Esempio n. 1

global $debug;
if ($device['os'] == 'mgeups') {
    // blatently copyied from APC
    echo 'MGE UPS External ';
    // Environmental monitoring on UPSes etc
    // FIXME upsmgConfigEnvironmentTable and upsmgEnvironmentSensorTable are used but there are others ...
    $mge_env_data = snmpwalk_cache_oid($device, 'upsmgConfigEnvironmentTable', array(), 'MG-SNMP-UPS-MIB');
    $mge_env_data = snmpwalk_cache_oid($device, 'upsmgEnvironmentSensorTable', $mge_env_data, 'MG-SNMP-UPS-MIB');
        upsmgConfigSensorIndex.1 = 1
        upsmgConfigSensorName.1 = "Environment sensor"
        upsmgConfigTemperatureLow.1 = 5
        upsmgConfigTemperatureHigh.1 = 40
        upsmgConfigTemperatureHysteresis.1 = 2
        upsmgConfigHumidityLow.1 = 5
        upsmgConfigHumidityHigh.1 = 90
        upsmgConfigHumidityHysteresis.1 = 5
        upsmgConfigInput1Name.1 = "Input #1"
        upsmgConfigInput1ClosedLabel.1 = "closed"
        upsmgConfigInput1OpenLabel.1 = "open"
        upsmgConfigInput2Name.1 = "Input #2"
        upsmgConfigInput2ClosedLabel.1 = "closed"
        upsmgConfigInput2OpenLabel.1 = "open"
        upsmgEnvironmentIndex.1 = 1
        upsmgEnvironmentComFailure.1 = no
        upsmgEnvironmentTemperature.1 = 287
        upsmgEnvironmentTemperatureLow.1 = no
        upsmgEnvironmentTemperatureHigh.1 = no
Esempio n. 2

# NETSWITCH-MIB::hpGlobalMemSlotIndex.1 = INTEGER: 1
# NETSWITCH-MIB::hpGlobalMemSlabCnt.1 = Counter32: 3966
# NETSWITCH-MIB::hpGlobalMemFreeSegCnt.1 = Counter32: 166
# NETSWITCH-MIB::hpGlobalMemAllocSegCnt.1 = Counter32: 3803
# NETSWITCH-MIB::hpGlobalMemTotalBytes.1 = INTEGER: 11337704
# NETSWITCH-MIB::hpGlobalMemFreeBytes.1 = INTEGER: 9669104
# NETSWITCH-MIB::hpGlobalMemAllocBytes.1 = INTEGER: 1668728
if (!is_array($mempool_cache['hpGlobal'])) {
    $mempool_cache['hpGlobal'] = snmpwalk_cache_oid($device, "hpGlobal", NULL, "NETSWITCH-MIB", mib_dirs('hp'));
    if ($debug) {
} else {
    if ($debug) {
        echo "Cached!";
$entry = $mempool_cache['hpGlobal'][$mempool[mempool_index]];
$mempool['units'] = "1";
$mempool['used'] = $entry['hpGlobalMemAllocBytes'];
$mempool['total'] = $entry['hpGlobalMemTotalBytes'];
$mempool['free'] = $entry['hpGlobalMemFreeBytes'];
Esempio n. 3

 * Observium
 *   This file is part of Observium.
 * @package    observium
 * @subpackage poller
 * @copyright  (C) 2006-2013 Adam Armstrong, (C) 2013-2016 Observium Limited
// IEEE802dot11-MIB::dot11manufacturerProductName.5 = STRING: UAP-LR
// IEEE802dot11-MIB::dot11manufacturerProductVersion.5 = STRING: BZ.ar7240.v3.1.9.2442.131217.1549
$data = snmpwalk_cache_oid($device, 'dot11manufacturerProductName', array(), 'IEEE802dot11-MIB');
if ($data) {
    $data = snmpwalk_cache_oid($device, 'dot11manufacturerProductVersion', $data, 'IEEE802dot11-MIB');
    $data = current($data);
    $hardware = 'Unifi ' . $data['dot11manufacturerProductName'];
    list(, $version) = preg_split('/\\.v/', $data['dot11manufacturerProductVersion']);
// EOF
Esempio n. 4
    $version = $data[1]['entPhysicalSoftwareRev'];
if (isset($data[1]['entPhysicalName']) && $data[1]['entPhysicalName'] != '') {
    $hardware = $data[1]['entPhysicalName'];
if (isset($data[1]['entPhysicalModelName']) && $data[1]['entPhysicalModelName'] != '') {
    $hardware = $data[1]['entPhysicalModelName'];
if (empty($hardware)) {
    $hardware = snmp_get($device, 'sysObjectID.0', '-Osqv', 'SNMPv2-MIB:CISCO-PRODUCTS-MIB');
$stats = snmpwalk_cache_oid($device, "bsnAPEntry", $stats, 'AIRESPACE-WIRELESS-MIB', null, '-OQUsb');
$radios = snmpwalk_cache_oid($device, "bsnAPIfEntry", $radios, 'AIRESPACE-WIRELESS-MIB', null, '-OQUsb');
$APstats = snmpwalk_cache_oid($device, 'bsnApIfNoOfUsers', $APstats, 'AIRESPACE-WIRELESS-MIB', null, '-OQUsxb');
$loadParams = snmpwalk_cache_oid($device, "bsnAPIfLoadChannelUtilization", $loadParams, 'AIRESPACE-WIRELESS-MIB', null, '-OQUsb');
$interferences = snmpwalk_cache_oid($device, "bsnAPIfInterferencePower", $interferences, 'AIRESPACE-WIRELESS-MIB', null, '-OQUsb');
$numAccessPoints = count($stats);
$numClients = 0;
foreach ($APstats as $key => $value) {
    $numClients += $value['bsnApIfNoOfUsers'];
$rrd_def = array('DS:NUMAPS:GAUGE:600:0:12500000000', 'DS:NUMCLIENTS:GAUGE:600:0:12500000000');
$fields = array('NUMAPS' => $numAccessPoints, 'NUMCLIENTS' => $numClients);
$tags = compact('rrd_def');
data_update($device, 'ciscowlc', $tags, $fields);
// also save the info about how many clients in the same place as the wireless module
$radio = 1;
$rrd_name = 'wificlients-radio' . $radio;
$rrd_def = 'DS:wificlients:GAUGE:600:-273:10000';
$fields = array('wificlients' => $numClients);
$tags = compact('radio', 'rrd_name', 'rrd_def');

