function isNGGalleryProActive() { if (!function_exists('is_plugin_active')) { require_once sitePath() . '/wp-admin/includes/plugin.php'; } return is_plugin_active("nextgen-gallery-pro/nggallery-pro.php"); }
function relativeGpxFolderPath() { $sitePath = sitePath(); $realGpxPath = gpxFolderPath(); $ret = str_replace($sitePath, '', $realGpxPath) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; return str_replace(array('/', '\\'), DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $ret); }
function handle_WP_GPX_Maps_Shortcodes($attr, $content = '') { $error = ''; $gpx = findValue($attr, "gpx", "", ""); $w = findValue($attr, "width", "wpgpxmaps_width", "100%"); $mh = findValue($attr, "mheight", "wpgpxmaps_height", "450px"); $mt = findValue($attr, "mtype", "wpgpxmaps_map_type", "HYBRID"); $gh = findValue($attr, "gheight", "wpgpxmaps_graph_height", "200px"); $showCad = findValue($attr, "showcad", "wpgpxmaps_show_cadence", false); $showHr = findValue($attr, "showhr", "wpgpxmaps_show_hr", false); $showAtemp = findValue($attr, "showatemp", "wpgpxmaps_show_atemp", false); $showW = findValue($attr, "waypoints", "wpgpxmaps_show_waypoint", false); $showEle = findValue($attr, "showele", "wpgpxmaps_show_elevation", "true"); $showSpeed = findValue($attr, "showspeed", "wpgpxmaps_show_speed", false); $showGrade = findValue($attr, "showgrade", "wpgpxmaps_show_grade", false); $zoomOnScrollWheel = findValue($attr, "zoomonscrollwheel", "wpgpxmaps_zoomonscrollwheel", false); $donotreducegpx = findValue($attr, "donotreducegpx", "wpgpxmaps_donotreducegpx", false); $pointsoffset = findValue($attr, "pointsoffset", "wpgpxmaps_pointsoffset", 10); $uom = findValue($attr, "uom", "wpgpxmaps_unit_of_measure", "0"); $uomspeed = findValue($attr, "uomspeed", "wpgpxmaps_unit_of_measure_speed", "0"); $color_map = findValue($attr, "mlinecolor", "wpgpxmaps_map_line_color", "#3366cc"); $color_graph = findValue($attr, "glinecolor", "wpgpxmaps_graph_line_color", "#3366cc"); $color_graph_speed = findValue($attr, "glinecolorspeed", "wpgpxmaps_graph_line_color_speed", "#ff0000"); $color_graph_hr = findValue($attr, "glinecolorhr", "wpgpxmaps_graph_line_color_hr", "#ff77bd"); $color_graph_atemp = findValue($attr, "glinecoloratemp", "wpgpxmaps_graph_line_color_atemp", "#ff77bd"); $color_graph_cad = findValue($attr, "glinecolorcad", "wpgpxmaps_graph_line_color_cad", "#beecff"); $color_graph_grade = findValue($attr, "glinecolorgrade", "wpgpxmaps_graph_line_color_grade", "#beecff"); $chartFrom1 = findValue($attr, "chartfrom1", "wpgpxmaps_graph_offset_from1", ""); $chartTo1 = findValue($attr, "chartto1", "wpgpxmaps_graph_offset_to1", ""); $chartFrom2 = findValue($attr, "chartfrom2", "wpgpxmaps_graph_offset_from2", ""); $chartTo2 = findValue($attr, "chartto2", "wpgpxmaps_graph_offset_to2", ""); $startIcon = findValue($attr, "starticon", "wpgpxmaps_map_start_icon", ""); $endIcon = findValue($attr, "endicon", "wpgpxmaps_map_end_icon", ""); $currentIcon = findValue($attr, "currenticon", "wpgpxmaps_map_current_icon", ""); $waypointIcon = findValue($attr, "waypointicon", "wpgpxmaps_map_waypoint_icon", ""); $ngGalleries = findValue($attr, "nggalleries", "wpgpxmaps_map_ngGalleries", ""); $ngImages = findValue($attr, "ngimages", "wpgpxmaps_map_ngImages", ""); // folgende Zeile hinzugefügt: $attachments = findValue($attr, "attachments", "wpgpxmaps_map_attachments", false); $download = findValue($attr, "download", "wpgpxmaps_download", ""); $dtoffset = findValue($attr, "dtoffset", "wpgpxmaps_dtoffset", 0); $distanceType = findValue($attr, "distanceType", "wpgpxmaps_distance_type", 0); $skipcache = findValue($attr, "skipcache", "wpgpxmaps_skipcache", ""); $summary = findValue($attr, "summary", "wpgpxmaps_summary", ""); $p_tot_len = findValue($attr, "summarytotlen", "wpgpxmaps_summary_tot_len", false); $p_max_ele = findValue($attr, "summarymaxele", "wpgpxmaps_summary_max_ele", false); $p_min_ele = findValue($attr, "summaryminele", "wpgpxmaps_summary_min_ele", false); $p_total_ele_up = findValue($attr, "summaryeleup", "wpgpxmaps_summary_total_ele_up", false); $p_total_ele_down = findValue($attr, "summaryeledown", "wpgpxmaps_summary_total_ele_down", false); $p_avg_speed = findValue($attr, "summaryavgspeed", "wpgpxmaps_summary_avg_speed", false); $p_total_time = findValue($attr, "summarytotaltime", "wpgpxmaps_summary_total_time", false); $usegpsposition = findValue($attr, "usegpsposition", "wpgpxmaps_usegpsposition", false); $currentpositioncon = findValue($attr, "currentpositioncon", "wpgpxmaps_currentpositioncon", ""); $colors_map = "\"" . implode("\",\"", explode(" ", $color_map)) . "\""; $gpxurl = $gpx; // Add file modification time to cache filename to catch new uploads with same file name $mtime = sitePath() . str_replace(array('/', '\\'), DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, trim($gpx)); if (file_exists($mtime)) { $mtime = filemtime($mtime); } else { $mtime = 0; } $cacheFileName = "{$gpx},{$mtime},{$w},{$mh},{$mt},{$gh},{$showEle},{$showW},{$showHr},{$showAtemp},{$showCad},{$donotreducegpx},{$pointsoffset},{$showSpeed},{$showGrade},{$uomspeed},{$uom},{$distanceType},v1.3.9"; $cacheFileName = md5($cacheFileName); $gpxcache = gpxCacheFolderPath(); if (!(file_exists($gpxcache) && is_dir($gpxcache))) { @mkdir($gpxcache, 0755, true); } $gpxcache .= DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $cacheFileName . ".tmp"; // Try to load cache if (file_exists($gpxcache) && !($skipcache == true)) { try { $cache_str = file_get_contents($gpxcache); $cache_obj = unserialize($cache_str); $points_maps = $cache_obj["points_maps"]; $points_x_time = $cache_obj["points_x_time"]; $points_x_lat = $cache_obj["points_x_lat"]; $points_x_lon = $cache_obj["points_x_lon"]; $points_graph_dist = $cache_obj["points_graph_dist"]; $points_graph_ele = $cache_obj["points_graph_ele"]; $points_graph_speed = $cache_obj["points_graph_speed"]; $points_graph_hr = $cache_obj["points_graph_hr"]; $points_graph_atemp = $cache_obj["points_graph_atemp"]; $points_graph_cad = $cache_obj["points_graph_cad"]; $points_graph_grade = $cache_obj["points_graph_grade"]; $waypoints = $cache_obj["waypoints"]; $max_ele = $cache_obj["max_ele"]; $min_ele = $cache_obj["min_ele"]; $max_time = $cache_obj["max_time"]; $min_time = $cache_obj["min_time"]; $total_ele_up = $cache_obj["total_ele_up"]; $total_ele_down = $cache_obj["total_ele_down"]; $avg_speed = $cache_obj["avg_speed"]; $tot_len = $cache_obj["tot_len"]; } catch (Exception $e) { $points_maps = ''; $points_x_time = ''; $points_x_lat = ''; $points_x_lon = ''; $points_graph_dist = ''; $points_graph_ele = ''; $points_graph_speed = ''; $points_graph_hr = ''; $points_graph_atemp = ''; $points_graph_cad = ''; $points_graph_grade = ''; $waypoints = ''; $max_ele = 0; $min_ele = 0; $max_time = 0; $min_time = 0; $total_ele_up = 0; $total_ele_down = 0; $avg_speed = 0; $tot_len = 0; } } $isGpxUrl = preg_match('/^(http(s)?