function sp_can_view($forumid, $view, $userid = 0, $posterid = 0, $topicid = 0, $postid = 0)
    global $spGlobals, $spThisUser, $spStatus;
    # bail if awaiting upgrade since no forums are visible
    if (!isset($spStatus) || isset($spStatus) && $spStatus != 'ok') {
    # return false for any disabled forums since they are not shown on front end
    if (in_array($forumid, $spGlobals['disabled_forums'])) {
        return false;
    # make sure we at least use the current user
    if (empty($userid)) {
        $userid = $spThisUser->ID;
    $auth = false;
    switch ($view) {
        case 'forum-title':
            $auth = sp_get_auth('view_forum', $forumid, $userid) || sp_get_auth('view_forum_lists', $forumid, $userid) || sp_get_auth('view_forum_topic_lists', $forumid, $userid);
            $auth = apply_filters('sph_auth_view_forum_title', $auth, $forumid, $view, $userid, $posterid);
        case 'topic-title':
            $auth = sp_get_auth('view_forum', $forumid, $userid) || sp_get_auth('view_forum_topic_lists', $forumid, $userid);
            $auth = apply_filters('sph_auth_view_topic_title', $auth, $forumid, $view, $userid, $posterid);
        case 'post-content':
            $auth = sp_get_auth('view_forum', $forumid, $userid) && (!sp_is_forum_admin($posterid) || sp_get_auth('view_admin_posts', $forumid, $userid)) && (sp_is_forum_admin($posterid) || sp_is_forum_mod($posterid) || $userid == $posterid || !sp_get_auth('view_own_admin_posts', $forumid, $userid));
            $auth = apply_filters('sph_auth_view_post_content', $auth, $forumid, $view, $userid, $posterid, $topicid, $postid);
            $auth = apply_filters('sph_auth_view_' . $view, $auth, $forumid, $view, $userid, $posterid, $topicid, $postid);
    $auth = apply_filters('sph_auth_view', $auth, $forumid, $view, $userid, $posterid);
    return $auth;
function sp_UsersAlsoViewing($args = '', $messageLabel = '')
    global $spThisUser, $spVars;
    $defs = array('tagClass' => 'spAlsoViewingContainer', 'userHolder' => 'spBrowsingUserHolder', 'browsingClass' => 'spBrowsingTopic', 'messageClass' => 'spBrowsingMessage', 'avatarClass' => 'spAvatar', 'avatarSize' => 30, 'includeAdmins' => 1, 'includeMods' => 1, 'includeMembers' => 0, 'displayToAll' => 0, 'echo' => 1, 'get' => 0);
    $a = wp_parse_args($args, $defs);
    $a = apply_filters('sph_UsersAlsoViewing_args', $a);
    extract($a, EXTR_SKIP);
    # sanitize before use
    $tagClass = esc_attr($tagClass);
    $browsingClass = esc_attr($browsingClass);
    $messageClass = esc_attr($messageClass);
    $avatarClass = esc_attr($avatarClass);
    $avatarSize = (int) $avatarSize;
    $includeAdmins = (int) $includeAdmins;
    $includeMods = (int) $includeMods;
    $includeMembers = (int) $includeMembers;
    $displayToAll = (int) $displayToAll;
    $echo = (int) $echo;
    $get = (int) $get;
    # get online user data
    $members = sp_get_members_online();
    if ($get) {
        return $members;
    $out = '';
    $tout = '';
    # get member info to check against members browsing topic
    if ($members) {
        foreach ($members as $user) {
            if ($spThisUser->ID != $user->trackuserid) {
                if (!empty($spVars['pageview'])) {
                    if ($spVars['pageview'] == 'topic' && $user->topic_id == $spVars['topicid']) {
                        # check to see if admin, mod, or user
                        if ($displayToAll || $spThisUser->admin && $includeAdmins && sp_is_forum_admin($user->trackuserid) || $displayToAll || $spThisUser->admin && $includeMods && sp_is_forum_mod($user->trackuserid) || $displayToAll || $spThisUser->admin && $includeMembers && !sp_is_forum_mod($user->trackuserid != 0)) {
                            $tout .= "<div class='{$userHolder}'>";
                            $tout .= sp_UserAvatar("tagClass={$avatarClass}&size={$avatarSize}&link=none&context=user&echo=0", $user->trackuserid);
                            $tout .= "<span class='{$browsingClass}'>";
                            $tout .= sp_build_name_display($user->trackuserid, $user->display_name);
                            $tout .= "</span>";
                            $tout .= "<br><span> {$messageLabel}</span>";
                            $tout .= "</div>";
    if (!empty($tout)) {
        $out = "<div class='{$tagClass}'>";
        $out .= $tout;
        $out .= "</div>";
    # finish it up
    if ($echo) {
        echo $out;
    } else {
        return $out;
    function sp_topicview_query($topicid = 0, $cPage = 1, $forumid = 0)
        global $spGlobals, $spThisUser, $spVars;
        # do we have a valid topic id
        if ($topicid == 0) {
            $this->topicViewStatus = 'no data';
        } else {
            $WHERE = SFTOPICS . '.topic_id=' . $topicid;
        # default to no access
        $this->topicViewStatus = 'no access';
        # some setup vars
        $startlimit = 0;
        $lastpage = 0;
