Esempio n. 1
    <th scope="col">END DATE</th>
    <th scope="col">WORK</th>
    <th scope="col">REQUESTED  BY</th>
    <th scope="col">APPROVAL</th>
	foreach($arrAppCal as $item)
    <td><?php echo $item['fromdate']; ?></td>
    <td><?php echo $item['todate']; ?></td>
    <td><?php echo $item['description']; ?></td>
    <td><?php echo showuser($item['appointmentby'],$arrUser); ?></td>
    <td><?php echo approved($item['isapprove']); ?></td>

<!--<div id="loading-dialog" class="ui-widget">
<img align="loading" src="img/loading.gif" />
<h3>Please wait .......</h3>
Esempio n. 2
function dbmanage_theme()
    global $user, $globals, $l, $theme, $softpanel, $iscripts, $catwise, $error, $dbname, $dbuser, $pri_list, $dbdone, $db_list, $db_list_size, $db_with_user_list, $db_user_list;
    //Ajax part for add DB
    if (optGET('ajaxdb')) {
        if (!empty($error)) {
            echo '0' . current($error);
            return false;
        // Creating new table for display new DB
        if (!empty($dbdone)) {
            echo '1' . $l['db_create'];
            return true;
    // Ajax part for add user
    if (optGET('ajax')) {
        if (!empty($error)) {
            echo '0' . current($error);
            return false;
        // Creating new table for display new user
        if (!empty($dbdone)) {
            echo '1' . $l['user_added'];
            return true;
    // Ajax part for update privaliges
    if (optGET('ajaxpri')) {
        if (!empty($error)) {
            echo '0 ' . current($error);
            return false;
        if (!empty($dbdone)) {
            echo '1' . $l['db_pri_updated'];
            return true;
    // Ajax part for delete user
    if (optGET('ajaxdeluser')) {
        if (!empty($error)) {
            echo '0' . current($error);
            return false;
        if (!empty($dbdone)) {
            echo '1' . $l['db_user_del'];
            return true;
    // Ajax part for delete DB
    if (optGET('ajaxdeldb')) {
        if (!empty($error)) {
            echo '0' . current($error);
            return false;
        if (!empty($dbdone)) {
            echo '1' . $l['db_db_del'];
            return true;
    if (optGET('editdb_user')) {
        $db_list = $softpanel->listdbs();
        $db_user_list = $softpanel->listdbusers();
        echo '<center><div class="sai_tit" style=" width:100%;"><img src="' . $theme['a_images'] . 'adddb.gif" alt="" />&nbsp;' . $l['user_db_add_label'] . '</div></center>';
        if (count($db_list) > 0 && count($db_user_list) > 0) {
            echo '<form accept-charset="' . $globals['charset'] . '" name="importsoftware" method="post" action="" >
				<br />
				<table border="0" cellpadding="8" cellspacing="8" width="90%" align="center" class="sai_divroundshad" sstyle="padding-left:15px; padding-top:15px;" >
							<span class="sai_head">' . $l['user_label'] . '</span>
						<td valign="top">
							<select name="sel_user" id="sel_user">';
            foreach ($db_user_list as $k => $v) {
                echo '<option value="' . $k . '" ' . (!empty($_POST['sel_user']) && $_POST['sel_user'] == $k ? 'selected="selected"' : '') . '>' . $v . '</option>';
            echo '</select>
							<span class="sai_head">' . $l['db_set_label'] . '</span>
						<td valign="top">
							<select name="sel_db" id="sel_db">';
            foreach ($db_list as $k => $v) {
                echo '<option value="' . $k . '" ' . (!empty($_POST['sel_db']) && $_POST['sel_db'] == $k ? 'selected="selected"' : '') . '>' . $v . '</option>';
            echo '</select>
						<td colspan="2">
							<p align="center"><input type="button" class="sai_graybluebut" id="submit1" style="cursor:pointer" name="submitselectuser" value="' . $l['submitselectuser'] . '" /></p>
				<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" ><!-- // --><![CDATA[				
					// For popup			
					$("#submit1").click(function() {
						var dbname = ($("#sel_db").val());
						var dbuser = ($("#sel_user").val());
				// ]]></script>';
            echo '<div class="sai_popup" ></div>';
        } else {
