function smarty_function_treetable($params, $smarty) { global $headerlib, $tree_table_id, $prefs; extract($params); $_emptyDataMessage = empty($_emptyDataMessage) ? tra('No rows found') : $_emptyDataMessage; if (empty($_data)) { return $_emptyDataMessage; } $_checkbox = empty($_checkbox) ? '' : $_checkbox; $_checkboxTitles = empty($_checkboxTitles) ? '' : $_checkboxTitles; $_openall = isset($_openall) ? $_openall : 'n'; $_showSelected = isset($_showSelected) ? $_showSelected : 'n'; $_selectAllHiddenToo = isset($_selectAllHiddenToo) ? $_selectAllHiddenToo : 'n'; if (is_string($_checkbox) && strpos($_checkbox, ',') !== false) { $_checkbox = preg_split('/,/', trim($_checkbox)); } if (!empty($_checkboxColumnIndex)) { if (is_string($_checkboxColumnIndex) && strpos($_checkboxColumnIndex, ',') !== false) { $_checkboxColumnIndex = preg_split('/,/', trim($_checkboxColumnIndex)); } if (count($_checkbox) != count($_checkboxColumnIndex)) { return 'Number of items in _checkboxColumnIndex doesn not match items in _checkbox'; } } if (!empty($_checkboxTitles)) { if (is_string($_checkboxTitles)) { if (strpos($_checkboxTitles, ',') !== false) { $_checkboxTitles = preg_split('/,/', trim($_checkboxTitles)); } else { $_checkboxTitles = array(trim($_checkboxTitles)); } } if (count($_checkbox) != count($_checkboxTitles)) { return 'Number of items in _checkboxTitles doesn not match items in _checkbox'; } } $_checkboxColumnIndex = empty($_checkboxColumnIndex) ? 0 : $_checkboxColumnIndex; $_valueColumnIndex = empty($_valueColumnIndex) ? 0 : $_valueColumnIndex; if (!empty($_checkbox) && !is_array($_checkbox)) { $_checkbox = array($_checkbox); $_checkboxColumnIndex = array($_checkboxColumnIndex); } $_columnsContainHtml = isset($_columnsContainHtml) ? $_columnsContainHtml : 'n'; $html = ''; $nl = "\n"; // some defaults $_listFilter = empty($_listFilter) ? 'y' : $_listFilter; $_filterMinRows = empty($_filterMinRows) ? 12 : $_filterMinRows; $_collapseMaxSections = empty($_collapseMaxSections) ? 4 : $_collapseMaxSections; $_rowClasses = !isset($_rowClasses) ? array('odd', 'even') : (is_array($_rowClasses) ? $_rowClasses : array($_rowClasses)); if (!empty($_rowClasses)) { $oddEvenCounter = 0; } else { $oddEvenCounter = -1; } // auto-increment val for unique id's etc if (empty($id)) { if (!isset($tree_table_id)) { $tree_table_id = 1; } else { $tree_table_id++; } $id = 'treetable_' . $tree_table_id; } // TODO - check this? add key/val pairs? if (empty($_columns)) { $keys = array_keys($_data[0]); $_columns = array(); foreach ($keys as $key) { if (!is_numeric($key)) { $_columns[$key] = htmlspecialchars($key); } } } else { if (is_string($_columns)) { $ar = preg_split('/,/', $_columns); $_columns = array(); foreach ($ar as $str) { $ar2 = preg_split('/=/', trim($str)); $_columns[trim($ar2[0], ' "')] = trim($ar2[1], ' "'); } unset($ar, $ar2); } } $_sortColumn = empty($_sortColumn) ? '' : $_sortColumn; $_groupColumn = empty($_groupColumn) ? '' : $_groupColumn; if ($_sortColumn) { sort2d($_data, $_sortColumn); } elseif ($_groupColumn) { sort2d($_data, $_groupColumn, false); $_sortColumn = $_groupColumn; } $class = empty($class) ? 'treetable' : $class; // treetable /* if ($prefs['feature_jquery_tablesorter'] == 'y' && strpos($class, 'sortable') === false) { //$class .= ' sortable'; } */ if ($_listFilter == 'y' && count($_data) > $_filterMinRows) { $smarty->loadPlugin('smarty_function_listfilter'); $html .= smarty_function_listfilter(array('id' => $id . '_filter', 'selectors' => "#{$id} tbody tr", 'parentSelector' => "#{$id} .collapsed, #{$id} .expanded", 'exclude' => ".subHeader"), $smarty); } if ($_openall == 'y') { $smarty->loadPlugin('smarty_function_icon'); $html .