        # how many posts per page?
        $ppaged = $spGlobals['display']['posts']['perpage'];
        if (!$ppaged) {
            $ppaged = 10;
        # setup where we are in the post list (paging)
        if ($cPage != 1) {
            $startlimit = ($cPage - 1) * $ppaged;
        $LIMIT = $startlimit . ', ' . $ppaged;
        # Set up order by
        $setSort = false;
        $reverse = false;
        $setSort = $spGlobals['display']['posts']['sortdesc'];
        if (isset($spGlobals['sort_order']['topic'])) {
            $reverse = array_search($topicid, (array) $spGlobals['sort_order']['topic']) !== false ? true : false;
        if (isset($spThisUser->postDESC) && $spThisUser->postDESC) {
            $reverse = !$reverse;
        if ($setSort xor $reverse) {
            $ORDER = 'post_pinned DESC, ' . SFPOSTS . ".post_id DESC";
        } else {
            $ORDER = 'post_pinned DESC, ' . SFPOSTS . ".post_id ASC";
        # add newpost/sfwaiting support for admins
        $waitCheck = ', NULL AS new_post';
        if ($spThisUser->admin || $spThisUser->moderator) {
            $waitCheck = ', ' . SFWAITING . '.post_count AS new_post';
        # Discover if this topic is in users new post list
        $maybeNewPost = false;
        if ($spThisUser->member && sp_is_in_users_newposts($topicid)) {
            $maybeNewPost = true;
        # retrieve topic and post records
        $spdb = new spdbComplex();
        $spdb->table = SFTOPICS;
        $spdb->found_rows = true;
        $spdb->fields = 'group_id, ' . SFTOPICS . '.topic_id, ' . SFTOPICS . '.forum_id, topic_name, topic_slug, topic_status, topic_pinned, topic_icon, topic_opened, ' . SFTOPICS . '.post_count, forum_name, forum_slug, forum_status,
							  forum_disabled, forum_rss_private, ' . SFPOSTS . '.post_id, ' . spdb_zone_datetime('post_date') . ', ' . SFPOSTS . '.user_id, ' . SFTOPICS . '.user_id AS topic_starter,
							  guest_name, guest_email, post_status, post_pinned, post_index, post_edit, poster_ip, source, post_content' . $waitCheck;
        $spdb->join = array(SFPOSTS . ' ON ' . SFTOPICS . '.topic_id=' . SFPOSTS . '.topic_id', SFFORUMS . ' ON ' . SFTOPICS . '.forum_id=' . SFFORUMS . '.forum_id');
        if ($spThisUser->admin || $spThisUser->moderator) {
            $spdb->left_join = array(SFWAITING . ' ON ' . SFPOSTS . '.post_id=' . SFWAITING . '.post_id');
        $spdb->where = $WHERE;
        $spdb->orderby = $ORDER;
        $spdb->limits = $LIMIT;
        $spdb = apply_filters('sph_topicview_query', $spdb, $this);
        if (!empty($spThisUser->inspect['q_spTopicView'])) {
            $spdb->inspect = 'spTopicView';
            $spdb->show = true;
        $records = $spdb->select();
        $t = array();
        if ($records) {
            $tidx = $topicid;
            $pidx = 0;
            $r = current($records);
            if (sp_get_auth('view_forum', $r->forum_id)) {
                $this->topicViewStatus = 'data';
                # construct the parent topic object
                $t[$tidx] = new stdClass();
                $t[$tidx]->topic_id = $r->topic_id;
                $t[$tidx]->forum_id = $r->forum_id;
                $t[$tidx]->group_id = $r->group_id;
                $t[$tidx]->forum_name = sp_filter_title_display($r->forum_name);
                $t[$tidx]->topic_name = sp_filter_title_display($r->topic_name);
                $t[$tidx]->topic_slug = $r->topic_slug;
                $t[$tidx]->topic_opened = $r->topic_opened;
                $t[$tidx]->forum_status = $r->forum_status;
                $t[$tidx]->topic_pinned = $r->topic_pinned;
                $t[$tidx]->forum_disabled = $r->forum_disabled;
                $t[$tidx]->forum_slug = $r->forum_slug;
                $t[$tidx]->forum_rss_private = $r->forum_rss_private;
                $t[$tidx]->topic_permalink = sp_build_url($r->forum_slug, $r->topic_slug, 1, 0);
                $t[$tidx]->topic_status = $r->topic_status;
                $t[$tidx]->topic_icon = sanitize_file_name($r->topic_icon);
                $t[$tidx]->rss = '';
                $t[$tidx]->editmode = 0;
                $t[$tidx]->tools_flag = 1;
                $t[$tidx]->display_page = $this->topicPage;
                $t[$tidx]->posts_per_page = $ppaged;
                $t[$tidx]->unread = 0;