            echo '<center><h2>' . $l['err_nodata'] . '</h2></center>';
        return true;
    // Privaliges page for popup
    if (optGET('editpri')) {
        $dbname = POST('dbname');
        $dbuser = POST('dbuser');
        // Get user db privileges
        $db_pri = $softpanel->getDbPrivileges($dbname, $dbuser);
        echo '<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" ><!-- // --><![CDATA[						
				$(".sai_altrowstable tr").mouseover(function(){
					var old_class = $(this).attr("class");		
					$(this).attr("class", "sai_tr_bgcolor");		
						$(this).attr("class", old_class);
				$("#submitpri").click(function() {
					$("#comsg").css("display", "none");	
					$("#ermsg").css("display", "none");							
					var prilist = Array()				
					ids = new Array("' . implode('", "', $pri_list) . '");				
					for(x in ids){
							prilist[x] = ids[x];							
					var host = ($("#selecttype").val());				
					if(host == "Use text field"){					
						host =($("#hname").val());
					var w_l = window.location.toString();				
					if(w_l.indexOf("#") > 0){
						w_l = w_l.substring(0, w_l.indexOf("#"));
						type: "POST",
						url: w_l+"&submitpri=1&ajaxpri=1 ",					
						data: "dbname=' . $dbname . '&dbuser='******'&host=" +host+"&prilist=" +prilist,
						// checking for error
						success: function(data){												
							var result = data.substring(0,1);	
							if(result == "1"){
							var msg = data.substring(1,data.indexOf("<table"));
							var output = data.substring(data.indexOf("<table"));								
								$("#comsg").css("display", "");																																		
							if(result == "0"){	
								var msg = data.substring(1);
								$("#ermsg").css("display", "");																																		
						error: function() {
							message_box.show_message("Error",\'' . $l['connect_error'] . '\',1);						
				$("#chk_table tr").click(function(e){				
					var $checkbox = $(this).find(":checkbox");
					if ( == "checkbox") {
						$checkbox.attr("checked", !$checkbox.attr("checked"));
						$(this).filter(":has(:checkbox)").toggleClass("selected", $checkbox.attr("checked"));
		// ]]></script>';
        echo '<div class="ui_titlebar" style="width:95%" >
			<a title="Close" class="close"><img src="' . $theme['images'] . 'remove.gif" style="cursor:pointer; float:right;" alt="close" height="20" width="20" onclick="popup_close();" /></a>			
			<center class="sai_tit"><img src="' . $theme['images'] . 'mysql_1.gif" />&nbsp; ' . $l['db_headling_pri'] . ' For Database ' . $dbname . ' To User ' . $dbuser . '</center>
			<center id="comsg" style="display:none" class="sai_notice"></center>
			<center id="ermsg" style="display:none; background-color: #FF9999;" class="sai_notice" ></center>		
		<form accept-charset="' . $globals['charset'] . '" name="importsoftware" method="post" action="" ></div>		
			<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="99%" class="sai_altrowstable">
					<th align="center" class="sai_summaryTitle" colspan="1">' . $l['db_pri'] . '</th>
					<th align="center" class="sai_summaryTitle" colspan="1">' . $l['pri_option'] . '<input type="checkbox" onclick="checkall(this);" /></th>
        foreach ($pri_list as $key => $value) {
            $k = ucfirst(strtolower($value)) . '_priv';
            $check[$key] = isset($db_pri[$k]) && $db_pri[$k] == 'Y' ? 'checked="checked"' : '';
            $label[$key] = ucfirst(str_replace('_', ' ', strtolower($value)));
        echo '<tr>
					<td width="50%">
						<table border="0" cellpadding="8" cellspacing="0" width="100%" class="sai_altrowstable" id="chk_table">';
        for ($j = 0; $j <= count($pri_list) / 2 - 1; $j++) {
            echo '<tr class="' . ($j % 2 == 0 ? "sai_evenrowcolor" : "sai_oddrowcolor") . '" height="40px">
								<td width="70%">' . $label[$j] . '</td>
								<td align="center" width="25%"><input ' . $check[$j] . ' type="checkbox" name="pri[' . $pri_list[$j] . ']" id="pri[' . $pri_list[$j] . ']" value="Y" /></td>
        echo '</table>
					<td width="50%">
						<table border="0" cellpadding="8" cellspacing="0" width="100%" class="sai_altrowstable" id="chk_table">';
