Esempio n. 1
function sp_admin_bar_do_upgrade_check()
    if (!sp_is_plugin_active('admin-bar/sp-admin-bar-plugin.php')) {
    $options = sp_get_option('spAdminBar');
    $db = $options['dbversion'];
    if (empty($db)) {
        $db = 0;
    # quick bail check
    if ($db == SPABDBVERSION) {
    # apply upgrades as needed
    if ($db < 1) {
        # empty since plugin did not used db on initial release
    if ($db < 2) {
        # set autoload flag to true for autoupdates
        $meta = sp_get_sfmeta('autoupdate', 'admin');
        if (!empty($meta[0])) {
            sp_update_sfmeta('autoupdate', 'admin', $meta[0]['meta_value'], $meta[0]['meta_id'], 1);
    if ($db < 3) {
        # permission for bypassing akismet checks
        sp_add_auth('bypass_akismet', __('Can bypass akismet check on posts', 'spab'), 1, 0, 0, 0, 3);
    # save data
    $options['dbversion'] = SPABDBVERSION;
    sp_update_option('spAdminBar', $options);
function spa_update_specialrank($id)
    check_admin_referer('special-rank-update', 'special-rank-update');
    # save special forum ranks
    if (!empty($_POST['specialrankdesc'])) {
        $desc = $_POST['specialrankdesc'];
        $badge = $_POST['specialrankbadge'];
        $rank = sp_get_sfmeta('special_rank', false, $id);
        $rank[0]['meta_value']['badge'] = sp_filter_filename_save($badge[$id]);
        sp_update_sfmeta('special_rank', sp_filter_title_save(trim($desc[$id])), $rank[0]['meta_value'], $id, 1);
        if ($_POST['currentname'][$id] != $desc[$id]) {
            spdb_query("UPDATE " . SFSPECIALRANKS . "\n\t\t\t\t\t\tSET special_rank = '" . $desc[$id] . "'\n\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE special_rank = '" . $_POST['currentname'][$id] . "'");
    $mess = spa_text('Special ranks updated');
    return $mess;
function spa_update_specialrank($id)
    check_admin_referer('special-rank-update', 'special-rank-update');
    # save special forum ranks
    if (!empty($_POST['specialrankdesc'])) {
        $desc = $_POST['specialrankdesc'];
        $badge = $_POST['specialrankbadge'];
        $rank = sp_get_sfmeta('special_rank', false, $id);
        $rank[0]['meta_value']['badge'] = sp_filter_filename_save($badge[$id]);
        sp_update_sfmeta('special_rank', sp_filter_title_save(trim($desc[$id])), $rank[0]['meta_value'], $id, 1);
    $mess = spa_text('Special ranks updated');
    return $mess;
Esempio n. 4
function sp_convert_ranks()
    spdb_query('ALTER TABLE ' . SFMEMBERS . ' ADD (special_ranks text default NULL)');
    # convert special rank users to new column in sfmembers
    $special_rankings = sp_get_sfmeta('special_rank');
    if ($special_rankings) {
        foreach ($special_rankings as $rank) {
            if (empty($rank['meta_value']['users'])) {
            $users = $rank['meta_value']['users'];
            foreach ($users as $user) {
                $memberData = sp_get_member_item($user, 'special_ranks');
                $memberData[] = $rank['meta_key'];
                sp_update_member_item($user, 'special_ranks', $memberData);
            sp_update_sfmeta('special_rank', $rank['meta_key'], $rank['meta_value'], $rank['meta_id'], 1);
    echo '</fieldset>';
if ($action == 'delsmiley') {
    $file = sp_esc_str($_GET['file']);
    $path = SF_STORE_DIR . '/' . $spPaths['smileys'] . '/' . $file;
    # load smiles from sfmeta
    $meta = sp_get_sfmeta('smileys', 'smileys');
    # now cycle through to remove this entry and resave
    if (!empty($meta[0]['meta_value'])) {
        $newsmileys = array();