                # user calc_rows and nor post_count as - for example - some posts may be hiodden by choice.
                $t[$tidx]->post_count = spdb_select('var', 'SELECT FOUND_ROWS()');
                # Can the user create new topics or should we lock the forum?
                $t[$tidx]->start_topics = sp_get_auth('start_topics', $r->forum_id);
                $t[$tidx]->reply_topics = sp_get_auth('reply_topics', $r->forum_id);
                $t[$tidx]->reply_own_topics = sp_get_auth('reply_own_topics', $r->forum_id);
                # grab topic start info
                $t[$tidx]->topic_starter = $r->topic_starter;
                $totalPages = $r->post_count / $ppaged;
                if (!is_int($totalPages)) {
                    $totalPages = intval($totalPages) + 1;
                $t[$tidx]->total_pages = $totalPages;
                if ($setSort xor $reverse) {
                    if ($cPage == 1) {
                        $lastpage = true;
                } else {
                    if ($cPage == $totalPages) {
                        $lastpage = true;
                $t[$tidx]->last_page = $lastpage;
                $t[$tidx] = apply_filters('sph_topicview_topic_record', $t[$tidx], $r);
                # now loop through the post records
                $newPostFlag = false;
                $firstPostPage = 1;
                $pinned = 0;
                # define post id and post user id arrays for plugins to use in combined filter
                $p = array();
                $u = array();
                foreach ($records as $r) {
                    $pidx = $r->post_id;
                    $p[] = $pidx;
                    # prepare for user object
                    $cUser = $spThisUser->ID == $r->user_id;
                    $cSmall = !$cUser;
                    $t[$tidx]->posts[$pidx] = new stdClass();
                    $t[$tidx]->posts[$pidx]->post_id = $r->post_id;
                    $t[$tidx]->posts[$pidx]->post_date = $r->post_date;
                    $t[$tidx]->posts[$pidx]->user_id = $r->user_id;
                    $t[$tidx]->posts[$pidx]->guest_name = sp_filter_name_display($r->guest_name);
                    $t[$tidx]->posts[$pidx]->guest_email = sp_filter_email_display($r->guest_email);
                    $t[$tidx]->posts[$pidx]->post_status = $r->post_status;
                    $t[$tidx]->posts[$pidx]->post_pinned = $r->post_pinned;
                    $t[$tidx]->posts[$pidx]->post_index = $r->post_index;
                    $t[$tidx]->posts[$pidx]->poster_ip = $r->poster_ip;
                    $t[$tidx]->posts[$pidx]->source = $r->source;
                    $t[$tidx]->posts[$pidx]->post_permalink = sp_build_url($r->forum_slug, $r->topic_slug, $cPage, $r->post_id);
                    $t[$tidx]->posts[$pidx]->edits = '';
                    $t[$tidx]->posts[$pidx]->last_post = 0;
                    $t[$tidx]->posts[$pidx]->last_post_on_page = 0;
                    $t[$tidx]->posts[$pidx]->first_post_on_page = $firstPostPage;
                    $t[$tidx]->posts[$pidx]->editmode = 0;
                    $t[$tidx]->posts[$pidx]->post_content = sp_filter_content_display($r->post_content);
                    $t[$tidx]->posts[$pidx]->first_pinned = 0;