 * Observium
 *   This file is part of Observium.
 * @package    observium
 * @subpackage poller
 * @copyright  (C) 2006-2013 Adam Armstrong, (C) 2013-2016 Observium Limited
if (!is_array($cache_storage['embedded-ngx-mib'])) {
    $cache_storage['embedded-ngx-mib'] = snmpwalk_cache_oid($device, "swStorage", NULL, "EMBEDDED-NGX-MIB");
    if (OBS_DEBUG && count($cache_storage['embedded-ngx-mib'])) {
$entry = $cache_storage['embedded-ngx-mib'][$storage['storage_index']];
$storage['units'] = 1024;
$storage['size'] = $entry['swStorageConfigTotal'] * $storage['units'];
$storage['free'] = $entry['swStorageConfigFree'] * $storage['units'];
$storage['used'] = $storage['size'] - $storage['free'];
// EOF
Esempio n. 6
        // isDeviceConfigHumidityHysteresis.2 = INTEGER: 500
        // 32768 = No sensor connected
        if ($value != 32768 && $value != '') {
            discover_sensor($valid['sensor'], 'humidity', $device, $oid, "isDeviceMonitorHumidity.{$index}", 'ispro-mib', $descr, 0.01, $value, $options);
        $oid = ".{$index}";
        $value = $entry['isDeviceMonitorHumidityAlarm'];
        // isDeviceMonitorHumidityAlarm.1 = INTEGER: normal(3)
        // unknown = No sensor connected
        if ($value != 'unknown' && $value != '') {
            discover_sensor($valid['sensor'], 'state', $device, $oid, "isDeviceMonitorHumidityAlarm.{$index}", 'ispro-mib-threshold-state', $descr, 1, $value);
$oids = snmpwalk_cache_oid($device, 'isDeviceMonitorDigitalInTable', array(), 'ISPRO-MIB');
$oids = snmpwalk_cache_oid($device, 'isDeviceConfigDigitalInTable', $oids, 'ISPRO-MIB');
foreach ($oids as $index => $entry) {
    // Unfortunately, there is no (direct) SNMP link between the sensors connected above, even though they are represented together in the Web UI.
    // Unless we use a ugly "divide by 2" hack, we can't know if these alerts are meant to be "not displayed" like we do for Temp/Humidity.
    // If you don't want digital sensors displayed, make sure they are set to Disabled and not Normal Open or Normal Close.
    // isDeviceMonitorDigitalInIndex.1 = INTEGER: 1
    // isDeviceMonitorDigitalInName.1 = STRING: "Alarm1-1"
    // isDeviceMonitorDigitalIn.1 = INTEGER: inactive(2)
    // isDeviceMonitorDigitalInAlarm.1 = INTEGER: normal(1)
    $descr = $entry['isDeviceMonitorDigitalInName'];
    $oid = "{$index}";
    $value = $entry['isDeviceMonitorDigitalInAlarm'];
    if ($entry['isDeviceConfigDigitalInState'] != 'disabled' && $value != '') {
        discover_sensor($valid['sensor'], 'state', $device, $oid, "isDeviceMonitorDigitalInAlarm.{$index}", 'ispro-mib-trigger-state', $descr, 1, $value);
Esempio n. 7
if (isset($data[1]['entPhysicalName']) && $data[1]['entPhysicalName'] != '') {
    $hardware = $data[1]['entPhysicalName'];
if (isset($data[1]['entPhysicalModelName']) && $data[1]['entPhysicalModelName'] != '') {
    $hardware = $data[1]['entPhysicalModelName'];
if (empty($hardware)) {
    $hardware = snmp_get($device, 'sysObjectID.0', '-Osqv', 'SNMPv2-MIB:CISCO-PRODUCTS-MIB');
$oids_AP_Name = array('bsnAPName');
$oids_AP_Users = array('bsnApIfNoOfUsers');
foreach ($oids_AP_Name as $oid) {
    $stats = snmpwalk_cache_oid($device, $oid, $stats, 'AIRESPACE-WIRELESS-MIB', null, '-OQUsxb');
foreach ($oids_AP_Users as $oid) {
    $APstats = snmpwalk_cache_oid($device, $oid, $APstats, 'AIRESPACE-WIRELESS-MIB', null, '-OQUsxb');
$numAccessPoints = count($stats);
$numClients = 0;
foreach ($APstats as $key => $value) {
    $numClients += $value['bsnApIfNoOfUsers'];
$rrdfile = $host_rrd . '/ciscowlc' . safename('.rrd');
if (!is_file($rrdfile)) {
    rrdtool_create($rrdfile, ' --step 300 DS:NUMAPS:GAUGE:600:0:12500000000 DS:NUMCLIENTS:GAUGE:600:0:12500000000 ' . $config['rrd_rra']);
$fields = array('NUMAPS' => $numAccessPoints, 'NUMCLIENTS' => $numClients);
$ret = rrdtool_update($rrdfile, $fields);
// also save the info about how many clients in the same place as the wireless module
$wificlientsrrd = $config['rrd_dir'] . '/' . $device['hostname'] . '/' . safename('wificlients-radio1.rrd');
if (!is_file($wificlientsrrd)) {
 echo " IP";
 // These are at the start of large trees that we don't want to walk the entirety of, so we snmp_get_multi them
 $oids_gauge = array('tcpCurServerConn', 'tcpCurClientConn', 'tcpActiveServerConn', 'tcpCurClientConnClosing', 'tcpCurServerConnEstablished', 'tcpCurClientConnOpening', 'tcpCurClientConnEstablished', 'tcpCurServerConnClosing', 'tcpSpareConn', 'tcpSurgeQueueLen', 'tcpCurServerConnOpening', 'tcpCurPhysicalServers', 'tcpReuseHit');
 $oids_counter = array('tcpTotServerConnOpened', 'tcpTotServerConnClosed', 'tcpTotClientConnOpened', 'tcpTotClientConnClosed', 'tcpTotSyn', 'tcpTotSynProbe', 'tcpTotSvrFin', 'tcpTotCltFin', 'tcpTotRxPkts', 'tcpTotRxBytes', 'tcpTotTxPkts', 'tcpTotTxBytes', 'tcpWaitToSyn', 'tcpTotZombieCltConnFlushed', 'tcpTotZombieSvrConnFlushed', 'tcpTotZombieHalfOpenCltConnFlushed', 'tcpTotZombieHalfOpenSvrConnFlushed', 'tcpTotZombieActiveHalfCloseCltConnFlushed', 'tcpTotZombieActiveHalfCloseSvrConnFlushed', 'tcpTotZombiePassiveHalfCloseCltConnFlushed', 'tcpTotZombiePassiveHalfCloseSrvConnFlushed', 'tcpErrBadCheckSum', 'tcpErrSynInSynRcvd', 'tcpErrSynInEst', 'tcpErrSynGiveUp', 'tcpErrSynSentBadAck', 'tcpErrSynRetry', 'tcpErrFinRetry', 'tcpErrFinGiveUp', 'tcpErrFinDup', 'tcpErrRst', 'tcpErrRstNonEst', 'tcpErrRstOutOfWindow', 'tcpErrRstInTimewait', 'tcpErrSvrRetrasmit', 'tcpErrCltRetrasmit', 'tcpErrFullRetrasmit', 'tcpErrPartialRetrasmit', 'tcpErrSvrOutOfOrder', 'tcpErrCltOutOfOrder', 'tcpErrCltHole', 'tcpErrSvrHole', 'tcpErrCookiePktSeqReject', 'tcpErrCookiePktSigReject', 'tcpErrCookiePktSeqDrop', 'tcpErrCookiePktMssReject', 'tcpErrRetransmit', 'tcpErrRetransmitGiveUp', 'pcbTotZombieCall', 'tcpTotSynHeld', 'tcpTotSynFlush', 'tcpTotFinWaitClosed', 'tcpErrAnyPortFail', 'tcpErrIpPortFail', 'tcpErrSentRst', 'tcpErrBadStateConn', 'tcpErrFastRetransmissions', 'tcpErrFirstRetransmissions', 'tcpErrSecondRetransmissions', 'tcpErrThirdRetransmissions', 'tcpErrForthRetransmissions', 'tcpErrFifthRetransmissions', 'tcpErrSixthRetransmissions', 'tcpErrSeventhRetransmissions', 'tcpErrDataAfterFin', 'tcpErrRstThreshold', 'tcpErrOutOfWindowPkts', 'tcpErrSynDroppedCongestion', 'tcpWaitData', 'tcpErrStrayPkt');
 $oids = array_merge($oids_gauge, $oids_counter);
 unset($snmpstring, $rrdupdate, $snmpdata, $snmpdata_cmd, $rrd_create);
 $rrd_file = $config['rrd_dir'] . "/" . $device['hostname'] . "/netscaler-stats-tcp.rrd";
 foreach ($oids_gauge as $oid) {
     $oid_ds = truncate(str_replace("tcp", "", str_replace("Active", "Ac", str_replace("Passive", "Ps", str_replace("Zombie", "Zom", $oid)))), 19, '');
     $rrd_create .= " DS:{$oid_ds}:GAUGE:600:U:100000000000";
 foreach ($oids_counter as $oid) {
     $oid_ds = truncate(str_replace("tcp", "", str_replace("Active", "Ac", str_replace("Passive", "Ps", str_replace("Zombie", "Zom", $oid)))), 19, '');
     $rrd_create .= " DS:{$oid_ds}:COUNTER:600:U:100000000000";
 $data = snmpwalk_cache_oid($device, "nsTcpStatsGroup", array(), "NS-ROOT-MIB");
 $rrdupdate = "N";
 foreach ($oids as $oid) {
     if (is_numeric($data[0][$oid])) {
         $rrdupdate .= ":" . $data[0][$oid];
     } else {
         $rrdupdate .= ":U";
 if (!file_exists($rrd_file)) {
     rrdtool_create($rrd_file, $rrd_create);
 rrdtool_update($rrd_file, $rrdupdate);
 $graphs['netscaler_tcp_conn'] = TRUE;
 $graphs['netscaler_tcp_bits'] = TRUE;
 $graphs['netscaler_tcp_pkts'] = TRUE;
Esempio n. 9