        for ($j = count($pri_list) / 2; $j <= count($pri_list) - 1; $j++) {
            echo '<tr class="' . ($j % 2 == 0 ? "sai_evenrowcolor" : "sai_oddrowcolor") . '" height="40px">
								<td width="70%" >' . $label[$j] . '</td>
								<td align="center" width="25%"><input ' . $check[$j] . ' type="checkbox" name="pri[' . $pri_list[$j] . ']" id="pri[' . $pri_list[$j] . ']" value="Y" /></td>
        echo '
        echo '<table>
				<td width="25%">
					<span class="sai_head">' . $l['select_host'] . '</span> 
				<td width="25%">							
					<select class="input" name="selecttype" id="selecttype" onchange="disp_type(this.value)">
						<option value="' . $l['local'] . '" ' . ($db_pri['Host'] == $l['local'] ? 'selected=selected' : '') . '>' . $l['local'] . '</option>
						<option value="' . $l['anyhost'] . '" ' . ($db_pri['Host'] == '%' ? 'selected=selected' : '') . '>' . $l['anyhost'] . '</option>
						<option value="' . $l['text'] . '"  ' . ($db_pri['Host'] != $l['local'] && $db_pri['Host'] != '%' && $db_pri['Host'] != '' ? 'selected=selected' : '') . '>' . $l['text'] . '</option>		
				<td width ="50%">
					<input type="text" id="hname" name="hname" id="address" size="30" ' . ($db_pri['Host'] != $l['local'] && $db_pri['Host'] != '%' && $db_pri['Host'] != '' ? 'value=' . $db_pri['Host'] . '' : 'style="display:none" ') . ' />
		<p align="center"><input type="button" class="sai_graybluebut" id="submitpri" style="cursor:pointer" name="submitpri" value="' . $l['submitpri'] . '" /></p>
		</form> ';
        return true;
    echo '<script language="javascript" src="' . js_url('js/jquery.scrollTo.js') . '" type="text/javascript"></script>';
    $db_prefix = $softpanel->user['name'] . '_';
    echo '<style type="text/css">
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		.sai_popup {
			border:#666 1px solid;
			margin:0 auto;
		.sai_popup_add {
			border:#666 1px solid;
			margin:0 auto;
		.close {
			margin:3px 6px 0;
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			height: 100%;
		#mask {		
			margin:0 auto;
			height: 100%;
		#panel div {
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			border-radius: 5px;
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			background: #FFFFFF;
			padding: 8px;	
			font-family: "Lucida Grande","Lucida Sans Unicode",Helvetica,Arial,Verdana,sans-serif;
    echo '<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"><!-- // --><![CDATA[		
		var message_box = function() {			
			return {
				show_message: function(title, body , image) {			
					var okbutton = \'<input  style="width:75px" class="sai_graybluebut" type="button" onclick="message_box.close_message();" value="OK" />\';
					if(image == "1"){
						var img = \'<img src="' . $theme['images'] . 'error.gif" />\';
						var img = \'<img src="' . $theme['images'] . 'confirm.gif" />\';			
					if(jQuery(\'.sai_message_box\').html() === null) {
						var message = \'<div class="sai_message_box"><table border="0" cellpadding="8" width="100%" height="100%"><tr ><td rowspan="2" width="40%" > \'+ img + \'</td><td width="60%" class ="msg_tr1">\' +  title + \'</td></tr><tr class ="msg_tr2"><td style="text-align:left">\' + body + \'</td></tr><tr ><td colspan="2" class ="msg_tr3">\' + okbutton + \'</td></tr></table></div>\';
						jQuery(document.body).append( message );								
						jQuery(\'.sai_message_box\').css(\'top\', jQuery($(jQuery.browser.webkit ? "body": "html")).scrollTop() + 150);
						var message =\' <table border="0" width="100%" cellpadding="8" height="100%"><tr ><td rowspan="2" width="40%">\'+ img +  \'</td><td widt="60%" class ="msg_tr1">\' + title + \'</td></tr><tr class ="msg_tr2"><td style="text-align:left">\' + body + \'</td></tr><tr ><td colspan="2" class ="msg_tr3">\' + okbutton + \'</td></tr></table>\';				
						jQuery(\'.sai_message_box\').css(\'top\', jQuery($(jQuery.browser.webkit ? "body": "html")).scrollTop() + 150);
						jQuery(\'.sai_message_box\').html( message );
				delete_message: function(title, body ,delact) {					