                    $t[$tidx]->posts[$pidx]->last_pinned = 0;
                    $t[$tidx]->posts[$pidx]->postUser = new stdClass();
                    $t[$tidx]->posts[$pidx]->postUser = clone sp_get_user($r->user_id, $cUser, $cSmall);
                    # populate the user guest name and email in case the poster is a guest
                    if ($r->user_id == 0) {
                        $t[$tidx]->posts[$pidx]->postUser->guest_name = $t[$tidx]->posts[$pidx]->guest_name;
                        $t[$tidx]->posts[$pidx]->postUser->guest_email = $t[$tidx]->posts[$pidx]->guest_email;
                        $t[$tidx]->posts[$pidx]->postUser->display_name = $t[$tidx]->posts[$pidx]->guest_name;
                        $t[$tidx]->posts[$pidx]->postUser->ip = $t[$tidx]->posts[$pidx]->poster_ip;
                    # pinned status
                    if ($firstPostPage == 1 && $r->post_pinned) {
                        $t[$tidx]->posts[$pidx]->first_pinned = true;
                        $pinned = $pidx;
                    if ($firstPostPage == 0 && $pinned > 0 && $r->post_pinned == false) {
                        $t[$tidx]->posts[$pinned]->last_pinned = true;
                    } elseif ($r->post_pinned) {
                        $pinned = $pidx;
                    $firstPostPage = 0;
                    # Is this a new post for the current user?
                    if ($spThisUser->guest) {
                        $newPostFlag = false;
                    } else {
                        if ($maybeNewPost && strtotime($r->post_date) > strtotime($spThisUser->lastvisit)) {
                            $newPostFlag = true;
                        if (isset($r->new_post)) {
                            $newPostFlag = true;
                    $t[$tidx]->posts[$pidx]->new_post = $newPostFlag;
                    # do we need to hide an admin post?
                    if (!sp_get_auth('view_admin_posts', $r->forum_id) && sp_is_forum_admin($r->user_id)) {
                        $adminview = sp_get_sfmeta('adminview', 'message');
                        if ($adminview) {
                            $t[$tidx]->posts[$pidx]->post_content = '<div class="spMessage">';
                            $t[$tidx]->posts[$pidx]->post_content .= sp_filter_text_display($adminview[0]['meta_value']);
                            $t[$tidx]->posts[$pidx]->post_content .= '</div>';
                        } else {
                            $t[$tidx]->posts[$pidx]->post_content = '';
                    # do we need to hide an others posts?
                    if (sp_get_auth('view_own_admin_posts', $r->forum_id) && !sp_is_forum_admin($r->user_id) && !sp_is_forum_mod($r->user_id) && $spThisUser->ID != $r->user_id) {
                        $userview = sp_get_sfmeta('userview', 'message');
                        if ($userview) {
                            $t[$tidx]->posts[$pidx]->post_content = '<div class="spMessage">';
                            $t[$tidx]->posts[$pidx]->post_content .= sp_filter_text_display($userview[0]['meta_value']);
                            $t[$tidx]->posts[$pidx]->post_content .= '</div>';
                        } else {
                            $t[$tidx]->posts[$pidx]->post_content = '';