= ' <label id="' . $id . '_openall">' . smarty_function_icon(array('_id' => 'folder', 'title' => tra('Toggle sections')), $smarty) . ' ' . tra('Toggle sections') . '</label>'; $headerlib->add_jq_onready(' $("#' . $id . '_openall").click( function () { $this = $(this).modal(" "); var img = $("img:first", this)[0]; if (img.src.indexOf("ofolder.png") > -1) { $(".expanded .indenter", "#' . $id . '").eachAsync({ delay: 20, bulk: 0, loop: function () { $(this).click(); }, end: function () { $this.modal(); } }); img.src = img.src.replace("ofolder", "folder"); } else { $(".collapsed .indenter", "#' . $id . '").eachAsync({ delay: 20, bulk: 0, loop: function () { $(this).click(); }, end: function () { $this.modal(); } }); img.src = img.src.replace("folder", "ofolder"); } return false; });'); } if ($_showSelected == 'y') { $smarty->loadPlugin('smarty_function_icon'); $html .= ' <input type="checkbox" id="' . $id . '_showSelected" title="' . tra('Show only selected') . '" />'; $html .= ' <label for="' . $id . '_showSelected">' . tra('Show only selected') . '</label>'; $headerlib->add_jq_onready(' $("#' . $id . '_showSelected").click( function () { if (!$(this).prop("checked")) { $("#treetable_1 tr td.checkBoxCell input:checkbox").parent().parent().show() } else { $("#treetable_1 tr td.checkBoxCell input:checkbox").parent().parent().hide() $("#treetable_1 tr td.checkBoxCell input:checked").parent().parent().show() } });'); } // start writing the table $html .= $nl . '<table id="' . $id . '" class="' . $class . '">' . $nl; // write the table header $html .= '<thead><tr>'; if (!empty($_checkbox)) { $smarty->loadPlugin('smarty_function_select_all'); for ($i = 0, $icount_checkbox = count($_checkbox); $i < $icount_checkbox; $i++) { $html .= '<th class="checkBoxHeader">'; $html .= smarty_function_select_all(array('checkbox_names' => array($_checkbox[$i] . '[]'), 'label' => empty($_checkboxTitles) ? '' : htmlspecialchars($_checkboxTitles[$i]), 'hidden_too' => $_selectAllHiddenToo), $smarty); $html .= '</th>'; } } foreach ($_columns as $column => $columnName) { $html .= '<th>'; $html .= htmlspecialchars($columnName); $html .= '</th>'; } $html .= '</tr></thead>' . $nl; $html .= '<tbody>' . $nl; $treeSectionsAdded = array(); $rowCounter = 1; // for each row foreach ($_data as &$row) { // set up tree hierarchy if ($_sortColumn) { $treeType = htmlspecialchars(trim($row[$_sortColumn])); $childRowClass = ''; if (!empty($_sortColumnDelimiter)) { // nested $parts = array_reverse(explode($_sortColumnDelimiter, $treeType)); for ($i = 0, $icount_parts = count($parts); $i < $icount_parts; $i++) { $part = preg_replace('/\\s+/', '_', $parts[$i]); if (in_array($part, $treeSectionsAdded) && $i > 0) { $treeParentId = preg_replace('/\\s+/', '_', $parts[$i]); $tt_parent_id = $id . '_' . $treeParentId; break; } else { $tt_parent_id = ''; } } $treeTypeId = preg_replace('/\\s+/', '_', $parts[0]); $tt_id = $id . '_' . $treeTypeId; $treeSectionsAdded[] = $treeTypeId; } else { $treeTypeId = preg_replace('/\\s+/', '_', $treeType); $tt_parent_id = $id . '_' . $treeTypeId; $tt_id = 'child_of_' . $id . '_' . $treeTypeId . '_' . $oddEvenCounter; if (!empty($treeType) && !in_array($treeTypeId, $treeSectionsAdded)) { $html .= '<tr data-tt-id="' . $tt_parent_id . '"><td colspan="' . (count($_columns) + count($_checkbox)) . '">'; $html .= $treeType . '</td></tr>' . $nl; // Courtesy message to help category perms configurators if ($treeType == 'category') { $html .= '<tr class="' . $childRowClass . '" data-tt-parent-id="' . $tt_parent_id . '" data-tt-id="cat_subHeader_' . $rowCounter . '">' . '<td colspan="' . (count($_columns) + count($_checkbox)) . '">'; $html .= '<em>' . tra('You might want to also set the tiki_p_modify_object_categories permission under the tiki section') . '</em></td></tr>' . $nl; } $treeSectionsAdded[] = $treeTypeId; // write a sub-header $html .