\\:\\/\\/)/', trim($gpx)) == 1; if ((!isset($points_maps) || $points_maps == '') && $gpx != '') { //if (true) { $sitePath = sitePath(); $gpx = trim($gpx); if ($isGpxUrl == true) { $gpx = downloadRemoteFile($gpx); } else { $gpx = str_replace(array('/', '\\'), DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $gpx); $gpx = $sitePath . $gpx; } if ($gpx == '') { return "No gpx found"; } $points = getPoints($gpx, $pointsoffset, $donotreducegpx, $distanceType); $points_maps = ''; $points_graph_dist = ''; $points_graph_ele = ''; $points_graph_speed = ''; $points_graph_hr = ''; $points_graph_atemp = ''; $points_graph_cad = ''; $points_graph_grade = ''; $waypoints = ''; $points_x_time = $points->dt; $points_x_lat = $points->lat; $points_x_lon = $points->lon; $max_ele = $points->maxEle; $min_ele = $points->minEle; $max_time = $points->maxTime; $min_time = $points->minTime; $total_ele_up = $points->totalEleUp; $total_ele_down = $points->totalEleDown; $avg_speed = $points->avgSpeed; $tot_len = $points->totalLength; if (is_array($points_x_lat)) { foreach (array_keys($points_x_lat) as $i) { $_lat = (double) $points_x_lat[$i]; $_lon = (double) $points_x_lon[$i]; if ($_lat == 0 && $_lon == 0) { $points_maps .= 'null,'; $points_graph_dist .= 'null,'; $points_graph_ele .= 'null,'; if ($showSpeed == true) { $points_graph_speed .= 'null,'; } if ($showHr == true) { $points_graph_hr .= 'null,'; } if ($showAtemp == true) { $points_graph_atemp .= 'null,'; } if ($showCad == true) { $points_graph_cad .= 'null,'; } if ($showGrade == true) { $points_graph_grade .= 'null,'; } } else { $points_maps .= '[' . number_format((double) $points_x_lat[$i], 7, '.', '') . ',' . number_format((double) $points_x_lon[$i], 7, '.', '') . '],'; $_ele = (double) $points->ele[$i]; $_dist = (double) $points->dist[$i]; if ($uom == '1') { // Miles and feet $_dist *= 0.000621371192; $_ele *= 3.2808399; } else { if ($uom == '2') { // meters / kilometers $_dist = (double) ($_dist / 1000); } else { if ($uom == '3') { // meters / kilometers / nautical miles $_dist = (double) ($_dist / 1000 / 1.852); } else { if ($uom == '4') { // meters / miles $_dist *= 0.000621371192; } else { if ($uom == '5') { // meters / kilometers / nautical miles and feet $_dist = (double) ($_dist / 1000 / 1.852); $_ele *= 3.2808399; } } } } } $points_graph_dist .= number_format($_dist, 2, '.', '') . ','; $points_graph_ele .= number_format($_ele, 2, '.', '') . ','; if ($showSpeed == true) { $_speed = (double) $points->speed[$i]; $points_graph_speed .= convertSpeed($_speed, $uomspeed) . ','; } if ($showHr == true) { $points_graph_hr .= number_format($points->hr[$i], 2, '.', '') . ','; } if ($showAtemp == true) { $points_graph_atemp .= number_format($points->atemp[$i], 1, '.', '') . ','; } if ($showCad == true) { $points_graph_cad .= number_format($points->cad[$i], 2, '.', '') . ','; } if ($showGrade == true) { $points_graph_grade .