					var yesbutton = \'<input type="button" style="width:75px" onclick="message_box.yes_close_message(\\\'\'+delact+\'\\\');" value="YES" class="sai_graybluebut"/>\';
					var nobutton = \'<input type="button" style="width:75px" onclick="message_box.no_close_message();" value="NO" class="sai_graybluebut" />\';
					var img = \'<img src="' . $theme['images'] . 'remove_big.gif" />\';
					if(jQuery(\'.sai_message_box\').html() === null) {
						var message = \'<div class="sai_message_box"><table border="0" cellpadding="8" width="100%" height="100%"><tr height="60%" ><td rowspan="2" width="40%" > \'+ img + \'</td><td width="60%" class ="msg_tr1" height="10%">\' +  title + \'</td></tr><tr ><td style="text-align:left" height="60%" cellpading="2" class ="msg_tr2">\' + body + \'</td></tr><tr ><td colspan="2" class ="msg_tr3" >\' + yesbutton + \'&nbsp; &nbsp; \' + nobutton + \'</td></tr></table></div>\';				
						jQuery(document.body).append( message );								
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						var message = \' <table  border="0" cellpadding="8" width="100%" height="100%"><tr height="60%" ><td rowspan="2" width="40%">\'+ img +  \'</td><td widt="60%" class ="msg_tr1" height="10%">\' + title + \'</td></tr><tr><td style="text-align:left" height="60%" cellpading="2" class ="msg_tr2">\' + body + \'</td></tr><tr ><td colspan="2" class ="msg_tr3" >\' + yesbutton + \'&nbsp; &nbsp; \' + nobutton + \'</td></tr></table>\'
						jQuery(\'.sai_message_box\').css(\'top\', jQuery($(jQuery.browser.webkit ? "body": "html")).scrollTop() + 150);
						jQuery(\'.sai_message_box\').html( message );
				close_message: function() {
				yes_close_message: function(delact) {
					delaction = delact.substr(0,3)
					delrecord = delact.substr(3);						
					if(delaction == "did"){
						$(\'#did\'+delrecord).attr("src","' . $theme['images'] . 'progress.gif");
						url = "&delete_db=" +delrecord+"&ajaxdeldb=1";
						$(\'#uid\'+delrecord).attr("src","' . $theme['images'] . 'progress.gif");
						url = "&delete_dbuser="******"&ajaxdeluser=1";	
					var w_l = window.location.toString();				
					if(w_l.indexOf("#") > 0){
						w_l = w_l.substring(0, w_l.indexOf("#"));
						type: "POST",
						url: w_l+url,						
						success: function(data){													
							var result = data.substring(0,1);										
							var msg = data.substring(1,data.indexOf("<table"));
							var output = data.substring(data.indexOf("<table"));
							if(result == "1"){
								if(delaction == "did"){
							if(result == "0"){
						error: function() {
							message_box.show_message("Error",\'' . $l['connect_error'] . '\',1);						
				no_close_message: function() {
		// for deleting db or user		
		function deleterecord(delact){			
			delaction = delact.substr(0,3)
			if(delaction == "did"){	
				message_box.delete_message (\'Warning\',\'' . $l['db_del_conf'] . '\', delact);
				message_box.delete_message (\'Warning\',\'' . $l['dbuser_del_conf'] . '\', delact);
		// Function for checkbox check all
		ids = new Array("' . implode('", "', $pri_list) . '");
		function checkall(checker){	
			for(x in ids){
				$_("pri["+ids[x]+"]").checked = checker.checked;
		// Function for show host
		function disp_type(str){
			if(str == "Use text field"){
				$("#hname").css("display", "");
				$("#hname").css("display", "none");
		} ;	
		// Function for close popup
		function popup_close(){			
			$("#comsg").css("display", "none");	
			$("#ermsg").css("display", "none");	
		// Function for show popup
		function show_popup(dbname, dbuser,div_id)
			var height = $("#scroller-body").height();
			var width = $("#scroller-body").width();
			var spanHeight = 50;
			var spanWidth = 50;	
			var w_l = window.location.toString();				
			if(w_l.indexOf("#") > 0){
				w_l = w_l.substring(0, w_l.indexOf("#"));
				type: "POST",
				url: w_l+"&editpri=1",					
				data: "dbname="+dbname+"&dbuser="******".sai_popup_add").html(data);
				error: function() {
					message_box.show_message("Error",\'' . $l['connect_error'] . '\',1);						
			if(div_id ==1){									
					.css({ "top" :  height/3 - spanHeight/3 })