                    # Is this post to be edited?
                    if ($spVars['displaymode'] == 'edit' && $spVars['postedit'] == $r->post_id) {
                        $t[$tidx]->editmode = 1;
                        $t[$tidx]->editpost_id = $r->post_id;
                        $t[$tidx]->editpost_content = sp_filter_content_edit($r->post_content);
                        $t[$tidx]->posts[$pidx]->editmode = 1;
                    # Add edit history
                    if (!empty($r->post_edit) && is_serialized($r->post_edit)) {
                        $edits = unserialize($r->post_edit);
                        $eidx = 0;
                        foreach ($edits as $e) {
                            $t[$tidx]->posts[$pidx]->edits[$eidx] = new stdClass();
                            $t[$tidx]->posts[$pidx]->edits[$eidx]->by = $e['by'];
                            $t[$tidx]->posts[$pidx]->edits[$eidx]->at = $e['at'];
                    if (!in_array($r->user_id, $u)) {
                        $u[] = $r->user_id;
                    $t[$tidx]->posts[$pidx] = apply_filters('sph_topicview_post_records', $t[$tidx]->posts[$pidx], $r);
                # index of post IDs with position in listing
                $t[$tidx]->post_keys = $p;
                $t[$tidx]->posts[$pidx]->last_post = $lastpage;
                $t[$tidx]->posts[$pidx]->last_post_on_page = 1;
                # save last post on page id
                $t[$tidx]->last_post_id = $r->post_id;
                # allow plugins to add more data to combined topic/post data structure
                $t[$tidx] = apply_filters('sph_topicview_combined_data', $t[$tidx], $p, $u);
            } else {
                # check for view forum lists but not topic lists
                if (sp_can_view($r->forum_id, 'forum-title')) {
                    $this->topicViewStatus = 'sneak peek';
        return $t;
function sp_UserAvatar($args = '', $contextData = '')
    global $spThisUser;
    $defs = array('tagClass' => 'spAvatar', 'imgClass' => 'spAvatar', 'size' => '', 'link' => 'profile', 'context' => 'current', 'wp' => '', 'echo' => 1, 'get' => 0);
    $a = wp_parse_args($args, $defs);
    $a = apply_filters('sph_Avatar_args', $a);
    extract($a, EXTR_SKIP);
    # sanitize before use
    $tagClass = esc_attr($tagClass);
    $imgClass = esc_attr($imgClass);
    $link = esc_attr($link);
    $size = (int) $size;
    $echo = (int) $echo;
    $get = (int) $get;
    $wp = esc_attr($wp);
    # init some vars
    $forceWidth = false;
    # make sure we are displaying avatars
    $spAvatars = sp_get_option('sfavatars');
    if ($spAvatars['sfshowavatars'] == true) {
        $avatarData = new stdClass();
        $avatarData->object = false;
        $avatarData->userId = 0;
        # need user id OR email
        $avatarData->email = '';
        $avatarData->avatar = '';
        $avatarData->admin = '';
        # determine avatar size
        $avatarData->size = !empty($size) ? $size : $spAvatars['sfavatarsize'];
        # get the appropriate user id and email address
        switch ($context) {
            case 'current':
                # we want the avatar for the current user
                global $spThisUser;
                $avatarData->userId = $spThisUser->ID;
                $avatarData->email = !empty($avatarData->userId) ? $spThisUser->user_email : '';
            case 'user':
                # determine if we have user object, id or email address
                if (is_object($contextData)) {
                    # sp user object passed in
                    # can contain anything, but must contain id or email, avatar array and admin flag
                    $avatarData->object = true;
                    $avatarData->userId = $contextData->ID;
                    $avatarData->email = $contextData->user_email;
                    $avatarData->avatar = $contextData->avatar;
                    $avatarData->admin = $contextData->admin;
                } else {
                    if (is_numeric($contextData)) {
                        # user id passed in
                        $user = get_userdata((int) $contextData);
                    } else {
                        # email address passed in
                        $user = get_user_by('email', sp_esc_str($contextData));
                    if ($user) {
                        $avatarData->userId = $user->ID;
                        $avatarData->email = $user->user_email;
                # allow themes/plugins to add new avatar user types
                $avatarData = apply_filters('sph_Avatar_' . $context, $avatarData, $a);
        # loop through prorities until we find an avatar to use
        foreach ($spAvatars['sfavatarpriority'] as $priority) {
            switch ($priority) {
                case 0:
                    # Gravatars
                    if (function_exists('sp_get_gravatar_cache_url')) {
                        $avatarData->url = sp_get_gravatar_cache_url(strtolower($avatarData->email), $avatarData->size);
                        if (empty($avatarData->url)) {
                            $gravatar = false;
                        } else {
                            $gravatar = true;
                            $forceWidth = true;
                            # force width to request since we only cache one size
                    } else {
                        $rating = $spAvatars['sfgmaxrating'];
                        switch ($rating) {
                            case 1:
                                $grating = 'g';
                            case 2:
                                $grating = 'pg';
                            case 3:
                                $grating = 'r';
                            case 4:
                                $grating = 'x';
                        $avatarData->url = '' . md5(strtolower($avatarData->email)) . "?d=404&size={$avatarData->size}&rating={$grating}";