= number_format($points->grade[$i], 2, '.', '') . ','; } } } } if ($uom == '1') { // Miles and feet $tot_len = round($tot_len * 0.000621371192, 2) . " mi"; $max_ele = round($max_ele * 3.2808399, 0) . " ft"; $min_ele = round($min_ele * 3.2808399, 0) . " ft"; $total_ele_up = round($total_ele_up * 3.2808399, 0) . " ft"; $total_ele_down = round($total_ele_down * 3.2808399, 0) . " ft"; } else { if ($uom == '2') { // meters / kilometers $tot_len = round($tot_len / 1000, 2) . " km"; $max_ele = round($max_ele, 0) . " m"; $min_ele = round($min_ele, 0) . " m"; $total_ele_up = round($total_ele_up, 0) . " m"; $total_ele_down = round($total_ele_down, 0) . " m"; } else { if ($uom == '3') { // meters / kilometers / nautical miles $tot_len = round($tot_len / 1000 / 1.852, 2) . " NM"; $max_ele = round($max_ele, 0) . " m"; $min_ele = round($min_ele, 0) . " m"; $total_ele_up = round($total_ele_up, 0) . " m"; $total_ele_down = round($total_ele_down, 0) . " m"; } else { if ($uom == '4') { // meters / kilometers / nautical miles $tot_len = round($tot_len * 0.000621371192, 2) . " mi"; $max_ele = round($max_ele, 0) . " m"; $min_ele = round($min_ele, 0) . " m"; $total_ele_up = round($total_ele_up, 0) . " m"; $total_ele_down = round($total_ele_down, 0) . " m"; } else { if ($uom == '5') { // meters / kilometers / nautical miles and feet $tot_len = round($tot_len / 1000 / 1.852, 2) . " NM"; $max_ele = round($max_ele * 3.2808399, 0) . " ft"; $min_ele = round($min_ele * 3.2808399, 0) . " ft"; $total_ele_up = round($total_ele_up * 3.2808399, 0) . " ft"; $total_ele_down = round($total_ele_down * 3.2808399, 0) . " ft"; } else { // meters / meters $tot_len = round($tot_len, 0) . " m"; $max_ele = round($max_ele, 0) . " m"; $min_ele = round($min_ele, 0) . " m"; $total_ele_up = round($total_ele_up, 0) . " m"; $total_ele_down = round($total_ele_down, 0) . " m"; } } } } } $avg_speed = convertSpeed($avg_speed, $uomspeed, true); $waypoints = '[]'; if ($showW == true) { $wpoints = getWayPoints($gpx); /* foreach ($wpoints as $p) { $waypoints .= '['.number_format ( (float)$p[0] , 7 , '.' , '' ).','.number_format ( (float)$p[1] , 7 , '.' , '' ).',\''.unescape($p[4]).'\',\''.unescape($p[5]).'\',\''.unescape($p[7]).'\'],'; } */ $waypoints = json_encode($wpoints); } if ($showEle == "false") { $points_graph_ele = ""; } $p = "/(,|,null,)\$/"; $points_maps = preg_replace($p, "", $points_maps); $points_graph_dist = preg_replace($p, "", $points_graph_dist); $points_graph_ele = preg_replace($p, "", $points_graph_ele); $points_graph_speed = preg_replace($p, "", $points_graph_speed); $points_graph_hr = preg_replace($p, "", $points_graph_hr); $points_graph_atemp = preg_replace($p, "", $points_graph_atemp); $points_graph_cad = preg_replace($p, "", $points_graph_cad); $points_graph_grade = preg_replace($p, "", $points_graph_grade); $waypoints = preg_replace($p, "", $waypoints); if (preg_match("/^(0,?)+\$/", $points_graph_dist)) { $points_graph_dist = ""; } if (preg_match("/^(0,?)+\$/", $points_graph_ele)) { $points_graph_ele = ""; } if (preg_match("/^(0,?)+\$/", $points_graph_speed)) { $points_graph_speed = ""; } if (preg_match("/^(0,?)+\$/", $points_graph_hr)) { $points_graph_hr = ""; } if (preg_match("/^(0,?)+\$/", $points_graph_hr)) { $points_graph_hr = ""; } if (preg_match("/^(0,?)+\$/", $points_graph_atemp)) { $points_graph_atemp = ""; } if (preg_match("/^(0,?)