global $debug;
if ($device['os'] == "mgeups") {
    # blatently copyied from APC
    echo "MGE UPS External ";
    # Environmental monitoring on UPSes etc
    // FIXME upsmgConfigEnvironmentTable and upsmgEnvironmentSensorTable are used but there are others ...
    $mge_env_data = snmpwalk_cache_oid($device, "upsmgConfigEnvironmentTable", array(), "MG-SNMP-UPS-MIB");
    $mge_env_data = snmpwalk_cache_oid($device, "upsmgEnvironmentSensorTable", $mge_env_data, "MG-SNMP-UPS-MIB");
    upsmgConfigSensorIndex.1 = 1
    upsmgConfigSensorName.1 = "Environment sensor"
    upsmgConfigTemperatureLow.1 = 5
    upsmgConfigTemperatureHigh.1 = 40
    upsmgConfigTemperatureHysteresis.1 = 2
    upsmgConfigHumidityLow.1 = 5
    upsmgConfigHumidityHigh.1 = 90
    upsmgConfigHumidityHysteresis.1 = 5
    upsmgConfigInput1Name.1 = "Input #1"
    upsmgConfigInput1ClosedLabel.1 = "closed"
    upsmgConfigInput1OpenLabel.1 = "open"
    upsmgConfigInput2Name.1 = "Input #2"
    upsmgConfigInput2ClosedLabel.1 = "closed"
    upsmgConfigInput2OpenLabel.1 = "open"
    upsmgEnvironmentIndex.1 = 1
    upsmgEnvironmentComFailure.1 = no
    upsmgEnvironmentTemperature.1 = 287
    upsmgEnvironmentTemperatureLow.1 = no
    upsmgEnvironmentTemperatureHigh.1 = no
Esempio n. 10

echo " hrDevice: ";
$hrDevice_oids = array('hrDevice', 'hrProcessorLoad');
foreach ($hrDevice_oids as $oid) {
    $hrDevice_array = snmpwalk_cache_oid($device, $oid, $hrDevice_array, "HOST-RESOURCES-MIB:HOST-RESOURCES-TYPES");
if (is_array($hrDevice_array)) {
    foreach ($hrDevice_array as $index => $entry) {
        # Workaround bsnmpd reporting CPUs as hrDeviceOther (f**k you, FreeBSD.)
        if ($entry['hrDeviceType'] == "hrDeviceOther" && preg_match('/^cpu[0-9]+:/', $entry['hrDeviceDescr'])) {
            $entry['hrDeviceType'] = "hrDeviceProcessor";
        if ($entry['hrDeviceType'] == "hrDeviceProcessor") {
            $hrDeviceIndex = $entry['hrDeviceIndex'];
            $usage_oid = "." . $index;
            $usage = $entry['hrProcessorLoad'];
            // What is this for? I have forgotten. What has : in its hrDeviceDescr?
            // Set description to that found in hrDeviceDescr, first part only if containing a :
            $descr_array = explode(":", $entry['hrDeviceDescr']);
            if ($descr_array['1']) {
                $descr = $descr_array['1'];
            } else {
                $descr = $descr_array['0'];
            // Workaround to set fake description for Mikrotik who don't populate hrDeviceDescr
            if ($device['os'] == "routeros" && !isset($entry['hrDeviceDescr'])) {
                $descr = "Processor";
            // Workaround to set fake description for Engenius who don't populate hrDeviceDescr

 * Observium
 *   This file is part of Observium.
 * @package    observium
 * @subpackage discovery
 * @copyright  (C) 2006-2014 Adam Armstrong
// Note. $cache_discovery['ucd-snmp-mib'] - is cached 'UCD-SNMP-MIB::dskEntry' (see in current directory)
if (!isset($cache_discovery['host-resources-mib'])) {
    $cache_discovery['host-resources-mib'] = snmpwalk_cache_oid($device, "hrStorageEntry", NULL, "HOST-RESOURCES-MIB:HOST-RESOURCES-TYPES", mib_dirs());
    if (OBS_DEBUG && count($cache_discovery['host-resources-mib'])) {
if (count($cache_discovery['host-resources-mib'])) {
    echo " {$mib} ";
    foreach ($cache_discovery['host-resources-mib'] as $index => $storage) {
        $hc = 0;
        $mib = 'HOST-RESOURCES-MIB';
        $fstype = $storage['hrStorageType'];
        $descr = $storage['hrStorageDescr'];
        $units = $storage['hrStorageAllocationUnits'];
        $deny = FALSE;
        switch ($fstype) {
            case 'hrStorageVirtualMemory':
Esempio n. 12