					.css({ "left" : width/2 - spanWidth/2})
					.css({ "width" : width/2 + 50})				
					.css({ "top" :  height/3 - spanHeight/3 })
					.css({ "left" : width/2 - spanWidth/2})
					.css({ "width" : width/2 + 50})				
		function mod_escape(value) {
		  value = escape(value);
		  return value.replace(/\\+/g, \'%2B\');
			$(".sai_altrowstable tr").mouseover(function(){
				var old_class = $(this).attr("class");		
				$(this).attr("class", "sai_tr_bgcolor");		
					$(this).attr("class", old_class);
			// For selecting tab
			var select_tab = window.location.hash;
			if(select_tab.length > 0){
			// for adding db	
			$("#submitdb").click(function() {
				$("#createdb").css("display", "");	
				var db = ($("#db").val());
				var w_l = window.location.toString();				
				if(w_l.indexOf("#") > 0){
					w_l = w_l.substring(0, w_l.indexOf("#"));
					type: "POST",
					url: w_l+"&submitdb=1&ajaxdb=1",					
					data: "db="+db,
					// checking for error
					success: function(data){
						$("#createdb").css("display", "none");						
						var result = data.substring(0,1);
						if(result == "1"){
							var msg = data.substring(1,data.indexOf("<table"));
							var output = data.substring(data.indexOf("<table"));							
							message_box.show_message( "Done ",msg,2);														
							$(".sai_altrowstable tr").mouseover(function(){
								var old_class = $(this).attr("class");		
								$(this).attr("class", "sai_tr_bgcolor");		
									$(this).attr("class", old_class);
						if(result == "0"){	
							$("#createdb").css("display", "none");
							var msg = data.substring(1);
							message_box.show_message( "Error",msg,1);
					error: function() {
						message_box.show_message("Error",\'' . $l['connect_error'] . '\',1);						
			// for adding user	
			$("#submituser").click(function() {	
				$("#createuser").css("display", "");			
				var dbuser = ($("#dbuser").val());				
				var userpass = ($("#dbpassword").val());
				userpass =  mod_escape(userpass);
				var w_l = window.location.toString();				
				if(w_l.indexOf("#") > 0){
					w_l = w_l.substring(0, w_l.indexOf("#"));
					type: "POST",
					url: w_l+"&submituserdb=1&ajax=1",					
					data: "dbuser="******"&dbpassword="******"#createuser").css("display", "none");																		
						var result = data.substring(0,1);														
						if(result == "1"){	
							var msg = data.substring(1,data.indexOf("<table"));							
							var output = data.substring(data.indexOf("<table"));							
							message_box.show_message( "Done ",msg,2);
							var height = $("#mask").height();
							$("#mask").css({ "height" :  height + 50 });
							$(".sai_altrowstable tr").mouseover(function(){
								var old_class = $(this).attr("class");		
								$(this).attr("class", "sai_tr_bgcolor");		
									$(this).attr("class", old_class);
						if(result == "0"){
							$("#createuser").css("display", "none");	
							var msg = data.substring(1);
							message_box.show_message( "Error",msg,1);
					error: function() {
						message_box.show_message("Error",\'' . $l['connect_error'] . '\',1);						
			//Get the height of the first item
			//Calculate the total width - sum of all sub-panels width
			//Width is generated according to the width of #mask * total of sub-panels
			$("#panel").width(parseInt($("#mask").width() * $("#panel div").length));
			//Set the sub-panel width according to the #mask width (width of #mask and sub-panel must be same)
			$("#panel div").width($("#mask").width());			
			//Get all the links with rel as panel
			$("a[rel=panel]").click(function () {	
				//Get the height of the sub-panel
				var panelheight = $($(this).attr("href")).height()+200;				
				//Set class for the selected item
				//Resize the height
				$("#mask").animate({"height":panelheight},{queue:false, duration:500});			
				//Scroll to the correct panel, the panel id is grabbed from the href attribute of the anchor
				$("#mask").scrollTo($(this).attr("href"), 800);	
				//Discard the link default behavior
				return false;
		function chkdbvalue(){			
