Esempio n. 1
    if (isset($_GET['start'])) {
        $start = $_GET['start'];
    if (!isset($start)) {
        $start = 0;
/*************Display album on screen******************/
if ($albumid != 0) {
    //First get check if the album exists
    $sql = $data->select_query("album_track", " WHERE ID = {$albumid} AND allowed=1");
    $number_albums = $data->num_rows($sql);
    $album_info = $data->fetch_array($sql);
    $view_album_name = censor($album_info['album_name']);
    if ($number_albums == 0 && !$inarticle) {
        show_message_back("No such album");
    } elseif ($number_albums == 0 && $inarticle) {
        $number_of_photos = 0;
    } else {
        if (!$inarticle) {
            $pagenum = 2;
            $edit = is_owner($album_info['ID'], "album") ? true : false;
            $editlink = "index.php?page=mythings&cat=album&action=edit&id={$album_info['ID']}&menuid={$menuid}";
            $articlesql = $data->select_query("patrol_articles", "WHERE album_id={$album_info['ID']} AND allowed=1 ORDER BY title ASC", "ID, title");
            $numarticles = $data->num_rows($articlesql);
            $articlelist = array();
            while ($articlelist[] = $data->fetch_array($articlesql)) {
            $tpl->assign("numarticles", $numarticles);
            $tpl->assign("articlelist", $articlelist);
Esempio n. 2
 $parent = array();
 while ($parent[] = $data->fetch_array($sql)) {
 $sql = $data->select_query("forums", "WHERE id != {$fid} ORDER BY name ASC");
 $numforums = $data->num_rows($sql);
 $forums = array();
 while ($forums[] = $data->fetch_array($sql)) {
 $sql = $data->select_query("forumscats", "WHERE id != {$cid} ORDER BY pos ASC");
 $numcats = $data->num_rows($sql);
 $cats = array();
 while ($cats[] = $data->fetch_array($sql)) {
 if ($_POST['Submit'] == "Submit") {
     if ($_POST['name'] == '') {
         show_message_back("You need to supply a name for the forum");
     $forumname = safesql($_POST['name'], "text");
     $desc = safesql($_POST['desc'], "text");
     $parent = safesql($_POST['parent'], "text");
     $limit = safesql($_POST['limit'], "int");
     $copypermissions = $_POST['permissions'];
     $moveforum = $_POST['move'];
     if ($copypermissions != 0) {
         $data->delete_query("forumauths", "forum_id={$fid}");
         $copy = safesql($copypermissions, "int");
         $auths = $data->select_fetch_one_row("forumauths", "WHERE forum_id={$copy}");
         $sql = $data->insert_query("forumauths", "{$fid}, '{$auths['new_topic']}', '{$auths['reply_topic']}', '{$auths['edit_post']}', '{$auths['delete_post']}', '{$auths['view_forum']}', '{$auths['read_topics']}', '{$auths['sticky']}', '{$auths['announce']}', '{$auths['poll']}'");
     if ($moveforum == 0) {
Esempio n. 3
     } elseif ($action == "add" && pageauth("downloads", "add") == 1) {
         if ($_POST['catname'] == '') {
             show_message_back("You need to enter a name for the category");
         $catname = safesql($_POST['catname'], "text");
         $upauths = safesql(serialize($_POST['upload']), "text");
         $downauths = safesql(serialize($_POST['download']), "text");
         $sql = $data->insert_query("download_cats", "NULL, {$catname}, {$upauths}, {$downauths}");
         if ($sql) {
             show_admin_message("Category added", "{$pagename}");
         $action = "";
     } elseif ($action == "edit" && pageauth("downloads", "edit") == 1) {
         if ($_POST['catname'] == '') {
             show_message_back("You need to enter a name for the category");
         $catname = safesql($_POST['catname'], "text");
         $upauths = safesql(serialize($_POST['upload']), "text");
         $downauths = safesql(serialize($_POST['download']), "text");
         $sql = $data->update_query("download_cats", "name = {$catname}, upauth = {$upauths}, downauth = {$downauths}", "id = {$id}");
         if ($sql) {
             show_admin_message("Category updated", "{$pagename}");
 if ($action == "view") {
     $query = $data->select_query("download_cats", "WHERE id = {$id}");
     $catinfo = $data->fetch_array($query);
     $down_query = $data->select_query("downloads", "WHERE cat='{$id}' AND trash=0");
Esempio n. 4
         if ($sql3) {
             show_admin_message("Group Updated", $pagename);
         $action = '';
 } elseif ($action == "Add" && pageauth("group", "add") == 1) {
     $submit = $_POST['Submit'];
     if ($submit == 'Submit') {
         $teamname = safesql($_POST['name'], "text");
         $ispatrol = safesql($_POST['patrol'], "int");
         $ispublic = safesql($_POST['publicgroup'], "int");
         $getpoints = safesql($_POST['points'], "int");
         $copypermissions = safesql($_POST['permissions'], "int");
         if ($data->num_rows($data->select_query("groups", "WHERE teamname={$teamname}")) > 0) {
             show_message_back("There is already a group by that name");
         if ($copypermissions != 0) {
             $otherGroup = $data->select_fetch_one_row("groups", "WHERE id={$copypermissions}");
             $normaladmin = safesql($otherGroup['normaladmin'], "text");
             $agladmin = safesql($otherGroup['agladmin'], "text");
             $gladmin = safesql($otherGroup['gladmin'], "text");
             $sql3 = $data->insert_query("groups", "NULL, {$teamname}, {$ispatrol}, {$ispublic}, {$getpoints}, 0, {$normaladmin}, {$agladmin}, {$gladmin}");
         } else {
             $sql3 = $data->insert_query("groups", "NULL, {$teamname}, {$ispatrol}, {$ispublic}, {$getpoints}, 0, '', '', ''");
         if ($ispublic == 1) {
             $temp = $data->select_fetch_one_row("groups", "WHERE teamname = {$teamname}", "id");
             $id = $temp['id'];
             $sql = $data->select_query("static_content", "WHERE type = 1 AND pid={$id}");
Esempio n. 5
 $numfields = $data->num_rows($sql);
 while ($temp = $data->fetch_array($sql)) {
     $temp['options'] = unserialize($temp['options']);
     if ($temp['type'] == 4) {
         $temp2 = array();
         for ($i = 1; $i <= $temp['options'][0]; $i++) {
             $temp2[$i] = $_POST[$temp['name'] . $i] ? 1 : 0;
         $custom[$temp['name']] = $temp2;
     } else {
         if (isset($_POST[$temp['name']])) {
             $custom[$temp['name']] = $_POST[$temp['name']];
     if ($custom[$temp['name']] == '' && $temp['required'] == 1 && ($temp['register'] == 1 && $_POST['type'] == 0 || $temp['register'] == 0)) {
         show_message_back("The {$temp['query']} field is required.");
 $custom = safesql(serialize($custom), "text");
 if ($_GET['action'] == "new") {
     $firstname = safesql($_POST['firstname'], "text");
     $middlename = safesql($_POST['middlename'], "text");
     $lastname = safesql($_POST['lastname'], "text");
     $sex = safesql($_POST['sex'], "int");
     $address = safesql($_POST['address'], "text");
     $homenumber = safesql($_POST['homenumber'], "text");
     $cellnumber = safesql($_POST['cellnumber'], "text");
     $worknumber = safesql($_POST['worknumber'], "text");
     $dob = safesql(strtotime($_POST['dob']), "int");
     $email = safesql($_POST['email'], "text");