                        # Is there an gravatar?
                        $headers = wp_get_http_headers($avatarData->url);
                        if (!is_array($headers)) {
                            $gravatar = false;
                        } elseif (isset($headers['content-disposition'])) {
                            $gravatar = true;
                        } else {
                            $gravatar = false;
                    # ignore gravatar blank images
                    if ($gravatar == true) {
                        break 2;
                        # if actual gravatar image found, show it
                case 1:
                    # WP avatars
                    # if wp avatars being used, handle slightly different since we get image tags
                    $avatar = "<div class='{$tagClass}'>";
                    if (!empty($wp)) {
                        $avatar .= sp_build_avatar_display($avatarData->userId, $wp, $link);
                    } else {
                        if ($avatarData->userId) {
                            $avatarData->email = $avatarData->userId;
                        $avatar .= sp_build_avatar_display($avatarData->userId, get_avatar($avatarData->email, $avatarData->size), $link);
                    $avatar .= '</div>';
                    if ($get) {
                        return $avatarData;
                    # for wp avatars, we need to display/return and bail
                    if (empty($echo)) {
                        return $avatar;
                    } else {
                        echo $avatar . "\n";
                case 2:
                    # Uploaded avatars
                    $userAvatar = $avatarData->avatar;
                    if (empty($userAvatar) && !empty($avatarData->userId) && isset($spThisUser)) {
                        $userAvatar = $avatarData->userId == $spThisUser->ID ? $spThisUser->avatar : sp_get_member_item($avatarData->userId, 'avatar');
                    if (!empty($userAvatar['uploaded'])) {
                        $avfile = $userAvatar['uploaded'];
                        $avatarData->url = SFAVATARURL . $avfile;
                        if (file_exists(SFAVATARDIR . $avfile)) {
                            $avatarData->path = SFAVATARDIR . $avfile;
                            break 2;
                            # if uploaded avatar exists, show it
                case 3:
                    # SPF default avatars
                # SPF default avatars
                    if (empty($avatarData->userId)) {
                        $image = 'guestdefault.png';
                    } else {
                        if ($avatarData->object) {
                            $image = $avatarData->admin ? 'admindefault.png' : 'userdefault.png';
                        } else {
                            $image = sp_is_forum_admin($avatarData->userId) ? 'admindefault.png' : 'userdefault.png';
                    $avatarData->url = SFAVATARURL . $image;
                    $avatarData->path = SFAVATARDIR . $image;
                    break 2;
                    # defaults, so show it
                # defaults, so show it
                case 4:
                    # Pool avatars
                    $userAvatar = $avatarData->avatar;
                    if (empty($userAvatar) && !empty($avatarData->userId) && isset($spThisUser)) {
                        $userAvatar = $avatarData->userId == $spThisUser->ID ? $spThisUser->avatar : sp_get_member_item($avatarData->userId, 'avatar');
                    if (!empty($userAvatar['pool'])) {
                        $pavfile = $userAvatar['pool'];
                        $avatarData->url = SFAVATARPOOLURL . $pavfile;
                        if (file_exists(SFAVATARPOOLDIR . $pavfile)) {
                            $avatarData->path = SFAVATARPOOLDIR . $pavfile;
                            break 2;
                            # if pool avatar exists, show it
                case 5:
                    # Remote avatars
                    $userAvatar = $avatarData->avatar;
                    if (empty($userAvatar) && !empty($avatarData->userId) && isset($spThisUser)) {
                        $userAvatar = $avatarData->userId == $spThisUser->ID ? $spThisUser->avatar : sp_get_member_item($avatarData->userId, 'avatar');
                    if (!empty($userAvatar['remote'])) {
                        $ravfile = $userAvatar['remote'];
                        $avatarData->url = $ravfile;