        foreach ($meta[0]['meta_value'] as $name => $info) {
            if ($info[0] != $file) {
                $newsmileys[$name][0] = sp_filter_title_save($info[0]);
                $newsmileys[$name][1] = sp_filter_name_save($info[1]);
                $newsmileys[$name][2] = sp_filter_name_save($info[2]);
                $newsmileys[$name][3] = $info[3];
                $newsmileys[$name][4] = $info[4];
        sp_update_sfmeta('smileys', 'smileys', $newsmileys, $meta[0]['meta_id'], true);
    echo '1';
if ($action == 'delbadge') {
    $file = sp_esc_str($_GET['file']);
    $path = SF_STORE_DIR . '/' . $spPaths['ranks'] . '/' . $file;
    echo '1';

Admin General Ahah file
$LastChangedDate: 2012-11-18 10:04:10 -0800 (Sun, 18 Nov 2012) $
$Rev: 9312 $
if (preg_match('#' . basename(__FILE__) . '#', $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])) {
    die('Access denied - you cannot directly call this file');
if (isset($_GET['action']) && $_GET['action'] == 'news') {
    $news = sp_get_sfmeta('news', 'news');
    if (!empty($news)) {
        $news[0]['meta_value']['show'] = 0;
        sp_update_sfmeta('news', 'news', $news[0]['meta_value'], $news[0]['meta_id'], 0);
Esempio n. 7
function sp_add_sfmeta($type, $key, $value, $autoload = 0)
    if (empty($type) || empty($key)) {
        return false;
    # Check if already exists
    $sql = 'SELECT meta_id FROM ' . SFMETA . " WHERE meta_type='{$type}' AND meta_key='{$key}'";
    $check = spdb_select('var', $sql);
    # so - does it?
    if ($check) {
        # yes - so needs to be an update call
        sp_update_sfmeta($type, $key, $value, $check, $autoload);
    } else {
        $sql = 'INSERT INTO ' . SFMETA . "(meta_type, meta_key, meta_value, autoload)\n\t\t\t   VALUES\n\t\t\t   ('{$type}', '{$key}', '" . wp_slash(maybe_serialize($value)) . "',{$autoload})";
 function saveData()
     global $spVars, $spGlobals;
     $this->abort = false;
     $this->newpost['action'] = $this->action;
     # make the entire class object available for modification before saving
     # warning:  note the passing by reference.  other end could wreak havoc
     do_action_ref_array('sph_new_post_pre_save', array(&$this));
     # Write the topic if needed
     if ($this->action == 'topic') {
         $this->newpost = apply_filters('sph_new_topic_pre_data_saved', $this->newpost);
         $spdb = new spdbComplex();
         $spdb->table = SFTOPICS;
         $spdb->fields = array('topic_name', 'topic_slug', 'topic_date', 'forum_id', 'topic_status', 'topic_pinned', 'user_id');
         $spdb->data = array($this->newpost['topicname'], $this->newpost['topicslug'], $this->newpost['postdate'], $this->newpost['forumid'], $this->newpost['topicstatus'], $this->newpost['topicpinned'], $this->newpost['userid']);
         $spdb = apply_filters('sph_new_topic_data', $spdb);
         $this->newpost['db'] = $spdb->insert();
         if ($this->newpost['db'] == true) {
             $this->newpost['topicid'] = $spVars['insertid'];
             $this->newpost = apply_filters('sph_new_topic_data_saved', $this->newpost);
         } else {
             $this->abort = true;
             $this->message = sp_text('Unable to save new topic record');
         # failsafe: check the topic slug and if empty use the topic id
         if (empty($this->newpost['topicslug'])) {
             $this->newpost['topicslug'] = 'topic-' . $this->newpost['topicid'];
             spdb_query('UPDATE ' . SFTOPICS . " SET topic_slug='" . $this->newpost['topicslug'] . "' WHERE topic_id=" . $this->newpost['topicid']);