$cpe_oids = array('cpeExtPsePortEnable', 'cpeExtPsePortDiscoverMode', 'cpeExtPsePortDeviceDetected', 'cpeExtPsePortIeeePd', 'cpeExtPsePortAdditionalStatus', 'cpeExtPsePortPwrMax', 'cpeExtPsePortPwrAllocated', 'cpeExtPsePortPwrAvailable', 'cpeExtPsePortPwrConsumption', 'cpeExtPsePortMaxPwrDrawn', 'cpeExtPsePortEntPhyIndex', 'cpeExtPsePortEntPhyIndex', 'cpeExtPsePortPolicingCapable', 'cpeExtPsePortPolicingEnable', 'cpeExtPsePortPolicingAction', 'cpeExtPsePortPwrManAlloc');
$peth_oids = array('pethPsePortAdminEnable', 'pethPsePortPowerPairsControlAbility', 'pethPsePortPowerPairs', 'pethPsePortDetectionStatus', 'pethPsePortPowerPriority', 'pethPsePortMPSAbsentCounter', 'pethPsePortType', 'pethPsePortPowerClassifications', 'pethPsePortInvalidSignatureCounter', 'pethPsePortPowerDeniedCounter', 'pethPsePortOverLoadCounter', 'pethPsePortShortCounter', 'pethMainPseConsumptionPower');
$port_stats = snmpwalk_cache_oid($device, 'pethPsePortEntry', $port_stats, 'POWER-ETHERNET-MIB');
$port_stats = snmpwalk_cache_oid($device, 'cpeExtPsePortEntry', $port_stats, 'CISCO-POWER-ETHERNET-EXT-MIB');
if ($port_stats[$port['ifIndex']] && $port['ifType'] == 'ethernetCsmacd' && isset($port_stats[$port['ifIndex']]['dot3StatsIndex'])) {
    // Check to make sure Port data is cached.
    $this_port =& $port_stats[$port['ifIndex']];
    $rrdfile = $config['rrd_dir'] . '/' . $device['hostname'] . '/' . safename('port-' . $port['ifIndex'] . '-poe.rrd');
    if (!file_exists($rrdfile)) {
        $rrd_create .= $config['rrd_rra'];
        $rrd_create .= ' DS:PortPwrAllocated:GAUGE:600:0:U';
        $rrd_create .= ' DS:PortPwrAvailable:GAUGE:600:0:U';
        $rrd_create .= ' DS:PortConsumption:DERIVE:600:0:U';
        $rrd_create .= ' DS:PortMaxPwrDrawn:GAUGE:600:0:U ';
        rrdtool_create($rrdfile, $rrd_create);
    $upd = "{$polled}:" . $port['cpeExtPsePortPwrAllocated'] . ':' . $port['cpeExtPsePortPwrAvailable'] . ':' . $port['cpeExtPsePortPwrConsumption'] . ':' . $port['cpeExtPsePortMaxPwrDrawn'];
    $ret = rrdtool_update("{$rrdfile}", $upd);
    echo 'PoE ';
//end if
Esempio n. 13
 * Observium
 *   This file is part of Observium.
 * @package    observium
 * @subpackage discovery
 * @copyright  (C) 2006-2013 Adam Armstrong, (C) 2013-2016 Observium Limited
$cml['temp'] = snmpwalk_cache_oid($device, 'scEnclTempTable', array(), 'COMPELLENT-MIB');
$cml['fan'] = snmpwalk_cache_oid($device, 'scEnclFanTable', array(), 'COMPELLENT-MIB');
$cml['ctrl'] = snmpwalk_cache_oid($device, 'scCtlrEntry', array(), 'COMPELLENT-MIB');
$cml['disk'] = snmpwalk_cache_oid($device, 'scDiskEntry', array(), 'COMPELLENT-MIB');
$cml['cache'] = snmpwalk_cache_oid($device, 'ScCacheEntry', array(), 'COMPELLENT-MIB');
foreach ($cml['temp'] as $index => $entry) {
    $oid = '.' . $index;
    $descr = $entry['scEnclTempLocation'];
    $value = $entry['scEnclTempCurrentC'];
    if (is_numeric($value)) {
        discover_sensor($valid['sensor'], 'temperature', $device, $oid, $index, 'compellent', $descr, 1, $value);
foreach ($cml['fan'] as $index => $entry) {
    $oid = '.' . $index;
    $descr = $entry['scEnclFanLocation'];
    $value = $entry['scEnclFanStatus'];
    if ($value) {
        discover_status($device, $oid, 'scEnclFanStatus.' . $index, 'compellent-mib-state', $descr, $value, array('entPhysicalClass' => 'fan'));
$netstats_poll['snmp']['oids'] = array('snmpInPkts', 'snmpOutPkts', 'snmpInBadVersions', 'snmpInBadCommunityNames', 'snmpInBadCommunityUses', 'snmpInASNParseErrs', 'snmpInTooBigs', 'snmpInNoSuchNames', 'snmpInBadValues', 'snmpInReadOnlys', 'snmpInGenErrs', 'snmpInTotalReqVars', 'snmpInTotalSetVars', 'snmpInGetRequests', 'snmpInGetNexts', 'snmpInSetRequests', 'snmpInGetResponses', 'snmpInTraps', 'snmpOutTooBigs', 'snmpOutNoSuchNames', 'snmpOutBadValues', 'snmpOutGenErrs', 'snmpOutGetRequests', 'snmpOutGetNexts', 'snmpOutSetRequests', 'snmpOutGetResponses', 'snmpOutTraps', 'snmpSilentDrops', 'snmpProxyDrops');
foreach ($netstats_poll as $type => $netstats) {
    $oids = $netstats['oids'];
    if (isset($netstats['oids_t'])) {
        $oids_string = implode('.0 ', $netstats['oids_t']) . '.0';
        $data = snmp_get_multi($device, $oids_string, '-OQUs', $netstats['mib'], mib_dirs());
        // get testing oids
        if (!count($data)) {
        $data_array = $data[0];
        $oids_string = implode('.0 ', array_diff($oids, $netstats['oids_t'])) . '.0';
        $data = snmp_get_multi($device, $oids_string, '-OQUs', $netstats['mib'], mib_dirs());
        $data_array += $data[0];
    } else {
        $data = snmpwalk_cache_oid($device, $type, array(), $netstats['mib'], mib_dirs());
        if (!count($data)) {
        $data_array = $data[0];
    echo strtoupper($type) . ' ';
    $rrd_file = $config['rrd_dir'] . '/' . $device['hostname'] . '/netstats-' . $type . '.rrd';
    $rrd_create = '';
    $rrd_update = 'N';
    foreach ($oids as $oid) {
        $oid_ds = truncate($oid, 19, '');
        $rrd_create .= ' DS:' . $oid_ds . ':COUNTER:600:U:4294967295';
        // Counter32 max value 2^32 = 4294967295
        $value = is_numeric($data_array[$oid]) ? $data_array[$oid] : 'U';
        $rrd_update .= ':' . $value;
Esempio n. 15
if ($device['type'] == 'wireless' && $device['os'] == 'arubaos') {
    global $config;
    echo 'Aruba Controller: ';
    $polled = time();
    // Build SNMP Cache Array
    // stuff about the controller
    $switch_info_oids = array('wlsxSwitchRole', 'wlsxSwitchMasterIp');
    $switch_counter_oids = array('wlsxSwitchTotalNumAccessPoints.0', 'wlsxSwitchTotalNumStationsAssociated.0');
    $switch_apinfo_oids = array('wlsxWlanRadioEntry', 'wlanAPChInterferenceIndex');
    $switch_apname_oids = array('wlsxWlanRadioEntry.16');
    $aruba_oids = array_merge($switch_info_oids, $switch_counter_oids);
    echo 'Caching Oids: ';
    foreach ($aruba_oids as $oid) {
        echo "{$oid} ";
        $aruba_stats = snmpwalk_cache_oid($device, $oid, $aruba_stats, 'WLSX-SWITCH-MIB');
    foreach ($switch_apinfo_oids as $oid) {
        echo "{$oid} ";
        $aruba_apstats = snmpwalk_cache_oid_num($device, $oid, $aruba_apstats, 'WLSX-WLAN-MIB');
    foreach ($switch_apname_oids as $oid) {
        echo "{$oid} ";
        $aruba_apnames = snmpwalk_cache_oid_num($device, $oid, $aruba_apnames, 'WLSX-WLAN-MIB');
    echo "\n";
    $rrdfile = $host_rrd . '/aruba-controller' . safename('.rrd');
    if (!is_file($rrdfile)) {
        rrdtool_create($rrdfile, ' --step 300 DS:NUMAPS:GAUGE:600:0:12500000000 DS:NUMCLIENTS:GAUGE:600:0:12500000000 ' . $config['rrd_rra']);
    $fields = array('NUMAPS' => $aruba_stats[0]['wlsxSwitchTotalNumAccessPoints'], 'NUMCLIENTS' => $aruba_stats[0]['wlsxSwitchTotalNumStationsAssociated']);
Esempio n. 16
// ASA:
if (is_device_mib($device, 'CISCO-EIGRP-MIB')) {
    $port_db_q = dbFetchRows('SELECT * FROM `eigrp_ports` WHERE `device_id` = ?', array($device['device_id']));
    $port_db = array();
    foreach ($port_db_q as $db_port) {
        $port_db[$db_port['eigrp_vpn'] . '-' . $db_port['eigrp_as'] . '-' . $db_port['eigrp_ifIndex']] = $db_port;
    if (OBS_DEBUG && count($port_db)) {
    $device_context = $device;
    if (!count($port_db) && !preg_match('/[a-z](60|65|76)\\d{2}/i', $device['hardware'])) {
        // Since I'm not sure that this MIB supported on other platforms, set retry to 0 for speedup
        $device_context['snmp_retries'] = 0;
    $ports_poll = snmpwalk_cache_oid($device_context, 'CEigrpInterfaceEntry', array(), 'CISCO-EIGRP-MIB');
    foreach ($ports_poll as $id => $eigrp_port) {
        list($vpn, $as, $ifIndex) = explode('.', $id);
        echo "{$vpn} {$as} {$ifIndex}" . PHP_EOL;
        $port = get_port_by_index_cache($device['device_id'], $ifIndex);
        if (is_array($port_db[$vpn . '-' . $as . '-' . $ifIndex])) {
            $eigrp_update = NULL;
            if ($port['port_id'] != $port_db[$vpn . '-' . $as . '-' . $ifIndex]['port_id']) {
                $eigrp_update['port_id'] = $port['port_id'];
            if ($eigrp_port['cEigrpAuthMode'] != $port_db[$vpn . '-' . $as . '-' . $ifIndex]['eigrp_authmode']) {
                $eigrp_update['eigrp_authmode'] = $eigrp_port['cEigrpAuthMode'];
            if ($eigrp_port['cEigrpMeanSrtt'] != $port_db[$vpn . '-' . $as . '-' . $ifIndex]['eigrp_MeanSrtt']) {
                $eigrp_update['eigrp_MeanSrtt'] = $eigrp_port['cEigrpMeanSrtt'];
Esempio n. 17
 * LibreNMS
 * Copyright (c) 2016 Peter TKATCHENKO
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
 * Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your
 * option) any later version.  Please see LICENSE.txt at the top level of
 * the source code distribution for details.
if (!is_array($storage_cache1['eql-storage'])) {
    $storage_cache1['eql-storage'] = snmpwalk_cache_oid($device, 'EqliscsiVolumeEntry', null, 'EQLVOLUME-MIB', 'equallogic');
if (!is_array($storage_cache2['eql-storage'])) {
    $storage_cache2['eql-storage'] = snmpwalk_cache_oid($device, 'EqliscsiVolumeStatusEntry', null, 'EQLVOLUME-MIB', 'equallogic');
$iind = 0;
$storage_cache10 = array();
$storage_cache20 = array();
foreach ($storage_cache1['eql-storage'] as $index => $ventry) {
    if (!array_key_exists('eqliscsiVolumeName', $ventry)) {
    if (is_int($index)) {
        $iind = $index;
    } else {
        $arrindex = explode(".", $index);
        $iind = (int) end($arrindex) + 0;
Esempio n. 18