= '<tr data-tt-id="subHeader_' . $rowCounter . '" data-tt-parent-id="' . $tt_parent_id . '" class="subHeader' . $childRowClass . '">'; if (!empty($_checkbox)) { for ($i = 0, $icount_checkbox = count($_checkbox); $i < $icount_checkbox; $i++) { $html .= '<td class="checkBoxHeader">'; $html .= empty($_checkboxTitles) ? '' : htmlspecialchars($_checkboxTitles[$i]); $html .= '</td>'; } } foreach ($_columns as $column => $columnName) { $html .= '<td>'; $html .= htmlspecialchars($columnName); $html .= '</td>'; } $html .= '</tr>' . $nl; } } } else { $childRowClass = ''; $tt_parent_id = ''; $tt_id = ''; } // work out row class (odd/even etc) if ($oddEvenCounter > -1) { $rowClass = $_rowClasses[$oddEvenCounter % 2] . $childRowClass; $oddEvenCounter++; } else { $rowClass = $childRowClass; } $html .= '<tr data-tt-id="' . $tt_id . '"' . (!empty($tt_parent_id) ? ' data-tt-parent-id="' . $tt_parent_id . '"' : '') . ' class="' . $rowClass . '">'; // add the checkbox if (!empty($_checkbox)) { for ($i = 0, $icount_checkbox = count($_checkbox); $i < $icount_checkbox; $i++) { // get checkbox's "value" $cbxVal = htmlspecialchars($row[$_checkboxColumnIndex[$i]]); $rowVal = htmlspecialchars($row[$_valueColumnIndex]); $cbxTit = empty($_checkboxTitles) ? $cbxVal : htmlspecialchars($_checkboxTitles[$i]); $html .= '<td class="checkBoxCell" style="white-space: nowrap;">'; $html .= '<input type="checkbox" name="' . htmlspecialchars($_checkbox[$i]) . '[]" value="' . $rowVal . '"' . ($cbxVal == 'y' ? ' checked="checked"' : '') . ' title="' . $cbxTit . '" />'; if ($cbxVal == 'y') { $html .= '<input type="hidden" name="old_' . htmlspecialchars($_checkbox[$i]) . '[]" value="' . $rowVal . '" />'; } $html .= '</td>'; } } foreach ($_columns as $column => $columnName) { $html .= '<td>'; if ($_columnsContainHtml != 'y') { $html .= htmlspecialchars($row[$column]); } else { $html .= $row[$column]; } $html .= '</td>' . $nl; } $html .= '</tr>' . $nl; $rowCounter++; } $html .= '</tbody></table>' . $nl; // add jq code to initial treetable $expanable = empty($_sortColumnDelimiter) ? 'true' : 'false'; // when nested, clickableNodeNames is really annoying if (count($treeSectionsAdded) < $_collapseMaxSections) { $headerlib->add_jq_onready('$("#' . $id . '").treetable({clickableNodeNames:' . $expanable . ',initialState: "expanded", expandable:true});'); } else { $headerlib->add_jq_onready('$("#' . $id . '").treetable({clickableNodeNames:' . $expanable . ',initialState: "collapsed", expandable:true});'); } // TODO refilter when .parent is opened - seems to prevent the click propagating // $headerlib->add_jq_onready('$("tr.parent").click(function(event) { //if ($("#'.$id.'_filter").val()) { // $("#'.$id.'_filter").trigger("keyup"); // if (event.isPropagationStopped() || event.isImmediatePropagationStopped()) { // $(this).trigger("click"); // } //} // });'); return $html; }
if ($stats[wins] == 0 || $i > 3) { break; } echo ' ' . $i . '. ' . $stats[name] . ' - ' . $stats[wins] . ($stats[wins] > 1 ? ' wins' : ' win') . '<br />'; $tmpWins = $stats[wins]; //set last # wins } echo ' </div>' . "\n"; } $tmpScore = 0; $i = 1; if (is_array($playerTotals) && sizeof($playerTotals) > 0) { //show top 3 pick ratios echo ' <div class="bg-success">' . "\n"; echo ' <b>Current Leaders (pick %):</b><br />' . "\n"; $playerTotals = sort2d($playerTotals, 'score', 'desc'); foreach ($playerTotals as $playerID => $stats) { if ($tmpScore < $stats[score]) { $tmpScore = $stats[score]; } //set initial top score //if next lowest score is reached, increase counter if ($stats[score] < $tmpScore) { $i++; } //if score is zero or counter is 3 or higher, break if ($stats[score] == 0 || $i > 3) { break; } $pickRatio = $stats[score] . '/' . $possibleScoreTotal; $pickPercentage = number_format($stats[score] / $possibleScoreTotal * 100, 2) . '%';