     # Write the post
     # Double check forum id is correct - it has been known for a topic to have just been moved!
     $this->newpost['forumid'] = spdb_table(SFTOPICS, 'topic_id=' . $this->newpost['topicid'], 'forum_id');
     # Get post count in topic to enable post index setting
     $index = spdb_count(SFPOSTS, 'topic_id = ' . $this->newpost['topicid']);
     $this->newpost['postindex'] = $index;
     # if topic lock set in post reply update topic (post only)
     if ($this->action == 'post' && $this->newpost['topicstatus']) {
         spdb_query('UPDATE ' . SFTOPICS . ' SET topic_status=1 WHERE topic_id=' . $this->newpost['topicid']);
     $this->newpost = apply_filters('sph_new_post_pre_data_saved', $this->newpost);
     $spdb = new spdbComplex();
     $spdb->table = SFPOSTS;
     $spdb->fields = array('post_content', 'post_date', 'topic_id', 'forum_id', 'user_id', 'guest_name', 'guest_email', 'post_pinned', 'post_index', 'post_status', 'poster_ip', 'source');
     $spdb->data = array($this->newpost['postcontent'], $this->newpost['postdate'], $this->newpost['topicid'], $this->newpost['forumid'], $this->newpost['userid'], $this->newpost['guestname'], $this->newpost['guestemail'], $this->newpost['postpinned'], $this->newpost['postindex'], $this->newpost['poststatus'], $this->newpost['posterip'], $this->newpost['source']);
     $spdb = apply_filters('sph_new_post_data', $spdb);
     $this->newpost['db'] = $spdb->insert();
     if ($this->newpost['db'] == true) {
         $this->newpost['postid'] = $spVars['insertid'];
         $this->newpost = apply_filters('sph_new_post_data_saved', $this->newpost);
     } else {
         $this->abort = true;
         $this->message = sp_text('Unable to save new post message');
     # Update the timestamp of the last post
     sp_update_option('poststamp', $this->newpost['postdate']);
     $this->returnURL = sp_build_url($this->newpost['forumslug'], $this->newpost['topicslug'], 0, $this->newpost['postid']);
     if ($this->newpost['poststatus']) {
         $this->newpost['submsg'] .= ' - ' . sp_text('placed in moderation') . ' ';
     # Now for all that post-save processing required
     if ($this->guest) {
         $sfguests = sp_get_option('sfguests');
         if ($sfguests['storecookie']) {
             sp_write_guest_cookie($this->newpost['guestname'], $this->newpost['guestemail']);
     } else {
         $postcount = sp_get_member_item($this->newpost['userid'], 'posts');
         sp_update_member_item($this->newpost['userid'], 'posts', $postcount);
         # see if postcount qualifies member for new user group membership
         # get rankings information
         if (!$this->admin) {
             # ignore for admins as they dont belong to user groups
             global $spGlobals;
             if (!empty($spGlobals['forum_rank'])) {
                 $index = 0;
                 foreach ($spGlobals['forum_rank'] as $x => $info) {
                     $rankdata['title'][$index] = $x;
                     $rankdata['posts'][$index] = $info['posts'];
                     $rankdata['usergroup'][$index] = $info['usergroup'];
                 # sort rankings
                 array_multisort($rankdata['posts'], SORT_ASC, $rankdata['title'], $rankdata['usergroup']);
                 # check for new ranking
                 for ($x = 0; $x < count($rankdata['posts']); $x++) {
                     if ($postcount <= $rankdata['posts'][$x] && !empty($rankdata['usergroup'][$x])) {
                         # if a user group is tied to forum rank add member to the user group
                         if ($rankdata['usergroup'][$x] != 'none') {
                             sp_add_membership($rankdata['usergroup'][$x], $this->newpost['userid']);
                         # only update highest rank
     # set new url for email
     $this->newpost['url'] = $this->returnURL;
     # allow plugins to add to post message
     $this->newpost['submsg'] = apply_filters('sph_post_message', $this->newpost['submsg'], $this->newpost);
     # add to or remove from admins new post queue
     if ($this->admin || $this->moderator) {
         # remove topic from waiting...
         sp_remove_from_waiting(false, $this->newpost['topicid']);
     } else {
         # add topic to waiting
         sp_add_to_waiting($this->newpost['topicid'], $this->newpost['forumid'], $this->newpost['postid'], $this->newpost['userid']);
     # if a new post remove topic from the users new post list if in it
     if ($this->action == 'post') {
         sp_remove_users_newposts($this->newpost['topicid'], $this->newpost['userid']);