                        # see if file exists
                        $response = wp_remote_get($avatarData->url);
                        if (!is_wp_error($response) && wp_remote_retrieve_response_code($response) == 200) {
                            $avatarData->path = $avatarData->url;
                            break 2;
                            # if remote avatar exists, show it
        # allow themes/plugins to filter the final avatar data
        $avatarData = apply_filters('sph_Avatar', $avatarData, $a);
        if ($get) {
            return $avatarData;
        # now display the avatar
        $width = $forceWidth ? " width='{$avatarData->size}'" : "";
        $maxwidth = $avatarData->size > 0 ? " style='max-width: {$avatarData->size}px'" : '';
        $avatar = sp_build_avatar_display($avatarData->userId, "<img src='" . esc_url($avatarData->url) . "' class='{$imgClass}'{$width}{$maxwidth} alt='' />", $link);
        $avatar = "<div class='{$tagClass}'>{$avatar}</div>\n";
        if ($echo) {
            echo $avatar;
        } else {
            return $avatar;
Esempio n. 5
function sp_delete_topic($topicid, $forumid, $show = true)
    global $spThisUser;
    if (!$topicid) {
        return '';
    if (!sp_get_auth('delete_topics', $forumid) && !sp_is_forum_admin($spThisUser->ID) && !sp_get_auth('delete_own_posts', $forumid)) {
        if (!is_user_logged_in()) {
            $msg = sp_text('Access denied - are you logged in?');
        } else {
            $msg = sp_text('Access denied - you do not have permission');
        sp_notify(SPFAILURE, $msg);
    # Load topic record for later index rebuild
    $row = spdb_table(SFTOPICS, "topic_id={$topicid}", 'row');
    # delete from waiting just in case
    spdb_query('DELETE FROM ' . SFWAITING . " WHERE topic_id={$topicid}");
    # now delete from topic - but grab list of posts deleted in case plugins need to know
    $posts = spdb_table(SFPOSTS, "topic_id={$topicid}");
    if (spdb_query('DELETE FROM ' . SFTOPICS . " WHERE topic_id={$topicid}") == false) {
        if ($show) {
            sp_notify(SPFAILURE, sp_text('Deletion failed'));
    # remove any user notices associated with the topic and adjust post counts if needed
    if ($posts) {
        foreach ($posts as $post) {
            $adjust = sp_get_option('post_count_delete');
            if ($adjust) {
                $count = sp_get_member_item($post->user_id, 'posts') - 1;
                sp_update_member_item($post->user_id, 'posts', $count);
            sp_delete_notice('post_id', $post->post_id);
    # grab the forum id
    do_action('sph_topic_delete', $posts, $topicid, $spThisUser->ID);
    # now delete all the posts on the topic
    if (spdb_query('DELETE FROM ' . SFPOSTS . " WHERE topic_id={$topicid}") == false) {
        if ($show) {
            sp_notify(SPFAILURE, sp_text('Deletion of posts in topic failed'));
    } else {
        if ($show) {
            sp_notify(SPSUCCESS, sp_text('Topic deleted'));
    # delete from forums topic count
    # rebuild topic id cache
    # reset all users plugin data just in case
function sp_forum_unavailable()
    global $current_user;
    $out = '';
    $out .= '<div id="spMainContainer">';
    $out .= '<div class="spMessage">';
    $out .= '<p>' . sp_paint_icon('', SPTHEMEICONSURL, 'sp_Information.png') . '</p>';
    $out .= '<p>' . sp_text('Sorry, the forum is temporarily unavailable while it is being upgraded to a new version.') . '</p>';
    if (sp_is_forum_admin($current_user->ID)) {
        $out .= '<a href="' . SFADMINUPGRADE . '">' . sp_text('Click here to perform the upgrade') . '</a>';
    $out .= '</div>';
    $out .= '</div>';
    $out = apply_filters('sph_forum_unavailable', $out);
    return $out;
Esempio n. 7
$Rev: 10210 $
if (preg_match('#' . basename(__FILE__) . '#', $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])) {
    die('Access denied - you cannot directly call this file');
sp_load_editor(0, 1);
global $s0ThisUser;
$postid = sp_esc_int($_GET['post']);
$forumid = sp_esc_int($_GET['forumid']);
if (empty($forumid) || empty($postid)) {
if (!sp_get_auth('reply_topics', $forumid)) {
    if (!is_user_logged_in()) {
        sp_etext('Access denied - are you logged in?');
    } else {
        sp_etext('Access denied - you do not have permission');
$post = spdb_table(SFPOSTS, "post_id={$postid}", 'row');
if (!sp_get_auth('view_admin_posts', $forumid) && sp_is_forum_admin($post->user_id)) {