 * Observium
 *   This file is part of Observium.
 * @package    observium
 * @subpackage discovery
 * @copyright  (C) 2006-2013 Adam Armstrong, (C) 2013-2016 Observium Limited
$cache_discovery['netapp-mib'] = snmpwalk_cache_oid($device, "dfEntry", array(), 'NETAPP-MIB');
if (count($cache_discovery['netapp-mib'])) {
      Available data:
    array(40) {
        ["dfIndex"]=>                  "3"
        ["dfFileSys"]=>                "/vol/vol0/"
        ["dfKBytesTotal"]=>            "158387408"
        ["dfKBytesUsed"]=>             "7600652"
        ["dfKBytesAvail"]=>            "150786756"
        ["dfPerCentKBytesCapacity"]=>  "5"
        ["dfInodesUsed"]=>             "9405"
        ["dfInodesFree"]=>             "14517028"
        ["dfPerCentInodeCapacity"]=>   "0"
        ["dfMountedOn"]=>              "/vol/vol0/"
        ["dfMaxFilesAvail"]=>          "14526433"
        ["dfMaxFilesUsed"]=>           "9405"
        ["dfMaxFilesPossible"]=>       "39596840"
        ["dfHighTotalKBytes"]=>        "0"
Esempio n. 19
// FIXME I don't know what "unknown" means, perhaps MSTP? (saw it on some cisco devices)
// But we can try to retrieve data
if ($stpprotocol == 'ieee8021d' || $stpprotocol == 'unknown') {
    // set time multiplier to convert from centiseconds to seconds
    // all time values are stored in databese as seconds
    $tm = '0.01';
    // some vendors like PBN dont follow the 802.1D implementation and use seconds in SNMP
    if ($device['os'] == 'pbn') {
        preg_match('/^.* Build (?<build>\\d+)/', $device['version'], $version);
        if ($version[build] <= 16607) {
            // Buggy version :-(
            $tm = '1';
    // read the 802.1D subtree
    $stp_raw = snmpwalk_cache_oid($device, 'dot1dStp', array(), 'RSTP-MIB');
    $stp = array('protocolSpecification' => $stp_raw[0]['dot1dStpProtocolSpecification'], 'priority' => $stp_raw[0]['dot1dStpPriority'], 'topChanges' => $stp_raw[0]['dot1dStpTopChanges'], 'rootCost' => $stp_raw[0]['dot1dStpRootCost'], 'rootPort' => $stp_raw[0]['dot1dStpRootPort'], 'maxAge' => $stp_raw[0]['dot1dStpMaxAge'] * $tm, 'helloTime' => $stp_raw[0]['dot1dStpHelloTime'] * $tm, 'holdTime' => $stp_raw[0]['dot1dStpHoldTime'] * $tm, 'forwardDelay' => $stp_raw[0]['dot1dStpForwardDelay'] * $tm, 'bridgeMaxAge' => $stp_raw[0]['dot1dStpBridgeMaxAge'] * $tm, 'bridgeHelloTime' => $stp_raw[0]['dot1dStpBridgeHelloTime'] * $tm, 'bridgeForwardDelay' => $stp_raw[0]['dot1dStpBridgeForwardDelay'] * $tm);
    // set device binding
    $stp['device_id'] = $device['device_id'];
    // read the 802.1D bridge address and set as MAC in database
    $mac_raw = snmp_get($device, 'dot1dBaseBridgeAddress.0', '-Oqv', 'RSTP-MIB');
    // read Time as timetics (in hundredths of a seconds) since last topology change and convert to seconds
    $time_since_change = snmp_get($device, 'dot1dStpTimeSinceTopologyChange.0', '-Ovt', 'RSTP-MIB');
    if ($time_since_change > '100') {
        $time_since_change = substr($time_since_change, 0, -2);
        // convert to seconds since change
    } else {
        $time_since_change = '0';
    $stp['timeSinceTopologyChange'] = $time_since_change;
    // designated root is stored in format 2 octet bridge priority + MAC address, so we need to normalize it
Esempio n. 20
function poll_mibs($device, &$graphs)
    if (!is_mib_poller_enabled($device)) {
    echo 'MIB: polling ';
    foreach (load_device_mibs($device) as $name => $module) {
        echo "{$name} ";
        $oids = snmpwalk_cache_oid($device, $name, array(), $module, null, "-OQUsb");
        save_mibs($device, $name, $oids, load_mibdefs($module, $name), $graphs);
    echo "\n";