/** * Get a list of members who are explicitly allowed to view the given conversation. * Only members who have been explicitly added to the members allowed list will be returned; * this function returns an empty array for non-private conversations. * * @see getMembersAllowedSummary() for an effective list of members/groups who are allowed to view * a conversation (which takes channel permissions into consideration.) * @param array The conversation details. * @return array An array of entities allowed. Each entry is an array with the following elements: * type: can be either 'member' or 'group' * id: the ID of the entity (memberId or groupId) * name: the name of the entity * avatarFormat: the member's avatarFormat field (not relevant for groups) * groups: an array of groups which the member is in (not relevant for groups) */ public function getMembersAllowed($conversation) { $membersAllowed = array(); // If the conversation is not private, then everyone can view it - return an empty array. if (!$conversation["private"] and $conversation["conversationId"]) { return $membersAllowed; } // Construct separate queries for getting a list of the members and groups allowed in a conversation. // We will marry these later on. $qMembers = ET::SQL()->select("'member'", "type")->select("CAST(" . ($conversation["conversationId"] ? "" : "m.memberId") . " AS SIGNED)")->select("m.username")->select("m.avatarFormat")->select("m.account")->select("GROUP_CONCAT(g.groupId)")->groupBy("m.memberId"); $qGroups = ET::SQL()->select("'group'", "type")->select("", "id")->select("")->select("NULL")->select("NULL")->select("NULL"); // If the conversation doesn't exist, the members allowed are in stored in the session. // We'll have to get details from the database using the IDs stored in the session. if (!$conversation["conversationId"]) { $groups = $members = array(); $sessionMembers = (array) ET::$session->get("membersAllowed"); foreach ($sessionMembers as $member) { if ($member["type"] == "group") { // The adminisrtator/member groups aren't really groups, so we can't query the database // for their information. Instead, add them to the members allowed array manually. if ($member["id"] == GROUP_ID_ADMINISTRATOR or $member["id"] == GROUP_ID_MEMBER) { if ($member["id"] == GROUP_ID_ADMINISTRATOR) { $name = ACCOUNT_ADMINISTRATOR; } elseif ($member["id"] == GROUP_ID_MEMBER) { $name = ACCOUNT_MEMBER; } $membersAllowed[] = array("type" => "group", "id" => $member["id"], "name" => $name, "avatarFormat" => null, "groups" => null); } else { $groups[] = $member["id"]; } } else { $members[] = $member["id"]; } } if (!count($members)) { $members[] = null; } if (!count($groups)) { $groups[] = null; } // Get member details directly from the members table, and the group details directly from the groups table. $qMembers->from("member m")->where("m.memberId IN (:memberIds)")->bind(":memberIds", $members); $qGroups->select("g.groupId", "id")->from("group g")->where("g.groupId IN (:groupIds)")->bind(":groupIds", $groups); } else { $qMembers->from("member_conversation s")->from("member m", "", "left")->where("s.conversationId=:conversationId")->bind(":conversationId", $conversation["conversationId"])->where("s.allowed=1")->where("s.type='member'"); $qGroups->from("member_conversation s")->from("group g", "", "left")->where("s.conversationId=:conversationId")->bind(":conversationId", $conversation["conversationId"])->where("s.allowed=1")->where("s.type='group'"); } // Any objections? $qMembers->from("member_group g", "m.memberId=g.memberId", "left"); // You may now kiss the bride. $result = ET::SQL("(" . $qMembers->get() . ") UNION (" . $qGroups->get() . ")"); // Go through the results and construct our final "members allowed" array. while ($entity = $result->nextRow()) { list($type, $id, $name, $avatarFormat, $account, $groups) = array_values($entity); $groups = ET::groupModel()->getGroupIds($account, explode(",", $groups)); if ($type == "group") { if ($id == GROUP_ID_ADMINISTRATOR) { $name = ACCOUNT_ADMINISTRATOR; } elseif ($id == GROUP_ID_MEMBER) { $name = ACCOUNT_MEMBER; } } $membersAllowed[] = array("type" => $type, "id" => $id, "name" => $name, "avatarFormat" => $avatarFormat, "groups" => $groups); } // Sort the entities by name. $membersAllowed = sort2d($membersAllowed, "name", "asc", true, false); return $membersAllowed; }
public function executeDailyLog(sfWebRequest $request) { $this->form = new ReportDailyLogForm(); if ($request->isMethod('post')) { $this->form->bind($request->getParameter($this->form->getName()), $request->getFiles($this->form->getName())); if ($this->form->isValid()) { $month = $this->form->getValue('date_month'); $this->year = $year = $this->form->getValue('date_year'); $first_day = mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, 1, $year); $last_day = strtotime('+1 month -1 second', $first_day); $c = new Criteria(); // only in this date range (the month selected) $c->add(NoteEntryPeer::SERVICE_DATE, $first_day, Criteria::GREATER_EQUAL); $c->addAnd(NoteEntryPeer::SERVICE_DATE, $last_day, Criteria::LESS_EQUAL); // include absent? lets go with no $c->add(NoteEntryPeer::ABSENT, 0); // sort by kids name $c->addAscendingOrderByColumn(ClientPeer::LAST_NAME); $c->addAscendingOrderByColumn(NoteEntryPeer::SERVICE_DATE); $c->addAscendingOrderByColumn(NoteEntryPeer::TIME_IN); // only the selected type if ($this->form->getValue('service_type')) { $c->add(ClientServicePeer::OBJECT_TYPE, $this->form->getValue('service_type')); } $entries = NoteEntryPeer::doSelectJoinAll($c); // build array of all entries in the selected time period indexed by ID $this->all_entries = array(); foreach ($entries as $entry) { $this->all_entries[$entry->getId()] = $entry; } // build an array of overlaps of client $this->overlaps = array(); $client_entry_times = array(); $provider_entry_times = array(); foreach ($this->all_entries as $anEntry) { // skip grouped kids, for now if (!$anEntry->inGroup()) { if (!array_key_exists($anEntry->getEmployeeId(), $provider_entry_times)) { $provider_entry_times[$anEntry->getEmployeeId()] = array(); } $provider_entry_times[$anEntry->getEmployeeId()][$anEntry->getId()] = array($anEntry->getTimeIn('U'), $anEntry->getTimeOut('U')); } if (!array_key_exists($anEntry->getClientId(), $client_entry_times)) { $client_entry_times[$anEntry->getClientId()] = array(); } $client_entry_times[$anEntry->getClientId()][$anEntry->getId()] = array($anEntry->getTimeIn('U'), $anEntry->getTimeOut('U')); } // find clients with overlapping times foreach ($client_entry_times as $client_id => $client_entries) { $entry_times[$client_id] = sort2d($client_entries, 0); $previous = array(0, 0, 0); foreach ($entry_times[$client_id] as $entry_id => $times) { // this in time happened before previous out time.. we have a overlap if ($times[0] < $previous[1] && $entry_id != $previous[2]) { $this->overlaps[$entry_id] = $previous[2]; $this->overlaps[$previous[2]] = $entry_id; } $previous = array($times[0], $times[1], $entry_id); } } // find providers with overlapping times foreach ($provider_entry_times as $client_id => $client_entries) { $entry_times[$client_id] = sort2d($client_entries, 0); $previous = array(0, 0, 0); foreach ($entry_times[$client_id] as $entry_id => $times) { // this in time happened before previous out time.. we have a overlap if ($times[0] < $previous[1] && $entry_id != $previous[2]) { $this->overlaps[$entry_id] = $previous[2]; $this->overlaps[$previous[2]] = $entry_id; } $previous = array($times[0], $times[1], $entry_id); } } // initialize $this->classrooms = array(); // foreach($this->overlaps as $key => $blah) { echo $key .' => '. $blah->getId() .'