; please make the file writable or delete it.";
        } else {
            $warnings[] = "A file already exists at {$file} &mdash; the file will be overwritten.";
Esempio n. 11
 static function tableExists($table)
     $r = sqlrows(sqlquery("SHOW TABLES LIKE '" . sqlescape($table) . "'"));
     if ($r) {
         return true;
     return false;
Esempio n. 12
 function store($local_file, $file_name, $relative_path, $remove_original = true, $prefixes = array())
     // If the file name ends in a disabled extension, fail.
     if (preg_match($this->DisabledExtensionRegEx, $file_name)) {
         $this->DisabledFileError = true;
         return false;
     // If we're auto converting images to JPG from PNG
     $file_name = $this->convertJPEG($local_file, $file_name);
     // Enforce trailing slashe on relative_path
     $relative_path = $relative_path ? rtrim($relative_path, "/") . "/" : "files/";
     if ($this->Cloud) {
         // Clean up the file name
         global $cms;
         $parts = BigTree::pathInfo($file_name);
         $clean_name = $cms->urlify($parts["filename"]);
         if (strlen($clean_name) > 50) {
             $clean_name = substr($clean_name, 0, 50);
         // Best case name
         $file_name = $clean_name . "." . strtolower($parts["extension"]);
         $x = 2;
         // Make sure we have a unique name
         while (!$file_name || sqlrows(sqlquery("SELECT `timestamp` FROM bigtree_caches WHERE `identifier` = 'org.bigtreecms.cloudfiles' AND `key` = '" . sqlescape($relative_path . $file_name) . "'"))) {
             $file_name = $clean_name . "-{$x}." . strtolower($parts["extension"]);
             // Check all the prefixes, make sure they don't exist either
             if (is_array($prefixes) && count($prefixes)) {
                 $prefix_query = array();
                 foreach ($prefixes as $prefix) {
                     $prefix_query[] = "`key` = '" . sqlescape($relative_path . $prefix . $file_name) . "'";
                 if (sqlrows(sqlquery("SELECT `timestamp` FROM bigtree_caches WHERE identifier = 'org.bigtreecms.cloudfiles' AND (" . implode(" OR ", $prefix_query) . ")"))) {
                     $file_name = false;
         // Upload it
         $success = $this->Cloud->uploadFile($local_file, $this->Settings->Container, $relative_path . $file_name, true);
         if ($success) {
             sqlquery("INSERT INTO bigtree_caches (`identifier`,`key`,`value`) VALUES ('org.bigtreecms.cloudfiles','" . sqlescape($relative_path . $file_name) . "','" . sqlescape(json_encode(array("name" => $file_name, "path" => $relative_path . $file_name, "size" => filesize($local_file)))) . "')");
         if ($remove_original) {
         return $success;
     } else {
         $safe_name = BigTree::getAvailableFileName(SITE_ROOT . $relative_path, $file_name, $prefixes);
         if ($remove_original) {
             $success = BigTree::moveFile($local_file, SITE_ROOT . $relative_path . $safe_name);
         } else {
             $success = BigTree::copyFile($local_file, SITE_ROOT . $relative_path . $safe_name);
         if ($success) {
             return "{staticroot}" . $relative_path . $safe_name;
         } else {
             return false;