$rserver_array = snmpwalk_cache_oid($device, 'cesServerFarmRserverTable', array(), 'CISCO-ENHANCED-SLB-MIB');
$rserver_db = dbFetchRows('SELECT * FROM `loadbalancer_rservers` WHERE `device_id` = ?', array($device['device_id']));
foreach ($rserver_db as $serverfarm) {
    $serverfarms[$serverfarm['farm_id']] = $serverfarm;
foreach ($rserver_array as $index => $serverfarm) {
    $farm_id = preg_replace('@\\d+\\."(.*?)"\\.\\d+@', '\\1', $index);
    $oids = array('cesServerFarmRserverTotalConns', 'cesServerFarmRserverCurrentConns', 'cesServerFarmRserverFailedConns');
    $db_oids = array($farm_id => 'farm_id', 'cesServerFarmRserverStateDescr' => 'StateDescr');
    if (!is_array($serverfarms[$farm_id])) {
        $rserver_id = dbInsert(array('device_id' => $device['device_id'], 'farm_id' => $farm_id, 'StateDescr' => $serverfarm['cesServerFarmRserverStateDescr']), 'loadbalancer_rservers');
    } else {
        foreach ($db_oids as $db_oid => $db_value) {
            $db_update[$db_value] = $serverfarm[$db_oid];
        $updated = dbUpdate($db_update, 'loadbalancer_rservers', '`rserver_id` = ?', $serverfarm['cesServerFarmRserverFailedConns']['farm_id']);
    $rrd_name = array('rserver', $serverfarms[$farm_id]['rserver_id']);
    $rrd_def = array();
    foreach ($oids as $oid) {
        $oid_ds = truncate(str_replace('cesServerFarm', '', $oid), 19, '');
        $rrd_def[] = "DS:{$oid_ds}:GAUGE:600:-1:100000000";
    $fields = array();
    foreach ($oids as $oid) {
        if (is_numeric($serverfarm[$oid])) {
            $value = $serverfarm[$oid];
        } else {
            $value = '0';
Esempio n. 22
    $hw = $entPhysical['entPhysicalDescr'];
    if (!empty($entPhysical['entPhysicalSerialNum'])) {
        $serial = $entPhysical['entPhysicalSerialNum'];
$hardware = rewrite_unix_hardware($poll_device['sysDescr'], $hw);
// FIXME Below doesn't seem to belong here, but in a vminfo vmware poller module ...
 * CONSOLE: Start the VMware discovery process.
echo "VMware VM: ";
 * Get a list of all the known Virtual Machines for this host.
$db_info_list = dbFetchRows("SELECT * FROM vminfo WHERE device_id = ?", array($device["device_id"]));
$vm_data = snmpwalk_cache_oid($device, "vmwVmTable", array(), "VMWARE-VMINFO-MIB", mib_dirs(array("vmware")));
foreach ($db_info_list as $db_info) {
     * Fetch the Virtual Machine information.
     *  VMWARE-VMINFO-MIB::vmwVmDisplayName.224 = STRING: My First VM
     *  VMWARE-VMINFO-MIB::vmwVmGuestOS.224 = STRING: windows7Server64Guest
     *  VMWARE-VMINFO-MIB::vmwVmMemSize.224 = INTEGER: 8192 megabytes
     *  VMWARE-VMINFO-MIB::vmwVmState.224 = STRING: poweredOn
     *  VMWARE-VMINFO-MIB::vmwVmVMID.224 = INTEGER: 224
     *  VMWARE-VMINFO-MIB::vmwVmCpus.224 = INTEGER: 2
    $vm_info = $vm_data[$db_info["vmwVmVMID"]];
    #  $vm_info["vmwVmDisplayName"] = snmp_get($device, "VMWARE-VMINFO-MIB::vmwVmDisplayName." . $db_info["vmwVmVMID"], "-Osqnv", "+VMWARE-ROOT-MIB:VMWARE-VMINFO-MIB","+" . $config['install_dir'] . "/mibs/vmware:" . $config['install_dir'] . "/mibs");
    #  $vm_info["vmwVmGuestOS"] = snmp_get($device, "VMWARE-VMINFO-MIB::vmwVmGuestOS."   . $db_info["vmwVmVMID"], "-Osqnv", "+VMWARE-ROOT-MIB:VMWARE-VMINFO-MIB","+" . $config['install_dir'] . "/mibs/vmware:" . $config['install_dir'] . "/mibs");
    #  $vm_info["vmwVmMemSize"] = snmp_get($device, "VMWARE-VMINFO-MIB::vmwVmMemSize."   . $db_info["vmwVmVMID"], "-Osqnv", "+VMWARE-ROOT-MIB:VMWARE-VMINFO-MIB","+" . $config['install_dir'] . "/mibs/vmware:" . $config['install_dir'] . "/mibs");
Esempio n. 23
$device['vlans'] = array();
include "includes/discovery/vlans/";
include "includes/discovery/vlans/";
// Fetch switchport <> VLAN relationships. This is DIRTY.
foreach ($device['vlans'] as $domain_id => $vlans) {
    foreach ($vlans as $vlan_id => $vlan) {
        // Pull Tables for this VLAN
        #/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v2c -c kglk5g3l454@988  -OQUs  -m BRIDGE-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/ udp:sw2.ahf:161 dot1dStpPortEntry
        #/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v2c -c kglk5g3l454@988  -OQUs  -m BRIDGE-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/ udp:sw2.ahf:161 dot1dBasePortEntry
        // FIXME - do this only when vlan type == ethernet?
        if (is_numeric($vlan_id) && ($vlan_id < 1002 || $vlan_id > 1105)) {
            if ($device['os_group'] == "cisco" || $device['os'] == "ios") {
                # Probably does not work with snmpv3. I have no real idea about what this code is really doing
                $vlan_device = array_merge($device, array('community' => $device['community'] . "@" . $vlan_id));
                $vlan_data = snmpwalk_cache_oid($vlan_device, "dot1dStpPortEntry", array(), "BRIDGE-MIB:Q-BRIDGE-MIB");
                $vlan_data = snmpwalk_cache_oid($vlan_device, "dot1dBasePortEntry", $vlan_data, "BRIDGE-MIB:Q-BRIDGE-MIB");
            echo "VLAN {$vlan_id} \n";
            if ($vlan_data) {
                echo str_pad("dot1d id", 10) . str_pad("ifIndex", 10) . str_pad("Port Name", 25) . str_pad("Priority", 10) . str_pad("State", 15) . str_pad("Cost", 10) . "\n";
            foreach ($vlan_data as $vlan_port_id => $vlan_port) {
                $port = get_port_by_index_cache($device, $vlan_port['dot1dBasePortIfIndex']);
                echo str_pad($vlan_port_id, 10) . str_pad($vlan_port['dot1dBasePortIfIndex'], 10) . str_pad($port['ifDescr'], 25) . str_pad($vlan_port['dot1dStpPortPriority'], 10) . str_pad($vlan_port['dot1dStpPortState'], 15) . str_pad($vlan_port['dot1dStpPortPathCost'], 10);
                $db_w = array('device_id' => $device['device_id'], 'port_id' => $port['port_id'], 'vlan' => $vlan_id);
                $db_a['baseport'] = $vlan_port_id;
                $db_a['priority'] = isset($vlan_port['dot1dStpPortPriority']) ? $vlan_port['dot1dStpPortPriority'] : 0;
                $db_a['state'] = isset($vlan_port['dot1dStpPortState']) ? $vlan_port['dot1dStpPortState'] : "unknown";
                $db_a['cost'] = isset($vlan_port['dot1dStpPortPathCost']) ? $vlan_port['dot1dStpPortPathCost'] : 0;
                $from_db = dbFetchRow("SELECT * FROM `ports_vlans` WHERE device_id = ? AND port_id = ? AND `vlan` = ?", array($device['device_id'], $port['port_id'], $vlan_id));
                if ($from_db['port_vlan_id']) {
Esempio n. 24
if ($device['os'] == 'apc') {
    $oids = snmp_get($device, '', '-OsqnU', '');
    d_echo($oids . "\n");
    if ($oids) {
        echo 'APC UPS Internal ';
        list($oid, $current) = explode(' ', $oids);
        $precision = 1;
        $sensorType = 'apc';
        $index = 0;
        $descr = 'Internal Temperature';
        discover_sensor($valid['sensor'], 'temperature', $device, $oid, $index, $sensorType, $descr, '1', '1', null, null, null, null, $current);
    // Environmental monitoring on UPSes etc
    // FIXME emConfigProbesTable may also be used? But not filled out on my device...
    $apc_env_data = snmpwalk_cache_oid($device, 'iemConfigProbesTable', array(), 'PowerNet-MIB');
    $apc_env_data = snmpwalk_cache_oid($device, 'iemStatusProbesTable', $apc_env_data, 'PowerNet-MIB');
    foreach (array_keys($apc_env_data) as $index) {
        $descr = $apc_env_data[$index]['iemStatusProbeName'];
        $current = $apc_env_data[$index]['iemStatusProbeCurrentTemp'];
        $sensorType = 'apc';
        $oid = '.' . $index;
        $low_limit = $apc_env_data[$index]['iemConfigProbeMinTempEnable'] != 'disabled' ? $apc_env_data[$index]['iemConfigProbeMinTempThreshold'] : null;
        $low_warn_limit = $apc_env_data[$index]['iemConfigProbeLowTempEnable'] != 'disabled' ? $apc_env_data[$index]['iemConfigProbeLowTempThreshold'] : null;
        $high_warn_limit = $apc_env_data[$index]['iemConfigProbeHighTempEnable'] != 'disabled' ? $apc_env_data[$index]['iemConfigProbeHighTempThreshold'] : null;
        $high_limit = $apc_env_data[$index]['iemConfigProbeMaxTempEnable'] != 'disabled' ? $apc_env_data[$index]['iemConfigProbeMaxTempThreshold'] : null;
        discover_sensor($valid['sensor'], 'temperature', $device, $oid, $index, $sensorType, $descr, '1', '1', $low_limit, $low_warn_limit, $high_warn_limit, $high_limit, $current);
       [iemConfigProbeHighHumidThreshold] => -1
           [iemConfigProbeLowHumidThreshold] => -1
           [iemConfigProbeHighHumidEnable] => disabled
Esempio n. 25