			var w_l = window.location.toString();
			if(w_l.indexOf("#") > 0){
				w_l = w_l.substring(0, w_l.indexOf("#"));
				type: "POST",
				url: w_l+"&editdb_user=1",								
				success: function(data){																		
					$("#dbtouser_disp").css("display", "");									
				error: function() {
					message_box.show_message("Error",\'' . $l['connect_error'] . '\',1);						
	// ]]></script>
		<div id="scroller-header">
			<br />
			<a href="#currentdb" rel="panel" class="heading_a" style="text-decoration:none" id="currentdb_a">' . $l['db_headling'] . '</a>
			<a href="#adddb" rel="panel" class="heading_a"  style="text-decoration:none" id="adddb_a">' . $l['db_add_label'] . '</a>
			<a href="#currentuser" rel="panel" class="heading_a" style="text-decoration:none" id="currentuser_a">' . $l['db_user_add_label'] . '</a>
			<a href="#dbtouser" rel="panel" class="heading_a" style="text-decoration:none" onclick="chkdbvalue();" id="dbtouser_a">' . $l['user_db_add_label'] . '</a>
	<br />
	<img src="' . $theme['images'] . 'hr.jpg" width="100%" height="1" alt="" /></br></br>';
    echo '<div id="scroller-body" >
		<div id="mask">
			<div id="panel">
				<div id="currentdb"  height="100%" width="700px">
					<center class="sai_tit"><img src="' . $theme['a_images'] . 'database.gif" />&nbsp; ' . $l['db_headling'] . '</center>
					<div class="sai_popup_add"></div>
					<div id="showdbtab">';
    echo '</div>
				<div id="adddb"  height="100%" width="700px">';
    echo '<form accept-charset="' . $globals['charset'] . '" name="importsoftware" method="post" action="" >
					<center><div class="sai_tit"><img src="' . $theme['a_images'] . 'adddb.gif" alt="" />&nbsp;' . $l['db_add_label'] . '</div></center>						
					<br />
					<table border="0" cellpadding="8" cellspacing="8" width="90%" align="center" class="sai_divroundshad" sstyle="padding-left:15px; padding-top:15px;" >
								<span class="sai_head">' . $l['db_label'] . '</span>
							<td valign="top">
								' . $db_prefix . '<input type="text" name="db" id="db" size="30" value="' . POSTval('db', '') . '" />
							<td colspan="2">
								<p align="center"><input type="button" class="sai_graybluebut" id="submitdb" style="cursor:pointer" name="submitdb" value="' . $l['submitdb'] . '" /> &nbsp;<img id="createdb" src="' . $theme['images'] . 'progress.gif" style="display:none"></p>	
    echo '<div id="currentuser" width="700px" >';
    echo '<center class="sai_tit"><img src="' . $theme['a_images'] . 'database.gif" />&nbsp; ' . $l['db_user_headling'] . '</center>
						<div id="showusertab">';
    echo '</div>
				<div id="dbtouser" width="700px" style="height:800px"> ';
    echo '<form accept-charset="' . $globals['charset'] . '" name="importsoftware" method="post" action="" >
						<center><div class="sai_tit"><img src="' . $theme['a_images'] . 'adddb.gif" alt="" /> &nbsp;' . $l['db_user_create_label'] . '</div></center>				
						<br />
						<table border="0" cellpadding="8" cellspacing="8" width="90%" align="center" class="sai_divroundshad" style="padding-left:15px; padding-top:15px;" >
									<span class="sai_head">' . $l['db_user_label'] . '</span>
								<td valign="top">
									' . $db_prefix . '<input type="text" name="dbuser" id="dbuser" size="23" value="" />
									<span class="sai_head">' . $l['db_user_password'] . '</span>
								<td valign="top">
									<input type="text" name="dbpassword" id="dbpassword" size="30" value="" />
									<a href="javascript: void(0);" onclick="$_(\'dbpassword\').value=randstr(8);return false;" title="' . $l['randpass'] . '"><img src="' . $theme['images'] . 'randpass.gif" /></a>
							<td colspan="2">
								<p align="center"><input type="button" class="sai_graybluebut" id="submituser" style="cursor:pointer" name="submituserdb" value="' . $l['submituserdb'] . '" /> &nbsp;<img id="createuser" src="' . $theme['images'] . 'progress.gif" style="display:none"></p>
						<div id="dbtouser_disp"></div>											
Esempio n. 3
<div class="container">
    <table cellspacing="10">
if ($_SESSION['user_level'] == 1) {
    echo '<th>Modifier</th>';