     # do we need to approve any posts in moderation in this topic?
     if ($this->admin && $spGlobals['admin']['sfadminapprove'] || $this->moderator && $spGlobals['admin']['sfmoderapprove']) {
         sp_approve_post(true, 0, $this->newpost['topicid'], false, $this->newpost['forumid']);
     # if post in moderatiuon then add entry to notices
     if ($this->newpost['poststatus'] != 0) {
         $nData = array();
         $nData['user_id'] = $this->newpost['userid'];
         $nData['guest_email'] = $this->newpost['guestemail'];
         $nData['post_id'] = $this->newpost['postid'];
         $nData['link'] = $this->newpost['url'];
         $nData['link_text'] = $this->newpost['topicname'];
         $nData['message'] = sp_text('Your post is awaiting moderation in the topic');
         $nData['expires'] = time() + 30 * 24 * 60 * 60;
         # 30 days; 24 hours; 60 mins; 60secs
     # Add this new item to the new tpic/post cache
     $meta = sp_get_sfmeta_key('topic_cache', 'new');
     $cacheSize = sp_get_option('topic_cache');
     $a = array();
     $a[LISTFORUM] = (int) $this->newpost['forumid'];
     $a[LISTTOPIC] = (int) $this->newpost['topicid'];
     $a[LISTPOST] = (int) $this->newpost['postid'];
     $a[LISTSTATUS] = (int) $this->newpost['poststatus'];
     if (isset($spGlobals['topic_cache']['new']) && !empty($spGlobals['topic_cache']['new'])) {
         array_unshift($spGlobals['topic_cache']['new'], $a);
         if (count($spGlobals['topic_cache']['new']) > $cacheSize) {
     sp_update_sfmeta('topic_cache', 'new', $spGlobals['topic_cache']['new'], $meta, true);
     # remove group level caches to accommodate new post
     spdb_query('DELETE FROM ' . SFCACHE . " WHERE cache_id LIKE '%*group'");
     # save post in cache for flood control
     sp_add_cache('floodcontrol', time() + sp_get_option('floodcontrol'));
     # Update forum, topic and post index data
     # send out email notifications
     # one final filter - just in case
     do_action_ref_array('sph_post_new_completed', array(&$this));
     # and a final action hook
     do_action('sph_new_post', $this->newpost);
     do_action('sph_post_create', $this->newpost);
Esempio n. 9
sp_bump_build($build, 12749);
# Start of Upgrade Routines - 5.5.7 ============================================================
sp_bump_build($build, 12756);
$section = 12758;
if ($build < $section) {
    # update autoupdate meta to not have full url, just the ahah loader info
    $spMeta = spdb_table(SFMETA, 'meta_type="autoupdate"');
    if (!empty($spMeta)) {
        foreach ($spMeta as $meta) {
            if (!empty($meta)) {
                $value = unserialize($meta->meta_value);
                $value[1] = str_replace(site_url('', 'http') . '/index.php?', '', $value[1]);
                $value[1] = str_replace(site_url('', 'https') . '/index.php?', '', $value[1]);
                sp_update_sfmeta('autoupdate', $meta->meta_key, $value, $meta->meta_id, $meta->autoload);
$section = 12760;
if ($build < $section) {
    # convert table collation
    $tables = sp_get_option('installed_tables');
    foreach ($tables as $table) {
sp_bump_build($build, 12968);
function spa_save_css_data()
    $css = '';
    $curTheme = sp_get_option('sp_current_theme');
    $css = esc_attr($_POST['spnewcontent']);
    $css = sp_filter_save_nohtml($css);
    if ($_POST['metaId'] == 0) {
        sp_add_sfmeta('css', $curTheme['theme'], $css, true);
    } else {
        sp_update_sfmeta('css', $curTheme['theme'], $css, $_POST['metaId'], true);
    $msg = spa_text('Custom theme CSS updated');
    return $msg;
    # add new column for meta data to user activity table
    spdb_query('ALTER TABLE ' . SFUSERACTIVITY . ' ADD (meta_id BIGINT(20))');
$section = 11423;
if ($build < $section) {
    spdb_query('ALTER TABLE ' . SFFORUMS . ' ADD (forum_icon_locked varchar(50) default NULL)');
$section = 11447;
if ($build < $section) {
    # set autoload flag to true for autoupdates
    $meta = sp_get_sfmeta('autoupdate', 'user');
    if (!empty($meta[0])) {
        sp_update_sfmeta('autoupdate', 'user', $meta[0]['meta_value'], $meta[0]['meta_id'], 1);
# Start of Upgrade Routines - 5.5.1 ============================================================
$section = 11493;
if ($build < $section) {
    # Open build number for 5.5.1
$section = 11500;
if ($build < $section) {
    # Begin Database Clean-up routines
    include SPBOOT . 'install/sp-schema.php';