// Force10 E-Series
// F10-CHASSIS-MIB::chSysCardType.1 = INTEGER: rpmCardEF3(206)
// F10-CHASSIS-MIB::chSysCardType.3 = INTEGER: lc2401E24PG3(69)
// F10-CHASSIS-MIB::chSysCardType.4 = INTEGER: lc2401E24PG3(69)
// F10-CHASSIS-MIB::chSysCardUpperTemp.1 = Gauge32: 34
// F10-CHASSIS-MIB::chSysCardUpperTemp.3 = Gauge32: 34
// F10-CHASSIS-MIB::chSysCardUpperTemp.4 = Gauge32: 34
if ($device['os'] == 'ftos' || $device['os_group'] == 'ftos') {
    echo 'FTOS E-Series ';
    $oids = snmpwalk_cache_oid($device, 'chSysCardUpperTemp', array(), 'F10-CHASSIS-MIB', 'ftos');
    if (is_array($oids)) {
        foreach ($oids as $index => $entry) {
            $descr = 'Slot ' . $index;
            $oid = '.' . $index;
            $current = $entry['chSysCardUpperTemp'];
            discover_sensor($valid['sensor'], 'temperature', $device, $oid, $index, 'ftos-eseries', $descr, '1', '1', null, null, null, null, $current);
Esempio n. 26
                $remote_port_id = dbFetchCell('SELECT `port_id` FROM `ports` WHERE (`ifDescr` = ? OR `ifName` = ? OR `ifDescr` = ? OR `ifName` = ?) AND `device_id` = ?', array($if, $if, $id, $id, $remote_device_id));
            } else {
                $remote_port_id = '0';
            if (is_numeric($interface['port_id']) && isset($lldp['lldpRemSysName']) && isset($lldp['lldpRemPortId'])) {
                discover_link($interface['port_id'], 'lldp', $remote_port_id, $lldp['lldpRemSysName'], $lldp['lldpRemPortId'], null, $lldp['lldpRemSysDesc'], $device['device_id'], $remote_device_id);
        //end foreach
    //end if
} elseif ($config['autodiscovery']['xdp'] === true) {
    echo ' LLDP-MIB: ';
    $lldp_array = snmpwalk_cache_threepart_oid($device, 'lldpRemoteSystemsData', array(), 'LLDP-MIB');
    $dot1d_array = snmpwalk_cache_oid($device, 'dot1dBasePortIfIndex', array(), 'BRIDGE-MIB');
    if ($lldp_array) {
        $lldp_links = '';
        foreach (array_keys($lldp_array) as $key) {
            $lldp_if_array = $lldp_array[$key];
            foreach (array_keys($lldp_if_array) as $entry_key) {
                if (is_numeric($dot1d_array[$entry_key]['dot1dBasePortIfIndex'])) {
                    $ifIndex = $dot1d_array[$entry_key]['dot1dBasePortIfIndex'];
                } else {
                    $ifIndex = $entry_key;
                $interface = dbFetchRow('SELECT * FROM `ports` WHERE `device_id` = ? AND `ifIndex` = ?', array($device['device_id'], $ifIndex));
                $lldp_instance = $lldp_if_array[$entry_key];