+\$/", $points_graph_grade)) { $points_graph_grade = ""; } } $ngimgs_data = ''; if ($ngGalleries != '' || $ngImages != '') { //print_r($points); $ngimgs = getNGGalleryImages($ngGalleries, $ngImages, $points_x_time, $points_x_lat, $points_x_lon, $dtoffset, $error); $ngimgs_data = ''; foreach ($ngimgs as $img) { $data = $img['data']; $data = str_replace("\n", "", $data); $ngimgs_data .= '<span lat="' . $img['lat'] . '" lon="' . $img['lon'] . '">' . $data . '</span>'; } } // Folgende Zeilen hinzugefügt if ($attachments == true) { $attimgs = getAttachedImages($points_x_time, $points_x_lat, $points_x_lon, $dtoffset, $error); foreach ($attimgs as $img) { $data = $img['data']; $data = str_replace("\n", "", $data); $ngimgs_data .= '<span lat="' . $img['lat'] . '" lon="' . $img['lon'] . '">' . $data . '</span>'; } } if (!($skipcache == true)) { @file_put_contents($gpxcache, serialize(array("points_maps" => $points_maps, "points_x_time" => $points_x_time, "points_x_lat" => $points_x_lat, "points_x_lon" => $points_x_lon, "points_graph_dist" => $points_graph_dist, "points_graph_ele" => $points_graph_ele, "points_graph_speed" => $points_graph_speed, "points_graph_hr" => $points_graph_hr, "points_graph_atemp" => $points_graph_atemp, "points_graph_cad" => $points_graph_cad, "points_graph_grade" => $points_graph_grade, "waypoints" => $waypoints, "max_ele" => $max_ele, "min_ele" => $min_ele, "total_ele_up" => $total_ele_up, "total_ele_down" => $total_ele_down, "avg_speed" => $avg_speed, "tot_len" => $tot_len, "max_time" => $max_time, "min_time" => $min_time)), LOCK_EX); @chmod($gpxcache, 0755); } $hideGraph = $gh == "0" || $gh == "0px"; global $post; $r = $post->ID . "_" . rand(1, 5000000); $output = ' <div id="wpgpxmaps_' . $r . '" class="wpgpxmaps"> <div id="map_' . $r . '_cont" style="width:' . $w . '; height:' . $mh . ';position:relative" > <div id="map_' . $r . '" style="width:' . $w . '; height:' . $mh . '"></div> <div id="wpgpxmaps_' . $r . '_osm_footer" class="wpgpxmaps_osm_footer" style="display:none;"><span> © <a href="">OpenStreetMap</a> contributors</span></div> </div> <div id="hchart_' . $r . '" class="plot" style="width:' . $w . '; height:' . $gh . '"></div> <div id="ngimages_' . $r . '" class="ngimages" style="display:none">' . $ngimgs_data . '</div> <div id="report_' . $r . '" class="report"></div> </div> ' . $error . ' <script type="text/javascript"> jQuery(document).ready(function() { jQuery("#wpgpxmaps_' . $r . '").wpgpxmaps({ targetId : "' . $r . '", mapType : "' . $mt . '", mapData : [' . $points_maps . '], graphDist : [' . ($hideGraph ? '' : $points_graph_dist) . '], graphEle : [' . ($hideGraph ? '' : $points_graph_ele) . '], graphSpeed : [' . ($hideGraph ? '' : $points_graph_speed) . '], graphHr : [' . ($hideGraph ? '' : $points_graph_hr) . '], graphAtemp : [' . ($hideGraph ? '' : $points_graph_atemp) . '], graphCad : [' . ($hideGraph ? '' : $points_graph_cad) . '], graphGrade : [' . ($hideGraph ? '' : $points_graph_grade) . '], waypoints : ' . $waypoints . ', unit : "' . $uom . '", unitspeed : "' . $uomspeed . '", color1 : [' . $colors_map . '], color2 : "' . $color_graph . '", color3 : "' . $color_graph_speed . '", color4 : "' . $color_graph_hr . '", color5 : "' . $color_graph_cad . '", color6 : "' . $color_graph_grade . '", color7 : "' . $color_graph_atemp . '", chartFrom1 : "' . $chartFrom1 . '", chartTo1 : "' . $chartTo1 . '", chartFrom2 : "' . $chartFrom2 . '", chartTo2 : "' . $chartTo2 . '", startIcon : "' . $startIcon . '", endIcon : "' . $endIcon . '", currentIcon : "' . $currentIcon . '", waypointIcon : "' . $waypointIcon . '", currentpositioncon : "' . $currentpositioncon . '", usegpsposition : "' . $usegpsposition . '", zoomOnScrollWheel : "' . $zoomOnScrollWheel . '", ngGalleries : [' . $ngGalleries . '], ngImages : [' . $ngImages . '], pluginUrl : "' . plugins_url() . '", langs : { altitude : "' . __("Altitude", "wp-gpx-maps") . '", currentPosition : "' . __("Current Position", "wp-gpx-maps") . '", speed : "' . __("Speed", "wp-gpx-maps") . '", grade : "' . __("Grade", "wp-gpx-maps") . '", heartRate : "' . __("Heart rate", "wp-gpx-maps") . '", atemp : "' . __("Temperature", "wp-gpx-maps") . '", cadence : "' . __("Cadence", "wp-gpx-maps") . '", goFullScreen : "' . __("Go Full Screen", "wp-gpx-maps") . '", exitFullFcreen : "' . __("Exit Full Screen", "wp-gpx-maps") . '", hideImages : "' . __("Hide Images", "wp-gpx-maps") . '", showImages : "' . __("Show Images", "wp-gpx-maps") . '", backToCenter : "' . __("Back to center", "wp-gpx-maps") . '" } }); }); </script>'; // print summary if ($summary == 'true' && ($points_graph_speed != '' || $points_graph_ele != '' || $points_graph_dist != '')) { $output .= "<div id='wpgpxmaps_summary_" . $r . "' class='wpgpxmaps_summary'>"; if ($points_graph_dist != '' && $p_tot_len == 'true') { $output .= "<span class='totlen'><span class='summarylabel'>" . __("Total distance", "wp-gpx-maps") . ":</span><span class='summaryvalue'> {$tot_len}</span></span><br />"; } if ($points_graph_ele != '') { if ($p_max_ele == 'true') { $output .= "<span class='maxele'><span class='summarylabel'>" . __("Max elevation", "wp-gpx-maps") . ":</span><span class='summaryvalue'> {$max_ele}</span></span><br />"; } if ($p_min_ele == 'true') { $output .= "<span class='minele'><span class='summarylabel'>" . __("Min elevation", "wp-gpx-maps") . ":</span><span class='summaryvalue'> {$min_ele}</span></span><br />"; } if ($p_total_ele_up == 'true') { $output .= "<span class='totaleleup'><span class='summarylabel'>" . __("Total climbing", "wp-gpx-maps") . ":</span><span class='summaryvalue'> {$total_ele_up}</span></span><br />"; } if ($p_total_ele_down == 'true') { $output .= "<span class='totaleledown'><span class='summarylabel'>" . __("Total descent", "wp-gpx-maps") . ":</span><span class='summaryvalue'> {$total_ele_down}</span></span><br />"; } } if ($points_graph_speed != '' && $p_avg_speed == 'true') { $output .= "<span class='avgspeed'><span class='summarylabel'>" . __("Average speed", "wp-gpx-maps") . ":</span><span class='summaryvalue'> {$avg_speed}</span></span><br />"; } if ($p_total_time == 'true' && $max_time > 0) { $time_diff = date("H:i:s", $max_time - $min_time); $output .= "<span class='totaltime'><span class='summarylabel'>" . __("Total Time", "wp-gpx-maps") . ":</span><span class='summaryvalue'> {$time_diff}</span></span><br />"; } $output .= "</div>"; } // print download link if ($download == 'true' && $gpxurl != '') { if ($isGpxUrl == true) { } else { // wpml fix $dummy = defined('WP_SITEURL') ? WP_SITEURL : get_bloginfo('url'); $gpxurl = $dummy . $gpxurl; } $output .= "<a href='{$gpxurl}' target='_new'>" . __("Download", "wp-gpx-maps") . "</a>"; } return $output; }