<br />'; } // die(); foreach ($this->all_entries as $entry) { // only kids that have been serviced by this employee if (!$this->form->getValue('employee_id') || $this->form->getValue('employee_id') == $entry->getEmployeeId()) { $office = $entry->getOffice(); $client = $entry->getClient(); $week = $entry->getServiceDate('W'); if (!is_object($office)) { $office = new Office(); $office->setName('N/A'); } // let's see if we have entered any for this classroom yet if (!array_key_exists($office->getName(), $this->classrooms)) { $this->classrooms[$office->getName()] = array_fill_keys(range(date('W', $first_day), date('W', $last_day)), array()); } // initialize the row for this kid if (!array_key_exists($week, $this->classrooms[$office->getName()]) || !array_key_exists($client->getFullName(), $this->classrooms[$office->getName()][$week])) { $days = array(); for ($day = 1; $day <= 5; $day++) { $days[date('m/d/Y', strtotime($entry->getServiceDate('Y') . "W" . $week . $day))] = array(); } $this->classrooms[$office->getName()][$week][$client->getFullName()] = $days; } // save the entry to the appropriate cell in the table $this->classrooms[$office->getName()][$week][$client->getFullName()][$entry->getServiceDate('m/d/Y')][] = $entry; } } // $weeks = array( // 'week_num' => array( // 'client_name' => array( // 'date' => array( // 'service_type' => 'cell data, time, absent, etc.' // ) // ) // ) // ); return 'Report'; } } }
$dc->GetDataCenter(); $dctemp[$DataCenterID] = $dc->Name; } } /* SORT ALL THE THINGS! */ // Sort the dc list if (!empty($dctemp)) { natcasesort($dctemp); } // Sort cabinet array if (!empty($cabtemp)) { $cabtemp = sort2d($cabtemp, 'name'); } // Sort array based on device label if (!empty($temp)) { $devList = sort2d($temp, 'label'); } else { // it's possible to have cdu's and cabinets in the search results and no devices // this will clear the devList in case it contained special devices $devList = array(); } if ($resultcount > 0) { $searchresults = sprintf(__("Search complete. (%s) results."), "<span id=\"resultcount\">{$resultcount}</span>"); } else { $searchresults = __("No matching devices found."); } // if json is set then return the device list as a json string if (isset($_REQUEST['json'])) { header('Content-Type: application/json'); echo json_encode($devList); exit;
function organizePages() { $CI =& get_instance(); $CI->load->helper("array"); $array = sort2d($this->fields, "page"); /* for($i=0;$i<count($this->fields);$i++) { if ($this->fields[$i]["page"] == "") } */ }
//echo $q; $process = odbc_exec($connection_string, $q); while (odbc_fetch_row($process)) { $refCount = odbc_result($process, "refCount"); } //echo $refCount; odbc_close($connection_string); //Get Agent Count By Referrals Scheduled $q2 = "exec usp_USI_getReferralsSchedByAgent " . $_GET['employergroup'] . ", '" . $_GET['fromDate'] . "', '" . $_GET['thruDate'] . "'"; $pr = odbc_exec($connection_string, $q2); while (odbc_fetch_row($pr)) { $agent_arr[] = array('referral_ud' => odbc_result($pr, "referral_ud"), 'agent' => odbc_result($pr, "os_user_name"), 'sched_date' => odbc_result($pr, "scheduled_date")); $schedCount++; } //print_r($agent_arr); $sorted_agent_arr = sort2d($agent_arr, "agent"); //print_r($sorted_agent_arr); $agent_count = 1; for ($i = 0; $i < count($sorted_agent_arr); $i++) { $curr_agent = $sorted_agent_arr[$i]["agent"]; $next_agent = $sorted_agent_arr[$i + 1]["agent"]; if ($curr_agent == $next_agent) { $agent_count++; } else { //New Agent, reset Count to 1 and store the count and agent in an array $count_arr[] = array('agent' => $curr_agent, 'count' => $agent_count); $agent_count = 1; } } //print_r($count_arr); $tr = "tr0";