// Force10 S-Series
// F10-S-SERIES-CHASSIS-MIB::chStackUnitTemp.1 = Gauge32: 47
// F10-S-SERIES-CHASSIS-MIB::chStackUnitModelID.1 = STRING: S25-01-GE-24V
if ($device['os'] == 'ftos' || $device['os_group'] == 'ftos' || $device['os'] == 'dnos') {
    echo 'FTOS C-Series ';
    $oids = snmpwalk_cache_oid($device, 'chStackUnitTemp', array(), 'F10-S-SERIES-CHASSIS-MIB', $config['mib_dir'] . ':' . $config['mib_dir'] . '/ftos');
    $oids = snmpwalk_cache_oid($device, 'chStackUnitSysType', $oids, 'F10-S-SERIES-CHASSIS-MIB', $config['mib_dir'] . ':' . $config['mib_dir'] . '/ftos');
    if (is_array($oids)) {
        foreach ($oids as $index => $entry) {
            $descr = 'Unit ' . $index . ' ' . $entry['chStackUnitSysType'];
            $oid = '.' . $index;
            $current = $entry['chStackUnitTemp'];
            discover_sensor($valid['sensor'], 'temperature', $device, $oid, $index, 'ftos-sseries', $descr, '1', '1', null, null, null, null, $current);
Esempio n. 28

 * Observium
 *   This file is part of Observium.
 * @package    observium
 * @subpackage discovery
 * @copyright  (C) 2006-2013 Adam Armstrong, (C) 2013-2016 Observium Limited
$processors_array = snmpwalk_cache_oid($device, 'wlsxSysXProcessorTable', array(), $mib);
if (is_array($processors_array)) {
    foreach ($processors_array as $index => $entry) {
        if (is_numeric($entry['sysXProcessorLoad']) && is_numeric($index)) {
            $descr = $entry['sysXProcessorDescr'];
            $usage = $entry['sysXProcessorLoad'];
            $oid = "{$index}";
            discover_processor($valid['processor'], $device, $oid, $index, 'WLSX-SWITCH-MIB', $descr, 1, $usage);
unset($processors_array, $index, $descr, $usage, $oid);
// EOF
Esempio n. 29

if ($config['enable_bgp']) {
    foreach (dbFetchRows('SELECT * FROM bgpPeers WHERE device_id = ?', array($device['device_id'])) as $peer) {
        // Poll BGP Peer
        $peer2 = false;
        echo 'Checking BGP peer ' . $peer['bgpPeerIdentifier'] . ' ';
        if (!empty($peer['bgpPeerIdentifier'])) {
            if (!strstr($peer['bgpPeerIdentifier'], ':') || $device['os'] != 'junos') {
                // v4 BGP4 MIB
                // FIXME - needs moved to function
                $peer_data_check = snmpwalk_cache_oid($device, 'cbgpPeer2RemoteAs', array(), 'CISCO-BGP4-MIB', $config['mibdir']);
                if (count($peer_data_check) > 0) {
                    $peer2 = true;
                if ($peer2 === true) {
                    if (strstr($peer['bgpPeerIdentifier'], ':')) {
                        $bgp_peer_ident = ipv62snmp($peer['bgpPeerIdentifier']);
                    } else {
                        $bgp_peer_ident = $peer['bgpPeerIdentifier'];
                    if (strstr($peer['bgpPeerIdentifier'], ':')) {
                        $ip_type = 2;
                        $ip_len = 16;
                        $ip_ver = 'ipv6';
                    } else {
                        $ip_type = 1;
                        $ip_len = 4;
                        $ip_ver = 'ipv4';
                    $peer_identifier = $ip_type . '.' . $ip_len . '.' . $bgp_peer_ident;

 * Observium
 *   This file is part of Observium.
 * @package    observium
 * @subpackage discovery
 * @copyright  (C) 2006-2013 Adam Armstrong, (C) 2013-2016 Observium Limited
// Force10 C-Series
// chRpmCpuUtil5Min.1 = Gauge32: 47
$processors_array = snmpwalk_cache_oid($device, 'chRpmCpuUtil5Min', array(), $mib);
if (is_array($processors_array)) {
    foreach ($processors_array as $index => $entry) {
        $descr = $index == 1 ? 'CP' : 'RP' . strval($index - 1);
        $oid = ".{$index}";
        $usage = $entry['chRpmCpuUtil5Min'];
        discover_processor($valid['processor'], $device, $oid, $index, 'ftos-cseries', $descr, 1, $usage);
unset($processors_array, $descr, $oid, $usage, $index, $entry);
// EOF