if (sp_get_auth('view_own_admin_posts', $forumid) && !sp_is_forum_admin($post->user_id) && !sp_is_forum_mod($post->user_id) && $spThisUser->ID != $post->user_id) {
$content = sp_filter_content_edit($post->post_content);
echo $content;
function sp_add_membership($usergroup_id, $user_id)
    # make sure we have valid membership to set
    if (empty($usergroup_id) || empty($user_id)) {
        return false;
    # dont allow admins to be added to user groups
    if (sp_is_forum_admin($user_id)) {
        return false;
    $success = false;
    # if only one membership allowed, remove all current memberships
    $sfmemberopts = sp_get_option('sfmemberopts');
    if (isset($sfmemberopts['sfsinglemembership']) && $sfmemberopts['sfsinglemembership']) {
        spdb_query('DELETE FROM ' . SFMEMBERSHIPS . " WHERE user_id={$user_id}");
    # dont add membership if it already exists
    $check = sp_check_membership($usergroup_id, $user_id);
    if (empty($check)) {
        $sql = 'INSERT INTO ' . SFMEMBERSHIPS . ' (user_id, usergroup_id) ';
        $sql .= "VALUES ('{$user_id}', '{$usergroup_id}');";
        $success = spdb_query($sql);
        # reset auths and memberships for added user
    return $success;
function sp_PostIndexQuote($args = '', $label = '', $toolTip = '')
    global $spThisUser, $spThisPost, $spThisPostUser, $spThisTopic, $spGlobals;
    # checks for displaying button
    if ($spThisTopic->editmode) {
    if ($spThisPost->post_status != 0 && !$spThisUser->admin) {
    if (!sp_get_auth('reply_topics', $spThisTopic->forum_id)) {
    if (($spGlobals['lockdown'] || $spThisTopic->forum_status || $spThisTopic->topic_status) && !$spThisUser->admin) {
    if (!sp_get_auth('view_admin_posts', $spThisTopic->forum_id) && sp_is_forum_admin($spThisPost->user_id)) {
    if (sp_get_auth('view_own_admin_posts', $spThisTopic->forum_id) && !sp_is_forum_admin($spThisPost->user_id) && !sp_is_forum_mod($spThisPost->user_id) && $spThisUser->ID != $spThisPost->user_id) {
    $defs = array('tagId' => 'spPostIndexQuote%ID%', 'tagClass' => 'spButton', 'icon' => 'sp_QuotePost.png', 'iconClass' => 'spIcon', 'echo' => 1);
    $a = wp_parse_args($args, $defs);
    $a = apply_filters('sph_PostIndexQuote_args', $a);
    extract($a, EXTR_SKIP);
    # sanitize before use
    $tagId = esc_attr($tagId);
    $tagClass = esc_attr($tagClass);
    $icon = sanitize_file_name($icon);
    $iconClass = esc_attr($iconClass);
    $toolTip = esc_attr($toolTip);
    $echo = (int) $echo;
    $tagId = str_ireplace('%ID%', $spThisPost->post_id, $tagId);
    $quoteUrl = SFHOMEURL . "index.php?sp_ahah=quote&amp;sfnonce=" . wp_create_nonce('forum-ahah');
    if ($spThisPostUser->member) {
        $name = $spThisPostUser->display_name;
    } else {
        $name = $spThisPost->guest_name;
    $intro = esc_js($name . ' ' . sp_text('said') . ' ');
    $out = "<a class='{$tagClass} vtip' id='{$tagId}' title='{$toolTip}' rel='nofollow' href='javascript:void(null)' ";
    $out .= 'onclick="spjQuotePost(' . $spThisPost->post_id . ', \'' . $intro . '\', ' . $spThisTopic->forum_id . ', \'' . $quoteUrl . '\');">';
    if (!empty($icon)) {
        $out .= "<img class='{$iconClass}' src='" . sp_find_icon(SPTHEMEICONSURL, $icon) . "' alt=''/>\n";
    if (!empty($label)) {
        $out .= sp_filter_title_display($label);
    $out .= "</a>\n";
    $out = apply_filters('sph_PostIndexQuote', $out, $a);
    if ($echo) {
        echo $out;
    } else {
        return $out;
function sp_delete_user_form($user)
    // *** NOTE: Remove after 5.6.1
    if (sp_is_forum_admin($user->ID)) {
        echo '<div class="error"><p>' . spa_text('Warning:  You are about to delete a Simple:Press Admin user. This could have consequences for administration of your forum. Please ensure you really want to do this.') . '</p></div>';
    echo spa_text('What should be done with the user(s) forum posts?');
	<ul style="list-style:none;">
		<li><label><input type="radio" id="sp_guest_option" name="sp_delete_option" value="spguest" checked="checked" />
    echo spa_text('Change all posts to be from a guest.');
		<li><label><input type="radio" id="sp_delete_option" name="sp_delete_option" value="spdelete" />
    echo spa_text('Delete all the posts (warning - may take time and resources if lots of posts).');
		<li><input type="radio" id="sp_reassign_option" name="sp_delete_option" value="spreassign" />
    echo '<label for="sp_reassign_option">' . spa_text('Reassign all the posts to:') . '</label> ';
    wp_dropdown_users(array('name' => 'sp_reassign_user', 'exclude' => array($user->ID)));