if ($clean['password'] != $clean['confirm-password']) { $baddata = true; $problems[] = $l['reg-badpassword']; } // valid email? if (!pear_check_email($clean['email'])) { $baddata = true; $problems[] = $l['reg-bademail']; } // check if username exists if ($user->userExists($clean['username'])) { $baddata = true; $problems[] = $l['reg-badusername']; } // email in use? $echeck = $db->getArray("SELECT count(*) as c FROM " . db_users . " WHERE email = '" . slash_if_needed($clean['email']) . "';"); if ($echeck['c'] >= 1) { $baddata = true; $problems[] = $l['reg-usedemail']; } // see if template files exist & we have access to them. if (!nlb_user::templateExists($clean['template'])) { $baddata = true; $problems[] = $l['reg-badtemplatechoice']; } if (!$baddata) { /** * A D D U S E R */ $text->makeClean('slash_if_needed', 'trim'); $c = $text->clean;
$ets_outter->main_title = $config->get('site_name') . ": " . $l['title-forgot']; $ets_outter->page_title = $l['title-forgot']; $ets->page_body = ''; $mail = new nlb_mail($db); if (!$mail->Active) { $ets->page_body = $l['log-forgot-off']; break; // exit the big switch() } $err = array(); if (!empty($_POST)) { if (!isset($_POST['username']) || empty($_POST['username'])) { $err[] = $l['log-bad-user']; // bad username } else { $username = slash_if_needed($_POST['username']); if (!$user->userExists($username)) { $err[] = $l['log-bad-user']; } else { // build new user object to manip his data $client = new nlb_user($db); $id = $client->getIdByName($username); $client->setId($id); // create new password. 6 random letters + numbers $newpass = uniqid(rand(), true); $newpass = substr($newpass, 0, 6); $hash = md5($newpass); $link = full_url . script_path . 'login.php'; $message = $l['log-forgot-email']; $message = str_replace('%USERNAME%', $client->get('username'), $message); $message = str_replace('%PASSWORD%', $newpass, $message);
$query = 'SELECT u.username, b.blog_id, b.author_id, b.date, b.subject, b.body, b.comments, b.html, b.smiles, b.bb FROM nlb3_blogs AS b, nlb3_users AS u WHERE u.user_id = b.author_id AND b.access = ' . access_public; $rquery = 'SELECT count(b.blog_id) as results FROM nlb3_blogs AS b, nlb3_users AS u WHERE u.user_id = b.author_id AND b.access = ' . access_public; if ($searchBody) { $query .= ' AND b.body LIKE "%' . $q . '%"'; $rquery .= ' AND b.body LIKE "%' . $q . '%"'; } if ($searchSubject) { $query .= ' AND b.subject LIKE "%' . $q . '%"'; $rquery .= ' AND b.subject LIKE "%' . $q . '%"'; } if (isset($_POST['author']) && $_POST['author'] != "") { $authorid = $user->getIdByName(slash_if_needed($_POST['author'])); if ($authorid != -1) { $query .= ' AND b.author_id = ' . $authorid; $rquery .= ' AND b.author_id = ' . $authorid; } } $count = $db->getArray($rquery); if ($count['results'] == 0) { //------------------------ // NO RESULTS TO SHOW //------------------------ $mask = 'form'; $ets->noresults = 1; } else { //------------------------ // WORK IS DONE, REDIRECT USER
} $st .= "\n</select>\n"; $st .= '<br /><img name="temlpatePreview" src="./templates/' . $preview[0] . '" />'; $ets->page_body .= '<form method="post" action="usercp.php?action=template">'; $ets->page_body .= $st; $ets->page_body .= '<br><input type="submit" value="' . $l['submit'] . '"></form>'; } } } else { $type = $_GET['sub']; // allowed to do this? if ($user->isAllowed('tpl_custom')) { // are we editing the template, or updating? if (isset($_POST['tpl-body'])) { // update to db $body = slash_if_needed($_POST['tpl-body']); $time = time(); $db->query('UPDATE ' . db_source . ' SET ' . $type . ' = "' . $body . '", ' . $type . '_updated = "' . $time . '" WHERE owner_id = "' . $user->id . '" LIMIT 1;'); $ets->page_body = $l['goodedit']; } else { // let user edit template $body = $db->getArray('SELECT ' . $type . ' FROM ' . db_source . ' WHERE owner_id = "' . $user->id . '";'); $body = stripslashes($body[$type]); $ets->page_body = $l['ucp-tpl-edit-' . $type] . '<p> <form method="post" action="' . script_path . 'usercp.php?action=template&sub=' . $type . '"> <textarea name="tpl-body" class="nlb_edit_template">' . $body . '</textarea><br> <input type="submit" value="' . $l['submit'] . '">
exit; } $baddata = false; $problems = array(); $USESKIN = skin_basic; $ets->page_body = ""; $ets_outter->main_title = $config->get('site_name') . ": " . $l['title-config']; $ets_outter->page_title = $l['title-config']; $text = new text($_POST, array('source')); $text->validate(); if (!empty($_POST)) { if ($text->is_missing_required) { $baddata = true; } if (!$baddata) { $newsource = slash_if_needed($_POST['source']); $now = time(); $db->query(' # Update Outter Template SOURCE UPDATE ' . db_config . ' SET value = "' . $newsource . '" WHERE name = "outter_template_source";'); $db->query(' # Update outter template TIME UPDATE ' . db_config . ' SET value = "' . $now . '" WHERE name = "outter_template_source_time";'); // talk to user. $ets->page_body .= $l['goodedit']; } } if (empty($_POST) || $baddata) { // check for missing fields